Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 08, 1934, Page 2, Image 2

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University of Oregon, Eugene
Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thnemmel, Manager
Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor
Doug Polivka arid Don Caswell, Associate Editors; Merlin Blais,
Guy Shadduck, Parks Hitchcock, Stanley Robe
Malcolm Bauer. News Ed.
Estill Phipps, Sports Ed.
A1 Newton, Dramatics Ed.
Abe Merritt, Chief Night Ed.
Peggy Chessman, Literary Ed.
Jiarney Clark, Humor Ed.
Cynthia Eiljeqvist, Women’s Ed. .
Mary Louiee Edinger, Society
i George Callas, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: A1 Newton, Mary Jane Jenkins, Ralph Mason,
John Patric, Newton Stearns.
EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Ann-Reetl Burns, Newton
Stearns, Howard Kessler, Betty Ohlcmiller.
FEATURE WRITERS: Ruth McClain, Henriette Horak.
REPORTERS: Clifford Thomas, Helen Dodds, Hilda Gillam,
Miriam Eichner. Virginia Scoville. Marian Johnson, Rein
hart Knud sen, Velma McIntyre, Pat Gallagher, Ruth Weber,
Rose Himelstein, Margaret Brown, Eleanor Aldrich.
SPORTS STAFF: Bill Eberhart, Asst. Sports Ed.; Clair John
son, George Jones, Dan Clark, Don Olds, Betty Shoemaker,
Bill Aetzel, Charles Paddock.
COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill, Marie Pell,
Phyllis Adams, Margery Kissling, Maluta Read, George
Bikman, Virginia Endicott, Corinne La Barre, Bob Parker.
Church, Ruth Heiberg, Pauline George.
NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Parker, George Bikman, Tom Bin
ford, Ralph Mason, A1 Newton.
ginia Catherwood, Margilee Morse, Jane Bishop, Doris
Bailey, Alice Tillman. Eleanor Aldrich, Margaret Rollins,
Marvel Read, Edith Clark.
RADIO STAFF: Barney Clark, Howard Kessler, Eleanor Aid
rich, Rose Himelstein.
SECRETARY: Mary Graham.
William Meissner, Adv. Mgr.
Ron Rew, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
William Temple, Asst. Adv.
Tom Holman, Asst. Adv.
Eldon Haberman, National
Adv. Mgr.
Pearl Murphy, Asst. JNational
Adv. Mgr.
Ed Labbe, Circulation Mgr.
Fred Fisher, Promotional Mgr.
Ruth Rippey, Checking Mgr.
Willa Bitz, Checking Mgr.
Scz Sue, Janis Worley
Alcne Walker, Office Mgr.
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Bob Helliwell, Jack Lew,
Margaret Chase, Bob CressweU, Hague Callister. Jerry
Thomas, Vernon Buegler, Phil Gilstrap, Jack McGirr,
Gertrude Boyle.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Gretchen Gregg, Maryanne Skirving,
Janet Hall, Dolores Belloni, Helen Dodds, Doris Osland,
Mary Jane Moore, Cynthia Cornell, Mae Schmcllbacher,
Pat Nelson, Thelma Cook, Betty Gallalier, Vivian Wherrie,
Jean Pinncy.
BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214.
EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg. Phone 3300—News
Room, Local 355; Editor and Managing Editor, Local 354.
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 E. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W.
Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave.,
Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college
year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods,
all of December and all of March except the first three days
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class
matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
OUR own idea of the current furore over the
spellbinding and propagandizing of Dr. Fred
erick V. Fisher, NRA field agent, is that it is a lot
of pother over very, very little.
We heard Dr. Fisher ourselves, on the campus.
We sat through his address to the end, being too
polite to leave. We thought his message too in
consequential to deserve editorial comment, his
logic too vague to merit remembrance. We simply
charged off the hour to waste of time.
Mr. Fisher is a phrasemaker of the 1917 school.
“The NRA is the declaration of interdependence!”
he proclaimed proudly. And other Fisherisms: “We
are on the threshold of the cooperative common
wealth.” “The capital has been moved from Wall
street to Washington.” "NIRA means ‘HIRA’ not
Clever stun. Anti men me peroration, wnen ne
warmly asserted that Oregon is the most beautiful
state in the Union. It should have had the audi
ence up on its chairs, waving handkerchiefs and
cheering. It didn't.
Everybody had a sudden qualm. Maybe, the
terrible suspicion intruded, this NUA stuff is all
hot air.
Someone asked Mr. Fisher how the United
States would repay, without an intolerable burden
of taxation, the cost of the recovery program. The
questioner was referred to Secretary of the Treas
ury Morgenthau. Dr. Fisher’s nearest attempt at
an explanation was that we must catch the spirit
of working together in a great common interest.
Someone asked how wages are to keep step with
rising prices. Dr. Fisher told a pat little story
about a man who showed the proper spirit by scold
ing his wife for hunting bargains, because she was
cheating some producer out of a fair profit.
Dr. Fisher wound up with a cry for the strong
est navy in the world, and a plea that every Amer
ican young man be trained for the army. And then
came the inevitable cliche: “The most effective
means of avoiding war is to be prepared for it."
But enough of what Dr. Fisher said. We
merely present salient points in his address, to show
that his talk was not so much a misleading presen
tation of his case as an inept and blundering one,
exhibiting a woeful lack of appreciation for the
seriousness and maturity of his student audieuce.
Like the ministers who protest Dr. Fisher's
spellbinding tactics, we are in thorough sympathy!
with the recovery program of the administration.
Going even further than the ministers, we believe
in the government's right to marshal popular sup-I
port by propaganda or other means. Our only re
gret is that the administration has chosen as its
representative a speaker who confuses rather than1
enlightens, who fosters doubt instead of confidence.!
|> EVOLUTION - HALLOWED scenes in Baris
•P*1 have during the past several days once more
witnessed bloodshed in street rioting. The dead
are estimated at a score or more, the injured at
more than 500. Rising out of the Stavisky pawn
shop finance scandal, the riots have been carried
on by thousands of citizens under the leadership of
Royalists and Communists, strange companious-iu
Police proved inadequate in halting the frenzied
| throngs that surged Into stately squares and
I through public buildings, and mounted troops—
:olonials from northern Africa—were called upon
to disperse them. Pari3 soldiery could not he
trusted, for hundreds of veterans were marching
through the streets crying “Resign! Resign!”
Daladier, successor of Chautemps to the cabinet
premiership, saw his support dwindle in the face
of street terrorism. Former President Doumergue
was called upon to build a new cabinet. Significant
was Daladier’s unsuccessful attempt to form a min
istry with no radical representation, some days ago.
A pawnshop scandal is a little difficult to see
as the cause of mob action in one of the world’s
finest capitals. The municipally-operated pawn
shops, however, are a national French institution.
Pawnshop bonds are considered gilt-edge securities;
but the Stavisky case involved the sale to the
French public of some 500,000,000 francs’ worth of
fraudulent bonds. Corruption is considered general
throughout French politics, and the French, who
are renowned for taking their political troubles
into the streets, have hern stirred to revolt.
The Royalists, as well as Communists, have
waited long for just such an opportunity to fan
the flames of popular resentment. Many observers
are sure that Royalist supporters number in the
millions who are ready for military action at any
time the hour of royalty is declared at hand. Com
munists have an organization rigidly disciplined in
methods of revolutionary combat. The two extrem
ist groups are working together to overthrow the
Republic, leaving the problem of which is to hold
sway as one of those bridges to come.
From the meager interpretative material re
ceived from correspondents in France, American
commentators have been voicing fears of imminent
fascism in that country, though France has always
been considered as the most stalwart stronghold
of opposition to political ideas from Italy and Ger
many. Any prolonged struggle, however, between
such uncompromising, diametrically opposed groups
as French Royalists and French Communists must
inevitably result in a dictatorship along fascist
Contemporary Opinion
Student Revolutions
/ANE of the most healthful symptoms on the
campus of the University of Oregon, is the
number of “student revolutions” it produces.—Eu
gene Guard. The Guard has a queer idea of
“healthful symptoms.” We presume then that if
the editor of the Guard has half a dozen children
and they are in a constant state of revolution
against parental rules and regulations that it is a
"healthful symptom.” We have a different idea
about it. It seems to us that the most unhealthful
symptom of conditions on the university campus
are the frequent “student revolutions.” The reason
it is an unhealthful symptom is that it is an index
to the contents of the minds of the students’ in
structors. The university must be honeycombed
with pink professors so called "liberals” who are
both pacifists and against the capitalistic order.
There is no other way to account for the sentiment
prevailing on the university campus. The minds of
the students are plastic,- impressionable. Under
the inspiration of the kind of “noble sentiments”
about the injustice for the under dog and all that
and the submerged tenth or nine tenths, students
get entirely impractical ideas about the facts of
life. When they get out into the world, much of
the bunk they acquire from teachers of sociology,
is overcome and real experience in business makes
them forget the things they learn from reddish
professors of economics, but, in the meantime, they
have “frequent student revolutions,” which the
Guard thinks is a healthful sign. The only kind
of a student revolution that would be a healthful
sign would be one in which they arose in their
wrath and denounced any professor with pacifistic
tendencies or ideas favoring radicalism as applied
to economics.—Corvallis Gazette-Times.
A New Note Is Struck
|%yjrANY things have been said against college
students of a derogatory nature, but no doubt
the most surprising of them all was the criticism
of Federal Commissioner of Education Zook at the
meeting of the National Student federation in
"My complaint about college students,” he said,
"is that they are too darned docile. They are too
easily bossed. They don't create enough problems
for the college anti university administration."
Such a statement must appear as heresy to most,
college administrators who are constantly in fear
that students in their schools will do something to
draw the criticism of the people and the press and
who probably spend sleepless nights over the public
attention that the antics of some of their charges j
have attracted.
Commissioner Zook’s statement has stamped
him as one of the best allies that American college
students have.—Oklahoma Daily.
‘‘ P W. WARRINGTON'S group on religion
^ will not meet this week, for Coed Capers
interfere.” From the Campus Calendar.
* * *
The junior member of this firm has some
how gained a reputation of always having the
piece of adhesive tape, the ink bottle, and a
jack-knife. It dates back to the days of the
Y. M. C. A. Saturday afternoon bicycle hikes,
when he was always the little boy with the can
He was paid a rather resounding compli
ment last night, though. Summoned from his
eventide board, a feminine voice greeted his
”1 need a silk opera hat," it said.
"Henry Weber was elected president id' the
Eugene Fire Department association at the
annual election of officers Monday night. He
succeeds Ray Hicks in that position.
"Homer Middlesworth was> elected secretary,
succeeding J. A. Hayes, and W. E. Nusbaum
was re-elected treasurer. The incoming offi
cers feted the outgoing officials witli a "Feed '
consisting of bread, oniens, and limburger
cheese."—The Eugene RcgMer-Guard.
Ah. but that s an odor stor\.
Going Up ... By STANLEY ROBE
Hal E. Hoss
“WITH the untimely passing^ in
™ the prime of life of Secretary
of State Hal Hoss, Oregon loses
an honest, able and conscientious
executive and the board of con
trol its balance wheel. Capable,
courteous, and efficient, Mr. Hoss
made an ideal man for the office
and his capacity for growth prom
ised still wider fields for future
“Though by training and occu
pation a newspaper man, the only
one in recent years to receive pub
lic office in Oregon, Mr. Hoss
measured fully up to the require
ments of his position. He was
conservatively progressive and his
regime untouched by scandal.
Evenly balanced mentally, he
steered aloof from political and of
ficial factionalism and if he made
mistakes, they are not of record.
“A loyal friend, a fair opponent,
devoted to his family, he leaves a
multitude of friends throughout
the state to sincerely mourn his
passing.”—Salem Capital Journal.
“Nobody in any newspaper of
fice in the state was surprised
when word came yesterday that
Hal Hoss was dead. The gravity of
his illness was too well known.
But knowledge that the end was
coming did not minimize the sense
of loss the word brought, ,for
more than any other of the state's
public officials, Hal Hoss was a
friend of newspaper men—and for
good reason, too. He was a news
paper man himself.
“ . . . Hal Hoss was especially j
well known and liked in Eugene j
because of his interest in the Uni- j
versity. While he was affiliated!
with the Oregon City Enterprise
he was a frequent visitor on the
campus. He was likely to come
wandering into the journalism
shack most any day and both pro
fessors and students enjoyed hav
ing him sit on their desks and talk.
It was so in any newspaper office.
He was both genial and frank in
conversation, never fearful of ven
turing an opinion and yet never a
conversation monopolizer. And he
liked the youthful contacts he
made on the campus.
“A young member of Alpha Del
ta Sigma, honorary advertising i
fraternity, threw a revealing light
on the man’s personality. "When
we took him into the honorary,”
the young man said, “Hal refused
to go in with just the sort of in
itiation we usually gave honorary
mebmers. He said he wanted the
works. So we put him through
with the uvular members horse
play and all. And he enjoyed ev
ery minute of it. Gee, it was swell.
Eugene Morning News.
* * *
“So it's '30' for Hal Hoss. No
man ever made a more gallant
fight for life, than this veteran
Oregon newspaper man, who left
his copy desk on the Oregon City
Enterprise to become secretary of
state under the late Governor
“A year before his death he was
critically ill, and several years be
fore that, he was a very sick man.
Had he followed the advice of
friends and family, at that time
and taken to his bed, he might be
alive today.
"But while he looked like some
sort of pre-Raphaelitie ghost, and
presented a wan and smiling coun
tenance to the world, there was
not only plenty of fire and iron
within, but there was spirit of
fight and devotion to public duty. ,
that was literally fanatical in
He also bad a~ do so many
victims ot tuberculosis, tit appears I
to be a fundamental characteristic
of the disease) an unfailing spirit
of optimism—a faith that no mat
ter how dark things looked they
would cOme out somehow all right
in the end.
“So he stuck to his job, fought
for what he believed to be right,
regardless of the odds against
him, until he literally dropped in
his tracks, had to be carried out,
and was taken to an eastern Ore
gon sanitarium. But then it was
too late, and for many months,
the final summons, were only a
question of time.
“Too bad! The death of Hal
Hoss is a loss to the newspaper
profession of Oregon, and a great
loss to the state. He was a capa
ble journalist, an efficient secre
tary of state, a most lovable and
considerate friend.”—Medford Mail
# * *
"... Hal was known and loved
in every county—in every section
of Oregon. He was perhaps the
most popular man ever to hold
office in this state. . . .
“Wee deeply mourn losing Hal.
It is tragic that he should be taken
just short of the very peak of his
service to mankind. Hal was a
young man. He has been a vital
and constructive force in state af
fairs for many years but had he
lived he could have accomplished
even greater things for this state
which he loved.”—Roseburg News
* * *
“The death of Hal E. Hoss, 19th
secretary of state, removed from
active business and political life
one of Oregon’s most colorful fig
ures . . .
“Clear thinking, fearless action
and a keen sense of humor were
Hal E. Hoss’ outstanding charac
teristics. He was a competent
judge of human nature and a great
lover of his home . . . ”—Portland
Daily Journal of Commerce.
Hicks Outlines Way Students
Solve Approach to Problem
Outlining the process that archi
tectural students follow in the ap
proach to a problem, Ed Hicks,
senior in arts and architecture, ex
plained the procedure carried out
in the designing of buildings.
“First you are given a state
ment of a problem, explaining the
type of building to be designed,
and its requirements. After re
viewing the work of the past in
that field, and collecting all tech
nical data on the subject, one sets
about to solve his own particular
problem,'1 Hicks stated.
“The first step is to analyze the
approaches, contours, size, and
shape of the piece of property, fit
ting the different units of the plan
into the most advantageous posi
“When a satisfactory plan ar
rangement has been found, one
may approach the study of the ele
vations. In developing this third
dimension, minor changes in plan
are permissible, but one must al
ways bear in mind that the plan
arrangement must not be sacri
ficed for the sake of improving
the elevation.” Hicks pointed out
that, ‘‘As an aid in composing the
exterior m isses a clay model is
often of great value. This enables
the designer to view the building
from all angles.
‘‘After this, smaller technicali
ties, such as the width of doors
and the relationship of one window
to another, are taken into consid
eration. The detail is then studied
not merely as a decoration, but as
a part of the building itself. It
must give the impression of being
cut into the building and not stuck
“When the design is thought
complete the presentation drawing
is made,” concluded Hicks.
(Continued from Page One)
served the milling crowd whose
type of dress ranged from shriv
elled Ghandi to a beautiful Greek
goddess clothed in a full length
union suit with a garland of gar
denias about her lovely brow.
The gay nineties were represent
ed by Mrs. Charles A. Gray, house
mother of Alpha Xi Delta, who
came dressed in a lovely old cos
tume which she wore in the good
old days.
Bohemian gypsies, Russians,
Cossacks, Japanese ladies, and
clowns danced and frolicked to
gether to the music of Art Hol
man's orchestra.
The directorate for the affair
was as follows: Elizabeth Bend
strup, chairman; Catherine Cole
man. assistant chairman; Marjor
ie Will, secretary; Edith Clement,
senior stunt; Dorothy Parks, jun
ior stunt: Roberta Moody, sopho
more stunt: Louis Latham, fresh
man stunt : Ida Mae Nickels, sen
ior cops: Adele Sheehy. refresh
ments: Eleanor Norblad, music;
Ruth Yannice. clean-up; Hennette
Horak. publicity; Dagmar Haugen,
programs; Marie S&ccomanuo, fea
tures: Mary Jane Jenkins, judges:
Virginia Younie. tickets; Ebba
tVicks. stags Josephine Waffle,
treasurer of A. \V. S.
(Continued from Page One)
voted to revive, they hesitated to
declare in the realm of traditions
was that University women should
juiiiiuiuiiiiinmuiiiiiiminltiiiiniiimi j.ihi iiwhhiiiii MMMMMMMMg
made of
Spring Wear
$14.50 f
not wear corsages at campus func
tions. This step was taken to
guard against elaborate expendi
tures for flowers by the student
attempting to live within a limited
college budget.
Bush Is Chairman
In setting up the framework for
more rigid tradition enforcement
and stating definitely the tradi
tions to be enforced, the student
relations committee pointed out
that it was given power by the
ASUO constitution to “supervise
and promote such school tradi
tions as it shall deem worth while,
and declare which body shall be
j the enforcing agency for the
, same.”
Neal Bush, who will act as
chairman of the enforcement
group, last night made the follow
ing statement: “The court is ready
; to carry out its functions, and see
i that traditions on the Oregon
; campus are maintained.”
Campus Calendar
(Continued from Page One)
Dr. cuther S. Cressman will
speak at 4 o’clock this afternoon
in Johnson hall on “The Absence
of Intellectual Integrity,” review
ing his experiences on the Uni
versity campus.
Christian Science organization
holds its regular Thursday eve
ning meeting at 8 in the Y. W.
C. A.
Important meeting of advertis
ing solicitors in the Emerald busi
ness office this afternoon at 4:30.
Anyone interested in joining the
advertising staff please be there
Amphibian meeting tonight at
7:30 in women’s swimming pool.
All members must be present.
Congress club will meet tonight
at 9 o’clock in the College Side.
Meeting of women’s debate team
at 7:30 this evening in room 13
Specialized Press class at 11
o’clock will not meet this morning
on account of the Hal Hoss fu
Every women’s organization
president must turn in a type
written list of girls living in the
houses and their years, to the
Oregana office before 5 p. m. to
Wesley Club cabinet meets to
day at 9 at Dorothy Nyland’s.
Father Walsh Will Be
Honored at Rael Tea
Mr. and Mrs. Juan B. Rael are
entertaining several members of
the Spanish department at a tea
from 4 to 6 this afternoon in honor
of Father Walsh, an American
priest who has just returned from
a trip to Spain.
Father Walsh has taught at the
University of Santa Clara, in Cali
fornia, where his home is. He will
be in Eugene until about Febru
ary 12.
Fraternity Founder Dies
News has recently been received
here of the death on January 28
of Eva Webb Dodd, one of the
three founders of Delta Gamma,
national social fraternity for wo
men. Members of the fraternity
will wear black mourning ribbons
under their pins until February 28.
Editor’s note: It is rumored
that Innocent Bystander suc
cessfully crashed the Coed Ca
pers last night. All was serene
until the darn Senior Cops dis
covered the identity of Mr.
Clark. He is reported to be re
cuperating nicely but was un
able to write a column for this
morning's paper.
of the Air
A FTER considerable reflection
and deliberation concerning
the day of the week, we come to
the conclusion that the menu for
this afternoon’s broadcast is in the
main one of society chatter via
Mary Louiee Edinger, distin
guished “Emily Post of the Emer
ald.” For dessert we have a dash
of piano tickling by Lloyd Speers,
eminent pianist and composer, if
he can be persuaded.
This, all at 4:30, over KORE.
(Continued from Page One)
and Newspapermen” (1923),
“Prophets True and False” (1928),
and has written monographs on
“The Early History of Wall
Street,” and “The German Im
perial Court.” Besides this he has
contributed many magazine arti
“Patronize Emerald advertisers.”
Rates Payable in Advance
10c a line for first insertion;
5c a line for each additional
Telephone 3300; local 214
DRESSMAKING — Ladies’ tailor
ing, style right, price right.
Petite Shop, 573 13th Ave. E.
I Phone 3208.
PATTERSON-Tuning. Ph. 3256W.
fOR SALE—Set of Harvard clas
sics, reasonable. Call at 849 E.
BEGINNERS’ instruction in Rus
sian. Call 31-F-ll.
FOR SALE—1931 Ford Phaeton.
Call M. N. Wright, Kappa
FOR SALE—Men’s grey twist
single breasted suit, size 38.
Very reasonable. Call Best
WILL the owners please call for a
white shirt, Olds, Wortman and
King; a cotton undershirt; and a
blue sleeveless sweater left at
the infirmary.
February 8th, 1934
Dear Students:
X just heard the other day of a boy who lost his fra
ternity pin. This wouldn't have happened if he had pur
chased one of our small safety knobs for twenty-five cents
to protect the pin. A small investment like this will save
you a lot of money because it is impossible for a pin to fall
off if it has a safety knob.
Come in and get yours right away as they have been
selling very fast.
P. S. We carry all the different crests for sororities anil
fraternities in gold or silver. Have one put on your
927 Willamette Street
Telephone 41.1
“If It Comes From Skeies It Must Be Good'
A red heart ol strawberry ieo eream surrounded
by French vanilla ice cream.
Medo-Land Creamery Co.
675 Charnelton St.