Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1933, Page 4, Image 4

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YOU get your sports news first in the Emerald. With Bruce Hamby.Sports Editor
the aid of Associated Press features and other ser- Malcolm Batier.Assistant Sports Editor
vices, an efficient sports staff, directed by Bruce Hamby, Ned Simpson, Bill Eberhart, Ben Back, Bob Avison, Jack
tells you what’s going on in the realm of athletics. Chinnoek.
; Business
r\REGON STATE college might
"■* do the right thing to Oregon's
Webfoots and send them a few
compl imentary
tickets for the
Beaver - U. S. C.
champion ship
play-off or treat
them to a fine
dinner. The 41 to
26 victory over
Washington last
Friday night
about eliminated
the Huskies from
further consider
Hunk Simons atj0n as pennant,
Oregon basketball teams are
noted for their last-of-the-season
upsets. Last year the Webfoots
handed the crown to Washington
by dropping Washington State in
three out. of four games. Whether
on top or bottom of the standings,
Oregon usually figures in the final
outcome by pulling a startling up
set. * * *
The worst that can befall
Slats Gill’s proteges now is the
loss of two contests with Oregon
this week and a tie with Wash
ington for first place. That
' would necessitate a play-off be
tween the two quintets, and
Oregon State would have little
trouble in downing the Huskies.
Hec Edmundson’s team looked
far from an upper-division team
last week-end. The Webfoots
had no trouble at all the first
game and only a number of
missed set-ups by some of the
lads made the Washington vic
tory possible Saturday night.
Sjt Jj! ><t
The Webfoots played their best
game of the season Friday night.
Every man on the team was in
top form and the squad as a whole
functioned smoothly. Cap Roberts,
aided by Hank Simons and Jack
Robertson, got the tip-off from the
taller Pete Antoncieh a majority
of the time. Gib Olinger was too
fast and tricky for Bob Galer and
Joe Weber, the Washington
guards, and Kerm Stevens was
hitting the basket consistently.
The Oregon plays and blocks were
worked perfectly. After the first
few minutes of play there was no
doubt as to the final outcome. A
final Washington rally was futile.
Referee Bobby Morris let both
teams go, but the Huskies couldn't,
hit the basket with their desper
ate long shots.
* * *
The second game was similar
to many of Oregon’s previous
contests this year. The Web
foots started out strong and
matched basket for basket the
first half. The Huskies gained
a slight lead in the second
period, but Simons and Robert
son evened the count at 24-all.
Here the Huskies started break
ing through a rapidly-disorgan
ized Oregon defense and piled up
a six-point lead. Olinger and
Roberts missed a number of
lay-in shots, any of which might
have meant a reversed outcome.
» * *
The stars of the week-end for
Oregon, in my estimation, were
Simons, Olinger and Robertson the
first night and Robertson and Ste
vens the following night. Cap
Roberts played his usual consist
ent game, but did not shine as far
ns scoring went.
(Continued from Page One)
Martha Goodrich:
“I believe the proposed plan a
splendid one if it can be worked
out practically. It would be a
definite step forward in solving
present financial problems of the
Harold GeBauer:
“If my financial conditions were
such that it was difficult for me
to continue school, 1 would be very
willing to give the plan a trial.”
Hoop Season
Nears Finish
In Northwest
Beavers Need But One Wiu
To Clinch Title
Trojans Cop Flag iri Southern
Division; Ducks Meet
Iii the Stretch
Northern Division
W. L. Pet.
Oregon State .10 4 .714
Washington .10 6 .625
Washington State 7 7 .500
Idaho . 7 7 .500
Oregon . 2 12 .143
Southern Division
W. L. Pet.
Southern California 10 1 .909
California . 8 3 .727
Stanford . 3 8 .273
U. C. L. A. 1 10 .091
Play in the northern division of
the Pacific Coast conference
conies to a close this week-end
with the Washington State and
Idaho squaring off and the Oregon
Webfoots tangling with .Oregon
State college in a pair of two
game series. Oregon State’s Bea
vers need but one win over the
Oregon five to clinch their first
pennant in eight years.
The University of Washington
is the only school to have finished
its schedule in the north. The Hus
kies have won 10 and lost 6, and
rest in hopes that Oregon's Web
I foots can do the impossible and
drop Slats Gill’s league-leaders
twice in a row to cause a deadlock
for the title.
The Cougars and Vandals play a
home-and-home series to determ
ine third place in the standings.
The Vandals have two victories
over Jack Friers red and gray
team so far this year.
In the South, the schedule came
to a close last week with the in
vincible Trojans pf Southern Cali
fornia repeating her football tri
umphs on the maple court. The
southern pennant winners tallied
10 victories to a solitary defeat for
the season’s play.
The University of California
were runners-up to the Trojans
with eight wins.
Hartfield Winder
In Jewett Contest
Tom Hartfield, speaking on
“Tariff,” was judged winner of the
old line oratorical meet in the W.
F. Jewett series of contests held
last night. Others taking part in
this, the third of the varsity se
ries, were Erling Wick, Cecil
Espy, Ard Hoven, Curtis Jones,
Holla Reedy, and Wilbur Walker.
The contestants were allowed to
talk for 15 minutes on any sub
ject they chose. A copy of the
speech was due at the debate of
fice two hours before the contest.
These speeches were given to the
judges, who degraded the speech
for a great deal of diversion from
the original.
John Casteel, W. A. Dahlberg,
and Waldo Schumacher acted as
judges for the contest.
The winner of this contest is
entitled to enter the state and Pa
cific Forensic league contests as
the University of Oregon repre
(Continued from Pc.ge One)
year. Myrna Bartholomew and
Marie Sacconmnno are up for the!
vice-presidency of the commission;
secretary-treasurer, Peggy Chess
man and Gladys McMillan.
The senior group which served
as a nominating committee in
cluded Maryellen Bradford, Aimee
Sten, Barbara Conley, Elizabeth
Scruggs, Lucille Kraus, and Louise
Webber. Nominees were chosen
from among 80 applicants who
were interviewed at the bungalow,
and Mrs. Norton stated that inter
views for those who had been un
able to obtain interviews sooner
are still available, although the
new president will choose her cabi
net soon after election. Miss
Bradford will be in charge of the
polls at the bungalow tomorrow,
which will be open from 10 to 4,
and Miss Scruggs is ballot chair
Spring Is Coming
— and —
So Are Term Papers
Got to Type ’Em
— of Course
Hotter Kent a Typewriter ami Start
l'oundin^ On 'Km
Willamette St. — Side of Ward's — Phone 148
Set to Battle Gill and Co,
■■ —r
This quartette of court stars, which played an important part in Southern California’s annexation of
the 1933 southern division basketball crown, are all ready to head north soon to meet the winner in the
northern division in the play-off for the coast title. As things look now, they will meet Slats Gill's Ore
gon State five, who need but one victory to clinch t he northern pennant. The Trojans finished a cham
pionship season last week with an overwhelming 44 to 18 victory over the Bruins of U. C. L. A.
Gib Olinger Likes Pumpkin
Pie, Beating Huskies Best
He comes in very late at night
and no one at the house knows
where he has been that’s the dope
on Gib Olinger, the little boy who
beat Washington last Friday night.
And his favorite pie is pumpkin
with lots of whip cream.
“I like to dance all right,” he
told me at the shack last night,
‘‘but then it depends upon with
whom I’m dancing. I like bridge
all right, J00, but I'm terrible at
it.” He likes hunting and fishing
back in the Blue mountains on the
Little Salmon river best of all.
So I asked him for fish stories.
This is what I got: “Paul Bunyan
and I went fishing one day. It was
a hot day, a very hot day. The fish
kicked up a dust as they swam
along.” But don’t expect me to
“We were hot that night,” he
said of Friday, when Oregon sur
prised Washington with a stun
ning victory. He declined any hon
or for leading the scoring that
night. "They were all easy shots.
I didn't shoot one long shot the
entire eyening. There was no trick
to it at all. They just gave me
the ball under the basket. I was
jut lucky enough to be there.”
“The Washington team seemed
tired and apparently weren’t inter
ested in individual playing. There
was really no one to take Johnny
Fuller's place. Simons and Rob
ertson came through especially un
der the basket well on the tip-off,
gaining possession of the ball prac
tically every time.
“The game itself, I guess,” was
his answer to my query, “What
do you like best about basket
ball?” “I don’t know why I should
like it better than any other sport.
I just do.”
“Oregon State has two good
men, Lewis and O’Connell. The
others are just playing together,
and that has got them where they
art? now.
“You know up there at Seattle,
Stevens was planning to have a
grand week-end. Well, La Grande
Houghton, who slays the women,
came up with Eill Reinhart and
spoiled Stevens’ week-end. That
is all I have to say.”
Some other interesting things
happened on that trip, too. Cap
Roberts and Jim Watts went to a
burlesque after the game. Some
one exploded a tear-gas bomb.
They didn’t get to see all of the
The story goes that “Red” Ro
tenberg, the good little boy of the
team, missed his calculations on
gasoline supply coming home and
Mr. John Kitzmiller sent him for
gasoline. It was only five miles to
Junction City. He returned.
"Clinger" was just a typograph
ical error in a sports write-up, but
it does make a suitable ( ?) nick
name. Unfortunately, very few
use it, however.
Freshmen report that they
shrink when they see Gilbert Olin
ger. Even upperclassmen agree
that he is powerful at wielding a
paddle, so freshmen beware. Little,
but oh my.
(Continued from Page One)
gene from vVisconsin in 1923,
where they had disposed of their
extensive timber and real estate
holdings. They invested in the
building, seeing in Eugene and the
surrounding country an area of
promise for the future. For sev
eral years they have shown a keen
interest in real estate and allied
subjects in Ute school of business,
and have made the gift in the in
terests of a department of high
er education which they wish to
see developed in the future.
H. V. Hoyt, dean of t^he school
of business administration, last
night expressed the appreciation of
his school for the generous en
dowment. "Real estate is one of
the largest businesses of the state,"
he said, "and there is a great need
for research in this field. The en
dowment will enable the institu
tion to pioneer in the study of real
estate problems, and to train young
men to enter the field with ade
quate preparation. 1 see a far
reaching possibilities as a result
of the generosity of these two cit
izens of Eugene."
Built In 1924
Construction of the building was
started on March 17, 1924, and the
structure was completed and ready
for occupancy March 1. 1925. It is
eight stories in height, contains
approximately 300 rooms, com
pletely fits its lot. 60 by 160 feet
deep. Estimated cost of the pro
ject was about $300,000.
John Hunziker of Eugene was1
architect for the building, and he
planned a structure simple in de
sign and one of utmost efficiency
in space arrangement. W. W.
Head Construction company had
charge of excavation, and con
struction was under the direction
of Fred Lindsey, of the Head com
pany. Williamson and company
handled theh plumbing and Walter
Ross had the contract for electri
cal work.
Miner Makes Statement
In a statement issued at the
completion of the building Mr.
Miner declared his faith in Eugene
and outlined his reasons for the
project. "When I first came to
Eugene I visioned a city of pro- j
gress and prosperity," he said. "It;
was my ambition to erect one of j
the finest buildings here and to
build it for posterity.
“I believe I have chosen wisely
and the men who constructed the
building have budded well. It is
with great faith that I face the
future in Eugene. May every resi
dent of this valley share this
faith, and may all of us work to
gether for a greater Eugene."
Alpha Kappa Psi Meet
Alpha Kappa Psi, professional
fraternity in commerce and busi
ness, will hold a regular bi-weekly
meeting tonight at 7:ts0 in the
men's lounge of Geriinger hall. A
A. Rogers, formerly president of
the First National bank of Eu
gene, will speak on "Pitfalls of
Business From the Standpoint of
the Insurance Man.” All members
are urged to attend.
U. of W. Debaters
To Appear Here
The University of Oregon men’s
debate squad will meet the foren
sic group from the University of
Washington in a symposium to
morrow evening at 7;30 in room 6,
Friendly. The discussions will deal
with tariff and its relation with
the Northwest. Following the for
mal speeches, an open forum will
be held.
Winfield Atkinson, Thomas
Hartfiel, and Cecil Espy will rep
resent the University of Oregon.
Thursday morning the same
three speakers will start on a
barnstorming trip through north
ern Oregon and southern Washing
ton, where they will speak on the
same question. They will make ap
pearances at Portland, Halsey,
Parkdale, and Cottage Grove.
Sunday night they will return
to the campus, at which time an
other group of debaters will begin
a similar tour of southern Oregon
Included in this team will be Ed
Wheelak, Frank Levings, Otto
Vonderheit, and Herbert Skalet.
These four will deliver their talks
at Kirby, Ashland, and Glendale.
W. A. Dahlberg, director of
men's debate, will accompany the
teams on their trips.
(‘Continued from Faye One)
ment we furnished extra help
when needed at such rush periods
as getting out exam papers.
“However, those who worry
about us need do so no longer. In
the last week we have been noti
fied that we are fired. The osten
sible reason given is economy. At
least that is what we were told.”
Having been employed by. the
state seven years, Bristol said he I
was inclined to look into his dis
missal further.
Stahl Funeral
Held Monday
In Portland
Oregon Basketball Team
Attends Last Rites
Words of Praise for Dead Youth
Come From Corvallis
PORTLAND, Feb. 27—(Special)
Funeral services for George Ho
mer Stahl, University of Oregon
athlete who died of double pneu
monia Friday afternoon in Eugene,
were held this morning at 9:30
o’clock from the SainL Rose
The simple ceremony was en
hanced by the multitude of floral
offerings sent by friends and stu
dent groupsat Eugene.
Active pallbearers were Bob
Peri go, John Beard, Mahr Rey
mers, Floyd Lees, Paul Sullivan,
and Howard Kemper, the last four
members of Delta Tau Delta, with
which Stahl was affiliated. Bill
Reinhart, head basketball coach
at the University of Oregon, and
members of the basketball team
of which Stahl was an active mem
ber until his recent illness, were
present^at the ceremony.
Gill Sends Sympathy
From the Oregon State campus,
where rivalry with Oregon athlet
ic teams flames the highest, come
words of highest tribute for the
dead youth from coach and players
Amory T. “felats” Gill, basket
ball coach at Corvallis, says the
following of Stahl: “Although I
was not closely acquainted with
the boy, my first impression was
that he was a fine fellow. I am
sure that the shock of such an oc
currence comes nearly as violently
to me as I am sure it does to Bill
Reinhart, Stahl’s teammates, and
the University of Oregon. The
Oregon State basketball team and
I wish to offer the deepest of sym
pathy to Stahl’s family.”
Lewis Recalls Friendship
When informed of Stahl’s death,
Ed Lewis, captain of the Beavers,
said: “I well remember George, as
he was one of my closest friends.
We played high school basketball
against each other in Portland and
in our last season we were running
neck and neck for city high scoring
honors when in the last game of
the season he made 18 points to
nose me out. He was all-city cen
ter that year and he certainly was
a fine fellow and a great athlete,
and always has been a very close
friend, not only in high school but
also during college.”
Prose, Poetry Hobby
Group Elects Officers
Eleanor Higgins, freshman in
humanities, will head the prose
and poetry group of Philomelete
beginning spring term as the re
sult of elections held p.t the regu
lar meeting of the group Thursday
Velma McIntyre, freshman in
business administration, was elect
ed vice-president. A n n - R e e d
Burns, freshman in journalism,
will handle publicity.
The group is sponsoring an in
formal get-together with three
clhcr of the Philomelete groups to
be held Thursday, March 2, at
Westminster house beginning at
8:15. The drama group will pre
sent a play in burlesque, and the
Woman in Her Sphere and Charm
school groups will also participate.
Sponsors, faculty advisers of the
group and all Philomelete presi
dents will be invited.
Let us print your chapter’s' letters
to be sent out to the alumni. We
can help you plan them to make
them attractive—and effective.
Valley Printing Company
PHONE 4i0 76 W. Broadway
\ !
The human eye is one of Nature’s greatest marvels.
It gives us sight—the most valuable of all our
senses. Through it we gain 85% of our knowledge
and control SO of our actions. The eye performs
like a miracle. It surpasses any optical instrument
ever made by man. It alone sees.
14 West 8th Ave. Phone 330
The Cleveland Indians will have
a new “Boss” this year; but he’ll
have to prove his worth before
he'll have much to say in the
running of the team. He is Elmer
Harley Boss, 23-year-old college'
athlete, who promises to be one
of the year’s most outstanding
Eight Swordsmen
Enter All-Campus
Fencing Tourney
Dueling, in all its glory, will in
vade the Oregon campus today at
4 p. m. in the men’s gym where
all-campus fencers will vie with
one another in order to determine
a champion.
This year there will be three dis- j
tinct weapons in use during the i
tournament. These weapons, the1
foil, saber, and epee, will be used j
individually by each of the con
testants and the one with the
most skill will be the title-holder.
Some clever men are entered in
this year’s tourney and some, real
action is promised the spectators.
The contestants this year number
eight and are: Bishop, Wintrout,
Blair, Tinkham, Caswell, Hill, and
Indian Track
Stars To Get
Initial Tests
Stanford Athletes Promise
Good Marks Saturday
University of San Francisco To
Offer First Competition
For Cardinals
Feb. 27. Dirk Templeton puts his
1933 Stanford track and field
team on public display for the
first time here next Saturday af
ternoon in a dual meet with the
University of San Francisco. The
meet will be held on the old Stan
ford oval and is scheduled for 2:30.
The Indians’ four Olympic vet
erans— Bill Miller. Ben Eastman,
Henri Laborde, and Nelson Gray —
have already given indications
that they are fast rounding into
first class condition. Miller cleared
14 feet in the pole vault in an in
formal varsity meet, but his team
mate, Bud Deacon, matched that
height in practice a few days ago.
This pair may push the bar even
higher Saturday afternoon.
Eastman, running his first 880
of the year, turned the two laps in
1:56.2, in spite of the fact that he
was many yards in front of his
nearest competitor. Ben will per
form in the half and relay against
the Dons. The 880 will be a fam
ily affair with red-headed Sam
Eastman teaming with his brilliant
brother, the Blazer.
Laborde has already tossed the
discuss around the 150-foot mark
and the big Frenchman may make
some progress toward that 170
feet which Coach Templeton pre
dicts he will surpass this year.
Nellie Gray and John Lyman have
also been tossing the platter re
spectable distances. Although
Gray has reached 50 feet in the
shot, he faces probable defeat at
the hands of Lyman if the latter
continues the pace he set last
week, when he tossed t'Jte iron ball
51 feet 2 inches.
Track fans are looking forward
to the hurdle races in which they
will see Gus Meier and “Cot”
Herbert for the first time this
year. Meier has already run the
high sticks in 14.7 seconds and
Herbert is not far behind.
When you see Niagara Fails
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gizing breakfast or
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Smother them in milk
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taining meal for any
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Shredded Wheat
brings you all the nat
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just what you need to chase away that tired feeling, to keep in
trim to win! Join the healthy millions who eat this natural
energy food a: least once a dav. It's at all campus eating places.
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