Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 30, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    functions of
School Heads
Made Definite
Deans-Directors’ Duties
Appointment of Comptroller Bork
Approved by Board; $15,000
Appropriation Made
(Continued from Page One)
tual understanding and for fur
thering the objectives of the in
7. He is the authorized channel
of communication between the
students and faculty of his institu
tion, on the one hand, and the
chancellor and the board of higher
education on the other.
8. He presides at convocations,
general staff or faculty meetings,
or any general institutional meet
ings of like character.
9. He approves and submits to
the chancellor all recommenda- I
tions covering personnel, curricula, !
and budgets for his institution.
10. All institutional reports are
subject to his review before re
lease. ,
11. All projects and programs
which form any part of the activi
ty of his institution are subject to
his approval.
12. Disagreements between of
ficers or between officers and oth
er staff members within an insti
tution are referred to the presi
dent, but may be appealed to the
chancellor. Disagreements involv
ing a president (acting president)
or mterinstitutional officers are
referred to the chancellor. As a
final resort disagreements may be
appealed to the board, briefs and a
spokesman for each side of the
question being given due consider
Dean’s Powers Defined
More complicated were the lines
of authority designating the pow
ers of the cross-campus deans-di
These officials were divided into
two classes for convenience of an
alyzing functions. In class I are
placed those deans - directors
under whose .direction curricular
offerings are given on both cam
puses, including arts and letters,
business administration, education,
fine arts, home economics, jour
nalism, physical education, science,
and social science.
Deans-directors in this class are
responsible to the president on the
campus where the major work is
offered, and have full control over
budgets, personnel and curricular
Duties Transferred
In the determination of budgets,
personnel, standards and policies,
other than curricular, on the cam
puses where major work is not
offered, control is vested in the
president, with only advisory pow
ers retained by the dean.
In all cases, the chancellor de
clared orally, the budgets will first
be prepared jointly by the acting
presidents and the deans, and the
final institutional budget will be
prepared by the joint labor of the
acting presidents and the chancel
Class II of the deans-directors
included the interinstitutional ad
ministrative heads, controlling
business offices, dormitories, ex
tension, research, graduate work,
and such activities necessary for
the operation of the system as a i
These deans-directors are re- ]
sponsible to the chancellor for all
matters except those which are
institutional in character, in which
matters he is responsible to the
O L O N I A !
_* 11'“#. ALDER ■■
—Last Times Tonight—
The greatest musical yet!
A New Experience—
‘Red Head’
French drama of adolescence
that will set the campus
for the I
Most Tasty Foods |
and the (
Most Popular *
5c and lUc Glasses* g
-—Ou Idfli— |
d blocks down from |
the campus. |
i m ■ ■ m m m m m m m ■ <
Oregana Asks for All
Lists of Members and
Pledges of Sororities
Heads of women’s houses on
the campus are asked by the
Oregana. annual yearbook, to
submit names and class years
of all pledges and active mem
bers to the office of Mrs. Alice
B. Macduff, assistant dean of
The list should be turned in
before the end of the present
week. It should also be type
Potluck Dinner to
Be Given Tonight
The winter term potluck dinner
sponsored by upperclass commis
sion will be held tonight in the
Y. W. C. A. bungalow at 6 o'clock.
Entertainment has been arranged
lor by the Dill Pickle club, an
organization of town girls which
meets each Wednesday at the
bungalow for luncheon and a divi
sion of the upperclass commission.
Heading the program is a talk by
Mrs. Sally Allen.
In charge of the dinner is Al
berta Baldwin. Under her chair
manship she has appointed Louise
Latham, chairman of serving;
Alice Ann Thomas, cleanup chair
man; Virginia Munsey, in charge
of arranging the room; and Betty
Ohlemiller, publicity.
These dinners are held each
term. Their increasing popularity
has been noticed by the various
chairmen. Miss Baldwin reports
that several houses are attending
as units.
Beta Alpha Psi to Hear
Speech by O. K. Burrell
Professor O. K. Burrell of the
school of business administration
will give an address on the sub
ject of “Monetary Changes” be
fore a meeting of the Beta Alpha
Psi, national accounting honorary,
next Wednesday night.
The talk will be given during a
dinner to be held at the Anchor
Burrell has spoken before the
Lions club and the Rotary club on
the same subject last week and
has excited considerable comment.
He has also written an article on
banking that was published in a
late issue of the commercial mag
azine, Analist.
president of the respective insti
Bork Approved
The board formally approved
the hiring of H. A. Bork. of the
University of Wisconsin as comp
troller of the state system of high
er education, at a salary of $3850
a year.
This action followed an an
nouncement by Bork, transmitted
over press association wires from
Madison, Wisconsin, that he was
resigning his present position to
take control of the business of
higher education in Oregon. Ne
gotiations had been completed by
the board, although they had not
been made public.
An appropriation of $15,000 was
approved, to match expected fed
eral funds for construction and
repair work on the campuses of
the state system of higher educa
Only five members of the board
were present for the session. The
absent members being Herman Ol
iver, Mrs. Walter M. Pierce, and
George B. McLeod.
(Continued from Page One)
then it was worth approximately
one dollar in American money,
whereas now it is worth scarcely
five cents. The worker’s pay has
not increased proportionately.
“Another difficulty is the labor
passport required of all Russians,
without which they can be shipped
to any part of the country by the
government. The policy of the
new administration seems to be,
‘Work today or starve tomor
Famine Described
Williams described the wide
spread famine throughout the in
dustrial districts of Russia which
he observed last year, and esti
mated that 5,000,000 Russians had
starved to death between the har
vests of 1932-33.
“In my opinion,” said the
speaker, “the Russian worker is
now engaged in a battle of pas
S sive resistance, and in the near
i future we will either see a swing
to a more capitalistic outlook in
Russia, or great difficulties will
be encountered there.”
Permanence Opposed
Coming to America. Williams
advanced his belief that, as emer
gency measures, the NRA and
! other reforms should be quite ade
quate, but as a basis of perma
nent reform they are definitely a
“I am convinced that the Amer
ican workers are not ’red’ in senti
ment,” he said, giving the anec
dote of a colored boy who refused
to be convinced by a communist
Following his lecture Whiting
Williams left for Palo Alto, Cali
fornia. where he will speak to the
i studenU of Stanford university.
In Historical
Field Offered
i —.
$600 Stipend, Tuition
Are Included
George Washington University
Provides Scholarships
For Graduates
Announcement ot the Sanders
j fellowship in history at the George
i Washington university at Wash
1 ington, D. C., for graduate stu
| dents in history, has been made
j by that university.
The fellowship, which is for
i 1934-35, includes a stipend of $600
and tuition, and is offered to a
graduate student of any univer
sity who has made measurable
progress toward fulfillment of
residence requirements for the
doctorate of philosophy in history
and may desire a year’s residence
in Washington to take advantage
of archival resources and advanced
instruction in the national capital.
Applicants who have specialized in
American history and who wish to
pursue research in the diplomatic
history of the United States will
be among those first considered.
The teaching requirements of
the fellowship consist of quiz
master's work and other routine
tasks in elementary American his
tory with a total of not more than
eight hours, according to the reg
ulations made by the university.
The incumbent of the fellowship
should have at least one-half his
time for research.
Application blanks may be ob
tained from the registrar, George
Washington university, 2031 G
street NW, Washington, D. C.,
and must be filed before March 1,
1934, when the candidate will be
chosen. Applicants should present
a statement of personal history,
academic history, degrees, and the
institution from which they have
been received, publications, if any,
and the line of historical research
which the applicant desires to
pursue in Washington.
Applications should be accom
panied by recommendations, par
ticularly from those who are fa
miliar with the student’s capacity
for research and with any expe
rience 1 he may have had which
will be of use to him in the teach
ing duties of the fellowship. A
photograph is desired,to accom
pany each application.
Hayes’ Audience
Comes From Afar
The number of tickets sold for
the Roland Hayes concert in
cities outside of Eugene indicate
a great deal ‘ of interest in this
Of the approximately 4000 per
sons attending the concert, 31
were from Roseburg, 7 from
Klamath Falls, 37 from Corvallis,
40 from Oakridge, 6 from Grants
Pass, 4 from Medford, 25 from
Portland, 4 from Ashland, 14 from
Albany, and 12 from Salem.
The number of persons present
from Portland is accounted for by
the fact that the concert there
was sold out and people were
turned away.
(Continued, from Pane One)
posite manner. Instead of free
dom and openness, the characters
are enclosed in high mysterious
walls. People approach the scene
of action through winding narrow
streets and subterranean pas
sages. Once more the characters
are picked out in light so that
their massive backgrounds be
come dim and mysterious, but
seem to close down upon them.
Patronize Emerald advertisers.”
Kates Payable in Advance
10c a line for first insertion;
5c a line for each additional
Telephone 3300; local 214
DRESSMAKING — Ladies’ tailor
ing, style right, price right.
Petite Shop, 573 13th Ave. E.
Phone 3208.
PATTERSON-Tuning. Ph. 3256W.
! rOR SALE—Set of Harvard chvi
| sics, reasonable. Call at 849 E.
Held in C WA Probe
Said by investigators to have operated a huge “brokerage racket”
in connection with the hiring of trucks for CWA work in' the Los
Angeles area, Miss Laurette Hasker (left) and Mrs. Emily Paddleford
were recently arrested by authorities there. Some $75,000 was de
clared to have been collected from truck owners in exchange for CWA
work orders.
Past, Present, Future Brides
Will Feature YWCA Pageant
“Here comes the bride”—to this
traditional, beloved strain of an
immortal wedding march, brides
of the past, the present and the
future will slowly walk down the
aisle and to the altar, when the
pageant, “Wedding Belles,” is pre
sented in the school of music audi
torium, on Valentine’s day, Thurs
day, February 15.
The pageant, sponsored by the
advisory board of the campus Y.
W. C. A., with the aid of active
members of the group will feat
ture wedding dresses of the past,
and also honor golden wedding
couples of Lane county. Prizes
will be offered for the longest
married couple and also for the
oldest wedding dress.
All wedding dresses are to be
modeled and plans are being made
to have each house on the cam
pus represented in the “Wedding
Belles” grande promenade. All
girls on the campus, and men too,
may enter the oldest wedding dress
contest, provided the govms en
tered, which may come from any
part of Oregon, and are not limit
ed to the scope of Lane county
merely, date back before 1880.
Thrge weddings will be per
formed in actual procedure and
every detail—even to the tradi
tional kiss, and students on the
campus who have never seen a
wedding ceremony performed are
urged to reserve the evening of
February 15 to see three weddings
performed. A ceremony of the
past, a typical modern one, and a
futuristic one.
The music building will be trans
formed into a solemn church for
one evening, and the organ will
peal forth “I Love You Truly,” as
well as many other love ballads,
and selections appropriate for
No affair of this type has ever
been given in Eugene, and already
interest is being shown from all
parts of Oregon, and offers of
gowns are being received. Stu
dents who know of very old wed
ding gowns that their parents or
friends have are urged to secure
these, and enter the competition.
The committee heads from the
Y. W. C. A. board in charge of
the pageant are: Mrs. Herschel
Scott, general chairman; Mrs.
Charles G. Howard, wedding dress
es; Mrs. Virgil D. Earl, publicity;
Mrs. Mary Hillburn JaCkson, gold
| Get Your §
i Shoes Repaired !
1 now :
1 for £
m The Winter s
* Social Season j|
" TH E "
j| Across from Sigma Chi H
^ Right on the Campus H
! A Modern Necessity
Hand in Typed Papers and Notes
en wedding couples; Mrs. William
M. Tugman, Mrs. H. K. Adams,
Mrs. H. B. Sallee, and Mrs. Spen
cer Collins, wedding scenes. All
active members of the campus Y.
W. C. A. are assisting with de
tails of arrangements.
Dean Jewell Will Talk
For Education Group
Dean J. R. Jewell of the school
of education will talk to , educa
tion majors and students who are
doing practice teaching at the
meeting of Omega Delta Pi, un
dergraduate education club, to
night at 7:30 o’clock in Gerlinger
Dean Jewell’s topic will be “The
Ideal Teacher.” He will present
the qualifications which make the
ideal stand out from the average.
Refreshments will be served.
Band Will Appear
During Five More
Basketball Games
Group in Preparation tor Concert
To Be Given February 18
In ASUO Series
Performances at five more bas
ketball games remain on the sched
ule of the University band for this
term, two of which will take place
next, Monday and Tuesday nights,
when Oregon plays Washington at
McArthur court.
The band has played during all
the home games this season. Each
member of the group has been re
quired to play at approximately
three-fourths of the games.
One piccolo, one drummer, and
two trumpets were the net losses
in players reported by John Stehn,
director, at the end of the fall
term. He said these will not hin
der the efficiency of the band be
cause two more new trumpets and
two clarinets have signed up at
the beginning of this term.
Stehn believes it will remain
just as strong and well balanced
as it showed itself to be during
the football season.
.Preparations are now being
made for a concert to be present
ed on February 18. This program
is part of the series presented dur
ing the term by the A.S.U.O.
Williams Guest Sunday
Of Faculty Club Group
Whiting Williams, who spoke to
a public student assembly yester
day morning in Gerlinger hall, was
the guest of the University facul
ty club Sunday evening.
The lecturer discussed the work
ing conditions of the various coun
tries he has visited as a laborer
and explained to members of the
faculty many of the customs and
peculiarities of workers in foreign
lands. Interesting facts unknown
to the average man were brought
forth by Williams, who is an au
thority on the life of the "floater”
or “bum" both in America and
Alumna Sails for Europe
Rovena Eyre, former University
student and now society editor of
the Salem Capital-Journal, sailed
Saturday from San Francisco for
New York, from where she will
sail to Hamburg, Germany, on
February 14. At Hamburg she
will meet her brother, David Eyre,
also a former University student,
and tour the continent and the
British isles, returning to the
United States in the spring.
Maybe Dull Halls
Of Condon Need
Real A rt Of I. B.
It has been suggested that Bar
ney Clark donate some of the pic
tures with which he decorates the
den of Innocent Bystander to the
denizens of Condon hall.
A curvaceous photo of Mae
West, or the silhouette of Jean
Harlow which has so often in
spired I. B. to flights of fancy
would not be amiss in the upper
halls, which have been turned into
an art gallery of a far different
type. They would certainly be a
relaxation and a relief to students
weary of staring at the brightly
colored delineations which now
adorn the walls, near the top of
the stairs; queerly futuristic pic
tures which twist and turn more
wildly than the imagined designs
of any rabid cubist or futurist.
These drawings look very much
like those in an ultra-modern exhi
bition which are labeled “Soul of
a Sacred Cow,” or “Woman About
to Murder Her Husband.”
Students who are forced to sit
for hours copying the representa
tions of nerve endings which
cover the numerous charts, how
ever, find no such artistic inter
ests in their work, but prosaicly
label their imitations “Inside of
an Ear,” and “Fingertip of a
And, after all, who knows which
is the more honest title ? Per
haps the cubists have missed an
Waslike to Teaoli
During Summer
Paul R. Washke, professor of
physical education and director of
sports activities at the men’s gym,
will be a member of the teaching
staff at the University of Michi
gan during this year’s summer
term, according to word received
yesterday from J. B. Edmonson,
dean of the school of education
Immediately following c o m
mencement in June, Washke will
leave for Ann Arbor, where the
school is located. His work will
continue for an eight. weeks’ pe
riod. The subjects which he will
have to teach are Present Day
Problems of Interscholastic Ath
letics, and Present Day Problems
of Intramural Athletics.
Before coming to Oregon,
Washke had taught at the Michi
gan institution while Fielding Yost
was at the head of the athletic
department of that university.
Junior Day Shine
Appointment Soon
Selection of the chairman for
Junior Shine day, which will be
held in the latter part of Febru
ary, will be made this week by
George Birnie, president of the
junior class.
A novel addition to this year’s
shine day, will be that it will be
open to women, while ordinarily
only junior men participate.
Interviewed on this subject, Bir
nie said, "In view of women’s
seeking economic independence, it
would be nothing more than fair
to enlist their talents in the art
of shining shoes. The shine day
will afford them an opportunity to
display their technique, and per
haps it may uncover to women an
other profession at which they
may compete on equal basis with
Ten Students Initiated
By Alpha Kappa Delta
Alpha Kappa Delta, national so
ciology honorary, initiated 10 new
members Sunday evening at the
home of Dr. Philip A. Parsons,
professor of sociology. Following
the initiation ceremony, the init
iates were the guests of the hon
orary at a banquet held at the
Marigold tea room.
The following students were ad
mitted to the sociology honorary's
membership: Wanda Veatch, Al
ma Herman, Eugene Stromberg,
Richard Bolling, Margaret Ellen
Osborne, Clarita McCormick,
Frances McCormick, Elizabeth
Stimpson, Inez Eyler, and Hazle
(Continued from Page One)
edits the Star, and the University
of Oregon school of journalism
supervises makeup and head writ
ing. The Star is printed at the
University Press. The new paper,
the official organ of the general
extension division, the correspond
ence school, and radio station
KOAC at Oregon State college, is
a four-page leaflet including news
ctories, poems, features', personals
concerning extension students, and
descriptions of courses.
The Extension Star is utilized
for the same purpose as the Sum
mer Sun of the summer school.
Endeavoring to “weld the compo
nent parts of the vast extension
program into one group,” the staff
of the Star gathers' stories that
will be interesting and helpful to
students scattered throughout the
Remember the game? A handkerchief over your eyes
. . . . your hands searching for someone, feeling blindly
over features your eyes could so easily know. It seems
foolish—deliberately to blindfold yourself and go search
ing. You wouldn’t blind yourself deliberately when you
start out in search of purchases that help make life a
If you can read the advertisements first you are spared the
doubts and mistakes. Advertisements take the handker
chief off of your eyes. They equip you with keen vision.
I hey lead you direct to the shaving cream that will give
most freshness to your skin, to the most tempting clothes,
to the sparkling drinks most pleasing. They put in your
hands familiar good things guaranteed to please.
You can’t afford to buy under a blind man’s buff. Read
the advertisements to avoid the blindness—and the buff.
Advertisements help you find the best
there is to find and know it when
you find it