Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 13, 1934, Page 4, Image 4

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Eill Phipps . Editor
Bii! Eberhart, Clair Johnson, Don Olds, Dan Clark,
Bill Aetzel, George Jones, Ned Simpson,
Bob Becker, Charles Paddock.
Betty Shoemaker . Women’s Sports Editor
THE athletic activities of the University of Oregon,
its competitive teams and otherwise, should be the
concern of each and every student on the campus. Keep
abreast of the sport news of your University if you are
Page 4
rpHK Pacific coast basketball
champions comb to the campus
tonight. This year the crown rests
asia n t the brow
“Slats” Gill
I of the Beaver of
lOregon State. Af
| ter .splitting the
| opening series of
fi the season with
^ State, the Or
gangemen will go
I into their third
Igame of the year
I tonight determ
lined to bolster
| their average in
the league stand
ings at the Webfoots expense be
fore they start their northern in
vasion after a second game with
Oregon next week at Corvallis.
Minus the valuable services of
the gangling Ed Lewis, all-Ameri
can and all-coast center last year,
Coach Amory T. “Slats” Gill and
his lads are facing a tough propo
sition to retain the title this win
ter. Without the tremendous ad
vantage gained through the tower
ing Lewis’ consistent control of the
tip, the Staters hope to take two
games from the Ducks while they
perfect their floor game to a point
where they can stop Washington,
Idaho and, when they meet again,
Washington State.
With Captain “Skeet” O’Connell
and George Hibbard again at for
wards and that pair of air-tight
guards, Carl Lenchitslcy and Red
McDonald, Gill has the same out
fit, with the exception of Lewis,
who brought the bunting to Cor
vallis last year.
The questionable cog in the
Staters’ machine this year is the
center position. Wilbur Kidder, a
sophomore who is only six-feet
three-inches tall is not only inex
perienced but he is too short to
assure the tip for the Beavers
much of the time. Kidder works
well in Gill’s floor pattern, how
*ever, and is a real scoring threat if
his pre-season record is a true in
dication of his point-getting abil
ity. He piled up 63 markers to
lead the Beaver scorers before the
conference opened.
The advance dope imparts the
information that the most startling
thing about the Orange this season
is the decided improvement of
George Hibbard over last year.
Hibbard, who is in his second year
of varsity competition, is now more
aggressive than he was last sea
son and has developed into a con
stant scoring threat from any po
sition on the floor during offen
sive operations.
# * *
Just when things looked pretty
good for Bill Reinhart, tlie old in
jury vendor called around at the
Igloo to cast his dark shadow over
the Oregon squad. The old gent
passed out l:is bad medicine to
only one of the Webfoots, however,
but after he paid his respects and
strolled out, it was doubtful if Wil
lie Jones would be able to go
against the champions tonight. A
hard knock on the knee left the
giant young sophomore with a
lame leg yesterday.
* * *
Willie with a two-inch height
advantage over Kidder would give
the Ducks a good chance to start
their* scoring plays right from the
center circle. If Jones is unable to
function in the lineup tonight Ore
gon will be at the same disadvan
tage she was during the Cougar
series when getting possession of
the ball depended solely upon close
checking on defense until the ball '•
Frosh Quint,
Franklin Hi
Meet Today
Tilt Scheduled for Igloo
Court at 3:30
Freshman Squad Shows Promise
By 47-18 Victory Over
Eugene High
Tn their third tilt of the season,
Gene Shields’ Frosh cagers will
tackle the tough Franklin high
Quakers from Portland on the Mc
Arthur court floor at 3:30 today.
The Franklin mentor, Chappie
King, is a former student and let
terman from the University and
coached football and basketball at
University high school two years
Quakers Boast Power
In the Portland city conference
last year the Kingmen started out
with wealth of experienced mate
rial and made a good showing.
This year King has practically the
same squad back again, and with
a season’s experience behind them,
the Quakers are judged by many
to be the logical contenders for
the Portland high school confer
ence throne, now occupied by Lin
The Frosh hoopsters showed a
good deal of promise last Wednes
day when they trimmed Eugene
high 47-18. Williamson and Lewis
played well and Murray controlled
the tip-off at center.
Shields Names Squad
The ducklings looked ragged at
times against the much weaker
Eugene outfit. The players tried
to play an individual game in
stead of making the combination
run smoothly. However, with such
a large number of men trying for
positions on the duckling squad,
Shields will soon find a team that
The probable starting line-up
will be chosen from the following
men: centers, Harry Helmken, Joe
Murray, Arthur Guthrie; for
wards, John Lewis, Dale Hardesty,
Bob Rundlett, Roy Williamson;
guards, Arnold Faust, Sid Milli
gan, Sam Liebowitz, Roy Nort
ham. There are others who may
get the call during the game.
No admission will be charged at
the game.
Bar Performers Billed
For Half-Time Tonight
R. K. Cutler’s horizontal bar ex
perts will appear before the stu
dent body for the first time this
year when they perform between
halves at the Oregon-Oregon State
basketball game tonight.
Cutler, men’s gym instructor,
has been working hard with his
proteges and promises to give the
students a real show.
Those who will perform on the
bar tonight include Bob Close,
George Schenk, Mickey and Eddie
Vail, Morry Pease, and Ford
could be recovered and the rcoring
attempts started.
» * *
By the way, speaking of coast
champions it is seldom that Ore
gon students and Eugene fans get
a chance to see the title-holders In
action. The last time a team from
the northern division cleaned the
coast was in 1931 when the Wash
ington Huskies headed by Hank
Swanson, Johnny Fuller and Ralph
Cairney brought the honors into
the Northwest after taking two
out of three from California.
Useless statistics: Stanford piled
up a total of 2154 yards from
scrimmage last season to 1119 for
all the Indians’ opponents.
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Defeats Franklin
22-17 in Fast Tilt
Golden Title Established as Title
Contenders; To Clash With
Springfield Tonight
In a fast game the Golden Tide
of University high last night
downed the Franklin Quakers of
Portland by a 22-17 score. The
outcome was a distinct upset, as
the Quakers had previously been
considered one of the strongest of
the quintets in the Rose City prep
The score at half time favored
the campus outfit 15-7. Although
the Quakers threatened to rally,
the local team had the situation
well in hand, and never relin
quished the lead. Sam Igoe of
University high was high scorer
with seven points. Smeenk of the
Portlanders rang up five points.
Stafford, of the Golden Tide, made
four points, besides playing a stel
lar defensive game.
The game established the cam
pus boys as serious contenders for
the state title, and outstanding
favorites to cop the lower Willam
ette valley “A" league pennant.
Besides University high, Eugene.
Springfield. Roseburg, and Corval
lis high schools are represented in
this league. The campus outfit
holds a win over Roseburg, and
plays Springfield tomorrow night !
at 0:30 in the men's gym. ■
Rain or shine, campus coeds
join the Exploration hike this aft
ernoon from 2 to 4 o'clock. All
planning to go meet in front of
Gerlinger hall.at 2 o'clock.
* * *
Just a hint for the mermaids.
Better come out for practice.
Marion Vinson missed breaking
the 40-yard free style record this
week by one second. The record
as it stands is 26 r' seconds.
Next week all those wishing
may be timed. This is just to
give you an idea of how much
you will have to improve your
* * *
It is rumored that Kappa Alpha
'1'heta entered a swimming team.
Looks like the competition for the
Seller trophy will be keen.
* * *
Basketball practice Monday aft
ernoon from 5 to 6 o’clock. Houses
should plan to enter teams to com
pete for the intramural basket
ball cup.
1 * * *
That's all.
“Patronize Emerald advertisers." 1
Bill Reinhart, Oregon hoop mentor, will depend upon the services
of Bill Berg (upper left), Buds! Jones, and “Spook” Robertson (below)
to help the Webfoots carry the battle to “Slats” Gill’s veteran Oregon
State basketball machine when the two teams meet for the first time
this season at McArthur court tonight.
Donut Volleyball
Schedule Opens
At Gym Monday
Hound Robin Tournament Planned
With Playoff to Follow; Six
Games Slated Daily
4:0ft—Theta Chi vs. La Casa
Filipino; Alpha Hall vs. Phi
Gamma Delta.
4:40—-Yeomen vs. Alpha Tau
Omega; Phi Kappa Psi vs.
Sherry Boss Hall.
5:2ft—Kappa Sigma vs. Beta
Theta Pi; Omega Hail vs. Sig
ma Nu.
Intramural volleyball in the
form of a round robin schedule
followed by a tournament playoff
just as in basketball will open
Monday night in the men's gym.
Six games will be scheduled
each evening with two contests
taking place at tne same liipe at
opposite ends of the gym floor, j
As the nc-t game counts almost
as much as basketball in the final
donut point standings for the year,
indications point to a lively tour
nament with all teams centered
on upsetting the Betas from their
perch at the top of the point
Last year's games proved inter
esting with some of the matches
approaching football games in
brutality when some of the ex
football kings, including Mikulak
and Cuppoletti, got rather rough.
Extension Work
Plans Arranged
Definite plans for correspondence
work under the CWA adult educa
tion plan have been formulated ac
cording to an announcement made
Friday by Miss Mozelle Hair, head
of the correspondence department
of the extension division of the
The extension division is work
ing with C. A. Howard, state su
perintendent of schools, C. D.
Adams, chairman of the committee
of civil works service projects and
education in Oregon, and Harriet
C. Long, state librarian.
About thirty special correspond
ence courses in eight subjects will
be offered with the possibility of
more being added later. Announce
ments of the plan have just gone
to press and will be available the
first of next week.
Many Aspirants
Turning Out for
Sigma De Ita Psi
This year’s Sigma Delta Psi
aspirants have been working hard
during the last term and the first
of this term. Three of the ath
letes have nearly completed their
The Sigma Delta Psi class
meets on Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday at 3 o'clock. Three tests
may be taken a day. Anyone may
try out for Sigma Delta Psi
whether he is ill the class or not,
says R. K. Cutler, gym instructor
in charge of the tryouts. Those
wishing to try for one of the
events should make an appoint
ment with Cutler.
Membership in Sigma Delta Psi
depends upon ability as an all
around athlete. The 13 events
and the standing records for them
are as follows:
100-yard dash —10.3 seconds,
Hal Lewis.
120-yard low hurdles—15. sec
onds, Voegtly.
High jump—6 feet, Bill Palmer.
Broad jump—22 feet 8 inches,
Bill Palmer. '
Shot Put—35 feet 10 inches,
Paul Lafferty.
Baseball throw — 297 feet 8
inches, Ladd Sherman.
Football punt—60 yards 2 feet
4 inches, Clarence Nye.
100-yard swim—1:02, 4-5, Paul
Mile run—5 minutes 26 seconds,
Tallant Greenough and Ladd Sher
Javelin throw—188 feet, Bill
Handstand—37 seconds, Robert
Van Nice.
Fence vault—5 feet 11 inches,
R. K.^ Cutler.
Rope climb — 91-10 seconds,
‘Official only after becoming a
member of Sigma Delta Psi.
New Champs Take
Crowns as Boxing
Tournament Ends
Wilson Pounds Out Verdict Over Owen
In Fast Bout; Konopka and
Gibson Cop Titles
Alan Wilson gained a close decision over Elton Owen in the men's
gym ring last night to cop the 165-pound title, in the fastest and best
bout in the finals of the all-campus boxing tournament, which saw
six other new champs crowned.
Catching Owen off guard in the first few seconds of the initial
round, Wilson kept boring in with a hard right to have the advantage
until the middle of the third round, when Owen enticed him into a
slup-fest where Wilson came out second best.
Both Boys Groggy *
Up until that time Wilson, with
his longer reach, punished Owen
severely and although Owen was
returning his punches he did little
to hurt Wilson. However, after a
few seconds of slugging, they
were both groggy but Wilson did
not polish off Owen, as he might
have done had he kept cool.
Gibson Has Fast Left
Displaying the cleverest boxing
of any man on the schedule, Comet
Gibson gained a clean-cut decision
over the veteran Ed Goodnough.
Comet lived up to his name with
a fast left that carried a punch.
Gibson was also clever in his
clinches, although it was here
that Goodonugh got in some good
infighting that slowed his oppo
nent down. Jhere was plenty of
action all through the fight with
Goodnough taking quite a bit of
punishment from Gibson’s left and
not able to hurt his opponent
ttuot Amusing
Dayton Stoddard and Tom
Mountain furnished the 400 spec
tators attending with the most
amusng bout of the evening, with
Stoddard getting the decision after
ar extra round.
Mountain at times almost for
got he wasn’t on the wrestlipg
mat and the match was a rough
and tumble affair. Stoddard was
easily the better boxer of the two,
and after lie grew tired and
stopped his shadow box dance, he
waded in duririg the final round
and pushed Mountain ail over the
Smith Pushed Around
In the heavyweight bout, Bob
Konopka appeared to challenge
the veteran Sanford Smith. Kon
opka pushed his heavier opponent
all over the ring to earn an easy
decision. The initial round was
fast with neither man dishing out
much punishment. In the last two
cantos Konopka took the aggres
sive and easily outpointed Smith
as he drove in many hard blows.
In the 175-pound event Frank
Cross and Ed Kendall tangled in
a good slugging match, with
Cross punishing his opponent with
a shower of hard blows. Cross
bored in hard all through the fight I
and knocked the game Kendall
out of the ring in the last few
seconds. He couldn’t quite finish
Kendall though, as the latter fell
into clinches to save himself.
Povey and Huggins Lose
Max Donnelly edged out a deci
sion over Craig Povey in the hard
est bout on the card for the
judges to decide. Both boys
mixed it throughout, with Don
nelly more on the aggressive. The
first two rounds were even, and
it was only in the final one that
Donnelly’s punches scored to give
him the nod at the bell.
With Eddie Vail unable to make
the weight limit, his brother
Mickey substituted for him and
upheld the honor of the Vail fam
After fighting their ways
through the finals of the all
campus boxing tournament yes
terday, the seven mitt-slingers
listed below now sit on thrones,
the crowned champions of their
respective divisions:
Bob Konopka ... heavyweight
Frank Qross . 175
Alan Wilson . 165
Dayton Stoddard . 155
Comet Gibson . 145
Max Donnelly . 135
Mickey Vail . .... 125
ATO Wins Over
Sherry Ross Hall
In Donut Game
Theta Ohis Take Game From Phi
Delts in Tough Handball
4:00—Phi Gamma Delta vs.
5:00—Zeta Hall vs. Sigma
Alpha Mu.
In the closest matches on the
donut handball schedule so far,
Theta Chi and Alpha Tau Omega
last night won their way into the
third bracket of play with victo
ries over Phi Delta Theta and
Sherry Ross hall.
The A. T. O.’s walked off with
both their singles and doubles
matches from the hall boys, with
Whitely winning easily from Com
stock 21-9, 21-12, Edwards having
a little tougher time trimming
Johnson 20-22, 21-10, 21-14, and
the. doubles combination of Kinley
and Whitely upsetting Yturri and
Bullock 7-21, 23-21, 21-16.
The Phi Delt doubles team of
Chamberlain and Schweiker were
the only ones to furnish any op*
position for Theta Chi, as they
upset Brown and Hellberg 21-19,
13-21, 21-13. Mulder and Van
Nice lost their singles games to
Woodward and Rogers 13-21, 19
21 and 21-19, 13-21, 20-21.
ily with an easy decision over
Jack Huggins. In the opening
round both boys pecked at each
other but in the other two Vail
landed several hard ones and
played around with Huggins in
the final session, after he had
downed him fcr the count.
Bossing Will Speak
Dr. N. L. Bossing, of the school
of education, will speak to an in
stitute group of Douglas county
in Roseburg January 27. He will
give two talks at the one-day
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