Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 24, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene.
Richard Neuberger, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager
Sterling Green, Managing Editor
Thornton Oslo. Associate Editor; Jack Bellinger, Dave Wilson
Julian Prescott.
Oscar Munjrer, News Ed.
Francis Palliater, Copy Ed.
Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed.
Parka Hitchcock, Makeup Ed.
Bob Moore, Chief Nijrht Ed.
John Gross, Literary Ed
Boh Guild, Dramatics Ed,
Jessie Steele, Women’s Ed.
Esther Hayden, Society Ed.
Ray Clapp, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: Bob Patterson, Maraaret Bean, Francia Pal
lister, Dtua Polivka, Joe Saslavsky.
NIGHT EDITORS: Gcorae Callsa, Bob Moore, John Hollo
peter, Dona MacI,ean, Bob Butler, Bob Couch.
SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Aflat. Ed.; Ned Simpson,
Ben Back, Boh Avlson, Jack Chinnock.
FEATURE WRITERS: Elinor Henry, Maximo Pulido, Hade
REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Madeleine Gilbert, Ray Clapp,
Ed Stanley, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewlna, Cynthia
Liljeuvist, Ann-Reed Burns, Peaay Chessman, Ruth Kina.
Barney Clark, Betty Ohlemiller, Roberta Moody. Audrey
Clark, Bill Belton, Don Oids, Gertrude Lamb, Ralph Mason,
Roland Parks.
COPYRF.ADERS: Harold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee,
Maraaret Hill, Edna Murphy, Mary Jane Jenkins. Marjorie
MeNiece. Frances Rothwell, Caroline Ropers, Henrietta Horak,
Catherine Coppers, Claim Bryson, Binaham Powell.
hart. Maraaret Corum, Georaina Gildez, Elina Giles, Carmen
Blaise, Bernice Priest, Dorothy Palcy, Evelyn Schmidt.
RADIO STAFF: Ray Clapp. Editor: Barney Clark, George
SECRETARIES—Louise Beers, Lina Wilcox.
Adv. Mgr., Mahr Reymers
National Adv. Mgr., Auten Bush
Promotional Mgr., Marylou
Asst. Adv, Mgr., Gr a n t
Asst. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington
Asst. Adv. Mgr. Bill Russell
Executive secretary, uorotny
Anne Clark
Circulation Mgr., Ron Raw.
Office Mgr., Helen Stinger
Class. Ad. Mgr., Althea Peterson
Sez Sue, Caroline Hahn
Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice
Checking Mgr., Ruth Storla
Checking Mgr.. Pearl Murnhy
Ruth Vannice, Kred Fisher, Ed Lahha, Eliaa Addis, Corrinnc
Plath, Phyllis Dent, Peter Gantenbein, Bill Meissner, Patsy
Lee, Jeannette Thompson, Ruth Baker, Betty Powers, Bob
Butler, Carl Heidel, George Brice, Charles Darling, Parker
Favier, Tom Clapp.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Betty Bretsher, Patricia Campbell,
Knth-yn Greenwood, Jane Bishop, Elms Giles, Eugenia Hunt,
Gene Bailey, Marjorie McNiece, Willa Bits, Betty Shoemaker,
Ruth Bycrly, Mary Jane Jenkins.
EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg. Phone 3300— News
Room. Local 3Sf>: Editor and Managing Editor, Local 3154.
BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214.
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday
and Monday during the college year. Entered in the postoffice
at Eugene, Oregon, as second-clasa matter. Subscription rates,
32.00 a year.
The Emerald’s Creed for Oregon
There is always the human temptation to
forget that the erection of buildings, the formulation of
new curricula, the expansion of departments, the crea
tion of now functions, and Bimilar routine duties of
the administration are but means to an end. There is
always a glowing sente of satisfaction in the natural
impulse for expansion. This frequently leads to regard
ing achievements as ends in themselves, whereas the
truth is that those various appearances of growth and
achievement can be justified only in so far as they
make substantial contribution to the ultimate objec
tives of education .... providing adequate spiritual
and intellectual training for youth of today—the citi
zenship of tomorrow. . . .
“ . . . . The University should be a place where
classroom experiences and faculty contacts should stimu
late and train youth for the most effective use of all
the resources with which nature has endowed them. Dif
ficult and challenging problems, typical of the life
and world in which they are to live, must be given
them to solve. They must be taught under the expert
supervision of instructors to approach the solution of
these problem* in a workmanlike way. with a dis
ciplined intellect, with a reasonable command of the j
techniques that i re involved, with a high sense of in
tellectual adventure, and with a genuine devotion to the
ideals of intellectual integrity. . . ."—From the Biennial |
Report of the University of Oregon for 1U31-32.
j I
The American people cannot he too careful in |
guarding the freedom of speech and of the press
against cur/ailment as to the discussion of public
affairs and the character and conduct of public
men. —Carl Schurs.
PERTINENT facts and details prove the validity
and advisability of the Emerald’s for reduced
living costs. Any conscientious marshaling of the
statistics will indicate beyond a doubt the neces
sity for putting the proposal into effect at once.
Ffo time should be lost in getting under way. This
is an occasion for action, not delay. Needless bick
ering and trivial criterion have no place in a Bitua
tion as momentous and imperative as this one.
A multitude of future citizens depend upon the
establishment of a large-scale cooperative living
organization to enable them to obtain education.
There are young people in every corner of the com
monwealth, loafing and idling because it costs too
much to go to college. The Portland high schools
are crowded to capacity with students taking post
graduate work— students who should be at the Uni
versity, the state college, or the normal schools—
but whose finances are inadequate.
Neither Chancellor Kerr nor the state board of
higher education is unaware of the needs and ambi
tions of those students. The board members, all
keenly interested in students and their problems,
live in widely separated localities. Yet, each knows
of numerous deserving young men anil women who
must spend their teens and early twenties in idle
ness because it is too expensive to go to college.
There are many ramifications and details to be
provided for in a plan as large-scale as that which
the Emerald proposes, but its advantages no one
can doubt. The entire state realizes the need and
demand for it.
In its efforts to determine the need and desire
for the installation of the plan, the editorial board
of the Emerald has noticed frequent conditions
which the proposal would better. One group of
students is'paying 35 per cent of its funds for food
and 65 per cent for rent. This proportion should
be reversed. The introduction of the Emerald plan
would do so. There are numerous other groups liv
ing under similar conditions, all of which would be
improved immeasurably by the Emerald proposal.
The plan hus been investigated and commented
upon favorably by a multitude of disinterested per
sons. Its inception seems a foregone conclusion if
the administration sees fit to undertake it. And
considering the understanding and knowledge ot
student proolems that Chancellor Kerr and the
board have shown in the past, we are confident they
will give the problem serious thought.
TT'VERY martyr lias his Judas.
For every plan of progress, for every pro- i
gram of vision, for every proposal of social advance
ment there is always the knocker, the cynic, the;
backr.stabbei-. The dead-weight inertia of conser
vatism is a heavy enough burden for every pro
gressive movement to bear without the organized
opposition of self-centered opponents of justice and
At home or abroad, m the eapilul or on Ik"
campus, it is all too true that those that ride the!
saddle give little heed to those they trample under
foot. To clamber to success over the backs of the'
poor and helpless is but to parallel on a larger1
scale climbing to collegiate heights over the Weary
shoulders of less fortunate fellows.
When the crying need is ACTION there is no
place for crafty criticism, for clever condemnation,
or for deception and deliberate destructive tactics..
If the high and haughty cannot invoke a spirit of
sacrifice, the least they can do is maintain a posi
tion of tolerance and fairness.
We need men to face the hour.
OREGON must dream again! America must
dream again! The dreams of the pioneers
have been forgotten in the mad business of earning
livings, paying off mortgages, going to school, and !
in the general pressure of a business depression.
A thought expressed by Frazier Hunt, world
traveller, in the February issue of Good House
keeping is worth repeating:
"I thought of the old dream of America—the
dream that had sent settlers across stormy seas to
untracked forests and unknown river valleys in
search of some mystical freedom; the dream that
had pushed the pioneers on westward to the rolling
free lands; the dream that had raised common
lowly men to self-respect, a new citizenship; a
dream that had given for the first time in the
world, universal free education, and that had sent
almost a million, young men and women each year
into our countless colleges and universities.”
American pioneers once dreamed of a vast em
pire in the West, a land of comparative freedom,
wealth, and vast natural resources. It was to be
a land in which each individual would be evaluated
in terms of his true worth. The hectic conditions of
the last few years have turned that dream into
somewhat of a nightmare, caused perhaps by gorg
ing too much food and living too high back about
But dreams can be pleasant and dreams can be
real. Yes, Mr. Frazier, America must dream again.
It must be a dream of a greater commonwealth,
a greater nation, higher ideals, and a real brother
hood for all.
TNO SORORITIES justify their existence as any
thing more than social living organizations
with emphasis on the "social” ?
Yes, they do, but few people outside of the par
ticular fraternal circle know anything about it. All
sororities have some philanthropic or scholastic
project which they have established and maintain.
Summer camps, nurseries, student loan funds
these are but a few of the commendable ventures
of Panhellenic organizations.
A series of articles, appearing alphabetically on
the women's page, will present all these projects.
They are sponsored by the local organization of
Contemporary !
145,000 Nomad Youths
1Y>|TLITARY training for jobless youths appeared
to be the American answer to the problem of
what to do with 145,000 to 200,000 nomads last
Monday, when the United States senate voted unani
mously to appropriate $22,000,000 for keeping the
citizens’ training camps open all year, and offering
them as a refuge and school for the wanderers.
Germany's answer to the identical problem >s
the labor battalion, in which military discipline
and work on rural development are united. Rus
sia's answer—or one of Russia's answers—is the
Children’s City, outside of Odessa, where 2,500
young Communists are running a self-governing
and almost self-supporting community.
Hard times brought national planning for needy
youths to all three countries. They came first to i
Russia, then to Germany, and then to this country.
Each nation, as homes broke down, saw the rest
less, adventurous and self-reliant boys of the coun
try leaving families which could no longer support
them, and striking out on their own resources to be
casual laborers, panhandlers, tramps, and some
times criminals. Each nation recognized a problem
and a menace, and now, after much publicity for
the “forgotten boy,” the senate has acted to care
for him.
The proposal for training jobless youths in the
citizens' camps was made by Senator David A. Reed, :
| Republican, of Pennsylvania, during a debate on the
j $370,000,000 army appropriation bill. Senator James j
Couzens, Republican, of Michigan, offered an |
amendment providing that the regular army posts |
should be refuges, but this proposal met the objec-j
; tion that it would demoralize the army posts, since
■ under the amendment the youths to be cared for |
would not work, but merely take setting up drills I
and subject themselves to discipline.
| Such a proposal, it was contended, would have I
: led thousands of youth* to avoid work deliberately
\ for six months in order to loaf in a camp where I
free food, bedding and clothing would be available.!
j Then Senator Reed made his proposal; Senator I
I Couzens accepted it, and the measure was quickly
i passed.
Under the Couzens amendment, if it passes the
house of representatives, and is signed by the presi- j
idem, $,">,000,000 will be made available immediately,
and $17,000,000 in the next fiscal year. Under the
law, any youth between the ages of 15 and 21, who
has been jobless for six months, may apply for entry i
into the training camps if an American citizen,
sound of mind and body. Once admitted, he will
receive the same training as has been given each
summer to volunteers since the camps were started
According to a census just made by the national!
committee on care of the transient and homeless,
1,335 social agencies in S09 cities have reported
1,250,000 persons without homes and wandering
about the country, of whom only 11 per cent, or!
115.000. arc boys under 21. Other estimates, made I
previously, have placed the number at approximate
ly 200,000. The appropriation act passed by the
senate, if it becomes a law, will provide for SS.000
boys, an annual expense of $250 each, and'
taking them off the glutted labor market will give
them a year's education. State, town and city
agencies arc ixpccted to care for thousands
more, just as the Children's Aid society of New
York city is doing, placing many on farms.—New
York llerald-Tribune.
_ - , , - - — - - — - - - - I
Food for Thought - - By;KEN FERGUSON
T _ . j
Letters to the Editor
All “Letters to the Editor” must bear
either the signature or initials of the
writer, the former being preferred. Be
cause of space limitations, the editor
reserves the right to withhold such
communications as he sees fit. All let
ters should be. concise and to the point.
The editor of the Emerald solicits opin
ions and constructive criticism from
the members of the student body.
Mr. Pulido’s Reply
To the Editor of the Emerald:
Sir: Although I did not write
Major Back’s story as it appeared
in Wednesday’s Emerald, I admit
I am largely responsible for it.
For this reason I am taking oc
casion to comment on Dr. Harold
J. Noble’s condemnation of said
To begin with, Dr. Noble admits
that Major Back said it would be
better for the United States to'
stay out of the league which is a
"polite debating society dominat
ed by the French.” This was the
major’s answer to Reverend Pal
mer's assertion that military men
are against America’s joining the
league and the world court. Yes,
Major Back denied he was against
the United State’s adhering to the
world court, and this point was
not mentioned in the story. But
the more important thing is the
major’s calling the league a debat
ing society, so this was played up
and quoted very accurately.
In the second place. Dr. Noble
admits that Major Back said that
in Salem there is an institution
for people of abnormal faith. This
statement of the tnilitary officer
was a quick reply to a law pro
fessor's question whether the ma
jor thought a nation could rely on
its faith in another or not. This
statement may have been intended
for a joke but it certainly seemed
to have carried with it a degree
of sting. What if this should have
been played up, too ?
In the third place, Dr. Noble
said that Major Back did not as
sert the superiority of offense over
defense. Point No. 2 of the five
points brought forth by the major
says, as quoted by the Register
Guard: “Often the military offen
sive is the most efficient defensive
measures." How much difference
between the two statements can
the history professor find?
We are all susceptible to mak
ing mistakes anti r admit that Ma
jor Back did not say "that war is
an adjunct of economic progress."
But as I understood, he said as
his fifth point, “war occurs.” As
to when, he did not say, but he left
the impression that he meant war
occurs in the course of the pro
gress of nations.
After having finished reading
his dry lecture, the major was
subjected to questioning by his
hearers, mostly faculty members.
It should be interesting to note
that quite a number of those pres
ent did not agree and could not
agree with many points presented
by the major on the international
respects of disarmament.
Maximo M. Pulido.
Probation I p Again!
To the Editor of the Emerald:
Sir: There has been consider
able discussion among my friends
as to the apparent injustice in the
scholarship committee's ruling on
the cases of Kek McKean and
Harry Schenk. Although having a
higher average for the preceding
term. McKean was not allowed to
continue his basketball manager
ship. but Schenk was allowed to
retain his position as business
manager of the Emerald.
Is this an evidence of prejudice
on the part of the committee or
rvjf'TPi.v tpo^ rrfu! political aifiVi !
atiou-- of Mr. Schenk? t\ c do not
doubt the ability of Mr. Schenk,
for we assume that unless he was
as competent as the average col
lege business manager, he would
not have been given any special
consideration by the committee.
However, many students, I feel,
[ would welcome a more complete
explanation of the apparent favor
I thoroughly approve of the in
telligent and constructive manner
in which the Emerald has carried
on its campaign against an out
moded political machine, and am
especially interested in its at
tempt to reduce the living ex
penses of students. F. D.
Assault and
Battery iitchcoch ||
| AW SCHOOL barristers who at
-Lj tended Tuesday night’s jig
were surprised to see that Don
ald Eva, S. A. E. hip-hip-hurray
boy, was not in attendance. Home
studying, he claims.
* * *
Not to let the editorial staff
scoop us, A & B (Assault & Bat
tery, you snarfs) is preparing a
daily menu which we will sell for
$1.53 cents. Of course, that’s just
for the menu; the food comes ex
tra. Here it is:
Monday Breakfast:
1 boiled overshoe
2 pickled pickles (this grows
1 Bromoseltzer
Monday Lunch:
Stake & bins & bins & still
more bins
1 beer (extra charge will be
made for all stains on the
Monday Dinner:
1 highball
1 gin
Well, let’s have another high
ball. About this time board
ers will forget all about
dinner. (Editor’s note: It is
by this striking means that
we are able to effect the
economy. No dinner at all
means no dinner at all, you
* * *
Barometer headline: REWARD
That's all right, Mr. Editor,
we’ll send you a bomb or even
six feet of clothes line if you feel
that bad.
* * *
Amid all this talk about George
Washington as the father of our
country, a qualm of doubt creeps
into our own private reflections.
We're not so sure about this part
of the country, anyway. Seems to
us Sidney Franklin was the real
father of this country.
* * *
Bob Parke strutting a brand new
“O” .... Warren Gram and Wil
bur Walker fighting it out on the
stage at “Berkeley Square” . . . .
Bruce Hamby getting ready for
.the Seattle trip .... Lou Webber
wandering as if lonesome. . . .
Lloyd Speer grinning vaguely. . . .
A Decade Ago
From Daily Emerald
February 24, 1923
Heave Ho!
The annual tug of war between
the Delta’s and the Beta’s is sche
l*owder^-Perflimes-—Hath Powder—•
/Compacts-.-Gift Sets
See Them at the
The {Students’ Drug Store
lltii and Alder / Phone 114
KjKyEEXSS^SI Friday-Saturday
Bargain Mat. Sat.
Amazing-Daring f
Sagajof the Seaalil
Scott Howland in Person presenting
His lecture and thrilling actual pictures of whale hunting
expeditions in north seas—
The New York American—
“Vivid, tremendous, exciting'
and remarkable! From the
moment the majestic square
rigger sails into the rising
sun, until, after IS months,
she returns storm-swept and
staggering, the spectator is
NOTE We are pleased to
present Mr. H owland at
prices all can afford—
Adults '13e Nights
7 and 9 P. M.
Sat. Matinee 2:30 15c
l'. O. Students!!
Special Price Kriday Night,
Imperial Addiil iVtttuiv—"NI KI. THE ELEPHANT”— |
Lite >4Hl< jta |Hih«i -4im| luimor t" straugi India I
doled today. Last year the two
teams struggled for more than 15
minutes, ending in the complete
submergence of the Delta.
* * *
Oregon frosh take capital hoop-!
sters 32-28.
* * *
Looney Tunes?
Carl Sandburg, noted poet, en
tertained a campus audience in
Villard hall last night with songs
sung to a banjo accompaniment.
He also recited some of his
“Rootabaga" stories.
* * •
Not Even a Prayer
The varsity basketball squad i
were vanquished by the W. 8. C. j
quintet last night, the score was ]
Of the Air
- . ■_. ...art .»...st.s.uu. -I
With Bruce Hamby, sports edi- \
tor of the Emerald, in Seattle,1
Malcolm Bauer, assistant sports
chief, will be featured on the 15
minute program of the Emerald
of-the-Air at 12:15 today.
Bauer will discuss the present
set-up in the northern division
basketball title race. This sports
talk is a regular Friday feature
of the student program.
Are you listening?
(Continued from Page One)
afternoon, after the tank was re
moved, he rested easier.
Conscious Yesterday
He was conscious yesterday and
talked to his parents and Reinhart.
Reinhart tried to encourage him as
Stahl began to grow weary of the
strain of fighting against the
Members of the varsity squad
were loath to leave the campus.
yesterday noon. Several members j
suggested cancelling the game, but j
it was decided to go on after Cap
Roberts visited Stahl and found
that it was his wisli that the team
go on.
Stahl is 21 years of age. Before
entering Oregon he was an all
star hoop player at Grant high
school in Portland. He is a senior
in business administration and a
member of Delta Tau Delta.
(Continued from Page One)
\ aid Plan” of cooperative living
; was launched without the accurate
compilation and treatment of facts
! and figures which should be the
I basis for sound newspaper policy,
“WHEREAS, the members of
the Interfraternity council unani
; mously approve and authorize the
resolution of the council's commit
tee as published in the Emerald of
Feb. 22 under the caption, “Unau
thorized Statement,” and
l “WHEREAS the members of the
council have been informed that a
I news story which was written by
the managing editor of the Em
erald and which explained accur
ately the views of the committee
on certain mis-statements of fact
; contained in the editorial, ‘Living
on $2.25 a Week,’ which appeared
in Tuesday's Emerald, was dis
carded by the editor and replaced
j by another story which unfairly
[ distorted the views of the commit
: tee, and
“WHEREAS the misunderstand
F Matinee Every Day at I P. M.
X Continuous SAT. SUN. HOI.
Road All
Show OOC Seats
Greatest Cast
^Janet Gaynor
[Will Rogers
\ Lew Ayres
Sally Ellen
Norman Foster
Louise Dresser
Frank Craven
Victor Jory
V ”*■*<»« NRNRY
W.*rt, UIUJI
- PLUS -
Gay Technicolor Revue !
Mo vie to Be ns
Campus Calendar
Gamma Alpha Chi meets at 3
today at the College Side.
W. A. A. meets today at 4 in
room 121 Gerlinger for nomina
Ahimnae and active members of
Delta Sigma Rho meet in front of
Condon hall for pictures at 11:50
Homecoming directorate meet
today at 12:40 sharp in front of
Condon for Oregana pictures.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon announces
the pledging of Jack Kneeland of
Sacramento, California.
Temenids will have picture
taken today at 12:30 in front of
Junior and senior athletic man
agers of all sports will have Ore
gana picture taken today at 11:50
at McArthur court. Wear sweat
Social chairmen of fraternities
meet at 4 today in Johnson.
Social swim from 7:30 to 9
o’clock tonight in women’s pool.
Towels and suits furnished.
ings caused by hasty presentation
of an essentially sound plan are,
in the opinion of the council, the
result of a type of editorial im
maturity which has characterized
the Emerald on several previous
occasions (-his year, therefore, be it
“RESOLVED, that the Interfra
ternity council goes on record in
disapproval of the type of journal
ism used on this and other occa
sions by the Emerald editor as
detrimental to the best interests of
the student body and the Univer
sity in a year of unrest and read
(Signed) The Interfraternity
PETITE SHOP — Dressmaking,
hemstitching, alterations, etc.
573 E. 13th. Phone 3208.
. '
Let Us Make Your New
Choose From Our New
Beautiful Woolens
Reasonable Prices
1128 Alder Phone 2641
«rwA •
BETWEEN classes or late at
night there’s nothing like
a bowl of Kellogg's Rice
Krispies to pick you up.
They’re so crisp — ac
tually crackle in milk or
cream. And they satisfy,
hunger without taxing the
system. Made by Kellogg
in Battle Creek.