Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 15, 1934, Mothers' Edition, Image 1

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Exam Schedule
Announced for
Week June 1-8
Comprehensive Tests to
Precede Others
Instructors Must Be Consulted
In Conflicts; Constance
Releases Dates
The examination schedule for
spring term announced yesterday
by Clifford L. Constance, assistant
registrar, will begin Friday, June
1, and continue until Friday, June
Comprehensive, four hour tests
will be held on Friday and Salu;
day preceding the regular exam
ination period. Students for these
courses, who have other class pe
riods on those days should inform
their instructors to that effect,
stated Constance.
The complete schedule is as fol
Friday, Juno 1
1- 5—Elements of Sociology.
Saturday, June 2
8-12 -General physics.
1- 5—Background of social sci
Monday, June 4
8-10 9 MWF classes.
10-12 3 MWF classes.
1-3 9 TuThS classes.
3- 5—3 Ti?Th classes.
Tuesday, June 5
8-10 -11 MWF classes.
10-12—First year, second year,
third year French class
1- 3—11 TuThS classes.
3- 5—Physical education activ
ity courses.
Wednesday, June 0
8-10- -2 MWF classes. « .* "
10-12.Physical science survey;
elementary psychology
1- 3—10 TuThS classes.
3- 5—4 MTuWThF classes.
1- 3—10 TuThS classes.
Thursday, June 7
8-10—2 MWF classes.
10-12 English composition; bus
iness English classes.
1- 3—2 TuTh classes.
3- 5—General hygiene for wo
men; general advertis
ing classes.
Friday, June 8
8-10—8 MWF classes.
10-12—Constructive accounting;
French composition and
conversation calsses.
1- 3—8 TuThS classes.
3- 5—1 M TuThF classes.
The MWF group includes classes
meeting on any two of those days,
or for any four or five days per
week. The TuThS group includes
classes meeting on three or any
(Continued on Page Four)
First Announcements
Arrive at Co-op; More
Orders May Be Made
The first shipment of com
mencement announcements has
been received at the Co-op, and
students who have submitted
and paid for orders may re
ceive the cards now.
Additional orders may be
placed at the Co-op at 10 cents
for each announcement.
I Summer Session
Catalog Appears
For Distribution
First Period from June 18 to 27
Of July Announced; Details
Available at Office
Preliminary announcements for
the summer sessions at the Oregon
state institutions of higher educa
tion appeared Monday. The com
plete catalogue for the University
sessions at Portland and Eugene
will appear next week.
The six-week sessions begin
June 18 and finish July 27. Post
session at Eugene is listed for
July 30 to August 24. The Mon
mouth session begins July 30 and
finishes August 31. The post ses
sion at Eugene serves the regular
sessions at Eugene, Portland and
Corvallis. That at Monmouth
serves Monmouth, Ashland and La
The faculty at the summer ses
sions is composed of regular staff
members and is supplemented by
visiting instructors from other in
stitutions. Sessions are open to
anyone who is able to do the work.
Anyone wishing descriptions of
courses, class schedules, details of
living costs and full information
on the summer sessions may ob
tain institutional summer cata
logues upon request. Inquiries
should be addressed to Alfred
Powers, director of summer ses
sions, 814 Oregon Building, Port
land, Oregon.
Good Work Given
By Students Last
Night in Concert
Students are presented in re
cital in order that they might
have experience similar to that of
a professional appearance. They
may, and are expected to profit
from their errors.
Madalena Guistina, violin stu
dent of Rex Underwood, who was
presented on last night's progtarri,
shows unusual promise. There are
certain technical lackings about
her playing arising from inexpe
rience which will be ironed out
with continued public appearance
and study. These technical lack
ings have nothing to do with her
native musical understanding,
which we consider of a high order.
And we reiterate that musical un
derstanding is of greater impor
tance than technical perfection,
since the former may produce mu
sic with little of the latter, but
the reverse is impossible, from an
artistic standpoint.
We will mention these technical
lackings. And while the undiscern
ing will believe that we’ve said
Miss Guistina is impossible as a
violinist, we refer them to the
above statement, which we meant,
that she shows unusual promise.
First of all, her tremulo seems
just a trifle broad, giving a hint
of a trill, rather than a single
Secondly, there was a certain
coarseness about her tone on oc
casion as though she were press
ing her bow too hard or there
were too much resin on «it.
Thirdly, at times she produced
an extended full-bow note which
began slowly, sped in the middle,
and slowed at the end. This, cou
pled with the broad tremulo, gives
music a certain mushiness which
cannot be identified with what is
accepted as musical emotion, ex
cept by crooners.
Miss Guistina played a Sonata
in D major by Nardini, “Slavonic
(Continued on Page Four)
In Spite of Spring Weather
Student Dispensary Is Busy
Perfect weather at the begin
ning of the term may have made a
great deal of difference with the
growth of flowers and gardens, but
it made very little difference with
student health. Statistics taken
from the University health service
reveal that calls made last year
during the month of April are ap
proximately the same for the
month of April this year.
The statistics show 2081 calls
made during April of this year,
which is a slight gain over April
of last year, with a total of 2058.
And old man bad health during
April of this year won the booby
prize over April of last year in the
race for the number of cases treat
ed, this year being 805, against
last year's 784.
Common colds, the menace of
health, and a consistent record
leader, again leads the race with
the highest number of cases, but
last year’s group had a slight edge
over htis year's, the amount bejng
167 to 158.
Perhaps you have wondered what
most of the treatments were for,
so a total of the major items is
given here for April, 1934.
Skin diseases were high, their
causes ranging from poison oak,
blisters, floor burns, to minor in
fections. Treatments of this sort
brought 204 visits.
Acute respiration system treat
ments, exclusive of colds accounted
for 178 calls.
Chest and bone X-ray pictures
totaled 147.
Strenuous exercise of non-condi
tioned would-be athletes, caused
127 bone, muscle and joint injur
ies. Seven broken bones were
Laboratory determinations were
made of 367 patients. Thirty sen
iors were given physical examina
There are 388 seniors registered
at the University, each one being
offered an opportunity to take a
free physical examination. Only
about 13 percent have responded.
Mothers Elected to Off ice
Newly elected officers of the Oregon Mother}, chosen Saturday for the coming year. First row
left to right: Mrs. L. A. Henderson, Oregon City, treasurer: Mrs. A. M. Dibble, Portland, president;
Mrs. George F. Brice, Portland, treasurer; Mrs. II. B. Fenton and Sirs. C. T. Chamberlain, Portland,
members of the board of directors. Second row: Mrs. Ben Chandler, Marshfield; Mrs. Roy T. Bishop,
Mrs. E. C. Peets, Mrs. T. J. Aughinbaugh, Portland; Mrs. A. W. Norblad, Astoria; Mrs. P. F.•Freeman,
Portland, all members of the,board. Third row: Mrs. Jack Spence, McMinnville; Mrs. E. E. Gore, Med
ford, board members, and Mrs. Walter M. Cooke, Portland, honorary president.
YWCA to Honor
Departing Women
In Affairs Sunday
Breakfast to Be Held in Gerlinger
Hall at 9 o’clock; Jean Lewis
Announces Committees
The last campus affair honornig
the graduating senior women is
the.Y.W.C.A. Junior-Senior Break
fast to be held Sunday, May 20, at
9 a, m. in Gerlinger hall. At this
annual affair the junior women
are hostesses.
Tickets, which will be sold at all
women’s living organizations and
among independent women, are 50
cents a couple.
As chairman of the breakfast,
Jean Lewis announces her direc
torate as follows: Madalina Gius
tina, music and program; Martha
McCall, service; Janet Hughes, dec
orations; Gertrude Lamb, pro
grams; Elaine Cornish, tables;
Marian Smith, honored guests;
Betty Ohlemiller, publicity; Mary
McCracken, tickets to living or
ganizations; Elaine Sorensen, tick
ets to independents; Theta Spicer,
Unsold tickets and money from
their sale must be turned into Jean
Lewis, general chairman of the af
fair, by Wednesday noon.
Representatives in the living or
ganizations are: Alpha Chi Omega,
Elizabeth Bendstrup; Alpha Delta
Pi, Rosalind Gray; Alpha Gamma
Delta, Joyce Busenbark; Alpha
Omicron Pi, Myrna Bartholomew;
Alpha Phi, Margaret Ann How
land; Alpha Xi Delta, Eleanor
Wharton; Beta Phi Alpha, Margar
(Continued on Page Pour)
Campus Calendar
All house representatives for the
Junior Prom must have tickets
and money turned in to Gil Wel
lington at the Phi Psi house by
noon today.
Sigma Delta Chi will hold an
important meeting in 104 Journal
ism at 4:30 today. All members
be there.
Phi Beta meeting at 7 o’clock
tonight for members at the Alpha
Chi Omega house and pledges at
Phi Mu Alpha meeting at 7:30
tonight in the Music building.
Very important.
• _
Scabbard and Blade will meet
tonight at 7:30 at the Phi Delta
Theta house.
Order of the “O” will hold an
important meeting tonight at 6:15
at the Sigma Nu house. Impor
tant business will be transacted.
The staff for the all-women’s
edition of the Emerald will meet
at 4 today in 105 Journalism
building. All are urged to be
Skull and Dagger will meet to
night at 7:30 in* 104 Journalism.
Theta Sigma Phi, women’s pro
(Contiimed on Page Two)
Workers on Women's
Emerald Staff to Hold
Conclave at 4 o’Clock
Women students who are
planning to work on the all
women’s edition of the Emerald
which will appear Saturday,
May 19, will meet this after
noon at 4 in 105 Journalism
building. Several positions are
open, and anyone interested is
asked to notify Mary Louiee
Edinger, editor, or Henriette
Horak, managing editor.
The all-men’s edition, which
appeared May 5, and the all
women's edition will be judged
by Dean Eric W. Allen, George
Turnbull, and Robert C. Hall,
and the winners will be enter
tained by the losing group.
Preliminary Catalog Is
Out for Summer Term
Copies of the preliminary cata
log for the summer session are now
available for anyone desiring in
formation on courses to be offered
at the University of Oregon at Eu
gene and Portland, Oregon State
college, and the normal schools.
This preliminary catalog was
compiled by the extension division,
and gives a brief outline of cours
es to be offered and other informa
tion. The complete catalog will be
out in a few weeks.
Students wishing copies of the
catalog may call at room 2, John
son hall.
Latin Instructor Will
Give Illustrated Talk
Dr. Frederic Dunn, professor of
Latin, will give an illustrated lec
ture on “Racine and the Classic
Drama” at 4 this afternoon in
room 107 Oregon.
The lecture, which is open to the
public, is being held under the
auspices of Pi Sigma, Latin hono
rary. The class in Racine’s
dramas, taught by Miss Christina
A. Crane, instructor in romance
languages, as well as the Latin
classes, will combine to attend the
Campus Groups
Cooperate to Give
Anti-Military Ball
Dance to Be Held at Gerlinger Hall
Friday; Tickets Available
At Houses, Co-op
Student groups at the Univer
sity are cooperating to put oti a
huge anti-military ball on Friday
night, May 18, in Gerlinger hall.
With the addition of the campus
Y.W.C.A. and the Eclectic club,
Friday night dinner group, the list
of sponsors of the ball had grown
to 11 last night when representa
tives met at the Y hut to make
plans for the peace dance.
Verne Adams, chairman of the
ticket sale, announced his list of
salesmen and requested that any
who have not already gotten their
tickets see him at the Y hut either
between 12:30 and 1:30 or 4:30
and 5:30 today. Already over 200
tickets are out, and Adams re
ported that early sales were large.
Adams named Wallace Camp
bell and Elizabeth Scruggs to con
tact faculty members. House rep
resentatives are as follows: Chi
Psi, Bill Russell; Delta Tau Delta,
Jim Blais; Phi Delta Theta, Max
Carter; Phi Gamma Delta, New
ton Stearns; Phi Sigma Kappa,
Bill Jordan; Pi Kappa Alpha, Ed
Raudsep; Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Robert Poley; Sigma Alpha Mu,
Maurice Rosenfeld; Sigma Chi,
Edward Wheelock; Sigma Nu,
Robert Knapp; Sigma Pi Tau,
Kenneth Belieu; Theta Chi^ An
drew Newhouse; Sigma Phi Epsi
lon, Robert Anderson; Phi Kappn
Psi, Edward Meserve; Omega hall,
Gordon Powell; Kappa Sigma,
Ralph Walstrom; Beta Thela Pi,
Edward Simpson; and Alpha hall,
George Minturn.
Verne Adams will have tickets
for Yeomen and Laura Goldsmith
for Orides. Other group repre
sentatives include: Westminster
house, Leslie Dunton; Wesley club,
Howard Olimart; YMCA, Gene
Stromberg; YWCA, Eleanor
Wharton; Cosmopolitan club, Gott
fried Hesse; and Eclectic club,
Wallace Campbell. Tickets are 50
cents each and will also be on
sale at the University Co-op.
Junior Weekend Program
Pleases Mothers, Students
Junior Weekend ushered in the
seventh annual Mother’s Day cel
ebration on the University campus
May 11, 12 and 13 and was voted
by mothers and students'alike the
most successful ever held in the
history of the organization. Not
only wore mothers entertained at
a great variety of events, but the
visitors themselves showed great
interest in v/hat is going on at
the University. All events were
highly successful, due, mothers
declared, to the efficient work of
the student committees.
The Canoe Fete, directed by
George Schenk, and the Mother .;
Day banquet, Althea Petersen,
chairman, were outstanding events
of the weekend celebration. A
near record crowd of 800 attended
the banquet.
The weekend officially opened
Friday morning, when mothers
were honor guests at the annual
installation ceremony for new stu
dent body officers.
New officers installed for the
coming year included Joe Renner,
Portland, president; William Berg,
Eugene, vice-president; Nancy
Archbold, Portland, secretary;
Elizabeth Bendstrup, Astoria, sen
ior woman; P-obert Miller, Astoria,
senior man, and Cosgrove La
Barre, Portland, junior finance of
ficer. Thomas Tongue, Hillsboro,
(Continued on Page Three)
Boyer Makes
Theme ‘Future
Of University’
Better Spirit of Faculty
And Students Noted
Immediate Selection of Chancellor
Necessary, Says Thompson,
President of Duds
Oregon has reached the turning
point and is now pointing- definitely
iy toward better times and greater
achievements, said President C. V.
Boyer in his address before 800
mothers and their sons and daugh
ters at the seventh annual Moth
er's Day banquet held in John
Straub Memorial hall Saturday
Taking as his theme “The Future
of the University,” Dr. Boyer said
that a better spirit of cooperation
and confidence is noted among the
students and the faculty and staff
members. He stressed the fact that
people are beginning to realize that
higher education is a means toward
a richer life rather than merely a
richer “living.” In the coming era
of more leisure higher education
has a great opportunity to be of
service to men and women.
“The University strives to de
velop character along with the ex
panding mind,” said Dr. Boyer.
"We feel it is our duty and privi
lege to build a superstructure of
character and realization of ideals
on the foundation which the moth
ers have made in the minds and
hearts of their children.”
The close relation between the
mothers of the students and the
(Continued on Pai/c Three)
Women’s Division
Of PE Tries New
Examination Plan
Comprehensive System Allows
Student Test Covering
Two Years’ Work
A new system of comprehensive
examinations for seniors, which
has already developed a marked
change in the attitude of both
students and faculty members, has
been installed in the women’s di
vision of the school of physical
education, announced Miss Flor
ence Alden, professor and head of
this division, today..
The new system does away en
tirely with the usual formal type
of examinations in each subject,
and students are given one test
that completely covers not only
their physical education courses
during the last two years, but
much of their other work as well.
The examinations have proved
to be a genuine “inventory” of
what the student has learned that
will be of practical value, and fur
ther, gives the prospective worker
in physical education a definite
idea of what conditions and prob
lems will be met after graduation.
The test is built largely around
the idea of “what would you do
under such and such conditions,"
instead of merely asking the stu
dent to repeat what she has read
or has been told, states Miss Al
Since the examination takes the
place of all regular subject exam
inations, it has become necessary
(Continued on Pai/e Tivn)
Financial Study Will Be
Made With SERA Funds
Additional study on the financial
condition of Oregon counties will
be made possible through an SERA
fund granted the municipal re
search and service bureau of the
University. The work will proceed
under the direction of Herman
Kehrli, director of the bureau.
FERA Checks Received
At Johnson Business
Office for 196 Students
FERA checks for 196 stu
dents employed during the
month of April on the campus
have been received at the busi
ness offices in Johnson hall, it
was announced yesterday by
administration officials.
All students who were en
gaged in relief work during
that time are requested to ap
ply at window two on the sec
ond floor of Johnson hall to re
ceive their pay checks as soon
as possible.
Eugene Gleemen
To Present Home
Spring Concerts
Choral Croup to Sing- Thursday,
Friday Nights; John Stark
Evans Is Leader
The Eugene Gleemen, who have
gained state-wide fame for their
accomplishments as a choral body,
will present their annual spring
home concert Thursday and Fri
day evenings in the music audi
torium. John Stark Evans, Uni
versity instructor, is the leader of
the group, and Cora Moore, ac
The Gleemen presented their
last Eugene concert last winter,
and drew a large crowd at McAr
thur court. Since that time the
group has sung in Portland, Cor
valiis, and Salem.
Although no solo passages are
listed, several incidental solos are
listed, chief of which are those by
George Bishop, baritone, Delbert
Moore, violinist, John Carpenter,
tenor, Earl Pallett, contrabass,
and the Gleeman quartet, which
will sing t h e song “Wagon
A feature of interest will be
“Dark Valley," a number written
by Evans especially for the con
cert. Pallett and Bishop carry the
incidental solos. “I'll Sing Thee
Songs of Araby,” presented a few
years ago by the Gleemen, has
been revived for this week’s pres
entation, with Carpenter singing a
The group will depart from the
heavy type of music in the second
group of compositions, presenting
such numbers as “The Hand Or
gan Man,” by Von Otliegraven, an
old favorite; “Johnny Schmocker, ’
an old German student song; two
skits, including “The Grasshop
Kappa Sig Frosli
Challenge to flow
Remains Untakeh
Last night the freshmen of
Kappa Sigma fraternity issued a
challenge to any freshman living
group on the campus to a row
boat race at the frosh picnic to
be held near Goshen at Swim
mer’s Delight, next Sunday after
noon. Some of the Kappa Sigma
boy£ in commenting on the prow
ess of the Kappa Sigma boys said,
“Guess we’ll have to go up and
race Washington to get any com
petition. After we beat them by
three lengths there won’t be any
one brave enough to challenge U3
on the campus and then we’ll clean
up the winnings.”
Others don’t seem to have the
confidence in the Kappa Sigma
boys that the Kappa Sigma boys
do. Fred Hammond’s dollar bel
on his brothers was quickly taken
by a bystander. ’’Well, there my
money goes,” sighed Hammond.
The challengers say they will
row a one or two-man team and
add that it doesn’t matter as they
will win anyhow.
Dave Lowry, general chairman
for the affair, was rather cha
grined that no one would accept
the challenge and has issued a call
for husky oarsmen from the dif
ferent houses on the campus. "If
the river were wider we would
make it a mixed race,” said
Lowry, “but there isn't room for
boats to go around in big circles!”
Four in Infirmary
Students confined in the infirm
ary are, Kathleen Horton, Erma
Nelson, John Ernes, and Aurr
Law Institute
To Be Held in
Late Summer
$1000 Carnegie Grant
To Finance Event
Oregon State Bar Association Will
Convene Here at Same Time;
Committee Now Working
Under the leadership of leading
legal authorities of the United
States, the first annual Pacific
Coast Institute of Law and Admin
istration of Justice will be held on
the University campus the last
week of August or the first week
in September, it was announced
here today by Wayne L. Morse,
dean of the school of law and chair
man of the institute for the Pacific
coast section of the Social Science
Research council.
The institute has been made pos
sible this year by a grant of $1,000
by the Carnegie corporation, which
will finance the event. Word of the
grant was received by Dean Morse
today from F. P. Kleppel, president
of the corporation, who expressed
great interest in the plans.
Since the Oregon State Bar as
sociation will hold its annual meet
ing at this time, and since mem
bers of the bar from all coast
states will be invited to attend, at
least 500 are expected to be in
Eugene for the event, it is stated.
Session Divided
The session will be divided into
three round tables, each under the
chairmanship of a nationally recog
nized legal authority. Topic sug
gested to date include taxation,
criminology and criminal law, guilt
detection, labor problems and la
bor law, regulatory, laws for busi
ness, municipal corporation- law,
conflicts of psychology and sociol
ogy with law, political science as
practiced, federal emergency “new
deal’’ legislation and constitutional
law doctrines.
The institute as planned will be
an annual affair, with sessions ro
tating among leading law schools
of the Pacific coast. The commit
tee now at work on arrangements
includes Dean Morse, Harold Shep
herd, dean of the University of
Washington law school; Marion
Kirkwood, dean of the Stanford
university law school; William G.
Hale, dean of the University of
Southern California law school;
Orrin K. McMurray, dean of the
University of California school of
jurisprudence; Professor Max Ra
din, Dr. Herman Adler, Professor
Alexander Kidd and Ronald Beat
tie, all of the University of Cali
A committee will be appointed
(Continued on Page Four)
Men Wishing to Usher
For Commencement to
Leave Names at Igloo
Any men students staying
for commencement who would
like to usher, may leave their
names and phone numbers at
the graduate manager’s office
in the Igloo.
Further particulars may be
obtained at the above office.
'Oregon Trail9 Theme Takes
First in Annual Canoe Fete
Ten floats, each depicting a
salient event in the history of
Oregon, passed slowly and grace
fully before the bleachers on the
millrace Saturday, May 12, where
several hundred guest mothers and
students were assembled for the
annual Canoe Fete, climax of Jun
ior Weekend, this year entitled
"Where Rolls the Oregon.”
Sigma Kappa and Phi Sigma
Kappa were awarded first place
by their float, “The Oregon Trail,”
an artistically arranged group
showing a covered wagon in which
a mother and child watched a
fight between the father and In
dians. Second place went to Phi
Mu and Pi Kappa Alpha, “Captain
Robert Grey’s Good Ship Colum
bia,” a small sail boat fitted out
in every detail including men.
Third place went to Zeta Tau
Alpha and Phi Kappa Psi, “The'
Eruption of Mt. Mazama.”
Ralph Schomp, junior in art,
acted as master of ceremonies. He
assisted Queen Josephine from her
barge to the throne situated at
the left of Sherwood Burr’s or
chestra. Here she and her four
attendants, Margaret Ann How
land, Cynthia Liljeqvist, Miriam
Henderson, and Marytine New,
presided over the pageant.
Several guests remarked about
the excellent timing of the floats
this year which appeared through
the curtain, decorated as a log
blockhouse, just as Schomp fin
ished the story of the development
of Oregon which introduced each
float, with “Look, oh queen.”
Comedy relief of the dramatic
program was unconsciously pro
duced by those on the stage when
they forgot that the public ad
dress system amplified every
whisper. Several unwitting and
amusing remarks were broadcast
to the bleachers.
Don Eva, tenor, and George
Bishop, baritone, were well re
ceived by their interpretation of
old songs. "Land of the Empire
Builders” was used as the theme
song of the event.