Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, March 03, 1934, Image 1

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    Grant LaFarge
To Talk Today
In Villard at 4
Illustrated Speech Free
To Public
‘It’s All a Matter of Taste’ Will
Be Discussed at Meeting by
Noted Architect
Christopher Grant LaFarge, of
ficial lecturer for the educational
committee of the American Insti
tute of. Architects and member of
a family famous for generations in
art citcles, will speak this after
noon at 4 o’clock in Villard hall
on “It’s All a Question of Taste.”
The noted architect, the postpone
ment of whose lecture for one day
was necessitated by storms in the
middle west wlpch delayed the
speaker, will illustrate his talk,
and the public is invited to attend.
The address is sponsored by the
University school of architecture
and LaFarge will be the guest of
honor at a banquet given by mem
bers of the school and others in
terested in his work, at the An
chorage this evening.
Speaker Noted Architect
LaFarge, chairman of the alum
ni committee of the school of ar
chitecture of Columbia university,
is noted for being the original ar
chitect of the Cathedral of St.
John the Divine in New York and
is also designer of the cathedral
in Seattle and in several other cit
ies in the United States.
He is the son of John LaFarge,
acknowledged to be one of the
foremost American painters, and
the brother of two other famous
artists, Bancel and Oliver H. P.
LaFarge. In addition, he has a son,
Oliver, and four nephews who are
noted for their artistic endeavors.
His brother, Oliver, is the author
of the classic “Laughing Boy,”
while his son also has many novels
published, and has won the O.
Henry award for short story writ
lecture f ree
Concerning C. Grant LaFarge’s
art work, James W. Lane writes in
the Commonweal magazine: “He
exhibits chiefly scenes or icono
graphy of American Indian life and
is noted also for his having de
signed St. Mathew’s church in
Washington. In his minute work
he has the spirit of an engraver
on armor or of a niellist, and how
his color glows!”
The lecture will be free of charge
and all students, faculty members
and townspeople interested are
asked to attend.
M. H. Douglass States
Library Schedule Will
Not Change for Exams
No change in library hours
for closed weekends and ex
amination weeks will be made.
M. H. Douglass, librarian,
said that students had not ex
pressed a desire for any exten
sion of hours and previous ex
perience does not warrant a
Emerald This Morning
Last Edition Published
For Present Semester
This morning's Emerald is
the last issue of the term. Rap
idly approaching examinations
force members of the staff to
take a “vacation” now.
Publication of the campus
daily will be resumed during
the spring term, with the first
edition appearing on Tuesday, .
April 3.
Men’s Education
Group to Initiate
Members Today
Phi Deita Kappa Honorary Elects
7 Students; Meeting Held
At 3 o’clock
Seven men will be initiated into
Phi Delta Kappa, men’s profes
sional educational fraternity, Sat
urday afternoon at 3 o’clock in
Gerlinger hall. These men are the
only students who will be elected
to membership this year.
The pledges are William J.
Bowerman, Lawrence Narschat,
Charles Wishard, Cornelius Bate
son, Albie L. Deck, Winfield At
kinson and Harry Keats Jr.
Usually members are chosen from
faculty members and graduate
Following the ceremonies in
Geriinger the fraternity will hold
a banquet at the Eugene hotel at
6:30 o’clock. Elam J. Anderson,
president of Linfield college, is the
principal speaker. President An
derson has held presidencies in
Chinese colleges for many years.
Candidates to Phi Delta Kappa
are elected upon the basis of
scholarship, interest in profes
sional activities and promise of
success in educational matters.
Women Debaters
Talk in South on
School Finances
Casteel Thinks Audiences in Large
Towns Favorable to Sales Tax;
But Villagers Opposed
"Audiences in southern Oregon
are favorable to the sales tax, but
to most of them the idea of saving
school money through educational
reorganization is a new one,” said
Prof. John- L. Casteel, head of the
speech department, upon his return
from a tour made last week by the
women’s debate team.
The speech professor based his
opinion upon his analysis of audi
ence reaction in the larger towns
visited by the women’s squad, and
contrasted the feeling in such cen
ters as Ashland and Medford to
that encountered by the men’s de
bate team in the smaller towns
where audiences were either “op
posed or suspicious of the sales
tax,” probably, Castel thinks, be
cause of the opinion of the state
grange upon the matter.
The women’s team spoke Sunday
evening before the forum of the
Congregational church of Ashland
on the subject of educational reor
ganization. The talk was followed
by an animated discussion. Mon
day morning they appeared at a
school assembly at Medford high
school, Monday afternoon at an as
sembly at Ashland high school
Monday night before a meeting of
the public and of Ashland school
teachers, and Tuesday morning at
(Continued on Page Two)
He 'Professes’ Business; but
Could He Run a Hash House
W. P. Riddlesbarger, assistant
professor of business administra
tion, will take over the manage
ment of the Anchorage next term
—at least that is the belief of Beth
Beal and Ruth Chilcote, secretar
ies of the school of business admin
Thursday afternoon Riddlesbar
ger had the two secretaries pre
pare a lengthy contract stipulating
just what wages should be paid
and how the property was to be
managed. After they had typed
through thirteen or fourteen claus
es involving financial terms, the
girls became genuinely worried
over the prospect of losing one of
their beloved professors.
When the time came to affix
their signatures to the fateful doc
ument, the two faithful secretaries
could hardly repress their tears.
“It seems a shame,” stated Miss
Chilcote “to do this after all your
years of study ”
“Oh,” grinned Riddlesbarger,
who had neglected to tell them
that it was only a class project but
let it go at that, “they just don't
pay me enough here.”
The joke has since been found
out, but Riddlesbarger has not as
yet been forgiven.
"It wouldn't have been so bad,”
mourned Miss Chilcote, “if he
hadn't come around the next morn
ing and offered me a job as a wait
i ress.”
Assembly Talk,
Banquet Slated
Public Meet in Gerlinger
Tuesday at 10
Students on Committee to Greet
Nationally-Known Visitor
• On Arrival Here
When Oswald Garrison Villard,
editor of the Nation, nationally
known writer and liberal, comes to
the University campus Monday for
a two-day stay, he will be warmly
greeted by students and faculty,
who not only know him for the
work he has done, but as the son
of Henry Villard, railroad builder
and benefactor of the University
when it was a struggling institu
tion back in 188.1.
Friends of Villard here have
pointed out that the journalist is
not given to pomp and show, so
the reception will in no way be of
a “brass band” affair, but will
make up in warmth and hospital
ity for what might be seized upon
as an occasion for a more elabor
ate greeting.
Dinner Scheduled
Upon arrival Villard will be met
at the train by a group of students
headed by Richard S. Near, Eu
gene, law student and senior man
on the executive council. Monday
evening a dinner, limited to 100!
students and a few faculty mem
bers, will be given in John Straub
Memorial hall. At this time
Wayne L. Morse, dean of the
school of law, himself a nationally
known liberal and formerly an as
sociate of the LaFollettes in Wis
consin, will welcome the visitor on
behalf of the faculty.
Richard Neuberger, editor of the
Emerald last year and the young
est contributor to Villard’s Nation,
will introduce the honor guest, who
will then talk informally. Wallace
J. Campbell, graduate assistant in
sociology, will be toastmaster, and
Stephen B. Kahn, Portland, is
chairman of arrangements.
Assembly Tuesday
Tuesday morning Villard will
meet with advanced journalism stu
dents for a discussion on modern
improvements in, the profession,
and on present world problems.
While Mr. Villard will talk, much
of the hour is expected to be de
voted to a round table discussion.
At 10 o’clock 'he will address in
(Continued on Page Tivo)
House to Publish
Merrick’s Story
Word was received here yester
day by Mrs. Anne Merrick, re
search assistant in the school of
fine arts, that a short story writ
ten by her and her husband,
Padriac Merrick, had been accept
ed for publication by the Meriwel
Publishing company of New York.
The story, entitled “Water Ba
bies,” is about “modern people in
a modern setting,” the authors
Mrs. Merrick majored in Eng
lish while in the University, and
Merrick, who is now one of the
editors of the Literary Monthly of
Portland, did graduate work in
this department here last year. He
is a graduate of Reed college.
The publishing house acts as
agent for several magazines, and
it has not yet been announced
which will publish the story.
Campus Calendar
Men’s debate squad will meet
Monday night at 7:30 in room 13
of Friendly hall.
Pi Lambda Theta will hold initi
ation and banquet next Thursday.
Initiation at Gerlinger hall at 6:13.
Banquet at the Marigold tea room
at 7 p. m., carge 45 cents. Mem
bers please get in touch with Miss
Swenson at local 336 before Tues
Phi Delta Kappa, men's educa
tional honorary, initiates at 3
p. m. in Gerlinger.
Annual Junior
Weekend Dated
From Mayll-13
Motif Built on Diamond
Anniversay of State
Plans Under Consideration for
V early Celebration on
Oregon Campus
Junior Weekend this year, sched
uled for May 11, 12, and 13, will
commemorate Oregon’s diamond
anniversary of statehood. The ad
vancement of the state from its
inception 75 years ago will form
the central motif after which the
many features of the weekend will
be patterned
With the appointment of Bill C.
Davis as general chairman, plans
for the annual celebration definite
ly got underway last night. Davis,
who will begin preparations im
mediately was appointed by
George Birnie, junior class presi
dent. He is a junior in pre-medics,
and during his two and a half
years in school has been outstand
ing in class activities. He is now
chairman of the A. S. U. O. speak
ers’ committee and a member of
the constitutional revision commit
tee. During his sophomore year
he was class president and a mem
ber of Skull and Dagger, under
class service honorary.
Confidence Felt M
"I have the utmost confidence in
Davis’ ability,” said Birnie last
night. "He has the industry, in
(Continued on Page Three)
English Miracle
Play to Be Given
In Guild Theater
The Brome “Abraham and
Isaac” will be presented Tuesday,
March 6, at 4 p. m., in Guild thea
ter under the direction of Ellen
Galey. This drama, one of the
most famous of old English mir
acle plays, is the story in graphic
form of Abraham’s obedience to
This is the last of the studio
plays to be given this quarter. All
the members of the play produc
tion class are assisting Miss Galey.
In charge of settings are Carl
Gross £.nd Joann Bond. The cos
tumes are being arranged by
Gladys Burns, Marian Pattullo,
Ida Markusen. Robert Dodge, Al
thea Peterson, and Dorothy Dyke
man are in charge of publicity.
The following characters take
part in the play: Abraham, Bob
Knapp; Isaac, Helen Veblen; God,
James Dcyle; the angel, Bill
Thienes; the doctor, Ted Karafo
As a prelude to the play, John
Spittle will sing several old Eng
lish songs. An old English mad
rigal, “The Silver Swan” by Or
lando Gibbons, will be rendered by
a quintet. !
Weekend Chairman
Above is Bill C. Davis, who was
appointed to the chairmanship of
Junior Weekend by George Birnie,
president of the junior class.
Chemist of Leper
Hospital to Speak
Here Next Week
Dr. H. I. Cole, Former Instructor
At University, to Come Under
Sigma Xi Auspices I
Dr. H. I. Cole, head of. the
chemistry research work at Culion
Leprosy Colony hospital in the
Philippine Islands, will speak on
the campus next week. Sigma Xi,
Science honorary, is Sponsoring the
The address will deal with mod
ern leprosy treatment, and the ef
fect of the leprosy situation on
society. It will be of especial in
terest to not only those interested
in the medical aspects of the dis
ease, but to those interested in
Dr. Cole was a former instructor
in the chemistry department of
the University. Twelve years ago
he accepted the position at the
Culion Leprosy Colony hospital
which is maintained by the United
States government.
Sigma Xi has held two other
public lectures during the school
year, by Louis F. Henderson, cura
tor of herbarium, and Dr. Roger
J. Williams of Oregon State.
Although previous lectures have
been held in room 103 Deady, the
definite time and place for the
adress have not been announced.
Tliunemann Will Speak
To Advertising Class
Karl F. Thunemann, advertising
manager of McMorran and Wash
burne, will speak to the general
advertising class on “Retail Ad
vertising” Wednesday afternoon,
March 7, at 3 o'clock and will give
awards to the winners of the an
nual class advertising contest.
Prizes of $10 and $5 will be giv
en for the best department store
advertisements on the subject,
“ ‘Easy’ Washing Machine.” The
contest is sponsored by McMorran
and Washburne store.
Skullduggery Brings Pathos;
So Crowds Hiss Sir Francis
A hero pure as the falling snow,
a villain black as the ace of spades,
a beautiful heroine persecuted and
misled, and drama that will make;
you weep copiously—such is "East|
Lynne," the five act melodrama
being presented this week at the
Very Little theater. Tonight’s
performance is tha last to be pre
All the elements that go to
make up good, heartrending melo
drama are ingredients in this story
of the charming Lady Isabel Vane'
who, suffering the fierce pangs of
jealousy, flees from the protecting
arms of her innocent husband into
those of the scheming, debasing
Sir Francis Levison, leaving behind
her a heartbroken husband, two
children of a tender age, and a
beautiful home.
She encounters the cruelties of
the world and the disillusionment
of discovering that Sir Francis is
a vile, murderous rogue. Broken
in body and in spirit, she returns
to East Lynne, where she had come
first as a happy bride, now seek
ing employment as a nurse to her
own children. She is torn between
the desire to see her offspring and
husband, and the knowledge that
she will have to live in the very
house with Barbara Hare, the
“other woman,” who has usurped
her place as wife and mother. The
climax comes when her son, little
William, dies, and she, his own
mother, cannot reveal to him that
she is his parent until it is too
The fact that she must stand
aside while her husband mingles
his grief with the shallow tears of
Barbara Hare almost kills her.
Soon after, she is stricken ill, and
on her death bed summons Archi
bald to her. In words of true re
pentance, she begs him to forgive
(Continued on Page Three)
Offers Contest
During Spring
Living Organizations to
Compete for Prizes
Merchants Make Contributions to
Support rtf Rivalry to
Start April 10
A radio contest among the living
organizations is scheduled for
spring term. It is to be sponsored
by the Emerald-of-the-Air. Cam
pus talent of various and sundry
forms will be given an opportunity
to compete for a first prize of $50
to be presented to the house or
hall which submits the best entry.
The first prize will go to either
the men’s or women's group that
takes first place, and a second of
a silver loving cup will go to the
opposite group as a first award.
For the best individual perform
ance, another loving cup will be
Program Type Unlimited
The type of program will not be
limited to any definite class of en
tertainment. Anything from a
dramatic monologue to a bar-room
quartet may be entered. Each per
formance must be a half-hour in
length, and must be in unbroken
continuity, states George Callas,
radio editor of the Emerald and di
• rector of the Emerald-of-the-Air.
The contest will begin about
April 10, and entries must be
filed during the remainder of this
( Cop tinned on Page Three)
Choir to Give Concert
At O.S.C. Sunday at 3
Members of the University Pol
yphonic choir will offer a vocal
concert in conjunction with the
Oregon State choir tomorrow at 3
p. m. in the old women’s gym on
the Corvallis campus.
Forty Oregon students will leave
here by bus at 1:30 tomorrow.
Paul Petri, professor of voice and
conductor of both the Oregon and
Oregon State choruses, will wield
the baton at the concert.
Examination Schedule
Monday, March 12
8-10 10 MWF classes.
10-12 Physical science survey;
elementary psychology labora
1- 3—10 TuThS classes.
3- 5—4 MTuWThF classes.
Tuesday, March 13
8-10—11 MWF classes.
10-12—First - year, second - year,
third-year French.
1- 3—11 TuThS classes.
3- 5—Physical education activity
Wednesday, March 14
8-10 8 MWF classes.
10-12 Constructive account i n g ;
French composition and conver
1-3 8 TuThS classes.
3-5 1 MTuWThF classes.
Thursday, March 15
8-10 2 MWF classes.
10-12 Corrective English; Eng
lish composition; business Eng
1- 3—2 TuTh classes.
3- 5—General hygiene for wo
Friday, March 10
8-10 - 9 MWF1 classes.
10-12 Background of social sci
ence; elements ofi sociology.
1-3 9 TuThS classes.
3- 5 3 MTuWThF classes.
The MWF group includes classes
meeting on any two of those days,
or for any four or five days per
week. The TuThS group includes
classes meeting on three or any
two of those days only All classes
at 1, 3, or 4 o'clock meet at the
times indicated. Examinations
scheduled by subjects take prece
dence over those scheduled by hour
of class meetings. Examinations
are held in the regular classroom
unless otherwise announced; in
structors may be consulted about
conflicts. No examination is to be
given before the regularly sched
uled time, according to faculty
Oregon Hoopsters
Smite Orangemen
By Score of 33-25
Ducks Hold 18-6 Lead at End of Half in
Game at Igloo; Willie Jones Leads
Scorers With 13
The University of Oregon Wcbfoots continued their trip on the
comeback trail Iasi night and rolled into second place of the northern
division as they won handily from the Beavers, 33 to 25. The Orange
men thus drop out of their tie with the Ducks and take the third posi
tion, with a chance tonight for a final tie with Oregon.
Not the close, smashing, spectacular battle that has characterized
the meetings of these two teams in the past, last night’s tilt never
theless showed Oregon at her best, for whom the Beavers were no
match. Webfoot fans were enthusiastic about the result of the con
test but were a bit disappointed at the lack of color.
Oregon drew first blood and continued all through the game to
be the aggressor. From the time the score was tied at 2-a,ll after a
minute of play, Oregon State was constantly on the short end of the
Members Named
On Group to Give
ROTC Exemption
Spencer, Schumacher, Stillman,
(Jrumbuker, Clark, Barker,
Calavan Included
Personnel of the Committee on
Military Education, which was es
tablished at the faculty meeting
last month to grant student ex
emptions from R. O. T. C. work on
the campus, was announced yes
The group consists of seven
members, including five selected
by President C. V. Boyer, one
named by A. S. U. O. President
Tom Tongue, and the professor of
military science and tactics.
Boyer’s five choices were Carl
ton E. Spencer, professor of law;
Waldo Schumacher, professor of
political science; A. B. Stillman,
assistant professor of business ad
ministration; Calvin Crumbaker,
professor of economics; and Dan
E. Clark, professor of history.
Tongue appointed Corwin Cala
van, second-year law student, to
the committee. The seventh mem
ber of the group is F. A. Barker,
professor of military science and
Strayed Articles Wait
Identification at Depot
Several items in the lost-and
found department at the Univer
sity depot await identification, re
ports A. H. Tyson, mailing clerk.
They include a watch, two foun
tain pens, a woman’s pocketbook,
a key container, a jack-knife, van
ity case, several rings, bracelets,
other ornaments, 12 pairs of wo
men’s gloves, two pairs of glasses,
five mufflers, a wool cap, a wo
man’s belt, a rubber cape, trench
coat, slicker, topcoat, and two um
Fourteen textbooks are included
in the collection at the depot.
►cij|unt. A rally in the second half
failed to overtake Oregon’s tre
mendous lead, mostly gained in
the first half, which ended 18 to
6 for the Webfoots.
Oregon State started the game
minus the services of two veteran
first-stringers. Skeet O'Connell,
Beaver captain and forward, was
held out at the start on account
of a wrenched ankle, but was
rushed into the fray by Coach
Slats Gill in the closing minutes
| of the first period. Carl Lench
i itsky, husky gua»d, who has
played regularly this season and
I last, was confined to the bench
during the entire game for some
unaccountable reason.
Contest Clean
The game was clean compared
to games between the two Oregon
teams in the past, and Referee
Jimmie Mitchell and Umpire
Dwight Adams were lenient, only
calling 16 fouls, 10 on Oregon and
6 on Oregon State.
The Webfoots played the best
ball witnessed here this season as
they pierced the Orange defense
during the first half almost at
will. After only eight minutes
had gone, the Ducks held a 10-to-3
advantage, and increased their
lead to 18 to 4 in six more min
Both teams slowed down very
noticeably from then until the
rest period. Two conversions by
lO’Cpnnell were the only scoring to
[ interrupt the otherwise uneventful
floor play.
Kidder Opens Scoring
The second half was ushered in
<Continued on Page Four)
Tickets for Corvallis
Game Tonight on Salei
In McArthur Till Noon
Tickets for tonight’s Oregon
Oregon State basketball game
in Corvallis are on sale today
until noon at the graduate man
ager’s office in McArthur court.
The seats, numbering 75, are
in an Oregon section and are
selling for 40 cents each.
'Twas a Worthless Old Tree,
Fit for Naught but Fire wood
‘‘Oh, woodsmen,” quoted senti
mental passersby, “spare that
If the choppers ceased their
chopping, it was to pick up a saw
instead, and now the old cherry
tree that graced the president’s
lawn for more years than anyone
on the campus seems to remember,
is no more.
It had become, said D. L. Lewis,
superintendent of buildings and
grounds, a nuisance. “Its blos
soms,” he admitted, "were pretty,
but the fruit was worthless. Last
year we could not even give the
cherries away. Instead, they be
came fully ripe and dropped onto
the sidewalk, where they were a
slippery mess, unsightly and dan
gerous to pedestrians.”
Asked if the wood could not be
used to build furniture, possibly
| for the president's house, Lewis
replied that to season it properly
would be more trouble than the
wood was worth—it grew too fast
in Oregon to be as hard and fine
grained as cherry wood should be.
It was given, he said, to a neigh
boring householder for fuel.
When a log burns in a firepqlace,
there are those who see in its danc
ing flames the sunlight of other
years, imprisoned through sunny
hours, and released at last to
mount heavenward, from whence
it came. Perhaps the householder
who burns it will be a sentimental
ist, and will see, too, in the fire
light, a vision of the old tree grow
ing again at the gates of Valhalla,
I to please with more fragrant
blooms and sweeter fruit than it
bore on earth, the warriors who,
like itself, have found peace and
sanctuary there.