Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1933, Dad's Day Edition, Image 1

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    Dad’s Day
..... Edition
Dad’s Day
Seventh Annual
Dad’s Day Here
Hailed Success
Phi Mu and Clii Psi Get
Attendance Clips
Membership la Association Is Put
On Permanent Basis With
Alteration of Kules
Heralded as the most successful
since the custom started seven
years ago, Dad’s bay officially
ended Sunday, October 22, with a
concert by the University band un
der the direction of John Stehn.
Phi Mu, women’s sorority, scor
ing 88 9 per cent of dads present,
won the A. W. Norblad trophy
awarded annually for this achieve
ment. Second place, with a per
centage of 62.5, was won by Chi
Psi lodge, which received the Paul
T. Shaw trophy. The O. Laur
gaard trophy for the most “fresh
men dads” was won by Phi Mu,
making the first time that any
house has captured two cups.
Thompson President
W. Lair Thompson of Portland
was again elected president of the
Oregon Dads, organization of fa
thers of University of Oregon stu
dents, at the annual meeting held
Saturday morning. This will be
the third successive year Thomp
son has held this office. Other
officers elected were J. Roy Raley,
Pendleton, vice-president; Earle
Wellington, Portland, secretary,
and Merle R. Chessman, Astoria;
Arthur L. Fields, Walter M. Cook,
Rev. John W. Beard of Portland,
and Thomas H. Tongue, Hillsboro,
members of the executive commit
The dads also amended their
constitution so that “once an Ore
gon Da'd, always an Oregon Dad,”
and members henceforth will not
become inactive when their son or
daughter graduates.
Student Affairs Discussed
Karl W. Onthank, dean of per
sonnel, Mrs. Hazel Schwering,
dean of women, and Virgil D. Earl,
dean of men, discussed student af
fairs with the dads at the mass
meeting. A note of optimism for
the future of higher education in
the state was sounded at the ses
The organization also voted to
join with the Oregon Mothers and
other groups in forming a council
that will have for its purpose the
furthering of higher education in
Morse Main Speaker
Wayne L. JJorse, the principal
speaker at the annual banquet in
John Straub Memorial building
Saturday evening, called upon the
dads to aid faculties, administra
tors, and students throughout the
country to restore universities to
their original place as “a congre
gation of scholars and students or
ganized for teaching and study in
the higher branches of learning.”
Politics in higher education,
over-emphasis of student activi
ties and what he termed the “in
dustrial plant” system of organi
zation of colleges and universities
were scored by the dean.
Greetings Given
Greetings to the dads from the
state board of higher education
were brought by Mrs. Cornelia
Marvin Pierce, La Grande mem
ber. Thomas H. Tongue, president
of the associated students, wel
comed the dads, and a message
from the alumni was given by
Robert K. Allen. Mrs. A. M. Dib
(Continued on Page Four)
Oregon-Oregon Stale
I Game Tickets Selling
Fast, Says Stoddard
N. T. Stoddard, assistant
graduate manager, announced
yesterday that he expected
tickets for the Oregon-Oregon
j State game to be completely
i sold out by Nov. 5. He urges
! all those planning to attend
j the game, held in Portland
I Nov. 11, to secure their tickets
early. Orders are coming in
rapidly from ail over the state
and only five end sections at
the Multnomah stadium arc
still unreserved.
Tickets are now on sale at
the Co-op, the A. S. U. O.
ticket office in McArthur court
and the Club cigar store in
downtown Eugene. Reserved
seat tickets sell for $2.20.
A limited number of general
admission tickets will be sold
at Multnomah stadium the day
of the game, after students
have found their seats.
Art Exhibit to Be
Given for Student
Body Tomorrow
Display to Present Architecture,
Sculpturing, Painting of
Various Epochs
In an effort to establish in the
minds of the students the quali
ties dominant in different periods
in the history of art, an exhibit
of famous reproductions will be
held in the gallery of the art
school Wednesday at 4 p. m.
This exhibit will show painting,
sculpturing, architecture, furni
ture, and decoration of the various
epochs. All material is from the
Carnegie print collection of the art
library here.
me material will be arranged
in chronological sequence begin
ning with African primitive deco
ration, craft work from the East
Indies, a few pieces of oriental
porcelain, and reproductions of
oriental wall decorations. Then an
effort will be made to establish
the bi-color plates and photo
graphs which are definitely of the
Egyptian period. Emphasis will
be placed on Greek, Roman, Byz
antine, and the middle ages and
the works of the early Italian
masters up to the present day
i contemporary art.
The exhibit is to be given for
the benefit of the entire student
body, and the faculty of the art
departments express the hope that
many students will attend. It is
definitely not for art majors only.
Little Theater Will
Give ‘Seven Days’
The Very Little Theater will
open its public program with
“Seven Days” by Mary Roberts
Rinehart the second week in No
vember. The play promises to be
two hours of fun for the specta
tors, although it is a mystery to
the characters in the play.
Last year four three-act per
formances and several programs
of short plays were given public
showing. The schedule for this
year 'is somewhat similar. It is
not the policy of the Very Little
Theater to feature “heavy dram
mer,” although Schnitzler, Ibsen,
Dunsanv, and Chekov were in
cluded in last year’s program.
The membership of the theater
comprises a mixing of faculty,
students and townspeople. The
theater itself is situated near
Gosser’s on Thirteenth street.
Campus Calendar
Meeting of Nature group of Phil
omelete today at 5 in A.W.S. room
first floor of Mary Spiller hall.
Plans for the year, and for a pos
sible picnic to be discussed.
Phi Lambda Theta, women’s na
tional education honorary meets
Tuesday night at 7:30 in the men’s
lounge at Gerlinger hall.
Amphibian tryouts this after
noon at 4 p. m. in women’s swim
ming pool.
Phi Beta will meet in Gerlinger
hall tonight at 7.
Regular business meeting of Pi
Lambda Theta to be held at 7 to
night in men’s loung of Gerlinger.
All Oregana section editors and
assistants will meet tonight in the
Oregana office at 7. Very impor
All activity chairmen will meet
at 4 o’clock today in the A.W.S.
room. Important.
Representatives for "Mum” sale
meet this afternoon at 4 o’clock at
College Side. Very important.
All girls wjio take part in the
Emerald skit for the Get-Wise
party next week, please report at
the meeting to be held at 4 today
at the Gamma Phi Beta house. If
unable to attend please notify Ro
berta Moody at 486.
All members of the rally com
mittee will meet at 7:30 this eve
ning at Chi Psi lodge.
Homecoming dance committee
meets in room 1, basement of John
son hall at 4:30 this afternoon.
Phi Chi Theta will meet in 106
j Commerce today at 5 p. m.
Frosh Bonfire
I Of Homecoming
To Be Replaced
Fireworks on Skinner’s
Butte New Idea
Cate Selected Head of Week-end
Activities; Dates of Event
November 8 and 4
The annual frosh bonfire usually
held during- Homecoming week
end, is expected to be replaced by
a fire display on Skinner's butte
this year. Permission is expected
to be granted today by city offi
cials, according to Jack Cate, gen
eral chairman of Homecoming
week-end, appointed yesterday by
Tom Tongue, president of the stu
dent body. Homecoming week-end
this year is November 3 and 4.
Cate announced last night as
members of the Homecoming di
rectorate: Pearl Base, secretary;
Bill Russell, rally parade chair
man; Fred Whittlesey, Homecom
ing dance chairman; Robert Bur
cher, decorations chairman; and
Doug Polivka, publicity chairman.
Rally Parade Slated
Homecoming signs and the usual
noise parade will be incorporated
into one new type of rally parade
this year with a mass rally being
held at its conclusion, said Cate.
In place • of the Homecoming
campus luncheon and the alumni
dinner will be an alumni luncheon
to be held in John Straub Memor
ial building. The luncheon will be
limited strictly to alumni.
The customary Homecoming
dance will be held in McArthur
court Saturday night, November 4.
Homecoming signs will not be
made because it is felt that the re
sults obtained in the past have not
justified the effort and the ex
pense involved, according to Cate.
Floats to Be Built
Elimination of the signs will
enable living organizations to
spend more time on the floats to
take part in the new rally parade.
Floats for this parade are to be
both decorative and noise-produc
Sigma Delta Chi, national pro
fessional journalistic fraternity,
has announced its willingness to
cooperate with the Homecoming
directorate by having its annua!
Journalism Jam Friday night fol
lowing the rally parade.
Employment Bureau
Assists 381 Students
The employment agency of the
University has made it possible
for 381 students to obtain part
time or full time jobs since school
started this year.
Miss Janet Smith, secretary of
the bureau, highly recommended
the citizens of Eugene for their
Students seek part time work
doing such things as repairing ra
dios and door bells, washing win
dows and screens, doing odd jobs
in carpentry, making and serving
sandwiches for teas and bridge
parties and mending clothes.
One of the most unusual tele
phone calls that the agency has
had this year was from a woman
requesting a man to come and
shake walnuts down from the trees
before the school children gathered
them all.
Horace Lynn, Father
Of Clara Fitch, Passes
Horace Lyn, father of Mrs.
Clara Lyn Fitch of the graduate
school, passed away Saturday
A brief memorial service was
held for him Monday afternoon at
the Veateh chapel.
Lynn was well known in Eu
gene, and resided with his daugh
ter, Mrs. Fitch.
Permanent Addresses
Of Those Seeking Jobs
Must Be Filed at Once
All students who have ap
plied at the employment agency
this year for work, whether
jobs have been located for
them or not, are requested to
come to the bureau and make;,
out records of their permanent
addresses in order that the files
may be accurate.
It is very necessary that stu
dents comply with this, as Miss
Janet Smith, secretary of the
agency, would like to get in
touch with all applicants about
their present work or about
getting work.
Oregon Dad Chieftians
Among new officers of the Oregon Dau's association, organization
of fathers of University students are, from left to right, Merle R.
Chessman, Astoria, member of the executive committee; W. Lair
Thompson, Portland, re-elected president; Earle Wellington, Portland,
re-elected secretary; and Thomas H. Tongue, jr., Hillsboro, member of
the executive committee.
Plans Under Way
For Annual YW
Doughnut Week
Sale at Booths Begins Tomorrow;
All-American “Sinker” Girl
Idea Inaugurated
Plans for the annual Doughnut
week are well under way, an
nounced Joyce Busenbark, general
chairman and campus all-Ameri
can doughnut girl, yesterday.
Wednesday will be official campus
doughnut day and Friday dough
nuts will be sold in the living or
The sale will begin tomorrow at
8:30, and a supply of the sinkers
will be on hand as long as the de
mand continues. Booths will be
located on the Colonial theater cor
ner, between Oregon and Com
merce halls, in front of the old libe,
in front of the College Side, and
and on the corner of 12th and Uni
Doughnut week is sponsored an
nually by the campus Y.W.C.A.
This is the fourth year that the
event has been held as a regular
campus munction, and the class
that originated the idea, the class
of ’34, holds the rank of seniors.
Nancy Suomela, student body
secretary, was the first doughnut
queen; this year the queen idea
has been abandoned in favor of the
all-American doughnut girl.
Doughnuts will be sold in wax
paper bags, two for a nickel and
are guaranteed by the directorate
to be non-greasy, of purest ingre
Members of directorate, and
girls appointed to sell are request
ed by Mis3 Busenbark to meet at
7:30 tonight at the Y bungalow,
to discuss final arrangements.
Unusual Illusion
Noted on Building
One of the best examples of an
optical illusion can be observed on
the west face of the Murray War
ner Art museum. Psychology re
fers to it as the Poggendorf illu
sion. It makes use of the human
weakness to overestimate acute
angles and underestimate obtuse
On the face of the museum
there are four vertical columns of
brick. The remainder is covered
by diagonal brick rows forming
the dominate design. Where the
diagonal lines cross each other a
perfect diamond is formed, but
where they cross one ot the verti
cal columns the illusion is per
ceived. It appears to the eye that
the point where the diagonal en
ters the column is decidedly off
set from the point where it con
tinues on from the other side when
in actuality it continues through
in a perfectly straight line.
Extension Enrollment
Increases in Portland
In a letter from Margaret M.
Sharp, secretary of the Portland
branch of the University of Oregon
extension division, the University
informational service was admised
that enrollment in Portland has in
creased 20 per cent over that of
last year. •
Extension students have until
Octobers 21 to formally register
and pay their fees. Miss Sharp ex
pects the number enrolled at that
time will be from 1500 to 1600.
Art Library Selling Cards
Mrs. Mabel A. Houck announces
that she is selling post cards of
old Spanish cathedrals. The cards
are imported from Spain and show
exterior and interior views.
U of O Band Gives
Concert of Light
Classical Tunes
Selections From “Mademoiselle
Modiste” featured; Solos
Effectively Played
Music that entertained was fea
tured by the first division of the
University band in their first con
cert of the seaso Sunday. Under
the direction of John Stehn they
presented a group of light classics.
Responding to popular demand,
they added “King Cotton,” one of
the most popular marches, as an
Selections from “Mademoiselle
Modiste" by Victor Herbert were
I among the gay and infectious
tunes that were played during the
For the first number, “Pasadena
Day March” by Vessella was cho
sen. Although belonging to the
modern marches, this is extremely
melodic and has stirring military
Weird pulsing rhythm and vary
ing tempos characterized Luigini’s
“Ballet Egyptian.” The piccolo
solos in this number added to this
effect. In “Bridal Rose Overture”
by Lavalee the cornet solos were
clear and distinct.
Often heard as a violin solo, Bo
rowski’s “Adaromation” was ef
fective as played by the band. In
this piece both rhythm and melody
play equally important roles.
Sons of Oregon
Dads Fight Hard
Battles Saturday
Bone-crushing: and Boxing- Bouts,
Free-for-all, and Tumbling
Featured at Smoker
True to his promise, Mickey
Vail, University yell king, had a
peppy smoker card ready fqr Ore
gon Dads on Saturday afternoon.
The program began with wrestling
bouts, Fred Mountain meeting Ray
Clapp, and Chuck Johnson pitted
against Tom Mountain.
Following the bonebenders on
the program were the boxers. Sev
eral fast bouts came off during
the program. Contestants were
"Battling” Kelley, Hank Cross,
Ray Hendrickson, Warton Swan
son, Bradshaw, and Poney. Joe
Rener and Ed Kendall met in a
mixed bout, Renner boxing, and
Kerjdall wrestling. All of the bouts
were declared draws.
Twelve freshme, headed by Ben
Grout, battled to a finish with a
like number of sophomores, led by
Laomo King Newport, with no ad
vantage to either side. Mickey
Vail and his yell squad, assisted
by members of the tumbling class
es, closed the program with exhibi
tion. Several dads and their sons
and daughters lingered to listen to
the O.S.C. - Southern California
game, which was heard during the
entire performance.
Former Student§ Now
Living in New Jersey
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Baker
(Margaret Nugent), graduates of
the University in the classes of
'29 and '30, respectively, are now
living at East Orange, New Jer
Mrs. Baker is director of per
sonnel at Berkeley school at East
Orange while Baker teaches phys
ical education at Columbia high
school in South Orange.
Both received their M. A. de
grees from Columbia university in
New York after graduating from
Hossain to Talk
At Student Body
Meet Thursday
Moslem Has Been Editor
On Three Continents
Journalism Majors May Question
Speaker at Informal Meet
Wednesday Night
“An Eastern Pilgrim in Western
Lands: Impressions of the Ameri
can Scene,” will be the topic of the
address to be given by Syud Hos
sain, noted lecturer on the orient,
world peace, and international re
lations, at the student body assem
bly Thursday morning at 10
o’clock in Gerlinger hall. Classes
will be dismissed at 10 o’clock, but
not at 11.
Journalism majors will have ai1
opportunity to meet and question
Hossain at an informal meeting
planned for 8 o’clock Wednesday
evening in alumni hall of the Ger
linger building. Theta Sigma Phi
and Sigma Delta Chi, journalism
honoraries, are sponsors of this
Open Forum Slated
Another open forum meeting, at
which all students and townspeo
ple interested may question Hos
sain, probably will be held after
the student body assembly Thurs
day morning in alumni hall. Final
arrangements have not yet been
made, however.
This is not Hossain’s first visit
to the campus. February 17, 1925,
he addressed an assembly in Vil
lard hall on the subject, "From
Buddha to Gandhi.” Dr. Warren
D. Smith, who was in charge of
that lecture described the Indian
as “a polished speaker, highly ed
ucated. Mrs. W. F. G. Thacher,
who was his hostess at dinner in
1925, called him “fascinating.”
Travels Extensive
Hossain, a Mohammedan of high
rank, has the distinction of being
the only ma on the American lec
ture platform who has been an
editor on three continents. He be
gan his career in the British serv
ice, but soon became interested in
In 1920, he was one of the three
special delegates sent by the people
of India to represent the Indian
cast at the Near East peace set
tlement in Paris and London. In
1921 he atteended the Washington
conference for limitations of arma
ments as press representative for
India. Since then he has traveled
extensively in North America,
studying the problems of the new
world at first hand.
Professor Yocom Will
Identify Large Spider
Dr. H. B. Yocum, professor of
zoology in the University science
departanent, recently received a
large poisonous spider which the
sender wished identified. The
spider, whose body measures one
and a half inches and is about
four inches long including its legs,
was found in a freight car which
was used to carry bananas.
Although Dr. Yocum has not
yet determined what kind of a
spider it isr, he does not believe
it is a tarantula because of the
absence of hair.
‘Gretna Green’ Given
By Guild Hall Players
In answer to a hurry call, the
Guild hall players presented "Gret
na Green," by Constance D’Arcy
Nackey last evening at the armory
as part of a “talent party” given
by the Spanish War Veterans aux
Gertrude Winslow, Kay Briggs,
and Ethan Newman composed the
cast of the production.
The play is reputed to be the
story of the elopement of Richard
Brinsley Sheridan, author of “The
Unpaid Non-Resident
Fees to Cost Students
25 Cents for Each Day
• Approximately 50 students
have failed to pay their non
resident fee and are compelled
to pay the 25-cent late pay
ment fine which started yes
This is the same penalty be
ing authorized over the ap
proximately 75 students who
did not pay their second in
stallment fee by Saturday
"Pigger's Guide’ to Be
On Sale Next Tuesday
At Co-op for 25 Cents
Copies of this year's student
directory will he delivered to
the A.S.U.O. offices in McAr
thur court next Monday for
distribution. 'The following- day
students may purchase their
copies of what is more familiar
ly known as the “pigger's
guide” at the Co-op or at the
A.S.U.O. offices for 25 cents.
Illegible writing on the part
of students, and changes in ad
dresses and telephone numbers,
necessitating a re-check, have
held up publication of the stu
dent directory this year.
Montague Harris
Will Speak Here
Tomorrow Niglit
British Authority to Discuss Local
Governments; Public Invited
To Hear Noted Traveler
G. Montague Harris, of London,
England, vice-president of the In
ternational Union of Local Author
ities and regarded as the world's
outstanding authority on coopera
tive local government, will be on
the campus tomorrow and will ad
dress students and others inter
The meeting which will be open
to the general public, will be at
the Commerce building at 8 o’clock
in the evening. Preceding the
meeting the visitor will meet a
number of University officials and
city officials of Eugene and nearby
communities at dinner.
“What is Happening to Local
Government” will be the topic on
which Harris will talk, and as a
background for his ideas he will
draw from experiences and obser
vations during his visits to prac
tically every nation on earth.
Harris is retired from the Brit
ish civil service, in which he served
for 13 years as head of the For
eign Branch Intelligence division
of the British Ministry of Health
and Local Government. Prior tc
that he served for 17 years as sec
retary of the County Council as
sociation of England and Wales.
Harris is the author of two
books, “Local Government in Manj
Lands,” and “Problems of Local
Government," and at the present
time is gathering material for ad
ditional books on local govern
He reads and speaks a numbei
of different languages, which has
facilitated his studies of various
Kerr to Speak Before
University Association
Chancellor W. J. Kerr wil
speak before the National Associ
ation of State Universities at Chi
cago, November 16 and 17.
He will also attend the Associa
tion of Land Grant Colleges ant
Universities. Kerr was past presi
dent of this organization and ha.
attended annually for many years
in the past.
Group Forms
Federation to
Promote UofO
Organization of Body Is
Announced at Banquet
Total Membership Will Represent
About 40,000 Oregon Citi/.ens;
Constitution Adopted
To supply a unified statewide
body that will act in the interests
of the University and of higher
education in Oregon, representa
tives of five organizations formed
a federation, which was formally
announced Saturday evening at
the annual Dad’s day banquet.
The body, which will be known
as the University of Oregon Fed
eration, will represent a combined
membership in all tire organiza
tions of 30,000 to 40,000 citizens
of the state. Its purpose is to
“represent the common interests
of the alumni association of the
University, the Associated Friends
or the university, the Oregon
Dads, the Oregon Mothers, and the
affiliated living groups.”
The federation is not intended
to be a consolidation of the or
ganizations but will seek to pro
mote the best interests of all the
groups. It has pledged itself not
to promote any activity that does
not coincide with the policy of any
one of the organizations and will
still maintain the active identity
of each of them.
Representatives of the five
groups met Saturday afternoon
and adopted a constitution and
elected the following officers:
Earle Wellington of Portland, an
Oregon Dad, president; Lynn Mc
Cready, Eugene alumnus, vice
president; and Robert K. Allen,
alumni secretary, a non-voting
member pf the board, ^temporary
Other members of the board of
directors are Mrs. Walter M.
Cook, an Oregon mother from
Portland; Dr. I. R. Fox, Eugene,
I president of the Associated
Friends; and Jack Cate, Portland,
president of the affiliated living
Young Democrats Will
Meet Wednesday Niglil
A meeting of the Young Demo
cratic league of Lane county is
scheduled for Wednesday, October
25, at 7:30 p. m. N. T. Stoddard,
assistant graduate manager, who
was recently elected president of
the organization, urges attendance
of all those interested in learning
the principles of the party or af
filiating with the league.
Plans are to be formulated for
an extensive membership cam
paign and a discussion pertaining
to the league principles will be
held, said Stoddard.
Labor Commissioner Will
Probe Janitorial Situation
The Emerald drive for fairer
working hours for employees of
the janitorial system may affect
every campus in the state system
of higher education and many oth
er state and county institutions
and municipal school systems, it
was revealed yesterday.
It was further learned that the
administration of the University
at present is not planning to fake
any action whatsoever in alleviat
ing the present nine and one-half
hour working schedule imposed
upon members of the janitorial
service this year.
Apparently the administration
intends to delay all action until
forced by G. H. Gram, state labor
commissioner, to change the condi
tions, which force the janitors to
arrive for work at 6 a. m., and to
quit work at 6 p. m., leaving a
2 1-2 hour "lunch” period from 11
until 1:30.
Executive-Secretary Earl M. Pal
lett told the Emerald that he
would "issue a statement” as soon;
as directions came to him from the!
labor commissioner.
It was evident to most observ
ers that the decision of the labor
commissioner will involve a thor
ough study of the Oregon law
which declares that no employee
of the state, county school district,
municipality, or municipal corpor
ation shall be required or permit
ted to labor more than eight hours
in any one day or 48 hours in any
one week. The Emerald's com
plaint on behalf of the janitors was
based upon the fact that they are
working 9 1-2 hours a day, and
55 hours a week, and are the vic
tims of a “split shift,’’ which takes
them off duty during those hours of
the day when their work is most
easily and efficiently performed.
The law was passed bv the legis
lative assembly of 1913 as chapter
61, and is designated in the Ore
gon code of 1930 as section 49-704.
In 1913, before any amendments
were made to the law, a charge
was brought against the superin
tendent of the state insane asylum
for violation and he was arrested.
The court held that the act ap
plied to him as head of the asylum,
and the constitutionality of the
act was upheld.
In another case in 1914 criminal
charges were brought against the
state board of control for violation
of the act, and in this case the
court found that the employees
were not actually laboring in ex
cess of 8 hours a day.
At the next session of the legis
lature the amendment was altered,
apparently to prevent the prosecu
tion of officials in charge of state
institutions. Chapter 165, Oregon
laws 1915, therefore reads: “pro
vided, however, that the provisions
of this section shall not apply to
state istitutions and departments.’’
For 16 years that was the status
of the law; but in 1931 a new
amendment was passed which did
not exempt state institutions from
the provisions of the act.