Women’s and Society Page of the Oregon Emerald JESSIE STEELE, Editor "" " ESTHER HAYDEN, Society Editor Campus Nuptials in Spotlight of Society The spring term of every University year is always welcomed by the society editor of the Emerald, for it is the season of pin-planting, which leads into engagement and marriage announcements. Although this is not yet spring term, the atmosphere is prevalent, and two Uni versity marriages have been recently announced. McFarland- 1 Ellison To Wed Of interest to a large group of University acquaintances is the approaching marriage of Miss Mary Ellison to George McFar land, which will take place in Portland on February 25. Miss Ellison, who has been employed at the Pacific Christian hospital, was a member of Pi Beta Phi at the University, and Mr. McFarland was affiliated with Sigma Pi Tau. Wilhelm East Wedding Miss Louise Wilhelm became the bride of William East last Tuesday morning in a pretty church ceremony in Eugene. The young couple were both graduates of the University of Oregon, the bride being affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta and the groom with Del ta Tau Delta. They will reside in Eugene. Kappa Sirs To Hold Formal The essence of formality will be lent the Kappa Sigma house dance this Saturday by graceful green palms and colored flood lights. Charles White is handling ar rangements for the dance. Chi Psis Will Entertain Upperclass members .of Chi Psi will entertain with a dinner at the chapter house Saturday night, fol lowed by an evening of dancing at Lee Duke cafe. Stanley Haberlach will be in charge of the dinner. Yeomen Plan Dance Ye Olde Tavern, with huge fire places, small rustic tables, and all the other characteristics found in an English inn, will decorate the Craftsmen's club on Saturday night when the Oregon Yeomen entertain with their winter dance. Chi Omega Winter Formal Silver scorpions, crabs, and other astrological symbols and zodiacal signs will decorate large side panels at the Chi Omega house Saturday evening, when the formal winter dance will be given. Fhi Sigma Kappa Affair Phi Sigma Kappa will enter tain with a formal dance at the chapter house on Saturday night. Hubert Totton and John McCon nell are in charge of the dance. r Panhellenic Projects By BETTY OHLEMILLER Editor's note: This is the first of a series of articles to appear weekly on the woman's page of the Emerald concerning the philanthropic and schol a s t i c work being done at the present time by national Panhellenic or ganizations. They will appear alphabetically. Alpha Chi Omega In order to make it possible for children of poor parents to contin ue their schooling after reaching the legal working age, the alumni and active chapters of Alpha Chi Omega maintain a scholarship fund for children. In Peterboro, New Hampshire, the sorority sup ports the MacDowell Colony Stu dio founded by Mrs. Edward Mac Dowell as an ideal place where artists, poor or rich may work. The care of 100 French orphans adopted during the war is now a national philanthropic work, shss national philanthropic work. March 1 of each year, “Herd day,’’ is set aside by the Alpha Chis for helping others. Each of the 56 chapters takes part in this activ ity by offering entertainment in children’s homes, visiting shut-ins, or otherwise caring of the needy and unfortunate. In 1932, 35 mem bers of Alpha Chi Omega were en abled by the sorority’s scholarship fund to finish college. Alpha Delta Pi One of the goals of Alpha Delta Pi is the expansion of their Day Nursery fellowship until there is one in every collegiate center. The first one was founded at the Uni versity of Chicago nursery school, while the second was established this year at the University of Tex as, Austin, Texas. In 1925 an en dowment fund of $75,000 was es tablished. Following, in 1927, the collegiate day nursery fellowship was decided upon, with a stipend of $600 a year provided and awarded without regard for soror ity affiliations. Each nursery has a staff which superintends the SPORTING SMARTNESS ——Is Everything for Spring Striking silk plaids in various color combinations, with or without the modish cape — and brilliant wools with the new cartridge shoulders. $5.95 to $21.50 — ALSO — Alterations and Individual Designing MARGARET M. COLDREN j Formerly The French Shop Miner Building iiiiimr.imiiTii'iimiri'iimmiiiiMiiimtimiiauiitmiiutiiii'iioi.imiiiiiitiiiiiii.-iiiiiiciimtiiiitiiMiiiiiiMiiiiii.iiomtiiiiirtiiTiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiHiiiiiimiimiiitint'iimiiiiitiiiniiiillH'llllllIlIlP I Showing Suits Mannish "Marlene-ish” TWO-TONED-JERSEY FLANNEL-KNIT iI FROCKS j ■ I_ - Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who will assume the title of first lady of the United States when her husband. President-elect Roose velt, is inaugurated next week. health, diet, and instruction of the ch.ildren. The nurseries are equipped with fine playgrounds, gyms, and airy sleeping porches. Alpha Gamma Delta ..Alpha Gamma Delta’s philan thropic service is invested in two summer camps for undernourished children. They are located in Jack son, Michigan, and on the shores of Lake Erie in Canada. The Jackson camp was first established through the cooperation of local civic charities. Alpha Gams from all over the United States go each summer to Jackson and Ontario to work without pay at the sum mer camps. Thus the members of the fraternity give their own time as well as their chapters’ finan cial support to this project. Exchange Dinners Decline in Number Exchange dinners are decreasing in number as the end of the term approaches and the more serious side of college comes to the fore. On Tuesday night Kappa Kappa Gamma entertained for faculty guests; on Wednesday night Sig ma Kappa entertained with a din ner dance for personal guests, and Theta Chi underclass also enter tained for personal guests. Thursday evening Kappa Alpha Theta entertained for personal wo men guests, Phi Kappa Psi for Pi Beta Phi, Alpha Chi Omega for Phi Sigma Kappa, Alpha Phi for members of the faculty. Delta Del ta Delta for Chi Psi, Gamma Phi Beta for Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Zeta for personal guests, and Sigma Pi Tau for Alpha Gam ma Delta. Phi Theta Honored Members of Phi Theta Upsilon, women's upperclass service hon orary, and of Philomelete, hobby groups, and patronesses of the two organizations were entertained at supper Sunday night by Mrs. C. L. Schwering and Mrs. Alice Mac duff. The supper was held in the dance room of Gerlinger hall, for about one hundred and fifty girls. -JiU^llllllllllllllllllllllllllllUllllllllllllihilliRlllihllllllllllllllllllllilllllilllllllll'IINIIIIItlllll!1 1 Fragile .... | Dainty .... 1 Alluring .... | An avalanche of snowy ill blouses lias fallen .... Just the Kind to Wear With Your New Tailored Suit j $1.95 and $2.95 1 (A price we all can pay!) 1 1 DENSMORE -LEONARD 1004 Willamette YWCA to Sell | Holiday Buns During Week City as Well as Campus To Be Canvassed, by Corps Of Saleswomen — In keeping with the Lenten sea son, the Y.W.C.A. is instigating a sale of hot cross buns for 20 cents per dozen on the campus and in town during the coming week. Louise Barclay is in general charge and Mary Snider in charge of fi-j nances. On Saturday the buns will be sold at a booth in the McMorran i and Washburne store, and during the week a sale in the campus liv-! ing organizations as well as a com plete canvassing of the entire town will be conducted to secure orders. Catherine Coleman is in charge of the city drive, Marigolde Hardison of the campus, and Vir ginia Hartje of the booth in Mc Morran’s. Virginia Howard and Pat McKenna are in charge of so? liciting employees of the store. Women’s Halls Give Two Social Affairs On Tuesday evening Susan Campbell hall entertained with a dinner dance celebrating Wash ington’s birthday. The tables were decorated with red, white, and blue candies symbolizing the occasion. Patrons and patronesses were Mr. and Mrs. Sinnar, Miss Swenson, and Miss Statsburgh. Thursday evening Hendricks hall also entertained with a dinner dance, the decorations carrying out the spring idea, with pastel | shades of green and silver. Mr.; Karl Onthank was honored guest.; Co-ed Debate Team To Meet Washington The women’s varsity debating K*- ■ ■■ '.. 1 , ... - —-' ■ ' ■■■ ■ » __ Mrs. John 8. Garner will retain her position as private secretary to her husband after he assumes office as vice-president. March 4. team leaves today for Seattle where the members will debate the question of “Socializing Medicine" with the University of Washington co-ed team. Members of the Oregon team are: Geraldine Hickson. Jean Leon ard, and Lois Smith. Last Friday two other members of the team, Pauline George and Frances Mayes debated the same question at the Yoncalla community church. ■ ; -.. — CINEMA — By BOB GUILD “State Fair" at the McDonald again tonight and tomorrow, which is darn good entertainment yaluc — in fact, a good movie, which is rare enough in these days. Enough is crammed into its hour and half to make three or four good .mov ies. Everyone is interested—some for Will Rogers, some for the ac tion and story interest, some for a couple of new romantic teams (Gaynor-Ayres, Foster - Eilers), and a few who remember a love scene between boar and sow long er than anything else. It’s running road-show, which means a 35-cent ante, but even at that it stands the test. Glen Godfrey's Colonial is going virile tonight with “Huntin’ Whales,’’ or nearly that. The pic* ture concerns itself with a bit,, ,of commercial Moby-Dicking . . . and I have it on excellent authority that there’s a thrill in it for near ly everyone. As the filip attraction, C. Scott Howland, something of an author ity on the subject, will lecture, strangely enough, on "whales.” Mr. Howland hails from a whale neighborhood somewhere in Maine . . . and traveled for a time as a whale-lecturer on the Ellison White series. Mr. Godfrey tells me he’s an adventurous man, a born raconteur, and will no doubt be more fun than the picture. GERMAN STATESMAN LIKES GOLF, HUNTING (Continued from rage One) secondly, an aspiring dictator will not invite»a willful kaiser to come and take the h€lm of government. Dr. Kuhlmann, when asked his opinion and that of other Euro pean statesmen as to the possi bility of a war between America and Japan, declared emphatically that Japan nas her hands full with China, and ambitious Russia on I the north, and her diplomats are | shrewd enough to see that one war at a time is sufficient. Besides golf, Dr. Kuhlmann en joys riding, swimming, hunting game, and raising apples. He owns a 4,000-tree apple orchard in Ba varia, and has for the past week visited the orchards in Hood River and studied American orchard methods. After leaving Eugene the fa mous internationalist will go to Tacoma, then to New York where he will speak at Columbia univer sity, and the town hall. 4 A pair of Polo Oxfords FOR HER POLO OXFORDS: That smart spring footwear for “ali around" campus wear Plain toe, white elk oxfords, with brown or black saddle. Now at Graham’s. At $5.00 the College Girls’ Most Satisfactory l ootwear L i New Spring Styles Surveyed in Chat By Fashion Editor For the last two weeks I’ve sung my hymn of hate, a song about how I hated the new trousers for j women. A thousand apologies. Yesterday I went into Barnhart's, I and there I saw my first pair of I slacks. Not that I've changed my i song to one of love, but I like | them. Barnhart's are also showing , some particularly good-looking mannish suits. A double-breasted I one with a dark jacket, a light j skirt, and big courageous buttons quite took my heart. But before I get any more in volved, I must tell you about the tailored suits at McMorran’s. They have all kinds of them, but most particularly the kind you'll need for school, for street, for1 traveling . . . eminently practical. There's a joker in the pack! You can’t wear most of these suits without a blouse, so I dashed up to Densmore and Leonard's to see what I could see in the way of blouses. I saw plenty! They have a whole new shipment of blouses, ranging from $1.95 to $2.95, the most youthful, the most enchant ing, the most dainty young blouses you ever saw in your life. But enough! After having looked into these matters, we went up to Margaret Coldron's shop In the Miner building, (formerly the French shop, you know). It was like going into a salon . . . pale, apple green walls, deep car pets, modernistic mirrors, a decid ed touch of individuality, which is characteristic of Miss Coldren, who not only sells individual clothes but makes them to suit your own particular type. Philomelete to Hold Initiation On Sunday Philomelete, a branch of Phi Theta Upsilon, service honorary, will hold initiation Sunday at 4 :30 in Gerlinger hall, it Was announced yesterday by Edith Peterson,’pres ident. The purpose of the organization is to promote a closer spirit of friendship among the University women on the campus. This group has been organized for about five years, but last year was practically .inactive. Any wo men wishing to become a member should attend the initiation Sun day, Miss Peterson stated. Mrs. Smith Guest Mrs. Linton Smith, national vice-president of Zeta Tau Alpha, was a guest of the local chapter this week. Mrs. Smith, who, re turning from a trip in the East, is visiting chapters en route to her home in Los Angeles, California. On Thursday evening, Zeta Tau Alpha entertained in her honor with a formal dinner. Dr. Rosalind Wulzen Likes Pets as Well as Research (This is the second of a series of interviews with Oregon wo men who have earned the degree of Ph.D.). By ELINOR HENRY On the top floor of old Deady hall, in a tiny office at the end of a long corridor lined with biolog ical specimens in glass cases, the reporter found Dr. Rosalind Wul zen, dark-haired little scientist and assistant professor of zoofogy. “I'd much rather talk about someone else,” she remarked, smil ing. The teacher whose influence de cided her career was Jacques Loeb, one of the most famous biologists of his time, under whom Dr. and Mrs. A, R. Moore also studied. “I learned to appreciate what re search is from him," Dr. Wulzen stated. “The main value of the Ph.D. is the training one gets in research. You are a pioneer in your subject." Miss Wulzen's hobbies are car ing for animals and taking long trips to her automobile. Her pets are two dogs, Pocahontas and Lor na Doone. In the little building back of the white research “shack" on Onyx street, Dr. Wulzen keeps her guinea pigs, rats, and chickens, which are used in her research work on nutrition. She was born in Oakland, Cali fornia, on October 6, 1882. She at tended public school in Oakland and graduated from the University of California in 1904. After teach ing two years in high school, she 'went back to the university, in tending to study medicine. It was then that she studied under Dr. Jacques Loeb, who advised her to specialize in zoology. She received her M. S. degree from California in 1910, and her Ph.D. in 1914. From 1909 to 1913 she was head of the department of biology at Mills college. She was on the University | of California faculty from 1914 to 1928, when she came to the Uni versity of Oregon. I ! For S This Week-end j Give Your Pardner | a Thrill by Sending Her a Corsage From 1 THE 1 IUNIVERISTY FLORISTS , 1 598 13th—Ph. 654 „ j I Orchids-Gardenias j — and — % Many Other Appropriate | Corsage Flowers [I . , I. , *. .. ,;J i. ?;iiiiiniiiinmiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiinniMmimiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiTii:i;niimmiMiimiiiiiimniiRii EUOENE’S OWN STORE McMorran & Washburne MERCHANDISE OF MERIT ONLY PHONE 2700 The Gibson Girl of the 90 s Inspires The Mannish Suit for Spring 1933 It may be double breasted — in short jaunty jacket or the jacket may drop to finger tip length—the sleeves will be full the skirt smooth fitting—grey, beige, „ tan or blue—It is very smart, h or $19.50, $29.50 Misses SECOND FLOOR ISNT THIS THE MOST IMPORTANT STATEMENT EVER MADE IN A CIGARETTE ADVERTISEMENT? It is a Fact, * well known by leaf tobacco ex perts, that Camels are made from finer, MORE EXPENSIVE tobaccos than any other popular brand. We actually pay MILLIONS MORE every year to insure your enjoyment. tSigned) R. I. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. B iuslon-Saitm, N. C. m """