Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 31, 1933, Image 1

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    Plans Pushed
Further Ahead
For Infirmary
Part of Project Will Be
Given by Government
New Library Plans Are Considered
By Members of Oregon
Board in Meeting
Plans for the proposed 5100,000
University infirmary were pushed
along by action of the state ad
visory board of the public works
administration in forwarding the
project to Washington for ap
proval, according to C. C. Hockley,
engineer of the board.
The project provides for a loan
of $100,000, 30 per cent of which
will be considered a gift by the
government and need not be re
paid. Of the remaining $70,000
which must be repaid, $50,000 will
be provided by the state under a
legislative act of two years ago.
This will leave only $20,000 to be
paid by the A. S. U. O., which
will amount to $23,000 with inter
est charges added. This sum will
be taken care of with the A. S.
U. O. building fund.
Action Not Final
The action of the state advisory
board is not final, nor is informa
tion available as to whether or not
action was favorable. Under or
ders from Washington, the board
is allowed to reveal that some ac
tion has been taken on certain
projects but is not allowed to tell
what the decision is.
Plans for the new library are
still before the board and no in
formation is available as to when
action will be taken on them.
There are 165 projects involving
$91,000,000 before the board. Each
job must be considered separately,
and action on any one project may
be very slow. As originally
planned the library is to cost
Liucdiiuns rroposeu
Two locations proposed for the
library are: Thirteenth avenue in
the lot between Johnson and Con
don halls and on Kincaid street
between Condon hall and Fifteenth
avenue. The infirmary probably
will be located at the northeast
corner of Fourteenth avenue and
University street.
Members of the Oregon board
are Dr. James H. Gilbert, dean of
the school of social science; Bert
E. Haney, Portland; and R. N.
Stanfield, Baker.
Second Concert
To Be Given Soon
The University of Oregon band
will offer its second concert at the
music auditorium next Sunday af
ternoon at 3 p. m., according to
John Stehn, director.
The concert will form a part of
the many campus activities in cele
bration of Homecoming week.
About 30 members of the second
group will make up the band.
With an overproduction of flute
players in the first group, two
have been placed in the second. <
Saturday ISoon Latest
Date for Last Payment
On Registration Fees
Noon Saturday is the last
possible opportunity the stu
dents will have to pay their
third installment on the regis
tration fee.
All non-resident students who
have not paid their fees are
compelled to pay the 25-cent
last payment fee.
Local Professors
Name Committees
For Year 1933-34
Chancellor Kerr to Speak at Next
Chapter Meeting to Be Held
■ Early This Winter
The executive committee of the
Oregon chapter of the American
Association of University Profes-1
scrs announced yesterday the fol
lowing committee appointments
for the year 1933-34:
Executive: H. G. Townsend, J.
H. Gilbert, H. J. Noble, Andrew
Fish, R. H. Seashore, H. B. Yo
com, R. H. Back, L. S. Cressman.
Membership: C. G. Howard,
chairman; S. R. .Jameson, J. M.
Rae, W. A. Dahlberg, H. B. Myers
(medical school), P. R. Washke,
Teaching load: S. S. Smith,
chairman; C. E. Spencer, W.
Schumaker, A. L. Lomax, P. A.
Parsons, F. L. Stetson, E. R. Knol
lin, L. W. Hart, L. O. Wright, A.
F. Moursund, Rex Underwood.
Tenure: O. J. Hollis, chairman;
Andrew Fish, J. D. Barnett, O. K.
Burrell, R. P. Bowen.
Salaries and living costs: J. H.
Gilbert, chairman; Calvin Crum
baker, H. J. Noble, R. H. Seashore,
E. B. Mittleman.
Improvement of college teach*
ing: W. D. Smith, chairman; N. L.
Bossing, F. G. G. Schmidt, H. B.
Yocom, H. R. Taylor.
Faculty medical care: J. T. Ga
noe, chairman; Fred L. Miller, E.
E. Decou, J. F. Bovard, O. F.
Summer sessions: D. E. Clark,
chairman; W. G. Beattie, George
Rebec, L. S. Cressman, H. R. Tay
Faculty and administrative or
ganization: H. G. Townsend, chair
man; C. V. Boyer, J. H. Gilbert,
K. W. Onthank, E. S. Conklin, H.
D. Sheldon.
Carnegie annuities: P. R. Wash
ke, chairman; W. V. Norris, N. H.
Cornish, E. E. Decou, R. C. Clark.
Dean Wayne L. Morse of the
law school is president of the lo
cal chapter of the A. A. U. P„ and
Harold J. Noble, associate profes
sor of history, is vice-president
this year. The first meeting was
held October 19 at the Anchorage.
The next program meeting is to
be held early in the winter quar
ter. Chancellor W. J. Kerr has
been invited to speak.
Slides Made Up as Aid
For Visual Instruction
Dr. L. S. Cressman, aided by
Howard S. Stafford, has been mak
ing up a large number of slides
which will be used in the anthro
pology department.
Dr. Warren D. Smith, who has
a collection of slides, lends them
to the different departments to fill
vacancies in the University collec
Landscape Architect Grads
Of1933 Have Appointments
Each of the eight graduates
from the class of ’33 in the school
of landscape Architecture found
appointments in park work, pro
fessional landscape offices, nur
series, or landscape contracting
upon graduation, except two who
are engaged in graduate study.
The Oregon department is one of
the two schools offering landscape
work west of the Mississippi to
have gained national recognition
in competition with the leading
schools of the East. According to
Professor F. A. Cuthbert, the es
sential equipment here is as excel
lent as that of any school in the
country, and has been well devel
oped to aid the students in their
Two years ago the curricula in
landscape architecture was ex
panded from a four year to a five
year course leading to the degrees
of bachelor of landscape architec
ture or bachelor of arts in land
scape architecture. The first two
years and last two years of work
are taught at the University and
the third year at Corvallis.
The first two years are similar
in subject matter to that required
of the major students in other
branches of the fine arts. The
third year is spent in studying sur
veying, soils, and courses dealing
in plants and their landscape val
ues. The last two years at Eugene
are concentrated on professional
work largely in the design of large
public or semi public areas and city
In general students prepare to be
professional landscape architects or
city planners. The scope of the
training is such that they have
many important outlets. Many
have charge of city parks, subdi
vision designing, design of coun
try estates, golf courses, cemeter
ies, air ports, and institutional
grounds. Some broaden the field
to include writing for garden mag
A. L. Peck, in charge of lower
division fine arts at Oregon State
college and head of the depart
ment, has been teaching landscape
work at Corvallis for the last 20
years. He established the degree
of bachelor of landscape architec
ture six years ago making it a
thoroughly professional course
which has more than met all of
the requirements of the American
Society of Landscape Architects.
Herbert Sinnard, B.S. and M.S.
(Continued on Page Three)
U of 0 Future
Alumni Lunch
Meeting Will Be in Men’s
Dorm Saturday
Registration Friday and Saturday;
Tickets for Luncheon on Sale
At Johnson Hall
“Where is the University head
ed?” will be the theme of address
es given at the alumni luncheon,
Saturday noon, November 4, at
John Straub memorial hall, an
nounced Robert K. Hall, alumni
secretary, last night. It is planned
to have representatives of the
state board of higher education,
the University of Oregon federa
tion, the student body, and others
express their views on the sub
Music for the luncheon, which is
limited to alumni only, is being ar
ranged for, according to Ann-Reed
Burns, alumni luncheon chairman.
The luncheon will succeed the al
umni meeting scheduled for Satur
day morning. »
Appointments Announced
The following committees were
announced by Ann-Reed Burns
last night: committee for arrange
ments, Betty Ohlemiller, chairman,
Betty Church, Eleanor French, and
Jean Burnett. Ticket committee,
Eleanor Norblad, chairman; Elma
Giles, Doris Bird, and Cynthia
Arrangements are being made
for prizes to be awarded the hous
es having the largest percentage
of returning alumni, according to
Elizabeth Bendstrup, reception
Alumni Must Register
The registration committee will
handle alumni registration from 1
to 5 Friday afternoon, November
3, and 9 to 12:30 Saturday morn
ing, November 4. Alumni may
register from 12:30 to 4 o'clock
Saturday afternoon at the alumni
secretary’s office in Friendly hall.
All registration must be at the
hours designated in order that it
count towards the trophy compe
Committees announced by Eliza
(Continued on Page Two)
Faculty Will Help
Pick Candidates
The University faculty has been
asked in the faculty bulletin to
cooperate in every way possible in
getting- out desirable candidates
for the Rhodes scholarship.
The applicants must have the
following qualities: (1) literary
and scholastic ability and attain
ments; (2) qualities of manhood,
truth, courage, devotion to duty,
sympathy, kindliness, unselfish
ness, and fellowship; (3) exhibi
tion of moral force of character
and of instincts to lead and to
take an interest in his school;
mates (4) physical vigor as shown
by interest in outdoor sports or
in other ways.
Tonqueds to Entertain
Eugene Girls Tonight
Tonqueds, Eugene women’s or
ganization, will hold a party to
night at 7:15 in Westminster
house. All town girls are invited.
Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean
of women will speak and the coun
cil will be introduced. Dancing
and refreshments will complete
the evening’s program.
Odd Jobs Needed for
Many Students to Help
Pay Third Installment
Odd jobs, such as raking
leaves, cutting lawns, putting
in wood, or anything that will
net a little cash, are urgently
needed by many students of
the University, said Miss Janet
M. Smith, employment secre
tary, yesterday. Some students
are short a dollar or two on the
installment of fees now due, and
unless work can be found, many
will be forced to drop out of
Anyone needing work done is
asked to call Miss Smith at the
University, telephone 3300.
Qualifications of all students
applying for work are kept on
file and employers are assured
competent workers, Miss Smith
German Picture
Will Show Here
Thursday Night
“Picture Not Propaganda,’’ States
Dr. E. A. Pollard of German
Department Here
“We Meet in Germany” is the
title of a five-reel film to be
shown in 105 Commerce, Thursday
evening at 8 o’clock. The picture
will be offered in connection with
a lecture by Paul Naef of Seattle,
who has recently returned from
Germany. The picture will open
the activities of Der Deutsche
Verein, campus German club.
The film has been shown in sev
eral universities in the United
States. It depicts the historical
and cultural centers of Germany
as well as the present transpor
tation methods now used by the
“This picture is not a propa
ganda picture,” stated Dr. E. A.
Pollard of the German department,
"and is not being shown in the
interest of the new Hitler govern
Campus Facility
Will Offer Talks
At Lane Institute
Sessions to Be Held in Junior High
School Thursday and Friday
Of Present Week
Members of the University fac
ulty make up a large part of the
group of speakers who will partici
pate in the Lane county teachers’
institute to be held in the Wood
row Wilson junior high school
building Thursday and Friday of
this week.
Alfred Powers, dean of the ex
tension division, will address a gen
eral assembly Thursday morning
on “Aids from State System of
Higher Education.” Thursday af
ternoon Miss Elnora Thompson, di
rector of nursing at the medical
school in Portland, will speak to
the entire group and Friday morn
ing Calvin Crumbaker, associate
professor of economics, will speak
on “The N.R.A. as It Affects Sal
aried People.”
Faculty members who will speak
to special groups in the course of
the institute are Mrs. Ann Lands
bury Beck, first grade music; Ken
neth Shumaker, “Remedial Eng
lish”; Victor P. Morris, “Some In
terpretations of Present Day Eco
nomic Trends”; C. L. Huffaker,
mathematics; O. F. Stafford, sci
ence; L. C. Ball, problems in jun
ior business training, commercial
law, and economic geography; An
na M. Thompson, “Language Ob
Miss E. Lenore Casford, upper
grade literature; John F. Bovard,
program of physical education; S.
Stephenson Smith, “Reorganiza
tion of English Course to Meet the
Changing Conditions of Modern
Life”; S. H. Jameson, “Obsolete
Democracy”; R. U. Moore, mathe
matics; B. W. DeBusk, standard
tests, measurements, and reme
dial work.
International House
Committee Appointed
At a meeting of the internation
al relations committee last night
in the Y.M.C.A. hut, plans were
discussed for reopening Interna
tional house.
A committee appointed to work
out the possibilities and details of
the plan was Bob Foley, chairman,
Clark Irwin, Andy Newhouse, and
Sulo Ahola.
A meeting will be held at 7 p.
m. Thursday at the Y hut, open to
all students interested in the fu
ture of the group.
Living Quarters
For International
Students Closed
Committee Hopes to Reopen House
Next Term; Recognition Won
Nationally by Group
Lack of students from foreign
countries on the campus has caused
the International house, which has
operated successfully for many
years, to be closed temporarily.
The organization, which is spon
sored by a board consisting of fac
, ulty members and others interest
ed, will continue the work, how
ever, and it is hoped that the
house may be reopened next term.
Mrs. H. S. Tuttle, who has served
as house chaperon for the group,
is leaving in a few days to join her
husband in New York, where he
is now attending Columbia univer
sity. She will return when the
house is reestablished.
The International house has won
national acclaim for the work it
has done in furthering good-will
among students here. Since it
was founded students of many
countries and many races have
carried on an effective campaign
for better international relations
and a better understanding among
peoples of the earth.
Final Rehearsal
Held Monday for
4Get-Wise’ Party
Skits to Be Presented to Acquaint
Women Students With Life
On Oregon Campus
Amid o. bustle of voices, shift
ing scenery, costumes, and scrap
ing chairs last night was held the
final dress rehearsal of the skits
for the “get-wise” party for new
students, to be held from 7 to 10
tomorrow night in Gerlinger hall.
About 100 women, from sopho
mores to Dean Hazel P. Schwer
ing, take part in the skits, which
are intended to acquaint new stu
dents with campus life through a
"television, idea.” Dour acts deal,
with different phases of college:
honoraries, publications, hobbies
and sports, manners and clothes.
A world-celebrated blues singer,
whose name cannot yet be re
vealed, will give a few numbers, as
one of the special features between
acts. Cider and doughnuts will be
Kwama, women’s sophomore
service honorary, is financing the
party, which is annual event, for
merly being financed by the A. W.
S. This year frosh councillors and
Kwama are taking it as their pro
The executive committee is Hen
riette Horak, chairman; Ebba
Wicks and Adele Sheehy, assist
ant chairmen; Marygolde Hardi
son, adviser. Girls in charge of acts
are Betty Allen, Roberta Moody,
Louise Labbe, and Valbourg An
derson. Other committee chair
men are Virginia Younie and Eve
lyn Hays, refreshments; Betty
Ohlemiller, room arrangement;
Mary Jane Jenkins, decorations;
| Eleanor Eide, posters; Helen
Dodds and Ruth Mae Chilcote, in
vitations; Ann-Reed Burns, pub
Students Hear DuPre
Organ Recital Sunday
Miss Janet Smith, secretary of
the employment agency, made a
short trip to Portland yesterday
to hear an organ recital presented
by Marcel DuPre, concert organist
and teacher from Paris. DuPre is
one of the most famous of the liv
ing organists.
Accompanying Miss Smith were
Phylli.s McCarthy, Cecilia Werth
and Howard Backlund, music stu
Campus Calendar
All house representatives in
charge of accommodations for
Homecoming will meet in 110
Johnson at 4 this afternoon.
Meeting of ’mum sale represent
atives at 4 upstairs in the College
Side today. Very important.
Important meeting of Thespians
this evening at 6:45, sunrooms at
Skull and Dagger meeting, 104
Journalism at 7:30 tonight.
Temenids will meet tonight at
9:30 at the Alpha Delta Pi house.
All members please be there.
Wesley club cabinet meets to
night at 7:30.
Tau Delta Delta, underclass mu
sical honorary, will be entertained
by its pledges at an informal pro
gram this evening at 7 o'clock in
the Music building.
Sports managers will meet at
Chi Psi lodge tonight at 6:30 for
dinner. A business meeting will
also be held.
Decorations committee for
Homecoming will meet this after
noon at 4 in room 1 in the base
ment of Johnson hall.
Phi Delta Delta announces the
pledging of Helen Bell, Eugene.
Student committee of 25 against
compulsory military training will
meet from 9 to 9:30 to; .ght at
Gerlinger hall.
Thespian meeting at 6:45 to
night in Gerlinger hall.
(Continued on Payc Four)
Stoddard Tells
Procedure for
Portland Trip
Women to Trade Student
Cards for Tickets
Men to Take Identification Cards
Along; Good for Trip and
Admission to Game
Reserved tickets for the Oregon
State football game, November 11,
selling regularly for $2.50 will be
granted free to women students
on presentation of their student
body cards, Tom Stoddard, assist
ant graduate manager, announced
yesterday. Cards may be ex
changed for tickets Monday, Nov.
6, at the Co-op.
Each student body card will be
surrendered temporarily and a
game ticket will be given in ex
change. Women may secure free
train tickets on presentation of
their tickets to the game. Round
trip tickets will be distributed on
the train to Portland.
Women Have Privilege
Women wishing to obtain seats
together must go in a body to se
cure tickets, as there will be no
revision in seating order to ac
commodate those changing their
minds later. All women’s tickets
must be secured before Friday
noon, Nov. 10. No women may ob
tain tickets in Portland the day of
the game, Stoddard stressed.
Men students, on the other hand,
may not exchange student body
cards for tickets in Eugene. They
will show their cards on the train
to Portland for free round trip
transportation and will obtain free
general admission tickets at Mult
nomah stadium on again present
ing their student body cards.
Train Leaves Saturday
The outgoing train to Portland
will leave Eugene at 7:30 Satur
day morning and reach Portland
at 11:00. Students will attend a
rally downtown and 1 u n ch.
Men must be in their seats at 1
p. m.; women at 2:00, when the
game is called.
Those who do not possess stu
dent body cards will be charged
$2.00 for round trip train fare to
Portland, $2.20 for reserved seats,
and $1.50 for a limited number of
reserved seat tickets to be sold at
the game. Any infraction of stu
dent body card use will deprive the
offending student of his card, Stod
dard said.
Peggy Sweeney
Will Give Recital
Peggy Sweeney will be present
ed in recital tonight at 8 p. m. in
the school of music auditorium.
She has studied four years under
Rex Underwood of the University
music department, and for several
years under Frank Eichenlaub of
Portland. She is a member of the
University Symphony orchestra,
playing first violin.
The program follows: Sonata in
C minor (Allegro) Grieg; Concer
to in D minor (First movement)
Bruch; Spango, Wright; Nignun
(Impro v i s a t i o n ) Block; The
Zephyr, Hubay; Rondo Capriccioso,
Ripley Requests Data
About Volcanic Rock
Dr. L. S. Cressman of the an
thropology department recently
received a request from Robert
Ripley, author of "Believe It or
Not,” for information in regard
to a substance which he called
"sandstone,” which he said Is very
light and floats when placed in
As a matter of fact, this sub
stance is not "sandstone" at all,
but a volcanic ash formed from the
froth of lava. It is full of holes
made by gas bubbles, will float,
and is so light that a large piece
may be lifted with ease.
Guild Hall Players Act
At CCC Entertainment
The second appearance of the
Guild hall players in their one-act
farce, as part of the entertainment
program of the C.C.C., was given
last night at the Brice Creek camp
at Rajada.
Gertrude Winslow, Ethan New
man, and Lieut. Roy Craft, an al
umnus of Oregon, participated in
the dramatic presentation. Marion
Bass entertained with some
The troupe was given a dinner
by Lieut. Florentin P. Wencker,
U. S. N., who is'in charge of the
Avoid the Graveyard!
Students Warned, for
Tis All Halloa 's Eve
Shades of old Oregon. Nine
ghosts for each cat who has
given up all his lives for sci
ence in old Deady. Spectres
playing football on Kincaid
field. Shadowy figures flitting
from the senior bench to the
old libe steps.
The campus should be an
eery place indeed at midnight
tonight, and woe be unto the
student who must pass the
graveyard for 'tis All Hal
lcw's eve!
Schafer Will Give
Talk Concerning
Red Cross Relief
Educational Talk Will Describe
Methods by Which Plans
Are Carried Out
“The Biggest Relief Job in the
World" is the subject of a talk to
be given Wednesday evening at
7:30 in Villard hall by A. L. Scha
fer, manager of the Pacific divi
sion of the Red Cross, according to
an announcement made yesterday
by Dean Karl W. Onthank, who
made arrangements for the talk in
behalf of the University.
Last year Schafer was an act
ive member of the organization
that distributed the flour given to
charity by the United States grain
commission and that also attended
to the manufacture and distribu
tion of the surplus cotton which
was also donated to the Red Cross
by the grain commission. In addi
tion, his society, through its coun
ty secretaries, was responsible for
administering a great part of the
funds provided by the national
government for direct relief pur
poses; His speech will concern a
description of these activities,
which are considered by many au
thorities to have been the greatest
undertaking in the field of social
work in history, not excluding
wartime social service activities.
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, professor
of sociology, who is in charge of
the arrangements for Schafer’s
Wednesday night talk, emphasized
yesterday “that Schafer’s talk
will not be Red Cross propaganda
or a plea for the subscription of
funds to that organization, but
rather a purely educational talk
describing the method in which
these great social undertakings
are managed and carried out.”
Parsons further stated that the
talk will be of special interest to
students in various social science
Following Schafer’s sp e e c h
which will last until 8:30, those in
terested may remain for a round
table discussion with Schafer and
other member of the Red Cross
Superstitious People
Shy Clear of Ladders
Superstitious girls are finding a
good many ladders to dodge, over
by Gerlinger hall. .
The Women's building is going
to be all dressed up in a new coat
of paint for the co-ed party
Wednesday night. Painters are
busy painting the outside wood
work the first paint it has had
in five or six years.
‘Pigger’s Guide’
On Sale Today
At Co-op, Igloo
Student Directory Costs
Twenty-five Cents
Nearly 2500 Student, 300 Faculty
Names Listed: Recheckin"
Causes Delay
The “pigger's guide” is out to
day. The indispensable student
directory, listing every student
and faculty member, his address,
telephone number and major de
partment, may be had at the Co
op or the A. S. U. O. office for
25 cents.
Unprecedented accuracy of the
information compiled in the publi
cation has been assured since the
book was completely checked and
rechecked three different times by
the A. S. U. O. secretaries, the
registrar’s office and the printers.
Organizations and departments
m&y requisition for copies through
Charles D. Byrne, director of in
formation, at his office in the ad
ministration building. Organiza
tions failing to get in orders early
must obtain copies from the multi
graph department next to the
University press, since Byrne has
only a hundred copies.
This year's issue of the "pig
ger’s guide” includes an alphabeti
cal list of University employees
and officers, faculty committees
for 1933-34, associated students,
administration personnel, a classi
fied business and professional di
rectory and an alphabetical list of
all students and faculty members.
The directory includes approxi
mately 2500 students and 300 fac
ulty names. The information
given includes home as well "as
Eugene addresses.
The delay in publication this
year was due to the care taken
to insure absolute accuracy in
every detail. The A. S. U. O. of
fice and the printers checked the
proofs for correct addresses and
the registrar’s -office made a re
check of each student’s major sub
ject and class standing.
Manville, Thomas Will
Speak Tonight at Meet
Dr. Ira Manville of the Univer
sity of Oregon medical school at
Portland and Prof. C. E. Thomas,
of Oregon State college will speak
in Gerlinger hall at 7:30 tonight
in the first business meeting of
Sigma Xi.
Manville will speak on "The Vi
tamin Content of Pears,” and
Thomas will lecture on “The Mi
cro-Structure of Some Nonferrous
Alloys.” Both lectures will be il
Guests will be invited to a din
ner to be given at 6:15 before the
meeting. Reservations for the din
ner should be made by telephon
ing Miss Millican, local 26, before
noon today. The business meeting
will be between 7:15 and 7:30, and
will be followed immediately by
the program.
Former 'School Boy’ Here
Member ofPoiverful Family
Four years ago an energetic,
always smiling Japanese “school
boy” studied on the campus, be
came well known for his activities
in promoting interest in interna
tional relations. Later this “school
boy” went to work for a time in a
local cannery, went from here to
Indianapolis, where he obtained a
job with the Columbia Preserving
company, lived with a colored fam
ily while working for Proctor and
Gamble in Cincinnati, had some
experiences working in the Ford
Motor company organization, and
then attended Columbia and Chica
go universities.
Many people on the campus knew
Yoshi Otsuka, encouraged him in
his work, were delighted with his
quaint but sincere English. Few
knew that he was a member of a
family in Japan which owns and
operates a corporation capitalized
at 30,000,000 yen, which produces
one-third of all toe soya bean
sauce an important food item in
the orient, that is made in Japan.
This business has been in the fam
ily since before the time of Colum
When Eric W. Allen, dean of
the school of journalism at the
University here, and H. V. Hoyt,
dean of the school of business ad
ministration, were in the orient
last summer, they were met by
the smiling “school boy” and for
four days were royally entertained
in and around Tokyo.
No longer just a “school boy”
is Yoshi Otsuka. His “studies” in
this country are important inves
tigations of social conditions, par
ticularly of workers, and to what
extent his observations will influ
ence the attitude of his company
toward employees is not known.
Whatever he noted of labor con
ditions the visitor was deeply im
pressed by the treatment he re
ceived from Americans wherever
he happened to be. So hospitable
was this that the warm-hearted
Japanese decided when he returned
home to do all he could to recipro
cate. He organized the Overseas
People’s Educational institute, with
the purpose of furnishing hospi
tality and facilities for foreign
scholars and students visiting and
studying in Japan, to make evi
dent to these guests the genuine
warmth and good will that really
underlies the somewhat formal
Japanese attitude.
Already, the deans reported, the
(Continued on Page Three)