muml University of Oregon, Eugene Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuemmel, Manager Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor EDITORIAL BOARU Doug Polivka. Associate Editor; Julian Prescott. Ouy Shadduck, Parks Hitchcock, Hon Caswell. Stanley Rohe. EDITORIAL OFFICES. Journalism liklg. Phone 3300 News Room. Ixical 355; Editor and Managing Editor, Local .ISA BUSINESS OFFICE McArthur Court. Phone 3300 -Tx>cal 214. A member of the Major College Publications, represented by A. T. Norris Hill Co.. 155 E. 42nd St.. New York City; 12.3 VV. Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave., I,os Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco. Tiie Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods, all of December and all of March except the first three days. Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-clas3 matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year. AS THE BATTLE RAGES IT is hard to overcome an inordinate desire to present at length an editorial interpretation of the events of the past few days. Such an expres sion of opinion might help to clarify a few obscure points, but could not possibly unravel more than a few of the multitude of knots that comprise the higher educational tangle. One phase of the question is treated on page 1 today. Further editorial treatment will be given at length in subsequent issues of the Emerald. At present it is the belief of the editors that it is their duty to crowd into the space available as much as possible of the urgent and significant news of the day. | One point must be clearly made, however: Stu-j dents here must make clear to their parents and friends throughout the state that this controversy is not a squabble between the University of Oregon and Oregon State college. It is a battle for aca demic freedom and a defense against an unjustified attack upon the University. Emotions are bound to play a pail - the emo tional strain shows in every statement issued by I the principal personalities involved. But students must keep their balance, must not be swept into precipitate action, and must by all means suppress any outbreak in Portland next Saturday which might give the people of the state at large any impression that the present turmoil is engendered out of a bitter struggle between University and j college. THK “NEAR WEST-’ 1I7HEN we say “Far East,’’ we mean “Near ! ** West.” This point was stressed by Syud : Hossain, Mohammedan journalist who spoke here recently, and everyone on the campus last week end should appreciate it most thoroughly. The rare 1 treasures housed in Oregon's “building without windows,” the Mur. v Warner Oriental art collec tion. did not come from the east ail the way around India, through he Suez canal, out from the Mediterranean sea to the Atlantic, across the ocean, and over hundreds cf miles of these United States. They came, insiead, from the west, from lands that border the Pacific ocean. Here we cannot settle comfortably into that frame of mind which puts almost out of reach everything commonly labeled "far.” We have too much on the campus to prove how close we are to China, to Japan, and to the other nations of eastern Asia. Mrs. Gertrude Bass Warner, whose home for years was China and whose home for years has been Eugene, has lived this truth. Mrs. Warner' lias known and understood and has constantly endeavored to make others understand it. Each year in the essay contests she sponsors, the participants, in seeking to solve some problem of our relationship to our neighbors across the Pa cific, discover how close they are to us. Nor is it a truth that, once learned, is easily forgotten. It may be a long time from New Year’s Day to Christmas, but why go the long way about to meas ure something which is only a week long or an ocean wide ? ‘A Challenge to the Faculty’ Editor’s note: Below is re printed Dean Wayne I.. Morse’s speech Saturday at the Home coming luncheon banquet. He was supported in his stand by a faculty resolution passed yester day demanding Roscoe C. Nel son's resignation from the state board of higher education. “I trust that the alumni of the University of Oregon are fully aware of the fact that their alma mater faces today the most serious crisis in its history. We plunged inLo that crisis last Thursday when the Honorable Roscoe Nel son, in an address delivered here on this campus, challenged the certain fundamental principles of academic freedom. That challenge must not go unanswered, and if I understand the temper of your faculty, it will not go unanswered. "Lack of time forces me to pass over certain astounding features of Mr. Nelson’s tirade. I shall not comment on his indefensible at tack on freedom of the Emerald Press except to say that his words on that sutpject spell intolerance and prejudice. I submit that the fearless journalism displayed in the Emerald is exhibit A, showing that this university provides an atmosphere which is not stifling to individual thought and expres sion. “I shall not dwell on his smart ing attack against a downtown editor, supposedly Mr! Tugman, because Bill Tugman needs no de fense. During the turmoil in high er education, Tugman has some times stood almost alone like a beacon light sending its searching and penetrating rays over the fields of corruption in Oregon’s system of higher education. * * * “But I shall dwell on Mr. Nel son's insulting, insinuating, unfair and vicious attack on the faculty of the University of Oregon. May I assure you that my emphasis does not mean that I am angry. As a member of the faculty my I feelings are too greatly hurt. My sense of right and fair play too completely crushed to allow me to be angry. I should tike to disbe lieve tv hat I know to be true, that Roscoe Nelson, brilliant lawyer, lovable personality, a man for whom I can sincerely say I have a deep affection, stands today be fore the people of Oregon as a man who has been duped. "In his address on this campus, which was surpassed in awfulness only by his address on the Cor vallis campus, he charged that there exists on your faculty a little coterie of faculty men whose oppo sition to the administration roots in disappointed ambitions and frustrated desires. Time and time again he referred to these men of mystery as catalines. “As a little boy 1 learned from j my mother a lesson that Mr. Nel son needs to learn: That calling a proposition or its advocates names proves nothing against the j proposition or its advocates. * * * “Throughout his verbal assaults ] on the faculty rang a plea fori magnanimity of spirit. Where was there any magnanimity of spirit displayed by Mr. Nelson? He charged that certain members of the faculty were guilty of carping, critical censoriousness. Who are these catalines? I challenge Mr. Nelson to return to this campus and in meeting with the university faculty name his victims and prove a case against them, if he cannot do so. then let him, like the gentleman 1 know him to be at heart, apologise to the faculty of the University of Oregon and re sign from the-board. “lie was plated on that board to bring about harmony. His official acts of Thursday disqualify him completely as a harmonizer, there fore he should resign at once in the hope that there can be added to the board a man of judicious ness, a man who will keep him self free from partisanship, a man who will not attempt to intimidate the faculties, a man who recog nizes that higher education in Ore gon can be saved only by a friend ly exchange of points of view among the board, the administra tion and the faculties. Mr. Nel son's attack on the university has made it impossible for self respect ing faculty men and women to work in harmony with him. * # * “After be left this campus, Mr. Nelson went to Corvallis and there he directed criticism after criti cism at the faculty of the univer sity. “Amidst much applause he flayed the university. Unless you heard and saw his exhibition, you can not believe the facts. How ever, the Emerald report of that, speech is accurate, and I shall comment on it further only by saying that I heard the speech and that by word and demeanor Mr. Nelson did the university and the city of Eugene a great injustice. “Will that produce harmony? If discord is harmony, Mr. Nelson by these two speeches has become a director of a discordant symphony. Throughout his speeches he refer red to a lack of co-operation with the chancellor. What does Mr. Nelson mean by co-operation? The faculty of the university elects each year an advisory coun cil consisting of three deans and three professors. The council to represent the faculty in advisory meetings with the chancellor. However, not once last year did Dr. Kerr consult with that council. Is that co-operation? As I said in my Dad's day speech about loy alty, so I say now' about co-opera tion it works both ways. "Does Mr. Nelson know that the chancellor has so ignored faculty rights and prerogatives that at the last meeting of the faculty we passed a resolution directing, as we have a right to do, that hence forth all questions of curricula shall be referred to the faculty for advice. «! * * “At that meeting 1 said, and I repeat it here, that the faculty is not asking for the right to run the university, but that we are asking for the right to have a voice in running the university. 1 explained that legally the only right the fac ulty has is the right to advise the chancellor and the board. 1 point ed out that the chancellor and the board are not bound to follow the faculty's recommendations, but that no board or administration can hope to succeed for long if it does not bring to bear on academic problems and policies the consider ations and contributions of the faculties. "Does Mr Nelson know that the present budgets of the two major institutions reek with partiality for the college? Does he know that when the budgets were pre pared and submitted to the chan cclloi by the deans in some in stances the chancellor did not con fer with the deans involved? True it is, those budgets were presented by the chancellor to the board, but those budgets should have been discus ed with the deans in the light of budgets submitted by other deans. Some of us kept tadh ami followed the chancellor’s instruction to cut to the maxi mum extent, and after we did it co-operation demauded that the chancellor meet with u .orj con fer v. ith m ou the totality ot budgets. If that had been done, I assure you that certain inequities would have been detected and pointed out before it was too late. “Mr. Nelson states that neither the board nor the chancellor should appoint presidents, but that the faculties should elect chairmen. If that principle is sound, and I sub mit that it is whether you call the office a presidency or chairman ship, then likewise the faculty of j the University of Oregon should j have had a voice in the selection of the chancellor. But we did not. j Does Mr. Nelson know that ? "Does Mr. Nelson know that some of his downtown Eugene friends appointed themselves to exercise that right for the faculty? Mr. Nelson referred to Catilines. I shall not call anybody names, but I shall call attention to what you know as a fact—that a group of men in Eugene has been unjustifi ably purporting to speak for this faculty. Some of these are Judge Lawrence T. Harris, Richard Shore Smith, Ed Bryson, Carl Washburn j and Campbell Church. For too I long a time this faculty, with a fine, charitable spirit, has suffered encroachments on its rights. But now Mr. Nelson has declared war on this faculty and the faculty will respond fearlessly. We have stood by and witnessed the selection of a chancellor by a plot so rotten that it stinks to high heaven. In my Dad’s day speech I said that poli tics with all of its nefarious prac- J tices must be kicked out of higher education. I repeat that warning and I believe that the people of this state will agree with me. * * * "Mr. Nelson is sure that he knows what the mandate of the people of this state is in regard to higher education. He assumes that he can speak for the people of the state. I sincerely hope that the people of this state who have always cherished the sacred doc trines of academic freedom will answer Mr. Nelson as he deserves to be answered. “1 have no animosity for Cor vallis. I think that the problems of the University of Oregon are also the problems of the Stute col lege. I am satisfied that the two faculties can work harmoniously and co-operatively. But what we need is leadership with a perspec tive leadership in which both faculties can have confidence. My friends, if you want to save your alma mater, I charge you to go forth and provide us with that leadership.” Editor's note: The statements is sued by Chancellor Kerr Sunday night, E. II. Bryson on Saturday, are omitted from today’s Emerald only boeause spare does not per mit their npponninre. The Emer ald lias presented the statements of the two prineipals, Kosror Nel son and Dean Wayne i.. Morse, and will try to unhide every slgniti rant statement in following issues. Stil t' This Morning's Emerald for Mailing Honit'. I rges Tongue Students should save their copies of this morning's Emer ald for mailing home to their patents, urged Tom Tongue, president of the A. S. I O. The committee of 50, organ ize'I yesterday to meet the present emergency, will have a man at each house during lunch today to supervise the ' v y it Into the Wind By STANLEY ROBE Nelson Reply Saturday to Morse Speech “I can forgive the intemperances of Mr. Morse. He is a fine chap, he had a sympathetic audience, a football game was in the offing and Mr. Morse is still quite young. “Moreover, the stage v/as set for a Roman holiday. I was too insignificant alone to furnish an adequate spectacle so Judge Har ris, Mr. Washburne, Dr. Kerr and others had to be utilized, but there I am afraid Mr. Morse fell into a grave tactical error. He proved my case. 1-Ie disclosed to the state at large the refinement of cruelty to which the chancellor is sub jected and in1 doing so accused Lawrence T. Harris and other sterling and honorable men of par ticipation in an ignoble deal. “It is this type of scandal-mon gering and insensate hate which I have declared and again declare to be unworthy of Oregon’s great university. At least the fester is now uncovered and I predict that the people of this state will be able to see Judge Harris and Mr. Morse in their propel' proportions. •Unless a life of signal purity and devotion to the service of the peo ple means nothing to Oregon, Mr. Morse's brutality in this regard will recoil on his own head and Oregon will still believe in the in tegrity and high-mindedness of Lawrence Harris. “Mr. Morse did see one extenu ating circumstance in my favor. I have been duped by Dr. Kerr. 1 hazard the conjecture that Mr. Morse will find thousands of oth ers similarly gullible. They have seen at Corvallis evidences of phe nomenal industry, genius, vision and efficiency extending over a period of 25 years. They know that over a million dollars in value of buildings there were erected without any state appropriation. They wonder why Eugene should he so frenzied, and why passion should be torn to tatters at the prospect of a similar service so sadly needed there. “Mr. Morse is a valuable man. The law school at Eugene, of which he is dean, is, despite an inadequate budget, one of the best in the west. I think he will admit that in his work he has had my constant support and encourage ment. His residence in Oregon, however, has been of short dura tion and should have made him hesitate to pronounce wholesale condemnations in the role of pros ecutor, judge and jury, on the strength of a malodorous whisper ing campaign, impugning the in tegrity and assailing the character of a man grown gray in the serv ice of his state. “In the cool dawn of some morn ing. when the partisan cheers sub side. Mr. Morse will feel ashamed of his unworthy assault. More over, I shall be sadly disappointed if it does not develop that not wi hstanding the cheers which greeted Mr. Morse at luncheon, the highminded men in the faculty at the university will repudiate Mr. Morse’s title of their spokesman. "As far as concerns demand for my resignation. I will, with the consent of my creditors, make the university a generous donation out of my small means if I can be re lieved. 1 undertook the task at great personal sacrifice and with no motive save the wholly disin terested one of service to the state and its institutions of higher edu cation. Ever since Toy accession I h? v had to listen t account, of plots jo we:t\, so mcredible and so silly that they would have been rejected on intrinsic evidence by the veriest tyro of the law school in which Mr. Morse presides. I am frankly weary of these gusts of hate and am willing to step aside for the type of executioner Mr. Morse and those who cheered him desire. “Of course the real issue is, as usual, obscured. The unforgivable crime inheres in the policy of uni fication. The burdened taxpayers, in the opinion of these irrecon cilable.?, were guilty of lese maj este when they sought to put an end to duplication and provide a sane, efficient system. Cloistered groups inevitably, perhaps, grow to consider it an impertinence for outsiders to impinge upon their autonomy. The fact that these outsiders pay the bills, is, as Law yer Morse would say, ‘irrelevant, incompetent and immaterial.’ ” ONE THOUSAND NAMES PLEDGE INDIGNATION (Continued from Page One) Portland next Saturday, and giv ing a brief history of the higher educational struggle since the in ception of the Zorn-Macpherson bill last year. Late in the afternoon the hastily-formed Committee of 50 met, formulated a temporary or ganization, and passed a resolu tion endorsing the statements made last Saturday by Wayne L. Morse, dean of the Oregon school of law, and the resolution of the University faculty passed yester day by unanimous vote, request ing the resignation of Nelson from the board of higher education. Copies Signed Immediately copies of the reso lution were taker, to all fraterni ties, sororities and dormitories, where during dinner and at house meetings the students voted on the resolution. It was believed certain that ev ery house voted favorably on adopting the resolution, for re ports started reaching the Emer ald shortly after dinner and kept streaming in at intervals during the evening. Practically every ; house reported unanimous approv- \ al. Up until press time students were coming to the Emerald of fice to see if petitions could be signed there, for many houses, brought to that place resolutions j signed by every member. At mid- j night 35 living organizations had ' turned in resolutions, bearing the signatures of 1021 students. Mass Meet Held A meeting of the campus inde pendent women's organization at Gerlinger hall last night was trans formed into a mass meeting at tended by a reported crowd of 175 unaffiliated men and women. At this meeting the resolution of the Committee of 50 was endorsed, and the signatures of many of those present were affixed. The Committee of 50, having a representative in each house and hall, was organized for the follow ing purposes, according to Tom Tongue: First, to inform the students of1 the events leading up to the pres ent crisis, in order to give them a true understanding of the prob lems facing the University, rather than a rash judgment based on limited knowledge of the facts; and Leadership Provided Second, to provide the leader ship necessary in order that there might be no discredit on higher education, and in order that any expression of student opinion might be made only after careful consid eration of the issues involved. The icjoluticn u-’ z ^ v, j 1 form m which it was adopted by the Committee of 50 and signed by individual students, is as fol lows : “Whereas, we believe that the statements of the Honorable Ros coe C. Nelson delivered Thursday, November 2, 1933, were destruc tive.of the interests of higher edu- j cation in the state of Oregon, and created a breach between students of the two principal institutions; and “Whereas, we desire to promote harmony between students and the faculties of the two institu tions in carrying out the program of the state board of higher edu cation ; “Be it resolved, that we, the I undersigned students of the Uni versity of Oregon unqualifiedly en dorse the statements of Dean Morse made November 4, 1933, and the resolution of the University faculty passed unanimously No vember 6, 1933, calling for the res ignation of the Honorable Roscoe C. Nelson from the state board of higher education. “Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be trans mitted by the secretary to the governor of the state of Oregon and to the members of the state board of higher education.”. The executive committee of the Committee of 50 last night recom mended that every student mail home during the next week all clippings from the Emerald re garding the controversy, in order that garbled rumors as to the na ture of the dispute might not cause misrepresentation of the University’s stand throughout the state. Speaking before the meeting of ' independent students, Dick Neu berger, editor of the Emerald last year, said: "Before we climb on the band wagon of mob hysteria as it bowls magnificently downgrade let us consider the issues carefully. You , have been talking about Dr. Arn old Bennett Hall tonight. You all knew him as a fearless leader and eminent liberal. And I remember clearly the list he had of men he said he would like to have on the state board of higher education. The name of Roscoe Nelson led that list. "There is no finer man in Ore gon than Roscoe Nelson. Before the independent students denounce him and demand his resignation, careful thought must prevail. You all know Roscoe Nelson is not the • Don't let “recurring" pains ruin your day and deprive you of your normal acti -ity. Don't take chances of flunking exams. Banish such pains with Kalms tablets. Headaches, neuralgia, backache, cramps, and other localised pains are promptly and effec tively reliev ed by a small dosage. Kalms, devel oped by Johnson & Johnson, are safe. The., are not habit-forming, do not affect digestion or heart action. Your druggist has Kalms in purse-size boxes of 12 tablets. FOR RELIEF OF “RECURRING" PAINS FREE S A M P L E — S E N D COl'PON Send me a EREE sample of Kalms. Nase__ Add res *___ u difficulty in higher education. Why ' evade the issue and heap abuse on him as the faculty did today ? I think Dr. Kerr stood revealed as the controversial center in yester day's newspaper when his state ment, not even mentioning Mr. Nelson, stood contrasted with Mr. Nelson's fine, generous defense of Dr. Kerr.” At the meeting, nearly 100 names were put on the petition and sent over to the campus asking Roscoe C. Nelson to resign. ' ! Emerald of the Air rpODAY'S Emerald - of - the - Air brings you Evelyn Davis who will sing classical music. She will be accompanied by Jeanette Thomp son. This program is a new feature of the regular broadcast and is one of a number of presentations that will be offered by way of variety during the term. The Emerald Greets — ANN-REED BURNS, whose pri vate life has been already divulged by Mannequin, who described her exotic orange and blue, Chinesy suite at the Kappa mansion, and through the eagle eyes of the In nocent Bystander. There is little to' add except that we nominate her best all-round Oregon co-ed, 2-plus grade average and all. MARVEL READ HAROLD SHEARER BILL VANDA MM EDWARD CHRISTIE ELAINE ELLMAKER Men's debate squad will meet at 7:30 Wednesday evening in room 13, Friendly hall. Innocent Bystander By BARNEY CLARK Out to lunch! On strike! N. R. A. hours for columnists! GILBERT SAYS CLAIM OF NELSON’S DENIED (Continued from Pane One) rivalry. The University faculty has no quarrel with the faculty at Corvallis, many of whom are known to resent the type of par tiality and bias shown in Mr. Nel son’s two addresses at the State college. The faculty resolution is a public protest against partisan ship in higher education. The in terests which the board of higher education represent cannot be pro moted by building up the prestige of one institution through the wholesale disparagement of the other. 'There is no competition between lighthouses’ and there should be no invidious comparisons between them.” Classified TUTORING—German by experi enced teacher, educated in Ger many; 50 cents an hour. Ann Gropp, 1798 Columbia street. Phone 2630-W. LOST — White-gold Ful Vue glasses in black case. Phone 2C13-R, Tom Hayanski. FOR SALE—Hotpoint stove and General Electric refrigerator. Phone 3177. DRESSMAKING — Ladies’ tailor ing, style right, price right. Petite Shop, 573 13th Ave. E. Phone 3208. LOST -A billfold. Initials G. S. Finder please call Dorothy Rob erts, 2306. "WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A FRIEND" •7. you can count on good old Briggs! When the Dean bites your head and your holiday off for cutting . . . find solace in BRIGGS. There’s not a bite in a barrel! BRIGGS is mellowed in the wood for years. It’s smoother, better, than tobacco costing twice as much. * One puff of BRIGGS tells why it became a nation-wide favorite before it had a line of advertising. But let BRIGGS speak for itself ... in your own pipe. BRIGGS Pipe Mixture is also sold in 1-pound and 4‘pouod tins • • . ami in 1-pound Humidor Kegs.