Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 27, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    v Liquor Act Is
Planned for
All-State Use
Closed Hours Set From
1 A. M. to 6 A. M.
Provisions Are Made for Selling
Alcoholic Drinks: Copies of
Ordinance Available
A uniform liquor ordinance, one
that is held to be practical for all
cities of the state, has been pre
pared for the League of Oregon
Cities by Wm. M. Briggs, munici
pal field consultant, in collabora
( lion with city attorneys and other
state officials, it was announced
here today by Herman Kehrli. di
rector of the bureau of municipal
research and service at the Uni
versity of Oregon.
The new ordinance adopts the
Oregon liquor control act insofar
as it is applicable to the city, and
provides that a violation of the
state law, together with a viola
tion of the rules and regulations
laid out by the state liquor com
mission, shall likewise be consid
ered a violation of the city ordi
nance. Violation of any federal
law on the subject is also prohib
Closing Hours Fixed
The bill fixes hours during
which liquor cannot be sold as
from 1 a. m. to 6 a. m. More strin
gent regulations were deemed not
wise, since citizens might be driven
to places outside the city limits.
The liquor commission has been
asked to promulgate a rule fixing
hours in accordance with the city
The ordinance provides that no
licensee may have in his possession
at his place of business any alco
holic liquor other than that in
cluded in his license. In this way,
evasions are believed to be more
difficult. Consumption of any al
coholic liquor in any street, alley,
park, school grounds or other pub
lic grounds is prohibited.
Under the ordinance it is made
unlawful to sell, give away or oth
erwise dispose of, or keep any al
coholic liquor in any public dance
hall, although restaurants and ho
tels are exempt from the provis
ions thereof, when no charge is
made for the dancing privilege.
Copies Available
Provision is made in the new or
dinance for abating any nuisance
created by the illegal sale, posses
sion or disposal of alcoholic liquor.
The ordinance provides that
where arrests are made by city po
lice for violations within city lines
prosecution shall b« made in the
city court, with fines accruing to
the municipality.
Copies of the ordinance may be
obtained by any city upon request
to the bureau, Kehrli states.
Schnabel Returns
To German Home
Charles N. Schnabel, ex-’23, left
last Tuesday to return to Ober
ammergau, upper Bavaria, Ger
many, where he will take part in
the “Passion Play.” Oregonians
having been wondering how it was
possible that anyone not a native
of the country could play in this
production, Schnabel explained
that he went there three years
ago to sketch the people, liked the
country, and bought a house. This
made him one of the people in
their opinion, and they asked him
to be in the play. That is the
reason, Schnabel mentioned, that
he has let his hair grow long and
why he wears a beard.
Some of his sketches will prob
ably be exhibited in Portland at a
later date.
“Patronize Emerald advertisers.’'
Have Your
Before Going
For Vacation
Across from Sigma Chi
Right on the Campus
New Lichen Varieties Found in Oregon
Several new varieties of lichens have been discovered in Oregon by Frank S. Sipe, assistant pro
fessor of botany at the University. Many varieties abound in the state, more than 200 already being
in Sipe’s collection. Three types common in Oregon are pictured above. From left to right, they are
Parmella and Parmella physodes sphaerophorus, found on fir, and Parmella saxatilis, found on oak.
Cabinet Training
Conference Will
Start YW Activity
New Officers of Group Will Hold
Meeting in Spring Term
On McKenzie
One of the first activities of the
newly-elected members of the Y.
W. C. A. cabinets, made up of
Rosalind Gray, president; Eleanor
Wharton, vice-president and pres
ident of the upperclass comrfiis
sion; Virginia Younie, secretary;
Mary McCracken treasurer; Peg
gy Davidson, vice-president of up
perclass commission; and Martha
McCall, secretary - treasurer, will
be the cabinet training conference,
which will probably be held the
second week-end of spring term on
the McKenzie.
Appointive officers will be se
lected by the new president this
When asked for her opinion of
the elections Helen Binford, the
■ past president, said, “I was very
pleased with the enthusiasm and
interest that was shown during the
elections. The new officers are
very capable of handling the jobs
to which they have been elected
because all of them have had a
great deal of experience as leaders
in the Y. W. C. A. As the material
for the new cabinet seems excel
lent, I am sure that the new year
will prove most worth while and
Phi Chi Theta, frosh discussion
leader, Seabeck delegate, indus
trial group, and frosh counsellor
directorate are among the new
president's activities.
Eleanor Wharton, vice-president,
is a member of Phi Theta Upsilon,
has been a member of the “Y”
cabinet for the last two years, and
also has been a delegate to Sea
In addition to being active in
the Y. W. C. A. as treasurer of
frosh commission, a member of
purpose and contact directorate,
and a member of the frosh com
mission cabinet, Virginia Younie,
secretary, is also a member of
Kwama, sophomore women’s serv
ice honorary.
The treasurer, Mary McCrack
en, has earned her office entirely
through Y. W. C. A. work, having
been social chairman of frosh com
mission, a member of frosh com
mission cabinet, and chairman of
the tea held for girls entering
winter term.
Peggy Davidson, vice-president
of upperclass commission, served
as a frosh discussion group leader,
has been a member of the world
fellowship group, and was chair
man of vocations on upperclass
Beginning her work in the “Y”
as president of the frosh commis
sion. chairman of the cabinet’s
dinner, and a member of frosh
commission cabinet, Martha Mc
Call is now secretary-treasurer of
upperclass commission.
Latest Extension Star
Distributed to Faculty
The second edition of the Exten
sion Star, featuring stories of the
new Oregon literature course and
the wide scope of the enrollment
in extension classes, was ready for
distribution yesterday.
The Star is the paper published
for the purpose of forming a con
necting link between the various
departments of the extension divi
sion. Copies were sent to both the
faculty at Oregon State college
and at the University of Oregon.
The paper is printed at the Uni
versity press here.
“Patronize Emerald advertisers.1
Is carried in our modern
shop. The choice papers are
here for your selection, and
your crest is available if you
want that distinctive form
of stationery.
Valley Printing Co. Stationers
Telephone 1*0
College Survey
Gives Account of
Buying Powers
Student Expenditures Studied by
Newspapers of 12 Major
Showing a detailed account of
the expenditures of 88,759 stu
dents attending 11 colleges and
universities, a survey made by
Major College Publications, an or
ganization representing the under
graduate newspapers of these
schools, is being used by the busi
ness staff of the Emerald to show
local business men the buying
power of students.
The survey indicates the prod
ucts that students buy, the amount
spent, how many of a particular
article are purchased each year,
and the price paid for each.
A general study of the list in
dicates that a number of nation
ally advertised brands, that enjoy
the largest sales in the general
market, but are not advertised in
the college papers fall far below
in the college market. A number
of nationally advertised brands
that are advertised in the major
college group place first in the
The outstanding example show-',
ing the large purchasing power of
college students is the survey of
men’s and women’s apparel. The
retail dry goods association has
fixed the annual expenditure of
the average man for clothes and
men’s furnishings at $85, while
the major college man spends an
average of $136.12, or 60 per cent
more. A total of 57,302 men spent
$7,194,377.26 on this group of ex
On ladies’ apparel, 31,457 wo
men spent $10,219,089.54 or an
average of $324.85 each. Similar
figures were made on equipment,
toiletries and miscellaneous, auto
motive, travel, and reading habits.
The colleges represented by the
organization are University of
Southern California, University of
California at Los Angeles, Univer
sity of California at Berkeley,
Stanford, University of Idaho,
University of Oregon, Oregon
State college. University of Wash
ington, Washington State college,
University of Utah, University of
Colorado,, and Tulane.
“Patronize Emerald advertisers.’’
CHOM6 OWNfD • €UC€h€ J OWN n
Two Great Laff Stars—
‘Poor Rich'
Soeiete Internationale de So
ciology et Psychologic will
present the famous picture
based on the Dusseldorf
child murders—
In German with English
I frO fn] fr\3 fiD frOIH] frO ff3 frO fnl Inj frQ fril fn3 fi3 fn3 frO In] fiO fr] fnl tn3 fnJ fri
New York Times
Prints Article by
Former Student
Margaret Skavlan, ’25, Publishes
Series of Old Letters Telling
Story of Revolution
“W i t h Washington on the
March" is the title of an article
in the magazine section of the
New York Times for February 18,
written by Margaret Skavlan, ’25,
graduate in journalism.
The feature, which is illustrated
with battle scenes of Washing
ton’s time, is composed of a series
of 24 letters recently found in an
old trunk belonging to H. K.
Adams of Eugene. These letters
are from Dr. Samuel Adams, who
served as a surgeon under General
Washington, to his wife “Sally"
from the field of battle, and de
pict vividly the life of the soldiers
who fought in the Revolutionary
“More than those who loved the
smell of gunpowder, good Dr.
Adams seems to have been typical
of the rank and file of the Conti
nental army,” writes Miss Skav
lan. “ ‘The glorious cause’ was as
real to him as his rations; when a
choice was necessary he put the
cause ahead of the rations.’’
Miss Skavlan held many posi
tions on the news staff of the
Emerald and in 1925 she was as
sociate editor of the campus daily.
(Continued from Paqe One)
tee, Jr. Mrs. Karen Dahlberg of
Escanaba, Michigan, will arrive
Tuesday for the funeral.
Services will be held at the
Veatch chapel Tuesday afternoon
at 2 o’clock, Rev. Frank S. Beistel
officiating. Interment will be in
the Resthaven Memorial park.
are like a symbol of
Watch the News Pictures of people active in
Reconstruction Administration. Watch the
workers inspired with new hope and zeal!
You will be .surprised at the number of them
who wear Fl'L-VCE (jlasses.
14 West Eighth—Eugene, Oregon
Phone 330
Library Has
Exhibition of
Spanish Ware
Ancient Display Belongs
To Anna Thompson
Volumes of l>on Quixote, Shears,
Peasant Clothes, Coins, and
Playing Cards Included
“Don Quixote tie la Manche,”
that hero, his a'osurd soul flat
tened into two volumes, lies in the
exhibition case of the main floor
of the old library, lies in the air
of Spain, in the communion of
Spanish ware. He lies encased
with an old pair of scissors, oddly
wrought, etched with the maker's
name and the date, 1723, shears
with which he might cut a new
cardboard visor for his helmet.
He can offer a Talaveran toast,
if he wishes—“Fill until you
drown the devil; drink until you
see salvation” lifting a winecup
of Talavera, with Satan glazed in
its design, with the symbol, IHS,
Christ, in the bottom for him who
has drowned Satan and drained
his bowl. A brass inkwell and
sand-pot is at his elbow; he can
pen his vows to Dulcinea. Tiring,
he can hie himself off to his musty
pallett, his bawdy “court-maid
ens" lighting him to his wretched
garret with an old brass lamp.
The exhibit is of ware brought
back from Spain by Miss Anna
Thompson, assistant professor of
Romance languages, who taught
school for 10 years in Madrid. The
display was arranged by Mrs. Hel
en Everett of the Condon reserve
library. The two volumes of Don
Quixote were presented to the
Pauline Potter Homer collection by
Sigma Delta Pi, Spanish honorary.
In the upstairs case of the old
library is another exhibit loaned
by Miss Thompson and arranged
by Mrs. Everett. It contains peas
ant wooden and rope shoes and a
shirt made for a peasant boy of
Toledo, handwoven, intricately
Stitched and with an unusual em
broidered design.
Also in this case are a deck of
Spanish playing cards and some
old Spanish coins. The cards are
marked in a convention odd to our
way of things, with clubs, daggers,
money, and cups, or some such
naming of the suits. The coins are
of the reigns of Ferdinand and Isa
bella, Charles V, Philip V, and oi
the time of the Roman occupation
Scanning the Cinemas
McDONALD — ‘‘Good Dame,"
Fredric March. Silvia Sidney.
Also "Carolina," Janet Gay
nor, Lionel Barrymore, Rob
ert Young.
COLONIAL — “Poor Rich,”
Edward Everett Horton. Ed
na May Oliver, Leila Hyams,
Andy Devine.
On Fredric March
I One characteristic of all true
| artists is versatility. Fredric
March, co-starred with Silvia Sid
i ney in the Mac’s "Good Dame,”
certainly has this characteristic.
He's had about every type of
| role imaginable. His first screen
| part was that of a professor with
Clara Bow in “The Wild Party.”
Later he was a fast-talkink sail
or. He will be remembered for
"Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde.” He
was a flighty playwright in “De
sign for Living.”
[ "dames,” who thinks nothing of
' getting three dates in one evening
and standing- them all up for an
other he meets on the street. He
makes the character. He talks
through his nose; he says “dese”
and “dose”; he's clumsy and total
ly unrefined.
Yet underneath all this is a
“good guy” who is to be brought
out by'the "Good Dame.”
The picture is mostly March.
Silvia Sidney is appealing, as us
ual, in an Oriental way.
“Carolina” is laid in about 1900.
Proud southern family lost all
pride with Civil war defeat. Story
deals with return of pride. Robert
Young, son of the “Connellys”;
Gaynor, lessee of section of old
Depression Subject
The Colonial's “Poor Rich,” is
another built around money trou
Aunt Edna May Oliver and
nephew, Edward Everett Horton,
both arrive at the ancestral man
sion broke. They find it deserted
and falling apart. They are faced
with the prospect of having to en
tertain an English lord and lady
and their daughter.
They subdue Andy Devine, who
becomes their cook, Grant Mitch
ell, local deputy who had waited
15 years for Edna to come back
and becomes butler, and Leila Hy
ams, an aluminum saleswoman
supposedly, who becomes the maid.
A bogus Hindu prince moves in,
and there’s supposed to be a mur
der which isn’t murder.
, And if you don’t think Come
dian Edward Everett Horton can
be romantic, you ain't seen nothin'
yet. You must get a load of the
smacker he gives Leila Hyams
near the end. Not that it’s so dif
ficult to give Leila Hyams a
smack, but it's good, anyway.
Conference to Be
Held on Campus
On March 19-24
Commonwealth Meeting Hero to
Feature Speeches by Dana,
Riley, and Bane
The Commonwealth conference
to be held on the University cam
pus March 19 to 24, will feature
in its program, speeches by Mar
shall N. Dana, regional adviser of |
the northwest area for the Public
Works Administration; Frank
Branch Riley, noted lecturer on
Oregon; and Frank Bane, director
of the American Public Welfare I
association, according to Dr. P. A.
Parsons, head of the sociology de
partment and chairman for the
The conference will bring mem
bers of four groups here for meet
ings and joint sessions. These are
the Oregon Council for the Protec
tion of Roadside Beauty, Confer
ence on Regional, City and Com
munity Planning, League of Ore
gon Cities, and Conference of
County and City Health Officers.
Exhibits to be on display at the
conference include regional plan
ning maps of the northwest area,
the Columbia Gorge zoning sys
tem, Bonneville dam, and surveys
being conducted by the forestry
service and highway commission.
Rifle Team Wins
12 of 14 Matches'
In National Meet
Group, Individual Records of Past
Years at University Broken
In Championship Tilt
With last year’s record shat
tered to the winds and Horace
Neely already three points ahead
of the old individual scoring rec
ord, the University rifle team, un
der the coaching' of Sergeant Har
vey Blythe is steadily sweeping
towards the national championship
matches. ,
“We are practically certain to
get in the national finals," stated
Of fourteen matches already
fired, only two defeats have been
suffered, one at the hands of Ida
ho and the other from North Da
Among those defeated by the
University marksmen are Oregon
State college, which was smoth
ered by 176 points; and the New
York Stock Exchange, which was
nosed out by a mere two points;
a.nd Stanford university.
The Stock Exchange team, how
ever, is rated as one of the strong
est in the country drawing its
members from wealthy sportsmen
of New York City.
The Ninth C:.;ps Area matches
for the championship of the Pa
cific coast were fired last week.
Reports are expected within the
next ten days.
Off Campus Men See Dean
Every college man who is not
living in the dormitory, a fratern
ity. or in his own home in Eugene,
and wishes to continue living off
the campus during the spring term
must see Mrs. Alice B. Macduff,
assistant dean of women, at her
office in Johnson hall this week.
has been cleaning
for more than ten years.
Phone 300
~/r0 fiO IrO 170(70(70(70 fit) fiOfiOfiOfiDfiO fin fiOfiO fin fiO fin fin fill fSl fin finmfinnnfinrar^irsir^ircmnnnmnnmmmramirummr:
a sensible package
10 cents
THIS Granger package is what
I call good common sense. It’s
just about as good as a tobacco
"Here’s what I mean—it keeps
the tobacco right, and you can
fold it up smaller after every pipe.
That makes it handy to carry.
"And I want to put in a word
for the tobacco while I’m at it.
Granger keeps a pipe clean as a
whistle, and man, it is cool.
"I want to say Granger
is just about the best
tobacco I ever smoked.”
the pipe tohaeco that’s MILD
the pipe tohaeco that’s COOL
—Jolis seem to like it
■2 1934, Uogitt ii Mnu Tobacco Co,