University of Oregon, Eugene Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuemmel, Manager Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Doug Polivka and Don Caswell. Associate Editors; Merlin Blais, Guy Shadduck, Parks Hitchcock, Stanley Robe UPPER NEWS STAFF Malcolm Bauer, News Ed. Estill Phipps, Sports Ed. A1 Newton, Dramatics Ed. Abe Merritt, Chief Night Ed. Peggy Chessman, Literary Ed. Barney Clark, Humor Ed. Cynthia Liljeqvist, Women's Ed. Mary Lotiiee Edinger, Society Ed. George Callas, Radio Ed. DAY EDITORS: A1 Newton. Mary Jane Jenkins, Ralph Mason. John Patric, Newton Stearns. EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: A tin-Reed Burns, Newton Stearns. Howard Kessler. FEATURE WRITERS: Henriette Horak. REPORTERS .-Miriam Eichncr. Virginia Scovillc. Marian John son, Reinhart Knmisen. Velma McIntyre. Ruth Weher, Rose 11 iinelstein, Margaret Brown, Eleanor Aldrich, Leslie Stanley. SPORTS STAFF: Bill Eberhart, Asst. Sports Ed.; Hair John son, George Jones, Dan Clark, Don Olds, Betty Shoemaker, Bill Aetzel, Charles Paddock. COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill, Marie Pell, Phyllis Adams, Margery Kissling, Maluta Read, George Mikinun, Virginia Kndicott, Corinne LaBarre. J5oh Parker, Mildred Blackbtirne. WOMEN’S PAGE ASSISTANTS: Mary Graham, Bette Church, Ruth Heiberg, Pauline George. NiGIlI EDITORS: Boh Parker, George Bikinan, Tom Bin ford, Ralph Mason, A1 Newton. ASSISTANT NIGIIT EDITORS: Hcnryetta Mummey, Vir* gima Cathcrwood, Margilee Morse, Jane Bishop, Dons Bailey, Alice Tillman. Eleanor A Ulrich. Margaret Rollins, Marvel Read. Edith Clark, Mary Ellen Eberhart. RADIO STAFF: Barney Clark, Howard Kessler, Eleanor Aid rich, Rose IIiinelstein. SECRETARY: Mary Graham. UPPER BUSINESS STAFF wimam Meissner, Adv. Mgr. Ron Rcw, Asst. Adv. Mgr. William Temple, Asst. Adv. Mgr. Tom Holman, Asst. Adv. Mgr. Eldon Haberman, National Adv. Mgr. rear! Murphy., Asst. National Adv. Mgr. 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The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December and all of March except the first three days. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. A SALAAM TO THE CENSORS A/fANY anxious inquiries have been received by J.Y1. Neal Bush and his newly-recreated court of traditions concerning the ban for Oregon coeds on high heels, earrings, and cigarette-smoking on streets within or adjacent to the campus. It seems that the story which appeared in yes terday’s Emerald pertaining to the edict of the court was erroneous, but the Emerald absolves it self from all blame for the mistake since Bush read the story Thursday evening in the law school before it appeared in print. He approved the story as it was included in the paper. Calling attention to the misconceptions which had stirred the emotions of many coeds, Bush pointed out that the ban of high heels, earrings, and cigarette-smoking would not come under the jurisdiction of ihe court of traditions but had been suggested by the student relations committee to be enforced by the individual sororities on the campus. He declared that “it was not the intention of the student relations committee to establish this as a tradition enforceable by the court of tradition, but was merely a suggestion that this custom, which apparently has been enforced in past years by the various sororities, be continued and enforced in the same manner." Bush further declared that "it was felt by the committee that the wearing of high heels and cal - lings to classes was not practical." Perhaps he and the other five students on his court have suffi cient knowledge and perspicacity to make such a declaration arbitrarily, but we fail to see the point ' involved. Further, it is not understood why sorority presi dents should be asked to see that their charges do not violate the sacred suggestion of the court of traditions. Students, like any other normal people, do not like to be told that they cannot wear this thing or that item, and their resentment turns to revolt, which we are sure the court does not wish to create. Evidently the court of traditions desires to show that it is doing something. It begins by classifying the acts of wearing high heels and earrings to1 classes “impractical.” If such actions are not prac tical, we hereby pass a resolution that the accepted I mode of dress for formal dances hereafter include tow-neeied brogues and absolutely forbid the extra ornamentation of earrings: they are “impractical.'’ We suggest that the court do something besides making petty suggestions which have been enforced by individual sororities for innumerable years. To revive a tradition because it is an old custom is not to justify its enforcement. Surely a great majority of the University coeds have a sense of taste and propriety which regulates their behavior1 and dress much more satisfactorily than "sugges tions'’ on the part of their chapter presidents. More power to the court of traditions, which | at least is imbued with the admirable quality of J taking itself seriously. VIATION literally turned upside down ycstcr *■ day when the president called for the cancel lation of all domestic airmail contracts, and gave Postmaster General Farley authority to use army planes in hauling the mails for the next five years I President Roosevelt gave his reasons as being a desire to wipe out the fraud and collusion in air mail administration that has been revealed in re cent investigations. The import of this action is really tremendous. Jt is an action that effects the whole scheme of air travel. Government patronage to desirable transporta-1 lion enterprises in the form of mail contracts has been a much debated subject in ttie past. We re call hearing of one steamship line that was prac-j tically supported by its mail contract because the government preferred to pay the bill rather than have the lino suspend operation. The same thing has been done m regard to the i MAH, VIA HOMM1KN I promotion of aviation through airmail contracts | A large percentage of the income of commercial | aviation has been in the form of governmental ! patronage through fat contracts. The first and most obvious fact that present? itself is that the withdrawal of patronage wil! knock commercial aviation into a cocked hat. Thr prediction that many air lines will either close dov/r or cut down on the frequency of regular plane serv ice has gained considerable popularity since the order. The question, then, is: “Has aviation actually justified the amount of money that has been spent to help it along, and is the goal of safe, regular, cheap air transportation possible to attain within the limits of reasonable sponsorship?” We should hate to learn that aviation has failed Born as we were in the "ge of whirlwind scientific advancement, it would bj a strange experience for us to have to say, "It v ill never work.” The cancellation wi 1 also have considerable effect on military force.-. Militarists will undoubt edly storm over the use of army planes in such a menial capacity so as to incapacitate them for na tional defense. And the pacifists will probably storm with equal violence at the manner in which the ruling will give us a large body of planes ready for instant conversion to wartime use in addition to many new replacements that will be built for army training. Which of these will be the result is hard to de termine. It is judged, just offhand, that light bombers and observation planes will be used at first. And here comes another possibility for the future: that if this practice becomes permanent, there will be advances made toward the design of ships suitable for carrying mail and very easily convertible to fighting machines, an idea that Euro pean powers have apparently been toying with for some time. Whatever will be the "outcome, Roosevelt has at least declared his intentions on a subject of great significance by his bold action. And when he issued his order Friday he created the nfost terrific up heaval in the history of aviation. Contemporary Opinion Frederick Vining Fisher Quits -pvR. FREDERICK VINING FISHER, touring speaker for the NRA, has resigned and his resignation has been accepted, we are informed in press dispatches from Washington. Reasons arc not stated but they are presumed to lie in the pro tests which his recent speeches in Eugene aroused. Also, the Washington dispatches indicate that Dr. Fisher had been in disfavor with his superiors for meddling with political appointments. The Eugene ministers who drafted the protest against Dr. Fisher’s propaganda had absolutely no desire to "get his job.” As a matter of fact, their protest was never lodged officially and was con fined to a dignified statement in the local press. They felt no ill will toward the man but desired merely to set forth their own views as a sort of antidoLe for the Fisher talks. Comments in numerous Oregon papers indicate that Dr. Fisher’s tactics met with general disfavor here. His comparisons of audiences here and in the Bast were tactless. He dragged in war talk by the heels. He had little to offer on NRA that was factual or constructive and he worked the pronoun "1” to death. As one business man said: “You get the idea that there are just three people in Wash ington, Frank Roosevelt, Hugh Johnson and Fred erick Vining Fisher, the first two being of minor importance.” Nevertheless, the swift and emphatic action by Washington NUA headquarters is a bit startling and mysterious, and there must be some reasons more cogent than these scattering Oregon protests. This sudden deflation of a man advertised to us as a close friend and counsellor of the president leaves us mildly curious. All of which, of course, is remote from the problem of making the NRA more efficient in these parts. Let there be no misunderstandings as to the leal attitude here. People are supporting the NRA loyally, and they will welcome anybody the NRA may send to show us how to get maximum results. Eugene Register-Guard. OVERFLOW <‘T IKK," as the old courtier would remark in that Gilbert & Sullivan operetta "Utopia, Limited,” "teems with quiet fun." And one of the funniest quietnesses of life we know of is the business of naming offspring. Children, we contend, have much better uses than being only the occasion for getting off a wisecrack. It must be necessary to marshal a great deal of whimsy to bring one's self to the point of naming one’s children Wilma, Wilfred, Wil liam, Winona, and WUhelminu, as did one fam ily we know. Such an action denotes either an overwhelm ing fondness for a combination of initials, or a poor memory that can be aided by calling all of them "Willie." Twins are especially good game for parents who like to embody their witticisms in living flesh. Edgar and Egbert, Irma and Irna, Ethel and Essel, Lora and Flora, are some of the perfectly killing combinations thought up by whimsical parents, it is also considered high comedy to dress twins so nearly alike ns to resemble nothing more than an optical illusion. Everybody seems to get a lot of fun out of the business of twins except twins. People also use their parenthood as an out let for inclinations to the coining of beautiful, poetic names of their own authorship. The re sult is that some poor kid goes through life with a name that sounds like a violin solo. But the real culprits of all tot-tillers are those who hang on their young such handles as Archibald, Fercival, or Horace, which lay the child vide open to every passing wise cracker. This is really starting the .child off with two strikes on him. If the parents want the boy to be a pi v" lighter, however, a name like that n a great $ * I A Vandal Invasion - - By STANLEY ROBE The Safety Valve i All communications are to be addressed to The Editor, Oregon Daily Emerald, and should not exceed 200 words in length. Letters must be signed, but should the writer prefer, only initials will be used. The editor maintains the right to withhold publication should he Editor’s note: The following letter refers to the article ap pearing in yesterdays Emerald under the headline: “Higli Heedel Coed W ill Know Wrath of Bush’s Justice.” Bush read and approved the copy of the article, as it was published, before it was set in type. To the Editor: The story in the Emerald of February 9, to the effect that the Court of Traditions was going to enforce the custom of women not wearing high-heels or earrings on the campus, was misunderstood by many. It was not the intention of the Student Relations committee to establish this as a tradition en forceable by the court, but was merely a suggestion that this cus tom, which apparently has been enforced in past years by the va rious sororities, be continued, and be enforced in the same manner as in the past. It was felt by the committee that the wearing of high heels and earring's to classes was not practi cal. NEAL BUSH. To the Editor: The finest addition to the pres ent University curriculum that could be made, I believe, would be a three hour course in “Current Events.” Presuming that one of the principal motivations of higher education is the gaining of knowl edge that will tend to produce more intelligent citizens of this nation. It appears to me that a course of this nature, dealing with interpretations of the day's news by one competent to present both ] sides to every question, would be an invaluable asset to any student. Understanding contem porarj movements would certainly prove of much greater use to the student than two years of military drill, and if such a course were to take the place of the present compul sory R.O.T.C. in the University, a great step would have been taken toward actual "higher education.” It would be safe to say that a I majority of newspaper readers do not understand one-half of the substance of the news stories. A course such as the one suggested would teach them a great deal in this respect. I believe it should be a required subject for every stu dent. H. K. To the Editor: It is with considerable regret that I must inform the newly-or ganized committee that I unwit tingly broke one of their rules yes terday. Being engrossed in my notebook, 1 inadvertently violated the “Hello!” statute. Of course, this subjects me to immediate call before the traditions tribunal, but I hope Chief Justice Bush and his associates will be fair and equit able in their deliberation. In conclusion, however, let me express my regret that the court, which will be in a position to em barrass and humiliate students, and should never have been formed, was organized without an independent student thereon. As a member of a group which neither is represented nor was considered, I wish to register rtiy indignation over the lack of democracy and tolerance shown in organizing the antediluvian body. In a state university -founded on principles of justice and equal ity- it is distressing to find a group therein expressly formed to humiliate students who do not pay * Society « MARY LOUIEE EDINGER, Editor 4 S a respite from the doldrums that accompany midwinter term many house dances are slat ed for this week-end. Decorations i for the affairs are mostly formal and semi-formal. Many deserts were given by both men's and wo men's houses in the middle of the week and faculty members were guests of honor at several dinners. Valentino Ounce Is Given A candle-lit tavern, with hearts and cupids to give the romantic atmosphere, was the setting for the informal Valentine dance given last night by the Oregon Yeomen at the Craftsman's club. The Hershell Davis orchestra j furnished romantic tunes for dam - ing. Mary Ann Alnutt and Wilma Stien were featured in several tap numbers, and Sam Seal and his accordion furnished music during the intermissions. The patrons and patronesses were Mr. and Mrs. Hov Bryson. Major and Mrs R. H. Back, an I Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Shumake: Ernest Savage and Don Green were chairman of the dance. Winter Informal The Alpha Delta Pi sorority is going futuristic fot such is to be tile decorations for their winter informal to be given at the chap- j ter house this evening. Decora tions are to be in futuristic de- j ogrv of black and ilvct • ith uu: re spending dance program . Sherwood Burr and his orches- | tra are to play for the dance. Patrons and patronesses for the i affair are to be Dr. and Mrs. C. j L. Schwering, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh i if. Rosson, Mr. and Mrs. Karl On thank. Mr. and Mrs. George Hall, and Mrs. Lucy Perkins. * * * Grove Dance to He Meld The exclusive atmosphere of the ! Cocoanut Grove in Las Angeles j will prevail tonight at the Kappa j Alpha Theta house at their winter formal. The decorations will be identical with those of the Grove, and though Guy Lombardo will not be present, Sherwood Burr will | take his place. The Three Kites, I a trio consisting of Althea Peter son, Anne Latourette, and Bunny 'A dson. will offer several feature numbers. The patrons and patronesses arc Mr. and Mrs. Lance Hart, Dean ! and Mrs. K. \Y. Onthank. Mrs. Bettie Crouch, and Mrs. Grace Russell. Margaret Ann Smith is general chairman of the dance. Delta (lamina to Dance \ summer garden will be the set ting of the winter informal to be Siven by Delta Gamma tonight. Palms, lights, and s nail tables It furnish the atmosphere of Solid Pack 10c Each P&G Soap 7 Giant Bars .25c 1 bar medium Ivory free. Raisins j-ii). inn?.2.0