Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene_
Sterling Green, Editor Grant Thuemmel, Manager
Joseph Saslavsky, Managing Editor
Doug Polivka, Associate Editor; Julian Prescott. C.uy Sliadduck, I
Parks Hitchcock. Don Caswell. Stanley Rohe.
Don Caswell, News Ed.
Malcolm Bauer. Sports Ed.
Elinor Henry, Features Ed.
Bob Moore, Makeup Ed.
Cynthia Liljeqvist, Women’s Ed.
Al Newton. Dramatics Ed.
Abe Merritt. Chief Night EcJ._
Marv Louice Edinger, society .
Harney Clark, Humor Ed.
Peggy Chessman, Literary Ed. i
Patsy Lee, Fashions Ed.
George Callas, Radio Ed.
1)AV EDITORS: Bill Phipps, Paul Ewing, Mary Jane Jenkins,
Hazle Corrigan, Byron Brinton.
EXECUTIVE REPORTERS: Betty Ohlemiller. Ann-Reed
Burns. Roberta Moody. Xewton Stearns, Howard Kessler.
FEATURE WRITERS: Ruth McClain, Henriettc Horak.
REPORTERS: Frances Hardy. Margaret Brown. Winston Al
lard. Clifford Thomas. Carl Jones. Helen Dodds. Hilda Oil
lam. Thomas Ward. Miriam Eichner, Marian Johnson. Vir
ginia Scovillc, Gertrude ham!). Janis Worley, Reinhart
SPORTS' STAFF: Bob Avison, Assistant Sports Ed.; Jack Mil
ler, Clair Johnson, George Jones, Julius Scruggs. Edwin
Pooley, Bob Avison, Dan Clark, 'fed Blank, Art Derbyshire,
Emerson Stickles. Jim Quinn. Don Olds, Betty Shoemaker,
Tom Dimmick, Don Brooke, Bill Aetzel.
COPYREADERS: Elaine Cornish, Dorothy Dill. Pearl Johansen,
Marie Pell. Corinnc LaBarre, Phyllis Adams. Margery Kis
sling. Maluta Read, Mildred Blnckburne. George Bikman,
Milton Pillette, Helen Green. Virginia Endicott, Adelaide
Hughes. Mabel Finchum, Marge Leonard, Barbara Smith,
Bill Ireland.
WOMEN’S PAGE ASSISTANTS: Janis Worley, Betty Labbe,
Mary Graham, Joan Stadelman. Bette Church, Marge Leop
ard, Catherine Kisman. Marie Pell.
NIGHT EDITORS': Fred Broun, Ruth Vannice, Alfredo Fajar
do. David Kichle, Boh Parker, George Bikman. Tom Binford.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Eleanor Aldrich, Henryetta
Mummey, Virginia Gather wood, Margilie Morse, Jane Bishop,
Dorris Bailey. Marjorie Scobert, Irma Egbert. Nan Smith,
Gertrude von Berthelsdorf, Jeanne Mahoney. Virginia Sco
ville, Alice Tillman.
RADIO STAFF: Barney Clark, Howard Kessler, Cynthia Cor
SECRETARY: Mary Graham.
William Meissner, Adv. Mgr.
Fred Fisher, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
Ed Labbe, Asst. Adv. Mgr.
William Temple, Asst. Adv.
Eldon Haberman, Nat. Adv.
Ron Rew, Promotional Mgr.
Tom Holman, (lire. Mgr.
Hill Perry, Asst. Lire. Mgr.
JJetty Ifentley, Office Mgr.
Pearl Murphy, Class. Adv. Mgr.
Willa llitz, Checking Mgr.
Kifth Kippey, Checking Mgr.
Jeanette Thompson, Exec. Sec.
Phyllis Cousins, Exec. Sec.
Dorothy Anne Clark, Exec. Sec.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Gretchen Gicgg, Jean Finney, Mar
jorie Will, Evelyn Davis, Charlotte Oiitt, Virginia Ham
mond, Carmen Curry, Alene Walker. Theda Spicer, June
Sexsmith, Margaret Shively, Foggy Hayward, Laurabelle
Quick, Martha McCall,, Doris Oslanrt, Vivian Wherrie, Dor
othy McCall, Cynthia Cornell, Marjorie Scobert, Mury Jane
Moore, Margaret Hall.
ADVERTISING SALESMEN: Woodie Everitt, Don Chapman,
Frank Howland, Hernadinc Franzen, Margaret Chase, Ilob
Parker. Dave Silven, Conrad Dilling, Hague Calliater, Dick
Cole, Bob CrcBswell. Hill Mclnturff. Helene Kies, Vernon
Buegler, Jack McGirr, Jack Lew. Wallace McGregor, Jerry
Thomas, Margaret Thompson, Tom Meador._
EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg. Phone 3300-News
Room, Local 355 ; Editor and Managing Editor, Local 35k.
BUSINESS OFFICE. McArthur Court. Phone 3300 Local 214.
A member of the Major College Publications, represented by
A. T. Norris Hill Co., 155 K. 42nd St., New York City; 123 W.
Madison St., Chicago; 1004 End Ave., Seattle; 1206 Maple Ave.,
Los Angeles; Call Building, San Francisco._
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of the
University of Oregon, Eugene, published daily during the college
year, except Sundays, Mondays, holidays, examination periods,
all of December and all of March t xcept the first three days.
Entered in the postoffice at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class
matter. Subscription rates, $2.50 a year.
LAST night’s rally was a splendid one a well
organized and yet spontaneous demonstration
of school spirit and loyalty that could not help but
have had a tonic effect upon the group of gridiron
heroes who departed for the south eager to keep
their unbroken record of victories intact.
The rally chief and his crew of assistants are
to be complimented on their work, but we believe
that the student administration is going a bit too
far when it arranges to have the University library
closed an hour early in order to force students to
The library of course is only too glad to oblige.
Every hour off the daily schedule means salaries
saved and overhead reduced. Already library hours
have been pared to the absolute minimum, and stu
dents whose week-ends are the most convenient
time for study find the library doors closed against
them during a large portion of Saturday and Sun
day. That they should be closed again on a week
night, with but a day’s notice, is a further hard
ship upon that element in the student body who
must do most of their studying while the rest of
the campus is at play.
The rally committee and the A. S. U. O. offi
cials should remember that a large number of stu
dents and faculty members will not attend rallies
whether or not the libraries are closed, and the in
terests of that minority which does not accept foot
ball as one of the major interests in a college ca
reer, should be protected.
The Emerald will continue as in the past to sup
port rallies and urge that every student attend
them. The rally committee, however, should draw
the line at abbreviating the already limited sched
ule of library hours.
TTEST1NG to the high esteem in which the
-*■ *■ University’s department of art and architec
ture is held by the great educational foundations,
came news yesterday that the department will for
the fifth successive year be awarded a Carnegie
grant of $6,750. The grant is to be distributed as
fellowships among art teachers from other schools
of higher education whose art departments need
This is recognition of a sort that should bring
a glow of pride to Dean Ellis F. Lawrence and his
associates. It amounts to an acknowledgment that
the University’s teacher-training facilities in this
field are the finest in the Northwest.
About two weeks ago another branch of the
University won signal honor. This was the law
school, whose entire graduating class of last year,
with the exception of one man, successfully passed
the state bar examination.
No words of praise can sufficiently laud the
splendid work being carried on under the direction
of Dean Morse and Dean Lawrence in their respec
tive departments. Working under enormous handi
caps of reduced staff and lacerated budgets, they
are maintaining and even raising the standards of
former years, and by their efforts are bringing glory
to the University of Oregon.
-\JKWS that the University of the State of New
’ York (not to be confused with New York uni
versity i is in reality no university at all. but merely
a board of regents who do little but meet and oc-!
easionally hand out kudoes, is uot especially shock
ing, but it leads us afield into pleasant speculation
as to the advantages of such an institution.
Think what perfect peace and quiet could bo
maintained in such a school! There would be no
squabbling over studeut morals or grades, no dis
graceful labor trouble, aud bed of all uo such end
less quaneL over matters of policy aa have af-1
flicted our more material schools. The only oppor
tunity for the dignified board of regents to get a
bit heated under the collar would be in a squabble
aver prospective recipients of honorary degrees.
And they wouldn’t even have to sow their hon
orary degrees where they would reap the most
bountiful political harvest!
Consider this idea of the figurative campus.
Ponder its restful peace, and consider whether c.
paper university would not be better than a gun- ,
powder university, such as it has been our lot to i
attend. The strange paradox of the campusless
campus points alluringly to a new road for educa
tion a way that leads not in the valley of dispu
tation and squabbling.
An Emerald editorial on the farm strike was
made to sound more than usually inane yesterday
by an error which mace us repeat a sentence twice.
Consolation is derived from the assurance of quite
a number of people th t they didn’t read it any
way. ,
We can’t see any great future for the Oregon
State football squad. They don’t sound like a foot- j
ball team, somehow: Curtin, Pangle, Joslin, Frank-,
lin, etc. There really should bo a few Mucszynskis, |
Mikulaks, or S.ulkoskys in the lineup.
A survey in an eastern university showed that i
60 per cent of the students sleep through at least j
three hours of classes each week.
The University of Oklahoma football team !
gained a half mile on forward, passes alone during j
the 1932 season.
A study of scholastic averages at Temple uni
versity revealed that membership in a Greek letter
organization was not a handicap to a student.
On Other Campuses
Formal (Journo Saves
THE University of Wisconsin, which has made
the name of Madison a symbol of liberalism in
education, is to offer its student body a course in
debunking. It is rather amusing, in view of Wis
consin's reputation as a university willing to
espouse the minority viewpoint, that the university
dons should find it necessary to subject their stu
dents to any further exploding of popular fallacies.
At Wisconsin, and for that matter at our own uni
versity, the student of liberal arts changes his ideas
pretty swiftly without the aid of any course de
voted exclusively to blasting myths.
But Wisconsin, apparently, is not taking any
chances. Their course will make it possible for
students to learn the folly of “Buy American” with
out taking a course in economics, or to find out
that Germany is not solely responsible for the World
War without taking a history course.
To find out that an old, common idea is en
tirely mistaken is a stimulating spiritual experi
ence. Once the discovery is made, the student
. should have the pleasure of playing the debunker,
by bringing the word to his acquaintances who have
not yet seen the light. But the best part of the
whole experiece is that the student has to do a
little digging himself in order that his ideas may
undergo the change which comes with a college
education. To set up the fallacies in wholesale
antity and then knock them down while the stu
dent sits by and watches smacks much of predi
gestion. Minnesota Daily.
Contemporary Opinion
A New Board Chairman
rpHERE is this which is refreshing about the
election of Roscoe C. Nelson as chairman of
the board of higher education: It promises a posi
tive leadership in educational affairs, one that will
be frank, definite and upstanding. No more whis
pering in the alcoves; no more "this is not for pub
lication” interviews; no more “confidential” audits.
The new chairman’s statement with reference
to supporting the chancellor is important both for
his subordinates and should go also to the board
itself. That requirement of loyalty should not ex
tend, however, to any denial of freedom to express
one’s self in fairness and candor, whether a mem
1 ber of a faculty or a member of the board. We
do not interpret Mr. Nelson’s demand as one in
augurating military discipline in the staffs of the
state institutions. Instead they will grow and
thrive by virtue of cooperative effort, directed and
guided by the executive at the head. -Salem States
The New Board
npHK first meeting of the state board of higher
•* education had an auspicious start. The elec
tion of Roseoe Nelson as chairman insures that the
business will be conducted promptly and that the
meetings will not get beyond parliamentary con
trol. His opening statement was heartening. It
j was a promise of harmony even if certain instruc
tors who have been at the bottom of much of the
underhand attack on the chancellor have to be told
where to head in by the board. As we interpret
the statement, it was a fair warning that coopera
tion is expected on the part of the faculty to make
the new plan in Oregon successful. This does not
mean a subserviency nor any abridgment of so
called "academic freedom.” Corvallis Gazette
, Times.
The New Heard
T T ERE m Oregon the college board of regents
elected the two new appointees, Roseoe Nel
- on. Portland, and Willard Marks. Albany, chair
man and vice-chairman, respectively. This was
done unanimously. There were no fireworks. Mr.
Nelson, who is not well known throughout the state
but appears to be very highly regarded where he
is known, issued a wise statement to the effect
that the board would back the chancellor and that
"subversive" tactics within the institutions would
not be tolerated. This was a needed warning and
if heeded will greatly reduce the amount of friction
in the system. Not all of this has "just happened."
Some of it has been made to happen A harmoni
ous board backing the chancellor or gett';ig a new
one if the one they have does not command their
confidence can work a big improvement. They
have .‘Jr an excellent b^mum., —Pendleton Ldst
Oregonian. i
Passing the ‘Buck-Skin’ - - By STANLEY ROBE
Press Censorship and Propaganda
Propaganda organization in the
“new Germany’’ was described by
Dick Neuberger, former Emerald
editor, in a talk presented recently
before members of Dean Eric W.
Allen’s class in “Investigative
Methods in Editing.” He is the
author of a recent article in The
Nation which has called forth
much comment.
Neuberger told how statements
denying atrocities were obtained
from prominent Jews for publica
tion in a book. Touring cars drove
up to their homes, he was in
formed by several refugees, and
i they were taken under armed
j guard to the office of Dr. Joseph
Goebbels, head of the propaganda
division. Multigraphed statements
were shown them, and, when they
; refused to sign, their lives and
their families were threatened.
Convinced by “third degree” meth
ods that Goebbels meant what he
said, they finally allowed their
names to be used.
Not only are German papers
censored and used for the dissem
: ination of misleading information,
but a considerable number of for
eign papers are barred from cir
"To possess a copy of. the Man
chester Guardian is almost worth
a man's life,” Neuberger said. This
newspaper fought Hitler before his
rise to power and printed the truth
about his persecution of the Cath
olics, Jews, and liberals—until the
r|'sHIS is on campus etiquette,
* pals, so don't look for style
(more poetry than truth).
First, one should be intelligent
if one is in college. If you aren't,
don't cry, little girl, you have
plenty of company. Even the six
boys from a Salem institution
came straight to Eugene, because
they knew they would be perfect
ly at home.
In case you barge into a mem
ber of the intelligentsia, who in
sists upon pinning you down to a
; certain phase of literature (which
isn’t often) go into a Barrymore
trance, and then naively blurt out.
"seventeenth century," because
no one is sure, anyway, and be
sides very few of we morons know
about the seventeenth century.
To go a little social if you have
a date some night twe sometimes
do) be different, be sophisticated
don’t talk about anything. Be
disinterested about football. Ask
in a dull moment if Oregon is play
1 ing football this year. Try to look
bored (not dumb, it's too common).
Wait for at least 00 seconds after
one of the jolly party has asked
you a question then snap out of
it. bring your eyes back to focus,
and then solemnly ejaculate, "Did
J you say something ?" Insist upon
your going home at 12:15. You'll
go over big, gal, and for the ex
tra ''esprit-de-corps'' look up some
famous hang-outs in Paris before
you go out. and in your few con
scious moments, tell 'em about
your most recent trip to the conti
nent. You can be assured of stay
ing home the remainder of your
college career. This tip is tor those
who wish to be Phi Betes.
To become a real rumble seat
rider is one of the few practical
accomplishments of a college ca
reer. Otis must be grateful—
clunb m with the grace of a goS
paper was barred officially by the
Usually the London Times may
be sold, but every issue is watched
carefully, and any paper contain
ing criticism of Hitler’s govern
ment is ripped to shreds so it can
not be read. The New York Times
is obtainable in Baden-Baden and
the leading hotels in Berlin as a
rule. Foreign correspondents re
ported that every obstacle was
placed in their way when they at
tempted to find facts. Neuberger
traveled through Germany with
an experienced observer, his uncle,
Commander J. F. Neuberger, U.
S. N. medical corps.
German newspapers receive
"news” from Goebbels’ office
marked “display in prominent
place”—and bitter is the retribu
tion which follows if a story so
marked is not the lead story in
the next issue. An example of how
foreign news is twisted was point
ed out by Neuberger in a newspa
per shown to the class. Much pub
licity was given to the Schmeling
Baer fight. When Schmeling was
knocked out by Baer, in a fight
described as clean and fair by com
petent observers, German newspa
pers reported that Baer had used
dirty and unfair methods. Accom
panying the article were two pic
tures. One was a handsome, an
gelic-looking German—Schmeling;
the other a vicious pug-ugly Jew
The deliberate manufacturing of
I dess—alight with the feet first,
please, or jump bodily into your
Kappa Sig’s arms (they are the
only ones who know anything
abotft this kind of racket). I can
not go into the details of the Jum
ble seat rides. After all, there are
Only a few of the higher things
have been touched upon—para
chute jumping next time, maybe.
A word of advice—it is better
to have loved a short man than
never to have loved a tall. (Be
careful of hang-nails, they just
aren't being done this year.)
The Emerald
Greets —
“Felicitations" feels pretty im
portant today, because it has been
asked to suppress one name on
the day's column, at the request of
a certain prominent student. That's
all right, so-and-so; vve won't
breathe it to a soul. In the mean
time, there have been no com
plaints from:
(Continued from I'attc One i
elms in case one failed to0mature.
Both of these trees are now grow
ing at the northwest corner of
In case one sees an alumnus, or
even several, with hats off and
heads* bowed, standing in rever
ence before some trees, she should
not mistake him for a member of
some curious nature-worshipping
cult He v ill merelj be a grad re
tailing bygone days.
"news" is an important function
of Goebbels’ bureau, according to
Neuberger. In one case a "com
munist air raid” was reported,
when communist literature was
assertedly dropped in the streets
of Berlin by unidentified airplanes.
Newspapermen, suspicious, had in
cluded in their stories to foreign
papers, “according to the depart
ment of propaganda.’’ Later it was
proved conclusively that such a
raid had never occurred, but the
incident was given much space in
German papers and some credence
in foreign countries.
The problems of repressing facts
are manifold, Neuberger said. “It's
easy to keep out newspapers and
movies, but it’s difficult to keep
out back-biting ether waves.”
When radio stations just across
borders from Germany were in
truding too freely, the Nazis set
up electric stations on the other
side of the borders, to be turned
on only when the feared stations
were broadcasting.
In the most sensational of the
German propaganda sheets, Der
Sturmer, the name of the presi
dent of the United States is some
times spelled “Franklin D. Rosen
feld.” Democracy is as much in
disfavor as communism, and the
paper claims that “Rosenfeld” is
completely run by Jews.
“How did you get these papers
out of Germany?” Neuberger was
asked. He explained that they
were hidden under car seats when
he crossed the border.
- Bystander
AT last after lo these many
~ * years, it looks as if a little of
the pre-depression spirit is com
ing back to the old institution.
This column was written just af
ter the rally last night, when In
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PHONE 67!)
nocent Bystander had considerable
of a sore throat and a deal bright
er look.
For be it known that I. B. was
lured to this den ox iniquity by the
promise of frequent and vociferous
rallies and when he gets up here,
what does he find ? Everybody
and his brother are sitting around
on the back of their laps and
moanin’ low about hard times and
how there isn’t much hope tor tne |
team. Not a. rally in a carload! '
Deader than a can of Siberian
herring. Why, even after the Ore
gon State game there wasn’t i
enough spirit aroused to produce i
a mild burst of handclapping!
But at last there is a rift in the ,
clouds. The rally last eve showed ■
a faint revival of the old push;
and now Mickey Vail, the pride
of old Erin, comes forward with ,
that setup for the game in Port
land, and, children, WHAT a set- !
up! Four or more sirens donated i
by the fire department. Three big
circular saws, and a pneumatic
riveting hammer to go with each
saw: and let us inform you, dear :
readers, that when those things
go off, the residents in St. Johns
./ill KNOW it!
Also, we have a choice selection
of hydrogen bombs, and a rooting
j section that is going to be a
1 ROOTING SECTION this time. Af
ter all, why shouldn’t we have
some spirit on this campus ? It
| isn’t a matter of money; it’s only
! a state of mind; and, brother, it’s
i time some of us got off the dime!
of the Air
44COme fawn, eh kid,” says the
^ huntsman on returning from
a successful hunting trip.
Well, anyway—this may be im
material, irrelevant, et al, but any
The society editor consents to
dish out the info about the “400”
this afternoon. Teas, dances, ana
the like are the subject of interest
on this broadcast.
The time is 4:30. The medium is
KORE. The weather is fine. Are
you listening ?
Herman Kehrli Leaves
For Chicago Session
Herman Kehrli. director of the
Bureau of Municipal Research and
Service and executive secretary of
the League of Oregon Cities, left
yesterday as a representative of
the league for Chicago, where he
will attend the meeting of the
American Municipal association.
Kehrli will attend a one-day ses
sion and return next Thursday.
You Can’t Hide
on the Dance
|>EOPLE are watching
and commenting.
No matter how you thrill
to the music ... or lose
yourself in your partner’s
arms your dancing is al
ways on display.
Your partners may say,
"Thank you, that was
wonderful” to you. But
friends at the next tabic
may tell a different story.
And it's so simple and in
expensive to be a really
good dancer. Since 1920
Sid Woodhouse has been
recommended by better
dancers to their friends.
They know the value of
expert authentic instruc
Make an appointment to
day at the Campa Shoppe.
Studio, open daily from 1
P. M. Lessons strictly
private. Results guaran
teed. Special low rates
now. Young lady and gen
tlemen instructors.
... here’s a friend, indeed!
Placed on the market a few months ago,
this pipe mixture made many friends be
fore it had a line of advertising.
Said one smoker to another: “Try a pipe
ful of this mellow mixture. I’ve paid much
more for tobacco not nearly so good!”
Aged in the wood for years . . . there’s
not a bite in a barrel of BRIGGS! But
BRIGGS would much rather talk in your
pipe than in print. Won’t you try a tin
and let it speak for itself?
Mixture is also sold in 1-pound and
• • and in 1-pouod Humidor Kefs.
Briggs Pipe
fa-pound tins .