Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 25, 1933, Image 1

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If You’re Bust,
Don’t Quit! See
Emerald Plan
$10-$15 Per Month May
Become Reality
“Stay in School and Pay Your
Way” May Become Motto of
Co-op Group Next Term
If you could get room and board
for $10 to $15, would you be able
to continue at the University next
term ?
In formally presenting it3 plan
for reduced living costs, the Ore
gon Daily Emerald propounds the
above query to students faced with
the necessity of cutting costs or
quitting school. Students who are
eager to be included in a coopera
tive living project which would
halve the cost of food and. resi
dence are requested to communi
cate with the editor immediately.
Many Face Crisis
. ..Convinced that a multitude of
Oregon men and women are fac
ing a crisis in their educational
careers, the editor of the Emerald
today submitted a definite pro
posal for University investigation
and action, with the purpose of
making arrangements for cooper
ative living quarters for occupancy
spring term. The text of the mes
sage is printed at the bottom of
page one.
The plan is for those who are
willing to make sacrifices to con
tinue their education, for those
who are willing to sweep floors,
peel potatoes, serve meals, and
take their turn at the dozen dif
ferent chores which a cooperative
living establishment demands of
its occupants. The savings effect
ed through the policy of “self
service” will be devoted to reduc
ing the monthly charges.
Dorms Would Be Used
The plan further proposes dor
mitory facilities that now are idle.
It is suggested that only bare
maintenance and operating rates
be charged, so that most of the in
come of the group could be put
into food. Utilization of the dor
mitories would provide residence
convenient to the campus. The
units are all nearly completely
Investigation during the early
(Continued on Page Four)
Third Law Talk Slated
On Air Tomorrow at 3
Students are urged by the Ore
gon law school to listen tomorrow
afternoon at 3 p. m. over the Co
lumbia Broadcasting system to the
third of a series of lectures on
“The Lawyer and the Public,”
sponsored by the American Bar
James Grafton Rogers, noted at
torney, will conduct an interview:
"A Young Man in Search of a Pro
fession Asks Mr. Rogers ‘Shall I
Become a Lawyer ?’ ”,
Mr. Rogers is at the present
time assistant secretary of state
under President Hoover and pre
viously was dean of the Univer
sity of Colorado school of law and
and president cf the Colorado
State F. r association.
Final Payment on
Oregana Will Fall
Due Spring Term
A LL BACK payments and the
regular final payment of
$1.50 on the Oregana will be
collected with the spring term
registration fees, Tom Tongue,
business manager, announced
Over 900 subscriptions have
been sold, but as yet many stu
dents have paid nothing on the
publication. To date $2,750 has
been collected. A total income
of approximately $5,500 is ex
The Oregana is scheduled to
go to press on March 10,
Tongue stated, and will be dis
tributed Junior week-end.
Baton Wielder
Above is Roy G. Bryson, assis
tant professor of music, who will
conduct the University Polyphonic
chorus of 90 voices in its winter
term concert at McArthur court
tomorrow at 3 p. in.
Students To Vole
On Alterations in
ASUO Regulation
Election To Be Hc!il Next Friday;
Amendment;; To Be .explained
In Living Organizations
Amendments to the associated
student body constitution will be
voted cn at a regular A. S. U. O.
election to be held next Friday,
March 3, it was announced yester
day by Bob Hall, student body
Due to the limited time at the
general assembly yesterday morn
ing, the amendments were not ex
plained, but A1 McKelligon, chair
man of the N. S. F. A., stated
that speakers will go to the living
organizations next week to explain
each amendment. The work of
drawing up the new amendments
was given to the N. S. F. A. at the
beginning of the term, and it has
just completed the work.
“Legislation rendered by the
state board of higher education,”
McKelligon said “coupled with
varying campus, social, and politi
cal conditions demonstrated to us
the inability of our present consti
tution to cope successfully with
the problems now prevalent in our
student government.”
Following are the proposed
amendments to the constitution
and by-laws of the Associated Stu
A.S.U.O. Nominations and
To amend article II, section 1,
to read:
There shall be two regular meet
ings of the Associated Students of
the University of Oregon each
year. The first meeting will be
held the second Thursday in April
of each year, in which nomina
tions will be made as herein pro
vided. The second meeting shall
be held three weeks after the first
one. At this meeting the newly
elected officers shall assume their
respective offices, after appro
priate installation. The secretary
of the Associated Students shall
cause a notice of each of the above
(Continued on Page Two)
New Services
To Be Offered
State Editors
;_ •
journalism School Here
In New Enter prise
Dean Allen Tells of New Plan;
Editing Class Will Provide
Informational Reports
Eric W. Allen, dean of the school
of journalism, yesterday said that
he had decided to offer to the edi
tors of the state a service unique
in journalism annals. It will con
sist of an editorial research by ad
vanced students on which news
papermen might seek information.
The workers in the enterprise
will be the members of Dean Al
ley’s class in editing. There are 30
students in the group and each is
required to write three complete
reports a year. There will be in
formation available to the first
90 editors who write to Dean Al
len, telling him of the topic on
which they seek data and infor
Reports Lengthy
Each of these reports is from
15,000 to 25,000 words in length,
thus assuring the interrogators of
ample facts. Dean Allen said any
topic on which information was
available to his students would be
investigated and that all contro
versial subjects would be ap
proached from a -^jputral stand
point, giving both sides to the
The procedure which will be fol
lowed is simple. Should the editor
(Continued on Page Four)
Fantasy at Guild
Theatre Pleases
Large Audience
As basketball enthusiasts re
ceived the news from Washington
last night, so drama enthusiasts
received the second presentation of
"Berkeley Square."
Director Ottilie Seybolt led her
proteges through a clever drama
to an intense climax in one of the
most difficult plays she has at
tempted. Its success depended up
on sustained illusion. Lighting,
sound, and costume effects, super
vised by George Andreini, were re
sponsible in large part for a"
complishing this.
The plot is complex. A man has
a desire to relive the fascinating
past of his buried ancestor. He
wills himself into that past. Then
he falls in love with the charming,
sympathetic Miss Betty Buffing
ton, and is inextricably involved
in what suddenly becomes “a dirty,
little, pigsty of a world.”
Gram portrayed admirably the
most difficult role in the play.
Louise Marvin carried the spirit of
the time with buoyancy. Eliza
beth Scruggs admirably portrayed
the scheming mother. Chuck
Shoemaker was perfectly cast.
Novel Course Enables Blind
Students To Do Sculpturing
A new means of esthetic devel
opment for blind students has been
inaugurated in the art school un
der the supervision of Mrs. Louise
B. Schroff, instructor in drawing
and painting. By her new method,
the blind students are instructed
in pottery and sculpture, a type of
culture formerly denied to them.
“Having at one time been de
prived of my sight for several
weeks,” Mrs. Schroff s^id, VI de
termined, if ever I had the oppor
tunity, to find some way to help
those who were permanently de
prived of their sight. The oppor
tunity arose last term when I was
searching for a problem for re
Realizing that the blind pos
sessed a quality that other stu
dents do not have; namely, a mar
velous sense of tactual values, and
a larger conception of unity and
mass, which is conducive to skill
in pottery or sculpture, Mrs.
Seliroff conceived the idea of in
troducing seven blind students in
a special class. Those who were
enrolled are Elizabeth Higgins,
Gladys Backe, Uldine Gartin, Glen
Casteel, Carl Lempke, Glenn Walk
er, Don Smith, and Mark Shoe
“The students showed imme
diate adaptibility to the clay and
readily expressed the fundamental
problems which were given them
in their own particular direction.
In contrast to the other students,
the blind showed as much care in
the inside and usually invisible
parts of the clay models, as the
outside. They conceive the prob
(Continued on Page Three)
rBerkeley Square9 Principals
These four players in John Bahlerston’s romantic fantasy, “Ber
keley Square,” will tread the boards for the last time tonight in the
Guild theatre’s current production. The actors, from left to right,
are Betty Buffington as Helen Pettigrew, Warren Gram as Peter
Stnndish, Louise Marvin as Kate Pettigrew, and Charles Shoemaker
as Tom Pettigrew.
Judges Named in
Edison Marshall
Wtilers* (Contest
Annual Shcrt Story Competition
Mill Close Next Tuesday;
Few After $50 Purse
Three judges have been selected
for the annual Edison Marshall
short story contest, it was an
nounced yesterday by Professor
W. F. G. Thacher, in charge of the
They are Mrs. Mabel McClain of
Eugene, James McCool of the Port
land Oregonian, and Dean Collins
of radio station KOIN in Portland,
formerly with the Portland Tele
gram, and well known in the
Northwest as a wit and writer.
The contest will close Tuesday,
February 28, but so far, very few
manuscripts have been submitted,
stated Professor Thacher. The
prize will be $50. A contestant
may submit more than one story
if he chooses.
The rules for the contest are:
1. Duplicate manuscripts must be
handed in a good carbon will be
acceptable. 2. Author’s name
must not appear on the manu
script. Instead it should be writ
ten on a piece of paper, which is
enclosed in an envelope, on the
face of which appears the title of
the story. 3. The contest is open
to all regularly enrolled . under
graduate students. There are no
restrictions as to length or sub
ject of the story submitted.
AWS Carnival To
Be Held April 8 at
McArthur Court
One Men’s, One Women’s House
Will Work on 'Each Booth
By New Plan
Preparation for the annual A.
rVV. S.' all-campus carnival", to be
held April 8 at the Igloo, which
has been under way for several
weeks, took on more definite shape
yesterday at a meeting of the car
nival directorate, under the direc
tion of Helen Binford, general
The carnival, which, inaugurated
last year, is to be an annual event,
is the most important A. W. S.
function. Since it is to be held on
a Saturday night when all other
affairs, even the Campa Shoppe
dance, will be excluded, townspeo
ple as well as all students are ex
pected to attend.
The igloo on the night of the
carnival will present the appear
ance of a circus, or the state fair,
its side flanked by booths where
one may play roulette, throw balls
at the “nigger’s head," and enjoy
similar entertainments for prizes
ranging from balloons to earrings
and kewpie dolls. On the main
floor of the igloo, couples may
dance to the music of a six-piece
orchestra, from time to time may
watch special features. Tickets for
many different raffles will be sold,
(Continued on Page Pour)
The Oregon Daily Emerald Plan
— for —
For Hard-Pressed Students
' rpo PRESERVE the benefits of higher education to students fac
ing financial problems that prohibit continuance at the Univer
sity under the present scale of board and residence charges and to
offer the opportunity of collegiate training to greater numbers of
students with limited funds, the Oregon Daily Emerald submits tne
following proposal for reduced living costs.
Confident that students inter.t upon obtaining an education will
gladly forego many of the luxuries and conveniences now offered
in carryius living institutions, recommendation is hereby made that
administrative authorities investigate the feasibility of establishing
a low cost living program that will provide board and residence at
a cost of from $10 to $15 per month.
With dormitory facilities now being only partially used, provision
might be made for renting units (such as Friendly and Hendricks
halls) at bare maintenance costs (light, heat, water, laundry), al
lowing residents to perform the necessary cleaning chores under
the supervision of graduate students.
Provide a simple, balanced diet, consisting of the less expensive
foods, and ai range for residents of the group to perform all the
, necessary duties in connection with preparing and serving meals,
except the actual cooking. By diverting a portion of the funds to
food that students now pay for rent in private homes, students can
be given regular, nutritious meals, a necessity many are now fail
ing to obtain.
The Oregon Daily Emerald believes that scorqp of students are
ready to make substantial sacrifices to obtain an education, and
will willingly enter into a supervised, cooperative plan that will ,
permit them to continue at the University at the reduced costs
proposed above, ft is suggested that immediate attention be given
this proposal so that definite provision may be made for reduced liv
ing costs for the ensuing term.
Ailment Makes
Victim Of Stahl
After Struggle
End Conics for Athlete
At 2:20 Yesterday
Body Will Lie in Stale In Eugene
Mortuary Tonight; Burial To
Be in Portland
George Homer Stahl, varsity
basketball player and senior in
business administration, died yes
terday afternoon at the Pacific
Christian hospital. The 22-year
old athlete, who for the past three
days has fought a losing battle
against a severe case of double
pneumonia, succumbed at 2:20
p. m.
Just a fortnight ago Stahl
realized his life-long ambition of
earning a varsity basketball let
ter at Oregon, After three years
of hard work on the squad as a
reserve forward, he sky-rocketed
from mediocrity to stardom two
weeks ago against Idaho, when
he played his first full-length
game for the Lemon-Yellow.
In Saturday night's game with
Oregon State, Stahl started, but
played only a few minutes. See
ing that he was ill, Bill Reinhart,
VVebfoot mentor, removed him
from the game.
Specialists Procured
Stahl went immediately to the
University infirmary, where he
was confined until his removal to
the hospital. Specialists were
(Continued on Pape Pour)
Oregon Yeomen
To Cut Capers at
Craftsman9s Club
Oregon Yeomen will make merry
in “ye olde English style" when
they gather at the Craftsman’s
club tonight at 9 o’clock for their
Tavern Inn annual informal date
dance. All unaffiliated men are eli
gible for attendance. Tickets may
be obtained at the Co-op or at
the door.
The Craftsman’s club has been
converted into a veritable tavern
inn, harkening back to the days of
merry old England when a bright
blaze radiated cheer from the huge
fireplaces and rum bottles served
as candlesticks.
The old English tavern idea will
be carried out in every respect
even to the intermission numbers,
according to Howard Ohmart, gen
eral chairman. Jhe walls will be
decorated in appropriate manner,
huge logs will burn in the fire
places at either end of the hall,
and refreshments will be served
from beer mugs whose dignity will
be forgotten with soft beverages.
Patrons and patronesses are:
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Huestis, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Shields, Mr. and
Mrs. R. K. Cutler, and Mr. William
Trade Expert
Dr. John It. Mez, ex-Oregon
professor, who set forth his ob
jections to the high protective
tariff anil the “Buy America" fail
in a letter to the Oregonian yes
terday. Dr. Mez is a noted author
ity on trade and tariffs and is
recognized as a leading economist.
Dr. John R. Mez
Gives Objections
To 4 Buy America’
Former Professor Here Opposes
Existing Trade Barriers
In Oregonian Letter
In a communication to the edi
tor of the Morning Oregonian yes
terday, Dr. John Richard Mez out
lined his objections to the multi
tude of trade barriers that exist
in the world at present. Dr. Mez,
a former University faculty mem
ber, also deplored conditions
brought on by the “Buy America"
craze and pointed out that consid
erable harm had been done al
ready by forcing congress to enact
a bill ordering the federal purchase
of home goods, even in instances
where imports are far less expen
Dr. Mez is one of the foremost
authorities in the West on econo
mies and the tariff. An ardent
exponent of tariff reductions, he
sees free-trade as a solution to
many perplexing problems. The
text of his letter to the Oregonian:
“In the name of common sense,
let us get away from the idea that
our economic difficulties can be
solved by adopting one restriction
after another. The trade barriers
erected by all nations against for
eign imports have destroyed ex
port markets, crippled world com
merce and shipping. The tourist
trade is curtailed by high passport
fees or head taxes. Many states
have curbed the purchase of out
of-state products or services.
“Laws have been passed prohib
iting married women from being
employed in schools or other pub
lic offices, foreigners are often pre
vented from making a living be
cause of the belief that one man's
work means the loss of employ
ment for another. The ‘Buy Amer
ican' campaign has led the house
to adopt a bill forcing the federal
government to purchase domestic
products in place of imports, even
(Continued on Paye Pour)
European Peace, Prosperity
Said Dependent on America
“Europe can no longer stand by
itself, but must lean to American
diplomatic help and sympathy in
order to maintain peace and pros
perity." So declared Dr. Richard
von Kuhlmann, noted German dip
lomat, speaking on the subject of)
“Germany’s International Posi
tion," before a large number of
students and visitors yesterday
morning in Gerlinger hall.
Because Germany has a large
population and geographical loca
tion, she holds a dominant posi
tion in Europe, stated Dr. Kuhl
mann. At present, the German
reich includes 65,000,000 people,
exclusive of Germans living in
other parts of Europe. He also
said that Germany was strictly a
national state.
“While France and England
have shewn unity and military
power from the early centuries,”
said Dr. Kuhlmann, “Germany, up
to the last half of the 19th cen
tury, was a national entity, but
not a state. A ruling principle
of France was that she would not
allow a strong nation to grow up
in central Europe. French resis
tance was broken down in the
Franco-Prussian war during the
reign of Napoleon III, and after
the treaty of Frankfort France
made up her mind to cjestroy what
Bismark had established.
“Because France and Germany
have many ties, in common, the
majority of people in France have
shown a tendency for peace and
goodwill witfl Germany. They have
shown it by their recent balloting.”
Since the World war and the
Versailles treaty England has
(Continued on Paije Three)
Webfoots Gain
Stunning Dope
Oregon State Virtually
Assured of Title
Duck Quintet Behind Only Once
During Fust Encounter;
Hal Lee Leads Purple
. ... _i_ uria H
W. L. Pet.
Oregon State .10 4 .714
Washington . 9 6 .600
Washington State . 7 9 .539
Idaho . 6 7 .462
Oregon . 2 11 .154,
At Seattle — Oregon, 41;
Washington, 26.
(Emerald Sports Editor)
TON, Seattle, Feb. 24 — (Special)
—Out of the wreckage of a dismal
basketball season the University
of Oregon quintet salvaged a start
ling victory tonight, crushing
Washington's Huskies, 41 to 26.
The five-time champions were in
front but once, and the half-time
intermission found the lowly Web
foots leading, 21 to 13.
Led by Gilbert Olinger, midget
guard, the Oregon team fought
with a fury and savageness not to
be denied. Olinger produced 15
points. He was followed by big
Captain Roberts, who got away for
seven markers.
Sad News From Home
The Oregon boys were informed
shortly before the combat that
their comrade and teammate,
George Homer Stahl, had died at
Eugene. With this news upper
most in their minds, they traveled
the court tonight at a vicious
pace the Huskies were unable to
Only when Heamen opened the
scoring with a field goal was
Washington ahead. Olinger soon
followed with a score from the
court, and the count was tied.
Then Gib went into direct action.
He was too clever for Bob Galer
and, assisted by Cap Roberts, gave
Oregon a 10-6 lead. Then Han
over knotted the count at 10-all,
but the Webfoots spurted into a
12-10 advantage and then headed
for home.
Cap and Gib Get Going
After leading, 21 to 13. at the
half, the Webfoots took the Hus
kies for a long ride in the last
period, gaining a 38 to 20 advan
tage before the Huskies even
could get going. Olinger and
Roberts again functioned smoothly
in this stanza, Gib inaugurating
the period with two field goals.
The defeat of the Huskies this
evening all but doomed hopes of
another Washington champion
ship, making Oregon State virtu
ally certain of supremacy in the
northern conference. Tonight the
Purple and Gold will close their
basketball season with another as
sault on the Oregon hoopmen. If
(Continued on Page Pour)
Ministerial Roles
Will Be Taken by
Reedy, Campbell
44l> ACKWARD, turn back
ward, oh time, in your
flight, make me a preacher just
for this morning!’’
Not satisfied with their many
roles at the University, Wallace
Campbell, graduate in sociol
ogy, and Rolla Reedy, senior in
education, will act in the ca
pacity of ministers tomorrow
morning when they will take
over the pulpit at the First
Methodist church of Creswell.
The subject of the sermon
will be “The Place of Religion
in the Present Economic Situa
"Reedy will preach, and I will
merely talk,” commented Camp