Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Richard Neuberger, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager
Sterling Green, Managing Editor
Thornton Gulp. Associate Editor; Jack Bellinger, Dave Wilson
Julian Prescott.
Oscar Munger, News Ed.
Francis Pallister, Copy Ed.
Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed.
Parks Hitchcock, Makeup Ed.
Bob Moore, Chief Night Ed.
John Gross, Literary Ed
Bob Guild, Dramatics Ed.
Jessie Steele, Women’s Ed.
Esther Hayden, Society Ed.
Ray Clapp, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: Rob Patterson, Margaret Bean, Francis Pal
lister, Doug Polivka, Joe Saslavsky.
NIGHT EDITORS: George CalJas, Bob Moore, John Hollo
peter, Doug MacLean, Bob Butler, Bob Couch.
SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson,
Ben Back, Bob Avison, Jack Chinnock.
FEATURE WRITERS: Elinor Henry, Maximo Pulido, Hazle
REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Madeleine Gilbert, Ray Clapp,
Ed Stanley, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewing, Cynthia
Liljeqvist, Ann-Reed Burns, Peggy Chessman, Ruth King,
Barney Clark, Betty Ohlemiller, Roberta Moody, Audrey
Clark, Bill Belton, Don Oids, Gertrude Lamb, Ralph Mason,
Roland Parks.
WOMEN'S PAGE ASSISTANTS: Jane Opsund, Elsie Peterson,
Mary Stewart, and Elizabeth Crommelin.
COI’YREADERS: Harold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee,
Margaret Hill, Edna Murphy, Mary Jane Jenkins, Marjorie
McNlece, Frances Rothwell, Caroline Rogers, Henriette Horak,
Catherine Coppers, Claire Bryson, Bingham Powell.
hart, Margaret Corum, Georgina Gildez, Elma Giles, Carmen
Blaise, Bernice Priest, Dorothy Paley, Evelyn Schmidt.
RADIO STAFF: Ray OJapp, Editor; Barney Clark, George
SECRETARIES—Louise Beers, Lina Wilcox.
Adv. Mgr., Mahr Reymers
National Adv. Mgr., Auten Bush
Promotional Mgr., Marylou
Asst. Adv, Mgr., Gr a n t
Asst. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington
Asst. Adv. Mgr. Bill Russell
bxecutlvc Secretary, Dorothy
Arine Clark
Circulation Mgr., Iton Rew.
Office Mgr., Helen Stinger
Class. Ad. Mgr., Althea Peterson
Sez Sue, Caroline Hahn
Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice
Checking Mgr., Ruth Storla
Checkin? Mcrr.. Pearl Murohy
Ruth Vannice, Fred Fisher, Ed Labbe, Elina Addis, Corrinne
PJath, Phyllis Dent, Peter Gantenbein, Bill Meissner, Patsy
Lee, Jeannette Thompson, Ruth Baker, Betty Powers, Bob
Butler, Carl Heidel, GeorKe Brice, Charles Darling, Parker
Favier, Tom Clapp.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Betty Bretsher, Patricia Campbell,
Ksthryn Greenwood, Jane Bishop, Elma Giles, Eugenia Hunt,
Gene Bailey, Marjorie McNicce, Willa Bitz, Betty Shoemaker,
Ruth Bycrly, Mary Jane Jenkins.
EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg. Phone 3300—News
Room, Local 355; Editor and Managing Editor, Local 354.
BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 8300—Local 214.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday
and Monday during the college year. Entered in the postoffice
at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
$2.50 a year.
The Emerald's Creed for Oregcm
“ ... . There is always the human temptation to
forget that the erection of buildings, the formulation of
new curricula, the expansion of departments, the crea
tion of new functions, and similar routine duties of
the administration are but means to an end. There is
always a glowing sense of satisfaction in the natural
impulse for expansion. This frequently leads to regard
ing achievements as ends in themselves, whereas the
truth is that these various appearances of growth and
achievement can be justified only in so far as they
muke substantial contribution to the ultimate objefc
tives of education .... providing adequate spiritual
and intellectual training for youth of today—the citi
zenship of tomorrow. . . .
“ . . . . The University should be a place where
classroom experiences and faculty contacts should stimu
late and train youth for the most effective use of all
the resources with .which nature has endowed them. Dif
ficult and challenging problems, typical of the life
and world in which they are to live, must be given
them to solve. They must be taught under the expert
supervision of instructors to approach the solution of
these problems in a workmanlike way, with u dis
ciplined intellect, with a reasonable command of the
techniques that i re involved, with a high sense of in
tellectual adventure, and with a genuine devotion to the
ideals of intellectual integrity. . . .”—From the Biennial
Report of the University of Oregon for 1931-32.
Tlic American people cannot be too careful in
guarding the freedom of speech and of the press
against curtailment as to the discussion of public
affairs and tlic character and conduct of public
men. —Carl Schurs.
THE TALL young man whose deeds on the bas
ketball court thrilled 5,000 persons less than a
week ago never will participate in athletics again.
George Homer Stahl is dead. Last night his team
mates performed without him, while his body lay
in a Eugene mortuary. He will be buried in Port
land Monday.
The trivial issues and petty bickerings that oc
cupy so incongruously an important part in our
daily existence fade into insignificance in the sha
dow of an occurrence as tragic as this one. A lad
about to take his place in the world has been
stricken from the ranks. He had every tiling to live
for; his goal was ahead of him. The roads we take
are perilous indeed, but nothing so reminds us Of
that fact as 1 lie death of a youth who had the
greater part of his road to travel.
George Homer Staid will be buried in the
sweater lie earned before lie was whisked away to
his death-bed. The winning of his basketball award
was Ins final contribution in life. He labored three
long years to attain it but tragically never survived
to wear it. The "O'' which will be on the dead hoy
when he is buried next week will mean more than
any Oregon letter ever signified before. It will
represent a task fulfilled, a job well done. George
Homer Stahl accomplished what lie set out to do.
No one could do more. A soldier buried with the
Victoria Cross, molded out of the cannon which
the Light Brigade died to defend at Balaclava,
earned his medal no more gallantly than George
Homer gained his letter.
Tall, slender George Homer Staid will not soon
lie forgotten. Those close to him can console them
selves that lie lived tiis short life honorably and
well and that his memory will be cherished by a
multitude of friends.
In the words of Pope
"O death all eloquent! you only prove
What dust we dote oil, when tis man we love.''
I HE 1MM;r.nIT\ IM IliMAin
KTENTIMES the least recognized perform tlic
. --- most good. i
Daily the University infirmary renders valuable j
services for which it receives little or no commen
dation, yet d is one of the most indispensable or
ganizations on the Oregon campus Mi. Culluhan.'
Mis.j Robertson and their alternates, working under
the able supervision ot Dr. Fred N. Miller, conduct
an establishment that functions admirably, despite
deplorably inadequate facilities.
On numerous occasions the Emerald lias re
ceived favorable reports of ttie treatment accorded
students at the infirmary. All say the food is ex
ct 11* id and not one ever has a word of criticism
tor the nurses and doctors who perform their ser- j
vice, o competently. Cleanliness is a watchword
I here and every need and desire of each patient is
attended to scrupulously. Oregon is fortunate in
having a health service, including both infirmary
and dispensary, that is operated so efficiently. It is
a definite asset, one that should not be overlooked
nor slighted when encomiums are distributed.
L’EARFUL and wonderful, and a joy to behold, is
1 the advent of the new individualism among us.
No longer are our students fashioned after the
same pattern, stepping in a .chorus and led this
way and that by ringleaders no better than them
selves. They have transcended beyond that low
level and now afct according to the dictates of their
consciences. The venerable aphorism, “The most
rule the best,” holds true no more. Sheer altru
ism and truth prevail. The time when ability was
forgotten and personalities remembered is past.
Now competency and honor are the only standards
upon which we judge our fellows. Truly we have
come far since the caliginous days when students
resided in the gloom of prejudice and bitterness.
Those who lead us are hailed as the acme of
our group. They represent the zenith of attain
ment. Above us our campus officers tower as the
Matterhorn over lesser peaks. Time there was
when our leaders were derided as the nadir of futil
ity, but with the advent of the new individualism,
they suddenly have become fearless fighters for the
right aggressive warriors for principle and ideals,
with personal motives and politics pushed summar
ily into the background.
The progress we have made since the inception
of the new individualism is ample indication of its
value. We have came far since students ceased
to be of a pattern and the back trail is long. Trivial
issues have ceased to be of interest to us. We now
look at major issues, and look on sagaciously as
our contemporaries talk of the things that confront
the world. Amusement and play have been for
gotten. Cultural and intellectual elements have
superseded them.
And out of this great change is emerging a
new person a greater student, long immersed in
the cocoon of the new individualism. He is dif
ferent from his fellows. He studies; he reads;
dances and parties mean nothing to him. Temper
ance is his watchword . Compassion for the down
trodden and a great love for humanity are his char
acteristics. He stands for ideals and principles and
avarice and personal desires cannot turn him aside.
One cannot help but believe that the world will
be a better place to jive in as soon as it is flooded
with the products of the new individualism;
“What do we do now?”
The little students cried,
"Just what I tell you to,”
The leader then replied.
TJLANS for an experiment that may affect the
whole educational system have just been an
nounced by the commission on the relation of school
and college appointed by the Progressive Education
association. According to the plan outlined, some
200 colleges in the United States will accept stu
dents from between 20 and 30 experimental private
and public high schools “without regard to the
course and unit requirements now generally in
force for all students and without further exami
It is significant to note that the proposed ex
periment will be financed by the Carnegie corpora
tion of Now York. The commission that advocates
tlic plan has what appears to be an enlightened
outlook on the educational needs of the present
time because it is “trying to develop students who
regard education as an enduring quest for meanings
rather than credit accumulation; who desire to in
vestigate, to follow the leadings of a subject, to
explore new fields of thought.” What could be a
better definition of a true student?
The idea is a sound one, for students will be
encouraged to regard education as an outlet for
creative abilities and independent thinking, to un
derstand the problems of our civilization and to
develop a sense of social responsibility. A larger
emphasis will be placed upon student participation
in community life, field trips to study industrial
processes, housing conditions, the machinery of gov
ernment, and such other things necessary to a gen
uine education.
Another part of the proposed plan that has merit
is the suggestion that a student be allowed to enter
one of tlie colleges without Latin, or without modern
language, or even without science, for example. In
stead, the student will be expected to possess the
necessary general intelligence to have serious in
terests and purposes and a demonstrated ability
to work successfully in one or more fields in which
tlie college offers training.
It is an experiment that will be worth watching.
Sex On Bay rolls
A N INCIDENT of the issues of tenure and pay
*• before tlie school board is whether men and
women as teachers should receive equal salaries.
Anyone who observes school organization will
note that the vast majority of teachers are women.
Considered as a group only, the majority of princi
pals and superintendents are men. In other words,
tlie executives of education are men, the teachers
are women. This is, of course, not a rule. It
merely Indicates a habit. Very successful educa
tional executives are women. Very efficient teach
ers are men.
Men bring to education generally tlie qualities
that distinguish the masculine in business and in
dustry. But in these activities it is found that in
general women are the peers of men.
In tlie primary grades women are doubtless in
preponderant number because they bring to these
duties patience, gentleness and the motherly touch
as well as pedagogic skill. Where tlie children are
older and the disciplinary element is more necessary |
an increasing proportion of men is found.
And it all amounts to this; the great laws of
creation are above the pay controversy This is a
world of women and men. Their traits, basically,
are complementary father than competitive. On
the educational payroll the sex line shouldn't be
drawn any more than at the ballot box. Compen
sation should he determined by what is justly
earned, not by a pair of pants or by a skirt, but
by .i skilled and devoted mind and personality.—
Oiegoii Journal.
promenade by carol hurlburt
¥ FEEL about as upset as Moses
when he ascended Mount Sinai
and pulled the tablets of stone out
of the smoke and the fire, for I
herewith propound for your infor
mation and pleasure the Ten Com
mandments of the spring season,
* * *
To tell you truthfully. I was
much confused when I went in
search of these commandments,
because first one reads that skirts
are straight and slim. You turn
another page and discover that
skirts have gone bouffant. One
author says that Paris is doing all
kinds of weird things to shoulders
and sleeves; another author says
that Paris is crying for straighter
sleeves and normal shoidders. You
hear all about the high hats and
you hear about the low brows.
How are you, poor innocent victim
of a changing world, to know what
is what and why ?
M« Ms
Today is a day of great individ
uality. If you follow trends and
notice lines, you’ll be smart if you
follow your own whims, providing,
also, that you follow these Ten
Commandments for 1933.
Ms * Ms
Thou shalt have no other silhou
ettes before the straight one.
* * *
Thou shalt not make unto thy
self any set rule of any set modfc
which comes out of Hollywood,
New York, or Paris.
* * *
Thou shalt not bow thyself down
and ruin thy fine figure, but thou
shalt walk upright and with a
graceful carriage.
Thou shalt not forget black and
white, which thou shalt wear when
in doubt.
Thou shalt remember grey and
beige as foremost among the col
ors of the new spectrum.
* * *
Thou shalt wear thy hats low
upon thy forehead.
* * *
Thou shalt honor the dark top
and the light skirt, and thou shalt
not take the cape in vain.
* * *
Thou shalt love thy cottons as
thy silks and satins, and thou shalt
give honor to checks, plaids,
stripes, and spots as thou dost to
plain fabrics.
* * *
Thou shalt not copy thy neigh
bor’s walk, talk, face, figure, nor
clothes but shall retain thine own
* * *
And here is an Eleventh Com
mandment for good measure:
* »
Thou shalt not forget that above
all thou art a woman and thou
shalt do all to retain thy feminin
>i: &
Thus spake Promenade.
$ >i: *
We select for Promenade: Jean
Robertson, charming in a casual
dinner frock of heavy black crepe,
made with wide shoulders and a
cowl neck of shining white satin.
(P. S.—Anyone selected for
Promenade is eligible for a pass to
the Colonial theatre, which will be
given upon a request made to me.
—C. H.).
Assault and
4 BOUT this time of the year it’s
time to get the old apple out
and start burnishing. Not to be
bettered by anyone, A & B offers
the season’s list of apple-polishing
1. Invite professor up for din
ner. ((Feed him carefully: most
profs need attention or they will
spill their soup on their bib or
kick over the high chair, the little
dears, i
2. If you are taking war, start
calling your commanding officer
one rank above his own, i. e., Gen
eral Barker, Colonel Back, Captain
Kelly, etc.
3. If there’s nothing better to
do, take your prof a shot of tha
corn that Aunt Elizabeth gave yoi,
for Xmas.
* * *
Harry Handball wants to know
when Spook Pope, Jimmie Edmis
ton, and the other College Side ad
dicts will reach the pinocle of suc
* * *
The day's SI.53 meal, (or $.7-1:
meal or .2c meal).
1 Go on a wild party Friday;
2. Forget to get up for break
3. Forget to get up for lunch.
I. Forget to get up for dinner.
5. Start off on another party
thus winding up Sunday and fin
ishing the week-end at a minimum
e: :cnse, and with the week-end
off your hands please address all
correspondence care of the Mayo
Brothers clinic. East Schenectadv.
N. Y.
* « *
"W e select for Lemonade: Donald
Eva because he stayed home from
the law school jig'. Also Cassie
Cornell because he isn’t a law stu
dent. Not to speak of Hack Miller
(well, why speak?)
* * *
A remarkable guy
Is Walter Gray;
He ran ninety yards
But he ran the wrong way.
V ti*
Steve Smith fulfilling his literary
obligations . . . Evelyn Beebe walk
ing around . . . Bob Johnson play
ing basketball . . . Bill Dobbin
groaning . . . Ron Rew giving the
old strut . . .
On Other
p j
Education at $1.72 a \leek
'T'HAT living expenses of stu
-*■ dents' attending Indiana univer
sity need not be too high for men
and women of even the most mod
est incomes is evidenced by an
estimate of food costs made re
cently by a class in the home eco
nomics department. The class j
prepared a menu, which includes
three meals a day, costing 5172 a
This added to the average cost |
of a room for a week gives a total |
of 53.22 a week or 512.88 a month 1
Compared to the 550 that most of i
the students paid in the form of
house bills a year or two ago, this ;
sum is almost unbelievably small.
But that it is possible to exist com
fortably on this amount is proved j
by the fact that many Indiana
university students are spendingr
not more than from Sltj to $?0 a'
month, including the cost of neccs- i
sary clothing and other incidental
This puts a college education
within the pocket-book range of
almost any one. Even those who
have absolutely no funds to spend
on an education are not without
hope. While part-time jobs are
few and far between in Blooming
ton, the willing and industrious al
ways seem to find employment.
There are scores of students at
present attending Indiana univer
sity who make all of their ex
penses during the time they are
in school, and seem able to stay
there, while others with far great
er incomes leave the university on
account of financial troubles.
’ In view of these facts it is not
hard to understand why the type
of college student of today is dif
ferent from the one of a few years
ago. No longer need the ordinary
collegian be a pampered son or
daughter of wealthy parents. Any
young man or young woman may
obtain a college degree if he or
she desires it enough to work for
it. Wealth is So prerequisite.—In
diana Daily Student.
Bystander. .
” Attempts to shut off to some
extent the general flow of senate
oratory for the remainder of the
last “lame duck” session of con
gress were interesting chiefly for
the trend of thought they showed
among senators themselves as to
necessity of speeding up the com
ing special session.
Even Senator Barkley, who in
troduced the novel plan of limit
ing every senator for the remain
der of the present session to an
hour's discussion of any bill and
30 minutes on any amendment,
probably regarded it as morj of a
gesture toward the next session
than as calculated to hurry legis
I lation much before March 4.
During an earlier word barrage
: in the senate, Barkley disclosed
[ that he had no thought that the
winter session was going any place
any how, aside from work on ap
propriation bills.
“In the circumstances perhaps
the least harmful thing the senate
can do is talk," he said.
Yet just a day or two later the
Kentuckian shot in his plan for a
special cloture rule of general ap
plication. He did it, too, after the
long awaited and expected word
blockade against a constitutional
prohibition repealer vote hacl col
lapsed almost before it got started.
Looking back to the early days
of the session, no observer of sen
ate ways would have thought it
possible for that business to be
brought to a vote in a short ses
sion necessarily to be devoted
largely to appropriation matters.
With so many dry die-hards like
Sheppard of Texas and Brookhart
of Iowa to be reckoned with, it did
not seem reasonable to expect a
senate vote on prohibition repeal.
As a matter of fact only Shep
pard's eight-hour recapitulation of ]
League of Nations history for the
last ten years loomed as a definite
delay move against the repealer
vote. Aside from that full day, in
cluding a night session, which in
tervened before the vote to take |
up the Blaine repealer resolution
could be recorded, the entire, de
bate was strictly centered on the '
prohibition question.
Whether Senator Sheppard hoped
for a definite dry mobilisation to .
prevent a vote on the repealer *
when he launched on his history of
the league was not quite clear. He
delivered that, reading from his
manuscript, in slow, carefully
timed fashion to take up the whole
session. Yet as he concluded he
accepted without objection a pro
posal to vote at a fixed hour the
next day.
Incidentally, the Texan did not,
put his league history into the j
Congressional Record then. He
held it out for editing and revision
probably; but he did not also hold
out the stenographic record of all
the interjections and heckling he
And the thing that impressed
the Bystander about that was the
absolute calmness and good nature
wih which the father of the 18th
amendment handled himself under
even the provocation of the biting
tongue of George Moses.
Good Timber
Reports that Virgil Earl has
been awarded the contract for
football coach are erroneous, but,
“If Earl could be had for reason
able terms,” Graduate Manager
Arthur M. Geary said yesterday,
“it is certain that his candidacy
would receive much attention from
the coaching committee.”
* 8 *
Plumber of a sort
In the next play to be put on
by the dramatic interpretation
class, “The Servant in the House,”
Carleton Spencer will play the part
of Mr. Robert Smith, a gentleman
of a necessary occupation.
* * 9
Gentle Hint
Beta Chat-ley Reynolds, '14,
spe.nt a long time away from his
house—and the brothers guessed
where; thoughtfully, they packed
his trunk and left it at the Chi
Omega house.
* * *
Sign of Spring
The first baseball practice of
the season is called for tomorrow
• * *
Try ’n’ Find One!
WANTED—Student to do work
around house or Friday mornings.
(Continued front Cage One)
meetings to be printed in the Ore
gon Emerald for three consecutive
days immediately preceding each
meeting, stating the time and
place thereof.
To amend article III, section 3,
clause I to read;
j Nominations shall be made from
j the floor at a general meeting of
; the Associated Students the sec
ond Thursday in April. Elections
i shall be held on the seventh day
| following nominations.
Class Nominations and Elections
To amend article VII, section 3,
clause I, to read;
Nominating conventions shall be
held by the out-going freshman,
sophomore, and junior classes on
the second Thursday in April 1, at
which time the president, vice
president, secretary and treasurer
shall be nominated.
To amend article VII, section 3,
clause 2, to read:
Notice of the aforementioned
nomination convention shall be
given in two preceding issues of
the Oregon Emerald.
To amend article VII, section 4,
clause I to read:
Class elections shall be held on
' the same date and in the same
I manner as elections of the Asso
ciated Students.
Freshman Nominations and
To amend article VII, section 11,
clause I to read:
The incoming freshman class
: shall liol,d a nominating conven
j tion, called by the president of the
Assocated Students on the second
Tuesday after the beginning of
fall term, at which time a presi-"
dent, a vice-president, a secretary,
and a treasurer shall be nominated.
To amend section II, clause 3, to
The election of the freshman
class officers shall be held on the
Thursday following the Tuesday
on which the nominating conven
tion has met. They shall be con
ducted in the same manner and
subject to the same regulations as
are the elections of other classes,
except that the vice-president of
the Associated Students shall have
charge of said elections.
Class Identity
To amend article VII. section
13, to read:
Classification of students for
activities and voting purposes shall
be according to the following clas
sification; at the time of the elec
Freshmen: Any student who'
lacks 36 hours of credit shall for J
the purposes of this constitution
be considered a freshman.
Sophomore: Any student who
has not attained a junior certifi
cate and has 36 hours or more
s"hail for the purposes of this con
stitution be considered a sopho
Junior: Any siudent who has re
ceived his junior certificate, but
has not more than 140 term hours
to his credit shall for' purposes of
this constitution be considered a
Senior: Any student who has re
ceived his junior certificate and
has more than 140 term hours of
credit shall for purposes of this
constitution be considered.
Transfers: Any student trans-'
A New Yorker
At Large
in miiinwimiiiiiiiiiiiiwii mu mi mini mnwimimu
NEW YORK, Feb. 24.—There's
a new exodus of expatriates
across the Atlantic, but this one is
coming westward. Greenwich Vil
lage is overflowing with the arty
Bohemian set as it hasn’t been in
15 years.
The truth is that Montparnasse
and Monmartre are being evacu
ated by those rather affected, dis
illusioned young Americans who
fled to Paris to escape what they
thought was the “intellectual des
ert of the Babbitt country.” Now,
bankrupt and even more disillu
sioned, they are coming home.
For years they have been able
to maintain a slim, hungry sort of
i existence around the Paris side
walk cafes while they discussed
the fourth dimension, Gertrude
Stein, James Joyce, cubism and
other such pseudo-revolutionary
ideas of art and literature.
Now, the returning pilgrims re
port, Paris can no longer support
them and they are coming home.
The cafes around the Village and
Harlem are beign frequented these
days with care-worn and poverty
stricken artistic failures who
haven’t stirred from the Dome or
Select in years.
Without money, without fame,
without achievement and without
1 a future—they form a pitiful
group. No longer do they de
nounce their native land, which
they branded with an intellectual
vacuity. Their mortifying little
tilt with the windmills found its
defeat in the depression. Their
loud spoken avowals of a determ
ination to starve for their art came
to naught. A bowl of soup is the
The sudden influx of society de
butantes on the Broadway stage
isn't entirely the fad it is supposed
to be. The truth is that many of
the Park avenue fortunes have
been considerably dented in the
past few years, and these pretty
ferring from another school, shall
have his credits computed on the
basis of term hours, and then class
identity shall be determined by the
regular classification.
Classification for the purposes
of candidacy for office will be de
termined in the same manner, ex
cept a student may be a candidate
for office in the class in which he
needs to earn 30 more term hours
subsequent to the term in which
he is nominated.
Qualifications of Candidates for
Election to A.S.U.O. Offices
To amend article III, section 2,
clause 1 to read:
Candidates for the offices of
president, vice-president, secre
tary, executive man, and executive
woman must have completed at
least six terms at the University of
Oregon, must have received a jun
ior certificate, and must need at
least 30 hours to attain graduation
subsequent to the term in which
nomination takes place. •
To amend article HI, section 2,
clause 2, to read:
Candidates for the office of jun
ior finance officer must be of
sophomore standing and must have
completed at least four terms at
the University of Oregon and must
lack 30 hours of attaining senior
standing at the time of his nomi
nation. He shall become the sen
ior finance officer upon the com
pletion of his first year in office.
Fees and Dues
To amend article VI, section 2,
clause 1 to read:
The dues of individual members
of the association shall be $15,
payable $5 at the beginning of
each term. This money shall be
paid into the general fund.
To amend article VII, section 10,
clause 3, to read:
A class tax of 50 cents shall be
collected at the beginning of each
term by the treasurer of the Asso
ciated Students. However, no pro
vision in this article shall be con
strued to impair the right of any
class to levy such special assess
ments as they see fit, providing
that such special assessment be
approved unanimously by the ad
visory committee.
Probation and Activities
To amend article VI, section 3,
clause 1 to read:
The payment of Associated Stu
dent dues and fees shall entitle a
student to vote, to receive a sub
scription to the Oregon Daily Em
erald, and, provided that he is not
on scholastic probation, to partici
pate in Associated Student activi
ties subject to the provisions of «
this constitution and by-laws.
Meeting and Election Quorums
To amend article IX, section 1,
constitution to read:
Article VI, section 1, by-laws,
to read:
Amendments of this constitution
may be proposed in writing at any
regular or special meeting of the
Associated Students, when, they
shall be read. The proposed
amendments shall be printed in the
Oregon Daily Emerald on the two
following days and be voted on by
ballot one week from the date of
proposal. A two-thirds majority
of the ballots cast shall be neces
sary for the adoption of any
amendment: provided, however,
that there be at least 300 ballots
To amend article II, section 3,
to read:
Three hundred members shall
constitute a quorum.