Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1933, Image 1

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100 People See
A.W.S. Officer
• Installation
Dean Hazel Schwering Is
Phi Theta Upsilon, House Heads
Are Hostesses; Emma Bell
Stadden Is Chairman
About 100 persons saw the in
stallation of A. W. S. officers at
Gerlinger hall yesterday at 4
o’clock, and attended the tea
which followed, given in honor of
Mrs. Hazel P. Schwering, dean of
Louise Webber, outgoing A. W.
S. president, installed the new of
ficers, who were presented by the
former holders of the positions.
▼ New officers are Jean Failing,
president; Virginia Hartje, vice
president; Marie Saccamanno, sec
retary; Josephine Waffle, treas
urer; Roberta Moody, sergeant-at
arms; and Ann-Reed Burns, re
C. R. Webber, father of Louise
Webber, gave the A. W. S. an
inkwell set, for use during the
coming year.
Phi Theta Upsilon and heads of
houses acted as hostesses for the
tea, which is given annually, and
open to all women on the campus.
Those in the receiving line were
Dean Hazel P. Schwering, Mrs. W.
J. Kerr, Mrs. Murray Warner,
Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, Louise
Webber, and Jean Failing. Kwa
maS and Thespians served.
During the tea, Evelyn Hays
played three violin selections, and
Marie Saccamanno sang.
Committees for the tea were
Emma Bell Stadden, general
chairman; Marjorie Haas, decora
tions; Ruth Martin, food; Phoebe
' Greenman, hostesses; and Marie
Saccamanno, music.
Dr. Culver Talks
To YWCA Cabinet
Dr. Raymond Culver, of Port
land, secretary of the Pacific
Northwest Y. M. C. A., spoke Mon
day night at the regular cabinet
meeting of the student Y at the
hut, on the Seabeck Y. M. C. A.
conference, which is to be held
June 12 to 17 at Seabeck, Wash
Much of the evening was devot
ed to discussion of this conference
and the part to be taken in it by
the Y on this campus. Ten stu
dents from here have already def
initely decided to go.
Plans for next year were pre
sented and discussed, and ways
and means of obtaining additional
money for both this year and next,
were taken up with the cabinet.
„ During the noon hour Dr. Cul
ver met with the advisory board
of the Y. M. C. A. at the Faculty
club. At this meeting Professor
John L. Casteel, instructor in
speech, resigned as chairman. He
has held this position in the past
Will Address Mothers
Karl W. Onthank, dean of the
personnel division, will speak at
the annual meeting of the Port
land club of Oregon Mothers in
Portland Friday.
There’ll Be Work in the Hills This Summer
At Camp Roosevelt, In the George Washington national forest near Luray, Va., 200 boys are at work on the first reforestation
project under the President’s plans for giving employment to a jobless “army” of 250,000. But before they could get down to improving
the forest, they had to carve out a home for themselves in the woods. The picture to the left shows a group of them clearing a camp
site. In the middle are two boys pounding tent stakes while a third carries pine branches for a l>cd. The boys at the right are lined
up for “chow,” the day's most welcome feature, many of the campers having been long months “on the road.” Close-ups of some of
the 200 appear at the top.
Varied Program
Is Arranged for
Water Carnival
Silver Loving Cup To Be Awarded
To Winner of Canoe Races,
Says Eddie Field
A complete program of water
stunts, swimming races, and canoe
races has been arranged for the
annual Water Carnival, to be held
Saturday morning, May 13, as
part of Junior Week-end.
Eddie Field, chairman of the
Water Carnival committee, an
nounced yesterday that a silver
loving cup will be awarded jointly
to the men’s house and women's
house that teams to win the canoe
races from the portage to the An
chorage on the mill-race. The cup
is to be presented at the Canoe
Fete Saturday night.
Canoes can be rented for prac
tice in the event at a special rate
of 10 cents per hour, granted by
the Anchorage. Canoes for the
race itself will be. furnished free,
or private canoes may be used.
Transportation of the canoes to
the portage must be arranged by
the organizations entering, it was
stated by Bob Sleeter, in charge
of the races.
Swimming races for both men
and women are to be held in the
mill-race Saturday morning, with
loving cups going to the winners.
The men's race will be from the
portage to the Anchorage, while
the women’s race will be some
what shorter, although no definite’
length has been announced as yet.
Eldon Woodin is in charge of the
swimming races.
New and interesting water
stunts are being arranged by Dar
rell Cornell.
Plastic Art Objects of Native
Sandstone To Be Displayed
Plastic art objects hewn from
native Oregon sandstone in a wide
variety of form and expression will
be available for critical examina
tion in Portland May 5 to 8. when
i -
Co-op Announces
All Senior Orders
Due Friday Night |
LAST call to seniors!
Tomorrow is the deadline!
Just until tomorrow night
will it be possible to order caps,
gowns and announcements and
be sure you are going to have
them for commencement. The
Co-op has held this order to
the last possible date and to
morrow evening, May 5, the
final order will be sent in. Sen
iors are urged to make ar
rangements with the Co-op at
once. •
The Co-op reports a steadily
mounting sale of Canoe Fete
^ tickets. Now is the time to
buy them! —>
an exhibit of this work from the
school of fine arts of the Univer
sity of Oregon will be included in
the display sponsored by the Park
and Garden Sculpture society at
Laurelhurst park, it is announced
A group of 20 objects, the work
of both instructors and students,
has been prepared for the exhi
bition. In addition a number of
examples of pottery art, prepared
by the class under the direction of
Miss Victoria Avakian, will be in
The hewn sandstone works of
art actually mark a revolutionary
change in academic study, and un
der the direction of Oliver Laur
ence Barrett, head of the sculp
ture department, students are turn
ing to nature for inspiration and
are relegating plaster casts to the
attic. A profound desire to realize
pure form in plastic art expression
has resulted in the banishment of
modelling clay.
Favorable critical comment has
been received on this new form of
sculpture from various places in
the East, where the American In
(Continued on Page Four)
Make Your 'Fight for Liberty
——— . EDITORIAL - --
CENATOR LaFOLLETTE, who dedicated his life to a battle
^ for the people, once said: “Each generation must make its
own fight for liberty.’’
YOU are part of a generation of University of Oregon stu
dents. You have an opportunity to march to the polls and
make your generation’s fight for liberty today. And what are
^>u going to do about it? Are you going to be turned back
by quasi-politicians defending their own selfish rights? Are
you going to be talked out of it by those guarding their per
sonal interests? It is up to you, and you alone.
We have no jealous interest in the amendments on which
you will vote today. Our race in the student body is run. But
we are thinking of the generations to come, and so should you.
At the polls today you will have an opportunity to cast off
the yoke of alumni influence that has weighed upon the student
body. Throughout the land leading colleges have voted to con
fine their government to students and faculty men. Let us
follow their example today. It is an opportunity which we
should not forsake. Don’t fool yourself that it will come again.
Those who promise they will revise the constitution have said
nothing whatsoever about confining legislative powers to stu
dent and faculty. Their silence speaks louder than words. If
they had any intentions of eliminating alumni membership, they
would have declared them by this time.
Do not misinterpret our statement. We appreciate the in
terest the alumni have shown in our government. BUT WE
BODY AND THE FACULTY. Help run the A. S. U. 0. now,
not when you’re out of college and making your way. We
recommend to you today all amendments, save only one.
That one is the proposal which seeks to make membership
in the associated students optional. The present financial
structure of the A. S. U. 0. virtually forbids such action. We
hold no brief for that condition. We admit it exists partially
because of the disappointing gate receipts at last football sea
son. But we must face facts. The associated students cannot
survive the decrease in income which would result from op
tional membership.
Better than optional membership, we favor a reduction in
fees. If today’s optional membership amendment is defeated,
there is no reason why the executive council should not con
sider lowering A. S. U. 0. fees to twelve or nine dollars a year,
instead of the fifteen as at present. We believe that to be a
far better solution than the shift to optional membership. For,
in the last analysis, it is the state board of higher education
which must decide upon fees. And the state board will be in
a much more strategic position to act if there is a recommenda
tion to reduce A. S. U. 0. fees, rather than to make their pay
ment optional.
So go to the polls today. Vote YES on all amendments
except that which involves optional membership.
Thespian Honor Roll
Members Entertained
The thirteen mergers of the
Thespian honor roil were enter
tained at tea yesterday at the An
chorage by the Thespians, fresh
man women's service honorary.
The honor roll includes the 13
most outstanding freshman women
on the campus, exclusive of their
pwn organization. The women
were chosen on the basis of schol
arship, activities, and personality.
Members on the honor roll are:
Audrey Clark, Ann-Reed Burns,
Ruth Carlton, Jeannette Thomp
son, Virginia Younie, Jean Suther
land, Elaine Sorenson, Alice Ann
Thomas, Margaret Ann Smith, Mil
icent Olin, Margaret Nilsson, Vel
ma McIntyre and Henriette Horalc.
I _
j Campus Calendar
Men interested in working on
the men’s edition of the Emerald
meet in 105 journalism at 5 o’clock
Serving committee for Junior
Senior breakfast meets at Y. W.
C. A. at 4:30 today. Very impor
All living organizations must
have a representative at the Wa
ter Carnival canoe race pairings,
| men’s gym, 1 o’clock today.
Interfraternity council will meet
today at 4 p. m. in room 110 John
son hall.
(Continued on Page Pour)
Plans for Junior
Senior Breakfast
Well Under Way
200 Have Signed To Come; Affair
To Be May 7; Virginia Hartje
Is Chairman
With only four days before the
annual junior - senior breakfast,
plans are well under way, Vir
ginia Hartje, chairman, announced
yesterday. Already 200 have sig
nified their intention to attend,
and more names are coming in
each day. The breakfast is to be
held Sunday morning, May 7, from
9:30 to 10:30 in Alumni hall of
Gerlinger. Tickets are 45 cents
for two.
The four-leaf clover idea is be
ing used on the programs for dec
orations, shamrocks will be used
at each place, with lilacs and tu
lips as centerpieces.
The menu is tempting and suf
ficient to satisfy the most de
manding appetite. It consists of
fresh grapefruit and emerlettes,
cinnamon rolls, link sausage gar
nished with parsley, potato chips,
and coffee.
Special guests at the breakfast
will include Mrs. Hazel P. Schwer
ing, dean of women; Mrs. Alice B.
Macduff, assistant dean; Margaret
Norton, secretary of the Y. W
C. A., and the Y. W. advisory
Valborg Anderson is assistant
in charge of serving, and girb
helping her are: Mary Jane Jen
kins, Henriette Horak, Ann-Reed
Burns, Eleanor Higgins, Peggy
Chessman, Betty Ohlemiller, Betty
Gearhart, Virginia Younie, Eliza
oeth Rix, Evelyn Hays, Ruth
Eaton, Elma Giles, Virginia Proc
tor, Helen Sergeant, Ruth Carl
ton, Dorothy Howell, Eleanor Eide
and Marjorie Scobert.
Girls assisting in the kitchen
will be Juanita Young, Dorothy
Wedemeyer, Marjorie Sumpter
(Coiiliimril oil Patjc I'our)
Men Will Attend
Emerald Meeting
All men interested in working or
the men’s edition of the Emeralc
are asked to attend the meeting tc
be held at 5 o'clock today in 10£
Oscar Munger, editor of the
men’s edition, will explain the pol
icy and set-up of the paper, which
is to be published Saturday, May 6
Munger stated that all men
whether journalism majors or not
are urged to come to the meeting
and all who attend will be guar
anteed a position on the paper.
The printing of an edition writ
ten only by men is a tradition ir
the Emerald office. The men's edi
tion will be judged by members ol
the journalism staff in compari
son with the women’s edition
which was published April 22. The
staff which is found to have is
sued the best edition, judging or
coverage, editorials, make-up, ant
general appearance, will be treat
ed to a party by the losers later i:
the term.
Students Will Trek To Polls
Today To Vote On Proposed
Amendments; ASUO Officers
Student Body
To Vote Today;
Polls Open At9
Tongue Ticket Remains
Unopposed in Race
Several Amendments on Ballot;
Six Up for Co-op Board;
Competition Expected
For the first time in the history
of the University’s political activ
ity the Associated Student body
will go to the polls today with the
candidates of one party in the field,
that headed by Tom Tongue. To
day, also, will decide the fate of
several proposed A. S. U. O. con
stitutional amendments.
The polls will be at the YMCA
hut from 9 o'clock this morning
until 3 p. m. this afternoon, but
with the single ticket there will
be little or no feverish rushing to
cast votes for the most favored
candidates, since the outcome does
not need any serious thought to
figure out.
Tongue's ticket was the only
one in the field for nomination of
student body officers at a general
student meeting a week ago and
has remained the only one since
that date.
The lone ticket will be headed by
Tongue, running for president of
the Associated Student body for
the year 1933-34, His home is in
Hillsboro, and he is a member of
Chi Psi fraternity. This year he
held the position of business man
ager for the Oregana. Neal Bush,
now president of the junior class,
is out for the office of vice-presi
dent. His home is in Vernonia,
and he is a member of Alpha Tau
Nancy Suomela, Portland, and
a member of Chi Omega sorority,
is the only candidate for secre
tary. Richard Near, first year law
student of Eugene is out for the
office of senior man; Helen Burns
of Portland, a member of Gamma
Phi Beta, is a candidate for the
position of senior woman; and My
ron Pinkstaff, sopljomore in busi
ness administration, of Eugene, is
a candidate for junior man.
In the race for the two junior
Co-op members a little more com
petition is expected since there are
(Continued on Page Pour)
Victor Bryant To
Present Recital
At 8 This Evening
Third on this week's series of
student recitals, Victor Bryant,
tenor, presents his first program
of the year at 8 this evening in the
school of music auditorium.
Outstanding in University music
circles, Mr. Bryant is a member of
j the Polyphonic choir, and first
flute in the University Symphony
orchestra. Appearing with the
orchestra as flute soloist April 19,
he gave a highly praised perform
ance. Last fall term, in his ca
pacity of vocal soloist, he ap
peared in the “Messiah.”
Fifteen numbers, beginning with
two selections from Handel’s
“Samson and Delilah,” and con
! eluding with James’ "The Sun
God,” Mr. Bryant presents a va
ried and well-selected program.
The program follows:
Handel, Recit., O Loss of Sight;
air, Total Eclipse.
Mozart.11 mio tesoro intanto
(Don Giovanni)
Debussy . Romance
D’lndy . Lied Maritime
j Delibes . Bonjour Suzon
| Faure . Apreseu Reve
I Wagner (Die Walkuere) .
. Sigmund’s Liebeslied
i Schubert .Der Duppelsaenger
I Rubenstein .Vernafamet-Ihr
Jensen .,.
Lehn dien wans anmeine wang
Franz Maedchen mit dem Rothen
j . Muerdchen
: Horsman .
I .The Bird of the Wilderness
Hageman.Do Not Go My Love
| Rogers .The Last Song
1 James .The Sun Go<,
Wild Rumors Say
New Candidates
On ASUO Ballot
TJUMORS were current on the
campus late last night that
another party had filed for po
litical offices and that the
names of its candidates would
be on the ballot today. None of
those who sought information
on the matter seemed to know
who the reported office-seek
ers were, but some of the
names mentioned were Howard
Bobbitt, Butch Morse, Bruce
Hamby, Chuck Wishard, George
Bennett, Evelyn Kennedy,
Parks Hitchcock, Malcolm
Bauer, Jack Robertson and Le
Roy Shaneman.
The Emerald was unable to
reach student officers for a con
firmation or denial of the ru
mor, but those close to the sit
uation said they were sure or.ly
one candidate for each post was
printed on the ballot. It was
pointed out that all petitions to
run for office had to be in by
last Saturday nijrht, and that
only Tom .Tongue and his tick
et complied with the orders.
The rumor was dismissed b^
members of the Emerald staff
as one of the wild reports
which generally precede elec
tions, although someone said
they actually expected to see
additional names on the ballot
Eva Burkhalter
Wins First Prize'
In Co-op Contest
Eva Burkhalter, junior in edu
cation, won the ten Modern Li
brary books which were given as
a prize to the University student
guessing the ten best sellers dur
ing the month of April of that
(Continued on Pane Pour)
Caroline Hahn Is
Named for Work
Caroline Hahn, of Multnomah
was named Wednesday to replace
Louise Barclay on the student
committee for Mother's Day, tc
be held in conjunction with Junior
The appointment was made by
Helen Burns, general chairman ol
Mother’s Day arrangements. Miss
Barclay was forced to withdraw
from the committee due to illness
Miss Hahn will handle registra
tion and housing of Oregon Moth
ers on the campus, as well as ar
range reservations and tickets.
Rules for the contest in whict
living organizations will compete
for a trophy given to the house
having the most mothers in at
tendance will be announced soon.
Invitations and announcement!
of the Mother’s Day have beer
sent out to all Oregon Mothers
George Godfrey, faculty memhe:
in charge of advertising anc
printed matter.
Membership In
ASUO Involves
Much Interest
Optional Clause Is To Be
Decided Upon
Judiciary Group Says Proposals
May Be Voted on O.K.;
Other Changes Up
Before the student body today
is one of the most vital measures
ever to appear on the ballot at
an A. S. U. O. election. It is a
proposal to make membership in
the associated students optional,
thus giving students the privilege
to determine whether they wish
to pay the $15 assessed annually
for membership in the organiza
tion. Of course, even should the
amendment pass today, it has been
pointed out that final action in
the matter would be up to the
state board of higher education,
which fixes what the fees at each
school in the system shall be.
This particular amendment has
aroused considerable controversy
on the campus. Some students
say its passage would wreck al
most completely all activities of
the associated students, including
athletics, publications and other
events. Others claim the finan
cial distress which assails so many
students and families makes the
passage of the proposal impera
tive. Taken by and large, the
amendment has aroused more con
troversy than any proposed con
stitutional change in several years.
Judiciary Says O. K.
Additional interest was injected
into the situation yesterday when
Bill Bowerman, vice-president of
the student-body, requested a rul
ing from the judiciary committee
as to whether or not the amend
ments could be printed legally on
tlie ballot. Bowerman pointed out
that the proposals were not head
ed correctly when they were read
by him before last week’s A. S.
U. O. meeting and when they
were printed in the Emerald in
accordance with the constitutional
provision which governs amend
Bowerman further said it wa3
not designated clearly whether
the proposals were amendments to
"the by-laws or the constitution
proper, and also that other mat
ters in the headings.were not made
very clear. The judiciary com
mittee, however, ruled that if the
body of the amendment were pub
lished correctly, the proposal could
go on the ballot. Therefore, the
i amendments stand, and will be
voted on duly today.
Only Students und Faculty
Other amendments propose to
change the personnel of the ath
(Continued un 1‘ai/c l!our)
Damage Suit Will Be Enacted
In Law SchooVs Mock Trial
While Attorneys Otto Frohn
mayer and Robert Leedy are busy
preparing opposite sides on the
case of “Old Beer for New,’ to be
tried next week, the finishing
touches are being applied to the
smooth streams of oratory which
will pour forth this evening as the
case of the “Ditched Autos” comes
to trial before Judge Orlando John
Hollis in the moot court, to be held
in room 105 Oregon building at
7:30 p. m.
Tonight Milton C. Price, plain
tiff, acting through the law firm
of Tom Chatburn and George Lay
man, will sue Harry C. Alexander,
defendant, for the sum of $5176.50
damages. Alexander is represent
ed by the firm of Urlin Page and
Kenneth Proctor.
Facts of the case are as fol
lows: Alexander was driving his
Buick car on the Pacific highway
when a tire blew out, causing his
car to careen to the other side of
the road. Price was approaching
in his Ford car from the north. The
cars collided and both men were
seriously injured, and were taken
to the hospital where they were
both confined for several weeks.
Alexander paid for his car repairs,
while Price's car was covered by
It remains for Chatburn and
Layman, by virtue of persuasion,
deception, strategy, and ingenuity,
to extract from the pockets of the
client of Page and Proctor $5000
(Continued on Page Four)