Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 03, 1934, Image 1

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Student Relief
Campus Work
To BeRetained
News Ends Anxiety of
196 in University
Activity Will Continue for Rest of
Year, Chancellor Kerr
Tells Emerald
Student aid under the federal
employment relief program will be
continued for the rest of the school
year, Chancellor W. J. Kerr told
the Emerald last night on his re
turn from Portland. Kerr said that
he had seen telegrams received by
Acting President Peavey of Ore
gon State college from Senators
McNary and Steiwer which denied
that there is any danger of discon
tinuation of the student work.
Senators McNary and Steiwer
conferred yesterday with Harry L.
Hopkins, FERA chief, the tele
grams said, and were told that
money would be available to carry
needy students through this school
year. Hopkins stated that he was
telegraphing this information to
Elmer Goudy, Oregon FERA ad
This announcement will be “good
news’’ for 196 University students,
who were yesterday confronted
with the possible necessity of
withdrawing from school, when the
University’s committee on federal
emergency relief for students sent
out notices that all assignments of
CWA work for April, May, and
June had been cancelled pending
further instructions.
The announcement that the work
was to be discontinued created a
virtual panic at trie University em
ployment office in the Y hut yes
terday, where a steady stream of
worried students appealed to Miss
Janet Smith, employment secre
tary, for any type of odd jobs that
they might earn funds to stay in
school for the remainder of the
school year.
As University officials last night
had received no official notifica
tion, they could set no time for
resumption of work on the part of
Under the student relief pro
gram on the campus 115 men and
SI coeds will be employed until
the end of the school year" at an
average salary of $15 a month on
the basis of an hourly wage of 35
cents. The work includes a variety
of projects—library reference, of
fice assistance, and work on cam
pus grounds.
Arne Rae Attends
Code Conference
Arne G. Rae, assistant professor
of journalism and field manager of
the Oregon State Editorial asso
ciation, returned from a trip to
Chicago March 6 where he attend
ed the meetings of the national
code authorities.
Arriving in Chicago February
26, Rae spent the week participat
ing in the sessions during which
the board of directors of the Na
tional Editorial association com
pleted the national code authori
ties for non-metropolitan and daily
newspaper publishing and print
ing establishments, a joint nation
al code authority and its adminis
He was named a member of the
joint code authority’s standing fi
nance committee.
Rae reported that the weather
in the East was cold.
Parked Car Damaged
By Passing Motorist
A car belonging to Alice Mor
gan, senior in music, was damaged
last night at approximately 8
o’clock when another automobili
ist ran into the machine parked
across the street from Gerlinger
Miss Morgan was supplied with
the number of the offending car
by passers-by who witnessed the
accident. She notified the city po
lice, who are now working on the
Lost and Found Depot
Has 47 Stray Articles
The lost and found department
at the University depot now has
47 stray articles, which were left
last term. Following is the pres
ent list: Three pairs of glasses,
three ladies' belts, five scarfs, one
pocket book, one tarn, 11 pairs of
gloves, three slickers, one top coat,
two umbrellas, two note books, and
15 text books.
AWS Vocational
Conference Will
Begin Wednesday
Two-Day Session Includes Round
Table Discussions, Talks by
Prominent Women
The first A.W.S. vocational con
ference to be held on this campus
will take place Wednesday and
Thursday of this week, when
seven Oregon women prominent
in various vocational fields will
be in Eugene to speak and con
duct round table discussions or.
their particular fields of work.
Each speech and round table
will deal with women in a certain
field, considering' the opportunities
for positions, approximate pay,
kind of training necessary, and
other practical questions. The
speakers will give personal inter
views to girls who are interested
in a certain kind of work.
This two-day vocational confer
ence, of which Marygolde Hardi
son is general chairman, replaces
the monthly vocational talks held
last year. The conference will be
divided into sections, with round
tables both afternoons and general
speeches both evenings. All meet
ings will be held in the AWS room
on the third floor of Gerlinger
hall, except the round table on
“Women in Art” Wednesday af
terenoon, which will be in the
men’s lounge in Gerlinger.
The entire program is as fol
lows: Wednesday afternoon at 3,
Mrs. Frankie Coykendall, member
of the advertising firm of Bots
ford, Constantine & Gardner, will
lead a round table on “Women in
Journalism and Advertising.” At
the same time Miss Brownelle
Frazier, head of the University de
sign department, will conduct a
round table on “Women in Art.”
Wednesday at 4, Mrs. Alice How
ard, dean of girls at Klamath un
ion high school, will head a round
table on “Women in Education.”
Miss Vivian Cooley, head of
(Continued on Page Two)
Pinkerton, Kliks,
Davidson Lead
Law Honor Roll
Grade Rank System Established
By Faculty for First Time
Last Term
Carl A. Davidson, A. Duane
Pinkerton, and Dorothy Kliks are
leaders respectively of the third,
second, and first year law students,
according- to the University of
Oregon law school honor roll for
winter term.
The law school honor roll, which
was' established by the faculty for
the first time last term, consists
of the names of the seven students
in each of the three classes who
have the highest cumulative grade
point average at the close of the
term. The students are listed in
the order of their grade rank, but
their actual grade point average is
not included.
The basis for the ranking is the
grade point average accumulated
since entrance into the- law school.
Students must take at least ten
hours in order to be included on
the honor roll.
Two of the four women in the
law school are on the winter term
honor roll, as well as having been
on fall term. Dorothy Kliks has
been the highest of all first year
law students for two successive
terms, and Josephine Rice has been
on the list of third year students
for two terms.
The entire law school honor roll
Third year: Carl Davidson, Carl
Coad, Josephine Rice, Karl Huston,
James Landye, Eugene Laird, Ar
thur Ireland.
Second year: A. Duane Pinker
ton, Wilbur Riddlebarger, Day
Bayly, Kenneth Linklater, Arthur
Clark, John Pennington, Louis
First year: Dorothy Kliks, Ste
phen Kahn, James G. Smith, Otto
Vonaerheit, Grant Anderson, Don
ald Heisler, Edward Ryan.
Igloo Acoustical Work
Ordered Discontinued
All CWA work on the improve-*
ment of the acoustics in McAr
thur court has been discontinued
since April 1, when word was re
ceived at the University of Oregon
business office to cease all opera
tions. This action puts 30 men
out of work.
Under this improvement pro
gram all but 80 feet of the ceiling
has been covered with acoustical
firtex, which absorbs reverbera
tions and echoes. This portion of
| the work, which is above the east
I side bleachers, will be left unfin
| ished until further word op CWA
j work has been received from
Washington, D. C.
Chairman of Meet
Marygolde Hardison (above) is
chairman of the A. W. S. voca
tional conference, which will begin
97 Students Win
Places on Winter
Term Honor Roll
12 Make Perfect Grade Averages;
Listing of Oregon Scholars
Given by Registrar
A total of 97 students gained
honor roll standing in the Univer
sity during the winter term this
year, official figures from the reg
istrar’s office show, 12 of these
having received perfect records of
all “A” grades.
Last term 90 students won hon
ors and six showed 100 per cent
The scholars who reached the
heights are Frances B. Brockman,
Carl E. Davidson, Sherrill L. Greg
ory, Geraldine Hickson, Dessa D.
Hofstetter, Lucy Howe, James C.
Kennedy, Elizabeth Paterson,
Lloyd G. Humphreys, Edwin A.
Pitt, Norman E. Swanson, and
Margaret A. Wagner. Honors are
evenly divided between the sexes,
in contrast to the standing last
term when five men and one coed
made perfect grades.
To obtain a place on the honor
roll, students must earn a grade
average of 2.50 based on 12 hours
or more of study, or 10 hours for
law students. Three points are
(Continued on Page Two)
Project Stopped
Word was received by the ex
tension division Saturday of the
discontinuance of the civil works
service projects correspondence
courses, effective at once. Regis
trations had reached 395 students,
but lack of funds necessitates the
discontinuance of the project.
The project accomplished its
purpose in hiring unemployed
teachers, but few of the students
had finished much of their work.
Miss Mozelle Hair, of the exten
sion division, said that it is possi
ble some of the more popular
courses may be continued. Facts
discovered in this project show
that English courses are the most
popular, just as in the regular
correspondence work.
The project was started winter
term, and included a list of procti
cai reading courses which were
offered free to adults.
Dean, Assistant Leave
To Attend Conference
Dean of Women Hazel P.
Sehwering and Alice B. Macduff,
assistant dean of women, left yes
terday morning for Spokane where
they will attend a meeting of the
Inland Empire association, con
sisting of high school and univer
sity instructors and professors
throughout the Northwest.
Dean Sehwering is chairman of
the dean of women’s section of the
conference, which will last until
Friday, April 6.
Dean of Women Asks
Houses to Pick Dance
Dales for Term Note.
Arranging of dance dates for
the spring ter rnsocial calendar
is progressing rapidly, it was
announced from Dean of Wo
men Hazel P. Schwering's of
fice yesterday. All living or
ganizations on the campus are
requested to choose as soon as
possible the list of dates avail
able for dances.
A.W.S. Will Elect
New Officers at
Li be Tomorrow
Two Candidates Are Nominated for
President for First Time
In Last Four Years
For the first time in four years,
two candidates will run for presi
dent of -the Associated Woman
Students, when Marygolde Hardi
son and Catherine Coleman com
pete for the office at the A.W.S.
election tomorrow'.
Having opposing candidates is
the result of a recommendation
made by last year's A. W. S. plan
ning conference to have two wo
men run for president whenever
possible instead of having one un
opposed as has been the custom
for the last fewr years.
The candidates for the other
A. W. S. offices are: Marie Sacca*
manno and Virginia Howard for
vice-president; Reva Herns and
Henriette Horak for secretary;
Portia Booth and Ann-Reed Burns
for treasurer; Elaine Cornish and
Lee Chapman for sergeant-at
arms; Marjory Will and Margery
Kissling for reporter.
Elections will be held from 9 to
5 tomorrow in front of the old
libe. In case of rain, elections will
be indoors, with a sign in front of
the old libe telling the location.
No woman may vote who does not
bring her student body card.
Nominations for the offices
were made at an A.W.S. mass
meeting last Thursday at 4 in Ger
linger hall. Previous to the nom
inations reports were read by the
A.W.S. officers and committee
chairmen, -describing the year’s
Registration Put
At Figure of 1912
At End of Week
Number Shows Slight Decrease;
Final Expected Total Is Set
At 1950 Students
University registration at the
end of the first week of the spring
term totaled 1912, according to
figures released by Assistant Reg
istrar Clifford Constance yester
day. This is a decrease of four
per cent from the total at this
time last year of 1993 students.
The schools of journalism, phys
ical education, and home econom
ics showed an increase in attend
ance over last year, while the
other schools and colleges de
creased in enrollment.
Among the classes, the fresh
man was the only one to show a
boost in first week figures with
497 students registered, 12 per
cent more than in 1933. The grad
uate registration shows a decrease
of 22 per cent in enrollment at
this time.
Men have the greater drop from
last year with 66 fewer students,
while the women have only 10 less
“We have every expectation of
a registration of 1950 students
this term,” stated Constance yes
The final date for all registra
tion is Saturday noon, April 7, and
any students wishing to register
after that time can do so only by
special petition, said Constance.
Mitteiman Gets
Sum of $12,000
For Research
Oregon Idustrial Relief
Subject of Study
Projects Will Be Cornell Out in
Portland and Salem Under
University Professor
Dr. E. B. Mitteiman, associate
professor of business administra
tion at the University and tempo
rarily acting as statistician to the
relief administration, has received
$12,000 with which to make two
studies into the industrial back
ground of relief in the state of
Oregon. The field work is to be
done in the next two months
through a staff of 65 field 'work
ers, clerks and junior statisticians.
The analysis and writing is to be
done in the months to follow.
tOne study is located in Portland
and has for its purpose the deter
mination of the occupational and
(Continued on Page Two)
Gamma Alpha Clii
Dance to Feature
Fashion Parade
Men Must Bo Asked by Women;
Tickets Priced at 99c Per
Couple; Now on Sale
Members of Gamma Alpha Chi,
national women’s advertising hon
orary, will officially open the
term's social season when they
present their spring fashion dance
Saturday evening, April 7, at the
Kokonut. Grove. The dance is one
of’the two annual affairs'to which
women of the campus invite the
The fashion parade will feature
the latest in spring styles for all
occasions in a co-ed's life. Local
merchants whose costumes or ac
cessories will be demonstrated are
Bpard's, Barnhart’s, Densmore and
Leonard, McMorran and Wash
burn, Kramer’s Beauty Salon, and
the Campus Florist shop.
Caroline Card is general chair
man of the dance. Assisting her
are Nancy Suomela, models; Al
thea Peterson, retail showings;
Mary Lou Patrick, favors; Edith
Peterson Holmes, tickets; Mary
Teresi, fltJor arrangement; Velma
Hamilton, merchandise; Alice
Wedemeyer, programs; Caroline
Hahn, patrons and patronesses;
and Peggy Chessman, publicity.
Co-eds who will model at the
dance are Elizabeth Bendstrup,
Cynthia I. i 1 j e q v i s t, Virginia
Schultz, Ruth Byerly, Marion Vin
son, Jean Stevenson, Betty Graham,
Margaret DeYoung, Charlotte El
dridge Dav\s, Nancy Jeffries, Dor
othy Ann Clark, Irene Conkliug,
Peggy Reynolds, and Ida Mae Nich
Tickets for the affair, on sale in
each women’s living organization,
are 99 cents. Long infornmls will
be worn.
With Schedule of Admission Prices
A. S. U. O. Mem
Event Members bers
6 O. N. S.-Oregon baseball No Charge $ .40
13 Willamette-Oregon baseball ” ’’ .40
14 Frosh Glee " » ].oo
21 Linfield-Oregon baseball ” ” ao
27 Oregon State-Oregon baseball ” ” .40
28 Oregon State-Oregon track relays ” ” .40
2 Idaho-Oregon baseball ” ” ,40
3 Idaho-Oregon baseball ” ” .40
7 Washington State-Oregon baseball ” ” .40
8 Washington State-Oregon baseball ” ” .40
4 Willamette-Oregon tennis ” ” .40
9 Linfield-Oregon tennis ” ’’ .40
11 Washington-Oregon baseball ” ” .40
12 Washington-Oregon baseball ” ” .40
12 Oregon State-Oregon tennis ” ” .40
12 Washington-Oregon track ” ” .40
13 Polyphonic choir " ” .25
12 Water carnival ” ” .40
15 Willamette-Oregon tennis ” ” .40
18 O. S. C. rooks-Ore. frosh baseball ” ” .40
25 Frosh-rook dual track meet ” ” .40
26 Frosh-rook baseball ” ’’ .40
2 N. W. conference track meet $.40 $1.00
Senior Leap Week events No charge To be
set later
Events for Which no Admission Is Charged
7 Washington-Oregon golf
27 Columbia-Oregon golf
12 Oregon State-Oregon golf
30 Eugene Country Club-Oregon golf
21 A. W. S. Carnival
Events for Which Admission Is the Same to
Members and Non-Meml»ers
12 Canoe fete Gen. Adm. $.50, Res. Seats $.75
(Center section to be reserved for ASUO members)
11 Junior Prom $1.25 couple
Campaign for Membership
In ASUO to Begin Today;
Nearly Half Pay $5 Charge
Officials Make
Plans to Work
On New Basis
Doubt on Alteration of
Situation Felt
Spring Term Program to Continue
As Usual in Face of Loss
Of Expected $5000
istered in the University for spring
term are members of the A.S.U.O.
Figures released last night by J
O. Lindstrom, business manager
of the University, show that more
than half of those registering since
the beginning of the term have
chosen to take advantage of the
optional fee payment proclaimed by
placards at the cashier’s window.
These signs, which announced to
the student that the payment of
the $5 student body fee and the
50 cent class fee was entirely op
tional, were posted by the order of
the state higher board of educa
tion in accordance with an opinion
received from the attorney-gener
al regarding the legality of the
compulsory collection of fees. This
opinion, submitted on request of
the board, was written early in
March but was not made public
until a few days before the date
of registration. It affects all other
institutions of higher learning in
the state as well as the University.
It i3 possible that the board will
alter its decision at its regular
meeting scheduled for April 16.
Student body officials, however,
are doubtful of the possibility that
the board will reverse itself, and
are making plans to function un
der the present arrangements.
Already 100 students have re
canted their original failure to pay
student body fees and have paid
the additional $5 entitling them to
A.S.U.O. membership, according
to Tom Stoddard, assistant gradu
ate manager. Alpha Phi i3 the
only living group to report a 100
per cent membership to date, sub
mitting a $50 check last week to
cover the fees of those of its mem
bers who had not already paid.
While the structure of student
government at Oregon State col
lege has been imperiled by the ac
tion of the board, Hugh Rosson,
graduate manager of the A.S.U.O.,
announces that that organization
is financially able to meet the
strain on student funds. Despite
the fact that the ruling reprived
the Oregon student coffers of an
expected sum of approximately
$5000, the spring athletic program
and the publication of the Emer
ald and the Oregana will go on as
Low Number III
• Two students are patients of the
infirmary, Audrey Beymer and
Nan Smith.
Campus Calendar
IM»i Beta will meet this evening
at Gerlinger hall at 7j o’clock.
A. W. S. Carnival directorate
will meet today at 4 o'clock at the
College Side. All members are re
quested to be present.
Dill and Pickle club will hold
its weekly luncheon on the mill
race Wednesday noon.
All members of the Emerald
business staff please report to
Grant Thuemmel at the business
office in McArthur court at 4
Men’s frosh commission will
meet at the Y hut at 7:30 tonight.
Alpha Kappa Psi will hold an
important business meeting in the
men's lounge of Gerlinger hall at
7:30 tonight.
•Skull and Dagger meets tonight
at 7:30 in 101 journalism. Impor
Emerald Distribution
The Emerald will henceforth
be distributed only to members
of the associated students, and
to those non-members who wish
to subscribe at the regular rate
of 75 cents a term.
Emeralds will continue to be
delivered to living organiza
tions, but each paper will be
marked with the name of the
Every student who is not a
resident of a fraternity, soror
ity or dormitory will receive
his Emerald at the Co-op store,
upon showing of a student body
card or upon having his name
checked off the list of A. S. U.
O. members which will be kept
at the store. Individual issues
of the Emerald will be sold for
five cents.
Those students who are not
members of the A. S. U. O. may
receive the paper regularly by
purchasing membership in the
A. S. U. O. or by subscribing
to the Emerald at the business
office in McArthur court.
Tongue Explains
Position of ASUO
On Membership
Stauilent Administration Desires
Student Cooperation But
Will Not Beg; Support
Tom Tongue, president of the
associated students, last night
made clear the stand of that or
ganization regarding the ruling of
the state board that student body
fees be made opti'orial. His State
ment follows:
"Although the decision of the
attorney general in ruling that
the compulsory associated student
body fee is illegal raises many dif
ficulties, it. also presents an op
portunity to bring to the attention
of the students the value of their
membership privileges and the im
portance of the student activities.
Though the student administration
hopes to have the continued sup
port and cooperation of all stu
dents who believe in student gov
ernment and who wish to partici
pate in student, body activities, it
will attempt neither to force nor
to beg students who are not mem
bers to join the association.
"It will be necessary, however,
to draw a sharp line of distinction
between the privileges of those
students who are members and
those who are not members, for
it would not be fair to those who
have continued as loyal support
ers to allow non-members to take
advantage of the privileges which
they have made possible.”
Business Ad Graduate
Accepts Auditing Job
A position with the Project Aud
iting company of San Francisco
has been accepted by A. Truman
Selher of the business administra
tion school.
Sether has formerly been em
ployed as a teaching fellow in first
year accounting. He graduated
from the University of Oregon in
1931 and passed his certified pub
lic accountant’s examination last
Delbert Kimberling, who grad
uated last year and has been car
rying on graduate work, will take
Sether's place in the business ad
ministration school.
Allen, Rae Will Attend
Editorial Conference
Eric W. Allen, dean of the
school of journalism, and Arne G.
Rae, assistant professor of jour
nalism, will attend meetings of the
Oregon State Editorial association
and of the regional code authority
in Portland Saturday, April 7.
Dean Allen is a member of the
regional joint code authority, and
Rae is regional code administra
tion manager for the two divisions
of the publishing and printing in
dustry in Oregon.
Broadcasts Discontinued
The weekly news broadcasts by
Dean Eric W. Allen’s senior edit
ing class over KOAC will be dis
continued in accordance with an
agreement by the broadcasting
service, the Associated Press, and
the United Press.
Pledges to Be
Obtainable lor
Joining Group
Plans Made for Drive 1)V
Student Body Activities Available
On Promise to Pay Fee
As Installment
With the membership of the A.
S. U. O. cut to less than half its
usual size by the recent optional
fee payment ruling- of the state
board, student body officials were
busy yesterday completing plans
for an extensive campaign to se
cure additional members in the
student organization. A commit
tee, working in collaboration with
the graduate manager’s office,
has been appointed by Tom
Tongue, student body president,
and has been organizing the drive
to present to students the bene
fits of A. S. U. O. membership.
This group includes Tongue,
Neal Bush, Ralph Walstrom, Ralph
Schomp, Malcolm Bauer, Mary
golde Hardison, Bill Russell, Dean
Virgil D. Earl, and Tom Stoddard,
who represents the graduate man
ager'^ office.
Two objectives have been under
taken by the committee. One is
to organize a membership cam
paign, scheduled to start today;
the other is to draw a rigid line
between members and non-mem
Pledges Available
Those‘who tjicl not pay their
student body fee at the time of
registration can do so by signing
a promise to pay the $5 fee as an
installment on their regular reg
istration fees. The blanks on
which these pledges may be signed
will be available today in all cam
pus organizations. Upon signing
the agreement, a student will im
mediately be given privileges of
A. 8. U. O. membership, and will
need to make no cash payment
other than that specified in the
membership blank.
The other function of the com
mittee will be to illustrate the de
sirabilities of membership by en
forcing all restrictions on non
members. Only those who have
paid their $5 student body fees
will be allowed to take part in ac
tivities sponsored by the A. S.
U. O. To take part in class func
tions a student must have paid
both his $5 fee and the additional
50-cent class fee. Payment of the
(Continued on Paye Two)
Former Oregon Prof
Writes Book on Codes
“The Commerce Clause of the
United States Constitution,’’ a
book by Bernard C. Gavit, who
taught law at the University in
1928-29, has been recently received
by the law school library. Gavit is
now professor of law at the Uni
versity of Indiana.
The book is of particular inter
est at this time, since the power of
the recovery codes comes mainly
from the commerce clause. This
book considers cases which have
arisen under this clause.
Magazine Circulation
Starts at Old Library
New magazines may again be
taken out from the circulation
desk of the old library. For circu
lation, subscriptions have been
taken out for one copy each of the
Atlantic Monthly, Current History,
Good Housekeeping, Literary Di
gest, Nation, National Geographic,
New Republic, Saturday Review of
Literature, and Scribner's. They
may be taken out for two days.
Allen to Speak
Dean Eric W. Allen, of the
school of journalism, will speak to
the Oregon Trade and Class Jour
nal association in Corvallis Friday
evening on the N. R. A. code that
governs magazine publishers.