Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 05, 1933, Page 3, Image 3

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    Victor Bryant
Presented As
Tenor Soloist
_ • I
Singer Renders Various
Classic Selections
French, German, English Numbers
Give Variety, Interest
To Program -
A series of gorgeous tones
touched with a bit of the pagan!
made James “The Sun God,” sung
by Victor Bryant last night, un
usually beautiful. This number, the
last on the program, concluded the
recital with brilliance comparable
to the first number, Haendal's
“Recit—O Loss of Sight” and “Air
—Total Eclipse’’ from Samson.
The latter, containing many un
accompanied passages, gave the
singer unlimited range. 1
Although it may gather volume j
on strong crescendos, the full vib
rant tenor of Mr. Bryant is never
harsh. He seems to have perfect
control of his voice, as his rendi
tion of Mozart’s “II mio tesoro
intanto” (Don Giovanni), with its
long, difficult, sustained scales,
Lovely in a soft white gown,
Theresa Kelly accompanied Mr.
Bryant. Presiding at the piano, she
gave an unusual performance, for
many of the accompaniments re
quired the skill and interpretation
of an artist.
A group of four French songs, a
group of four German songs, a
group of four English, and Wag
ner’s “Siegmund’s Liebeslied,” a
brilliant solo from “Die Walkuere, ’
completed the program.
Journalism Students
To Hear Walter Dimm
Walter Dimm, Portland printer,
and a member of the firm of
Sweeney Straub and Dimm, Print
ers, will speak to the 2 o’clock
class in background of publishing
today. The class will be open to
all journalism students and fac
ulty members who wish to attend.
In a letter to Robert Hall,
superintendent of the University
press, Dimm said he intended to
put some real work in his speech,
giving some information that will
add a bright light or two to the
(Continued from Paiic One)
in the copies he and his men in
spected at the postoffice, and that
if there were any more difficulty,
it would be from stations where
the Emeralds are delivered, should
any perchance have gone through. |
He did not anticipate any trouble,
but warned against the repetition
of such action in the future. It
was pointed out that any serious
complaints arising out of such ac
tion might cause the A. S. U. O.
to lose its permit to mail the Em
The sheets which Wilson and his
aides inserted' urged students to
vote against the proposed consti
tutional amendments. They were
above the names of a student
committee of fifty, of which Wil
son is chairman. Others named
on the committee included Tom
Tongue, new student body presi
dent, and Sterling Green, Emerald
editor-elect and present managing
editor. The Emerald backed all
the amendments save one, that
concerning optional A. S. U. O.
membership. In its place the pa
per advocated reducing A. S. U. O.
fees from five dollars to three or
four dollars a term.
It later developed that neither
the sheets nor the Emerald’s ar
guments were required, for the
necessary quorum of 500 did not
even vote, thereby causing the
amendments to be defeated auto
matically. A heavy majority was
against them regardless, however.
Robert Hall Irked
When informed of the publica
tions committee resolution disap
proving his action yesterday, Wil
son, a noted debater and student,
said, "I accept the rebuke in si
lence. I only wish to point out,
however, that I was aware of the
mailing regulation, apd made an
effort to see that no insertions got
, in the mail copies. If one or two
did, it was by accident.”
It was pointed out by Robert C.
Hall, University press superintend
ent, that the press building was
unlocked at the time Wilson and
his aides entered and did then
work. Mr. Hall, father of Bob
Hall, A. S. U. O. president, said
he deplored the act and promised
to see to it that it does not hap
pen in the future. “Such an in
excusable thing won’t happen
again,” Mr. Hall said last night.
“I will give orders that no one
on the mailing or delivery staff
sends out any papers if sheets
such as opposed the amendments
are contained in them.”
On motion of the publications
committee, Mr. Hall was sent a
letter asking him to accept re
sponsibility for the Emerald at the
press. Members present at yes
terday's meeting were George
Turnbull, Orlando Hollis. Bob Hal!,
Dick Neuberger. Bou Allen and
Virginia Wentz.
is at the McDonald. This is
nearly a ring and a half cir
cus, with the main attractioi
the goggly-eyed, enormous -Kong
king of all apes. If you like youi
melodrama high, wide and hand
some, this is the place to go—
but if you have a sense of hufnoi
don't expect to be thrilled, al
though you’ll have a lot of fun.
Kong is a super-Tarzan tower
ing several stories in his bare
feet, who falls for the charms ol
Miss Fay Wray, and ends sadly
riddled with machine gun bullets
from a fleet of army planes. Muct
to-do about Beauty and the Beast
for some reason or other—the
beast can hold beauty between his
thumb and finger, and does, but
she plays him false.
! Kong was born In the brains of
i those masters of animal pictures,
Cooper and Schoedsack, who evi
. dently had a nightmare. It fails
, j to convince, but it's fun.
Bruce Cabot and Robert Arm
strong play the masculine inter
est. Cabot . is big, strong and
' dumb. Armstrong is strong, vol
uble and mistaken. Good shot—
Kong holding Miss Wray in his
hand while he helter-skelter plucks
off clothing—and smells it before
casting it over the bluff. Miss
Wray didn’t like it.
The Colonial
Now showing at the Colonial i
for those who failed to see ^he
picture of the year during its first
showing is “Strange Interlude.”
The cast is headed by Norma
Shearer and Clark Gable.
(Continued from Pane Two)
in foreign trade and exchange
arise, it is not because of a differ
ence in standards, but because
fluctuations in one or both of the
systems have disturbed the parity
of purchasing power. A paper
standard country can trade freely
with a gold standard country if it
will keep its money values stable
at any level which it may choose
for itself. A paper standard can
be more easily manipulated than a
gold standard, hence it will be
more difficult to maintain purchas
ing power parity under it. The
gold standard is held to be superi
or to other standards because it
carries with it its own stabilizing
machinery, while other types must
be artificially controlled or "man
Problems of international agree
ments concerning stabilization of
monetary systems do not arise be
cause of problems of international
trade, but because of a desire to
persuade another country not to
deliberately manipulate its cur
rency to secure an advantage in
foreign competition. In this re
gard “conversations” concerning
the stabilization of the several
currencies now off the gold stan
dard, do not differ materially from
those concerning the tariff, nor
from those concerning an armis
tice which will permit preliminary
problems of peace to be discussed.
Power given to the president to
manipulate our currency gives him
an economic power similar to the
power to levy retaliatory tariffs
or the power to prosecute military
reprisals. Manipulation of the cur
rency, imposition of retaliatory
tariffs, and the prosecution of mili
tary reprisals are alike in that
they are designed to injure for
eign “enemies,” political or eco
nomic, and to benefit American
citizens. They are even more alike
in that part of the American pub
lic must suffer as bitterly as the
foreign “enemy” in order that a
favored portion of the public may
A threat to inflate our currency
to injure foreign competitors is
equivalent to a threat to injure
ourselves in order to damage oth
ers. Inflation is just as uneco
nomic a weapon to use against a
foreigner as is a retaliatory tariff
or a military reprisal.
Q. What class or classes of per
sons will gain from an inflation oi
the currency? What proportion oi
the whole population of the nation
does this group represent? If the
debtor class, who are they? Busi
ness men ? Farmers ? Bankers 7
Corporations with great quantities
of securities outstanding and due
to mature ?
A. Usually this type of question
is based upon a false assumptior
that the population is divided intc
two classes — the debtor-poor anc
the creditor-rich. Relatively few
persons are exclusively creditor oi
debtor. The great business and in
dustrial world, involving hundreds
of billions in values, rests upon £
different relationship best illus
trated by banks. Each unit is
simultaneously creditor and debtor
Normally each is perpetually
debtor and creditor. “Normal’
times permit the assets, which may
be sums due on contracts, or goods
and wares, to liquidate liabilities
in the course of business. Time:
are “abnormal” when assets
whether goods and wares, oi
claims against others, shrink ir
value so liquidation is impossible
Liabilities do not shrink, as they
are matters of legal liability whicl
must be liquidated or recourse hat
to insolvency and bankruptcy
I Even the government with billion:
of debt obligations in the form o
bonds and certificates, become.
I temporarily insolvent when its as
sets, which are sums to be paic
by taxpayers from shrinking as
sets, fall below its obligations.
The strongest argument for in
i flation lies in the expectation, no
by any means proven to be de
pendabie, that inflation will bolste
i the value of debtor's assets, with
out immediately increasing debts
; so that a nearer approach to sol
vency will be possible. Inflate
credit, being purely arbitrary in it
nature, may take freak direction:
and may afford no relief what
ever to legitimate debtor interest:
If all creditors would voluntai
ily scale down their legal claim
to d parity with tb*' deflated valu
of the assets of their debtors, Lh
same type of solvency might be
■achieved. The wholesale bankrupt
cies, and composition settlements
of the depression period is a pain
ful way of making the readjust
ment of debits and credits or as
sets and liabilities essential to re
newed economic activity. The in
flationary method may seem less
painful than deflation, but it
smacks too much of the medicine
man and sleight-of-hand performer
to promise a thorough-going solu
Both deflation and inflation, or
reflation if the term has a less re
pulsive connotation are, unequal
in the incidence of the burden that
attends them. For those exclusive- ]
ly creditor or debtor there may be j
a burden of gain or loss without a
corresponding loss or gain. For the
business world as a whole losses ]
might “wash” gains, no matter
which method was used. Expedi
ency will likely deoidc which meth
od shall be used, and experience
will decide the wisdom of the 1
choice. 1
Series of Monographs
Comments on Report
Offshoots of the two weighty
volumes on “Recent Social Trends"
are a series of monographs on
separate phases of this report, now
at the library. They include such
themes as “The Arts in American
Life," “The Metropolitan Commun
ity,” and “Americans at Play.”
New biographies and autobiog
raphies at the library are “The
Kingfish,” curious tale of Huey P.
Long; “Coolidge—Wit and Wis
dom,” a compilation of John Hiram
McKee; “Alexander Hamilton” by
Johan J. Smertenko; and "Discov
ery.” an autobiography by John
(Continued from Page One)
Florizel, who with the help of
Louise Marvin, Princess, lends a
lyrical love-story to the sheep
shearing feast, and in the de
nouncement of the last scene
brings the estranged Kings to
gether once more.
This play is among the latest
plays written by Shakespeare, and
bears resemblance to “If I Were
King,” previously presented by the
drama department.
Shakespeare took this plot from j
Robert Greene's “Pandosto,” mak-'
ing numerous changes in the ac- j
tors and the action, therefore al- ■
lowing better development of the !
characters and adding more hu-1
man interest.
One of London's most outstand- j
ing producers recently announced j
“A Winter’s Tale” as their pro
duction for this season, and was
presented in Portland last spring
by the Stratford-on-Avon players.
The theatre workshop class, un
der the supervision of George An-!
dreini, is making new scenery of,
the palace, and the play produc
tion class, under the direction of
Mrs. Ottilie Seybolt, is making a
new set of costumes. ’
(Continued from Page One)
state, according to Chancellor!
The summary of retrenchments;
• by functions for the entire system,!
as contained in the tentative bud
1 get, shows that administrative ex
pense had been cut 32.3 per cent
i and extension 48.6 per cent com- j
• pared with 20.8 per cent for resi-!
; dent instruction. Capital outlay, :J
. which was but meager this year, j
I is being eliminated entirely in the !
. proposed new budget.
$1,704,318 .Millagc Income
Under the proposed new budget'
. only $1,704,318 is estimated as in
. come from millagc after deducting
- $254,000 diverted to the general
- fund by the legislature. The re-1
, mainder of the unrestricted funds
- are federal, $71,625; student feesj
i $409,793.86; fees and sales, $3,750;
3 miscellaneous, $8,940; and an esti
i, mated balance of "about $125,000
- brought about by advance savings,
;. made this year.
s Wild game refuges in South
e Carglina now lotal more than
e ^70,000 acres. 1
Principle Characters in the Drama of Tom Mooney
- ■ - - ' ' - ' ’ ™ ~ ---
'frank C. \\^|
r > 1 ■ 1 1 *-~MBI
After 17 years, the famous Mooney case, arising out of the bombing of the 1916 Preparedness day parade, has changed greatly. Tom
Vlooney has been granted a new;drial after spending 16 years in prison. Frank V. Oxman, chief prosecution witness, is dead. Jnmes J. Wal
ker, former mayor of New York, interested himself in Rooney's behal f, but he is not now featured in the news because of his official acts
is head of the New York city government, but because of his recent marriage. Frank P. Walsh is the chief defense attorney in the fight for
llooney’s freedom* The picture of the famous parade indicates a cloc k and a group of spectators. Friends of Mooney claims that he was
in long these spectators and the clock proves lie is innocent.
Parsons To Give Talk |
At Glide High School
Dr. Philip A. Parsons, head of i
he sociology department, will de
iver the main address at the com- '
nencement exercises of Glide high j
ichool in Douglas county, May 25.
‘Education and the Good Life"
las been chosen by Dr. Parsons
‘or his topic.
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Horner,
graduates of the University of
Dregon in 1932, are teaching at
31ide and are doing much in com
munity welfare work, according to
word received by the sociology de
partment here.
Secretary to YMCA
Visits Sociologists Here
Harry W. Kingman, secretary pf
the Y. M. C. A. of the University
jf California, was a visitor of the
sociology department here this
Mr. Kingman assisted in the
survey at the California institu
,ion, which was sponsored by the
Pacific division of the orth Amer
ican Board for the Study of Re
igion and Higher Education, of
which Dr. Philip A. Parsons of
the sociology department here is
Of the Air
Today’s program is another one
those “what’s its." If you tune
in at 5:30, you may hear Fred
Peterson and his Rhythm Club
boys from the Campa Shoppe—
and, you may not.
If you tune in at-5:45, you are
sure to hear something. It may
be the last 15 minutes of the good,
popular music program indicated
above; and it may be the begin
ning of a 15-minutc news broad
cast. . ,
We're game, if you're willing!
* (Continued from I’acje One)
oy the students, 373 of the 426 who
marked their ballots indicating
their approval of the sole nominee.
Neal Bush was elected vice-presi
dent and Nancy Suomela secre
tary, each receiving 371 votes.
Richard Near and Helen Burns
will act as senior man and senior
woman, respectively, each gaining
the same number of tallies, 372.
The office of junior finance man
will be filled by Myron Pinkstaff,
who piled up a total ot 35b votes.
A spark of competition develop
ed in the race for membership on
the Co-op board, Theodore Pursely
and Orville Thompson being suc
cessful in the fight for the posts
of upperclass representatives. Bud
Johns will be the sophomore mem
ber of the board. The complete
vote for Co-op board members’
Orval Thompson . 270
Bud Johns . 262
Theodore Pursely . 189
William Belton . 178
Hale Thompson . 113
Howard Ohmart . 94
Since 500 students failed to take
part in the elections, all proposed
amendments to the constitution
automatically failed of passage. Of
the votes cast., a heavy majority
was voted against all of the pro
posals, the two amendments suf
fering the worst defeat being those
which specified placing the annual
dues figure at $15 a year, payable
in installments of $5 per term, and
the suggested amendment which
would permit class taxes of 50
cents a term to be levied.
None of the usual color that fea
tured elections in past years was
present at yesterday’s voting.
Never was the polling place
crowded, and little interest was
exhibited by those marking their
ballots. After the voting was over
a huge stack of unused ballots
| One Pair Free! I
| Gordon or Gold Stripe I
| Sheer Hosiery I
| or |
i Semi-Sheer Hosiery |
j At 75c, $1.00 or $1.35 |
I I o each one who buys four pair before the school
1 term ends. Keep your sales slips and
i get a pair free.
EXAMPLE: Buy 4 pairs at $1.00, get $1.00 pair free.
Buy 4 pairs at 75c, get one 75c pair free.
Just arrived by express - - - one truckload of beautiful
new things from the late collections of the
New York makers.
Founded on Fidelity
‘I Must Down to Sea’
Is Wesley Club Slogan
“I must down to the sea" is the
slogan of the 40 Wesley club mem
bers who plan to leave for Agate
beach this afternoon and tomorrow
morning for the annual week-end
retreat. The theme to be consid
ered by discussion groups Satur
day morning and at the worship
service Sunday morning is “To
whom shall the world belong?”
Professor John L. Casteel and
Rev. Cecil Ristow, pastor of the
Methodist church, will lead the
group. Those working with Eula
Loomis, president, are Eleanor
Wharton, devotions; Don Saunders,
program; Glenn Ridley and John
Crocket, transportation.
Field Announces
Canoe Partners
For Annual Race
Yeoinen-Tonqued, Theta Chl-Chl
Omega Combinations Loom
As Cup Favorites
Canoe teams from 22 men’s and
22 women's organizations were
paired off yesterday for the an
nual canoe races to be held as a
feature of the Water Carnival
luring Junior week-end.
The drawings for organizations
Learning together were held under
Lhe supervision of Bob Sleeter, in
charge of the canoe races, and
Eddie Field, general chairman of
Lhe water carnival.
The pairings were as follows:
Yeomen and Tonqueds; Pi Kap
pa Alpha and Alpha Xi Delta;
Sigma Pi Tau and Alpha Omicron
Pi; Phi Gamma Delta and Alpha
Delta Pi; Sigma Alpha Mu and
Beta Phi Alpha; Sigma Alpha Ep
silon and Zeta Tau Alpha; Theta
Chi and Chi Omega;
Phi Delta Theta and Delta Zeta;
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Gamma
Phi Beta; Alpha Tau Omega and
Delta Delta Delta; Delta Tau
Delta and Alpha Chi Omega; Phi
Kappa Psi and Hendricks hall;
Susan Campbell hall and Sigma
Phi Sigma Kappa and Delta
Gamma; Friendly hall and Pi Beta
Phi; Kappa Sigma and Alpha Phi;
Sigma Chi and Kappa Delta: Chi
Psi and Kappa Alpha Theta;
Sherry Ross hall and Phi Mu;
Omega hall and Kappa Kappa
Garqma; Sigma Nu and Sigma
Kappa; Beta Theta Pi and Alpha
Gamma Delta.
The strongest contenders to
loom at the outset of the plans
for the event is the Yeomen-Ton
qued team, although Theta Chi,
last year’s co-winners, have lost
no men through graduation and
are teamed with the husky Chi
Omegas, presenting a considerable
It is requested by the Water
Carnival committee that as many
organizations as possible furnish
their own canoes, as there is a
possibility that there will not be
enough at the Anchorage for the
race. Practice rates of 10 cents
an hour per person have been
granted to paddlers in training for
the classic.
The organizations entering are
to be on hand the morning of the
race an hour before the start, so
as to be certain of completing
transportation of the canoes to
the portage in time. The race
will be run in heats from the port
age to the Anchorage, down the
mill-race. A telephone system of
timing is to be arranged for ac
curate checking.
Are you an
student ?
FIVE minutes for break*
fast! That’s plenty of time
for a big bowl of Kellogg’s
Rice Krispies.
Just pour on milk or cream. Listen a
second to that appetizing sound —snap,
crackle, pop—then enjoy the finest, crispest
rice cereal ever made.
A grand energy food! Nourishing! Easy to
digest! And listen —Rice Krispies are a
great food to wind up the day. You’ll sleep
better. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek.
The most popular rcacly-jo-eat cereals
sorted in thedining-roomsof American
colleges, eating clubs and fraternities
are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek.
They include All-Bhan, PEP Bran
Flakes, Corn Flakes, Wheat Krumbles,
and Kellogg's whole wheat Biscuit.
\lso Kaffec Hag Coffee — real coffee
that lets you sleep.