Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 12, 1934, Frosh Edition, Page 2, Image 2

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Newton Stearns --------- Editor
Howard Kessler ------ Managing Editor
Dan Clark, Ceorgc Jones, Marie Pell, Charles Paddock
neinnari ixnuusen. ews ta.
('lair Johnson, Sports Ed.
Dorothy Dill. Day Editor
Rex Cooper, Night Editor
Marian Johnson, Dramatics Ed.
Helen Dodds, Church Editor
and Secretary
Kutn werjer. literary r-anor
Jimmy Morrison, Humor EM.
Mary Graham, Society Editor
Virginia Scoville, Features Ed.
George Hikman, Radio Ed.
Virginia Endicott, Marian Johnson, William Haight, Ruth
Weber, Virginia Scoville, Charles Paddock, George Jones,
Henryctta Mutnmey, Marge Leonard, Helen Dodds, Phyllis
Adams, Mildred Blackbtirne
Janet Hughes. Virginia Endicott, Adelaide Hughes, Mildred
Blackburne, Conrad Hilling. Marge Leonard, Milton Pillette,
Marie Pell, Maluta Read, Elaine Cornish, David J^owry,
Phyllis Adams. Corinne La IJarre
George Jones, Mill Mclnturff, Charles Paddock, George Mikman,
Margery Kissling
Rob Prentice. Margilee Morse, Margaret Rollins
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W.
Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave.,
Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college
year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods,
all of December and all of March except the first three days.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-clas9
matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
Our Fingers Are Crossed
IF the Emerald editor had a hat, he would be
walking around the campus looking for a place
to hang it. His office is closed to him, while a
crew of freshman journalists earnestly endeavor to
replace the regular issue with something which they
hope can be identified as a newspaper.
The phone rings. Someone wants to talk to the
editor, but hangs up with a disgusted “oh” when
he is told that the freshman substitute is holding
sway today, which somehow makes the neophyte
feel a trifle insignificant.
Regardless of the fact that regular staff mem
bers were allowed a vacation, several curious indi
viduals insisted on coming around to stand in the
halls and to invade the sanctity of the editorial
offices wishing the harassed frosh crew “luck” with
knowing accent. They impress one as standing by
to see that the paper doesn't come out with six
inch screamers and comic strips on the front page.
Freshmen, being an independent lot, want no
interference with their efforts and the upperclass
men wend their weary ways home to toss sleep
lessly, wondering what will be wrong with the frosh
Mothers, Here We Are
SIGNIFICANT of the new and somewhat inler
^ ested view of parents are the Mother's Day
festivities which have been co-ordinated with the
Junior Weekend activities. Observing the students
on the campus accompanied by mothers, the very
recent "Joe College” days when "father and mother
paid ail the bills and we had all the fun,” seem
rather unreal. A new conception of the place of
parents in the collegiate firmament seems to be
slowly crystallizing student thought into a genuine
desire for parents to view the campus personally,
and to form a first-hand opinion of values accruing
from a four-year sojourn at the “U." The com
petition between houses for highest Mother's Day
registration is one manifestation of this thought.
There is no denying that the present campus
scenery affords us a pleasant thought as to its im
pressions on visitors. Certainly a pleasant stroll
down 13th avenue with Mother, when trees are in
full foliage, birds singing, and flowers blooming,
is more pleasing to Mother than the old custom of
going home for a day to furnish Mother a great
deal of hard work. Mother's Day on the campus
furnishes an opportunity for parents to view the
campus at its most beautiful period of the year;
arid to witness a representative portion of Univer
sity activities, while obtaining a personal knowledge
of campus life not based on hearsay.
Battleships or Scholarships
■%T7TTH hundreds of millions of dollars being
” ’ expended in armaments under the present
policy of the government, supposedly to insure
peace, it is indeed pathetic that education, prime
guarantor of an understanding viewpoint toward
our fellow nations, should continue in want. How
ever, we know such to be the case.
While $45,000,000 battleships are constructed
with a surprising abandon of the purses of the
people, educational facilities are every year cur
tailed and restricted.
Says Henry S. Curtis, in School and Society:
"A short time ago as 1 was talking with Mr. Davis,
our minister to Panama, he said that in his expe
rience, a period of study in an American university
often turned a young man who was bitterly anti-j
American into an American sympathizer. He said
many of the Spanish-American countries had a cer- ;
tain fear of us on account of our size and our known
military strength. They suspected us of being im
perialistic. But a sojourn in this country usually
dispelled this idea and brought them back witli
quite a different mental attitude in regard to us."
It is true that a visit into a foreign land, where
we find tire citizens do not bite and are, all in all.
just as full of humanity and brother-love as are
we, will change any antagonism which we may have
had toward tlm» people.
The annual cost of maintaing a modern battle
ship is estimated at $7,000,000. That sum, expended
in scholarships, would account for 7,000 at $1,000
each. Who can doubt that 7,000 international
scholarships would do more to keep the peace of
tile world than one battleship.
Obviously, our need of defense depends on the I
dangers that threaten us. These dangers are largely 1
determined by the attitude toward us of surround
ing countries. If they are friendly there is little
need of powerful armaments, and friendship can
best be gained by returning ambassadors of good
will to preach the desirability of peace toward us.
not by pointing guns ominously and demanding
peace, or else . . .
First Lady in Business
Tl^jAGAZINES mid newspapers throughout the
J-’'-1- country are carrying publicity at the present
time about the shop maintained by Mr . A'in:'
Eleanor Roosevelt in Hyde Park, producing furni
ture which carries her autograph. Also, occasion
ally, one sees a dispatch that certain students of
a girls’ school with which Mrs. Roosevelt is affili
ated are spending the weekend at the White House.
It is unreasonable to suppose that she is auto
graphing furniture for sale without expecting that
she will be well paid for the labor involved. Un
doubtedly her product sells on the market for a
much larger price than competing manufacturers
are able to get.
Likewise, the cost of attending her school would
probably be much more than the average rate.
Mothers, looking over school catalogs, are bound
to be influenced by the possibility of their daugh
ters’ spending a weekend with the president and
his wife.
In addition to these other business activities, a
large part of 'the publicity on them is through
articles in magazines for which she is paid. Con
sequently, because of he:- position as the first lady
of the land, she is enabled to make considerable
“spending money.”
Mrs. Roosevelt is in the public eye at all times
and everything she does receives a wide range of
publicity. She has not an official public office by
which she is making private profit, but her position
is certainly important unofficially. There is no
necessity for the cheap publicity which has been
indulged in to increase the profit of her under
Trouble on the Docks
'T'HE possibility of government intervention in
-*■ the Pacific coast longshoremen’s strike loomed
last night as Oregon’s evening papers ran large
headlines proclaiming the dictum of Charles A.
Reynolds, Seattle member of the mediation board,
that the public should not be penalized for the fail
ure of industry to proceed on account of the strike.
"If strike conditions exist,” he said, “the parties
should be forced to arbitrate so that industry might
proceed without penalizing the public.”
Few strikes are ever conducted without federal
intervention, and seemingly this strike will be no
different. The government, bent on keeping in
dustry going full steam ahead, will find it to its
interest to blast out any obstacle to keep the wheels
turning. This seems to be Mr. Reynolds’ attitude
as well, which is not exceptional, for it is the belief
of the average American.
The rub comes when we realize that all industry
(theoretically at least) is carried on for the benefit
of that large group of which the longshoremen are
a part. It is in their interests, supposedly, that all
our domestic and foreign trade, commerce and busi
ness in general are carried on. But Mr. Reynolds
presumes that this is a small group of men blocking
an essential thing in an illegal way.
If the longshoremen are underpaid, overworked
or not given decent laboring conditions, they are
merely fighting the battle of every American
worker who finds himself in similar straits. For
the government to intervene is to cut its own throat,
for we consider our federal officers as merely
mouthpieces of America.
Forcing arbitration is another dangerous thing.
Mr. Reynolds must realize that the shippers and
commercial men nad no desire to enter this strike.
They were perfectly content to leave matters as
they stood. The workers, on the other hand, went
all the way to meet their employers in the strike.
Consequently, it will not take very much arbitra
tion to satisfy the shippers. The longshoremen,
however, will not be easily satisfied. Discontent
has been fomenting among this group for so long
that they have set the price of a peaceful settle
ment very high. They did not strike until they
knew what they wanted and felt that they could
get it.. Now the burden of proof rests with them.
All of which means that forced arbitration is
going to put the workers at a distinct handicap.
Their goal is so much more difficult to attain than
that of their employers, that to shove through a
speedy arbitration pact is to slap them in the face
and tell them that the government is not inter
ested in labor’s problems. The government might
well intervene in the upper workings of industry
rather than among these workers who are frank
in their desires and have nothing to hide in their
fight to raise living standards.
Munition Makers and Peace
\ATA.R clouds are hanging over Eurppe. But it
* " is not to the pompous diplomats or the tin
soldier leaders of some of the nations that the in
terested onlooker must turn to for the cause. Be
neath the surface sheen of patriotism and national
ism the economic factor, ever present in wars from
time immemorial, rears its ugly head which has
now grown to gigantic proportions.
The press of the nation has blared forth at times
that war is imminent. Perhaps so in the near East
where monied interests are more closely controlled
by the government, but in Europe it would be bad
business for the munitions and armament manu
facturers to start a war before years hail been spent
and millions come into their treasuries from a na
tional armament race such as is in progress. If
war does come tomorrow it will be because of a
diplomatic blunder and not because of any pre
arranged economic plan.
it was 40 years before the arms manufacturers
saw fit to start the World War and even then it
was felt that a political mistake set off the fuse
prematurely. It was 40 years before it came, but
it came, and so will another war as long as these
economic interests which place their pocketbooks
before their country arc allowed to fatten on grief
and bloodshed.
W. S. U'Ren, veteran Portland attorney, speak
ing recently before the Score, said that he had
heard an American Legionnaire state that it was
common knowledge m certain circles that English.
German, and French ammunition manufacturers
made an international agreement not to bomb any
ammunition works but only to blow up ammunition
dumps! Coal and iron interests have a similar com
pact. And these truces were kept! This illustra
tion is but one of the many that show the economic
interests not only as the principal cause of war
but ns the controlling factor in starting and con
ducting modern warfare!
The temptation of Midas must be removed and
the operations of these munitions and arms manu
facturers must bo curtailed if the peace of tire world
is to be assured.
So Bishop Cannon's flock wont pay his trial
expenses. They probably object to having their
funds u ad a Cannon t'odd. s.
It’s a Great Life
Alumni Valhalla
Author’s note: This is the first
of a series of articles on Amer
ican higher education prior to
the Civil war. All data and
names, where they are given,
are authentic.
nPHE Old Guard looked somewhat
superciliously at the new ar
“A year book ? What do we
want with a year book?” scoffed
a tarty old Harvard alumnus of
1817. "Don’t you know we never
recognize the passing of time up
here ?”
"Well, it’s like this, gentlemen,"
earnestly insisted the energetic
Michigan man, class of 1930.
“Things seem so dead here . . .”
"Ha, a punster!" snorted the
Old Grad. "That reminds me of
the Harvard man who was so ad
dicted to punning that we laid him
a wager that he could not refrain
from it an hour in company. Be
fore the time was up he happened
to see a sailor in the street who
had lost a leg, swinging between
two crutches, and immediately be
gan to whistle the tune of
‘Through the Wood Laddie’.”
“That's it exactly!” enthusiasti
cally cried the New Grad. “That's
all I want you to do for me. I'm
writing a series of reminiscences
for the first edition of the ‘Valhal
lan,’ and you can help me out by
recalling your college days. Surely
you wouldn’t refuse that for dear
old Valhalla.” The young man's
pleading eyes almost convinced the
Old Guard.
"You mean stories like young
Savage being reprimanded pub
licly for having come through a
hole in the college fence at 12
o’clock at night?” queried a Co
lumbia grad of 1768.
"Nothing- more," rejoined the
The Old Guard looked at each
other and at the young man un
decidedly, and turned to their
leader, a grey-haired patriarch
who owed his position to being the
first college graduate in America,
Harvard class of 1642. The Patri
arch's eyes twinkled.
"How do you want us to start,
young man?"
“Then you agree to help me,
gentlemen ?”
"I believe my colleagues can
give you what you want," acqui
esced the Patriarch, smiling toler
antly at the youthful exuberance
of the New Grad.
“Then I thank you from the bot
tom of my heart, sir, and all the
rest of you too." He paused to
consider. “Now, I should like to
do this in some order, so if there
are no objections, would you tell
me something about your entrance
requirements to college?” The
New Grad hastily arranged his
note-book and waited with poised j
pencil for the memories which
were to be recalled.
“The reading of Latin prose and,
poetry and an elementary knowl
edge of Greek constituted the re-!
quirements of m\ day," began the >
Patriarch. "That was around
“Somewhat different from the
present elaborate qualifications,"
remarked the New Grad in a
slightly condescending tone.
"But you must remember, young!
man. that college students were
much younger in my day. Why.
the average age of those who en
tered in the seventeenth century
was slightly more than 15 years.
Cotton Mather of the class of TS '
graduated when 15 years old and ,
Paul Dudley, a 10S>0 man. took his
I bachelor s degree at 11 .'.tar.,.
“Requirements stiffened consid
erably by the nineteenth century
in Harvard, however," spoke up a
grad of 1822. “In 1818 candidates
for admission were examined by
the president of the university, the
professors and the tutors. No one
was admitted to the examination
unless he was of good moral char
acter, certified in writing by his
preceptor or some other suitable
person. To be received into the
freshman class the candidate had
to be thoroughly acquainted with
the grammar of the Latin and
Greek languages, including pro
sody; to be able properly to con
strue and parse any portion of
LaLel s ooiiecLanea Graeca Mi
nora, the Greek testament, Virgil,
Sallust, Cicero’s select orations,
and to translate English into
Latin correctly. He had to be well
versed in ancient and modern ge
ography, the fundamental rules
of arithmetic, vulgar and decimal
fractions, simple and compound
proportions, single and double fel
lowship, alligation, medial and al
ternate, and algebra to the end of
the simple equations, comprehend
ing also the doctrine of roots and
powers, arithmetical and geomet
rical progression.”
“Strike me down!" exclaimed
the New Grad. “I doubt if I could
pass that exam.”
“They weren’t that hard on the
boys at my school,” said a Bow
doin man of 1820. “All we needed
was a thorough knowledge of the
Bucolicks, the four books of the
Georgies of Virgil, Collectanea
Graeca Minora, the Aenid, Cicero's
Orations, the Greek and Latin
grammars and the Greek testa
"The whole system seems to be
based on Greek and Latin,” com
mented the scribe.
"you’re smart,” complimented a
Columbia alum of 1760. “You un
derstand right away. And to drive
the point still more securely, let
me add that we had the same sys
tem at dear old King’s or Colum
bia as it was renamed after the
revolution. Also we had to read
well and write a good legible hand
and be well versed in the first five
rules in arithmetic, as far as di
vision and reduction.”
“Well, now that we settled the
entrance requirements,” interrupt
ed the New Grad, obviously anx
ious to change the subject, “let’s
get on to the freshman's fate after
he has been admitted. Just what
was the life of the first year stu
dent in your time?”
And the Old Guard looked at
each other and smiled broadly.
(This series will be carried on
in future issues of the Emerald.)
Modes of the
Of course this summer you'll be
away from the campus, you'll be
going places and seeing things,
and you'll need clothes and more
clothes. You’ll be sitting at tables
(if only those tables could talk,
what tete-a-tete tales they could
tell! i walking up the avenue with
the smoothest man you know, play
ing tennis and dancing.
Perhaps the most exciting mo
ments of every woman's life are
spent at a table. A table for two.
Have you ever given a thought to
“above the table" chic? Well, be
lieve you me, the dress has a lot
to do with it. Of course the skirt
should be smart, but all the drama
in your dress should be above the
Breakfast: You’ve been for a
swift round of golf and then you
and the man of the moment have
breakfast on the country club
porch. You'll need something cas
ual but yet smart enough to hold
attention. A white linen with
bright buttons and belt would be
just the thing.
Luncheon: A smart silk print
with a jacket, and if bridge after
wards proves too suffocating, slip
*bff the jacket. This outfit is also
appropriate to wear into town
Dinner: Moment of moments,
something soft and rippling, cov
ered arms and shoulders and when
worn with a demure expression
nothing could be more appealing.
Dancing: Something stimulat
ing! High neck, low back. Glam
orous, exciting, for your Table for!
two. Something thrilling enough to
make him start whispering "you
ought to be in pictures.” And we'll
also guarantee in a dress w-ith all
those qualifications you'll have the \
rest of the gals way underneath j
the table.
Just to show you that this col
umn can be written with a differ
ent twist, the Casa Loma orehes
In Honor Of
Mothers’ Day
Order Some
“Special Campus Delivery
Eugene Farmers’ Creamery
- l'HONE 60S
tra won’t be mentioned once from
start to finish.
* * *
What with this Junior Weekend
rush, dishing out this trite stuff,
and whatnot, the ol’ gray matter
just couldn’t take it. Our cerebel
lum has gone to seed and an idea
has sprouted. So you, poor read
ers, must bear with us; read it and
sleep. Here it is, for butter or
We propose that next year, fall
term, a series of programs be pre
sented on the Emerald-of-the-Air
featuring what would be so far as
we know a new variety of enter
tainment. Strictly student stuff.
True, that’s supposed to be what
we have now, but this would be
The field would be' wider. Orig
inal songs, student compositions in
classical music, ventures in verse,
plenty of poetry, short stories, es
says even. See ? And since it
would be more of a case of art for
Art’s sake, and not DeNeffe’s or
someone’s, there should be a less
hesitant spirit on the part of the
contributors, n’est-ce pas ?
* * *
The series would provide an op
portunity for a lot of you ladies and
gentlemen who feel that you ha,ve
something for radio broadcasting,
but your big chance just hasn’t
presented itself, so the realm of
ether must get along without you.
This refers to all sorts of talent.
If it’s literary you can read it, or
someone else can. If its’ musical
(Continued on Page Three)
“Do you think I’m conceited?”
asked Gertie Boyle, Pi Phi prize,
of Norman Lauritz a few evenings
Lauritz thought rapidly. Could
it be possible that it had gotten
back to her already? But he an
swered hastily, “What about?”
Gertie Boyled.
* * *
Yesterday was the first time
this year that Sigma Delta
Chi lads retained part of their
feminine audience and kept
their speeches clean, because
girls and their mothers found
it necessary to walk in line
past the library steps to get
to their lunches.
* * *
Somebody suggested tying a
piece of meat to each Emerald to
day, because if the publication is
going to the dogs when the fresh
men issue it, we ought to cater to
* * *
Little fishy in the brook—
Papa catch him with a hook.
Mamma fry him in the pan,
But Baby couldn’t eat him,
because he was all burned
up when Mamma went to an
swer the telephone.
* * *
Guess I’ll pull a Clark on you
kids and quit.
i_ • ■ •
Tf/ITH so many new books being
” reviewed, it is esay for one
to forget the “talked about” books
of a few years ago. They are still
worth raving about, and perhaps
more accessible than those writ
ten later. For instance, have you
"Moussia.: The Life and Death
of Marie Bashkirtseff” by Alberic
This unforgettable Russian girl
is thus described by the author:
“Marie is a black and white fig
ure. She symbolizes these two
dramas of our humanity: Life,
Death. She is thought, delirium,
love, pride .violence .defeat, tri
umph, construction and destruc
tion, all that we are.”
Marie speaks for herself through
her diary: “It seems to me that
nobody loves everything as I do;
the arts, music, painting, books,
society, clothes, luxury, noise, calm,
laughter, sadness, melancholy, love,
cold, sunshine, all the seasons, all
the atmospheric states, the calm
plains of Russia and the mountaiins
around Naples; the snow in win
ter, the autumn rains, the spring
and its follies, the tranquil days of
summer and the beautiful nights
with brilliant stars. I love and ad
mire everything. Everything pre
sents itself to me under interesting
or sublime aspects. I should like
to see everything, to have every
thing, to embrace everything, to
lose myself in everything and die,
since I must, in two years or thir
ty years; die with ecstasy to ex
perience that last mystery, that
end of all or that divine beginning.”
“Sunwise Turn” by Madge Jenison
A human comedy of bookselling
—It is about two women who
opened a different kind of a book
ship. “It is the way we did some
thing that we thought and felt and
that was full of meaning for us;
and it was so hard to do and so
interesting that I doubt if a razor’s
edge more of work or interest
could be put nito four years than
went into those four for us through
“The Prophet” by Kahlil Gibran
A hundred pages of philosophy,
written in Oriental style, telling of
“all that had been shown to the
prophet of that which is between
birth and death.” Almustafa, the
prophet, just before he was to
leave the “city,” spoke to his peo
ple of the various phases of life,
such as love .marriage, work, free
* * *
What kind of books do you read ?
Do you narrow your interests to
the field in which you're majoring?
Supplementary reading lists often
fail to arduse interest, but a real
ly clever book about books will
widen your literary interests and
set you to jotting down books that
you must read. Such a book is
Stephenson S. Smith's “The Craft
of the Critic.” Have a look in it
before you plan your summer read
“Patronize Emerald advertisers.’*
CORDUROY used to
be the favorite fab
ric of painters and poets. ^
But, happily, bankers,
brokers and you seekers
or knowledge have seen the ribbed light of Corduroy.
Those of you who combine, with your readings of
Aristotle, a yen for golf, will take to this Two-Some
outfit like a Co-Ed takes to an open roadster. . /
It s the golfer’s dream. Featuring a Corduroy sports weskit
done in deep tones of brown, blue or gray—combined
with Corduroy slacks in lightest tones of tan, blue or
gray. Developed from Crompton Fairway Corduroy.
Ask your local retailer to show you this keen get-up.
If he hasn’t got it yet, give him a sad look and write to
us. We’ll see that you’re taken care of! >;
^c; u'oi l - k to. ine.
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