Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuemmel, Manager
Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor
Doug Polivka, Executive Editor; Don Caswell, Associate Editor;
Guy Shadduck, Stanley Robe
f ' ......r r, r*., 11-,.- T-'.l T|_ TT__ TT A
Bill JJowcrman. Sports Ed.
A1 Newton, Dramatics and
Chief Night Ed.
Elinor Henry, Features Ed.
Cynthia Liljeqvist, Women’s Ed
Mary Louiee Edinger, Society
James Morrison, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: A1 Newton, Mary Jane Jenkins, Dob M©orc,
Newton Stearns.
EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Ann-Reed Burns, Howard Kess
REPORTERS: Miriam Eichner, Marian Johnson, Ruth Weber,
Leslie Stanley, Newton Stearns. Clifford Thomas. Hcnry
etta Mummey. Helen Dodds, Jienrictte Jforak, Dan Clark.
George Jones, Roberta Moody, Peggy Chessman.
SPORTS STAFF: Clair Johnson, Asst. Sports Ed.; Don Olds,
Margery Kissling, Bill McJnturff.
COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill, Marie Pell,
Phyllis Adams, Maluta Read, Virginia Endicott, Mildred
Blackburne, George Jones.
Church, Ruth Heiberg, Betty Shoemaker.
NIGHT EDITORS: George Bikman, Rex Cooper, Tom Ward.
Egbert, Margilee Morse, Jane Bishop, Doris Bailey, Mary
Ellen Eberhart, Dorothy Dykeman.
RADIO STAFF: Howard Kessler. Eleanor Aldrich,
SECRETARY: Mary Graham.
x rcu risner. ^igr.
William Temple, Asst. Adv.
Eldon Haberman, National
Adv. Mgr.
Pearl Murphy, Asst. National
Adv. Mgr.
r-u j^uuuc, oirvaiaitun
Ruth Rippey, Checking Mgr.
Willa Bitz, Checking Mgt.
Sez Sue, Janis Worley
Alene Walker, Office Mgr.
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Bob Helliwell, Jack Lew,
Bob Cresswell, Jerry Thomas, Jack McGirr.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Gretchcn Gregg, Doris Oiland,
Cynthia Cornell.
BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214.
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W.
Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave.,
Los Angeles; Call Building, Saa Francisco.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily daring the college
year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods,
all of December and all of March except the first three days.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class
matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
The Emerald -Recommends
The time is rapidly approaching when a decis
ion must be made upon the two plana submitted for
reorganization of the student activity administra
Both plans propose the establishment of an
independent department of extracurricular activi
ties, functioning in a manner similar to that of
any other regular department of the University.
Plan I suggests that the president of
the University and the executive council
appoint a man to head the department, giv
ing him the following duties: He must be
responsible to the president for the adminis
tration of the department; he must act
as coordinating agent between the separate
divisions of student activities and between
the A. S. U. O. and University; that he
operate under a. scientific budget; tbat he
act as disbursing agent for disbursing of
money from fee payments and athletic
receipts; and that he be responsible for con
ducting associated students activities on
such a plane as will cause them to be of
real educational value. Plan II is virtually
the same, except that a committee of three
faculty members is vested with highest au
thority, instead of a single department head.
Either proposal disposes satisfactorily of all
objections raised by the attorney general, and
either, in our opinion, is worth of immediate
When the Emerald, about a month ago, pointed
out the faults in Dean Bovard’s proposal for com
plete faculty control, it offered its support to any
program which would meet the requirements of the
attorney general and these three conditions;
1. That there continue to be a reasonable de
gree of coordination of the financial and functional
administrations of those activities which necessar
ily have close relationships.
2. That proceeds from lootball continue to be
available for the support of non-athletic aetivities.
3. That there be no diminution of the part
which students themselves play in the control of
their activities.
The plans submitted to Chancellor Kerr meet
the Emerald's conditions fairly and adequately. In
choosing between the two, Plan I merits most con
sideration, since it best centralizes authority and
fixes responsibility. The Emerald recommends
Plan I without reservation to chancellor and board.
When they told L. A. Hanks, in the penitentiary,
about the Pulitzer prize being- awarded to the Med
ford Mail-Tribune, he called it “another miscarriage
of justice.” Apparently the bludgeon of chance
lias had no better luck with Banks than it did with
Hubert Louis Stevenson.
Our own drama, music and movie critic, who
takes such a drubbing in today’s Safety Valve col
umn, may take solace in reading this extract from
the effort of a brother critic. The paragraphs
quoted are from a review in the Oregon State Baro
meter picture “Laughing Boy,’’ with Lupe Velez:
“Velez, the young Indian girl whose parents
died before the story begins, has been educated in
the white man's school. She has learned many of
the white man’s ways of living. She has acquired
many bad habits which, comes from not being pro
tected by her parents. For many years she lived
ivith the white people an 1 when she became of age
and left alone she finds t itle trouble in making her
way. But even with the advantages given her by
the whites, she feels the urge to return to the desert
and her own people.
“With members of her own tribe she returns to
the native country of her forefathers. She is re
fused by the Indians branding her as a bad woman
and tells her to return to ,the white people.
“Customs of the white man conflict with the
Indians’. The white man refuses to accept her in
his society only as a means of satisfying his own
desires. She has tried to return her to the Indian
people and was branded. .She develops a dual per
sonality, one side she shows to the white man and
the other to her Indians. She is torn with emotion
to the happy hunting ground.”
As Filbert, the office nut, remarked, we are
torn with emotion to adjourn.
On Other Campuses
“Depression Babies”
In a few weeks some five hundred graduates
are stepping into what they hope is a receptive
world, bearing the degrees of this university, and
equipped to make their way in the various occupa
tions whic hthey are entering.
It is worthy of comment that they have passed
through a singularly interesting time of study.
When they entered the university in the fall of
1930, the world was on the point of reaching the
abysmal depths of depression. Throughout their
college career they have continued through the
depths of depression, hampered a little by its ef
fects, no doubt at the same time learning a great
Those who have made a special study of the
reasons and effects of present-day conditions have
been afforded a magnificent experiment. Those
who have not been directly connected with such
studies, have nevertheless been able to observe
what has been going on around them.
This great object lesson learned in a time which
is most adaptable for the assimulation of such a
lesson, should not be forgotten. The students of
this time, the "Depression Babies,” have the know
ledge at their disposal to qualify their being true
citizens of this or any other country. With the
qualification they have gained behind them, they
should look to the future with the determination
that they can be the ones to protect their common
interests, with those of their country.
Human nature and zeal are always the same,
but these graduates have a wealth of instruction
and experience to temper those all too prevalent
failings which can wreck our safety and progress.
Let us, in wishing them all the success and happi
ness that is their due, remind them of their great
obligations to their fellow creatures, their country,
and the world.--McGu Daily.
Sheepskins., Minus Real Education
Many of Illinois’ young hopefuls leave the
campus every spring, sheepskin in fist, their tastes
for cultural pursuits no more highly developed than
those of the average high school pupil.
Ask them to accompany you to anything on a
higher plane than a movie or a dance and they
shudder. They'll gladly pass up a lecture by John
Flynn to see La Garbo. They think nothing of
tossing aside the opportunity to see Mr. Shawn and
his dancers, if there is a "hot band” at a local boop
boop-a-doop palace.
Don't get us wrong. We’re not condemning
attendance at the movies, nor the art of treading
on your partner’s toes with a facility born of much
participation in that gentle sport.
What we’re saying is that if you expose your
self to four years’ education in the University, you
should be able to appreciate things which require a
certain amount of mental effort and good taste.
The Star Course, the Hillel Forum, the “Y”
Forum, and the Uni band concerts offer the stu
dent a chance to grow. The person who doesn't
choose to attend these things is cheating himself
out of an education just as much as if lie were to
sign up for a course and never take it.
Must educated people always be amused by
things which require no mental effort?- Daily mini.
Innocent Bystander
Headline from the Oregon State
tjulcfc, Watson, the auditor!
* * *
Mr, Donald K. Kva, whose
residence is only three and
three-quarters feet away from
our own as the erow flies,
stepped up to ns yesterday anti
“Clark, do you huve earwigs
in your apartment?”
“No," said we. somewhat
taken aback, “Vou must have
just seen some of our friends.”
"No, seriously,” he retorted,
“l»o you have ’em?” We shook
our head.
Well 1 have,” he stated lat
terly. “They’re all over the
place!” II e p a u s e d and
scowled. “I'm getting 'em un
der control, though."
“Splendid," we said. "llow?"
“It's easy,” he chortles. “All
1 do Is sprinkle a lot of sand
on the floor. Then 1 set down
a saueer of n■ >>. The earwigs
gu/./.le the gin, get fighting
drunk, and start throwing
rooks at each other. Simple,
isn’t It?”
The latest reports imlieate
that he has a fifty-fifty clmncc
for recovery.
* * *
The Betas have suffered a great
disappointment recently, it seems
that they completed the raft which
was to support their float in the
t'anoo Fete a short time ago and.
in order to cap this great piece of
construction with the proper cli
i max. they determined to CHR1S
i r K X the thing. Accordingly,
Charley Shay or Rocky Goodell or
another ot the more prosperous
brothers went downtown and
bought a bottle of real, genuine
CHAMPAGNK at the 1-q-r st-r-.
The brothers then proceeded cn
masse to where the raft reposed
on the banks of the millrace. They
gathered about it, a tense .expect
ant group. One of the Hendricks
hall girls, summoned for the occa
sion. seized the bottle and swung
it back to gain momentum for the
down-stroke. Unfortunately, the
gal's hand was wet, and the bottle
flew from her grasp, described a
short arc in the air. and sank with
out a trace in the murky waters
of the millrace.
Our last official report indicates
that the Betas have been diving
for two days, but with little suc
cess. The raft still remains for
lornly unchrist ened.
# » *
"Though mother's smile
Is bright and cheery.
Our advice is—
'Watch it, dearie’:”
"A stitch in time saves c in bar
ra uncut.'
When Three Is a Company -- By alfredo fajardo
University Day, Junior Weekend's Extinct Forebear
Prof. Frederic S. Dunn
A row of flat tombstones leading
along the north aide of Dcady
and thence, from the east front,
straight down to Kincaid Street!
They are in memory of a unique
family, now altogether extinct! In
scribed in the cement, one reads at
the head of the series, ‘University
Day, 1906', and, at the Twelfth
Street entrance to the Campus,
‘University Day, 1911’. Scions of
an illustrious ancestry, to be traced
back to the first Junior Exhibition
in 1890, they are more noteworthy
as forebears of the present spec
tacular Junior Weekend.
Catalogs of the University, for
years in succession, seem to have
granted meager recognition to this,
one oi the earliest campus activi
ties. Underneath a very brief cal
endar, which, however, was ex
panded to include every single
event of Commencement Week,
this addendum was repeated, word
for word, year after year, ‘The
dates for the winter and spring re
cesses and the Junior Exhibition
will be fixed by the Faculty’. Not
a single other reference to it until
Vol. 1, No. 1, of the New Series
edited by President Frank Strong,
where for the first time it is given
its merited calendar rating, ‘May
3,— Junior Day and Junior Exhi
Dr. Strong had come from Kan
sas where the class rushes were
rather strenuous, (echoes of them
had reached me at Harvard)., but
our own campus riot of that same
May 3rd, 1900, made even the Kan
san look out of his office windows
in Villard. I can not recall that he
winked at me, who was likewise
longing to jump out of Deady’s
windows, just opposite. His face
was somewhat elongated at this
Next year, therefore, on the
very eve of Junior Day, as it had
now been duly christened, Presi
dent Strong issued a pronuncia
mento warning all parties to ab
stain from violence, which rendered
the offensive powerless and hte
elaborate defenses of the class al
most farcical. As early as 9
o'clock of the previous Thursday
evening, the Juniors secured the
halyards of the flagstaff to the
top of Villard Hall and flew their
pennant the next day in pacific,
though rather pathetic, inactivity.
But the effect of the manifesto
was absolutely dissipated by next
year's Junior Day. The stratagem
of the dry-goods box half way up
the pole .in which Juniors were to
guard their flag utterly failed in
this instance. The Sophomores got
possession of the hose, drowned
the sentinels in their box, drove
the others from their intrench
nrents, and eventually tore the
pennant to shreds. The Betsy
Bosses of lire class meanwhile had
another flag ready and it finally
flew in triumph. No wonder that
Jim uilbert, doughty member of
the class, fulminated from the ros
trum in Villard that evening in his
'I will lay on for Tuscalum,
And lay thou on for Rome'.
The stark and the dying were
strewn in his wake all the way
from Lake Kegillus.
So, it had gone on from year to
year, until Junior Day of 04 saw
‘A Sophomore Victory' as 1 find it
dubbed in a clipping from the Ore
gon Weekly of that date, to which
is appended this significant re
mark. 'No injuries reported other
than light damage . to \ illurd
Hall’. It was the last of Junior
Such was the lusty line of pro
geniture of a new system which a
tired and outraged Faculty per
suaded the Student Body to in
augurate in 1905. Junior Day
ebbed away into memories and in
to its place slipped a new entity,
University Day, now definitely a
holiday, still under auspices of the
Junior Class but to be shared by
the entire college, and given a
constructive program. It was one
of the inspirational sequences of
the benevolent, optimistic reign of
‘Good Prince Lucien' and edito
rially proclaimed as 'A Great Day
for The University’.
The new regime started off bril
liantly. I have used the term ‘con
structive’, but uninformed people,
looking on at some of the activi
ties that day, might have imagined
chaos still at large. The old white
fence .document of Eugene’s pio
neer days, when cattle and sheep
sometimes went wild, was torn
down. Another squad of students
climbed to the crest of Skinner’s
Butte and dismantled the old Ob
servatory which had long since
been abandoned and become a
community nuisance. But still
others, far from being wreckers,
utilized some old lumber and con
structed a walk from the entrance
of Kincaid Field, about where the
parking place by Johnson Hall is
now located, to the bleachers, at
that time extending over the site of
Condon Hall. It spanned a pond of
oozy mud, still leaving to the
Elevens all the mud they needed.
And then, at noon, the Campus
Luncheon, sometimes on the lawn
in front of the Dorm, as Friendly
Hall was called; at others under!
the trees to the west of Deady.
When it rained, we retreated to
cover in the Dorm.
Each year a definite program
was laid out, entailing some needy
improvement, in which everybody
gleefully took part. 1906 saw the
first of the cement walks, con
structed wholly by student labor,
beginning on the north side of
Deady Hall, a series that was con
sistently maintained until 1911,
when, it would seem, the Univer
sity Administration felt itself suf
ficiently affluent to assume all
such enterprises.
Curiously enough, that same epi
graph of 1911 marks also the last
of the Junior Exhibitions. Appar
ently unannounced, but with gen-j
eral consent, the honored o'd func-!
tion of Junior Rhetoricals were
now no more.
Meanwhile in 1908, the Class of
’09 gave considerable expansion to
the usual series of events and were
the first to use the phrase Junior
Weekend, though most of the fea
tures of University Day were still
carried on. And gradually, almost
imperceptibly, we became aware1
that University Day in its turn had
faded into the past. To it had suc
ceeded the three-day festival we
now celebrate, with its pageantry,
its sports, its Canoe Fete, its Jun
ior Prom, its articulation with
Mothers Day and Vespers. But,
amid it all, Class of 1935, consid
er the nobility of your ancestry,
way back there in the Pleistocene
Age of the University.
Seventh in the series, Saturday,
“When the Freshmen of the Fac
ulty Staged a Stunt.’’
Under the
x expert, will "and the winnah”
Saturday at 1:45 p. m.. when he
describes the Preakness, annual
feature race of the Maryland Joc
key club and one of the country’s
outstanding' turf events, from the
track at Pimlico. So boys, get out
your Panamas, pull up your chairs,
and hope that your horse won't be
Mother’s day will be observed
with a coast-to-coast broadcast of
the Portland Symphony orchestra,
directed by Joseph Sampietro. The
orchestra will be augmented by
the Benedictine Boys' choir of
Mount Angel, Oregon, and by the
SO-voice mixed chorus of the Sanc
! tuary of Our Sorrowful Mother, on
the grounds of which the program
! will originate.
George Burns and Gracie Allen.
| after several months in the Holly
j wood studios making movies, ar
j i ived in New York May 1 and are
again broadcasting from that me
tropolis. Gracie is still carrying
on that campaign of inventing
1 traps which she started in "We’re
Not Dressing."
A celebrity, they say. isn’t really
famous uutil he has had two thing's
I named after him a Pullman car
and a* horse. Ted Husing has ar
j rived, for a Pullman named Husing
made its debut en the tracks last
year, and just the other day a two
year-old named Ted Husing made
its first appearance on another
kind of track at Jamaica, Long Is
land. •
Ted Husing, the horse crossed
573 13th Ave. E. Phone 320S
“Style right—price right”
LOST White gold wrist-watch or.
E. 13th St. on campus, Saturday.
Call 207-J.
At One-Half Price
55 West Bri^dway
1 NEARLY new Tuxedo, size 36. •
S12. Eugene Cleaners 245 E
the line a winner ,and Ted Husing,
the announcer, started figuring his
winnings at 8-1, w-hen the judges
disqualified Ted Husing, the horse,
for cutting over in the back
* * *
Here is a welcome bit of news:
Fred Waring's sponsors have de
cided to discontinue having guest
stars on the program . Now, if only
Mr. Camel will remove his perpet
ual guest artists, Stoopnagle and ;
Budd, Glen Gray would no doubt
be pleased.
Dance Bands Tonight
6:00—KSL. Henry Busse.
6:30—KFI, Don Bestor.
7:20 - KOIN, Isham Jones.
8:15-r-KYA, Kay Kyser.
8:30-KDYL. KOA. Hal Kemp.
9:30—KGW. Tom Coakley.
»9:45—KFWB, Earl Hoffman.
10:00—KOA, Smith Ballew.
KOIN, Johnny Robinson.
10:10—KYA, Jesse Stafford.
10:15—KGW, Jay Whidden.
10:30—KSL, Gus Arnheim.
11:00—KFI, Ted Fio Rito.
11:30—KFI, Carol Loefner .
Kappa Sigs were on the air yes
terday. Fred Hammond, freshman
class president, is a bit versatile.
He played piano and took part in a I
play in which it was necessary for j
him to impersonate a girl by the i
use of falsetto.
Alpha Xi Delta finds it impossi
ble to appear in the studio today,
so unless something forestalls him.
Jack Miller, the Emerald sports re
porter, will crisply tell you what’s
(Continued From Cage One)
an opinion, which they would form
under normal conditions.
“2. One less day of rushing
would decrease the expenses in
coming men are subject to for
hotel and room expenses.
“3. One less day of rushing'
would decrease the expense and
time involved by fraternity men in
“4. One less day of rushing
would add a day after registration
for procuring text materials and
incidentals necessary for the com
mencement of school on the Mon
day following registratoin.
“For the above reasons, the in
terfra.ternity council wishes to go
on record as favoring registration
to begin on Thursday of Freshman
week and end on the noon of the
next day.”
(Continued from Page One)
plied to a student of his limited
ability and experience in foren
sics. Hempstead, * whose glossy
straight hair shone in the softly
lit Eugene circuit court room, drew
a laugh from the court audience
by stating that he though the
phrase “curly haired debater”
would apply more accurately to
himself than to the plaintiff.
In attempting to point out that
the libelous note appeared on the
law school bulletin board because
of the negligence of Landye and
Stocklen, Attorney Ireland for the
plaintiff was rebuffed by a court
objection. Apparently, however,
The Safety Valve
An Outlet for Campus Steam
All communications are to be addressed
to The Editor, Oregon Daily Emerald,
and should not exceed 200 words in
length. Letters must be signed, but
should the writer prefer, only initials
will be used. The editor maintains the
right to withhold publication should he
see fit. •
To the Editor:
Dear Sir:
Gripe, gripe, gripe- F’Gawd's
sake, Mister Editor, give ua Bar
ney Clark's humor column, give us
misspelled names or give us the
devil—but don’t dish out any more
of the contumelious tripe that
passes as musical criticism in your
esteemed sheet—a human stomach
just ain't that strong.
After the marvelous performance
of the University Symphony or
chestra Monday night, what do we
get Tuesday morning? A blither
ing mess of specious blahhhhh to
which even a sixth grade child
would be ashamed to sign his
name. We blush for shame, not
that a college student should be so
ignorant of music, but that a news
paper that strives for quality
should publish time after time the
same brand of stuff.
To be specific: Did your critic
notice the faultlessness of the
French horn in the open bars of
“Oberon?”—did he mark fhe art
istry of the double-stopped plucked
strings in the “Easter Bells?”—or
the way the rest of the orchestra
blended the conscious dissonances
into harmony?—Did he notice the
unusual felicity of Hex Under
wood’s conducting? —Did he—oh,
well . . .
The answer is: “NO!” Instead
we have the assurance that Miss
Sweeney played a more difficult
piece in her solo than with the or
chestra ... as a matter of fact,
it's just the opposite. We have it
suggested that the fandango move
ment in “Capriccio Espagnol” be
played with “more passionate
abandon—more speed.” Hasn’t; he
learned that a fandango is of a
fixed tempo just as a minuet?
There is not n word of the per
formance of the orchestra as a
whole—no jot of appreciative crit
icism. Merely a childish piece of
“hurry-up” writing . . .
Phooey—Yours for a new music
critic or a more chastened one,
Ludwig von Beethoven.
P. S.—This outburst is not mere
ly of Monday night's formation but
is the accretion of two and one
half terms.
L. v. B.
he established this point to the sat
isfaction of nine of the twelve
jurymen, selected from a panel of
University law and pre-law stu
dents; for by a nine to three de
cision the jury found for the plain
tiff to the extent of $50 special
damages' and $1500 general dam
This was the third of a series of
moot trials being conducted by
Professor Orlando J. Hollis’ senior
class in trial procedure.
Sorry, Jr lends, I can t join—I just discovered
that Arrow has made Dress Shirts and
Collars really comfortable.”
• Dressing for formal occasions need no
longer be a “pain-in-the-neck.” Slip into
Arrow’s new dress shirt—the KIRK (Mitoga).
It’s a two-stud shirt of the convenient enter
from-the-rear type, shaped and tailored with
your comfort in mind.