recww University of Oregon, Eugene Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuemmel, Manager Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor EDITORIAL BOARD Doug Polivka and Don Caswell, Associate Editors; Merlin Blais, Guy Shadduck, Parks Hitchcock, Stanley Kobe UPPER NEWS STAFF Malcolm Bauer. News Ed. | Mary Louiee Edinger, Society Estill Phipps, Sports Ed. Ed. Cynthia Liljeqvist, Women’s Ed. Barney Clark, Humor Ed. A1 Newton, Dramatics Ed. ! Peggy Chessman, Literary Ed. Abe Merritt, Chief Night Ed. | George Callas, Radio Ed. DAY EDITORS: A1 Newton, Mary Jane Jenkins, Ralph Mason, John Patric. EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Ann-Reed Burns, Roberta Moody, Newton Stearns, Howard Kessler. FEATURE WRITERS: Ruth McClain, Henriette Horak. REPORTERS: Clifford Thomas, Helen Dodds, Hilda Gillam, Miriam Eichner, Virginia Scoville, Marian Johnson, Rein hart Knudsen, Velma McIntyre, Pat Gallagher, Virginia Cathcrwood, James Morrison, Frances Hardy, Ruth Weber, R<»sc Himelstein. SPORTS STAFF: Bill Eberhart, Clair Johnson, George Jones, Dan Clark. Ted Blank. Don Olds, Betty Shoemaker, Bill Aetzel, Ned Simpson. Charles Paddock, Bob Becker. COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill, Marie Pell, Phyllis Adams, Margery Kissling, Maluta Read, Mildred Blackburne, George Bikman, Virginia Endicott, Nan Smith, Corinne La Bane. WOMEN’S PAGE ASSISTANTS: Betty Labbe, Mary Gra ham, Bette Church, Marge Leonard, Donna Theda, Ruth Heiberg. NIGHT EDITORS: Alfredo Fajardo, Bob Parker, George Bik man, Toni Bintord. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: ITenryetta Mummey, Vir ginia Cathcrwood. Margilee Morse, Jane Bishop. Doris Bailey, Alice Tillman, Barbara Beam, Knox, Eleanor Aldrich. Margaret Rollins, Marvel Read. RADIO STAFF: Barney Clark. Howard Kessler, Carroll Wells, El win Ireland, Eleanor Aldrich, Rose Himelstein. SECRETARY: Mary Graham. A member of the Major College Publications, represented by A. J. Norris Hill Co., 155 K. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W. Madison St., Chicag©; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave., Los Angeles; Call Buildimr, San Francisco. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December and all .of March except the first three days. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. ANOTHER RESEARCH TRIUMPH npO those critics of the University of Oregon who have been filling long columns of newspaper space with maundering charges that the* faculty and student body are in a constant seething state of turmoil, and that the campus is a hotbed of sedi tion, carping censoriousness, and insubordination, comes another dash of cold water. Again University scientists have brought forth a discovery that takes top rank in scientific news of the day—the discovery of a new, efficient and inexpensive means of selecting men for expert marksmen by laboratory experiment. Tomorrow Science Service will carry a full account of the dis covery to press subscribers all over the nation, and the Associated Press will send out from its New York offices the story, under a Eugene dateline, for all its farflung newspaper members. Hardly more than a month ago a professor of chemistry, toiling in the dark laboratories of old McClure hall, startled the world of chemistry with the discovery that acetamide is the most universal of solvents. A few weeks later the University of Oregon hit front pages the nation over when this same professor revealed that he had supervised construction of and is now operating the largest plant in the world for the production, by a new process, of the newly discovered “heavy water,” a liquid formerly rare and prohibitively expensive. These major contributions to scientific lore arc the products of a University from which full de partments of chemistry and physics have been re moved, and where research funds are practically zero! It is doubtful if any other | diversity in the country ha3 made so striking a record within the last two months. Here is evidence enough that the University* is striding ahead, pursuing the level processes of classroom and laboratory instruction, and at the same time adding more than its share to the store of man's knowledge. Let this be considered a tribute to Professors Seashore and Stafford but it is more. The men named are simply typical of an entire faculty which, although grossly underpaid, is carrying on its dele gated task of educating Oregon’s youth and keeping alive the principle of academic freedom. And this is the faculty which the old guard of educational politicians has branded as “irreconcilable feudists” and "chronic dissenters,” daily fomenting student and faculty rebellion. CLASSROOM CONNOISSEURS TVROFESSORS cannot but be aware of the ex tent to which students have become exacting critics of their work on the lecture platform. One of the most popular topics of the bull ses sion is the comparison of the various qualities of professors on tire campus, not only as to scholastic profundity and sincerity, but as to his delivery, his showmanship, and his organization of work. “C--puts on a mighty good act,” comments one student. "He's a swell gent. 1 got a lot out Cf him.” ‘‘That guy YV is a kick in the britches,” remarks another. “You don't have to do much work under him. But get a few quotations under your hat. He's a sucker for ’em.” "h- is a slave driver, but if you like the stuff he’s not so bud. Dry as a bone, but he gets you there,” is the advice of the third. And so runs the gossip nearly every place stu dents meet. The busiest times for the classroom critics is at the beginning of each term. During registration day, one would think that every pro fessor would have to wear ice packs on his ears. The professors who draw the students and the Steady attendance to their classes are those who make concessions to the student demand for vitality in their presentations. They realize that a good stage presence and a little “good theatre" will go further toward planting ideas in the heads of their listeners than any amount of dull pounding. It doesn't sound academic. But these professor.-, ere not the vaudeville triflers that they sound. They are merely applying a little lubricant to make the ideas slip down more easily. Throughout all the discussion that hat. fol lowed the Emerald's proposal to abolish the beer gone around the University campus in - been au unwillingness to “talk for publication.” Professor;. FRANKNESS have acknowledged their complete agreement with ' the Emerald’s stand, but have requested that their names remain unpublished. Some have even pointed out to us ideas for helping the campaign along, yet practically all have been unwilling to see their ' names in print endorsing the return of beer to cam pus eating places. The reason has been, uniformly, that citizens upstate might take offense, might criticize faculty members who lent the weight of their names and positions to the proposal. It all seems a bit strange, this furtiveness. Has not beer been fully legalized by the overwhelming affirmation of the people of the state through pop ular ballot? Is beer not being served in the best hotels and dining rooms in every city and state ? Is the beverage not being sold and openly consumed in every other part of r: .gene except the sanctified land immediately adjacent to University buildings? Are not students who want beer drinking it, in spite of the artificial re:, rictions? If there is any; question on this latter po.nt, the University authori ties might pay a visit to any eating place just out side the beer zone about 4 o’clock in the afternoon. Furtiveness was legislated out on December 5. Now University authorities and the Eugene city council may as well face the fact that students are simply walking a few blocks farther for beer— to places where University surveillance is impos sible and where hard liquor is sold. In contrast to the hushed silence of many in positions of authority is the flat statement of Thomas Tongue, student body president, that he favors immediate abolishment of the beer zone. And among Eugene’s professional men, Dr. D. C. Stanard, a member of the University’s executive council, presented a fair-minded viewpoint when he told the Emerald yesterday that the present system of control is a grossly unjust discrimination against those eating places near the campus. Let us be frank. Beer has come back. Many students enjoy it. They will drink it in spite of the beer zone. Let the beer zone be set aside, and if students flagrantly abuse the privilege thus conferred, the Emerald will be the first to advocate its return. OVERFLOW IRTUE for virtue's sake is all right, but V the editors of the Emerald are learning that their campaign for abolishment of the campus beer zone will bear rewards of a more solid—or liquid kind. Already five individuals have offered to set the editor up to a talk one, if beer comes to the campus. Gives one ideas, that does. Maybe the edi tors could swing a little deal with the College Side people and the Green Parrot people . . . More good news. Thomas-H-for-Hillsboro Tongue, III, lias enlisted in the ranks of the Battlers for Beer. Last night he went on rec ord with as much enthusiasm as befits the dig nity of a student body president, as favoring the abolishment of the beer zone. Sometimes we get to thinking in terms of headlines. We can visualize this in 72-point black capitals: TONGUE COMES OUT FOR BEER! Since O. L. Stafford, of the chemistry de partment, hit national headlines with his dis coveries on acetamide and heavy water, he has become much lionized by luncheon clubs and “groups” of various kinds, who want him to speak on atoms and molecules and electrolysis and such things. All very puzzled is Mr. Staf ford, over his sudden popularity among people who have known him for years. It is the Pen alty of Prominence, professor, and the Power of Publicity. Which reminds us that the local telegraph people were puzzled and a bit alarmed at a telegram from the Science Service headquarters to George Godfrey, University publicity man. Godfrey had written the Science Service people to find out how many words they could use on the psychology department's latest research concerning the steadiness of expert marksmen. This is the wire that came flying back: “SEND 200 RIFLEMEN.” A morsel that Alexander Woollcott, of the New Yorker, has thus far missed in his collec tion of asininities, was a poster tacked on the bulletin board at Drake university. Maybe it would have fitted in the Anti-climax depart ment better. It runs: "Come up some time any time—to the Christian Endeavor meeting." * * ! Contemporary Opinion \ (.ionium { onfuses (In' Nazis o'clock to discuss the “Valuation of Christian Science.’’ Westminster "What I Think of Life” is the' subject of the talk to be presented by Madame Rose E. McGrew at the morning series which begins at 9:45. Bill Gearhart who will lead the evening forum at 6:30, has chosen for his topic, “Ten Commandments of Emitional Maturity.” These will also be a social hour preced ing the meeting. Presbyterian At 9:45 Dr. Robert Seashore, Mrs. Genevieve T. Turnipseed and Dr. H. V. Mathews are scheduled to speak before the various groups. Rev. Milton Weber will preach on the subject of “The Proper Ob jective of Man’s Life,” at 11 o'clock. An impressive service in which the celebration of the candle light will take place at 7:30 o’clock sym bolizing the important event in the Christian life, In terms of music and poetry. Baptist “The Worth of Man” is the sub ject that has been chosen by Rev. Bryant Wilson to be delivered at 11 o’clock. The student group, B.Y.T.U., will hold its meeting at 6:30 and Rollin Calkins will lead the forum. * * * Methodist Mrs. George P. Winchell who re cently traveled in Europe studying art relics will present second of a series of talks on her experiences at 10 o'clock. Mrs. Winchell has selected as her subject, “The Old and New in Art.” At 11 o’clock. Rev. C. F. Ris tovv will speak on "The Power of God." There will be music by the juauaaaauuaaaaauuuucic c Tux Shirts SEND YOUR TUX SHIRT TO US and we will clean it so that'vou WILL BE PROUD TO WEAR IT — at — Eugene Steam Laundry 178 Sth West Phone 123 choir under the direction of John Stark Evans. * s * Unitarian At 11 o'clock Rev. E. White smith has selected as his theme, ■‘Humanity’s Progress Toward the Classless World." * * * Christian Dr. Victor P. Morris will speak to the University class at 9:45. The sermon topic to be delivered by Rev. S. E. Childers at 11 o’clock will be “The Hour Has Come.” The Christian Endeavor organi zation will meet at 6:45. * * * Christian Science The regular sermon will be deliv ered at 11 o’clock.. “Sacrament" is the subject. There will also be a sermon at 8 o'clock. Catholic “The Unity of the Church" is the subject to be delivered at 8:30 and at 10 o’clock. Library Has New Lists for Special Topic Reference i “Vocations in Fiction,” “Love and Marriage”; College, Vocations Books Featured “Vocations in Fiction” is the ti tle of a book list posted in the cir culation library near the vocations shelf. The list is adapted from one published by the American Library association, and it includes many popular novels in which the voca tional objective is by no means predominant, but is considered a factor by the library association. A book list to supplement the “Love and Marriage” lecture se i ries to be given this term is also posted, and nearby is a stack of copies for students to take. Many of the books included are to be i found on the special shelf marked "Marriage and the Family.” Two other special shelves, the college life and the vocation shelf, have book lists posted above them which name books included in the collection, so that information about books not on the shelf at the time may be obtained by inquiring at the desk. PUBLISHERS’ CODE TO BE TOPIC AT MEETING (Continued from Page One) speakers at the annual banquet; Steen M. Johnson, Sheridan Sun, who will preside at the weeklies departmental; and Joe C. Brown, Redmond Spokesman, who will talk on “Converting a Non-Advertiser.” The session will open with the annual round table informal dinner at the Eugene hotel Thursday eve ning, January 18. Entertainment features include the banquet Fri day evening, and a theater party at which visitors will be guests at a special showing of “Goluen Years of Progress,” a film made to show the growth and development of advertising. The Oregon State Editorial asso ciation, with Harris Ellsworth of the Roseburg News-Review, pre siding, will hold a business meet ing, and sessions of the Associated Press, United Press, and other groups will also be held. RIFLEMEN EXCEL IN COORDINATION TESTS (Continued from Page One) four directions by delicate meters operated by silk threads attached to the performer’s headgear. Seat led on a chair, any movement he makes is recorded. Another in strument, the Beal and Hall atax I iagraph, photographs tremor movements of the arm in two di mensions. By calculating all the records in the five tests the relative steadiness of the student can be £ Innocent Bystander By BARNEY CLARK Innocent Bystander has just discovered a very sad fact. For months we have been worried by the fact that Marytine New re fused to do more than nod to us as we passed. We were firmly convinced that we had athlete s foot or faulty complexion or some thing equally repulsive. At last the truth comes out. I. B.’s Col lege Side spy No. J-4 overheard Miss New remarking: —“The only reason I don’t speak to him is be cause I'm afraid I’ll get my name in the column.” The truth is out, but we still don't know what to do about it. It is very perplex ing! We are very, very sorry we said anything yesterday about Gordon “Hitler” Barde’s being a baboon. W'e hereby apolo gize to the baboon! Jay Brown is receiving his mail PERSONALLY from the mailman these days. The reason is that Jay came downstairs the other day to find the Fiji brothers all grouped around a letter addressed as follows: Mr. Jay Brown, City Jail, Eugene, Oregon. On the letter was a large offi cial stamp reading: “Released from City Jail, try 1S86 University!” And did he burn! Upon hearing the glad tidings, I. B. puts his extensive espionage system to work and in a short time was in possession of ALL the facts concerning the missive. But we won’t tell! Paul. Raymond, high-powered law instructor, who saw snakes forty-eight hours after he was on the campus, uncovered some little known advantages of a college education in a discussion held the other day. The case was to determine the guilt or non-guilt of a barkeep who sold liquor to an uneducated po’ white, said po’ white then pro ceeding to go out and smash up the town generally. Says Ray mond, “He should have known that this man did not have the advantage of a college educa tion and therefore did not know how to drink properly.” Appar ently this valuable information has been left out of our college curriculum and we immediately intend to petition the faculty to have the following courses added: Seminar in Cocktail Drinking —Sat. 2-4. Advanced section in Mixing— Sat. 8-10. Consumption of Imported Liquors—Sat. 10-12. Cure and Control of Hang overs—Sun. 9-12 A. M. (Lab.). * * * OGDEN GNASHES “I hate to write Of this and that And know I’m talking Through my hat!” “At last you’re in muh power!” determined, and in the case of rifle shooting at least, the scien tists believe they have a definite indication of potential ability. Dr. Seashore is well known in psychological research fields for his previous work, and motor co ordination testing apparatus he has devised is now used in psy chological laboratories all over the United States. ELLIOTT’S GROCERY AND DELICATESSEN SATURDAY SPECIALS ... 25c 2-Lb. Box Fresh Salted Crackers . . 1 Lb. Elliot’s Butter. 6 Rolls Scott Tissue Toilet'Paper . Post Toasties, Per Package. 3 Lbs. Good Bulk Shortening . . 2 Large Bottles Heinz Ketchup. 20c 49c 7c 23c 39c ELLIOTT’S Cor. 13th and Patterson Phone 95 $ 1 -$4 box groceries given away today to the lucky customer.