SrOKTS STAFF Bill Phipps . Editor Bill Eberhart . Assistant Editor Clair Johnson, Don Olds, Dan Clark, Bill Aetzel, Georgs Jones, Charles Paddock. Eetty Shoemaker . Women s Sports Editor UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1934 SPORTS THE athletic activities of the University of Oregon, its competitive teams and otherwise, should be the concern of each and every student on the campus. Keep abreast of the sport news of your University if you are not actively a participant. Page 4 VOLUME XXXV The Tip-Off By BILL PHIPPS Liberty Selects Mi k u lak Ou a Real All-American; Baseball Starts in South i The name of "Iron Mike’’ Miku lak, "Prink" Callison’s hammering fullback of last fall's Oregon elev en which tiec with Stanford for the Pacific coast conference title once again crash es the headlines of the nation. In the A 1 1 - America selec tion announced j by Liberty mag azine yesterday "" . following that Mikulak publication’s poll of the nation’s best footballers the fullbacking job on the .second team was handed to Mike. Differing from most all-Ameri can teams, which are usually se lected by a small group of news papermen or an even smaller board of coaches, the all-players’ selection sponsored by Liberty was made from a tabulation of votes cast by 1508 gridiron performers from 19 colleges and universities. In this compilation of mythical elevens a more accurate indica tion of a player’s true worth is ob tained than by any other method of selection. If anyone is qualified to say how good a man is, it most certainly is the fellow on the team which opposed that man. If his opponent thinks he is good he has passed the acid test. This method of picking the top notchers not only reduces the po litical element to a minimum but it also cuts out the favoritism or, shall we say, biased judgment which crops in now and then even when the best of the so-called ex perts are picking them. Another advantage gained through having the players them selves name the best men who faced them is the lessening of the publicity factor. Many an all American has gained that ranking primarily because he was boomed by one or more sports writers. The agitation would begin in a small way and gradually gain momen tum and volume very much as does a snowball rolling down hill. Be fore long that one man has been in the spotlight enough so specta tors and experts alike begin to watch tlie fellow who has caused all the liullaballo. The more men tion he gets the more he is watched and as a result he often gets the honors while some other man on the same team has been playing equally as well. The only differ ence being that one man caught the eye while the other missed the limelight. The Liberty poll proves conclu sively that Mikulak rates right at the top of the 1933 heap even though his prowess was not recog nized by some of the self-styled all-American authorities who an nually turn in their observations to some of tlie national periodicals. Though basketball season is but little more than half over the schools in the souttfern division of tile Pacific coast conference have already started moulding their baseball teams for the coming sea son. Only last week 120 men report ed for practice which ushered the coming of the great American pas 171 fnJ 170 (nj IK) Iri3 fnl fnl f nl fin fnl r^l m tr ’ m m in r-< r—»f—. - • i-j t_i uu lu izj LiurJ Get the Classified Habit Looking for ;i Place to Live? Need a Part Time dob? \\ ant to Sell Anything? Lose Anything? Need Anything? TELL YOl'K WANTS TO VS—'WE WILL TELL THE CAMPUS Phone 3300 Local 214 1 Webfeet Gird For Contests With Huskies Reinhart Working Men Hard for Series (filer's Sliots Difficult to Sto;>, N:iy Ducks; .1. Jones And Miller Try By BILL EBERHART Coach Bill Reinhart is sending his boys through tough paces this week in preparation for a return engagement with Washington next week. The Huskies play a two game series with Oregon State in Corvallis this weekend and jour ney to Eugene for a like engage ment next Monday and Tuesday. Two weak points in the Web foot team cropped out in the se ries in Seattle last week sloppy ball handling and inefficient de fense. These are the wrinkled spots in the Oregon playing that Bill is trying to iron out this week. The former deficiency lost the ball game last Friday, and Satur day night’s tilt was won hy Wash ington chiefly on the scoring spree of Bob Galer. Galer Hard to Stop It is a strong' possibility that Reinhart will find no one capable of holding down high-scorer Galer. Bud Jones and Bob Miller, two of the biggest and strongest guards on the squad, .were used against Galer in Seattle, but neither could stop him. Oregon players report that the Husky ace shoots in such a way that nobody could stop him when he's hot fakes forward, draws back, and takes a high two-handed shot in the midst of a backward stride. Knowing what to look for, though, will be a big advantage for the Webfoots in the coming series, and Mr. Galer may not do so well in McArthur court next week. Reinhart and his squad are more optimistic about the next encounter with the championship headed aggregation than they were before the series last week. They've felt the Seattle team out, know what they can do, and feel fairly ^confident of bowling the top team over for at least one game. Heavers May Win The Oregon State Beavers, in deep second place, stand the best chance of any other outfit in the circuit of knocking the Huskies out of their perfect record. With a four-defeat disadvantage, the Orangemen will have to step on it to beat Washington to the tape at the end of the season, but a victory or two over the league leading five is not to be unex pected at this stage of the cam paign. It has not been an unusual thing in this division for one team to beat another quintet three out of four games, and have the second team win the conference flag. time to the California campus for another year. Of these men >S8 are aspirants for varsity positions while the remaining 32 will make up the freshman nine. Signup day is quite an occasion on the Berkeley campus. Some 350 baseball enthusiasts attended the first session when the candi dates reported for practice. Lew Fonseca, manager of the Chicago White Sox was on hand in person ami he showed motion pictures of the famous stars of the American league doing their stuff in the light way. The Sox manager pointed out the correct ways to play each position and gave helps as to the easiest way for a player to correct tiis mistakes “Patronize Emerald advertisers.” S P RING D A Y S REMIX'D you of VOI'K XKKI) for KNITTED SUITS Soo tlio now ami oltarm ing stylos wo art* now showing in now pastel | oolors at $5.95 and $7.95 THE BROADWAY INC. 30 EAST BROADWAY Joe Skiadany . Paul Gelsler . Francis Sehwamm Aaron Kosenbcrg Francis Wistert .... J. It. Dempsey Charles Bernard Irvine Warburtan Francis Bund Beattie Feathers George Sauer Second Petsskoy . Mata I '.. Jahlonski . Galius . Crawford . Ceppi Coates . Montgomery . Purvis . Franklin . Mikulak . Liberty Magazine’s All-American . . . End ... University of Pittsburgh End . Centenary el . Guard . State University of Iowa . Guard . University of So. Calif. .. Tackle . University of Michigan .. Tackle . Buckncll University . Center . University of Michigan . Quarterback ..University of So. Calif. . . Halfback .University of Minnesota .... . Halfback .University of Tennesse . Fullback ....University of Nebraska Team Third Team Michigan . . End .Canrinus . .. St. Mary’s Columbia. End .Smith . Washington Army . Guard .Corbus . Stanford Ohio State . Guard .Febel . Purdue Duke . Tackle .Lutz . California Princeton . ...... Tackle .O’Brien . . Nebraska U. C. L. A. Center . Seimering . San Fran. U. Columbia . Quarterback .Laws . Iowa Purdue . Halfback .Buckler . Army Oregon State . Halfback .Everhardus . Michigan Oregon U. Fullb.tck .Kichins . Utah U. Crowning King Winter In Southern California where file folks take their sunshine pretty seriously, they take their snow sports in a (ike manner. Pictured above is the crowning ceremony far old King Winter in honor of Southern California’s annual winter sports carnival at Big Pines. Cor onation was conducted Ijj Patricia McWiiuiney (right) and Wilma Wallen. Stoddard Announces Postponement oj Golf Meet ’Til Next Monday According to Thomas Stod dard. assistant graduate mana ger, tlie proposed meeting for those interested in golf, has been postponed until Monday, February 5, at 4 p. m. Stod dard states that all those in terested should come. About 15 attended yesterday’s meeting, uid Stoddard feels that more should turn out before formu lating any plans. Sully Alim Speaks at \ VN CA Politick Dinner After tlie pot luck dinner Tues day night, sponsored each term by upperelass commission of the Y. VV. C. A., Mrs. Sally Allen gave I a brief talk on "Growing Up" She said that there are two times in life most difficult to pass , through when one grows up in body, and when one grows up in ! mind. Of these two, she told the i girls gathered in the “Y” bunga- I low, the latter is by far the most difficult. Stressing the importance of learning how to make decisions; and do things for one’s self, she said, "It' you never pull away and free yourself, you never will grow up." Mrs. Allen outlined the various distressing experiences involved in growing up as disillusionment, which concerns the discovery that people and things are not perfect as one has believed; and realiza tion that the world is not black and white, not good and bad, but a mixture of many greys. lJbrary Compiles File From its duplicate copies of the Oregon Voter, the library has re cently been compiling a file of the magazine for the use of the Mu nicipal Research bureau in Friend ly hall. 1’ has also sent its files of the publications of various state municipalities to be used at the bureau. -a_ "Patronize Fmerald advertisers." Sian ford Football Coaches Toil On STANFORD University, Jan. 31. (Special) What do members of the football coaching staff do out side of the fall season ? Here is the way in which the Stanford grid coaches are now occupied. Tiny Thornhill, Murray Cuddeback, and Jim Lawson are handling win ter football practice. Ernie Nev ers is coaching freshman baseball. John Bunn is coaching varsity and Jimmie Bradshaw freshman bas ketball. Don Robesky is studying for the bar examinations. Husky Hunt is giving courses in the de partment of hygiene and physical education. Walt Heinecke is in charge of a service station on the campus. In addition to his foot-1 ball duties, Lawson conducts a cleaning establishment in Palo Al to. Cuddeback is also coaching golf and Thornhill is giving a foot ball theory course. -- California Grid Stars i'liiv Other Games Too S T A NFORD UNIVERSITY. Jan. 31 (Special 1 Stanford foot ball players who closed then sea son in the Rose Bowl at Pasadena j New Year's day are busily engaged in other sports. Among those who have donned other uniforms are: Monk Moscrip and Wes Muller, boxing: Claude Callaway, Gordon Dunn, George Leedy, and Bob Rey nolds, track; Bobby Grayson and Bones Hamilton, baseball: Ben Palamountain, Johnny Reisner. Chuck White, and Ray Lewis, rug by: and Keith Topping, basketball. Bill Sim is playing regularly on the rugby team and doing- some boxing on the side. PERFORMANCE OF LEAD PLAYER MERITS PRAISE (Continued front Patie One) at which time Bill Sehloth will take the part of Agmar, and Ted Karafotias that of the Frightened Mail. The Phi Beta trio with an oboe added furnished incidental music. "Patronise Emerald advertisers.” Three Volleyball Teams Clinch *B* Division Crowns Playoff Teams Will Be Phi Belts, Delta and Yeomen; Two Win by Forfeits Today’s “A” Volleyball Games 4:00 Alpha hall vs. Sigma Al pha Epsilon. Theta Chi vs. Phi Gamma Delta. 4:40 Phi Kappa Psi vs. Sigma Alpha Mu. Yeomen vs. Sherry Boss hall. 5:20 Omega hall vs. Delta Ep silon. Kappa vs. Sigma Nu. Three donut “B” league volley ball teams clinched the crown in their respective divisions last night with victories over their, competitors. Delta Tau Delta came out on top in their battle with Sherry Ross for the leader ship of Division IV and gained a 15-1, 15-4 victory. The other teams who are as sured of the title in their leagues are the Phi Delts and the Yeomen. Both of these sixes were awarded forfeit victories when the Pi Kaps and Sigma Alpha Epsilon failed to appear. I In a contest for second place in Division III the Chi Psis and Sig | ma hall were forced to play all three matches to decide the win ner. The hall six finally went down in defeat after winning the second game of the series. The Chi Psis’ margin of victory was not much, however, with the final score 15-12, 15-10. Phi Gamma Delta rose out of the cellar in the other contest to win from Delta Upsilon in a long drawn out affair. The final score in this game was 15-3, 15-11, but the match was much closer than the score indicates. 'T'A.LK about one grand baaket ball game! Gamma Phi Beta basketball team defeated the Pi Beta Phi six 25-14 yesterday at 5 p. m. Two players, Kay Breen and Barbara Weston, tan a close race for high score woman. K. Breen scored 15 points for Gamma Phi and B. Weston ran up 14 points for Pi Beta Phi. * * * There will be no more basket ball practices or interhouse games this week. The schedule for next week will be run in Saturday’s paper. Hendricks Hall defaulted to Alpha Phi swimming team yester day at 4 p. m. Kappa Alpha Theta is scheduled to meet Susan Campbell hail this afternoon at 4 o'clock. Theta swimming team won the Seller's cup last year and Susan Campbell team looks like a good prospect for the cup this year. Conclusion: It should be a close contest to the end. * * * Friday: Sigma. Kappa vs. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Pi Beta Phi vs. Alpha Phi. Almost forgot to mention that Gamma Phi holds the imaginary Spectator Cup awarded to the house having the most spectators out to back up a swimming or basketball team. Let's see it change hands to morrow at 4 p. m. More competi tion means more fun! Theta Chi Announces Pledging Theta Chi announces the pledg ing of Clifford Karaph of Harbor. Oregon. Olin Roher of Eugene, Holla Goo Id of Eugene, and Leon ard Marshall of Nyssa. Frosh Cagers And Townies Play Tonight Liebowitz and Helmkin Starling Forwards Astoria, Salem and Eugene High AH Killed for Next Week; Eugene Is Strong Gene Shields, frosh basketball mentor, yesterday stated that, contrary to previous announce ments, the Astoria and Salem games, along with the Eugene high tilt, will take place next week. This leaves the Wendling Town ies as the sole opposition for the Ducklings this week, the game taking place tonight in the Wend ling gym. This gym, like those cf most small high schools, is built on the general dimensions of a shoe box, according to Shields, making fast and calculated play next to impossible. With this factor in view, the frosh mentor will probably con struct the offense of the yearling hoopers along the long shot route. He has not set any definite start ing lineup, but stated that Liebo witz, stellar guard, and Helmkin, who heretofore had been fighting it out with Joe Murray for center, would be shifted to forward, while Murray is slated to hold the center post. At guards will be Roten berg and Northum, comparative newcomers to the first string. Lewis, Hardisty, Williamson, and Faust, who have seen a great deal of action thus far, will be avail able for reserve duty. The Wendling lineup will prob ably be the same as that which lost to the frosh two weeks ago, Wright and Cox at forwards; Mehl at center; and Page and Dorsey, guards. The next opportunity for the students and townspeople to view the frosh will be Wednesday, when the Duckling's tajre on Eugene high, now considered one of the strongest quintets in the state. r--•'- —. Sport Chats from HERE and THERE By DAN E, CLARK Jr. -Did You Know That: \ man by the aristocratic name of Pueblo Jim Flynn was the only man that ever knocked out Jack Dempsey ? According to H. J. Stegeman, director of athletics at the Uni versity of Georgia, there have been 91 football coaches in the two southern conferences, which include 23 colleges, since 1922 ? He gave six reasons for these coaches’ failure which give rise to our definition of a Lucky Stiff: Any football mentor stay ing longer than a year with a losing team. And we add to this, any rival basketball player who casts off with a one-handed “soup” shot from the center of the floor and makes it! In 1018 King James I of merrie England published a set of rules which prohibited any bull or bear baiting, bowling, or interludes on Sunday ? Interludes must have been the origin of those peaceful time-outs the baseball crowd takes between rooting to talk con solingly and sweetly to the um pire. Let’s go out and play inter ludes 1 ) "Patronize Emerald advertisers.” Varsity Wins First Water Tilt Beating FroshT earn, 5 0-2 4 Wally Hng and Jim Reed Outstanding For Victors; Dean Chalks Up Lone Yearling Firs! By GEORGE JONES The 'Webfont varsity swimming team last night splashed its way to an easy victory over the Ducklings in the Gerlinger pool to the tune of 50-24. Wally Hug scored 13 counters, to lead the victors’ scoring parade. The older performers had the situation well in hand from the start, although the yearlings pulled up to a 11-10 conn'-, when Bob Dean copped the 200-yard breast stroke. The meet at times developed into a comedy of errors, as frosh and \arsii\ men alike splashed into the water before the signal. The offi cials were new to the task and several of the swimmers had not participated in bona ride* matches before, hence the ragged starts. Dean Bests Mayer Although the yearlings lost by a large margin, several fine pros pects were uncovered. Dean, win ner of the breast stroke, set his pace nicely to barely nose out Ken Mayer of the varsity in a hair line decision. The varsity, how ever, w-as handicapped by the loss of Forrest Kerby. Leonard Scrog gins, yearling co-captain, per formed in a manner to gladden the heart of Coach Hoyman, almost catching Wally Hug in the 40 yard dash. Chuck Reed also dis played great promise. For the varsity, Hug was out standing. The big fellow copped two firsts and participated in the final relay. Jim Reed easily out distanced his opponents in win ning the 160-yard backstroke by a lap. Francis Oglesby won the 440-yard free style with consum mate ease. Varsity Shows Strength The meet gave indications of a fine varsity team. While winning from the frosh is in no way the same proposition &s handling the Washington mermen, the Webfoot splashers look ready for a sue- ■ cessful season. As an added attraction, the two ' teams put on a water polo game, ! the varsity shutting out the hap- i less frosh, 8-0. Jim Reed and | Wally Hug were the big noises for the varsity, each scoring four counters. How They Finished Summary and times of races: ! 400-yard relay—-Won by varsity j Suedes and Kids Pumps and Ties Widths C to AAA Values to $6.00 Choice $1.98 DURING THE HEAVY FORMAL SEASON LET US KEEP YOUR DRESS SHIRTS IN PERFECT CONDITION NEW SERVICE LAUNDRY PHONE vV> "in high si. team, composed of Ringrosc, Neu fert, Angell, Needham. 200-yard breast stroke- Won by Dean, fresh; second, Mayer, var sity; third, Fred Anderson, fresh. Time, 3. 7:3. 160-yard back stroke—Won by Jim Reed; second, Brookes, frosh; third, Seufert, varsity. Time, 1. 56. 40-yard short dash—Won by Hug, varsity; second, Scroggins, frosh; third, Newport, varsity. Time, 20 seconds. 440-yard —Won by Oglesby, var sity; second, Sherman, varsity; third, Goodall, frosh. Time, 5. 32:5. 100-yard- -Won by Hug, var sity; second, Scroggins, frosh; third, Hoffman, varsity. Time, 57:6 seconds. 200-yara — Won by Needham, varsity; second, Angell, varsity. Time, 2, 27:9. 300-yard medley relay—Won by varsity team, composed of Jim Reed, Kug, and Oglesby. Time, “Patronize Emerald advertisers.” PRICES Are a Gift. BUY NOV/ For Present or I r uture. 1 Suits I $13.85 to $27.85 Polo Coats $16.85 to $22.85 If you are thinking of TUX WEAR just drop in at De Neffe’s fcr the latest. * and remember - - - WE RENT TUXEDOS DeNeffe’s INC. MEN S WEAR