Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 17, 1934, Page 3, Image 3

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    1 Plans Formed
By Committee
For Research
Wayne Morse Returns as
‘Control of Social Forces’ to Be
Theme of Topic for Meet
In San Francisco
Plans for the annual social sci
ence research conference were
made last week at a meeting of the
Pacific coast regional committee
of the social science research coun
cil, according to Dr. Wayne L.
Morse, dean of the University law
school, who returned Sunday noon
from the meeting, which Was held
in Berkeley, California.
Dean Morse, who was the official
representative from the University
of Oregon, said that the theme top
ic for the conference, which will
he held in San Francisco in June,
is to be the “Control of Social
Forces." The program will be di
vided into six or eight round ta
bles, all based on the theme sub
The regional committee dis
cussed chiefly the policies to be
adopted concerning the encourage
ments of research activities on the
Pacific coast, according to Dean
Morse. They passed on several re
grants and aids, the nature of
which will be announced later.
Dr. Dan Clark of the University
of Oregon history department was
appointed chairman of the regional
subcommittee on history. Dr. L.
S. Cressman, professor of sociology
at the University, will continue as
chairman of the subcommittee on
uniform social statistics.
Report Presented
Dr. Carl L. Alsberg of Stanford
university presented the annual re
port of the meeting of the national
social science research council, held
at Franconia, New Hampshire, last
August. Dr. Alsberg is chairman
of the regional committee, which
is composed of nine members, ap
pointed by the national organiza
tion from well-known social sci
entists. Dean Morse has served on
this committee for two years, suc
ceeding Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall,
former president of this Univer
Commenting on the meeting,
Dean Morse reported that it was
the consensus of opinion of those
present that research activities
among academic men on the Pa
cific coast are being received with
great favor by eastern research
councils and foundations.
He also stated that Ronald Beat
tie, who was associated with Dean
Morse in the preparation of the
Oregon crime survey, has just com
pleted a study of court records in
Alameda county, California, which
has won favorable comment in and
around San Francisco.
(Continued from Page One)
en when the newspaper men regis
ter for the conference. The cinema
was shown in Chicago at the Cen
tury of Progress exposition.
Companies Cooperate
Assisted by Ernest Elmo Calk
ins, a joint committee, consisting
of Edgar Kobak, John Benson and
P. L. Thompson, representing the
Advertising Federation of America,
the American Association of Ad
vertising Agencies, and the Asso
ciation of National Advertisers,
undertook the preparation of the
scenario. The picture was filmed
in the fast time of four weeks.
The expenses of the undertaking,
which included not only the prepa
ration of the film but building of
a small theatre for showing it dur
ing the run of the Century of Pro
gress was borne by six principal
sponsors: the Crowell Publishing
company, the Chicago Daily News,
the McGraw-Hill company, General
Outdoor Advertising company,
General Motors, and General Elec
Other Entertainment Promised
Points brought out by the pic
ture advance the facts that the
progress in comfort and conven
ience in the last 50 years is due,
not only to invention, but to in
formation; that advertising has
made possible the growth of the
periodical press, with its important
contribution to human knowledge
and the productiveness of human
life; that the newspaper, by build
ing up mass demand and mass dis
tribution, has made possible mass
production with all of its econo
Ladies attending the conference
will be entertained Friday after
noon by the members of Theta
Sigma Phi and Gamma Alpha Chi, j
women’s journalism and advertis- j
ing fraternities. They will have an
opportunity Friday to inspect the
museum of art and the Murray
Warner collection of Oriental art.
Graduate Enrollment
Increased This Term
An increase in enrollment for the
graduate division of the University
was announced yesterday from the
graduate office in Johnson hall.
There are 133 graduate students
registered this term as against
1 'io last term.
Falls Out of Sleep
When CCC workers at Sultan, Washington, felled a 90-foot snag,
out tumbled the perturbed and extremely little bear cub, which was
named Xillie by Bill Chapman, worker, who caught the little bruin.
Tillie was presented a nice warm log to complete her winter hiber
>- Society «
T AST weekend the Krazy Kopy
^ Krawl claimed the society
headlines, but this week the out
standing social activity on the
campus is the “hill” federation
dance, to be given Friday evening
in Gerlinger hall. The federation
is Certainly doing things right,
and after the dance, we are told,
there will be a serenade of the
kind that will hold all the fair
young coeds enthralled.
With the beginning of the term,
the whole campus seems to have
become social minded, and teas,
weddings, and exchanges play a
prominent part in this week’s ac
* * *
“Hill” Dance Slated
The outstanding feature of the
“hill” federation informal dance,
which will be given Friday evening
at 9 o’clock in Gerlinger hall, will
be the Delt Trio, composed of Fred
McKinney, Don Law, and Rick
Hilles, which made its first pub
lic appearance at the Krazy Kopy
Krawl last Saturday evening. Ike
Donin is general chairman of the
The “hill" federation is com
posed of the following houses:
Delta Delta Delta, Delta Tau
Delta, Theta Chi, Phi Gamma
Delta, and Sigma Alpha Mu.
Bill Paddock and Jim Schofield
are in charge of the programs.
The patrons and patronesses are
Dr. and Mrs. Sante Caniparoli,
Lieut, and Mrs. Edward W. Kel
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Shields,
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Kitzmiller,
Dr. and Mrs, C. L. Schwering,
Dean and Mrs. James Gilbert,
Dean and Mrs. Harrison V. Hoyt,
Mr. and Mrs. Carleton E. Spencer,
Mrs. J. E. fSnyder, Mr. and Mrs.
L. K. Shumaker, and Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh E. Rosson.
Immediately following the dance
a serenade will take place led by
Fred McKinney. Some of those
who will feature the serenade are
the Delt Trio, Jack Campbell,
Chick Burroughs, Ike Donin, and
Jack Morrison.
Sherwood Burr’s 10-piece or
chestra will furnish the music for
the informal.
Former Student Weds
At an impressive ceremony last
Friday night at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James McDonald in
Portland, Miss Marie Hedges,
daughter of Mrs. Hattie E.
Hedges, became the bride of Ches
ter W. Anderson, formerly of Har
risburg, Pa.
The ceremony was read by Os
wald W. Taylor. Miss Lucille
Cummings played the wedding
march, and Miss Jane Andrews
Miss Dolores Hedges was her
sister’s only attendant and John
Kitzmiller was best man.
Mrs. Anderson is a graduate of
Oregon State college and Mr. An
derson of the University.
* * *
Secretary Is Guest
Harry Green, traveling secre
tary of Delta Tau Delta, is the
guest of the local chapter. He ar
rived last Saturday evening after
visiting in Seattle and will leave
here today or tomorrow for Cor
* * *
Oregon Students Wed
Miss Thelma Rice, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Rice of
Eugene, and Harlan E. Atterbury,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M.
Atterbury of Roseburg. were mar
ried in Vancouver, Wadi., Deceui
ber 31, the Rev. Mr. Walford A.
Dawes of the Baptist church per
forming the ceremony.
Mrs. Atterbury is a graduate
of the University of Oregon and
is a member of Delta Delta Deita
sorority. Mr. Atterbury is a sen
ior at the University. He is af
filiated with Sigma Phi Epsilon
* * *
Province President Honored
Pi Beta Phi entertained at a
formal tea this afternoon from
3:30 until 5:30 in honor of Mrs.
William J. Rusch, province presi
dent of the chapter. Besides the
guest of honor, Mrs. Bettie Jane
Crouch, Miss Helen Shive, Mrs.' H.
R. Crosland, and Mrs. Hazel Pruts
man Schwering were in the re
ceiving line.
Mrs. Rusch is being honored at
dinner this evening by the Pi Beta
Phi alumnae. She will remain at
the chapter house until Thursday
morning. From here Mrs. Rusch
will visit the chapter at Corvallis
for several days, after which she
will return to her home in Spo
kane, Washington.
Wedding Announced
The marriage of Miss Aimee
Sten, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
John Sten of St. Helens, Oregon,
to James Crissey, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Crissey of Brokings,
Calif., was announced at a tea
given at the home of the groom,
Wednesday, January 10.
The young couple were married
December 31 in Eugene at the
First Congregational church, the
Rev. Mr. Clay Palmer officiating.
Both the bride and groom are
graduates of the University of
Oregon. The bride is affiliated
with Alpha Chi Omega and the
groom with Theta Chi.
The Crisseys will make their
home in Eugene.
Exchange Dinners
Alpha Garnma Delta had as
their guests for dessert last eve
ning members of Phi Sigma Kap
pa. Pi Kappa Alpha will enter
tain members of Kappa Alpha
Theta at dinner tonight, and
Alpha Xi Delta will have personal
dinner guests. Alpha Phi is en
tertaining Chi Psi, and Delta Up
silon, Delta Gamma.
Delta Delta Delta will have
members of Sigma Nu at dessert
tomorrow evening, and Theta Chi
fraternity will have a preference
dinner. Kappa Alpha Theta will
entertain members of Kappa Sig
ma; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Delta
Upsilon, and Phi Mu will have
faculty guests. Gamma Phi Beta
will entertain personal guests
* £ #
Faculty Tea Held
The University Women's Fac
ulty club gave a tea last Wednes
day in Alumni hall of the Gerlin
ger hall, Mrs. W. A. Dahlberg be
ing in charge.
Those pouring were Mrs. Dan E.
Clark. Mrs. Eric W. Allen, Mrs.
B. W. DeBusk, Mrs. A. H. Schroff.
Assisting with the serving were
Mrs. R. K. Cutler, Mrs. Henry
Pettit. Mrs. Alfred L. Lomax, Mrs.
Frank Sipe, Mrs. Kenneth Shu
! maker, Mrs. Will K. Norris, Mrs.
E. R. Knollin, Mrs. W. A. Wappen
j.stein, and Mrs. John M. Rae.
Engagement Announced
At a bridge luncheon given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Duvall of Lexington. Oregon, dur
ing the holidays, the engagement
Handball and Tennis
Courts Get CWA Coin;
Gerlinger Helped, Too
Included in CWA projects
number 24 for the University
are the men’s gymnasium and
! Gerlinger hall.
The only project for the men's
| gym is a new coat of paint for
the handball court. Gerlinger
! hall will be more favored. Of
i fices will be repainted, sun
porch chairs, hallways, and
staircases repaired, and work
done on corrective room on the
third floor, and dancing room on
the second floor.
The tennis courts, under pro
ject 69, arc to have new bench
i es and a reviewing stand for
Rex Underwood
Solves Mystery
About Orchestra
The fact has been publicized
that the University Symphony or
j chestra in its program last Sun
day in the Igloo was supple
| mented by a number of student
i musicians from Oregon State col
I lege. Those who have been won
; dering how the two groups were
: rehearsed need no longer wonder.
Rex Underwood, the orchestra’s
| director, is also director of the
Oregon State orchestra, and is in
Corvallis every Thursday evening
for practice. He also has violin
students on both campuses, giving
his Oregon State students their
lessons Thursday morning and
Indian Masks Get
Attention in Two
Library Exhibits
Masks are claiming considerable
attention in the library this week,
say library attendance. They are
to be found in two exhibits, one
on the main floor and the other in
the lobby of the English reserve
Grotesque, many-colored Indian
masks make up the exhibit on the
main floor. Most of them are
loaned by Mrs. Alice H. Ernst, as
sistant professor of English.
Outstanding among the carved
wooden Indian masks is one called
a wolf mask, which is about two
feet long, V-shaped, to emulate
the long, lean head of the wolf.
The eyes, teeth and nostrils are
shown in symbolic painting on the
sides of the mask. Colors used are
orange, white, green, yellow, and
Other articles in the display are
a sea cougar mask, a ghost mask,
a magic rattle, and a modern In
dian rattle, as well as several oth
er items. The masks shown are
used by the Indians in ceremonial
dances and other religious rites.
Notes describing the articles are
shown on cards, accompanying the
On the second floor of the libe
are 19 masks of pottery, clay, and
like substances, together with
books and pictures on the subject,
are displayed. These are the prop
erty of John A. March, assistant
reference librarian, who arranged
both exhibits.
(Continued from Page One)
the past months and brought pro
tests from friends of higher edu
cation will be eliminated to an
appreciable extent, it is hoped by
the action taken Monday. Boyer
and Peavy will continue in their
present positions besides taking
over their new duties.
Boyer Dean Here
Boyer, who is dean of the col
lege of arts and letters, was for
merly head of the department of
English at the University. Before
he came to Eugene in 1926, he
was on the English faculty of the
University of Illinois from 1911
to 1926. He graduated from
Princeton university in 1902, was
admitted to the bar in Ohio in
1904, and practiced law in Mari
etta until 1905. He resumed prac
tice in Pittsburgh in 1907 and two
years later became a Charles
Scribner fellow at his alma mater.
He then started his teaching ca
reer at Illinois.
Peavy, dean of the school of
forestry at Corvallis, has held that
position since 1910. He had pre
viously been a member of the
United States forestry service for
six years.
of their daughter, Erma, to Ralph
YVickersham, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Wickersham of Portland,
was announced. The wedding will
be an event of the summer.
Both Miss Duvall and her fiance
attended the University. She is a
1 member of Alpha Delta Pi.
* * *
1 Alum Is Guest
i Mrs. Robert Mautz, of Portland,
was a house guest at the Delta
Gamma chapter house last week
end. Mrs. Mautz, formerly Marg
erite Tarbell, is an alumna of Delta
Gamma and graduated last spring
| from the University.
"Patronize Emerald auvertiserj.’'
Law Professor
To Attend Legion
Meet in Portland
Spencer on Committee Which Will
Meet at Benson Hotel to
Plan Crime Curb
Carlton E. Spencer, professor of
law, will attend a meeting' of the
law and order committee of the
Oregon department of the Ameri
can Legion next Monday, to be
held in the Benson hotel in Port
land at noon.
This committee was appointed |
by H. J. Warner of Pendleton, 1913
University of Oregon graduate,
who is commander of the Oregon
department of the American Le
gion. in accordance with a resolu
tion adopted at the recent national
American Legion convention.
The purpose of the committee is
to study the crime problem, and
to devise plans for the active par
ticipation of the American Legion
in curbing criminal endeavor. The
personnel of the committee con
sists mainly of Legion members
who have been outstanding in pub
lic service and are experienced in
law and its enforcement.
General George A. White, chair
man of the law and order commit
tee, intends to study the question
of integrity in public service as
well as the more spectacular
crimes, such as kidnapping.
Three of the thirteen members
of the law and order committee
have been graduates of the Uni
versity of Oregon. Besides Pro
fessor Spencer, who received his
B.A. in 1913, LL.B. in 1915, and
J. D. in 1925, there are Edward F.
Bailey, T3, Eugene, attorney and
former state senator, and E. Pal
mer Hoyt, ’23, Portland, managing
editor of the Oregonian.
Eugene’s Best in
Yeomen Smoker
Ernest Savage was appointed so
cial chairman at a meeting of the
executive council of the Oregon
Yeomen at the Y hut yesterday
The first big event that will be
conducted is the Yeomen smoker
to be held a week from Friday
night. The bouts will be in charge
of Joe Bradshaw, boxing director
at the Y.M.C.A. He will bring
many of the best battlers in Eu
gene up to fight the best that the
University can "offer.
“I believe that my boys can lick
any fighters that the University
can produce,” declared Bradshaw.
Plans for a dance with the inde
pendent women were also dis
cussed at the meeting.
Kathleen McNutt Dies
Despite Transfusions
Kathleen McNutt, former stu
dent of the University, died Sun
day at the Pacific hospital when
blood transfusion failed.
Miss McNutt had been ill for
five months with leucocythenia, a
condition resulting ftfom the lack
of red corpuscle supply. Transfu
sions were the only hope when
her condition became critical last
Miss McNutt was born in Eu
gene 22 years ago. She received
her high school education at Eu
gene high school, entering the Uni
versity in the fall of 1929. She
was a member of Phi Mu social
sorority, vice-president of Phi Mu
Upsilon and a member of the poly
phonic choir. Miss McNutt was
active socially on the Oregon cam
pus and in various religious func
tions, serving as president of the
state Guild of Baptist Young Peo
ple at one time.
The funeral service will be held
at 2 o’clock today at the Baptist
church on Ninth and High streets.
Sections will be reserved for mem
bers of Phi Mu and Alpha Tau
U. oi O. Violinists Hear
Symphony in Portland
Hex Underwood, professor of
violin, and director of the Univer
sity Symphony, made an excursion
to Portland last night to hear the
performance of the Portland Sym
phony orchestra. Kayla Mitzel,
concert violinist, was appearing on
the program.
Underwood took three student
violinists and one instructor with
him on the trip. These were How
ard Halbert, instructor in violin,
Frances Brockman, Peggy Swee
ney, and Ellen Dixon.
Circulation of Condon
Largest Since April ’32
Condon reserve library had a cir
cuylation of 1223 on Thursday,
January 11, which is considered
very large for a time so early in
the term, and especially in winter
term since the fail is the busiest
time for the campus libraries.
This circulation was the larg
est since April 5, 1932, when the
library circulated 1520 books.
Pictures on Exhibit
A number of pictures by Hans
Meyer of New York, Andrew M.
Vincent and Nowland Zane are on
display at McMorran & Wash
burne’s store.
“Patronize Eintiald advertisers.’’
Scanning the Cinemas
One of the last holdouts for bachelorhood has succumbed. Gary
Cooper and his bride, shown above. The girl is Veronica Balfe, former
New York society girl. The picture shows them during the recent
Los Angeles golf tournament. They dodged the news cameras most
of the time, but this one was too fast for them.
MCDONALD — “Dinner at
Eight,” Lionel Barrymore,
Marie Dressier, Jean Harlow,
Wallace Beery and others.
COLONIAL— “I Cover the Wa
• terfront,” Claudette Colbert,
Ben Lyon, Ernest Torrence.
Also, “Lullaby Land,” Silly
The Demon Reporter
Newspaper stories have been
played to death on the screen, and
new angles are certainly scarce.
In “I Cover the Waterfront,” Ben
Lyon portrays the reporter on the
waterfront beat. He has a daily
feature column, which I should say
is an indication of one of two
things: (1) that the story exagger
ated, or (2) that the reporter was
pretty good.
One thing is certain, and that is
that any reporter who could 3ass
a city editor as this one did could
afford a better place to live than
the garret portrayed, unless he
lived there for the atmosphere.
The efforts to picture the smug
gler as having a noble religious
character are a bit hard to take.
Thank goodness the reporter
isn’t constantly drowning himself
in liquor. No reporter can keep
the pace necessary in that profes
sion and drink intoxicating bever
On All-Star Productions
It is difficult to put a large
group of popular actors in the
same production and please all the
customers. The public, individual
ly, is apt to feel that his favorite
is being slighted.
In “Dinner at Eight" an attempt
is made to give all of the stars
equally important parts. The re
sult is a series of separate episodes
which finally converge upon the
dinner at eight.
Many have said that Jean Har
low stands out from the group on
the score of superior interpreta
tion of the part. The parts which
I enjoyed most were taken by so
called minor players, who in real
ity are often better and more ex
perienced than the star.
There was, first, May Robson as
the nervous cook with her hair
flying in whisps and her tongue
almost paralyzed. Then there was
Grant Mitchell with his wrinkly
stiff shirt front, who had to carry
Marie Dressler’s peke dog about
while Marie attended to other
matters. Madge Evans is, of
course, always satisfactory to me.
U. of W. Library
Getting $445,000
The University of Washington
has received appropriations
amounting to $445,000 with which
to build two new units to the cam
pus library. This information was
brought back from Seattle by M.
H. Douglass, head of the Univer
sity of Oregon library.
Douglass attended an executive
meeting of the Pacific Northwest
Library association in Seattle over
the past weekend. He is treasurer
of the association. It was during
his stay that he learned of the ap
propriations from Charles W.
Smith, librarian at the University
of Washington.
The present unit of the Univer
sity of Washington library was
built at a cost of about $900,000.
The proposed new library for the
Oregon campus is to cost $350,
Dean Allen Gets Copy
Of Longfellow’s Poem
A copy of “The Lighthouse,”
which was printed by John Henry
Nash, noted printer of San Fran
cisco and part-time lecturer on the
University of Oregon school of
journalism staff, as a tribute to
President Franklin Roosevelt and
his recovery program, was re
ceived by Dean Eric Allen.
The purport of this work was
to “et our great leader know that
the major art of printing has re
covered.” “The Lighthouse” is a
poem by Longfellow.
(Continued from Page One)
Smith;serving, Betty Wilson, chair
man, Helen Harriman, Clara Lar
sen, Marjorie Bass, and Floy
Young; publicity, Ann-Reed Burns
and Roberta Moody.
The program, as tentatively an
nounced by Frances Brockman, in
cludes a skit by five pledges and
new 'members, two numbers by the
violin quartet Vivian Malone, El
len Galey. Clara Larsen, and Floy
Young; selections by the Phi Beta
trio -Vivian Malone, Theresa Kel
ly, and Roberta Spicer Moffat; so
los by Marian Moore, and Vivian
Members of the Phi Beta chorus
will sing the traditional .songs of
the honor at y.
Japanese Newspaper
Contains Some English
Japanese and English are the
languages of a newspaper recently
received in the library. Its name
is the Yokohama Boyeki Shimpo.
The copy received is one of a spe
cial thanks edition put out on the
occasion of the tenth anniversary
of the great earthquake in Japan.
The paper is in Japanese for
the most part, but it contains sev
eral special articles in English.
Among these is a message of
thanks from the mayor 'of Yoko
hama to all the nations who sent
relief to the stricken Japanese ten
years ago.
. ■
Co-eds, get your heart checks
in if you expect to participate in
intramural or inter-liouse basket
ball! You can get them at the
dispensary. Turn them in at the
pnysical education office on the
second floor of Gerlinger.
Thirty-nine women are turning
out for basketball. Looks like the
competition for the all-star team
is going to be pretty strong.
Intramural swimming every day
from 4 to 5 p. m. Don't forget
you must have a heart check for
swimming, too. Turnouts have
been fine but the competition
looks better yet.
Two amendments to the P. E.
club constitution were voted upon
yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock.
They are:
That officers of the P. E. club
shall be elected at the end of win
ter term.
Regular,, meetings of the P. E.
club shall be held on the first and
third Tuesday of each month: one
shall be professional and the other
The calendar of meetings was
read and the stunt demonstration
to be given March 2 was dis
Don’t forget the big W. A. A.
mass meeting Thursday in the
women’s lounge, Gerlinger, at 4
p. m. The participation system
will be discussed and voted upon.
Fines at Library
Student Deposits
Totals for fall term library fines
aggregate $423.92, according to
figures from the librarian’s office.
Fines from all departments are in
cluded. Those fines which were
paid at the library before the end
of the term totaled $163.33, and
those sent to the administration of
fice for collection $260.59.
The latter figure is probably
augmented by the penalty of 25
cents, which was charged last term
for all fines which had to be sent
to the administration office for
The system has been changed.
All fines, unless paid when the
book is returned, are immediately
sent to Johnson hall to be taken
from the student’s deposit, and a
bookkeeping charge of, 10 cents is
In many instances fines incurred
by students exceeded the amount
of the deposit, one account being
about $25. In such cases, students
are not allowed to register again
until their accounts are settled.
"Patronize Emerald advertisers.”
★ Wallace BEERY
★ Lee TR£CY
★ Edmund LOWE
★ Billie BURKE
„ Are You
^ Saving
$5.00 Meal Ticket $4.50