Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 11, 1934, Image 1

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1934 Oregana
Distribution to
Begin Today
Booth Open at McArthur
Court From 8 to 3
Contents Follow Plan of Former
Years; Include Activities,
Classes, Honoraries
Copies of the 1934 Oregana will
he vailable to subscribers today.
Distribution of the yearbook is an
annual feature of the Junior Week
Starting at 8 a. m. the books
will be distributed from a specially
prepared booth in McArthur court,
and all those who have signed for
copies are requested to call for
them as early as possible. The
booth will be open until 3 p. m.
This year’s Oregana, edited by
Madeline Gilbert and managed by
Ed Cross, is “new and different,”
according to those who have ob
tained glimpses of the books which
have Recently arrived (from the
bindery. The cover is of natural
linen, lettered in green, and the
various sections of the publication
are linked together by the con
tinuity of the art work.
Ralph Schomp, art editor, pro
duced the original sketches used
as section dividers.
Sections Subdivided
As in former years, the publica
tion is subdivided into sections de
voted to different forms of campus
activities. Activities, classes, hon
oraries, sports, organizations, and
other features of the life of the
University are explained in story
and picture. A generous supply
of snapshots is included. These
separate divisions of the book are
molded together to form a unit
through the use of a modernistic
motif. The predominating color
is green.
This year’s book will be dedi
cated to Mrs. Murray Warner.
Last night Cross issued a warn
ing that only those who have al
ready subscribed will be supplied
with copies of the annual. Only
1000 books were printed, just
enough to meet the advance de
mand for subscriptions.
45 Overdue Students
Must Pay Installment
Oj Fees by Tomorrow
Forty-five students have yet
to pay their third installments
on spring term fees, which were
due last Saturday, according to
figures from the business offices
in Johnson hall. Assessments of
25 cents for each day since May
5 have been levied on these de
linquent payees.
Saturday noon, May 12 is the
final date for payment of these
fees. After this time students
will be subject to dismissal
from the University for non
Outgoing President
Thomas H. Tongue, president of
past year, who will be replaced by
Joe Renner, president elect, at the
installation in Gerlinger hall this
Rush Week to Be
Shortened in Fall,
Council Decides
Interfraternity Group Adopts Rules
Submitted by- Committee
Of Presidents
A resolution to reduce rush week
next fall by one day was unani
mously adopted by the Interfrat
ernity council yesterday at a meet
ing in Johnson hall at the sugges
tion of a committee which was ap
pointed at the last council dinner,
to draw up and prepare rushing
rules for fall, winter and spring
terms for next year.
The committee headed by Grant
Thuemmel, assisted by Bill Phipps
and Jack Vaughn, submitted the
resolution, which was approved
without a dissenting vote.
The election of council officers
for next year placed Ray Mize
in the position of president, Keith
Powers, vice president, and Keith
Wilson as secretary-treasurer.
The retiring officers are Ed
Martindale, president; Howard
Bobbitt, vice president; Hal Birk
inshaw, secretary-treasurer.
Virgil Earl, deal of men, was un
animously re-elected adviser to the
Bill Russell was appointed chair
man of the Interfraternity council
dance, for which no date has as
yet been set.
Text of the resolution follows;
“Whereas: the Interfraternity
council of the University of Ore
gon, feeling that rush week was
too long, have for the following
reasons seen fit to petition the
registrar’s office for the aftermen
tioned changes, to-wit:
“1. One less day of active rush
ing would be less strain and more
apt to leave the incoming men in
better physical condition to form
(Continued on Page Two)
Moot Trial Verdict Ought to
Make Defendants’ Hair Curl
Fifteen hundred and fifty dol
lars is quite an attractive remuner
ation for one year’s participation
in freshman debate, but that is
the amount that Charles Dolloff,
third year law student at the Uni
versity, was awarded in last night’s
Oregon law school moot trial,at
the circuit court because of his
ability to prove that he was a
curly-headed member of the Uni
versity freshman debate squad dur
ing his first year on the campus.
Arthur Ireland and John Long,
attorneys for Dolloff in his libel
suit against Charles Stocklen and
James Landye, brought out the
evidence that Dolloff participated
in freshman debate to prove that
he was the “curly haired debater”
mentioned in a libelous note, writ
ten by Stocklen and Landye and
later posted on the law school bul
letin board. (The defense did not
question the fact that Dolloff is
curly haired.)
Defense attorneys Bill Kinley
and Sig Seashore attempted to
show that Dolloff is not the only
curly haired debater in the senior
class of the University law school
by introducing Bill Goodwin. The
defense showed that the latter is
curly haired, but apparently did not
show to the satisfaction of the
jury that he could be considered a
The plaintiff charged that the
note, admittedly written by Stock
len and Landye and containing li
belous statements to the effect
that a certain curly haired debater
was having a hard time securing
recommendations from two mem
bers of the bar as a requirement
for taking the bar exam, was con
strued by most of its readers as
referring to him. Stocklen further
charged that as a result of the
negligence of the defense in per
mitting the note to come before
the public eye, he suffered special
injury, through the loss of his job,
to the extent of $100, and general
damages to his reputation and so
cial standing to the extent of $2000.
Walter Hempstead, former
speech instructor at the University
closely connected with debate ac
tivities, took the stand as another
of the surprise witnesses for the
defense. Hempstead testified that
Stocklen was flattering himself a
little in assuming that the term
“debater” could be accurately ap
(Continued on Page Two)
Summer Term
Sessions Will
Start June 18
Variety of Courses Given
By Expert Teachers
Special Feature of Program to Be
Class for County School
Heads During July
A wide variety of courses, many
of them to be taught by nationally
recognized experts and authorities,
will be offered this summer in ses
sions to be held by the University
iif Eugene and Portland, Oregon
State College at Corvallis, and the
state normal schools at Monmouth,
Ashland and LaGrande, it was an
nounced yesterday by Alfred Pow
ers, dean and director of general
extension and head of summer
school work for the state system
of higher education.
All sessions will open June 18
and continued for six weeks. A
post session to serve University
and State college students will be
held for four weeks in Eugene fol
lowing the regular session, and a
second session of five weeks will
be offered for normal school stu
dents at Monmouth.
A special feature of the Oregon
summer school program this year
will be the course for county school
superintendents, to be held in Port
land July 16 to 21. Subjects to be
given include supervision, adminis
trative procedure, school finance,
public relations, teacher work, and
others of interest to the executives.
Coaching School Here
The athletic coaching school,
which alternates each year between
the University and College cam
puses, will be offered at Eugene
this year, with William Reinhart
teaching baseball and basketball,
William Hayward in charge of
track, and Prince G. Callison in
structing in football. All three are
major coaches in their sports and
have achieved Jiational reputations.
The annual Four H club school
will be held on the State college
campus June 11 to 22, and a large
attendance is expected for this
year. Special sessions of two
weeks each will also be held this
year at each Normal school, fromi
June 18 to 29. At Monmouth, |
courses will be ottered m modern
trends in education, primary edu
cation, children’s books, and others
in elementary education. Courses
for this short session at Ashland
will include primary teaching aids,
literature, values and methods in
health education and music educa
tion. Problems in art teaching,
problems of music teaching and
nature study will be among the
courses at LaGrande.
Art Courses Offered
Eugene will also again serve as
the training center for art teach
ers, under a grant from the Carne
gie corporation of New York.
Courses offered in this center will
be of special value to those who
instruct in art appreciation and in
various art subjects, and they will
be of great value also to those who
plan to enter the University to
study architecture, painting or
other arts.
At Corvallis, courses of special
interest will be offered in home
economics, education, industrial
arts, and industrial education. Vis
iting experts in these fields will
be added to the regular staffs and
students in these fields will find
the courses unusually stimulating.
Other courses to be offered at Cor
vallis include bacteriology, botany,
business administration .chemistry, )
drama, economics, education, ag
ricultural education, English, en
tomology, geology, history, journal
ism, mathematics, music, physical
education, physics, political science,
psychology, sociology and zoology.
Courses Listed
Outstanding courses to be of
fered on the University campus, j
many of them to be under the di
rection of visiting educators, in
clude education, Germany, library
training, and law. Other offerings
will include art, architecture,
(Continued on Page Four)
Campus Calendar
Free social swim for men and
women at the Women’s gym from
7:30 to 9. Towels and suits are
• * *
"Brandeis: Judge and Lawyer
in the Modern State" is missing
from the old library. Will whoever
has it please check it in ? The
author is Alpheus T. Mason.
i Campus Chapter
Re-elects Noble,
Morse to Office
University Professors Associatioi
Spring Term Dinner-Meet
Held Yesterday
Dean Wayne L. Morse of th(
law school and Harold J. Noble, aS
sociate professor of history, wert
re-elected to the office of presi
dent and secretary-treasurer oJ
the campus chapter of the Ameri
can Association of University Pro
fessors at the spring term banquet
of the group held in the Anchorage
last night. No other names were
placed on the ballots.
The reading of 10 reports from
committees appointed at the first
of the year occupied most of tha
meeting time. All committees
made recommendations which were
approved by the body, and which
will be referred to PresidAt C. V,
Boyer and the state board of high
er education for final approval.
The chairmen who reported on
the work of their committees are
H. G. Townsend, professor of phil
o sophy, executive committee;
Charles G. Howard, professor of
law, membership committee; S. S.
Smith, associate professor of Eng
lish, teaching load; Orlando J. Hol
lis, professor of law, tenure; James
H. Gilbert, dean of the social sci
ence college, salaries and living
costs; W. D. Smith, professor of
geology, improvement of college
teaching; J. T Ganoe, associate
professor of history, faculty medi
cal care; Howard R, Taylor, pro
fessor of psychology, summer ses
sions; H. G .Townsend, professor of
philosophy, faculty and adminis
trative organization; Paul R.
Washke, professor of physical edu
cation, Carnegie annuities.
Sunday Concert
Planned by Choir
The men’s division of the Uni
versity of Oregon polyphonic choir
will offer a concert of widely var
ied selections at the school of mu
sic auditorium Sunday afternoon at
3 o’clock. The concert will be the
concluding event of the Junior
Weekend, and the annual Mother’s
Day celebration.
Membership in the men’s group
is limited to 20.
Men who will take part in the
concert include Earl Arrell, Jack
Campbell, J ,P. Mulder, Ernest
Savage, and Paul Potter, board of
directors; and Robert Crauter,
Jack Danner, GJen Ridley, Orin
Richard, Arthur Bei3tel, Robert
Knapp, Charles Aetzel, Ross Con
gleton, Sterling Cash, Arthur Gra
fious, Julius Kusal, Howard Lee,
Cecil Nyman, Ralph Perry, and
Earl Thomson.
Hearst Trophy Award
Received at Barracks
A beautiful silver shield, award
ed to Oregon as second place win
ner in the recent Hearst Trophy
match has arrived and may be
seen in the R.O.T.C. barracks. Sil
ver medals for the members of the
5-man rifle team that fell four
points short of winning the cham
pionship were also seen. The med
als will be awarded at the student
body assembly Friday morning.
New Officers
To Take Oath
This Morning
j Awards for Swimmers
| To I3e Proposed
Varsity Men Claim Letters Won
Last Term; A.S.U.O. Fees
Required by Committee
Gtudent body officers for the
school year 1934-35 will be in
stalled at 11 o’clock this morning
at a public assembly of students
in Gerlinger hall, for which all
classes will be dismissed.
The administration of oaths to
| the new leaders will be given by
! Tom Tongue, retiring president of
the A. S. U. O. to the new offi
cers: Joe Renner, president; Bill
Berg, vice-president; Nancy Arch
bold, secretary; Elizabeth Bend
strup, senior woman; Bob Miller,
senior man; and Cosgrove LaBarre,
junior finance man.
Resolution Froposed
A resolution, providing that var
sity swimmers who are not mem
bers of the A. S. U. O. this term,
but who were recommended by the
coach be awarded letters for com
petition last term, be given per
mission to purchase these awards
and sweaters, without being forced
to join the student body.
The swimmers affected by the
executive council ruling that they
be required to be student body
members in order to receive their
awards, say that their sport was
almost entyely a winter term ac
tivity, as was basketball, but that
because a swimming meet was
scheduled for a few days after the
end of the term, the coach could
not make the recommendations for
awards until spring term. The
basketball letters were awarded
last term 'without the players be
ing required to have spring term
student body cards.
The men also claim that they
had an understanding with Hugh
E. Rosson, graduate manager, that
they would be given major awards
if they would pay cost of the let
ters and sweaters. Nothing was
said, about the necessity of be
longing to the student body spring
term, as optional membership was
not then anticipated.
Argument Given
The reasons given by the athlet
ic committee for not making the
awards are as follows:
“The athletic committee desired
to have those swimmers who were
entitled to awards be members of
the A.S.U.O. because it felt that
if these men were not enough in
terested in the organization to be
come members they should not be
permitted to wear the official
award of the organization.
“The committee realized that
most of the competition had taken
place during the preceding term
when all the swimmers were mem
bers of the A. S .U. O., but inas
much as at least one meet was held
(Continued on Pane Three)
Weekend Program
11:00-12:00—Installation of student body officers in Gerlinger hall.
12:00-2:00—Campus Luncheon; pleding to Friars; pledging to
Mortar Board; concert by University band; pre-initiation of
Sigma Delta Chi.
12:45-1:15—Coronation of Queen Josephine.
2:00—Tennis court dance; dance contest; male beauty contest.
2:00- Frosh telegraphic track meet with Idaho and Montana.
3:30—Varsity baseball game, Reinhart field, University of Wash
ington vs. University of Oregon.
3:00-5:30—Tea for Mothers by Y. W. C. A. council, Y. W. C. A.
9:00-12:00- Junior Prom, McArthur court.
8:00—Meeting, executive committee of Oregon Mothers.
8:00—Painting of “O”, Skinner’s Butte.
9:00-9:45—Frosh-Sophomore tug-of-war across mill race.
9:30—Golf, U. of O. vs. O. S. C., frosh and varsity.
10:00—Canoe race, swimming at water carnival bleachers near
10:00- Tennis, U. of O. vs. O. S. C., frosh and varsity events.
10:00—Mass meeting of Oregon Mothers, Guild theatre.
2:00—Varsity track meet with University of Washington, Hay
ward field.
2:00—Golf matches, varsity an dfrosh, O. S. C. vs. U. of O.
3:00— Tea for Mothers by associated women students, Gerlinger hall.
3:30—Baseball, U. of O. vs. U. of W., Reinhart field.
5:30-8:00 -Mother’s Banquet, John Straub Memorial hall; award
ing of Mother's day trophies.
8:30 Canoe Fete.
8:30—Meeting executive committee of Oregon Mothers.
11:00—Special services for Mothers in Eugene churches.
1:00—Special Mother's dinner in all living organizations.
3:00—An hour of music, University Men’s Choir, Roy Bryson, di
rector, school of music aduitorium.
Junior Prom, Campus Lunch
To Be Opening Day Features
Of 3-Day Weekend Schedule
i Dance io Follow Oregon
History Theme
Early Conquests of White Man
To Be Shown by Scenic
Pictures of State
The early conquests of the white
man, portrayed through pictures of
scenes of pioneer Oregon, will be
the motif for the Junior Prom to
night. Side drapes of bright col
ors will form a background for the
oblong pictures of Oregon scenic
and historical spots, pioneer cab
ins, covered wagons, buffalo, and
Indians, and a similar colored can
opy will be used above, illuminated
from either end by bright chande
Stripes of a softer hue will form
a setting for the queen’s throne
and the orchestra. Colors in the
side panels will be even lighter, in
shades of colors.
The pro mwill be consistent with
the general idea of the entire
weekend, a celebration of the 75th
anniversary of Oregon, according
to Hartley Kneeland, general chair
man of the dance.
Cups to Be Given
At 9:45 there will be a presen
tation service for Queen Josephine
I, followed by the awarding of the
Gerlinger and Koyl cups to the
outstanding junior woman and
man on the campus. The awards
I will be made by George Birnie,
president of the junior class. The
campus scholarship cups for the
men’s and women's living organi
zation having the highest grade
point average has also been con
tinued as a regular feature of the
1934 prom.
Approximately at 10:10, or after
the announcement of cup winners,
there will be a dance exclusively
for the queen and her party of
princesses, student body officers,
class presidents and committee
heads and their partners.
Mothers Invited
Mothers of Oregon students are
invited to the dance to be the
guests of the junior class. A spe
cial gallery has been arranged so
that they may be able to watch
the dance and its features during
the entire evening.
The dance directorate includes
Hartley Kneeland, general chair
man; Robert Miller and Robert
Zurcher, assistant chairmen; Her
bert Large .construction; Virginia
Howard, patrons and patronesses;
Mary tine New, refreshments; My
ron Pinkstaff, decorations; Nor
man Lauritz, transportation; Gil
bert Wellington, tickets and ticket
sales; Jack Granger, floor; Jack
Mulder, music; Lloyd Faust, pro
grams; Marygolde Hardison, sec
retary; and Don Thompson, adver
Tickets for the dance are on sale
in the men's living organizations
for $1.
Emerald for Saturday
Will Be by Freshmen
Saturday’s Emerald will be writ
ten entirely by freshmen. Newton
Stearns is editor of the issue, and
Howard Kessler, managing editor.
The upper news staff is as fol
lows: Reinhart Knudsen, news ed
itor; Clair Johnson, sports editor;
Dan Clark, associate editor; Dor
othy Dill, day editor; Rex Cooper,
night editor; Marian Johnson, dra
matics; Ruth Weber, literary;
Jimmy Morrison, humor; Mary
Graham, society; George Bikman,
radio; Virginia Scoville, features;
Marie Pell, cartoonist; Margery
Kissling, women’s athletics; Helen
Dodds, churches and secretary.
Tea, Musical Planned
For Visiting Mothers
A tea in honor of university
mothers who are visiting the cam
pus will be held by the Wesley
club at the First Methodist church
at 5:30 Sunday afternoon.
A musical is being arranged for
the benefit of the guests by Theda
Spicer. Mrs. L. J. Temple and
Mrs. F. M. Spicer will pour.
On the receiving line will be
Mrs. Charles G. Howard, Howard
I Ohmart, president of the Wesley
j club, Bernice Stromberg, Dorothy
Nyland, Wesley Foundation secre
Cecil F. Ristow.
Journalism Honorary
Pledges Will Perform
On Library Steps at 12
Pledges of Sigma Delta Chi,
men’s professional journalism
fraternity, will perform on the
“old libe” steps today at 12
o’clock noon. The formal pro
gram will consist of political
speeches by the following neo
phytes: George Callas, Barney
Clark, Winston Allard, Arthur
Derbyshire, Bob Moore, Ned
Mothers Invited
To Tea, Musical
At Y From 3 to 5
Annual Affair Is Sponsored by
YWCA; Will Featurecm cm c
YW; To Feature Numbers
By Students
The annual Mother’s Day tea,
will be held this afternoon from 3
to 5:30 at the "Y” bungalow. Ail
mothers of University men and
women are invited to attend.
The musical program, arranged
by Glen Vinyard includes selec
tions by Bernice Stromberg, Betty
Ohlemiller, Madaline Giustina.,
Jessie Long, Leona Baker, Theda
Spicer, and the Phi Mu trio, which
includes, Mary Margaret Lott, Mar
garet Ellen Osborne, Lucy Ann
Wendell, accompanied by Maxine
The directorate for the tea in
cludes Eleanor Wharton, chairman
reception line, Clara Bryson; host
esses, Alma Lou Herman; contacts,
Phyllis Adams, refreshments, Mar
Betty Ohlemiller; serving, Helen
Tillman; decorations, Lillian Eng
land; musical program, Glen Vin
Pouring will be Mrs. Alice Mac
duff, Mis3 Sue Badollet, Mrs.
Katherine Stofiel, Mrs. Charles
Gray, Mrs. Virgil Earl, and Miss
Janet Smith. Serving are Phyllis
Adams, Helen Goold, Jean Shelley,
Dorothy Kinzell, Evelyn Davis,
Frances Jensen, Harriet Kisner,
Marge Leonard, Dorothy McCall,
Helga Myrmo, Rose Gore, and
Thelma Hayes.
In the receiving line are Dean
H. H. Norton, Helen Binford, Cath
erine Coleman, and Mrs. A. H.
Military Examinations
Taken by Candidates
About 17 candidates for ad
vanced military courses took ex
aminations at the military depart
ment yesterday. Thirty-five have
announced their intention to try
Every year about 25 persons
are selected from the group of
candidates. The chief require
ments for trying out is that the
candidates shall have had six
terms of basic military course and
that he shall have six more terms
at the University. Announcement
of those selected will be made later.
Noon Bombs Will Begin
Annual Celebration
Canoe Fete, Tennis Court Dance,
Beauty Contest for Males
Included on Program
With the bursting of bombs nt
noon today Junior Week-end will
be officially opened. This signal
will start the serving of over 2000
lunches to the student body and
its guests, and the program will
continue through the coronation of
the queen; pledging to Friars and
Mortar Board, upper-class service
honoraries; concert by the Uni
versity band; tennis court dance;
male beauty contest; frosh tele
graphic track meet with Idaho and
Montana; baseball game with Uni
versity of Washington; tea for
Mothers by the Y. W. C. A. coun
cil; and reaching its climax at the
Junior Prom in McArthur court.
Mothers are to be honor guests
at the campus luncheon which is
traditionally held in back of the
statute of the "Pioneer.” The set
tnig this year is particularly ap
propriate to the theme of the
week-end which is the anniversary
of the birth of Oregon. In case
of rain the luncheon will be held
in the men’s gym.
Queen Josephine, who is Jose
phine Waffle, will receive her
crown during the luncheon. She
will be attended by princesses
Margaret Ann Howland, Marytine
New, Miriam Henderson and Cyn
thia Liljeqvist. George Birnie,
president of the junior class will
be master of ceremonies.
Queen to Hold Court
The queen was chosen by popu
lar vote of the student body. She
will preside at all the Junior
Week-end functions, holding offi
cial court at the Canoe Fete Sat
urday night, and leading the grand
march at the Junior Prom Friday
Marie Saccomanno is, chairman
of the committee which arranged
the details for the Queen’s reign.
Her committee consists of Myron
Pinkstaff, assistant chairmaln;
Laura Goldsmith, secretary; Ro
bert Zurcher, elections; Helen Wil
son, costumes; Alberta Baldwin,
flowers, and Clayton Wentz, Jr.
During the campus luncheon,
which is free to students and
guests, pledging to the senior
honor societies will take place.
This most picturesque of Oregon
(Continued on Piujc Three)
Reserve Departments
Of Library to Close at
12 Today for Activities
The reserve departments of
the library will close at 12 noon
today on account of Junior
Weekend activities. Books for
overnight use may be drawn be
tween 10 and 12.
The circulation and reference
departments will be open the
usual weekend hours.
Moore Sisters Give Varied9
Well-Done Musical Program
It seems logical that a family
containing one good musician
would also contain others. This
doesn’t always follow, but last
night it did when four members
of the Moore family, all sisters,
appeared at the Music auditorium.
Each presented a short group of
numbers, and at the end of the
program all four appeared in an
ensemble number.
Unfortunately the writer was not
able to present^for the first group
of piano numbers by Elaine Moore.
It has been said that her music is
rather exceptional. She played a
Chopin Waltz in A flat, and Liszt’s
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 8.
Martha Moore, pianist; Irene
Moore, soprano; and Cora Moore,
organist, all had in common ex
pressive ability, and a capacity for
musical shading which had mean
meaning and continuity. Particu
larly was this true of the last two.
Miss Martha Moore, perhaps lacks
a bit in experience, though her se
lections were done musically.
Melodic continuity, musicianship,
and expressive ability have always
been maintained herein as more
important than technical perfec
tion, within certain bounds, of
Irene Moore’s rendition of the
“Nocturne" by Curan was full of
delicate emotion. It was effective
and sincere.
Cora Moore's interpretation of
the Finale of Tschaikowsky’s Sym
phony Pathetique was full of the
strength and shifting moodiness
which is associated with that com
poser’s works.
The final number was the al
ways beautiful “Ave Maria" by
Gounod. Martha Moore played the
violin obligato, Klaine Moore the
piano accompaniment on which the
melody was constructed, and Irene
Moore the soprano solo, while Cora
Moore added a few melodic' har
monies on the organ.
An exceptionally large crowd ap
peared for this recital.