VOLUME XXXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, MARCH 2, 1934 NUMBER 85 Oregon, O.S.C. Vie Tonight for Second Place Game in Igloo to Start At 7:30 P. M. WEBFOOTS FAVORED Olinger, Kobertson, Watts, Klinkle To Make Last Appearance In McArthur Court Ey BILL EBERHART The climax of the current bas ketball season as far as the Ore gon campus is concerned will come off tonight in McArthur court when the Webfoots meet the Ore gon State Beavers to fight out their tie for second place of the Pacific Coast conference northern division. The game starts at 7:30. Although tonight’s battle is only one of a two-game series, it never theless comes in for the big share of emphasis. The winner of to night’s tilt can do no worse than tie for second place when the shouting is over. If the series is split, the two teams will still be in a tie, at exactly the .500 mark. Ducks Favored Everything else being about equal, the location of the game this evening on the Ducks’ home floor gives them the advantage, and they will go on the floor as the favorites. The season’s rec ords cast no light of favoritism on either team. The Orangemen showed superior strength by dumping the Huskies for two games, but the Webfoots evened the count by taking Idaho four straight, while the best Oregon State could do with the Vandals was to divide the four-game se ries. Oregon s Bill Keinhart has sent his boys through their paces this week with special concentration upon offense. With Oregon State being the only team in the con ference that U3es a zone defense, every series with the Beavers is preceded by days of intensive work on an attack that will pierce the most vulnerable spot in the de fensive system taught by Coach Slats Gill. Four Finish Careers Four Oregon stalwarts will fin ish up their college basketball ca reer before home fans tonight. Captain Gib Olinger and Jack “Spook” Robertson are two three year veterans who will perform before local rooters for the last time. These men formed the nu cleus of this year’s team and were the only players on the first string with more than a year’s varsity experience. Both were named on the Associated Press all-northern division selections announced last night from Seattle. A man we inadvertently omit ted from a story the other day is Jim Watts, who also finishes his three years of conference compe tition this season and who will re tire from college play along with Robertson and Olinger. After two years as a regular, Jim got off to a bad start this year with a fractured cheek-bone sustained in a pre-season practice session that kept him out of the picture for a month. But Jim has been playing more lately and will probably be seen in action tonight. Ed Kunkle, (Continued on Page Three) Tickets for U of 0-0SC Game at Corvallis Will Be on Sale Tomorroic A limited number of tickets for the Oregon-Oregon State basketball game to be played in Corvallis, tomorrow night ‘ will be on sale between the hours of 8 a. m. and 12 noon to morrow in the graduate mana ger’s office. The price of student tickets is 40 cents. Better se^ts may be obtained by buying tickets here, rather than in Corvallis. 309 Register for Correspondence Courses of CWA Written English Is Most Popular Field With Enrollment of 69; Short Story Next Miss Mozelle Hair, head of the correspondence study department of the extension division an nounced the registration of 309 students in the Civil Works pro jects in education correspondence courses. Written English is by far the most popular field, 69 having enrolled in fundamentals of Eng lish and 65 in preparation for short story writing. Elements of geology has 16 reg istrations and 15 have signed for commercial arithmetic. Methods of influencing human behavior, ele mentary accounting and Oregon birds have 15, 14, and 13 regis tered, respectively. Modern novel has 11 enrolled and other courses range from 9 to 1. Papers have been coming in quite regularly, especially in Eng lish according to Miss Hair. The students come from Oregon only and range from all parts of the state. A large percentage have en rolled from rural districts, and the majority are high school gradu ates who cannot go on to college. Students Able to Continue Year’s - Subjects by Mail Arrangements for Courses Can Be Made Before Students Leave for Home Courses are available through the correspondence department of the extension division for students who aye unable to continue their spring term’s work, according to an announcement yesterday by Mozelle Hair, head of that depart ment. Miss Hair explained that a great many of the three term courses such as psychology, English, eco nomics, history, physics, social science and sociology and also many of the survey courses are in cluded in the correspondence stud ies. A student who has had the two preceding terms’ worji may finish up that course through the correspondence work. This plan will enable many stu dents to complete enough work to graduate with their classes even though they have been out one term. Fees are paid for each course separately and the student may take as maiiy as he desires al though the department does not recommend more than two cours es at once. Miss Hair suggested that stu dents interested in the plan call at her office which is located in the extension division on the top floor of the home economics building. Arrangements can be made for correspondence work before leav ing school this term. Flowers, Shrubbery Bloom Six Weeks Early on Campus Evidently the flowers on the campus are not going to be beaten by Easter’s early debut, and with the aid of winter’s warmness, the plants and shrubbery have adorned themselves with their new spring wear. Each family is wearing the same colors with the same fra grance as was worn by that fam ily last year, though appearing about six weeks earlier. The dispensary takes great pleasure in introducing the Jap anese plumb tree, wearing a beau tiful frock of mixed pink and white blossoms. This tree is one of the first on the campus each year to blossom. Next, Hello Walk proudly pre sents the two lovely sisters Man nolia Soulanaiana, more com monly called Silver Magnolia, with their pinkish gowns towering above the delicate Japanese Spi rea or Spirea Thunbergii, a tiny bush with white blossoms. These flowers are also found in front of Dr. W. J. Kerr's home, the John Straub Memorial building, McAr thur court, and various other places on the campus. “The Pioneer” boastfully ex tends “Old Man Oregon’s” own, the Oregon grape, displaying its yellow blossoms. The Japanese quince, being con nected with no particular build ing, blushingly speaks for itself between the art building and the Journalism building, dressed in its \ red cloak. Forsythia, commonly called ; golden bell, will gladly show her new spring wear if one visits he at the sunken garden south of Su san Campbell hall, the old library, or Villard hall. I To those who are turning to matrimony. Miss Spirea Pruifolia will proudly exhibit the original bridal wreath, and if she is visited at the shrubbery south of the j health service, one will recognize I (Continued on Page Three) First Place in ContestTaken By Thompson Hartfiel, Bennett Win Jewett Prizes Also TOPIC ON EDUCATION Awards of $15, $10, $5 Gained By Successful Extempore Speech Competitors Orval Thompson, junior in law, placed first in the W. F. Jewett extempore speaking contest, which was held last night in Friendly hall, on the subject of “What Place Will Adult Education Have in Tomor row’s Educational Program?" Sec ond prize was won by Thomas Hartfiel, first year law student, who discussed the topic of “Can the School Be Used to Build a New Social Order?”, George Bennett, senior in political science, whose subject was, “Who Will Go to School in the Future?” won third prize. Other speakers and subjects were: Howard Ohmart, “What Place Will ‘Extra-Curricular Ac tivities’ Occupy in Tomorrow’s Ed ucational Program?”; Jay Wilson, “Who Shall Control the Schools To morrow?”; Pauline George, “Edu cation and Tomorrow’s Leisure Time”; Winfield Atkinson, “Who Shall Be the Teacher of Tomor row?”; and George Teltoft, “How Will the School System of Tomor row Be Organized?” Education General Subject The general subject was “Whith er American Education,’’ which in cluded all phases of recent devel opments in elementary, secondary, and college education in the Unit ed States; the effect of the de pression upon the status of edu catioh; new experiments and move ments in this field, and its relation to modern society. Speakers drew in turn for sub topics one hour before the time of the appearance of each one on the platform. Drawings were made from a list of 12 subtopics, which were prepared by N. L. Bossing of the school of education. Each contestant drew three topics and returned the two he wished to re ject. Speeches were then given without the use of notes. The length was limited to not less than eight or more than ten minutes. Prizes Presented Judges were Henry Pettit, in structor in English; Wendell Van Loan, principal of the Roosevelt junior high school; and John L. rCasteel of the speech department;. No specific basis for judgment was prescribed. It was understood that the speakers had made general preparation in the field and would narrow their information to the subtopic drawn. Adequacy of this information and its relevance to the subtopic were important con siderations. Directness in commu nication, clarity in organization, and ability to interest the audience were considered in judgment. Prizes were $15, $10, and $5. The speaker who is to represent the University in the state contest March 9 will be selected from among the winners. Term’s Last Late Dates To Be Granted Tonight Tonight is the last chance for Oregon students to date late this term. The deadline will be set at 10:30 tomorrow night except for those girls who attend the basket ball game at Corvallis and obtain sign out slips for that purpose. Next weekend will be closed be cause of the proximity of winter term examinations. Attention is called to the regula tions of the University which pro hibits girl students from riding in a car other than her own during vacation without permission of her parents. Do You Want to Keep Your Dollar? Return Missing Rooters’ Lid One dollar will be missing from the deposit of each of 430 students next term if rooters’ lids charged to these students before the Oregon-Oregon State game last fall are not returned to the graduate manager's of fice before March 15. At the present time only about 70 of the lids have been returned of the 500 that were issued last fall. March 10 Set as Date For Last W ithdrawals From Term’s Courses The last date for withdrawal from courses in which a passing grade has been earned will be Saturday morning, March 10, it was announced yesterday from the registrar's office in Johnson hall. Only those students who have attained D grades or higher will be permitted to drop any course. Jewell Appointed Oregon Delegate To Regional Meet Northwest Planning Conference To Lay Out Permanent Reconstruction J. R. Jewell, dean of education at Oregon State college and the University of Oregon, has received an appointment from Washington, D. C., to serve on the Northwest Regional Planning conference as one of the two representatives from Oregon. Charles A. Howard, state superintendent of public in struction, is the other Oregon rep resentative. A committee of two representa tives in education from each of the four northwestern states, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Montana is the plan under which Dean Jew ell will work. The president of the committee is Dr. N. D. Shoalwa ter, state superintendent of schools in the state of Washington. Dean Jewell will go to Salem to morrow for a conference in the of fice of the state superintendent with a few educational leaders of the state."* They will make sure that the; Oregon plan is a definite one in preparation for the larger conference. “Oregon's needs are peculiar due to the peculiar laws of the state,” Dean Jewell said. On Sunday the education com mittee will have a preliminary con ference in Portland to get the edu cational needs shaped up before the general conference. rne general JNortnwest .Regional Planning conference will include representatives of school boards, parent-teacher associations, cham bers of commerce and such other people, who are interested in the improvement of their communities not from an industrial standpoint. Such measures as have already been taken under the N. R. A. have been only temporary, but the new plan would strive to make permanent improvements. The general conference will meet at the Multnomah hotel in Portland on March 5, 6 and 7. Such men as Dean J. H. Gilbert of the college of social science and P. A. Parsons of the sociology de partment will attend the confer ence. Dean Jewell pointed out the ex ample of the men who are work ing in the C. C. C. camps, but who might better be attending the University of Oregon. Roads which run by closed schools have been improved in order to give men work, when teachers might have been employed in the school house. Men are receiving 70 cents an hour for doing rather unneces sary work while teachers receive 40 cents an hour. “What is the democracy going t,o do about localities or sections of our country where schools have actually had to be closed?’’ Jewell asked. The conference is for the pur pose of planning what shall be done in the way of permanent re construction rather than in tem porary measures under the N. R. A. Campus Calendar Men’s debate squad meets Sat urday evening at 7:30 in Friendly hall, room 13. Last year’s Junior Weekend di rectorate will not have their pic tures taken today. Prose, Poetry, and Drama group will meet in the A. W. S. room in Mary Spiller hall today at 4 as previously planned. The ad dress by C. Grant La Farge in Villard has been postponed. Social swim this evening at 7:3( in women’s swimming pool foi men and women. Suits and towels furnished. Admission free. Orides will meet Monday in wo men’s lounge of Gerlinger hall ai 7:30. Election of officers will tak< place. Please bring dues. Second-year law students wil ! have pictures taken today a 112:40 in front of the main entranci j to the law school. Cosmopolitan club will hold ; ! special meeting Monday, March 5 | at Westminster house, at 7:3C Masked Dance Final Campus Event of Term Ball Slated in Gerlinger For Tonight MASKS NECESSARY Oregon State Students Invited; Late Permission Granted For Last Time The Masked Ball, sponsored by the Associated Women Students, which is to be held tonight, is the last all-campus dance this term, and also the last chance for dating privileges, 12:15 permission being granted by the administration. The dance will be in Gerlinger hall fol lowing tfie Oregon-Oregon State, basketball game, taking the form of a “victory" dance. Art Hol man's 10-piece orchestra will fur nish the music. Masks and tickets are the only requirements for admittance. If these have not already been ob tained at the various living organ izations, they may be procured at the door. Tickets are 50 cents, and either black or white masks are 5 cents. There will be no checking fee. Dance Informal “Show the Corvallis visitors that we support social functions as well as games!" declared Virginia Hart je, general chairman. She empha sized the informality of the affair, urging the students to wear cam pus clothes and come as they are after the basketball game. Jack Hammond, tricky tap dance; Ned Simpson, crooner of overnight fame; and Louisa Perry, popular blues singer, will be the features of the evening. O.S.C. Students Invited All Oregon State students and faculty members have been invited to attend the dance. Special invi tations have been issued to Dean Jamieson, members of Mortar Board, and Talons, sophomore wo men’s service honorary. Due to previous arrangements a large number of Corvallis people are ex pected to stay over for the dance. Members of the directorate in charge of the ball are as follows: Virginia Hartje, chairman; Adele Sheehy, assistant chairman; Peg gy Chessman, secretary; Cather ine Coleman, tickets and masks; Elizabeth Bendstrup, patron and patronesses; Reva Herns, decora tions; Marie Saccomanno, music; Ann-Reed Burns, features; Roberta Moody, publicity; Elinor Steven son, programs; Eleanor Coombe, refreshments. Lumber Export Is Discussion Topic Of Trade Classes L. J. Wentworth, Ross McKenna, Lumbermen, Lead Talk At Dinner Also Lumber exporting- in general was the topic of a discussion led by L. J. Wentworth and Ross Mc Kenna, prominent lumbermen, be fore classes in foreign trade yes terday afternoon and Pan Xenia foreign trade honorary, at a din ner Wednesday. Wentworth is the Portland man ager of the Douglas Fir Export and Exploitation company of the Pacific coast, which is the largest organization in the United State.1 marketing U. S. lumber in foreigr markets. The company is a com bination of nearly all mills manu facturing Douglas fir for export on the Pacific coast. It allots or ders to the different mills in pro portion to the capacity, as mutual ly agreed upon. It cooperates will individual exporters and is a non profit organization. Wentworth pointed out thai though the Ottawa Conference 01 1932 had materially reduced U. S exports to England and all BritisI possessions, it would not be Ion* before the various signators of th< agreement would be breaking awa; due to the fact that the ones wh< are following it to the strict let ter of the law, namely Canada am Australia, are not receiving recip rocal treatment from the other and consequently will not continue I their preference to British sub jects if such a situation continues j One significant fact brought ou in the discussion was that durinj the last six months both German; i and Japan have been buying fin , hard woods in sizes useful only fo . gun stocks, wagon wheels, etc. Examinations For Term Will Start March 12 Schedule Released for Publication LAST DAY MARCH 16 Listing Similar to Fall Quarter; Final Approval Given By Committee Winter term examination sched ule was released yesterday by Clif ford L. Constance, assistant regis trar, and except for some changes in the days of the week exams are being given, the list is much the same as that of last term. The examinations will commence Monday, March 12, and will con tinue until Friday, March 16. Final approval was given the list by the catalog and schedule committee yesterday. The schedule follows: Monday, March 12 8-10—10 MWF classes. 10-12—Physical Science Survey; Elementary psychology labora tory. 1- 3—10 TuThS classes. 3- 5—4 MTuWThF classes. Tuesday, March 13 8-10 MWF classes. • 10-12 -First - year, second - year, third-year French. 1- 3—11 TuThS classes. 3- 5 Physical education activity courses. Wednesday, March 14 8-10—8 MWF classes. 10-12 Constructive account i n g ; French composition and conver sation. 1- 3 8 TuThS classes. 3- 5—1 MTuWThF - classes. Thursday, March 15 8-10 -2 MWF classes. 10-12—Corrective English; Eng lish composition; business Eng glish. 1- 3—2 TuTh classes. 3- 5—General hygiene for wo women. Friday, March 16 8-10—9 MWF classes. 10-12—Background of social sci ence; elements oil sociology. 1- 3—9 TuThS classes. 3- 5—3 MTuWThF classes. The MWF group includes classes meeting on any two of those days, or for any four or five days per week. The TuThS group includes classes meeting on three or any two of those days only All classes at 1, 3, or 4 o’clock meet at the times indicated. Examinations scheduled by subjects take prece dence over those scheduled by hour of class meetings. Examinations are held in the regular classroom unless otherwise announced; in structors may be consulted about conflicts. No examination is to be given before the regularly sched uled time, according to faculty regulations. Pi Mu Alpha Will Conduct Smoker All men students on the campus who are interested in music will be invited to a Phi Mu Alpha smoker to be held in the music building late this Jerm. Prominent members of Sinfonia, including Roy Bryson, professor of voice, and Delbert Moore, director of music .in Eugene public schools, will assist in providing entertain ment. Jimmy Morrison, recently ap appointed general chairman for the presentation of 15-minute Phi Mu Alpha radio programs in con junction with the Emerald-of-the Air, stated yesterday that the programs will not be restricted en tirely to classical music, but will include the various phases in the development of American jazz. r Students With Housing Permits Asked to See Mrs. Macduff at Once ! Students living off the cam r pus by special permission are i requested to see Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean of wo I men, in Johnson hall before the end of the term to arrange for i their housing next term. : This includes all men and women students not living at a fraternity, sorority, the dormi L tories or with their parents, r Off-campus students who have ' yet to make arrangements for s spring term are asked to do so r at once. 1 LaFarge Is Detained; If ill Deliver Talk Here In Villard on Saturday C. Grant LaFarge, noted ar chitect, who was supposed to arrive here today and deliver a speech this afternoon in Villard hall, has been detained, but will be here Saturday. He will deliv er his talk on Saturday in Vil lard at 4. and the banquet to be given in his honor will be given at the/ same time planned, Sat urday at the Anchorage. LaFarge is the official lectur er for the educational commit tee for the American Institute or Architects, and chairman of the alumni committee of the school of architects of Columbia university. Four or five Oregon State art students are planning to come to the University for the ban quet, and also to see the art work done here. War Would Slow Trade of World, Morris Believes Dispute Between Russia and Japan Is Declared Threatening To Commerce The world’s trade and industry would be set a long way back in the event of a war between Rus sia and Japan was the belief of Victor P. Morris, professor of eco nomics, as expressed in an address before Alpha Kappa Psi, national business administration fraternity, at a luncheon yesterday noon. Morris spoke on the "Trade Ef fects of a War Between Russia and Japan." In one way, he maintained, we could make' considerable money through the sale of arms and mu nitions; but this is a very short sighted policy. Payments for these munitions would doubtless be very hard to collect if at all. "The permanent growth of in dustry and commerce depends on the1 maintenance of peace, law and order,” stated Morris. Business Group Asks Suggestions A questionnaire suggesting va rious changes in the constitution of the national business adminis tration honorary, Beta Gamma Sigma, of which Dr. Bond, profes sor of business administration, is president at the University of Ore gon chapter, has been sent out to all the chapters for their sugges tions and approval. The questionnaire was compiled by a special constitution commit tee, of which Professor E. W. Hills of University of Iowa apted as chairman. The points of dispute were over eligibility, ritual, keys, fees, and basis for selection. Beta Gamma Sigma has a membership of over 6,000. 196Studentsto Jobs Here For CWA Relief Entire Appropriation to Be Employed WORK THIS MONTH Average Salary of $15 Planned, With Hourly Kate of 35 Cents as Basis CWA relief work will be given to 196 students of the University, it was learned by administrative officials here yesterday. These students will be employed during March at an average salary of $15, with the maximum set at $20 and the minimum at $10, on the basis of an hourly wage of 35 cents, stat ed E. M. Pallett, registrar of the University, last night. The University will be allowed to offer work to the entire num ber of 196 students for whom ap plications were sent to CWA head quarters in Portland. This situa tion represents an alteration of the original plan to give jobs to ap proximately 150 students, with 25 per cent of the appropriation to be saved for those entering during spring term. A committee appointed by Pres ident C. V. Boyer has been at work during the past two weeks, receiv ing and rating projects and se lecting the most needy students. Approximately 100 students have been assigned work on the campus, and notices should reach them and their departments by tomorrow, Pallett said. The committee expects to con tinue to the first of next week un til all of the 19fi positions—115 to go to men and 81 to coeds—are as signed. Pallet! emphasized the fact that the delay in announcing the list of all accepted applicants should not worry students because the maxi mum number of hours allowed per month is 57, while the average al lotted will be 42. Students have been and will be selected on the basis of absolute financial need to remain in school and maintenance of a good scho lastic standing from among those who had previously turned in ap plications to the University em ployment bureau. Members of the committee as signing CWA work include Pallett, who is chairman of the group; Miss Anna Thompson, assistant professor of Romance languages; A. B. Stillman, assistant professor of business administration; Virgil D. Earl, dean of men; Karl W. On thank, dean of personnel; and J. O. Lindstrom, business manager of the University. Miss Janet Smith, eemployment secretary, is acting as adviser. Do You Want to Play Beano, Roulette? Come to Carnival Beano, hit-the-nigger-baby, rou lette, take-a-chance, and all the other games native to Agua Cal iente or Monte Carlo will be fea tured at the A.W.S. carnival March 31, with each game in a separate booth, managed by a man’s and a woman's living organization. The A. W. S. will be in charge of the booth selling food. The en tertainment for the booths of the living organizations, which was tentatively arranged at a meeting yesterday afternoon, will be def initely announced tomorrow, ac cording to Gail McCredie, chair man of booths. The living organizations in charge of the booth which is judged the most successful will re ceive a silver cup. Judging will be done on the basis of decorations and money made. Aside from the booths, entertain ment at the carnival will consist of raffles, special features, and continuous dancing in a specially roped-off section, with Art Hol man’s orchestra playing. Prizes for the raffles have been donated by Eugene merchants, and will be displayed in the Co-op dur ing the first week of spring term. The following merchants have donated prizes: Willamette Street Market, Jordan’s Magazine Ex change, Lightning Service, Ernie Patterson, 11th and Willamette Service Station, Eugene Printing Co., Montgomery Ward, Castelle & Stocker, Smartt’s, Gordon’s, Barnhardt’s, Coe’s, Lubjord’s Beard’s, Kennell-Ellis, Lerner’s, Blister Brown, Skeie’s, Oregon Shoe Shine, Rex Theater, Rex Shoe Shine, Malt Milk Shop. University Florist, Underwood and Elliot’s, Rowland’s, Gosser’s, College Booterie, Breior’s, Sey mour’s, Sigwart Electri" Co., Ap plegate Furniture, Waldorf Paint Co., Electric Cleaners, DeNeffe’s, Densmore-Leonard, Perlich’s Food Market, Thu Music Box, Valley Printing Co. Eugene Shoe Repairing, McMor ran’s, Public Market, Irvin and Ir vin, Ray Marlatt, Standard Oil, Oregon Pharmacy, Eat Shop, Col lege Flower Shop, Campus Shoe Shine, Campus Shoe Shop, Campys Barber Shop, Walora, College Side, Taylor’s, Anchorage, University Grocery. Electric Toasting Shop, Green Parrot, Tree-Top, Oregon Service Station, Mrs. Conkey Grocery, Mc Gintry’s, Quackenbush, Irish Cash, New Dress & Coat, Chase Gar dens, Purity Drug, Oriental Art Shop, Broadway, Laraway’s, Pres ton & Hales, Eric Merrill, Gilbert Shoe Co., Tiffany Davis, City Bar ber Shop, Babb’s Hardware, Wade Bros. Eugene Hardware, Cressey’s, Tollman’s Army & Navy, Martin’s, Pressman’s, O’Brien Furniture, Red Cross Drugs, Western Auto Supply, Carl Baker, Bristow’s, Me Cready’s, Supercurline, Kuyken dall’s, Graham's, Violin & Basket, State Theater, Koke Chapman, Ru benstein, Jurgeiss Grocery, Natron Printing, Hendershott’s, Corson’s, ’White Electric, and Western Thrift.