‘Cradle Song’ On Tonight in Guild Theater Curtain for Production To Rise at 8 TICKETS AVAILABLE Business Manager Has Limited Number of Ducats I-eft; Office Open 4 to 5 “An extremely limited number of seats remain to be sold for ‘Cradle Song,’ ” said Robert Dodge, business manager for this pro duction, yesterday afternoon. “Tickets not called for by 10 min utes to 8 will be sold,” he warned. The play will be presented by the University players this evening in Guild theater. The curtain will rise promptly at 8 p. m. The production is one of the ma jor presentations of the year, and the cast has been rehearsing for several weeks in order to produce a picture of convent life, the en tire action of the story taking place in those surroundings. The first act deals with the life of the novices and the finding of the baby girl who grows up within its walls. The second act takes place , eighteen years later when the child, Teresa, is grown into wo manhood. Leading Parts Named Teresa, played by Gertrude Win- : slow, considered one of the out- 1 standing actresses on the campus, is the child found by the nuns. The part of the prioress, played by 1 Mrs. Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt; that ; of the vicaress, portrayed by Kay Briggs; and Sister Joanna of The : Cross, interpreted by Lucille Stew art, are other leading roles in the play. The characters in order of their : appearance follow: Sister Sagrar io, Pauline Conradt; Sister Mar cella, Virginia Wappenstein; the prioress, Mrs. Ottilie Turnbull Seybolt; Sister Joanna of the Cross, Lucille Stewart; the vicar ess, Kay Briggs; the mistress of novices, Dorothy Parks; Sister Inez, Ellen Galey; a countryman, Bill Thienes; Sister Tornera, Helen Harriman; Sister Maria Jesus, Gwenn Caverhill; Don Jose, the doctor, John L. Casteel; a monitor, (Continued on Page Four) Students Must Pay Fee Installments by Noon Or Undergo Dismissal Noon today is the final dead line for payment of third in stallments of winter term fees, and those who have not yet vis ited the business office in John son hall are advised to make their trip early, to be sure of getting their fees paid before 12 o’clock. Delinquent students have, been paying fines of 25 cents a day for the past week and after today will be subject to dismis sal from the University if they have not made their payments. Portland Pianist To Play Tuesday In Piano Concert David Campbell Will Come Hen Under Sponsorship of Mu Phi Epsilon Mu Phi Epsilon, women's na tional music honorary, will pre sent David Campbell, pianist and piano teacher of Portland, in con cert at the music auditorium next Tuesday evening. The visiting musician is a half brother of Prince L. Campbell, well-known president of the Uni versity for many years. The admission will be 35 cents for unreserved and 50 cents for reserved seats. The program has not yet been announced, since Campbell had not informed his friends of its content when the Emerald went to oi'ess last night. He is expected to remain with Mr. and Mrs. George Hopkins dur ng his stay here. Dignified Juniors Will Polish Shoes Next Wednesday Freshmen to Have Opportunity to Get Upperclassmen to Daub Kickers Shoe-shine emporiums on the lampus will all close next Wed lesday, February 28, in solemn ;ribute to the Junior Shine day :eremonies being performed at :hat time, according to Richard Shearer, chairman of the affair, vhich will give freshmen the op portunity to have their shoes shined by upperclassmen. Stands are to be constructed in ront of the old library, at Condon lall, and between Oregon and Com nerce halls, where for the price of LO cents, dignified juniors drawn 'rom every walk of life ifi the University halls of fame will ap ply brush and polish to the leather poots of whosoever has the inclin ition and the price. Junior Shine day has long been i bright spot in the college lives >f underclassmen and all others vho desire to have University ‘big shots” at their feet, and this /ear should be no exception. McMorran and Washburne, de partment store proprietors of Eu gene, have donated a prive of $5 ;o be given to some lucky individ ual during “shine day.” More poncerning this prize and how it pan be had will be announced ruesday by the committee in pharge of the occasion. Names of Short Story Contest Judges Listed The judges for the Edison Mar shall short story contest have been isted by W. F. G. Thacher, pro lessor of English and business ad ninistration, as follows: Dr. Ellwood Smith, dean and di rector of lower division study at J.S.C. and the University; Mrs. Beatrice Beebe, who taught a short story course at Eugene high for several years; and M. F. McClain, nanager of the Co-op. These were phosen from three fields of read ng, academic, professional, and general reading public. The winners will be announced lext term. A prize of $50 and two ponorable mentions will be given. Story of How Henry Villard Saved University Recalled By VELMA McINTYRE How the University "was saved from disaster by Henry Villard is recalled to the minds of old timers by the coming visit of his son, who is to address an assembly here March 6. After reading of the University’s difficulty, the elder Villard, railroad builder and ex war correspondent, telegraphed a $7000 check from New York to Mathew P. Deady, then president of the board of regents. Deady hall, the only building of the University, was to have been sold and the deed taken from the state to pay for indebtedness against it. In 1876 Deady hall had been completed and deeded to the state of Oregon by the Union Uni versity association, which founded the University. The $7000 debt that remained against it could not be met by the association, and suit for this amount wras brought against the University. The su preme court decreed that the deed should be taken from the state and the property offered for sale It was the account of this actior which Villard read. Henry Villard’s gifts to the Uni versity total $61,000 and the storj of these gifts was found in the or iginal documents concerning the transactions and also in the ac counts written by J. J. Walton, for 33 years secretary of the board of regents. The paucity of material and lim ited resources with which the de partments carried on their work impressed Mr. Villard when he visited the University in 1881 and prompted him to bestow addition al gifts. The following letter from the railroad builder to the board of regents will reveal the nature of the gifts. Portland, Ore. Oct. 25,1881. “To the Board of Regents of the Oregon State University, “I beg to confirm herewith m> promise of pecuniary aid made at our conference yesterday, as fol lows : “1. That I will donate $1000, foi the purpose of providing addition al philosophical and chemical ap paratus. I desire that in the dis bursement of this sum for th< purpose stated the boar dbe guidec by the recommendations of thi (Continued on Page Three) Hope Rises for Infirmary and Library Here Work Depends on Fund Availability PROJECTS TOP LIST Construction to Sturt if Congress Appropriates Money for PWA Activities A new library and a new in firmary for the University of Ore gon are two of the projects which have been approved by the Public Works administration, according to Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of the college of social science and member of the state PWA advis ory board which met in Portland Thursday. Work will be started if and when federal funds become available, assured Gilbert yester day. The advisory board met with Col. Henry M. Waite, deputy ad ministrator of the PWA, who de clared that when money was available, projects would be start ed in accordance with preference expressed by the state advisory board, and since the board places University projects at the top of the list, final approval of these two projects is believed to be as sured. As soon as congress appropri ates funds for PWA projects, money for the library and infirm ary will be apportioned and prep aration of contracts will get under way. Since the government grants only 30 per cent of the total cost of the buildings, a bond issue must be floated to cover the remainder of the construction outlay, and bids for the jobs will be called for immediately the issue has been approved. Costs for the library will ap proximately amount to $350,000 and for the infirmary, $100,000. Considerable alleviation of local unemployment would be one re sult of the construction of these buildings, and the Eugene cham ber of commerce has expressed its satisfaction over the approval of the projects in Washington. Freshman Fights Fires for Living Some students earn room and board by stoking furnaces or washing dishes, but nothing so tame as that would suit Keith Mc Milan, freshman pre-medic from Rainier. He fights fires for a liv ing and lives at the fire house with the rest of the firemen where he may be found outside class hours studying or playing crib bage with the chief. “There aren’t a great many fires in Eugene,” McMilan said, "but at that there are more than there are in Ranier and I like to be on hand when they happen.” Chief W. E. Nusbaum said he believed a knowledge of fire con trol should be useful to a young medic and hoped that McMilan would be as good a doctor as he is a fireman. Foetry lechnique Displayed by Moll A discussion of the technique of poetry and the problem of its ap preciation was the subject of a lecture given last night by Pro fessor Ernest G. Moll of the Eng lish department, in Villard hall. Dividing the address into four parts, the word in poetry, imagin ation, craftsmanship and the problem of appreciation, Moll pre sented his interpretation of poetry and illustrated his points with se lections from poetic works. ‘‘The reader of poetry must have a genuine interest in it and an abil ity to understand it,” said Moll. “As Coleridge has said, 'We receive but what we give,’ in our inter course with poetry. A knowledge of technique is necessary to the understanding of poetry.” Three Pledges Made To Alpha Delta Sigma Three pledges of Alpha Delta Sigma, men's professional adver tising fraternity, were announced today. They are Ralph Schomp, Charles Burrow, and Philip Gil 1 strap. ■ Initiation will be held at the first of the spring term. C. Grant LaFarge Of New York Will Visit U. O. Campus Eminent Architect Making Survey Of Teaching Methods in Art Schools An eminent New York archi tect, the first man to work on the St. John the Divine cathedral in New York, and the descendant of a long line of artists and states men, is C. Grant La Farge, who will visit the University campus March 2 and 3. La Farge is mak ing a survey of outstanding art and architectural schools in the country, and is observing their leaching methods. While here, he will give a lecture Friday after noon at 4 o’clock, and will use lantern slides to illustrate his talH^ To honor the visitor, a banquet will be given March 3 by the Al lied Arts League. C. V. Boyei*, president of the University, and Dean Ellis Lawrence, head of the art school, will give talks at the banquet, which is to be held at the Anchorage. The banquet is open to everyone, and the dinner will be 50 cents. La Farge is a member of a noted family, famous in American art. In 1931, three generations of the talented family held a group exhibition in the Wildenstein Gal leries, in New York. The exhibi tion was represented by three sons, six grandsons, and a daugh ter-in-law of the late John La Farge. C. Grant La Farge’s brother is Oliver H. P. La Farge, the author of “Laughing Boy.” Benjamin Franklin and Commodore Perry are among the ancestors of La Farge. Educated at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, La Farge, with a classmate riamed George L. Heins, took charge of the archi tectural work of John La Farge, his father. From then on La Farge has been recognized as one of the country’s most outstanding architects. Prominent residences and build ings are among his work. He was architect for the designing of all the stations of the New York sub ways. Among other things he de signed the new club house and grandstand of the Saratoga race track. He has been past president of the Architectural League of New York. While here, he will be enter tained informally Friday night by the architecture group. Phi Theta Upsilon To Have Initiation For Pliilomelete Dean Schwering, Mrs. Macduff To Give Supper for Old And New Members Initiation into Philomelete is set for tomorrow afternoon at 5 o'clock in Gerlinger hall, to be fol lowed by a supper given by Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of wo men, and Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, assistant dean, for new and old Philomelete members, and mem bers of Phi Theta Upsilon, wo men’s upperclass honorary. Any woman may be initiated who has been, or is interested in becoming, a member of one of the five Philomelete hobby groups. These groups, which are prose, poetry, and drama, folklore, travel, nature, and charm school, and are open to anyone interested in the subject, are sponsored by Phi Theta Upsilon. Anyone who wishes to be initi ated and has not already signed up at the Alpha Chi Omega house, should call the dean of women’s office. All Phi Theta and old Philomelete members who will at tend the supper following initia tion should also call the dean of women's office. Edith Holmes, president of Phi Theta, will officiate at the initia tion. She will be assisted by Val borg Anderson, president of Phi lomelete. The presidents of the hobby groups are Laura Gold smith, folklore; Ruth Vannice, na ture; Velma McIntyre, prose, po etry, and drama; Margaret Stauff, travel; and Dagmar Haugen, charm school. Lawyer of Marshfield To Talk Monday Night John D. Goss, Marshfield attor ney, will address the law school student body at 7:30 p. m. Monday in room 105 Oregon. Although the title of Goss’ ad dress has not been made known, it is understood to be on a subject relating to Oregon practice. Before the speech, members of the law school faculty and a few students will meet Goss for din ner at the College Side at 6 o’clock. Arne Rae Leaves For Graphic Arts Meet in Chicago Field Manager of O.S.E.A. Named Member of National Code Authority Committee Arne G. Rae. field manager of the Oregon State Editorial asso ciation and assistant professor of journalism, left for Chicago yes terday to attend a meeting of the graphic arts code authority com mittee. Rae's appointment to the committee was made by Walter D. Allen, Brookline, Massachusetts, publisher, and president of the National Editorial association, ac cording to telegraphic information received from Harry B. Rutledge, executive secretary of the N. E. A. The National Editorial associa tion is the national code authority for the non-metropolitan newspa per publishing and printing indus try under the graphic arts code. At the graphic arts convention in Chicago last August, the tenta tive code for the industry was adopted. Following hearings by the N. R. A., it was presented to President Roosevelt on December 23, and was signed by him last Saturday. Rae, a delegate from Oregon at the convention, repre sented the state association of newspaper publishers and the Oregon Printers’ association. The code provides for regional code authorities for local adminis tration under the direction of the national authority for non-metro politan daily and weekly newspa papers and for most of the com mercial printing establishments outside of the metropolitan area. Rae is planning to stay a week in Chicago for the committee’s first session. Woman Journalist From Portland Is Heard at Banquet Marian Miller Tells Experiences For Matrix Table of Theta Sigma Phi Matrix Table banquet, given by the local chapter of Theta Sigma Phi, women’s journalism honorary, was held Thursday evening at the Eugene hotel. Marian Miller (Mrs. Joseph Hill) was the speaker of the evening. She was introduced by Mrs. Eric W. Allen, toastmis tress. Mrs. Hill discussed her work as a general reporter and as a spe cial writer on Portland and San Francisco newspapers. Experiences with people she had met were re counted, and her observations after many years of writing were given. Ruth McClain, president of the local group, gave a summary of the purposes of the traditions of Matrix Table, banquets which are given throughout the United States by various chapters of Theta Sig ma Phi to honor achievements in the fields of arts and letters. One hundred and twenty-five places were laid at the banquet. Music was provided by Clara Lar sen, violinist, accompanied by Edna Whitmer, and Maxine Hill, pianist. Malcolm Bauer to Give KOAC News Broadcast The fourth news broadcast in the series given by Dean Eric W. Allen’s senior editing class will be presented by Malcolm Bauer to night from 8:30 to 9 over KOAC in Corvallis. The program will consist of news from the state of Oregon and music. About 40 daily and weekly1 Oregon papers are used for the collection of news. Tom Clapp, Bauer, and Elinor Henry, members of the class, are supervisors of the series. Campus Calendar Pi Lambda Theta, national wo men's education honorary, will meet at 7:30 Monday evening in the men’s lounge at Gerlinger for the election of new members. Special Temenid meeting today at 1 o’clock in A.W.S. room. All members are urged to be present. All advertising assistants report to the Emerald business office on Monday to help them in compila tion of Rex theater survey. Orides, come to your dance to night. Firty cents per couple, pay able at door. Oregon Yeomen will hold busi ness meeting Monday evening at 7:30 at the Y Hut. All indepen dent men are invited to attend. Band Will Play Sunday Event In Igloo Again First Division to Appear Tomorrow at 3 PROGRAM DIFFICULT Bach Fugue Featured Selection; Admission Free to Concert Offered by A.S.U.O. The University of Oregon first division band will give a concert tomorrow in McArthur court. The program begins at 3 and is free to everyone. This is the second band concert presented by the campus organi zation, the first having been given some weeks ago by the second di vision. The program, one of the A. S. U. O. series, is the most preten tious ever attempted by the band. It is being attempted on the strength of the quality of the mu sicians comprising the group. Fugue Featured The Toccata and Fugue in C major by Bach is to be the fea tured number of the concert. The selection was originally composed for the organ and has been ar ranged in special manuscript form for the band. The program follows: I Triumphal March from Suite, Sigurd the Crusader. Grieg II Toccata and Fugue in C major . Bach III Scherzo from Sonata, Op. 26 . Beethoven IV Isolde’s Love-Death, from Tristan and Isolde.Wagner V Overture to "Peter Schmoll” . Weber Selection Difficult Bach fugues are generally con sidered too difficult for band or orchestra presentation, being mostly written for the organ or the well-tempered clavicord. Few bands have attempted them. Two, which have are the Goldman band and the Carleton college band. According to John Stehn, direc tor of the University band, this is the first time this number has been played by any band west of the Mississippi. The next and last A. S. U. O. concert for the winter term will be given Sunday, March 4, in Mc Arthur court when the Polyphonic choir will appear. Edith Grim to Give Program Monday At 8 in Auditorium Recital by Graduate Student of 1’iuno Under George Hopkins One of Weekly Series The department of music is pre senting Edith Grim, graduate stu dent of piano, on the regular week ly student recital next Monday evening at 8 p. m., in the music auditorium. Miss Grim took piano lessons from George Hopkins during her four-year course here and took her B. A. degree in music last year. She still studies with Hopkins. The program follows: I Harmonious Blacksmith.Handel Romance .Mozart Moment Capriccio. Weber II Sonata in B flat Minor.Chopin Grave Scherzo Marche Funebre Finale III Etude in C sharp Minor ..Scriabine Scherzo .Scriabine Poeme .Scriabine Barcarolle .Liadoff Valse-Scherzo .Barmotine The Funeral March in Chopin's Sonata in B flat minor is the one which is world-famed and used for the purpose of its composition. Rachmaninoff on his next to the last program in Portland in cluded this selection. Orides to Be Honored By Kwaraa Tea Sunday Kwama, sophomore service hon orary, will have a tea for Orides, independent women’s organization, from 3 to 5 tomorrow afternoon at the Delta Gamma house. Mrs. A. L. Wall, Alpha Phi house mother, and Mrs. M. P. Barbour, Delta Gamma house mother, are to pour. In the receiving line will be Adele Sheehy, Pearl Base, and Margery Thayer. All active Kwa mas will serve. Y. W. Presidency Won at Elections By Rosalind Gray Big Vote Cast; Eleanor Wharton Vice-President; Four Other Coeds Take Offices More University women voted at the Y.W.C.A. elections Thursday than in any of the past four years. The voting for each office was very close, especially for the office of president. Rosalind Gray was elected presi dent; Eleanor Wharton, vice-presi dent and president of upperclass commission; Virginia Younie, sec retary; Mary McCracken, treasur er; Peggy Davidson, vice-president of upperclass commission; and Martha McCall, secretary-treasur er of upperclass commission. Installation of these new offi cers will be held Tuesday evening, March 6, at a banquet at the Y bungalow. Old and new regular cabinets, upperclass commission cabinets, frosh commission cabi nets, frosh discussion leaders, pur pose and contact directorate, and the advisory board. The members of the new Y cab inet will be chosen by Miss Gray during the coming week and will be announced later. She will choose them from the many girls turned out for the interviews held for three weeks before elections. Miss Hartje Gets Place as Head of AWS Masked Ball Allele Sheehy to Assist; Informal Dance Promises to, Be Different The “Masked Ball," an all-cam pus dance sponsored by the Asso ciated Women Students, promises to be something- entirely different. It is to be held in Gerlinger hall Friday, March 2, and Virginia Hartje has been appointed by Jean Failing, president of the A. W. S., as general chairman of the affair. Other members of the director ate are as follows; Adele Sheehy, assistant chair man; Peggy Chessman, secretary; Catherine Coleman, tickets and masks; Elizabeth Bendstrup, pa trons and patronesses; Reva Herns, decorations; Marie Saccomanno, music; Ann-Reed Burns, features; Roberta Moody, publicity; Eleanor Coombe, refreshments; Elinor Ste venson, programs. The admission price has been lowered from 75 cents to 50 cents a couple. Masks will be sold in the various living organizations next week at a reasonable price, enabling all students to obtain one before the night of the dance. Ev eryone must wear a mask to be admitted at the door. This is to be an informal dance, not a mas querade. Dean Jamieson of Oregon State college has been invited to attend the affair, and members of Mortar Board chapter in Corvallis have accepted the invitation issued them early this week by the Uni versity of Oregon Mortar Board members. It is understood that quite a number of the Oregon State students will be present at the dance, following the Oregon-Ore gon State basketball game, which is the same evening. Tuttle Publishes Text Professor H. S. Tuttle, on leave of absence from the University faculty, has published a new text entitled “Social Basis of Educa ASUO Meeting On Wednesday Declared Legal Amendment Publication Unprejudiced OPINION PRESENTED Judiciary Says Loss of ASUO Card Fails to Deprive Student Of Voting Privileges Four written opinions handed down by the judiciary committee of the associated students yester day aided in clearing up some of the perplexing problems growing out of the student body assembly held last Wednesday for the pur pose of presenting amendments to the A. S. U. O. constitution. The committee, composed of Calvin Crumbaker, Wayne L. Morse, and Kenneth Shumaker, after hearing student testimony on all of the questions involved, concurred in the following: (11 All amendments submitted at the meeting of the A. S. U. O. Wednesday morning were legally proposed, and the meeting was legal in procedure. Emerald Action Unprejudiced (2) The action of the Emerald' in attaching to the proposed amendments the names of their alleged proponents was not con trary to the spirit of the require ments of the A. S. U. O. consti tution, nor was the order of pub - lication prejudicial to the rights of the persons submitting the amendments. (3f A student member of the A. S. U. O. who has been deprived of his student body card does not lose the right thereby to vote at an A. S. U. O. election. (4) The payment of $2.50 per quarter by a graduate student does not entitle him to speak from the floor in student body meet ings. Amendments on Ballot The first named opinion, sub mitted by Shumaker, made it clear that all amendments put in the hands of student body officials during the assembly, whether they were read or not, must appear upon the ballot. This entire list of amendments appears in today’s edition of the Emerald. They will be voted upon next Wednesday at a special student body election. Stephen B. Kahn requested the (Continued on Page Three) Women Students Who Live Off Campus Asked To See Mrs. Macduff All University girl students living off the campus on per mits this term are requested to see Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, as sistant dean of women, as soon as possible, to arrange for their housing next term. The majority of these stu dents have yet to make their arran gements, according to Mrs. Macduff. Marian Miller Gives Points On Women’s Writing Fields By HENRIETTE HORAK Dear Marian Miller: “How can I be popular?” “I’m in love with a man 20 years my senior," “My secret sorrow gave me the go-by,” “I’m a lonely widow,” "Nobody loves me, everybody hates me,” “I want to go into the movies(” "My father won’t let me go out with boys, or to any parties," “What should a nice young girl know,”—Oh, Marian Miller, what shall I do ? One thousand letters with such questions a month, 12,000 a year, with 3000 added for the extra spring rush—that is the minimum mail of Marian Miller, columnist on the staff of the Portland Morn ing Oregonian, it was revealed by her in an exclusive interview with the Emerald. Miss Miller, telephone book name Mrs. Joseph A. Hill, who spoke at the annual Matrix Table ban quet, at the Eugene hotel Thurs day, has been in the newspaper “game” for 25 years, and has done everything from writing church news, and persuading right rever ends to purchase typewriters, to interviewing murderesses, and act ing as professional substitute for men reporters, who occasionally, attempted to “drown” their sor rows. It was on just such a job that Miss Miller learned her first les son in reporting. "Charley, the reporter whose beat I took,” said Miss Miller, “was to cover a Consumers’ League meeting, but it turned out that Charley had an important confer ence with the bottle, and didn’t give a d—— about the Conshum the Conshumersh League, nor the resht ovhish beat. “I wrote the story,” chuckled Miss Miller, “but I didn’t know that I was supposed to put every thing in the first paragraph. “You should have heard the city editor! Or maybe you shouldn’t have! He cut up my story, put my last paragraph near the top, wrote a lead, but otherwise the story was all right; since then I have been saying all I know in the first paragraph. Miss Miller does not consider her task done with a mere answer to a letter. In hundreds of cases, she has had personal interviews with the troubled; she has bought (Continued on Page Four)