Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 16, 1934, Image 1

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    Students Score Compulsory ASUO Membership
Ten Names on
Petition Given
To State Board
Proposal Seeks Saving
Of $5 Per Term
Bonus of $1000 for Coach Callison
Negated by Refusal of Group
To Consent on Matter
PORTLAND, Jan. 15.—(Special
to the Emerald;—Dick Neuber
ger, former editor of the Emerald,
this morning presented to the
state board of higher education,
through Chancellor W. J. Kerr, a
petition aiming at abolition of
compulsory membership in the
Associated Students and compul
sory payment of student body
The proposal, presented as a
means of saving $5 a term for
students in straitened circum
stances, was referred to the
board’s student welfare commit
tee, with E. C. Sammons serving
in place of Mrs. Cornelia Marvin
Pierce, who is in Washington. F.
E. Callister is the other member
of the committee.
Ten Students Sign
The letter was signed by 10
students, several of them gradu
ate students in the law school who
do not pay the full $5 required
of undergraduates. It pointed out
that the present low enrollment at
the University shows the dire
financial need of many students.
It declared that it is difficult to
find employment in Eugene, that
many students must resort to in
stallment payment of fees, and
that student loan funds are de
James Landye, senior law stu
dent, headed the committee of 10
(Continued on Page Thrie)
New Men Added
To Choir Section
Those who have been added to
the roster of the men’s section of
the polyphonic choir are asked to
report for rehearsal tomorrow at
4 p. m. in the music auditorium.
The following- list of added mem
bers was released by Roy Bryson,
associate director of the polyphon
ic group yesterday:
First tenors: Phil Mulder, Floyd
Groves, Orin Rickard, Cecil Ny
man, and Jack Campbell.
Second tenors: Ralph Perry,
Sterling Cash, Robert Crouter,
Ross Congleton, and Ernest Sav
Baritones: Leslie Irvin, Arthur
Beistel, Earl Thomson, Frank Ar
rell, Wilbur Jessen, and Glen Rid
Bass: Russell Dickson, Charles
William Aetzel, Robert Knapp, Ar
thur Grafious, and Howard Lee.
AJlen Will Speak
Tonight to Group
On Topic of Wai
International Relations Club Open:
Winter Activities With Talk
By Journalism Dean
The International Relations clul
will open its winter term activities
with an address by Dean Eric W
Allen of the school of journalism
at the Craftsman’s club tonight at
7:30. His speech is titled, “Whc
Will Be to Blame for the Next
Dean Allen is an authority on in
ternational affairs and traveled ex
tensively in the Orient last sum
mer. He will attempt to place the
responsibility for the next war if
there is one and will point out just
how threatening are the war
clouds of the present.
Following Allen's talk an open
forum will be held, the students
questioning him on points not made
The International Relations club
is a student group which is at
tempting to keep pace with world
affairs and current happenings the
world over. It receives literature
and news from the Carnegie Peace
foundation as well as several books
each year.
The president of the group is
Howard Ohmart, and he announc
es that a time and place for regu
lar meetings of the club will be
decided upon tonight. Victor P.
Morris of the University staff is
a faculty adviser for the students.
N. R, A. Codes to
Be Discussed by
Editorial Visitors
Journalistic Meet Scheduled for
Friday; Late Developments
Coming by Wire
Business subjects and discus
sions will predominate at the Ore
gon Press conference that is to
be held at the school of journal
ism beginning Friday morning,
January 19, and continuing for
two days.
Topics which will occupy impor
tant places on the program for
the conference sessions will in
clude NRA codes for newspapers
and printing shops, advertising
promotion, circulation problems,
and business recovery.
Friday afternoon the Oregon
State Editorial association will
hold a very important business
meeting to which representatives
of all Oregon newspapers are in
vited. The general discussion will
center around NRA codes for
daily and weekly newspapers and
their commercial printing plants,
as well as independent commer
cial printing establishments. Ar
rangements have been made with
the National Editorial association
to have the latest information by
air mail and telegraph about the
recent developments concerning
the newspaper and graphic arts
codes which are now on the desk
of the president waiting for his
American Man of Business
Branded 'Racketeer’ in Talk
Advancing his view that the
“depreciation of human ideals has
been responsible for the present
world economic depression,” Dr.
Alexander Goldenweiser, professor
of thought and culture of the Port
land extension center, addressed a
large audience in Villard hall Sun
day evening on the subject “Our
Economic Complex.”
He further characterized the
American “racket” as a revolution,
“except that the revolutionist has
a vision and the racketeer has
"The average American business
man is a racketeer,” Goldenweiser
continued. ‘‘He wants power, se
curity, and luxury, and he is us
ually not averse to violating laws
to get them. The only difference
is that the business man can keep
out of the hands of the law more
easily than the gangster.”
Dr. Goldenweiser traced the pro
gress of economics from the time
of primitive man, who had to solve
his economic problem of sustaning
life, and did so by the invention of
However, primitive man, like the
(Continued on Page Two)
Concerts for
Winter Term
Slated by ASUO
j Roland Hayes to Appear
January 25
I _
Second Concert of Series to Be
Givert Next Sunday in Igloo
By University Band
Winter Concert Series
Jan. 21, University band.
Jan. 25, Roland Hayes.
Feb. 4, University orchestra.
Feb. 18, University banc}.
Mar. 4, Polyphonic choir.
The second concert on the A. S.
U. O. winter term concert series is
scheduled to take place next Sun
day at 3 o’clock, when the Univer
sity band will present a free pro
gram in McArthur court.
On the Thursday following, Ro
land Hayes, famed negro tenor,
will appear in the same building.
| This concert is attracting much in
terest on the campus and in the
city. The demand for tickets is
said to be unprecedented.
I February 4, also a Sunday, the
j University orchestra will appear
once more, with the band slated for
the Sunday two weeks later.
Choir Will Appear
The final concert on the series
is that of the Polyphonic choir on
March 4.
In next Sunday’s concert 36
players will take part. The band
has appeared twice already this
school year; once during Home
coming, and again on Dad’s day.
“The personnel of the band this
term is better than usual,” Direc
tor John Stehn stated yesterday,
“especially in the reed sections.
For the first time in the history of
the band we’ve got enough good
clarinet players to assure a correct
balance between reed and brass.”
Gounod Number Included
The March and Cortege from
Gounod’s “Queen of Sheba” open
the program. The brass section is
used considerably in this number.
Hildreth's “One Beautiful Day
Overture” is popularly used by
school bands. It has earned its
American composer quite a bit of
fame. Melodious passages domin
ate the work.
Tobani’s “Hungarian Fantasia’
is a skillfully arranged medley of
Hungarian folk tunes which vary
(Continued on Page Three)
Profs Absent-Minded?
So Are Students W hen
Library Is Concerned
Even the minds of some of
Oregon's brightest students ap
parently cannot comprehend
the complicated schedule of
library hours, which, in addi
tion to having been posted in
both libraries, has been pub
lished in the Emerald several
For the benefit of those who
are not yet sure whether the
library will be open when they
set out to study, the schedule
is again published.
Library hours will remain for
the rest of the year as follows:
Reserve departments: Mon
day to Thursday, 7:45 a. m. to
10 p. m.; Friday, 7:45 a. m. to
5 p. m.; Saturday, 9 a. m. to
5 p. m.; and Sunday, 3 p. m.
to 9 p. m.
Circulation and reference de
partments: Monday to Thurs
day, 7:45 to 10 p. m.; Friday,
7:45 a. m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday,
9 a. m. to 6 p. m.; Sunday, 3
p. m. to 6 p. m.
Detailed Work Eliminated
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Dr. W. J. Kerr, chancellor of higher education, \vfll have more
time to consider matters affecting the system as a whole with the
appointment of acting presidents on the Eugene and Corvallis cam
puses. Kerr declared that he had been thinking of that plan as early
as last summer but had hesitated to broach its adoption until the
financial situation of Oregon higher education had improved.
Sigma Delta Chi
Cup to Be Given
To Best Weekly
Presentation Is Included in Press
Conference Activities Here
During- Present Week
Presentation of the Sigma Delta
Chi silver loving cup to the paper
that is judged the best weekly in
the state will be one of the fea
tures of the Oregon Press confer
ence when it is held here January
18, 19, and 20. Don Caswell, pres
ident of Oregon chapter, • will
award the cup at the luncheon
Saturday noon, where Sterling
Green, editor of the Oregon Em
erald, will preside.
Every weekly and semi-weekly
(Continued on Payc Three)
Group Suggests
New Amendment
For Constitution
New Procedure for President of
Of Student Body Proposed
By Revise Committee
Provision in the constitution for
an orderly procedure by the stu
dent body president before a ma
jor appointment is made, to de
termine the eligibility of the pros
pective candidate, was the sug
gested amendment made by the
constitutional revision committee
at its regular meeting Saturday,
according to Glen Hieber, chair
A special election will be held
this term, disclosed Hieber, at
(Continued on Page Pour)
Rise of Negro Makes Typical
Story of American Success
Were it not for the keen ear of
an Oberlin college student, a young
negro named Arthur Calhoun, Ro
land Hayes, internationally fam
ous tenor, might still be working
in a Chattanooga sash-weight fac
tory for $3 a day. Hayes is to ap
pear at McArthur court Thursday,
January 25 under the auspices of
the associated students.
It fell to Hayes to sing a small
solo in a church entertainment ar
ranged by Calhoun in Chattanooga,
Tennessee, more than 15 years ago.
Calhoun was so impressed with the
promising young voice that while
the two were walking home after
the meeting, he urged Hayes to
take up singing in earnest. How
ever, Hayes, filled with pride over
his foremanship of the sashweight
factory, and thinking of the profit
less life of an itinerant dance-hall
singer, refused.
Hayes was finally convinced that
singing was his career when he was
1 invited to Calhoun’s house to hear
records of some of the great sing
i ers—Marcella Sembrich, Emma
Eames and Enrico Caruso. That
was ail that was necessary to ig
nite the spark that was lying dor
mant in him. “It was though a
bell rang in my ear," said Hayes
in. describing that evening with his
friend, and from that time his one
determination was to become a
It was a matter of only a few
years until Hayes was acclaimed
by New York music lovers after a
concert at the Town Hall and he
has been ever since, a success.
The associated students have
brought this famous tenor to Eu
gene at considerable expense, but
with no charge to University stu
dents and with no intention of
breaking even. The prices of tick
ets for others than students are
$1.10 and 55 cents. These are the
lowest for a Hayes concert that
have ever been made, and have re
sulted in an unusual demand for
seats, according to information
from the graduate manager’s of
fice. Tickets may be obtained at
that office, the Co-op and McMor
| ran and Washburne’s.
Sigma Repeats
With Top Place
In Grade List
Hendricks Hall Captures
Second Position
Susan Campbell Third, Kappa Belt
Fourth; Delta Cpsilon, Chi Psi
Head Fraternity List
Sigma hall topped all other liv
ing organizations on the campus in
the grade point averages for the
fall term, released yesterday from
the registrar’s office, with a 1.6701
average. This was .3720 above the
All-University mark of 1.2981.
By placing first for the second
successive time amongst all male
living organizations of the Univer
sity, Sigma gained a stronger hold
on the silver cup awarded for the
best scholastic average. One more
win will give them permanent pos
session of the trophy.
Hendricks Second
Hendricks hall as usual places
high up in the rating, having an
average of 1.6630 to gain second
place. Last spring term Hendricks
beat out Sigma by a narrow mar
Susan Campbell hall took third
place on the list, while Kappa Del
ta, next in line, topped all sorori
ties and Greek-letter organizations.
Sigma Kappa, Phi Mu, Kappa Al
pha Theta, and Alpha Xi Delta
Delta Upsilon won first position
among the fraternities and was
ninth in the general standings.
Second place in this group was
(Continued on Page Tivo)
| Campus Calendar
Regular meeting of Skull anil
l Dagger in Room 104, Journalism
building, 7:30 tonight.
The Frosh Commission meets
today at 3 o’clock in the Y. W.
C. A. hut.
Frosh Commission 7:30 tonight
at the Y. hut. Publication of stu
dent handbook will be discussed.
All seniors who have not filled
out activity cards, do so today at
Oregana. office.
Thespians 6:45 tonight in wo
men’s room of Gerlinger.
Cast meeting of senior stunt for
Coed Capers in Hendricks 5 p. m.
The social science symposium
will hold its first meeting at 4
in men's lounge of Gerlinger.
Dean Eric Allen addresses the
International Relations club and
the Craftsman's club hall, 7:30 to
Executive council of 'he Oregon
Yeomen noon today at Yeomen
office in Y hut.
(Continued on Page Three/
Transfers, Freshmen
Must Take Psychology
Exam Today in Condon
A psychology examination
for all transfers or entering
freshmen of the University will
be held this afternoon at 4
o’clock in 101 Condon.
Fifty-eight students are
scheduled to take the exam, ac
cording to Howard Ft. Taylor,
professor of psychology in
illard Marks New
President of Group
To Replace Nelson
Brand Elected Vice-President as Calm
In Higher Education Is Sought
In Portland Meeting
PORTLAND, Jan. 15.—(Special to the Emerald)—Three steps
toward the calming of higher educational storms were taken by the
state board in session here this afternoon. The following program
went through unanimously:
1. The investigation of Wayne L. Morse, dean of the law
school, was ordered abandoned.
2. “Acting presidents’’ were designated for the Eugene and
Corvallis campuses. C. V. Boyer, dean of the college of arts and
letters, named to head the University, and George W. Peavy, dean
of forestry, to head the state college.
3. Willard L. Marks elected president of the state board to
fill the unexpired term of Roscoe C. Nelson, resigned.
All the measures were approved in perfunctory fashion, without
prolonged discussion. Abandonment of the investigation of Dean
Morse, ordered November 24 as the aftermath of the dean’s outspoken
Dean Morse Declares
Appointment of Boyer
Preservation of Right
“The appointment of a Uni
versity president as exception
ally able as Dr. Boyer is a def
inite step toward the preserva
tion of faculty right and pre
rogatives for which I have
been contending during recent
“I interpret the board’s reso
lution concerning me as not in
volving a reprimand. If, how
ever, the board meant to repri
mand me and so informs me
officially, I shall respectfully
ask for a hearing at the next
board meeting. I am as desir
ous as the board to work for
harmony in the institutions of
higher learning in Oregon.”
Thus commented Wayne L.
Morse, dean of the law school,
last night when he learned that
the state board of higher edu
cation had named acting presi
dents on the Eugene and Cor
vallis campuses and had de
cided to drop investigation of
his own activities.
Dean Hoyt to Talk
On Radio Tonight
Harrison V. Hoyt, dean and di
rector of the school of business
administration, will speak tonight
at 8:15 over radio station KOAC
concerning the schools of business
both here and at Corvallis.
Hoyt’s talk is the third of a se
ries on the educational training
and services offered by the Oregon
state system of higher education.
James H. Gilbert, dean and di
rector of the school of social sci
ence, will talk regarding his school
over KOAC January 30.
Each dean will present the ma
terial for his particular school or
division. The series will be con
tinued through the spring term
until all of the deans and direc
tors have presented the work of
their respective divisions and
■attack upon Nelson and his de
mand for the resignation of Chan
cellor W. J. Kerr, was taken, ac
cording to the language of the
resolution, because “the board
realizes that many things were
said and done under conditions'of
stress and misunderstanding and
that these conditions resulted in
part at least from statements of
members of the board.”
Need Filled
The selection of acting presi
dents was made in order to fill
“an immediate need for more ade
quate provision of local adminis
tration.” Deans Boyer and Peavy
will serve as institutional admin
istrators, heading those activities
on the major campuses that re
quire integrated and personal
leadership. The acting presidents
will discontinue some of their
present duties and will receive
only a slight increase in salary
for their work as institutional ad
ministrators. At present, no sal
ary change will be made.
The local administrators, it was
pointed out, will relieve the chan
cellor of much of the detail work
that he has hitherto had to han
dle, and will leave him more time
for consideration of matters af
fecting the system as a whole.
The chancellor revealed that he
had long contemplated the estab
lishing of presidents on the cam
puses but had delayed action until
the higher educational system was
in better financial condition to
sustain the expense. The chan
cellor declared that as recently as
this summer he was working on
a plan to install presidents, but
that he has not been “ready to
present it at an earlier date.”
Heads Supplied
The new plan, it was believed,
will supply the functional heads
necessary upon the campuses,
without using as salary outlay the
funds which are sorely needed for
instructional and institutional pur
Details of the functional rela
tionship between acting presidents
and interinstitutional deans, be
tween faculty and acting presi
dents, and between the chancellor
and presidents, will be worked out
in the next two weeks. They will
(Continued on Page Three)
Good Work in String Groups
Noted at Sunday Symphony
The University Symphony, which
gave a program Sunday in the Ig
lo before a crowd of approximate
ly 2000 students and townspeople,
is a student organization, primar
ily, and this fact must be taken
into consideration in any com
ments upon its performance.
Obviously this group would have
its weaknesses just as any other
student group. Therefore, the fol
lowing remarks are not so much
written in a critical sense as in an
analytical sense through which
possible roads to improvement may
be found.
Be it understood that the writer
is just as much a student critic as
the orchestra members are mostly
student musicians, and he is just
as open to criticism as anyone else,
if not more so. But in all fairness
to his own conscience and the per
former, he writes what he thinks.
(Continued on Page Two)