VOLUME XXXIV_ _UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1933 ___' _NUMBER 101 Brunette Wins Prom Scepter In Close Vote Margaret Wagner To Be Queen of Week-end FOUR BALLOTS LEAD Marion Vinson, Ida Mae Nickels, Dorothy Cunningham, Lucile Coate. Princesses Margaret Wagner, a fair bru nette, was elected yesterday to rule the campus and be the sov ereign during the Junior Week-end. The queen elect is five feet four inches tall, has brown eyes, weighs 120 pounds, and is an English ma jor. The princesses that will make up her fair court are, Dorothy Cun ningham, Lucille Coate, Marian Vinson, and Ida May Nichols. The voting was spirited and live ly; a total of 727 votes was cast during the day’s polling. At the final count it was found that Miss Wagner led Miss Cunningham by four votes only. Ilartje Comments Virginia Hartje, chairman of the queen’s reign, and Kay Briggs, in charge of elections, both expressed pleasure at the manner in which the election was conducted. Absolute fairness was assured by careful handling of ballots at the polls. For every ballot a stu dent body card had to be punched, and the ballot deposited under the scrutiny of those in charge of the ballot box. Coronation May 12 Miss Wagner will be crowned queen at the campus luncheon May 12. The coronation ceremonies will be held on the picturesque lawn between the old libe and Friendly hall. Special features have been planned for the occasion. In former years the queen was crowned at the junior prom; how ever, this year’s coronation ar rangement will prolong her reign. She will be the first lady at the campus luncheon, the Mother’s day tea, the canoe fete, and the junior prom. Infirmary Nurse Gets Big 18 Pound Salmon A safe bet during the last few days would have been that stu dents confined to the infirmary were fed on fish. A large, fresh fish at that. Miss Margaret M. Colahan, nurse at the infirmary, is an ardent follower of Isaac Walton and has brought in some fine catches. Last Thursday Miss Colahan betook herself to Portland and the mighty Willamette. There she hooked and landed a fine 18-pound salmon, and to prove it, she brought back pictures of the fish. Mention of such a fish was carefully suppressed for a few days, so there was no rush on the infirmary. How ever” some word must have leaked out, shown by the slight ly larger enrollment. NOTICE Following this week, there will be only three more weeks of publication by the Emerald this school year. This was de cided yesterday by the editor and business manager of the paper. INFLATION By JULIAN PRESCOTT A NSWERS by O. K. Burrell, as sociate professor of business administration, to the Emerald's 14 questions on President Roose ' velt'a program of currency infla ! tion as a move to business revival, agree in general with the state ments by Dr. James H. Gilbert, which were published yesterday. However, Mr. Burrell presents several ideas which are different from those offered by Dr. Gilbert. For example, the two agreed as to the results of an issue of $3, 000,000,000 in greenbacks but pointed out different ways in which this result might be reached. Again, in the case of the ques tion as to the status of notes made payable in gold coin of specified weight and fineness, Dr. Gilbert interpreted the word “notes” to refer to a form of paper money, while Mr. Burrell took it to mean evidence of a commercial or indus trial loan known as commercial paper. Mr. Burrell's answers follow: Q. Will purchase of more gov ernment securities by federal re serve banks have any appreciable influence on the amount of credit extended to commercial and indus trial firms? A. The amount of credit avail able to commercial and industrial firms would be increased, and the general "expectation of rising pric es would lead business to utilize this credit. The proposed program of credit expansion by way of fed eral reserve bank purchase of gov ernment securities will be just as effective in lifting the price level as would the printing and issu ance of an equivalent amount of greenbacks. For some reason or other the impression is abroad that credit expansion by some such method as this is sounder and more respectable than currency in -— - -1 t How US May Use CREDIT to INFLATE LOANS r—v frrrmn X. ,S5UE WTW* F /\> 0 *aoooooo.»t> IN CUWEHCV \ TO PAV OK* 0ONOS 2 OPoec. ’ R«eow banks , ii .k^^TOBUVB!NDS < 3 BORROW UP TO G €>.000.000,000 FOR PUBLIC wORkS 4. OPEN closed banks i 5. accept Silver • in payment op war debts 6- ^PEND 0ILLION RDS VARIED PfccuecTs l flation. While the two methods of inflation are equally potent cur rency inflation is definitely under stood and labeled as inflation while so-called credit expansion is not always so understood. A program of expansion via federal reserve purchase of government securities was attempted last summer but the attempt failed because the re sultant expansion in member bank reserves was all drained away by foreign withdrawals of gold and domestic hoarding of gold and cur rency. With further currency hoarding and gold withdrawals limited or prohibited it seems like ly that such a program would suc ceed in lifting the price level. Q. Will not the additional $3, 000,000,000 of greenbacks men tioned have a tendency to go into the hands of the so-called finan cial interests rather than into the hands of those persons who con stitute the bulk of the buying pow er of the nation ? A. If the $3,000,000,000 of greenbacks are issued they will be used to retire an equal amount of government bonds. These bonds i may be called or may be pur-: chased in the open market. In either case a large part of the bonds would probably come from the so-called “financial interests.” This, however, amounts to a sub stitution of greenbacks for bonds held. It is commonly believed that the “financial interests," like the rest of us, operate on the profit motive. If this is true then these financial interests must invest these greenbacks in commodities, securities, or other property for no profit can be made by holding currency. (Editor’s note: Further answers by Professor O. K. Burrell to questions concerning the admini stration’s inflation proposals will be given in tomorrow's Emerald, followed in later issues by the analyses of other experts. Panhellenic Plans Dinner To Honor Freshman Girls Recognition Based on Scholarship For First Time; Mrs. Macduff Will Speak The highest grade point aver ages among the freshmen of their respective living groups give 21 freshmen the honor of attending the Panhellenic dinner to be held this evening at the Anchorage as the guests of Panhellenic council. For the first time in the history of the organization, the Panhel lenic group will give recognition for scholarship. Each of the girls to receive the honor has been se lected purely on the basis of schol arship. Mrs. Alice B. Macduff will speak to the guests, Mary Teresi, chairman for the dinner, has an nounced. The freshmen women selected are: Ruth May Chilcoate, Marjorie Scobert, Helen Viers, Virginia Gavin, Jeanne Hankins, Elizabeth Rix, Mary Jane Jenkins, Jean Campbell, Evelyn Elde, Esther Krabbe, Nancy Lou Cullers, Mar garet Ann Smith, Evelyn Hays, Louise Labbe, Betty Ohlemiller, Marian Allen, Marjorie McNiece, Helen Emery, Margaret Nilsson, Marjorie Sumpter, and Ruth May Carlton. Moores Arrive in Japan Dr. George Rebec, dean of the graduate school, received a letter from Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Moore Tuesday, telling of their arrival in Japan. Dr. Moore was sent to the Imperial university in Japan by the Rockefeller foundation. Dr. P. J. Treat Has Devoted Years To Study of Far East “Dr, Payson J. Treat, professor of Far Eastern history at Stan ford university, who delivers the main address of the meeting to night of the Pacific Relations con ference now being held on the campus, has devoted nearly thirty years to the study of the Far East and its problems,” stated Dr. Har old J. Noble, associate professor of history here. Tonight's address, which will be held at 8 in Villard hall, will be entitled, “Facts and Possibilities in the Far East.” This talk will show the necessity for maintain ing an open mind on the merits of the present Sino-Japanese con troversy until more information is available. Dr. Treat will draw on his fund of information from the modern histories of China, Japan, and Korea, to show how often the popularly accepted interpretation of events is shown by later his * torical research to be quite erro neous. Dr. Treat is especially well known in Japan, where he has given several series of lectures on the history of the relations of the United States with • Japan. Pro fessor Noble, who took a great deal of his doctoral work under Professor Treat, states that the Stanford professor is not only a scholar, but is a speaker of bril liance as well as of humor. Dr. Treat has not only lectured at Stanford university and at uni versities in Japan, but has also been lecturer at Harvard, Colum bia, and John Hopkins university. Among Dr. Treat’s better known books are his “Early Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and Japan,” “Japan and the United States,” “Diplomatic Rela tions Between the United States and Japan Before 1895," and “The Far East.” C. E. Convention Delegate Deluge Will Begin Today From south and east and west and north of Oregon they will pour into Eugene today, in trucks, in automobiles, in buses, and on every regular train and stage— over a thousand delegates to the state Christian Endeavor conven tion which begins today and will not end until Dr. Victor P. Morris ends his address Sunday night. Dr. Perry Hopper, pastor of Westminster Presbyterian church of Portland, will give the keynote address of the convention tonight. The session opens at 7 o’clock and is open to everyone interested, as are all convention meetings. The convention auditorium is the First Christian church on Eleventh and Oak. Chancellor W. J. Kerr is to speak tomorrow morning at 9:45 on “The Treasures of Education.” Other speakers are scheduled, and many conferences on Christian Endeavor work will be hdld. Campus sororities yesterday promised the convention housing committee accommodations for 45 guests. Fraternities are expected to report early this morning the number of delegates they can take. Many faculty members have opened their homes to the En deavorers. George Anderson Visits George Anderson of Chicago was on the campus yesterday vis iting with his old friends Bill Hay ward, Bill Reinhart, and Marion McClain. Mr. Anderson was for many years the representative of A. G. Spalding and Brothers up and down the coast, and for sev eral years was a professional bas ketball referee in this part of the country. He has lived in Chicago for about ten years. ] Waffle Luncheon Will Be Saturday At 9 Sororities ^ LL students who have not already obtained their tickets to the Waffle luncheon next Saturday may purchase the meither at the Co-op or at the Y. W. bungalow. The price is 15 cents. Nine sororities will open : their1 doors as hostesses to the entire campus frqm 12 to 2. They are Alpha Gamma Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Chi Omega, Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Chi 1 Omega, Delta Zeta, Kappa Del ta, Phi Mu, and Alpha Omicron I Pi. A large sign stretched across 1.3th street and individual post ers in front of each of the hos tess houses are advertising the event. , Future Phi Betes To Be Nominated Faculty Soon Minimum Requirements Given; Names Will Be Checked For Eligibility Nominations for Phi Beta Kappa, national scholastic honorary, are to be turned in to C. L. Constance, chairman of membership commit tee, by April 29. Members cf the faculty are asked to suggest names of outstanding seniors to be con sidered for election by the mem bership committee. Nominations for graduate mem bers-in-course, alumni, and honor ary members may be made at this time. The minimum requirements for seniors are: 1. attendance at this University at the time of election, and the possibility of graduation before next fall term; 2. comple tion of at least five terms or 80 term hours of work in residence on the campus at Eugene; 3. grade point average of at least 2.00 for all work taken with the Univer sity or grade point average of at least 2.50 for the last five terms of work taken with the Univer sity; 4. fifty, per cent or more of work taken in liberal arts subjects, defined as language, philosophy, history, political and social sci ences, mathematics, and physical sciences. After the names are turned in. the membership will check to as certain the eligibility and to find the personality ratings of each. Elections will be held at a meeting of Phi Beta Kappa in about three weeks. Phi Beta, Drama and Music Society, Pledges Members of Phi Beta, women’s national professional fraternity of music and drama, held formal pledging Wednesday night at Ger linger hall with Mary Jane Bur dick, president, in charge. The girls pledged were Mary Babson, Ellen Galey, Jean Camp bell, Phoebe Thomas, Irene Ann Van Houten, Elinor Gullion, Ann Reed Burns, Elizabeth Thacher, Frances Mays, Helen Harriman, Lucy Spittle, Betty Evanson, Bet ty Ohlemiller, Alice Woodson, May Jeannette Dennison, and Dorothy Parks. ! Campus Calendar i-. - - Christian Science organization holds its regular weekly meeting tonight at 7:30. Y. W. C. A. bun galow. Kwama will meet at 8 o’clock in the College Side tonight. Meeting of Prose and Poetry group at 9 o’clock tonight at the (Continued on Parjc Tioo) Forum Series Of Discussions To End Today Dr. Treat Will Speak on Eastern Asia NOBLE ON SCHEDULE Smith, Itosslng, Morris Loaders of Bound Table Discussions On Second Day Today’s Program At Condon Hull .1:30 Economic Geography of the Ear East Dr. Warren D. Smith. Pacifism and World Peace - Rev. Clay E. Palmer. 3:00 International Implications of the Conflict Dr. Harold J. Noble. International Efforts at Economic Cooperation and Stabilization Dr. Victor P. Morris. 8:00—Villard hall Dr. Payson J. Treat, professor of Far Eastern history at Stonford, on “Possibilities and Facts in Eastern Asia." Audiences beyond capacity are daily attending the round table discussion held from 1:30 to 4:30, held in connection with the Pacific Problems forum. Today’s discus sions will end the series begun on Tuesday. At yesterday’s round table, “Problems in Human Geography in the Far East,” led by Dr. Warren D. Smith, Professor L. S. Cress man, anthropologist, presented facts regarding a recent archeol ogical discovery made ih China by a young Chinese geologist of the skull and teeth of the so-called "Peking Man." Dr. Smith discussed certain of the primitive peoples of the Far East, among several of whom he has spent some time. World Peace Topic Dr. Nelson L. Bossing led the round table on “Missions and World Peace.” He based his facts on the recent "Re-thinking Mis sions," a layman’s inquiry after 100 years. The survey, which was spon sored by seven missionary soci eties, involved the present valua tion of missions and how they should be organized in the future. The suggestion was made that the Orient is changing so rapidly that we must have a new approach in missionary agencies if the work is to be effective. At the 3 o’clock round table, "Economic Rivalries of the Far East,” presided over by Victor P. Morris, a report of the economic situation in China was given by King Chow, student at the Univer sity. He explained the dire straits, showing that there are many men working for six cents a day. There seem to be more opportunities for women in China at the present. Student Gives Report George Goettling, senior in busi ness administration, gave a report on extra-territoriality. He pointed out the problems arising from the immunity of foreigners in China from Chinese restrictions and laws. He also talked on the so-called "spheres of influence” owned in China by Russia, Japan, France, Germany, and England, and the proposed American plan to relieve this situation. His plan was three fold: No discriminatory rates on railways; no discriminatory harbor dues; and establishment of custom services between ports. A report was given also by Professor A. L. Lomax, of the school of business administration, on the market situation and capi talistic industrialism in the Paci fic basin. "The Actual Conflict” was the title of yesterday’s round table led by Dr. Harold J. Noble. He re viewed the incidents leading to the i Sino-Japanese conflict and told (Continued on fane 1'our) Dr. Jones Will Talk Before Sigma Xi Meet j Dr. Stephen E. Jones, professor of geography at Monmouth nor mal school, will be on the campus , tomorrow to speak before an open | meeting of Sigma Xi, national sci | ence honorary. Dr. Jones is a new member of the local Sigma Xi chapter, hav ing transferred from Harvard uni versity. He is to speak on "Hu man Occupancy of the Canadian Rocky Mountains” at 7:30 tomor 1 row night in room 103 Deady. Dr. | Jones is an authority on the sub : ject, having done much research j in Canada in the Rockies. 1 The public is invited. Executive Council Rejects Parks Hitchcock; Questions Judiciary Body’s Statement Scope Of Legal Group’s Power Given Scrutiny ASUO Officials Would Limit Authority PALLETT IS SILENT Judiciary Body Claims Right To Decide What Arc ‘Good and Sufficient Reasons’ The executive council yesterday questioned a statement in the re cent report of the judiciary com mittee which would completely re volutionize student government at the University. The challenged clause was included in the report which the committee submitted in regards to the Oregana candidacy of Parks Hitchcock and Robert Zurcher. It follows: "It is within the province of the judiciary committee to determine, when a petition is duly presented to it, as to • whether or not the executive council rejected for good and sufficient reasons a recommen dation of the publications commit tee.” Students For Judiciary The questioned statemnt insti tutes a radical departure in stu dent government, one which nu merous students have sought for many years. It names the judici ary committee as having the power to determine whether the | executive council has used valid j reasons in its rejection of candi dates and appointees for publica tion and athletic posts. Students interviewed by the Em erald last night seemed to be of the unanimous opinion that the judiciary committee’s provision was a wise one. Their reason was that it would prevent the unjust blocking of candidates for political and selfish motives should a group of biased individuals gain control of the voting power in the execu tive council. All agreed that it was a splendid check in student government. Authority Is Questioned In challenging the decision, the council unanimously passed a mo tion requesting the judiciary com mittee to investigate whether it (the judiciary committee) had the authority to make such a ruling. The majority of the council mem bers seemed to be of the opinion that the judiciary committee had not the authority to lay down the statement. When interrogated by the Emer ald last night, Wayne L. Morse, dean of the law school and chair man of the judiciary committee, stated that when he received a for mal communication from the ex ecutive council raising any ques tion as to the recent decision of the judiciary committee, he would be glad to convene the committee for the purpose of a rehearing so that a representative, or repre sentatives, of the executive coun cil could be heard in argument. All Pass Unanimously Earl M. Pallett, executive secre tary of the University, who is a member of the judiciary committee and concurred in that body’s de cision, which was signed by all members, attended yesterday’s ex ecutive council meeting, but made (Continued on Pane Two) Dr. Smith Denies Justified Japan’s Action in Far East rpHE EMERALD wishes to x correct a statement regard ing Dr. Warren D. Smith’s talk before the Pacific forum which appeared in yesterday's edition that read, “He also justified Japan’s entry into Manchuria, and stated that she was driven to it,” and the headline which read: "Smith Justifies Japan’s Action in China.” Dr. Smith today said that he had stated that Japan had to have minerals, but that he made no statement justifying her i belligerent manner of getting I them. - - I Rejected! __I Parks Hitchcock, who yesterday was rejected as a candidate for the editorship of the Oregana by the executive council. He may file again, however. Tom Tongue Only Nominee Before Assembly Today No Other Candidates Eligible for Nomination Today at Student Body Assembly At today’s student body meet i ing, which is scheduled for 11 o'clock this morning, only nomi nations of candidates on Tom Tongue’s ticket for 1933-34 stu dent body officers will be made, since he was the only candidate for president to turn in his dec laration of intention to Bob Hall, president, at least two days before the meeting. Other nominations will have to be made by petition. All 11 o’clock classes will be dismissed. Tongue is at present business manager of the Oregana and is the first candidate to make his ticket public. Included on Tongue's ticket arc Neal Bush, at present president of the junior class, who is running for the office of vice-president. Nancy Suomela is candidate for secretary, Helen Burns for senior woman, Dick Near for senior man, Myron Pinkstaff for junior man, and Ted Pursley and Orville Thompson, sophomores, and Bud Johns, freshman, -for Co-op board. Nomination speeches for presi dent will be limited to five min utes, and three minutes will be allowed for nominations of the other candidates. Candidates for president will be given five min utes to present their platforms. It is expected that the previous amendments to the A. S. U. O. constitution, delayed last term, will be read today. The following amendments, submitted to the Emerald by various members of the student body, also will be read for approval: To amend Article I, by adding the following section, which shall be known as Section 3: Section 3. Only registered un (Continued on I’aijc Four) Lists Thrown Open For New Office Hunters Mor<* Candidates Wanted For Editor’s Post ZURCHER MAY FILE Both Disqualified Applicants Are Kligiblc To Try Again For Yearbook dob The Oregana editor question la not settled yet, although the pub lications committee yesterday recommended Parks Hitchcock for that position. The executive coun cil ruled out Mr. Hitchcock because its members said they were not yet satisfied they had the best candidate and wanted a wider field from which to choose. Thus new petitions for the post may be filed in the near future, the deadline be ing Monday at 3 o'clock. They must be turned in at the graduate manager’s office. Among the filers may be Hitch cock and Robert Zurcher, both pre viously disqualified by the council, part of the motion of the council stated. Both Hitchcock and Zur cher, recommended on different occasions by the publications com mittee, may put in petitions again along with the new office-seeker3. The motion of the council also stipulated that should the new choice of the publications commit tee be in any way in danger of being ineligible to hold office, that an alternate be appointed. Zurcher was previously disqualified because of low scholastic standing which made it seem doubtful if he could obtain a junior certificate by the autumn. No Specific Fault The council pointed out nothing particularly wrong with Hitchcock yesterday, merely saying it de sired an additional list of appli cants, feeling it had not yet the best candidate. The action was unprecedented, according to old time politicians. At this same meeting the coun cil named Jim Ghormley senior basketball manager for next year and passed a recent finance com mittee report. A plea by Dick Neuberger, editor of the Emerald, that the A. S. U. O. building fund be reduced was heard. Neuberger said he had received numerous re quests and complaints from par ents and interested parties regard ing the severity of the tax in these stringent times, and said he was of the sincere opinion it should be cut in half. However, the council pointed out that there is an agree ment with Mr. Campbell Church that prevents such action. Upon learning this and investigating, Neuberger said he understood the matter and would explain the situ ation to those who urged him to plead for a lower building fee. Meeting On Monday The publications committee will meet next Monday to start consid ering applicants for the Oregana editor position, Bob Hall said last night. Hitchcock and Zurcher both can file petitions again. Neither (Continued on Patje Two) Queen-elect Gives Views on Naturalness9 Gold Standard By CYNTHIA LILJEQVIST ] On a chase lounge in one of the holy of campus holies, the Kappa upstairs, Margaret Wagner, re- . cently elected queen of the Junior Week-end in the only contested election of the season, was found surrounded by a large group of reporters, movie magnates and ad miring freshmen. Miss Wagner expressed herself in queenly fash ion upon the great current issues of the day. "I was quite overcome but very happy when I learned that I had becfn elected, and I want to thank everyone who supported me." In order to record the first im pulses of a queen upon her elec tion, she was asked what was the j first thing she did. ' "I called 1024, but the king was in the pantry." “What side do you take on the red finger-nail controversy?” “Red is all right with certain things in the evening, but usually I prefer natural.” Ah! and there she sounded the keynote of her feminine philoso phy. Naturalness, in her estima tion, is an essential virtue. She wears neither powder nor rouge, combs her hair simply with a sin gle coil, and though dignified bears herself with grace and charm. "And what, Miss Wagner, do you thing about love?” Blushing deeply (another admirable and un usual trait), she glanced at three heroic photographs of the same man and said: “Love? I don’t know anything about it." "And what do you think about (Continued on Paje Tivo)