Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 28, 1933, Image 1

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    k ,
Students Will
Vote At Special
Election Friday
Important Amendments
On Ballot
Place of Voting To Be Announced;
Moving of Polling Dates Is
Included in Proposals
Amendments to the A. S. U. O.
constitution will be voted on by
the students at a regular student
body election Friday, it was an
nounced yesterday by Bob Hall,
One of the principal amend
ments provides for advancing the
date of nominations from the Iasi
Thursday in April to the second
Thursday in April, with election of
' officers to follow three weeks
later. Hall said that moving up
elections would "provide courses
in which the newly elected offi
cers would receive better training
in their respective duties.”
Frosh Poll Move Up
Another important amendment
provides for freshman elections to
be moved closer to the beginning
of school in order to minimize
drawn out political campaigns.
Class identity for activities and
voting purposes will be rated ac
cording to the records in the regis
trar’s office.
Bill Bowerman, student body
vice-president, will be in charge of
the elections, Hall stated, and the
place of voting will be announced
later in the week.
Follow’ >g are the proposed
amendments to the constitution
and by-laws of the Associated
A. S. U. O. Nominations and
k To amend article II, section 1,
to read:
There shall be two regular meet
ings of the Associated Students of
the University of Oregon each
year. The first meeting will be
held the second Thursday in April
of each year, in Which nomina
tions will be made as herein pro
vided. The second meeting shall
be held three weeks after the first
one. At this meeting the newly
elected officers shall assume then
respective offices, after appropri
ate installation. The secretary of
the Associated Students shall
cause a notice of each of the above
meetings to be printed in the Ore
gon Emerald for three consecutive
days immediately preceding each
(Continued on Page Three)
YMCA Candidates for
Offices Are Nominated
The nominating committee of
the campus Y.M.C.A. met Sunday
and selected the following men for
candidates for officers to serve
during the year.
President, Leslie Dunton and
Howard Ohmart; vice-president,
Bill Gearhart and Bill McNutt;
secretary, Tel Pursley and Verne
Adams; treasurer, Jay Wilson and
Clark Irwin.
Those who made a financial
pledge are considered members
and have the privilege of voting
for the incoming officers.
Miner Brothers
Perpetuate Name
By Recent Action
They’re in the seventies but
they call themselves the Miner
boys, these donors of the building
bearing their name as an endow
ment for business research.
W. E. and H. T. Miner are di
rect descendants of Mayflower
pilgrims. The family had found
its way west as far as Wisconsin;
in 1923 the Miner brothers made
the last lap to the West when they
came to Eugene.
Neither ox the brothers had rela
tives to whom to leave the large
office building. They wanted to do
something to create a monument
to the Miner name, they wanted to
do something worth while, and
they wanted to be freed from the
responsibility of the management
of the building. Ihe University
received the endowment.
The Miner building was the
product of boom times. The Miner
brothers were the owners of ex
tensive timber lands and operated
their own saw milling establish
ment back in Wisconsin. Upon
their arrival in Eugene they be
gan a large contracting business,
building a number of beautiful
They noticed that there was no
modern office building in Eugene.
At the same time, the telephone
company was conducting an indus
trial survey and finding bases for
hope of a greater Eugene. The
estimate was that by 1940 Eugene
would be a city of 40,000.
The Miner brothers constructed
the largest office building in Eu
gene, with great confidence in the
future, and called it the Miner
building. Saturday it was accept
ed by the state board of education
as a gift for business research.
John R. Mez Lectures
Before Church Group
Dr. John R. Mez, former profes
sor of political science at the Uni
versity, who recently registered a
letter of protest in the Oregonian
against the “Buy at Home” move
ment in America and in foreign
countries, and against the high
protective tariffs in effect in this
country spoke before the adult
class of the Congregational church
Sunday morning.
He emphasized the fact that
high tariffs defeat their purpose
and destroy foreign trade, which
is an essential factor in the eco
nomic life of any nation.
John Spittle To Give
First Recital of Term
Tonight John Spittle, sopho
more tenor, will give his first
recital of this year. Kenneth
Roduner, who has been pre
sented irf recital this term also,
will accompany him.
Mr. Spittle offers an impres
sive program. Beginning with
“Caro mio ben," Giordani, he i
continues with “All’ Acquiste di
gloria,” Scarlatti; “Sente nel
core,” Scarlatti; “Was ist Sylv
via,” Schubert; “Nur wie die
Sehnsucht kennt,” Schubert;
“Wanderer's Nachtlied,” Schu
bert; “Still wie die Nacht,”
As a third group Mr. Spittle
sings Siegmund’s “Liebeslied,”
from Wagner’s “Die Walkuere."
His last group consists of “The
Cloths of Heaven,” D u n h i 11 ;
"Blue Are Her Eyes,” Watts;
“Go, Lovely Rose," Carpenter;
and “I’ll Sing Thee Songs of
Araby,” Clay.
Faculty Members Express
Opinion on Embargo of Arms
England’s embargo of arms ship
ments to the Far East found im
mediate reflection in faculty opin
ion on the subject. While most
professors interviewed felt that de
cision as to its merit could not be
i made without deliberation as to
the far-reaching consequences of
the measure, some of them were
willing to talk:
Said James H. Gilbert, dean of
the college of social science, “I
heartily approve of it and think it!
illustrates a capacity to cooperate
on England’s part.”
Dean Eric W. Allen, of the
college of social science, “I heart
ily approve of it and think it il
lustrates a capacity to cooperate
on England's part.”
Dean Eric W. Allen, of the
school of journalishm, believes
that there is much more signifi
cance to the embargo than appears
on the surface. He questions the
effect of he measure and suggests
that its burden will fall more heav
ily upon China. "I think,” he says,
"the only sensible thing to do is
to follow the lead of the League
of Nations.”
George Turnbull, professor of
journalism feels that an embargo
may bring retaliatory acts from
Japan. He believes that any ac
tion taken should be with the co
operation of France and if possible
the league. Said Mr. Turnbull:
“Great Britain is apparently show
ing and has shown throughout this
controversy a fine spirit of coop
eration with the other powers,
with as much real leadership as
she dare exert.
“The question nearest to us is
what can the United States do?
Could we join in a general embar
go without running unnecessary
chances of being forced into a
single-handed war with Japan ? If
France could be persuaded to join
in this sort of embargo there
would be good reason to expect a
successful outcome.
“It is, of course, obvious that
Japan will yield to nothing but
force, and it is very unlikely that
she would submit to any sort of
pressure without reprisal. This is
a problem that can be solved only
by the united action of all nations
whose ethics are other than those
of the highwayman. Japan is sim
(Continued on Page Three)
Donated to University
The VV. E. Miner building, given as an endowment to the University of Oregon by YV. E. and H. T.
Miner. Announcement of the gift was made Saturd ty. The building, an eight-story structure, is the
largest and most modern office building in Eugene. The income derived from rental will be used to pro
vide a chair of business research in real estate and insurance, which will be occupied by C. L. Kelly, pro
fessor in business administration.
Lindstrom Says |
Charge Is False.!
Domas Dismissal Held Economy i
Move; Not Against Any
Action of His
That I. Domas was discharged
from the University multigraphing
department because of affiliation
with the cooperative farm north
east of Eugene, as Domas is re
puted to have implied, was denied
yesterday by Orville Lindstrom of
the University business office, and
a complaint that the monthly bul
letin of the farm was being printed I
with University equipment was de
scribed as "much overstated,’' by
Alson Bristol, m^pager of the de
partment, who is also a member of
the farm.
Domas had been filling in for
the past several months at the de
partment for Bristol, who was on
leave of absence, and who has also
been discharged. Bristol has been
employed by the department since
"Domas was released here in
the interests of economy and effi
ciency, just as many others have
been," Lindstrom declared. "His
connection with the cooperative
farm enterprise had no bearing on
the matter. Our attention has been
frequently called of late to the
tardiness with which the multi
graph department has turned out
jobs, and to the high rates charged
to the departments. We believed
a change was required and made
it with no thought as to the po
litical or social affiliations of the
person involved."
In regard to the complaint that
University material was being used
for purposes of the farm, Bristol
said, "Last year when the farm
bulletin was started, we arranged
with Mr. Paul Ager, then comp
troller of the University, to do our
work in the University mimeo
graphing room.
“We furnished our own paper,
ink and materials. In return for
the use of the University’s equip
(Continued on Page Pour)
Tonqueds To Hold
Election Tonight
The annual election of officers of
the Tonqueds, organization of Eu
gene women attending the Uni
versity, will be held this evening
at the monthly meeting of the
group at the Westminster house,
7:30 o’clock.
The candidates nominated by
the nominating committee are as
follows: president, Helen Garri
son, Catherine Coleman, and Ber
nice Ingalls; vice-president, Peggy
Nebergall and Lois Margaret
Hunt; secretary, Roberta Moody
and Mary^Jane Jenkins; treasurer,
Jean Lewis and Mae Schnellbach
er. The presidential candidates
have all been active on the Ton
qued council during the past year,
as has been Miss Hunt. The other
candidates have been willing
workers on various committees,
according to Katherine Liston,
president of the group.
Nominations may also be made
from the floor at the meeting this )
evening, it has been announced. I
The nominating committee, ap
pointed by the president, inclVided |
May Masterton, Margaret Bean,
and Genevieve Dunlop.
Installation ceremonies will be
held for the new and old Officers
before the end of the term.
Theatre, Dance
Tickets Offered
In Shine Contest
en's national advertising
honorary, will give a free ticket
to the Fashion dance to the
woman selling the most Junior
Shine tickets, and Glen Godfrey
of the Colonial theatre has of
fered a week’s pass to the man
selling the most tickets, Hubert
Totton, general chairman, an
nounced last night.
Jane Cook and Glen Heiber,
co-chairmen in charge of tick
ets, stated that tickets will go
on sale in full force today. One
thousand tickets were distri
buted among 60 sellers last
week, said Totton.
A list of those who will shine
shoes will appear in tomorrow’s
issue of the Emerald, which
will give the time and place
where they will work.
Helen Burns, in charge of
women’s publicity, is preparing
to have women sellers appear
in riding habits, which was also
in vogue last year. If official
sanction can be procured, wo
men will announce the sale of
tickets in all living organiza
tions at lunch time today and
In case of rain, Totton said,
the shine will be postponed un
til the following Wednesday.
Each living organization will
be notified early Wednesday
morning if the shine is called
Dance To Be Discussed
At Soph Meet Tonight
The sophomore class will hold
its last meeting of the term this
evening in Villard hall at 7:30,
it was announced yesterday by
Bill Davis, class president.
A chairman for the Whiskerino
Shuffle, to be held next term,
will be announced, Davis stated.
A financial report will also be
made, and a vigilance committee
to keep the sophomore men from
shaving will also be selected.
Nancy Archbold, who has been
selected as the new class sec
retary, will be introduced. Miss
Archbold is replacing Blanche
O’Neill, who left school last
j Military Units To
Sponsor Ball on
Saturday Evening
Scabbard and Blade To Cooperate
With Local Organizations
In Giving Affair
The annual Eugene military ball
will be held next Saturday night
at the Eugene hotel with Scabbard
and Blade members, R. O. T. C.
officers from the campus cooper
ating with reserve, national guard
and regular army officers in spon
soring the affair.
This is the first time that stu
dents have taken an active part in
putting on the affairs for officers
from all components' of the army.
Lieutenant Warren C. Powell is
general chairman.
Other students in charge of
committees are Lieutenants Ben
nett Swanton, Eugene Mullins,
Wade Rutherford, James Raley
and Julian P. Prescott and Cadet
Captains Forest Paxton and Mar
shall Wright. In charge of the
other committees are Major Van
Svarverud, Captain L. H. McVey,
Lieutenants Orville Thompson, Vir
gil L. Wood, Wade Kerr, Roy D.
Craft and Bert Bates.
While this will be a closed week
end, the regulation does not close
the dance to University women, it
has been stated b ythe dean of wo
men. As each officers will have
the privilege of bringing a guest,
it is expected that a large number
of students will attend.
Patrons will include Governor
and Mrs. Julius L. Meier, General
and Mrs. George A. White, Gener
al and Mrs. Thomas E. Rilea, Col
onel W. H. Luhn, Colonel W. H.
Patterson, all from out of town.
Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. F. A.
Barker, Major and Mrs. James H.
Tierney, Mayor E. Large, all of
Eugene, Senator Fred Kiddle, Lieu
tenant Governor Vic Meyers of
Washington, State Representative
Earl Snell and Colonel Carl
Abrams of Salem.
Tickets may be obtained on the
campus from Powell, Raley, Ruth
erford, Alien McCarty and Win
ston Allard.
Lt. Col. Barker III
Lt. Col. Frederick A. Barker,
commanding staff officer of the
University R. O. T. C., has been
confined to his home for the past
week with the flu. He is feeling
better today and expects to re
sume his duties soon. Major R. H.
Back is in command during the
colonel’s absence.
Tonqued meeting at Westmin
ster house at 7:30. Important
election of officers.
Philomelete presidents will meet
at the home of Mrs. Alice Macduff
at 1135 Mill at 12 noon today.
Housemothers will meet in room
4, Johnson, at 2 p. m. today. F. L.
Stetson of the education depart
ment, will speak.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold gen
eral business and discussion meet
ing Thursday evening at 7:30 in
Gerlinger hall.
Sophomore class meeting this
evening at 7:30 in Villard hall. All
sophomores be there.
Men’s Frosh commission are
sponsoring a meeting this evening
at 7:30 in room 105, Commerce
hall. It is especially for frosh, but
any one may attend.
Westminster guild will have an
open meeting tonight from 9 to
10. W. G. Beattie will review the
book, “Rethinking Missions,” as
a part of the program.
_o V
Alpha Kappa Delta will meet
tonight at the Pi Beta Phi house
at 8:00.
Frosh commission meet at 4 to
day with Mary Ella Hornung.
La Corrida de Todos, campus
(Continued on Page Three)
Miner Building
Given To U of 0
As Endowment
Office Structure Placed
In Trust
ANNUAL NET $15,000
Bashir Administration School
To Receive Benefits of Gift;
Kerr Gives Approval
The W. E. Miner building of Eu
gene, an eight-story structure lo
cated in the heart of the business
district on Broadway between Oak
and Pearl streets, was today placed
in trust as an endowment for the
school of business administration
of the University of Oregon by its
owners, VV. E. and H. T. Miner.
The building is one of the largest
in this city and occupies a lot 60 ;
by 100 feet. An adjoining annex
of two stories was made a part of
this gift.
The building, which cost approx
imately $300,000 when it was
erected in 1924, will be continued
as an office and business building.
The University will not immediate
ly realize any revenue from the
structure, but after a couple of
years will have coming sufficient
funds to begin the work under the
endowment, which provides for a
chair of real estate and insurance
and for research work. A portion
of the income at present will go to
the Miner brothers and heirs and
to amortize the incumbrances now
against the property.
$15,000 To Be Income
Eventually the entire income,
estimated at $15,000 annually, will
all be available for the school of
business, to be used in teaching
and research in real estate, insur
ance and municipal problems.
The chair of real estate and in
surance will be held by C. L,. Kelly, |
professor of business administra
1 tion, who with the owners worked
out the details of the transaction.
Mr. Kelly will also manage the
building for the Security Savings
and Trust company of Portland,
which is trustee for the endow
Announcement of the endow
ment was made late last night by
Mi\ Kelly, who yesterday went to
Portland to obtain final approval
from the board of higher educa
tion. The project had already been
approved by Chancellor W. J.
The Miner brothers came to Eu
(Continued on Page Four)
Prof. Erl) Selects
Economic Topic
“Some Proposals for Econimic
Recovery,” is the title of the lec
ture to be given by Donald Erb,
professor of economics, at 8 o’clock
tomorrow night in Villard hall, as
the fourth of a series of faculty
lectures, given under the auspices
of the committee on free intellec
tual activities.
These lectures, the first of which
was given February 8, and one of
which has been given every Wed
nesday since, are intended to in
crease interest in the University of
Oregon faculty and the subjects in
which they are most interested.
Everyone is free to attend, ad
vanced students and members of
the faculty are especially invited.
The lectures which have preced
ed tomorrow’s are as follows: “The
New Mechanics,” by Dr. A. 7. Cas
well; “Recent Developments in the
Understanding of Perso n a 1 i t y
Structure,” by Dr. H. H. Dixon;
“Formative Period of the Develop
ment of American Universities,”
by Dr. H. R. Sheldon. The series
will be concluded with Dr. L. S.
Cressman speaking on “Some An
thropological Problems of the Pre
history of the Pacific Northwest.”
Freshmen Plan Meet
At 7:30'This Evening
A meeting for all freshmen
and anyone wishing to attend
is being sponsored by the Men’s
Frosh commission this evening
at 7:30 in room 105, Commerce
hall, it was announced yesterday
by Bob Hall, in charge of the
Bob Miller, senior in political
| science, will read a paper on
| "Campus Politics,” which is
| composed of impersonal collec
, tlons of political instances on
! how politics is handled on the
| campus.
All freshmen are urged to at
tend since Dr. Waldo Schu
! macher, professor of political
science, highly recommends the
] paper, stated Hall.
‘Quite Practical’
That’s what Harrison V'al Hoyt,
dean of the school of business ad
ministration, said yesterday about
the Emerald’s plan for reduced liv
ing costs. He remarked that the
proposal was financially feasible
and quite practical.
Ten Students on
Ballot Cor YWCA
Yearly Elections
Tomorrow Will See Polling for
Offices; Binford, Hickson
Kun for President
Ten names are now ready to go
on the ballots for the campus Y.
W. C. A. yearly elections tomor
row. The list of nominees was
made known yesterday by Mar
garet Norton, executive secretary,
after it had been completed by a
senior nominating group which
handled all interviews for the
For president, Helen Binford
and Geraldine Hickson have been
nominated; vice-president, Gwen
Elsemore; secretary, Elizabeth
Bendstrup and Marlgolde Hardi
son; and treasurer, Mary Snyder.
The alternate candidate for the
general presidency becomes head
of the Upperclass commission next
(Continued on Pai/e Four)
Rael Will Speak
At Spanish Club
Meet Tomorrow
La Corrida de Todos, campus
Spanish club, will hold its term
meeting tomorrow evening from
7:45 p. m. to 8:45 p. m. at the
Westminster house, it was an
nounced yesterday by Laura Gold
smith, president of the organiza
Juan B. Rael, instructor in
Spanish, will give a talk on
“Mexican Folk Tales,' a subject
on which he has spent considerable
time in research in Mexico.
Marie Saccomano, soprano, will
favor the group with several
vocal selections. The remaining
time will be given over to singing
of Spanish songs.
The club, stated Miss Goldsmith,
serves as a nucleus for sponsoring
and maintaining an interest in the
culture, language, and customs of
Hispanic life. The faculty and
students meet to informally chat
and sing in Spanish.
Anyone interested is cordially
invited to attend.
'Slice Costs?’
Sure You Can,
Says H.V. Hoyt
Emerald Plan Is Sound,
Remarks Dean
Hollis, Casteel, Crumbaker, anil
Dnlilhcrg Express Approval
Of Low-Cost Proposal
"The Emerald plan is financially
feasible," Dean H. V. Hoyt of the
school of business administration
said yesterday afternoon. "There
is no doubt in my mind that the
plan could be worked out. Plenty
of families are getting along on
less. Students are doing it in
small groups all over the campus,
and the biggest problems of the
larger group would be social, not
The facilities of the home econ
omics department of the Univer
sity could be used to aid the group
in management, Dean Hoyt be
lieves. Heat, light, water, and
other incidental expenses would
be very low.
From Asst. Prof. W. A. Dahl
berg of the English department
came enthusiastic endorsement of
the principle as outlined by the
Emerald. "There is no more op
portune time,” he said, "for young
men and women to work for a uni
versity degree than during this
period of economic prostration.
There are no jobs."
Action Should Be Taken
"Consequently, if some provi
sion can be made to keep the less
fortunate students in school, that
course of action should be taken.
Such a program as the one pro
posed is entirely commendable,"
he concluded, "and should receive
the support of everybody con
j cerned.”
A plea for permitting students
I to undertake low cost living plans
was voiced by Dr. Crumbaker of
the economics department. “If
students are willing to make the
necessary sacrifices involved in a
project of this nature," he declar
ed, "arrangements should be made
to provide the necessary facilities.
From my own experience and con
tacts I assume there is a definite
need, although of course I have
made no investigation.”
Dr. Crumbaker recalled hi3 own
school days at Washington State
college, where dormitories offered
room and board from $10 to $12
a month. He observed that the
low cost project at Pullman pro
vided educational opportunities for
students with limited budgets who
would otherwise have been com
pelled to forego the privilege.
Educational Advantages Seen
The educational advantages of a
low cost living plan were stressed
by John L. Casteel, head of the
speech division. “If any plan for
reducing living costs for hard
pressed students can be worked
out, by all means let’s have it. It
would seem to me that it would
make higher education available to
many students who at the present
time must either stay away from
school or face the necessity of
dropping out in the near future.”
Orlando J. Hollis, professor of
(Continued on Page Three)
Emerald Cooperative Living
Plan Approved by Students
Students interviewed yesterday
were heartily in favor of the Em
erald's plan for living at reduced
costs. In fact, one ingenious stu
dent said: "Well, Hoover washed
dishes at Sfanford, why shouldn't
Louise Webber, president of the
A. W. S., stated:
“I am in <avor of the coopera
tive plan. The A. W. S. has been
considering putting it into effect
in a modified form for women and
expect to do so within the next
Bill Russell stated:
"I believe the proposed plan to
be an excellent one because it
would give a large number of
students an opportunity to con
tinue school who would probably
have to discontinue their higher
education. I happen to know two
persons who would be able to re
sume their work spring term if
such a plan as this were adopted."
Betty Ann Macduff:
“I approve of this proposal, par
ticularly if it leads eventually to
the establishment of a permanent
cooperative house for students of
limited means. Candidates for
participation of this project should
be given the same close scrutiny
as those for student loans- -as to
academic standing, seriousness of
Mike Mikulak:
‘‘I believe the cooperative living
plan would work successfully.
Without a doubt it would be a
means of continuing school for
those who are now having finan
cial problems.”
■ Eleanor Fitch:
“I approve of the proposed plan.
Because of the publicity already
given it, many students are begin
ning to realize what may be done
in the way of economizing on liv
ing expenses.”
George Bennett:
‘‘The recent campaign of the
Emerald for an experiment in co
operative living groups seems
worthy of serious consideration. If
there are a sufficient number of
interested students, and if research
will definitely show that such a
scheme will give lower cost of liv
ing, it seems that the University
officials should aid such an organi
(Continued on Page Four)