Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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    Malcolm Barer, Editor - - - Bob Avison, Ass’t Editor
Don Olds. Dan Clark, George Jones, Julius Scruggs,
Ted Blank, Emerson Stickles, Jack Miller, Tom
Dimmick, Don Brooke, Randolph Pooley, Clair John
son, Jim Quinn, Bill Aetzel
Women’s Sports Editor.Betty Shoemaker
THE athletic activities of the University of Oregon,
its competitive teams and otherwise, should be the
concern of each and every student on the campus. Keep
abreast of the sport news of your University if you are
not actively a participant.
Page 4
Our Side of It
Bruins Tough Cookies,
Say Web foots; More
Trouble for Temple
TAO those Bruins hit hard? Just
ask any of the nearly two
dozen Webfooters that saw action
in Oregon's 7-to-0 victory over U.
C. L. A. last Saturday. Things
looked bad for the Ducks in the
last half with Spaulding’s men hit
ting them with everything they
had, and twice coming within
inches of scoring the tieing points.
Callison's men went into the
south expecting to run up against
featherweights. All of the press
comment placed the Webfoots at
a "ten pounds to the man” advan
tage. But the Uclans that went
down in defeat Saturday were no
little boys. Not only were they
just as big as the Eugene huskies,
but from reports they carried lead
in every pocket.
* * #
Good evidence of the way the
Bruins played can be seen by
the way Mark Temple, Bob
Parke, Dutch Clark, and Alec
IOagle are hobbling around since
their return from the land of
the Oranges (and “Lemons,”
bellows Gardner Frye, Webfoot
tackle, who had some little mis
understanding with a Bruin line
man during the course of the
Co-captain Temple just can t
keep all in one piece. Every time
he's stepped on a football field
this year, something has slammed
into him and made it doubtful
whether or not he will be in the
Oregon lineup the next week-end.
This time it is a strained shoulder
that may prevent the blond back
field leader from seeing action
against Ike Armstrong’s Utah
eleven next Saturday. Three weeks
ago Webfoot trainers were worry
ing over a torn leg muscle that
Temple received against Gonzaga;
after the Washington game, a deep
gash above his right eye was add
ed to his growing list of troubles.
Now, it’s the shoulder. What a
Eagle and Clark each have a
painful charley-horse, but these
should be healed in time for the
Homecoming fracas, Tt is Parke’s
injured knee that is • causing
gloom around the Webfoot camp.
The midget quarterback’s great
kicking was the main feature in
the Oregon victory Saturday, and
many witnesses of the game
stated that it was the best boot
ing seen in the Coliseum in many
a moon.
One of these kicks was too much
for Parke’s trick knee, however,
and he all but kicked his leg with
the ball. Today he is navigating
around on the injured pin, and no
evil results may develop, but if
they do, Parke’s 50-yard kicks
from behind his own goal line will
be sorely missed.
* * *
Utah’s Utes will descend upon
Eugpne next Saturday In full
cry. Ike Armstrong's eleven has
been at the top in the Kocky
Mountain sector for so long,
that any upstart which contest
ed its place on the highest rung
would be laughed at by the
mountain fans. The tribe eased
through to a 14-to-G victory over
the Utah Aggies last Saturday,
but Armstrong admitted prior
to the Aggie game that he was
pointing toward the Oregon tilt,
and didn’t give a whoop if Ids
outfit beat the Farmers by one
point or a hundred points.
* * *
What Ik” wants is just one win
over a Pacific Coast rival, and he
thinks that this is the time tc:
chalk it up. In all his years ot
supremacy in the high country, he
hasn't been able to turn back a
Coast team. Already this season
his Indians have bowed to U. C,
L. A. by three touchdowns.
It looks like the seventh Web
foot win, but watch your step
“Patronize Emerald advertisers.'
Bring your hair problems
to the
“Master of the Shears’’
840 Fast 13th St.
Ducks Defeat
Bruins With
Early Score
Short Pass From Temple
To Pozzo Scores
j Uclans Threaten During Entire.
Contest; Keeble I'lays
Inspired Game
COLISEUM, Los Angeles, Oct.
28.— (Special) - Amidst the hue
and the cry of over 25,000 cheer
ing fans the University of Oregon
Webfeet kept the Pacific Coast
conference lead by defeating the
University of California at Los
Angeles by a score of 7 to 0. Bud
Pozzo, Oregon right end, received
a short pass from Co-captain
Mark Temple, halfback, early in
j the first quarter for the lone score
! of the game.
Oregon at Top
This win left the northerners as
the undisputed leaders of the Pa
cific Coast conference with three
conference victories and no de
feats. The Oregon eleven is the
only Pacific Coast team that .is
undefeated and untied.
The Webfeet received the open
ing kickoff and Temple returned
the ball 20 yards to the Oregon
42-yard line. Mikulak tried the
center of the Bruin line twice and
was stopped for no gain. Bobby
Parke then kicked to Cheshire,
Uclan safety, who took the ball on
his own 23-yard line and was
downed in his tracks by Pozzo and
Morse, stellar Duck wingmen.
After a series of three plays the
Westwood eleven made a first
down on their own 35-yard line.
Livesay gained three off left
tackle. The Bruins were then
penalized 15 yards for holding.
Cheshire made three yards-through
center. Livesay then punted out
of bounds with a high kick on his
own 43.
Temple Gains
Temple hit left tackle twice,
gaining 4 and 23 yards on each
play, which carried the pigskin to
the U. C. L. A. 15-yard marker.
On the next play Temple was
thrown for a one-yard loss. Miku
lak tttn went through right guard
for 14 yards, bringing the ball to
the two-yard stripe. The pound
ing Duck fullback tried center
twice in a row and both times was
held for no gain. Gee then tried
going off tackle but the stubborn
Bruin forward wall held again.
The Californians were off side and
the ball was advanced to the one
yard line. Mikulak fumbled and
U. C. L. A. recovered.
Cheshire kicked out of bounds
on his own 36-yard line. On a
reverse, Mikulak to Gee, the latter
gained 23 yards on a beautiful
run. With the ball on the Uclan’s
13-yard stripe Temple gained 6
yards in three successive plays.
Temple again took the ball and
threw a pass to Pozzo, right end,
who jumped high in the air to snag
it away from three would be Bruin
interceptors. 3tew Milligan was
rushed in for Temple and con
Bruins Threaten
The rest of the game was
played on fairly even terms with
Spaulding’s men threatening to
score on two occasions. The Cali
fornians crossed the northerners'
goal line in the third quarter on
a pass from Cheshire to Maxwell,
Bruin end, who caught the ball
outside of the end zone and the
play was ruled a touchback by
the officials.
In the fourth period the Bruins
had advanced the ball to the Ore
gon 14-yard stripe on a series of
passes with Frankovich and Live
say taking turns tossing them to
each other. Cheshire then made
5 yards around Oregon's left end.
Keeble was held for a one-yard
gain by Hughes, Duck co-captain
and center. Livesay made two
yards over left tackle. This ad
j vanced the ball to the Oregon
J 5-yard line, making it fourth down
i and two to go. Keeble then tried
left guard but the whole Oregon
team seemed to pile on him and
; he fell a yard short of a first down.
Parke Plays Well
Bobby' Parke's kicking' proved to
be a great asset to the Callison
team Parke, playing as a regular
for the first time before a home
crowd, gave the fans one of the
greatest exhibitions of kicking
ever seen in the vast Coliseum.
"Tough Break, Bill!”
Here we have Bill Spaulding, colorful mentor of the Bruins, talking with Leo Coates, captain and
I star center. They are undoubtedly grieving over the fact that the game with Oregon would have prob
ably ended in a tie score had “Pants” Livesay caught Franltovich’s pass within the end zone.
Volleyball schedule for the com
ing week is given below:
Tuesday, Oct. 31, 5 p. m.: Hen
dricks hall vs. Chi Omega; Alpha
Omirron Pi vs, Kappa Delta; Al
pha Delta Pi vs. Zeta Tan Alpha,
Susan Campbell.
Wednesday, Nov. 1, 5 p. m.: In
dependents vs. Zeta Tau Alpha,
Susan Campbell; Alpha Delta Pi
vs. Kappa Delta; Phi Mu vs.
Gamma Phi Beta.
Thursday, Nov. 2, 5 p. m.: Phi
Mu vs. Chi Omega; Kappa Delta
vs. Zeta Tau Alpha, Susan Camp
* * *
Open Hour in the women’s
swimming pool from 4 to 5:30 this
week. Towels and suits are fur
Hockey practice was postponed
yesterday afternoon for the rally
dance. Next scheduled practice is
Wednesday at 4 p. m.
* * Si
Master Dance tryouts Wednes
day, November 1, at 7:30 p. m.
in the dance room, Gerlinger hall.
Temple and Gee were the spark
plugs of the Webfoot offense, both
making consistent gains. "Mighty
Mike” Mikulak, fullback candidate
for all-American, played his usual
good game on defense but failed
to shine on the offense until the
closing minutes of the game.
f I
Campus Calendar
(Continued from Page One)
A meeting of the Frosh Com
mission will be held tonight at
the Y hut at 7:30.
There will he a meeting of Al
pha Kappa Psi, professional fra
ternity for men in business admin
istration. this evening at 7:30 in
the men's lounge at Gerlinger hall.
\. \Y. S. speakers’ committee
will meet at 5 this afternoon up
stairs in the College Side Inn.
Frosh councillors will meet this
afternoon at 1 in 110 Johnson.
Also —
Cali Calloway
Many Upsets Recorded on
National Gridiron Program
Ths old apple cart “ain’t what
she used to be! All over the na
tion the dope bucket has lost its |
last vestiges of respect.
The Pacific coast alone stands
out with only one upset, but with
a host of surprises and near re
versals. At Seattle a majority of
experts were dumbfounded to see
a vastly improved Washington
eleven outgain and outplay a stub
born Stanford team to win 6-0.
A total of 42 points was all the
scoring done by coast conference
teams Saturday. No contest was
won by more than 6 points with
the exception of the Oregon-U. C.
L. A. tilt which ended 7-0. This j
fact seems to indicate that the1
Pacific Coast conference is now;
composed of a number of teams
with nearly equal strength and
power, and can no longer be domi
nated by the proverbial unbeat
ables from the south.
Oregon Still on Top
As a result of their beating the j
University of California at Los
Angeles at the earthquake city,
Oregon remains on top of the con
ference with 3 wins and no ties or
defeats. At Berkeley, U. S. C.
was lucky to edge out a 6-3 vic
tory over a superior California
team in the last ten minutes of
play. After being outplayed in'
the first half, U. S. C. overcame
the Bears’ 3-point lead with a;
spectacular 60-yard run by War
burton in the closing minutes of
the game. ‘ Oregon State kept j
their conference defeat columr
clean by capitalizing on a Wash
ington State safety to win 2-0
Idaho outfought Montana, winning
12-6 in a game featuring th<
largest score of the conference.
Pitt Spills Notre Dame
In the East, Pittsburgh and her
halfback, Mike Sebastian, repeat
id their win of last year to com
plete the downfall of this year’s
Notre Dame squad, 14-0. Ohic
State came back after a poor earlj
season start to beat Northwesterr
12- 0. At Minneapolis, Minnesota
was upsetting Iowa 19-7, while
Purdue trounced Doc Spears’ Wis
consin outfit 14-0. Michigan con
tinued her unhalted march to na
tional honors with a 28-0 victor}
over Chicago. The Nebrasks
Cornhuskers were scored upon fo:
the first time this year, but woi
16-7 in a game that was a night
mare of fumbles.
Army Beats Yale
At New Haven an inspired
Army eleven surprised a favoret
Yale outfit and ran roughshoc
over the Eli to win easily, 21-0
Dartmouth managed to tie a su
perior Harvard team 7-7 whili
Princeton lost much of its prestigi
by barely ekeing out a 6-0 victorj
over a Washington and Lee ma
chine. Columbia made a brillian
comeback to upset Penn Stati
33-0, while Navy defeated Penn
13- 0. Alabama's Crimson tidi
failed to roll over the neede<
TODAY—6:30 P. M.
Wednesday -1—6:80 P. M.
“Whee Fellers!”
I’m back again!
And I’m Bringing
That Funny Man,
W. C. Fields, Too!
Join Us In The
Mickey Mouse
Fun Festival
W. C. Fields in his three best com
_All TTnoplrmitfil
Mickey Mouse in
Betty Boop in
The Sailor
Flip, the Frog
Frosh Drop
Close Contest
To Teachers
Yearlings Surprise Fans
With Hard Play
Lancaster and Brown Stand Out
For Nornialites; Borden
28.—(Special)—A smothly work
ing Oregon frosh football team
played on even terms with a South
ern Oregon normal here Saturday
afternoon, but lost 7 to 0 by a
The score was made by McFad
den, reserve half in the second
quarter, on a pass from Brown.
As the teams reached midfield, El
more Bordon, frosh half, passed to
' Cross, reserve end. The ball hit
Cross’ chest and bounced into the
hands of Bradford, Sons half,
where he was downed on the frosh
40-yard line.
Bradford made 18 yards on a
reverse around the frosh right end
Brown tried center and made one
yard. Another try at center made
five more, Brown almost breaking
away, but being stopped by Dick
Bishop. Bradford took the ball on
a reverse and v/ent to the ten
yard line. Neither Brown, Lancas
ter nor Bradford were able to gain
on the next three tries. On the
fourth down, Brown dropped back
for a pass, was rushed by five
frosh players, ran laterally across
the field and threw the pass to
McFadden who caught itover the
goal line. Lancaster converted.
First downs were even, the
frosh making six from scrimmage.
The Sons made one from scrim
mage, three from passes and two
from penalties.
The lineups:
Frosh Pos Sons
Wilson.LER.... Rassmussen
Fury.LER. Oakes
Hardesty.LGR. McLain
Farrar.C. Mahoney
Estes.RGL. Anderson
Bjork.RTL. Carter
Murray.REL. Howell
Owen.Q. Fuggitt
Nye.LHR. Brown
Borden.RHL. Bradford
Bishop.F. Lancaster
Substitutions: Oregon: Cross
and Adams, ends ; Burchard,
guard; Berry, center; Penn, quar
ter; Konopka and Jacobs, full.
Sons: Ayres, Jackman, Towne,
Northam, McAnich, McFadden.
Officials: E. R. Deering, Duns
muir, referee; Howard Schpffel,
Medford, referee; Fred Flock,
Klamath Falls, head linesman.
touchdown and lost to Fordham
* The results of other important
games: Washington and Jefferson
upset Carnegie Tech, the team
that just beat Notre Dame, with
a tie score, 0-0; Brown 7, Hol>
Cross 19; Kansas State 6, Kansas
0; Wyoming 12, Colorado U. 40;
South Dakota Stat'e 14, South Da
kota U. 0; Duke 14, Kentucky 7;
Utah U. 14, Utah State 6; Bay
lor U. 7, Texas A. & M. 14; Au
burn 13, Tulane 7; N. Y. U. 0
Georgia 25; Georgia Tech 10
North Carolina 6; Louisiana State
7, Vanderbilt 7; Florida 6, Ten
nessee 13; T. C. U. 0, Centenarj
0; So. M. U. 0, Arkansas 3.
Milligan Loses to
Prescott in Golf
Tournament Final
Although playing brilliant golf
in the finals of the annual city
golf tournament on the Laurel
wood course Sunday, Sid Milligan,
campus golf star and 1932 titlist,
lost his crown to Bert Prescott,
local business man.
Milligan went into the contest
a favorite but Prescott turned in
a par-breaking record. Matching
the youngster stroke for stroke
through the morning round, Pres
cott put on a spurt late in the af
ternoon to go two up on the six
teenth and then held this lead to
the end of the match.
Prescott has the honor of win
ning the Babb Hardware company
trophy for the first time. This
trophy must be won three succes
sive years before permanent pos
session is secured.
Delts Take Long
Tilt From S.A.E.
In Feature Game
A.T.O. and Chi Psi Defeated ir
Other Scheduled Games; Borden
Stars for Phi Sigs
4:00 Yeoman vs. Kappa Sigma.
4:40 Omega hall vs. Theta Chi.
5:20 Phi Delta Theta vs. Pi
Kappa Alpha.
Four overtime periods, topped
by a beautiful shot from the cen
ter of the floor by Jimmy Blais,
Delt forward, wound- up the night
cap of yesterday’s “B” play, and
gave Delta Tau Delta a hard
earned 10-8 victory over S. A. E.
The opener was taken by the Be
tas, 14-9, and Phi Sigma Kappa
defeated Chi Psi, 41-7, in the next
This second fray was undoubted
ly the best played game of the
season, excluding not even tilts in
the upper bracket. Borden dis
played some fancy shooting to
take high point honors for the
day with 15, though he was close
ly pressed by his team mate
Phipps, who garnered 14.
The A.T.O.-Beta fray developed
. ...
Betas Annex
Second Donut
Aquatic Title
Jim Reed Leads Team in
Win Over Fijis
Squads Evenly Matched in Final
Game of Tourney; Contest
Not Exciting ^
With a 3 to 1 victory over the
Fijis last night the Betas annexed
the intramural water polo crown,
and won their second aquatic
championship this year.
Jim Reed, star Beta splasher,
who has been the spark of the
Beta attack all season, scored two
goals in the first half and another
in the final canto. Thomas was
outstanding for the losers flipping
their lone tally in the final frame.
The game found both squads
evenly matched but the superior
work of the Reed brothers again
proved to be the margin of vic
Satisfied with their two point
lead at the end of the half, the
Betas seemed content to stall dur
ing the remainder of the game.
The lineup for the two teams:
Betas: Bowerman, C. Reed, San
ford, Jones, Morris, Meyer.
Fijis: Seufert, Hutchison, Gum
mess, Wilhelm, Rourke, Aughin
slowly with neither team even
scoring until the middle of the
second quarter, when some
thoughtful player, remembering
the original purpose of the com
bat, finally dropped one in.
Sheldon Still at Home
Professor H. D. Sheldon, of the
history and education depart
ments, has been ill with the “flu”
for three weeks. He is still un
able to attend classes or to receive
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The University Florist
Announces the opening of the College-Side Florists at
871 East 13th, recently occupied by the Best Cleaners.
Miss May Masterton and Miss Phoebe Greenman, both
well known on the campus, will be in charge. We will
endeavor to give you the same efficient service as from
our main store at 598 East 13th; and at the same mod
erate prices for artistic arrangements, promptly delivered
- - - and fresh flowers always.
As we grow the larger percentage of the flowers we sell,
we are in a position to meet any of our competitors on
price; though price cutting is not, and never was our
policy. We realize, however, that money is a scarce com
modity, so forgetting profits presently, we endeavor to
make the price as low as is consistent with meeting our
obligations to our help and our creditors.
On this basis we solicit your patronage in the future.
We are members of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Asso
ciation and guarantee delivery of any flowers tele
graphed, whether from the College-Side Florists, or from
the University Florist.
Incidentally, we are the oldest established florists in Eugene and vicinity, so
there must be a reason why we have seen florists come and florists go in the
fourteen years we have been in business as the University Florist.
University Florist College-Side Florist
598 East 13th 871 East 13th
Phone 654 Phone 3159