Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 31, 1934, Image 1

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Guild Theater
Opens Tonight
‘Gods of the Mountain’
Starts at 8
Director Rates Student Cast High
In Comparison With Previous
Groups; Setting Prised
“Gods of the Mountain,” a pro
duction offered by Guild theater
players, will open tonight at 8 p.
m. in the Guild theater in Johnson
hall. Tickets for all seats will be
sold at the door for 25 cents.
This play has been previously
directed six times by Mrs. Ottilie
T. Seybolt, head of the drama di
vision, and was produced once be
fore on the University campus.
Mrs. Seybolt ranks the present
cast favorably with those of the
past and considers the setting,
which differs in design and ar
rangement from former construc
tions, the most appropriate thus
Setting Effective
H. W. Robinson, technical di
rector, has interpreted the weight,
massiveness, and depth of this
Dunsany play to the highest pos
sible effectiveness despite the lim
ited size of the Guild theater stage.
Ted Karafotias, who has the
lead of Agmar in the presentation
tonight, will play his first major
role in a campus production. Both
he and Bill Schloth, who will per
form in the same role Saturday
evening, when the play will he of
fered again, have bgen prominent
in Portland high school dramatiza
Cast Named
Other members of the cast in
clude Slag, the servant of Agmar,
played by Boyd Jackson; the beg
gars, Ulf, Oogno, Thahn, and
Mian, enacted by Burdette Nick
laus, Bill Thienes, Harry McCall,
and Ed Pinney, respectively; the
thief, Frank Arrell; Chief citizens
Illanaun, Akmos, and Corander,
represented by Bert Evans, Rex
Faust, and Neville Biden; the
priest, Milton Pillette; the priest
ess, Gertrude Winslow; the fright
ened man, Bill Schloth, tonight,
and Ted Karafotias, Saturday; the
stricken woman, Althea Peterson;
maidens, depicted by Helen Camp
bell, Marytine New, Pauline Con
radt, and Joyce Busenbark.
Girl with the snake, Jo Poor;
dromedary men played by Paul
Burch, Bill McDonald; citizens,
portrayed by Helen Veblen, Ida
Markusen, Earl Bucknum, Charles
Fahey, Jack Young, Robert Dodge,
and Edgar Wulzen; one of the oth
ers, Ethan Newman.
The technical staff is made up
of Robinson, technical director;
(Continued on Page Three)
Two Tell of Travels
At Pi Lambda Theta
Miss Mary E. Starr, instructor
in home economics, and Miss
Catherine Kneeland, who was a
graduate student at the Univer-'
sity last term, spoke at the Pi
Lambda Theta social meeting
Monday night at the home of Mrs.
George York about their trips in
Europe last summer.
Miss Kneeland traveled in Scot
land and Miss Starr in Europe.
Miss Starr accompanied her talk
with a display of her textile col
lection. Pi Lambda Theta is the
women’s national education hono
Noble Chap Nabs
As Girls Applaud
Chivalry, cool courage, presence
of mind, etc.—all the good old
fashioned virtues have not per
ished from the earth, believe it or
An action befitting King Ar
' thur's thirteenth century boy
scouts was yesterday performed
right here on the University of
Oregon campus! Knightly deeds
of old are not buried in historical
tomes—they live and breathe.
Just before noon Tuesday, resi
dents of Hendricks hall were
thrown into a state of wild ex
citement at the sight of a small
coupe coasting backwards down
the incline from Gerlinger to Uni
versity street—driverless. They
ran wildly around trying to get
somebody to "do something.” Fi
nally they rushed in a body out
the street door toward the adven
turous automobile—just in time to
see a tall young man attired in
a. bright blue sweater grasp the
situation firmly. Nonchalantly he
opened the car door, leaped in,
and steered the coupe to a safe
parking place along the curbing
of University, then set the emer
gency brake and made a casual
exit, continuing his way down the
street as if such gallant deeds
were as common as breakfast
Drag out the gilded loving cup
and dust it off for this unidenti
fied hero.
Sunday Concert
Of Symphony to
Feature Violinist
Frances Brockman Will Present
Concerto by Tschaikowsky
During- ASUO Program
Miss Frances Brockman, violin
student of Rex Underwood, is to
be presented during the program
of the University Symphony or
chestra next Sunday at McArthur
This is the second appearance of
the symphony this quarter, and
is the fourth concert on the A. S.
U. O. winter term concert series.
Miss Brockman will play Tschai
kowsky’s Cocerto in D major for
violin and orchestra. Rex Under
wood, director of the orchestra,
states that this selection will take
a good 46 minutes of the program.
Other numbers to be heard dur
ing this program will be Schu
bert’s Rosamunde Overture and
the Polevitsky Dances from
“Prince Igor” by Borodin. This
latter number was heard on the
symphony’s last appearance and is
being repeated by popular request.
12 New Books Added
To Library Rent Shelf
Another group of new books has
just been obtained for the rent
and seven-day collections in the
old libe. It is composed of 12 new
titles, which are as follows:
"The Well of Days,” Ivan Bu
nin, a translation from the Rus
sian; “The Dance of Death,” W.
H. Auden, and “The End of a
War,” by Herbert Read, both
poems; “Christina of Sweden,” a
biography by Margaret Goldsmith;
“What Me Befell,” the memoirs
of Jules Jusserand, French diplo
mat; "The People’s Forests,” by
Robert Marshall; “The Illiteracy
of the Literate,” by H. R. Huse;
“Chinese Destinies,” Agnes Smed
ley; “My Life as German and
Jew," Jacob Wasserman; “Crowd
ed Hours,” Alice Roosevelt Long
worth; and “John Hay,” by Tyler
Gay, Festive Time to Be Had
At Beaux Arts Costume Ball
“The screwier the better,” said
art students, when asked about
the costumes to be worn to the
Beaux Arts ball, Friday at Gerlin
ger hall. A prize will be awarded
to the person wearing a home
made, originial, and clever cos
tume, whether it is elaborate or
not. The only costume dance of
the year, it has been a custom for
years that all women are privi
leged to invite men to the dance.
Anyone who has a costume and
ticket will be admitted. Tickets
are 35 cents for women and 40
cents for men, and are available
. at all living organizations, as well
k as at the architecture building.
Starting with the grand march
at 9:15, will be what is expected
to be the most elaborate dance of
the year. While the theme of the
decorations is being kept a deep,
dark, secret, Frank Wilke, public
ity chairman, did disclose to the
inquisitive Emerald reporter that
the idea they are working for is a
definite relationship between ar
chitecture and fine arts.
Ed Hicks, president df the Al
lied Arts league said, on being
interviewed: “We expect to see ev
eryone wallowing knee-deep in con
fetti and serpentine!” Art Hol
man’s ten-piece band will play,
and unusual features are being
Miriam Henderson and Ralph
Schomp are co-chairman of the
dance; Norris Perkins is in charge
of tickets; Mary Ming, decorations;
Frank Wilke, publicity; and Gerry
McGonigle, construction.
Marine Corps Honored
BiBIlTjjffiiiiiWni'i''' ."!!J i
Lieut. David L. Cloud of observation squadron 7, U. S. marine
corps, received from President Roosevelt the prized Herbert Schiff
trophy, awarded annually to the unit or squadron which logs during
the competitive year the highest number of flying hours with the
minimum number of accidents.
Plans for Yearly
AWS Coed Capers
Near Completion
Highlight of Evening to Be Grand
March of All Those Women
Wearing Costumes
Plans for the annual Coed Ca
pers, the all-girl party sponsored
by the A. W. S., are nearly com
plete and first dress rehearsal is
to be held tonight, in the women’s
gym, announced Elizabeth Bend
strup, general chairman.
The party, which is to be held
Wednesday, at 7 in Gerlinger, is
to be a costume one, and prizes of
$2.50 and $1 will be awarded for
the best and second best dresses.
A cup for the best class act will
also be awarded. Last year the
cup was won by the freshman wo
men, and the act planned by the
freshmen this year promises to
give the upperclass women excel
lent competition.
There will also be features, spe
cial m.usic, and the highlight of
the evening—a grand march of all
those dressed in costumes, at
which time the two best shall be
The girls in charge of the four
class acts are reticent in divulg
ing the nature of their skits, fear
ing that any hints given may be
advantageous to their fellow com
petitors and thus allay their
chances for the much coveted lov
ing cup.
However, considerable probing
on the part of the reporter has re
vealed some of the secrets, and
presented in jig-saw style, the acts
will include a burlesque on the
physical examination given to all
students entering the University,
sentiments about the mill stream,
ships, sailors, gobs, and cruise
around the world; grave yard, dark
tombs, and slinking spirits of the
famous dead of Oregon.
The directorate assisting Miss
Bendstrup includes, Catherine
Coleman, assistant chairman; Mar
(Continued on Page Three)
Bill Reinhart to Give
Points on Basketball
Bill Reinhart, varsity basketball
coach, will give a talk on “Basket
ball From the Spectator's Angle”
at McArthur court tomorrow at
4:30 p. m.
Regular basketball players will
demonstrate on the floor various
points of interest in connection
with the talk. Explnation of the
game for the purpose of better un
derstanding the plays will be giv
en, and points of interest to be
watched will be discussed.
The demonstration is for all Uni
versity students and also for
townspeople who are interested in
better understanding the basket
ball game from the spectator’s
point of view.
Golf Enthusiasts
To See Stoddard
About Coasi Meet
Students interested in par
ticipating in golf in the Pacific
Coast conference in the spring
please report to Tom Stoddard,
assistant graduate manager, in
the Igloo at 4 p. m. today.
This meeting is very impor
tant to golf enthusiasts and
should be attended by all who
are interested.
Beard Cultivation
Contest Will Start
Sunday for Dance
Whiskerino Shuffle Is Scheduled
For Friday, February 16,
By Class Meeting
Sophomore men will start grow
ing their beards Sunday in prep
aration for the annual Whiskerino
Shuffle, Friday, February 16, it
was decided last night at a class
Bill Paddock, chairman of the
dance, announced that a roster to
which contestants for the prized
awarded the beards that ara.
blackest and longest, reddest,]
fanciest, most unique, and least,
may sign their names will be
posted in front of the Co-op to
day or Thursday.
Competition for the awards is
not necessarily confined to those
who have affixed their signatures
to this list, he said, but the beard
growing among the sophomores
and all those men who have not
yet earned a junior certificate is
The members of the class voted
approval last night of changing
the affair to an all-campus dance.
Definite action on this change will
have to come about through the
administration, however.
Members of the dance directo
rate are Bill Paddock, chairman;
A1 Nielson, assistant chairman;
Margaret Jean Cooper, secretary;
Bill Lundeen, decorations; Bud
Johns, finances; Peggy Chessman,
publicity; Jack Campbell, prizes;
Reva Herns, patrons and patron
esses; Portia Booth, programs;
Helen Wright, music; Louis Fox,
features; Dean Conoway, George
Scharpf, lighting and construc
tion; Elma Giles, refreshments;
Ben Chandler, Jim Blais, cleanup;
Chester Beede, Adele Sheehy, and
Bill Paddock, judges.
Kwaina, Skull Dagger
To Give Dinner-Dance
A formal dinner-dance will be
given jointly by Kwama, and
Skull and Dagger’s Friday, Febru
ary 2, at the Eugene hotel. The
affair will be closed, only active
Kwamas and Skulls and Daggers
and their escorts being admitted.
Patrons and patronesses for the
dinner-dance will be Dr. and Mrs.
Leslie Schwering, Mr. and Mrs.
Carlton E. Spencer, Dr. and Mrs.
Harold J. Noble. Upperclassmen
who were formerly members of
either honorary are invited to at
tend the dance after the dinner,
as honored guest3.
Daring Ed Cross Wins
Mad Race of .Century
Lad-iee-s and gentlemen! Step
right up, folks, and the winnah
will be announced! The intrepid
adventurer, the daring driver, the
fearless Phi Delt who won the
race of the century in which two
flivvers made three mad circles
around a harmless pile of dirt—is
none other than Ed Cross, folks.
An orchid to him!
Hopkins to Appear
George Hopkins, professor of pi
, ano, will appear in concert at the
music auditorium one week from
next Tuesday at 8:15. The pro
gram will include numbers by
Schumann, Chopin, Debussy, Ra
•vel, and Goosens.
Morse Elected
For American
Council of IPR
Choices Made From All
Law School I5:‘an Is Unanimously
Chosen at Board of
Trustees Meet
Wayne L. Morse, dean of the
University law school, was unani
mously elected to membership in
the American council of the In
stitute of Pacific Relations at the
last meeting of the board of trus
tees, according to word just re
ceived from Joseph Barnes, secre
tary of the American council.
Members in the council are
chosen from outstanding- Ameri
cans in every profession and oc
cupation, who are interested in
Pacific relations. The council is
a division of the Institute of Pa
cific Relations, which is an un
official international body estab
lished to promote the cooperative
study of the relations of the va
rious countries bordering on the
Pacific ocean.
Aims International
The purposes of the American
council are to further the common
international ends of the institute
and to contribute to a fuller un
derstanding in the United States
of the problems and opportunities
in introducing an era of under
standing and mutuality in the Pa
cific world.
Members are elected to the
council only if they have interests
and talents which they will apply
to effective programs of educa
tion and research that will fur
ther the purposes of the council.
Individuals Do Work
The work of the council is ef
fected mainly through the activi
ties of individual members or
groups of members, who advance
the institute’s purposes through
significant projects of research.
Newton D. Baker of Cincinnati,
secretary of war during Wilson’s
administration, is national chair
man of the council.
The international organization,
the Institute of Pacific Relations,
is governed by the Pacific coun
cil, which meets biennially, and
consists of one representative
from the division of the institute
in_ each country. The Pacific
council announces projects, pro
motes research, and acts as a
clearing house of information for
the national councils.
Contralto to Sing
On Monday Night
In Music Concert
At the time of the regular stu
dent recital next' Monday evening,
Miss Alice Woodson, contralto, will
appear in concert.
Miss Woodson graduated from
the University two years ago. This
is her fourth year of voice study,
under Roy Bryson, assistant pro
fessor of music in the University’s
department of music.
According to Bryson, Miss
Woodson is taking advanced work
in voice training. Her voice, he
says, combines the deep notes of
the contralto voice and the high
range of the soprano.
The concert will take the full
hour usually devoted to the pre
sentation of several undergraduate
music students.
The program will include works
in French and German as well as
English. Compositions of Mozart,
and Schumann will be heard, and
the feature number will be the Ha
banera from the opera "Carmen.”
Bryson believes that the selections
on the program are varied enough
to produce at least one entertain
ing number for every person in
the audience.
Miss Woodson was a member of
Beta Phi Alpha, and of Phi Beta,
music and drama honorary.
C.W.A. Adult Course
Registration Growing
Registration for the free time
correspondence courses under the
C.W.A. adult education plan has
reached a total of 118, according
to information from the extension
This figure includes some dupli
cates since some of the students
registered for more than one
Dangers Seen in Increasing
Economic Nationalism Trend
The possibility of adequately j
solving the monetary problem in;
the United States without agree
ments with France, Great Britain
and other countries is null, stated
Dr. Victor P. Morris, professor of
economics, in talk given last night
before the International Relations
club, of which he is adviser.
Dr. Morris cited this problem as
an example of the dangers arising
from the growing trend toward
economic nationalism and self-suf
ficiency. He pointed out the need
or world-wide cooperation in meet
ing the economic problems of the
world today, stating that the drift
toward nationalism showed signs
of an economic war between the
nations that would be as difficult
for the people of the various coun
tries as actual war.
Such a financial conflict includ
ing currency and tariff war seems
inevitable if the present economic
nationalism continues to grow, the
speaker said.
“If the world is going to settle
into virtual national economic self
sufficiency," Dr. Morris stated,
"certain portions of the world will
have to go after more territory,
and we will see a nation like Ger
many striding out in the sun, seek
ing additional lands.
"If you have to maintain your
self inside your own boundary line,
you will have to have arms in or
der to do it,” he said.
"Furthermore,” he added, "sink
ing into economic nationalism
means a very much lower standard
of living for all, and lower stan
dards of culture.”
Store for Liquors
Refused Location
In Miner Building
Kelly Denies Humors Dispensary
Would Be Situated In Site
Owned by University
In response to rumors that the
new state liquor dispensary would
be located in the Miner building,
C. L. Kelly, professor of business
administration and manager of
the building, which is property of
the University, said definitely yes
terday that the store would not
be iocated there.
The proposal had been consid
ered by the liquor board's agents,
who proposed to use the space
now occupied by Margaret Cold
ren, women’s wear shpp. It was
reported that this site had been
“selected” by the board, but Kelly
decided that the building manage
ment should not be in the posi
tion of moving one tenant to make
room for another. The agreement
was at no time in any definite
Mrs. Coldren, present tenant,
said yesterday that she had not
been approached in any way and
that her removal had not been
Young Armenian
Extension Pupil
One of the most distant students
of the extension division of the
University of Oregon is a young
Armenian girl in Constantinople,
according to the Extension Star,
the new extension division paper,
the first issue of which appeared
The paper includes news of the
free courses, under the civil works
service program, correspondence
study groups news, radio news,
poetry and an article on the ten
best novels.
The purpose of the Star is to
afford a linking medium for all
the branches of the extension divi
sion of higher education in Ore
■■■» Jg.™.1L-L.'__L
Campus Calendar
Intramural managers and Beta,
Theta Pi basketball teams’ pic
tures for Oregana will be taken,
Friday at 2:50 p. m. instead of to
Amphibian swimming honorary
will not have pictures taken to
night at 7:45. Postponed indefi
Senior stunt for Coed Capers
practice on the stage of Gerlinger
gymnasium at 5 p. m. today.
Alpha Kappa Delta will have
Oregana picture taken today at
12:40 p. m. on the steps of Con
Asklepiads will have Oregana
picture taken today at 12:45 p. m.
on the steps of Condon.
Master Dance tryouts will be
held today at 4:30 in Gerlinger.
Oregon Yeomen executive coun
cil will meet today at 12:30 at the
Yeomen office. Very important.
There will be an A. W. S.
speakers’ meeting over College
Side Inn at 5 today.
Allied Arts League members
will meet in room 107, Architec
ture building Wednesday after
noon at 2. All students taking
art courses in the University are
expected to be there.
Hlgma Delta Chi pledges will
hold an important meeting in
room 104 of the Journalism build
ing at 4 p. m. today.
Morse Suggests
That Membership
Quiz Be Referred
Request of Student Committee
Is Turned Down by State
Board at Meeting;
Wayne L. Morse, dean of the
University law school, suggested
in a statement issued yesterday to
the Emerald that the question of
optional membership in the A. S.
U. O. be referred to I. H. Van
Winkle, attorney-general of the
The state board of higher edu
cation at its Portland meeting
Monday rejected the request of a
student committee of 10 that mem
bership in the Associated Students
be made optional rather than com
pulsory, as at present.
Morse declared that “much
sound argument can be advanced
in support of both sides of the
proposition” and that “it is a mat
ter which X think can be clarified
finally only by a court decision.”
The full statement follows:
“It is my understanding that the
board of higher education in its
meeting on Monday did not pur
port to pass judgment on the legal
problems involved in the organiza
tion of the A.S.U.O., but rather
assumed that the organization is
legal and rendered its decision en
tirely upon the basis of policy.
“Throughout the controversy no
member of the law faculty,, to my
knowledge, issued any official
statement as to the legality of the
A.S.U.O. I have, however, given
some consideration to the matter,
and I did, in private but not offi
cially, state to an officer of the
A.S.U.O. that I thought he could
prepare a very clear case in sup
port of his position. However, I
thought that I made it clear that
much sound argument can be ad
vanced in support of lioth sides of
the proposition, and that if I were
in private practice, I would not
hesitate to represent either side be
cause it is a matter which I think
can be clarified finally only by a
court decision.
"There are cases in some juris
dictions which seem to support the
position of the A.S.U.O. officials.
There are, on the contrary, judi
cial opinions which seem to indi
cate rather strongly that statutory
enactments would be necessary in
order to legalize the collection of
student fees for extra-curricular
activities as a condition precedent
to registration.
"Rather than continue a contro
versy which creates a state of fric
tion upon the campus, I would
venture the suggestion that both
groups should respectfully petition
the proper officials to ask for an
opinion from the attorney-general.
I think it would be most unfortu
nate because of the unfavorable
(Continued on Page Pour)
Brief Presents
Views Against
Required ROTC
Petition Given to Faculty
Three Students Appear Before
Croup to Make Request;
Report Scheduled
-* *
A brief assigning seven reasons
for the abandonment of compul
sory military training at tne uni
versity in favor of optional instruc
tion in R.O.T.C. courses was pre
sented to a faculty committee by,
three members of the student com
mittee on compulsory military
training yesterday.
Henriette Horak, Bill Gross, and
Wallace Campbell tendered the
brief to the faculty group, com
posed of L. S. Cressman, O. F.
Stafford, Waldo Schumacher, Carl
ton Spencer, and Major Roscius
Students Questioned
The student representatives were
questioned by this faculty commit
tee on military training, which will
submit a report of its findings at
the next regular faculty meeting
on February 7. The students may
be quizzed again before that time,
it was indicated.
The request for optional R. O.
T. C. work was first presented to
the faculty at a meeting January
17, and it was later referred to the
special committee appointed by
Dr. C. V. Boyer, acting president
of the University.
Excerpts Given
Excerpts from the brief placed
yesterday follow: “We request this
change of status because military
training is not of sufficient value
to the student or institution to
warrant its present status as a re
quired course.
“In support of the above, we cite
the following specific reasons:
“1. Compulsory military train
ing was adopted by the board of
regents of the University of Ore
gon and accepted by the faculty
in time of great national emer
gency. (Specific data regarding
the motion of the board of regents
on June 2, J916, and the subse
quent action of the faculty may be
obtained from Mr. Constance, as
sistant registrar of the Univer
“2. Compulsory military training
in peace time is contrary to
avowed national policy.
“3. Military training is not fun
damental to a liberal university
‘‘4. The courses, specifically,
cannot be required on the grounds
of physical exercise. (Qualified
authorities, both within the army
and without, condemn military
drill as physical training. It is the
task of the department of physical
education to give expert attention
(Continued on Page Three)
Law School Dance Set
For Next Friday Night
The annual law school dance will
be held Friday night at the Koko
Nut Grove, formerly the Campa
Shoppe, with the music of Art Hol
man and his orchestra.
The dance will be open to all
law school students. The law
school faculty are acting as pa
Sig Seashore is in charge of ar
rangements for the dance, assist
ed by Eugeqe Laird and Stanford
Coeds Sample Cheeses of All
Smells, Sizes in Foods Class
Coeds who had not had the op
portunity to become familiar with
the bites and tangs of famous
cheeses had that opportunity Tues
day if they were enrolled in foods
classes taught by Professor Mabel
A. Wood, of the home economics
An enticing display of cheeses
accompanied by crackers and little
bread-and-butter knives was ar
ranged in the laboratory and each
student was invited to sample the
flavors of the many varieties. Lie
derkranz, a cheese similar to
strong limberger, and romanella, a
domestic hard cheese, sat side by
side. Parmesan, an Italian import
ed cheese also represented the hard
variety. Parmisello, also from It
aly, was in a grated form by Kraft.
Roquefort, that bity appetizer,
waa in two forms—imported, in
the brick form, and processed in
a creamy spread. This cheese is
cured by mold. Edam from Hol
land comes in a huge cannon-ball
form. The outside is dyed and
shellacked with brilliant red, then
wrapped in cellophane to match.
Gjestost from Nofway is a sweet
brown cheese. It is nearly the col
or of peanut butter and has a slight
tang of peanut flavor.
Straight American Cheddar, do
mestic Swiss, domestic Danish
banquet cheese, Wisconsin brick,
and Philadelphia cream cheese
were all represented.
Highly seasoned American
cheese, which is known as aged or
snappy, was on display. Other pro
cessed cheeses were camembert,
(Continued on Page Three)