I VOL. XXXV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1934 NUMBER 56 Much Activity Awaits Men of Press Meeting Visitors to Have Genera Session in Morning TWO TALKS SLATEE Newspaper Codes Form Principa Topic of Discussion; Dinner, Cinema in Evening A day full of events awaits thf Oregon newspaper men attending the sixteenth annual Oregon press conference, being held in the school of journalism. The publishers will have to get up this morning with the students having S o’clocks to attend group breakfasts at the Eugene hotel, followed by registration in the Journalism building. General Session Slated The first general session of the conference will be held at 9:45 a. m. in room 105 Journalism building, with Merle R. Chessman, Astorian - Budget, president, in charge. Committees will be ap pointed at this time. Speakers at this session will be Floyd L. Sparks, San Francisco, “Advertising Under the ‘New Deal,’ ’’ and O. C. Harn, Chicago, managing director Audit Bureau of Circulations, “A. B. C. and the Smaller Newspapers.” Announcement Due The Sigma Delta Chi contest announcement will also be made. Judges for this event are David Foulkes, Morning Oregonian; John Anderson, Eugene Morning News, and Lucien P. Arant, Baker Dem ocrat-Herald. At noon the meeting will ad journ for luncheon, to be held at the Anchorage. The A. P. and U. P. will meet upstairs, while a no-host luncheon is being held in the main dining room, R. C. Hall, superintendent of the University] press, presiding. Eric W. Allen, j dean of the school of journalism, I (Continued on Page Three) Request for Grants For Next Year Should Be in Before Jan. 24 Faculty members intending to apply for grants from the general research council for next year should send tentative descriptions and budgeted esti mates to their departmental chairman or to Dr. C. V. Boyer, Dr. H. R. Taylor, or Dr. R. R. Huestis before Wednesday, January 24, reports Dr. R. H. Seashore of the psychology de partment. These requests will be passed upon by the council at that time as a basis for making budget requests for the coming year. Further information may be obtained from Dr. Seashore, phone local 348. Art School Uses Clay Here From far-A way Illinois f Did you know that the clay used ^ in pottery making at the art school comes all the way from Illinois? It seems that Illinois , clay is the purest and most inex I pensive of the good clays which can be found for making pottery. Oregon has its clay, but it is not strong enough to stand the extreme heat to which the clay is subjected, or it may melt down and leave holes in the finished product. After a long and pro found search, Illinois clay has proved most suitable. Eugene Gleemen To Give Concert In Salem Tonight Appearance Is Second in Series Of Goodwill Tour; 80 In Chorus The Eugene Gleemen will make the second of their series of good will appearances in neighboring cities tonight at Salem, where they will present a concert similar to the one given at McArthur court December 10. Their pro gram will be staged in the Salem armory under the sponsorship of Salem Rotary, Lions, and Kiwanis clubs, proceeds to be turned over to the Boy Scouts of that city. In addition to the usual pro gram, the chorus will accompany Don Eva, tenor, in his solo num ber, "Serenade” from the opera “Student Prince.” George Bishop, in a special request number, will sing “Old Man River.” The 80 members of the chorus will leave for the capital city at 3 o’clock this afternoon in auto mobiles. They will be the guests of the Salem chamber of com merce at a dinner there preceding their appearance. Geology Classes See Art Display From Own Angle Fidelity in Desert, Volcanic, Glacial Topography Especially Noted In Skinner Collection Anyone who chanced to visit the Skinner collection in the art build ing yesterday afternoon, might have been slightly puzzled by a group of students who scrutinized each painting minutely, while making learned allusions to “for mations,” “erosion,” and “strata.” Certainly these are not terms com monly used in criticizing this type of artistry. Viewing these paintings was a regular assignment of the geology class, which was taken on a per sonal tour of the exhibition by C. B. Skinner, husband of the artist, who is himself interested in min ing. Mrs. Skinner brought out with remarkable fidelity the geo logic features of the Death Valley section of southern California which she depicted. The geology students will be re quired to know and will be graded upon their observation of three (Continued on Page Four) 'Reds’ Menace? Permeates Campus as Lawyers Arg ue By ANN-REED BURNS The “red menace” has invaded the Oregon campus! And it was through the medium of ink—plain, ordinary writing ink —that communism made its first threat. It all happened yesterday, at an apparently harmless law school student body meeting. The meet ing had been called, supposedly, to make plans for a dance—when sud denly the “reds” entered the scene, making all such minor de tails as a dance fade into the back ground. “Free ink! Free ink!” The cry rang through the room where the students were assembled. It was the platform of the “reds.” The cry was taken up by others—it be came louder and louder. "What does it mean ?” the unknowing ones asked each other. Finally one of the communist leaders arose, and amidst cheers and hisses made known the reason for the action which brought the “red menace” to the campus. It seems that law school stu dents are continually running out of ink while taking notes. A small thing--but it caused a great re sult. For it was on this fact that the communist’s program was based. “We want free ink!” cried the “red” leader. “If everyone gives a small sum of money, we can buy two gallons of ink, which will be used communistically by every, one!” It was indeed a grave moment when the free ink question was put to a vote. The very founda ; tions of the University were at ! stake—would communism win ? | “All those in favor of free ink please say ‘aye.’ ” A loud chorus of “eyes.” “All those opposed.” An equally loud chorus. “We’ll have a standing vote. All in favor of free ink please stand.” The room held its breath. Three students rose. The room burst into loud cheers. Communism was downed! “I will now appoint the committees for the pre-legal dance”—the minor business of the meeting had begun. The three “reds” shank back in their seats. But they had done the damage—communism has- entered this University! iP. S.—The correctness of de tails in this article is not guaran teed. Law students were still too upset to be very accurate when interviewed yesterday afternoon. Eight Men and a Cup All take a prominent part in the activities of the sixteenth annual Oregon Press conference, which begun yesterday and will continue through tomorrow. The three men in the top left group are, from top to bottom, W. Verne McKinney, past president of the Oregon State Editorial association; Harris Ellsworth, now president of the O. S. E. A.; and Ben It. Litfin, treasurer of the group. Below on the left is the cup presented by Sigma Delta Chi to the winner of the best weekly con test. The middle group, from top to bottom, includes Merle It. Chessman, president of the Oregon Press conference; George i. TurnbuH, professor of journalism and secretary of the conference; and Eric W. Allen, dean of the school of journalism. e upper picture on the right, is that of Floyd L. Sparks of San Francisco, who will address the conference at its general session this morning. Below is O. C. Harn of Chicago, managing director of the Audit Bureau of Circulations, who will also speak this morning. Decoration Plans For Artists’ Ball Made Tentatively Beaux Arts Dance Will Be Staged On February 2 in Gerlinger Hall; Charge 75 Cents Miriam Henderson and Ralph Schomp are co-chairmen for the Beaux Arts ball, which is to he held Friday, February 2, at Ger linger hall. All art students may invite guests, the price being set at 75 cents a couple. Other committee heads appoint ed for the dance are Norris Per kins, tickets; Gerry McGonigle, floor; Mary Ming, decorations; Frank Wilke, publicity. Tentative plans for the decora tions are elaborate. Costumes are required, and in the years past it (Continued on Page Three) i" Committees Appointed For Law School Dance Committees for the annual law school dance were appointed a meeting of the law school student body yesterday. Students on the committee are Sig Seashore, Eugene Laird, Bob Hunter, and Stan Brooks. They will make general plans for the dance, which will be held during this term, although the date is not yet settled. Students Study Hard Never, within the memories of library attendants, have students studied as intensely at the begin ning of a term as they are doing now. Unusually large numbers of undergraduate as well as grad uate students are making use of library facilities, keeping the staff exceedingly busy. Winter Organ Series Displaced by Concerts John Stark Evans, professor of organ, will not give the popular Sunday afternoon organ concerts this term as he has in the past. The full schedule of A. S. U. O. concerts, which are slated for sev eral Sundays during the term, was given as his reason for this de cision. Evans also is recovering from an illness contracted during vacation, and does not feel able to attempt the strenuous practice which such a series would entail. Orides Plans Meeting Orides, independent women’s or ganization, plans an informal so cial meeting tor January 29. Lo veda Mann, junior in education, is chairman of the committee for ar rangements. Rehearsals for Presentation Are Begun by Players Nearly 25 Amateur Actors and Actresses Prepare for Work In Studio Group Madame Castinelli, Peg Woffing ton, and God have been discovered and the studio plays are beginning rehearsals in preparation for their presentation early in February. Approximately 25 amateur actors and actresses will make their de but at this time. Bejamin Saltzman, Laurence Langston, and Jo Poor are the players in "Paste Pearls,” which is being directed by Carl Gross. Ida Markusen is directing "Four Flushers” with a cast composed of Gwynn Caverhill, Charlotte Eld (Continued on Patje Two) SIXTEENTH ANNUAL OREGON PRESS CONFERENCE SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, JANUARY 18, 19, AND 20, 1934 FRIDAY, JANUARY 19 8:00 a. m.—Group breakfasts, Eugene hotel. 9:30 a. m.—Registration, Journalism building, University campus. 9:45 a. m.—General session, room 105, Journalism building. Merle R. Chessman, Astorian-Budget, Astoria, president. Appointment of committees. “Advertising Under the ‘New Deal’ ’’—Floyd L. Sparks, San Francisco. “A. B. C. and the Smaller Newspapers”—O. C. Ham, Chicago, managing director, Audit Bureau of Circu lations. Sigma Delta Chi contest announcement—David Foulkes, Morning Oregonian; John Anderson, Eugene Morn ing News; Lurien P. Arant, Baker Democrat-Herald, judges. 12:00 m.—Adjournment for luncheon. A. P.—Anchorage (upstairs). U. P.—Anchorage (upstairs). No-host luncheon—Anchorage (main dining room), R. C. Hall, school of journalism, presiding. “Go West, Young Man, Go West”—Dean Eric W. Allen, school of journalism. 1:30 p. m.—Business meeting, Oregon State Editorial association, room 105, Journalism building. Harris Ellsworth, Roseburg News-Review, president. “Newspaper Publishing and Printing Codes”—general discussion. “What the New Codes Are Doing to Advertising”_W. F. G. Thacher, school of journalism. “Does Your Newspaper Accept Liquor Advertising?”— roll call. Report from every member present. 6:30 p. m.—Annual banquet, courtesy Eugene chamber of com merce, Osburn hotel. Dean Eric W. Allen, toast master. 9:30 p. m.—“Golden Years of Progress”—Colonial theater, 11th and Alder, The museum of art will he open from 3 to 5 p. m. Con ference guests will be especially welcome. Ladies of the conference will be guests of Theta Sigma Phi and Gamma Alpha Chi, women’s journalism and advertising fraternities, at a tea in Alumni hall, Gerlinger building, from 3:30 to 5:30 p. m. SATURDAY, JANUARY 30 9:45 a. m.—General session, room 105, Journalism building. Merle R. Chessman presiding. A nnouncements. “Covering the State House and Legislature”—A. L. Lindbeck, Salem. “Converting a Non-Advertiser”—Joe C. Brown, Red mond Spokesman. Weeklies’ departmental, room 105. Steen M. Johnson, Sheridan Sun, presiding. Round table discussion. Dailies’ departmental, room 101. Merle R. Chessman presiding. Round table discussion. 12:00 m.—No-host luncheon, men’s dormitory, University campus. Oregon Emerald, Sigma Delta Chi, Alpha Delta Sigma. Sterling Green, Oregon Daily Emerald, toastmaster. Reports of conference committees. Election of officers. Award of certificate to Hood River News, best 1932 weekly newspaper—Donald Caswell, president, Sig ma Delta Chi. Award to Oregon’s best 1933 weekly or seml-weekly newspaper. Can You Orateon Peace? There9s Chance for Cash The University's tryouts for the right to compete in the state Peace Oratorical contest will be held February 1, an announcement appearing on the speech division’s bulletin board revealed yesterday. The contest is sponsored throughout the United States by the Inter-Collegiate Peace associ ation, through funds made avail able by the Mesdames Louisa and Helen Seabury of Massachusetts, who have provided awards of $50, $30, and $20 to winners of compe titions in each state. The announcement urged all students interested in entering tryouts for the right to represent the University in the state con test to communicate with the speech division at once. Students Launch Investigation of Books of ASUO Landye Heads Committee of Ten Conducting New Probe; Comment Withheld An investigation of the books of the Associated Students was in progress yesterday by the commit tee of ten students headed by Jim Landye, which recently proposed that student body membership be made optional. The students on this committee paid that part of their winter term registration fees that is budgeted for the A. S. U. O. under protest, claiming that the payment should not be compulsory. Landye refused to make any comment on the work of the com mittee, other than that the books were being examined. Russian Theater Will Be Featured At Senior Dance Stenciled Silhouettes and Brilliant Overhanging Canopy Chosen As Ball Motit A Russian theater with gayly decorated panels, stenciled sil houettes, and brilliant overhang ing canopy will form the back ground for the Senior ball to be given Saturday, January 27, in Gerlinger hail, Frances Johnston, chairman of decorations an nounced yesterday. Ralph Schomp and Harold Price who have been engaged to do the decorating and constructing, have plans nearly complete and plan to start work immediately. Tickets will be sold at various organizations to all but freshman men, who are not allowed to at tend the formal. Demand for College Catalogs Is Growing Catalogs of other universities and colleges are in much demand now in the English reserve library, according to Mrs. Maybelle Riet man, librarian in that department. Use of the catalogs, of which the library has a large number, is much greater at present than it has ever been, she reports. Large eastern colleges’ catalogs are asked for more than any oth ers, although a good share of the requests are for those of small in stitutions. Oregon, O.S.C. Vie Tonight in Corvallis Gym Squads Figlil for Chance At Huskies STARTING TIME 7:30 Gemmell May Start in Webfoots’ Opening Lineup; Regular Group Intact By BILL EBERHART The second battle of the Ore gon-Oregon State basketball war will be fought tonight, when the Webfoots meet the Beavers in the men’s gym at Corvallis at 7:30 o’clock. Both teams will be at a fever pitch when the first whistle blows —Oregon fighting to retain her undisputed second place position in the northern division and Ore gon State battling for a tie with the Webfoots in the conference standings. Coaches Bill Reinhart and Slats Gill report their men to be in good physical condition for the tilt. Willard Jones, stellar sophomore center for the Ducks, has almost recovered from a knee injury sus tained in practice early last week, and will be set for a good evening. Bob Miller, reserve center, aggra vated an old knee injury Wednes day, but is not seriously handi capped. A rumored change in the Ore gon lineup for tonight is that Ron Gemmell may start in the forward position formerly played by Bill Berg. Gemmell has been working at Berg’s post for the greater share of the time in practice this week, and the side-line strategists predict that he will get the start ing call. The balance of the local quintet will take the floor intact. Guard Position Open Who is to fill one guard posi tion on the Orange five is still undecided. Carl Lenchitsky, a husky two-year letterman at that post, is not playing up to par, and Gill is trying out several different players in an attempt to discover a working combination. Fred Hill, letterman; Jim Heart well, reserve two years ago; and Bob Bergstrom, sophomore, have (Continued on Page Four) Campus Calendar Report of an assembly scheduled for this morning at 10 o’clock is unfounded, according to Dean Carl W. Onthank, who attributes the rumor to a belief that Whiting Williams’ talk would be given to day. Williams will address the stu dent body at 10 o’clock, January 26. Free social swim for men and women, women’s pool, 7:30 to 9 tonight. Towels and suits furnished free. A combined meeting of the folk lore and nature groups of the Phil omelete is to be held at 4 this af ternoon in the A. W. S. room of Mary Spiller hall. Orldes, independent women, will meet Monday, at 7:30, in Women’s lounge of Gerlinger. Dean Schwer ing will speak on correct clothes. Please be prompt. fRobertson Best Basketball Player on Coast’ Says Miller By VELMA McINTYRE “Spook Robertson is the best basketball player on the coast,” says Bob Miller (Bob is a pal of Spook), but Spook's mind runs in the same channel, for he adds his little say, “I admit it.” Spook says that L. H. Gregory, sport editor for the Oregonian, is also a good pal of his, hence the “captain” publicity. Gregory calls him Jackson Robertson although the name is Jack to everyone else. Baldy is Robertson’s new nick name, bestowed upon him by his basketball colleagues. Why? No tice the haircut. He claims to have fallen asleep in the barber chair and says, “No sane man would have a haircut like this,” but is that any proof? When asked what his major is, Spook thoughtfully scratched his head and then answered, “Eco nomics, but I never study—too many outside interests.” Robert son expects to become a profes sional athlete when he graduates from college. “Reinhart made me what I am today,” said Spook, and he claims to have never played basketball until he entered the University of Oregon four years ago. Robert son, unlike his modest self, for gets he was a star on the maple court at Lincoln high in Portland, where he made the city all-star team for two years. This is his third year on Oregon's varsity. Robertson says that the easiest thing he has to do is to train, and as for women, “they are only a necessary evil.” The Webfoot ace was born in Alaska and moved to Portland when he was two years old, but nevertheless, the blood of the north is in his veins, for ice hockey is his favorite game. “I gave up a very promising fu ture in baseball to come to col lege,” remarked the high-point star.