Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 20, 1934, Image 1

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    Conference of
Press Visitors
Finishes Today
General Session Slated
In Morning
Washington County News-Times
Winner of Best Weekly
Contest lor 1933
A half-day session this morning
will bring to a close the sixteenth
annual Oregon Press conference,
current in the school of journalism
since Thursday.
The second general session of
the meeting will begin at 9:45
a. m., with Merle R. Chessman
of the Astorian-Budget presiding.
Two speeches are scheduled for
this gathering. A. L. Lindbeck,
who has been reporting news of
^ the state house and legislature
during several years for various
newspapers in Oregon, will talk
on “Covering the State House and
Legislature.'' Joe C. Brown of the
Redmond Spokesman will describe
the methods he has employed on
his own publication in getting non
advertisers to purchase space
when he discusses “Converting a
Departmentals Held
Two departmental meetings, one
for weeklies and the other for
dailies, are also slated for this
morning in the journalism build
ing. The weeklies’ departmental
round table discussion will be led
by Steen M. Johnson of the Sheri
dan Sun, while Chessman will
head the conclave of the daily
A no-host luncheon in the new
men’s dormitory, the John Straub
Memorial uilding, is set for noon.
Sterling Green, editor of the Em
erald, will be toastmaster of the
affair, given under the auspices
of the Emerald, Sigma Delta Chi,
^ and Alpha Delta Sigma.
Awards to Be Made
Included in the luncheon pro
gram will be reports of conference |
> committees, the election of new i
officers, award of a certificate to
the Hood River News, the best
1932 weekly newspaper, by Don
Caswell, president of Sigma Delta
Chi, and presentation of the Sigma
Delta Chi cup to the best weekly
of 1933, the Washington County
More than 80 delegates regis
tered for the conference yesterday,
the official opening day.
At the general session in the
morning, Chessman, who pre
sided, announced the appointment
of committees on necrology,' reso
lutions, and nominations.
Talks Presented
The first speaker on the pro
^ gram, Floyd L. Sparks of San
Francisco, depicted “Advertising
Under the ‘New Deal.’ ” Func
tions of the Audit Bureau of Cir
culations in establishing uniform
systems of dependable statistics
for newspapers over the country
were described by O. C. Harn of
(Continued on Page Three) •
Conference Speaker
Dean Erin W. Allen of thf
school of journalism entertained
conference visitors with a speech
on Korea at the no-host luncheon
Carlton Spencer
To Attend Meet of
American Legion
Law, Order Committee Session
Slated in Portland Monday;
Crime Study Made
Carlton E. Spencer, professor of
law, will be in Portland Monday
to attend a meeting of the law and
order committee of the Oregon de
partment of the American Legion,
which will be held at noon in the'
Benson hotel.
Spencer is one of thirteen Amer
ican Legion members who were
appointed on the law and order
committee with Gen. George A.
White as chairman. Most of the
committee have been outstanding
in public service and are experi
enced in law and its enforcement.
The purpose of the committee is
to study the crime situation, and
to devise plans for the active par
ticipation of tire American legion
in curbing criminal endeavor. Gen
eral White has announced that the
committee will consider the ques
tion of integrity in public service
as well as such actual crimes as
racketeering and kidnaping.
The committee was appointed
by H. J. Warner of Pendleton, 1913
University of Oregon graduate
(Continued on Page• Three)
Tail Delta Delta to Hold
Tea for Music Faculty
Tau Delta Delta, underclass mu
sic honorary, will hold an informal
tea from 3:30 to 5 tomorrow af
ternoon at the Alpha Xi Delta
house in honor of members of the
music faculty.
Bernice Stromberg is in charge of
invitations for the tea; Joy Car
lisle, Ella Devereaux, Alberta Rob
erts, Edwina Anderson, and Jessie
Long in charge of refreshments.
A musical program, to be given
during the tea, will consist of a
vocal solo by June Yates, a group
of cello numbers by Margaret Hay,
a piano solo by Harriet Moore, vo
cal trio by Bernice Stromberg, Ella
Devereaux, and Jessie Long with
Elizabeth Rix accompanying, and
a piano duet by Albert Roberts and
Irma Egbert.
Feminine O.O.McIntyre Gives
Observations on Conference
Author's note: This does not
aim to be a united, coherent
story of one feature of the Press
conference but is rather a dis
cordant tale of informal j
glimpses gathered yon and yon
“This the shack ? Hmmm—
'thought it might be the dispen
sary, all white; purifying the
newspaper office,—yes, no, per
haps, maybe, to be sure!” At
least a dozen of the editors who i
attended the Friday sessions of
the press conference made re
marks of this nature, or similar to
this—and the ones who did not
remark merely looked and grunt
ed, Uggh! This was the first time
since the conferences were held
in the “shack” that the editors
came to white walls, gray at the
bottom, instead of the rough
brown and brick red of former
Now up the stairs and a glance
at the signatures in the registra
tion book! O. C. Harn. of Chi
cago. bears the distinction of com
i ing from the longest distance.
Floyd Sparks of San Francisco is
the runner up. Some of the other
names in the book, which when
carefully deciphered with the aid
of a magnifying glass, a manual
of handwriting, “Your Character
by Your Writing,” the book and
at least six handwriting experts,
included Merle Chessman, presi
dent of the association; Paul
Kelty, editor of the Morning Ore
gonian) Robert W. Sawyer, Bend
Bulletin; Hugh G. Ball, Hood
River News; Mr. and Mrs. L. P.
Arant, Democrat Herald, Baker;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Bladine, the
smiling couple from McMinnville,
and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sterling,
Oregon Journal. About 55 other
names were on the registration
pages, but the writer was men
tally exhausted with the first
In room 105, the stronghold of
the editors, flowers graced the
speakers' platform. Not merely
white walls, but flowers! One edi
tor was heard to remark, “The
sissies!” Mixed, and properly
blended with the odor of new
paint, were at least 60 different
brands of tobacco, all being
smoked at the same time, and
ranging in form from corn cob
pipes, to big, black, three-foot
(Continued on Page Three)
Talks on Love
And Marriage
Begin Monday
'Four Talks Scheduled
In Annual Series
Portland Pastor Will Give First
Lecture; Students to Be
Admitted Free
Chaplain John W. Beard, pastor
of the Mount Tabor Presbyterian
church in Portland, will open the
I fourth series of love and marriage
lectures Monday evening, January
22 with “Love and Marriage, the
Foundation of Society." This
speech, the first of a group of four
to be given during the next month,
will be held in Villard hall at 8:15.
Dr. E. S. Conklin, professor of
psychology, will discuss the psy
chological aspects of love and mar
riage in the Villard assembly hall
on January 29. Dr. Conklin was
on$ of the speakers at the same
series of lectures held last winter
Dr. Goodrich C. Schauff!er and
Dr. Jessie Laird Brodie, both of
Portland, will deliver two speech
es on the biological aspects of the
subject at separate assemblies for
men and women on Monday eve
ning, February 5.
Committee Named
The concluding speech of the
four will be Mrs. Harry P. Cra
mer's “Factors in Making Mar
riage a Success.” Mrs. Cramer is
secretary of the Oregon Mental
Hygiene association.
Bill Schloth has been appointed
by Tom Tongue to serve as head
of the committee which will spon
sor the lectures. Working with
Schloth are Charlotte Eldridge,
Don Thomas, and John Clabaugh.
Tickets Available
Tickets for the series of dis
cussions will be available from
house presidents at the Co-op to
day. The admission will be hand
led as in other years. There will
be no charge for the ducats, but
its is urged that students bring
their cards to each lecture and
present them at the door.
Chaplain Beard, Monday’s speak
er, is a graduate of the Occidental
college, and has been an instruc
tor in citizenship at Camp Lewis
and Camp Vancouver for the past
10 years. At present he is senior
chaplain, with the rank of major,
in the Oregon national guard.
Mrs. Jackson to Talk
On War at Open Forum
“Who Pays the Cost of War’’
will be the subject of Mary Hil
burn Jackson when she speaks to
morrow evening at 7:30 at an open
forum to be held at 720 Willamette
street. All students have been in
vited to attend.
Mrs. Jackson is secretary of the
Eugene council of the National So
ciety for the Prevention of War,
and was formerly head of the Wo
men’s Civic league in Eugene. Her
son, Robert F. Jackson, graduate
of the University, is at present in
England on a Rhodes scholarship.
Play Will Be Presented
By Westminster Group
“Silver Candlesticks,” a play, is ]
to .be presented in the social hall
of the Presbyterian church Sunday
evening at 7:30. The deputation
group of Westminster is putting
on the performance.
The play is taken from “Les Mis
erables,” by Victor Hugo, and cen
ters around the escaped convict
who breaks into a bishop's house
and steals some silver candlesticks.
The consequences that are in
curred by this act make up the
Band Director
John Stehn, director of the Uni
versity band, which will present a
concert tomorrow afternoon in Mc
Arthur court.
Facts on Russia
Fully Described
In New Manuals
Tourist Information, Geography
Weights, Money, Among
Topics Discussed
Weights and measures of Rus
sia, as well as facts about Russian
money, transportation, and the
transliteration of the Russian al
phabet, are to be gleaned from
t.vo books in the library on the
The first, which contains infor
mation for tourists mainly, is “A
Pocket Guide to the Soviet Union”
issued in 1932 by the State Tour
ist company of the U. S. S. R.
Divided into two parts, the book
treats various phases—economic,
social, and political—of life in So
viet Russia, as well as the geog
raphy of the country. The ap
pendix contains tourist informa
tion of various kinds about the
chief Soviet cities.
An official report of the state
planning commission of the U. S.
S. R. on “The Fulfillment of the
First Five-Year Plan” is the sec
ond of the two. It has sections
on every department of the sub
ject, accompanied by numerous
statistical tables.
Both books were printed in Rus
sia, but are written in English.
Pre-Legal Group
Plans for Dance
Tentative plans for a pre-legal
student body dance, to be held’Fri
day, February 23, have been an
nounced by Orval Thompson, pres
ident of pre-legal students.
Bill Schloth has been named
general chairman of the dance.
Other committee chairmen will be
selected early next week. The
dance will be closed, only mem
bers of the pre-legal student asso
ciation and their escorts being ad
The pre-legal student body con
sists of those students who are
planning to study law, but are not
yet in the law school itself.
Portland Attorney Will
Speak at Law Banquet
Erskine Wood of the Portland
law firm of Wood, Montague,
Mattftiessen, and Rankin, will
speak on “Admiralty Law” at the
law school banquet Wednesday,
January 24, at 6:15 at the Anchor
Wood is one of the most out
standing lawyers in the field of
admiralty law in the northwest.
Jim Landye, third year law stu
dent, is in general charge of the
banquet. Art Clark is chairman
of ticket sales. Assisting him are
A1 Schneider, Bill Kinley, Dick
Near, Lyle Smith, Bob Thornton,
Otto Vonderheit, and Ed Schlesser.
Band Will Play
ASUO Concert
In Igloo Sunday
John Stelin Will Direct
Improved Group
Enlarged Rood Section Promises
Better Balance Between
Winds and Brass
The University band will pre
sent the second concert on the
A. S. U. O. winter term concert
series tomorrow at 3 p. m. in Mc
Arthur court. Admission is free
to everyone.
John Stehn, director of the or
ganization, believes that the band
is much improved this term. The
improvement and augmentation of
the reed section, he believes, will
produce a much better balance be
tween the reed and brass.
Program Given
The program is as follows:
I. March and Cortege from
"The Queen of Sheba”
. Gounod
II. One Beautiful Day Over
ture . . Hildreth
III. Hungarian Fantasia . . Tobani
IV. Excerpts from "The Wiz
ard of the Nile”.
. Victor Herbert
V. Coronation March....Eilenberg
In the roster of the University
band are a number of musicians
from outside the school. Accord
ing to Stehn, there will be three
townspeople playing in with the
students tomorrow.
Rhster Fpllows
The complete roll of players fol
lows :
Flute: Upton Bickford; E flat
clarinet: George Jones; clarinets;
John Gribble, Jack Rodda, Ronold
Drew, Myron Pinkstaff, Rolla
Goold, George Massey, Tony
Moore, Michel Chrones, M. A.
Henrickson, Joseph Smith, Rich
ard Currin; saxophones: Donald
Farr, Ralph Perry, Thomas Ward,
Earl Schwabenland.
Altos: Llye Rowan, Eldon Gil
man; trumpets: Herbert Skalet,
Clarence Woods, Richard Mears,
Philip Gilstrap, Douglas Stark;
baritones: Wayne Gilfry, Frank
Tubas: Charles Burrows, Wen
dell Gilfry, Herman Hendershott;
trombones: Clayton van Lydegraf,
Siegfried von Berthelsdorf, Ken
neth Kienzle, Van Mollison;
drums: Craig Finley and Art Mul
The band has appeared a num
ber of times during the past term,
both in the Igloo and the music
auditorium. In every case their
presentations have been well at
tended, and this program is ex
pected to draw a very large crowd.
Campus Calendar
Murray Warner collection of Or
iental art will be on display from
3 to 5 Sunday afternoon. Guides
will be glad to answer questions.
Students are invited to the open
forum Sunday evening at 7:30 at
720 Willamette street. “Who Pays
the Cost of War?” will be the top
ic for discussion, with Mrs. Mary
Jackson speaking.
A meeting of Pi Lambda Theta
women’s education honorary, will
be held Monday night at 7:30 in
the Men’s lounge at Gerlinger hall.
Today is the last day for dance
dates to be arranged for the social
calendar, which will be issued next
week. All houses are asked to ar
range for their term activities im
mediately, if they have not done so
An all-campus tea to be given
by Hendricks hall on Tuesday.
Hours from 3 to 5. <
j Optional ASUO
To be Studied
Kerr Chooses Committee
From Both Campuses
Dick Neuberger, as Spokesman,
Writes Letter Explaining
Views Behind Move
A committee will meet Monday
to gather information on the
question of optional membership
in the A. S. U. O., the Emerald
learned late last night from Dr.
W. J. Kerr, chancellor of higher
Kerr stated that this group
would be composed of Hugh Ros
son, graduate manager of the A.
S. U. O.; Carl Lodell, graduate
manager at Oregon State; Tom
Tongue, A. S. U. O. student body
president; Fred Saling, student
body president at Corvallis; and
a representative of the committee
of 10 University students who
presented last Monday to the
state board of higher education a
petition seeking optional instead
of compulsory membership in the
Associated Students.
Meeting Monday
The group to meet Monday will
collect all available information in
order to establish a basis for dis
cussion, Kerr said. He explained
the inclusion of Oregon State rep
resentatives on the committee by
a declaration that the problems
involved were matters of general
student interest and welfare on
both campuses.
Kerr plans to keep in contact
with the committee and report its
findings and suggestions to the
state board of higher education,
which referred the petition to its
committee on student welfare, in
cluding E. C. Sammons and F. A.
Landye Explains
Another new development in the
drive for optional instead of
compulsory Associated Student
membership yesterday was a brief
explanation by Jim Landye that
his committee is not seeking ex
emption from the A. S. U. O.
building fee, which also totals $15,
the same sum as annual Associ
ated Student membership dues.
‘‘While we realize that payment
of the building fee is a hardship
on hard-pressed students, there
are certain debts involved which
must be paid,” Landye pointed
out. ‘‘So we merely are asking
that the state board extend to
University students the privilege
of choosing for themselves
whether they want to join the As
sociated Students, instead of in
sisting that they do so.”
Letter Quoted
Landye said the following letter
was submitted with the resolution
to the state board of higher edu
cation at its Monday meeting by
Dick Neuberger, spokesman of the
committee and chairman of the
sub - committee on organization
and procedure;
“To the Members of the Oregon
State Board of Higher Education:
Dear Sirs, I have been asked to
submit for your consideration the
enclosed petition, prepared and
signed by a committee of ten stu
dents headed by James T. Landye
of Portland.
“In doing so may I please point
out that the students signing the
resolution do not ask for exemp
tion from the Associated Student
building fee which aggregates $15
a year, the same sum as Asso
ciated Student membership dues.
While they of course believe that
the payment of the building fee
works a considerable hardship on
needy students, they also believe
the debt which the building fee
will eventually retire was con
(Continued on Page Three)
9:45 a. m.—General session, room lOo, journalism building. Merle
R. Chessman presiding.
A nnouncements.
“Covering the State House and Legislature”—A. L.
Lindbeck, Salem.
“Converting a Non-Advertiser”—Joe C. Brown, Red
mond Spokesman.
Weeklies’ departmental, room 105. Steen M. Johnson,
Sheridan Sun, presiding.
Round table discussion.
Dailies’ departmental, room 101. Merle R. Chessman
Round table discussion.
12:00 m.—No-host luncheon, men’s dormitory, University campus.
Oregon Emerald, Sigma Delta Chi, Alpha Delta
Sigma. Sterling Green, Oregon Daily Emerald,
Reports of conference committees.
Election of officers.
Award of certificate to Hood River News, best 19:52
weekly newspaper—Donald Caswell, president, Sig
ma Delta Chi.
Award to Oregon’s best 1933 weekly or* semi-weekly
I _ '
Ponders Problem
Dr. YV. J, Kerr, who told the
Emerald that a committee will
meet Monday to discuss the prob
lem of optional A. S. U. O. mem
Robber Breaks
Co-op Window,
Gets Pen, Peneil
Janitor Makes Discovery of Theft
During Early Morning Hours;
Outsider Suspected
The robbery of a Parker pen
and pencil set at the Co-op was
discovered early yesterday morn
ing- by the janitor. A pane of
glass in the front window had
been shattered and the set, which
was in the street show case, was
the only thing taken.
A typewriter, some notebook
fillers, stationery and a slide rule
were left in the window un
touched. The thief had succeeded
in taking the set but had dis
turbed nothing else in the window.
The cost of Lhe stolen pen and
pencil was $11.
The state police were immedi
ately summoned and expressed the
opinion that it was a professional
job. No student was suspected.
A similar robbery occurred at
the Co-op during examination
week last fall term when the store
was broken into and many pens
were stolen. The total value of
the loss had amounted to $1200.
The loss had been partly covered
by insurance.
McClure to Have New
Cement Ground Floor
Those "energetic, alert, live
wire” students that rush blindly
to their classes at the last minute,
had better watch their step at Mc
Clure hall, floor one.
The familiar course has been
changed the wide stairway has
been narrowed and shifted to the
left about eight feet. The floor
is being torn up, and a new cement
floor will be put in. This will make
a larger passageway from the en
trance hall to the journalism
Five men, two campus workers
and three CWA employees, are
working on the project.
Beavers Take
Listless Game
From Oregon
Series Is Evened; Ducks
Defeated, 16 to 9
Hibbard Scores More Than Whole
Oregon Team; Webfoots (let
Good Passing Practice
CORVALLIS, Jan. 19—(Special)
— Oregon and Oregon State almost
played each other to a standstill
here tonight, but the Beavers ral
lied in the second half and took the
game, 1G to 9, an all-time record
for low scores in northern division
conference play.
Oregon used fundamentally the
same system that functioned al
most perfectly against the Staters
last week, but the Orange five was
on to it tonight and the Webfoots
could do little except pass the ball
back and forth. No opportunities
were given for clean short shots,
all three of the Oregon baskets in
the first period coming from long
Hibbard Scores First
Five whole minutes of the game
had elapsed before a single point
was entered into the score books
for either team. Oregon had the
ball most of this time, passing it
around in the center of the floor.
Oregon State finally got the ball
and Jack Robertson fouled George
Hibbard, who converted for the
first tally. Two minutes later Hib
bard's running mate, Skeet O’Con
nell, scored another in the same
The first of the few field goals
of the game was dropped in on a
long toss by Oregon’s Robertson,
after II minutes were gone. Hib
bard got a free throw a couple of
minutes later on Gemmell’s foul,
giving the Corvallis team the tre
mendous lead of three points to
two. The Webfoots took time out
at this juncture, probably to dis
cuss ways and means of closing
up the gap. During this one min
ute rest period, Bill Berg was sent
into the tilt for Gemmell.
Berg Gets Close One
There was no more scoring until
only one minue was left to play in
the first canto. Robertson sank a
long one, and just as the timer's
gun was shot, signaling the end
of the first half, Bill Berg cast
off from the center of the floor.
The ball bubbled around on the
basket, but finally drppped through
and Referee Jimmie Mitchell ruled
it good. Score: Oregon 6, Oregon
i State 3.
I The teams came back on the
floor for the second half to the
strains of "Who’s Afraid of the Big
Bad Wolf?” played by the college
band. It seemed to do something
to the boys, for within four min
utes, Hibbard had scored three
points, O’Connell two, and Red
McDonald had knocked down the
referee. Then ensued several more
minutes of passing practice for
| both teams. Hibbard finally got
(Continued on Page Three)
Half-Pint Kayo Mullins Cops
First in Comic Strip Survey
Atop the man-size derby of the
pint-size Kayo Mullins rests the
“crown of comedy" bestowed upon
the mighty atom as the result of
an extensive survey of the Univer
sity coeds and “eds.” Kayo scam
pered in just a lap ahead of Pop
eye, the salty old Hercules of the
comics, and not far behind him
puffed Pa Perkins of Polly and
her pals.
This was the verdict of more
than 250 Oregon students ques
tioned concerning their favorite
comic strip character during the
past two weeks.
Kayo Mullins, who cavorts daily
with the Mullins and Plushbottom
clan, won the gilded trophy with
77 votes accounted for, seemingly
because “he’s so cute," to fair
readers and “he says the right
thing at, the wrong time,” accord
ing to male admirers.
"Popeye Preferred” rose several
points in value when the Emerald
sports staff was approached. The
boys who compose panegyrics on
various athletes voted hands down
for the muscle-merchant without a
single dissenting voice. When
asked for an explanation, Bill
Phipps, sports editor, replied, “We
eats our spinach!’’ The marine
landlubber polled 69 votes to place
an easy second.
Pa Perkins was also a pro
nounced favorite in the compila
tion, with 53 counters.
These three laugh producers had
the field to themselves. There was
no other character within hailing
distance of the little cynic, the
sailor with the perfect forearm de
velopment, and the wise old man
of the household. Little Orphan
Annie lagged far in the rear with
but 12 fans.
The remainder of the field
spread out into a succession of
personal favorites: Emmy, Andy
Gump, Tillie, Willis, Moon Mullins,
Boots, Ella Cinders, the Nebbsj
Jiggs, Harold Teen, Tim Tyler,
Willy Mullins, Skeezix, and so on
down the list of characters who
have their trials and temptations
in every daily paper.
Tom Tongue, president of tha
student body, wasted no time when
broached about his favorite. “Pop
eye,” was the immediate answer.
Sterling Green, editor of the Em
erald, also upheld the sailor, pos
(Continued on Page Trvo)