Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 09, 1933, Image 1

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Efforts Made
To Close 13th
To Auto Traffic
City Officials See Slight
Chance for Action
Street Main Artery, Says Mayor
I^irgc in Answer to Proposal
To Bar Thoroughfare
Possibilities of closing Thir
teenth avenue where it runs
through the campus to traffic as
favored by campus leaders were
seen as slight yesterday when
various Eugene officials were in
terviewed. The idea has been ad
vanced by student officials on
numerous 'occasions but has never
been taken up by the city. %
The proposals were to close
Thirteenth avenue to all but Uni
versity vehicles such as the mail
truck and other trucks serving the
buildings. The street would be
closed at each end by chains or
some similar barricade.
Objection Told
Grounds on which the proposal
was held impracticable by city of
ficials were that the street is a
main artery and its closing would
mean that traffic would have to
go around by either Eleventh or
Nineteenth, there being no other
through street between them.
Closing of the street during class
hours only was held to be as ob
jectionable because it wmuld close
this thoroughfare during business
These arguments were parried
with the suggestion that since a
link has been opened between
University and Eleventh on the
south side of the railroad tracks,
busses and other traffic going tc
or from the business section could
use this route after more improve
ment. The answer was that for
vehicles going from Fifteenth ave
nue on one side of the campus to
the same street on the other, four
blocks of travel would be added.
This would be true for Thirteenth
and Fourteenth also.
Advantages Seen
“I can see advantages for Uni
versity people in having the street
closed,” Mayor Elisha Large com
mented when asked what position
city officials might take. “On the
other hand, there will be great dis
advantages to merchants and resi
dents of the district east of the
campus. From these two groups
considerable opposition could be
R. S. Bryson, city recorder,
pointed out that a bottle neck
exists under present conditions
and that the closing of Thirteenth
avenue would considerably aggra
vate the situation. The campus
and the cemetery cut off all
streets between the railroad
tracks on the north and Eighteenth
on the south, with the exception
of Thirteenth. Closing only be
tween 8 and 5 o’clock, the hours
during which students are fre
quently crossing the street, would
not avoid this objection of conjest
ing traffic on other streets be
cause it is during this part of day
that traffic is heaviest, it was as
Underground pedestrian cross
(Continued on Page Four)
Allen Talks at Meeting
Of Alpha Delta Sigma
At a luncheon of Alpha Delta
Sigma, national professional ad
vertising fraternity, held yester
day at the College Side Dean Eric
W. Allen of the school of journal
ism, spoke on the future of adver
tising and gave a brief resume of
advertising from the medieval
ages, through the Renaissance, the
17th and 18th centuries, to the
present day.
Fifteen student members, pledg
es, and associate members attend
ed. Luncheons are held every two
Dr. Foster To Talk
At Y Hut Friday at 4
Students are urged to make
appointments for individual con
ferences with Dr. Allyn K. Fos
ter, secretary of the Baptist
Church Board of Education.
Dr. Foster will arrive in Eu
gene from New York Friday. His
first speaking engagement is
Friday at 4 o'clock at the Y hut;
he will speak on “Modern Inter
pretation of Christianity.’’ The
meeting is open to students.
Saturday will be devoted to
individual conferences, and ap
pointments may be made by
-calling Eugene Stromberg, at
the Y hut.
All Order of 'O’
Lettermen Urged
To Attend Dinner
rpHE Order of the "O” will
1 hold a meeting this eve
ning at 6 o’clock at the Phi
Delta Theta house, it was an
nounced yesterday by Orville
“Red” Dailey, president. Din
ner will precede the business
Dailey urges all lettermen
to be present, as matters of
extreme importance will be dis
Junior Shine Day
Set for March I;
Totten in Charge
Cook, Keiber To Handle Tickets;
IJirkenshaw Is Named for
Manager of Stands
The junior class has definitely
decided to hold its annual shine
day March 1, it was announced
last night by Hubert Totten, who
is general chairman of the affair.
Tottsn also stated that, in con
junction with the junior class
council, he has appointed commit
tee chairmen to assist him in pre
paring for the shine. His selec
tions are as follows:
Jane Cook and Glen Heib'er are
to be in charge of ticket sales;
Hal Birkinshaw will be in charge
of the shine stands; and Richard
Wallsinger will have charge in
gathering the materials. The pub
licity chairman has not as yet
been appointed, according to Tot
ten, but an appointment will be
made some time this week.
Sub-committees have been se
lected to work under each of the
directorate chairmen, but they
will not be announced until all of
the sub-committee members are
found eligible, stated Totten.
Honrietle Horak Will
Talk Bafore Y.W.C.A.
“Bohemia, little known state of
Czechoslovakia," will be the sub
ject of a talk to be given members
of the World Fellowship group of
Y. W. at the bungalow tonight at
9. Henriette Horak, a freshman
on the campus, will describe its
customs, people, and educational
system as she knew them.
Miss Horak was born in Prague,
where she lived until after the
war. Evelyn Schmidt, chairman of
the program committee believes
this to be one of the most impor
tant meetings of the year, and
urges all interested to aLtend.
Congress Club Meets
Tonight at College Side
Unless some means of stimu
lating free discussion of current
economic and political problems
at meetings of the Congress club
is devised, the organization must
end, declared George Bennett,
president, in announcing a meet
ing of the organization for this
■ evening at 9 o’clock in the Col
lege Side.
“All men interested are in
vited to attend,” Bennett de
clared. “We will see if this prob
lem can be met here.
Infirmary Loses
The infirmary poulation has de
creased from six to one, Paul Ew
ing. Paul was also dismissed yes
terday, but by the time he had
been away long enough to get a
haircut his stomach decided that
he should go back again. Until
more recruits, which are expected
soon, arrive he will have to hold
the fort alone.
Mrs. Prince Lucian < pbell
Two views of the wife of the late Prince Lucien Campbell, former president of the University. Mrs.
Campbell died this summer at her home (interior view below) in Eugene. Both Mr. and Mrs. Campbell
took an active part in the progress of Oregon from a small country school to one of the leading institu
tions of the nation. The Prince Campbell memorial museum, dedicated to the former president, will be
officially opened in the near future.
Kenneth Roduner
To Be Presented
In Recital Today
Kenneth Roduner, tenor, under,
the auspices of the University mu
sic department will present a con
cert tonight at 8 p. m. in the audi
torium of the Music building.
Mr. Roduner, who graduated last
December, took part in the Atwat
er-Kent contest for Eugene district
held early last fall. His instructor,
Arthur Boardman, head of the
University vocal department states
that he is one of the most depend
able young men in the department.
Mr. Roduner’s program follows:
Traetta, “Omra Cara Amorosa;”
Secchi, “Lungo Dal Caro Bane;”
Schumann, “Mondnacht;” Schu
mann, “Du Bist Wie Eine Blume;”
Grieg, "Ich Lieb Dich;” Straus,
“Allerseelen; Gounod, “Faust,"
Recit and Aria, Act III, “Salut De
meure Chaste et Pure;” Faure, '
“Hymne;” Duparc, “Chanson
Triste;” Foudrain, “Hymne;” Kra
mer, “The Last Hour;” Griffes,
“By a Lonely Forest Pathway;”
Kounts, “The Sleigh;” Ross,
“Dawn in the Desert.”
Lone IP oman Listed as Being
Important in History by 1982
ST. LOUIS, Feb. 8.—(API —
Warren G. Harding, Calvin Cool
idge and Franklin D. Roosevelt,
on the basis of their contributions
to public life, will occupy little
space in American histories fifty
years hence, in the opinion of Dr.
David S. Muzzey, professor of
American history at Columbia uni
Dr. Muzzey, whose texts are
used widely in public schools, made
public here a list of forty-nine
Americans who are now alive or
who died' in recent years, as likely
to figure in history written 1982.
Only one woman—Edith Whar
ton, the novelist—was included.
Herbert Hoover’s name appeared,
not for his service as president,
but as war-time food administra
tor and secretary of commerce.
Professor Muzzey's complete lisl
of forty-nine “immortals" follows:
Woodrow Wilson, William E.
Borah, Charles E. Hughes, Oliver
j W. Holmes, Louis D. Brandeis,
Herbert Hoover, Morris Sheppard,
Henry Cabot Lodge, George W.
Norris, Andrew W. Mellon, Wil
liam J. Bryan, Newton D. Baker,
Gen. Leonard Wood, Elihu Root. j
Alfred E. Smith, Charles G. Dawes, I
Colonel E. M. House, Thomas A. j
Edison, Robert A. Millikan, A. A.
Michelson, Charles Steinmetz, Or
ville W. Wright, Wilbur Wright, i
Dr. Irving Langmuir, Dr. Charles
H. Mayo, Dr. William J. Mayo, j
Charles W. Eliot, Nicholas M. But
ler, John Dewey, Charles A. Lind
bergh, James J. Hill, Eugene
O’Neill, Edith Wharton, John D.
Rockefeller, Henry Ford, J. P. Mor
gan, Andrew Carnegie, Julius Ro
senwald, Simon Guggenheim, Gen.
J. J. Pershing, General T. H. Bliss,
Dean Roscoe Pound, William R.
Hearst, Adolph S. Ochs, Dr. Felix
Adler, Dr. Harry E. Fosdick, Pro
fessor F. Giddings, Eugene V.
Debs, Samuel Gompers.
The fiftieth “immortal,” Dr.
Muzzey said, would be the person
to whom chief credit is awarded for |
: the discovery of insulin.
Personal Contact
Group Named by
Frosh President
Committee Proposed To Boost
Cooperative Spirit of
Class Members
_ 1
Because of the very poor spirit
and cooperation shown so far by
the freshman class, and the fear
that this attitude will assume a
greater degree of indifference if
nothing is done about it, A1 Wall,
freshman president, has appointed
a men’s personal contact commit
tee to stimulate interest in the
The idea was first formed fol- j
lowing the display of uncoopera
tive interest shown at the frosh
bonfire. Since then the atten
dance at class meetings has fal
len off.
The committee is composed of
(Continued on Page Pour)
Campus Calendar .
Christian Science organization
holds its regular Thursday eve-\
ning meeting tonight in the Y. W.
C. A. bungalow at 7:30.
Polly Pollitt’s frosh discussion
group meets at 2 today.
Frosh discussion group of Jean
Failing will meet today at 4.
World Fellowship group of Y.
W. will meet at the bungalow, 9 j
o’clock. Henrietta Horak will
speak on Bohemia.
Frosh commission cabinet meets ;
at Y. W. bungalow, 4:30.
There will be a very important
meeting of Temenids at the
Craftsman club tonight at 7:00 for
the purpose of nominating officers
for next year and to make ar-!
rangements for attending the con
vention at Corvallis.
The Folklore group of Philome
lete will meet at 9:00 Thursday!
evening in the men’s lounge of
Gerlinger. All members be pre- j
sent. Mrs. Smertenko will speak
on Greek mythology.
The Prose and Poetry group of
Philomelete will meet at 9:00 at
(Continued on Patje PourJ
Pages Removed.
From Expensive
Books at Library
That college students, will de
'ace not only periodicals but ex
aensive books while doing research
work at the old libe may seem a
areposterous charge- but it is
rue! Within the last week the
complete removal of approximate -
y a quarter of a page of Volume
I of the valuable Eneiclopedia
taliana has been discovered.
.Vhetner the portion removed con
ained print or one of the many
aeautiful reproductions of Italian
irt is not known.
That the cutting was done by
someone while in the library is
certain, for the book is not out
'or circulation. Each volume of
his as yet incomplete set is print
ed almost entirely in Italian, and
costs the library $13.50. While
his is a particularly serious of
ense, mutilation of magazines, of
:en of very old numbers that are
almost impossible to replace, is
m every-day occurrence, according
o Miss E. L. Casford, periodical
It was suggested by Mi as Cas
ord that perhaps the stu< nts do
rot know that they may bring
.heir typewriters to the library
and use them in the lower halls or
vork-room in connection with the
research work which must neces
sarily be taken from books not in
Drama Croup Claims
Bench for Prop Boom
No longer will weary students
be able to use the bench which
till now has been located con
veniently at the foot of the south
stairs in Johnson hall. It has
been re-claimed by the drama
group and once more reposes in
the prop room.
The bench was once a drama
prop but somehow it was placed
in the hall of the Administration
building and was not called for.
As time went on the bench be
came scarred from constant us
age and ii was finally decided to
remove it.
Students who have availed
themselves of this piece of fur
niture are reminded that there
Is another bench in the lobby up
Caswell Gives
Modern Views
On Mechanics
New, Old Developments
Are Discussed
Talk Is First of Series of Free
la-etiires To Be Given
This Quarter
An explanation of the dovelop
ment and application of the new
mechanics, physics, and astron
omy was given by Dr. A. E. Cas
well, in a lecture on “The New Me
chanics" at 8 o'clock last night in
Villard hall. This was the first of
a series of lectures to be presented
by the committee on free intellec
tual activities this term.
Dr. Caswell discussed at length
the two main divisions of the new
mechanics the theory of relativ
ity and the quantum theory tell
ing of their discovery, development
and practical applications.
In giving the background for the
recent developments in new me
chanics, Dr. Caswell described the
older system of mechanics used in
mathematics, physics, and astron
omy, known as “classical mechan
ics." That system has three essen
tial principles: conservation of
mass, conservation of energy, and
conservation of momentum.
Old System Obsolete
Up to about 40 years ago the
classical mechanics were able to
explain satisfactorily all known
facts. But since that time, several
discoveries brought up new ques
tions which could not be explained
by the old system, and it was with
a desire to explain those questions
that the new mechanics were de
"The place where classical phy
sics broke down,” said Dr. Caswell,
;"was when it had to deal with very
small particles of electricity or
matter, and with very short
waves. The new mechanics is an
attempt to solve the riddles asso
ciated with objects of approxi
mately the same dimensions as
those of an atom. The new me
chanics are therefore often called
atomic mechanics.”
Dr. Caswell explained the sys
(Continued on Pac/e Pour)
Ex-Circuit Judge Talks
On Radio Commission
The radio has become one of the
most important of modem law
problems, according to ex-Circuit
Judge John C. Kendall, prominent
Portland attorney, in a talk yes
terday before the law school stu
dents and faculty.
“Practice and Procedure Before
the Federal Radio Commission”
was the subject of Mr. Kendall’s
address. The commission has wide
discretionary power to revoke or
to renew station licenses, but it
has no power of censorship except
of obscenity over the air. The
question of whether radio is a pub
i lie utility was brought up and an
swered in the negative. The advent
of the radio has ushered in many
new problems of law and has cre
ated new torts, and proceedings
before the Federal Radio commis
sion have now become almost as
technical as those of a regular
court, according to Mr. Kendall.
The talk was illustrated
throughout by actual cases and
was followed by open discussion.
Resigned Prexy
M. Lyle Spencer, president of
the University of Washington,
who resigned last week, hut whose
message of resignation lias not
yet been accepted by the new
board of regents appointed by
Governor Martin. In his note,
President Spencer requested that
he be transferred tj the English
Pi Beta Phi Takes
Biggest Money in
This Term’s Crawl
Chi Psis Win Contest for Men's
Ileuses; Phi Delta, Betas
Taking in more than a dime a
minute, Pi Beta Phi won the 44
Colonial theatre tickets offered to
the women’s house taking in the
most money at last night’s Dime
Crawl. Their total was $7.00.
Gamma Phi Beta, with $6.25, and
Kappa Alpha Theta, with 6.24,
were their closest competitors.
The Chi Psis paid out just 44
dimes to take the 44 Fox-McDon
ald theatre passes promised the
house sending the most men to
the most houses. Phi Delta Theta,
Beta Theta Pi, and Sigma Phi Ep
silon gave them so close a race,
however, that the outcome was in
doubt til! the last house was in.
The total amount turned over
by the Dime Crawl directorate to
the A. W. S. loan fund will be
$69.74. The dime crawl held fall
term netted $61.06, $8.74 more.
"I want all the men who took
part to know how much we appre
ciated the way they turned out in
spite of the cold and snow,” Nan
cy Suomela, chairman, said last
Taylor Talks to Croup
On School Psychology
H. R. Taylor, professor of psy
chology at the University of Ore
gon, addressed a group of men and
j women graduates last night on
the subject, "Contemporary
Schools of Psychology.”
This group meets every two
] weeks at the Y. VV. C. A. bunga
I low to discuss papers read to them
by different professors.
Colonel Barker Makes
R.O.T.C. Appointments
i IT
Colonel F. A. Barker announces
the following appointments to the
rank of R. O. T. C. captain from
the rank of lieutenant: John R.
McCulloch, Forest S. Paxton, Ed
win F. Robb, Evert E. Ream, Ed
gar L. Smith, Maurice E. Whitta
i ker, and Marshall F. Wright.
Oregonian Artist Will Judge
Senior Contest Photographs
Photographs of 20 senior wo
men and 18 senior men, candidates
for the title of Venus and Apollo,
respectively, will be sent to Port
land today to be judged by Quincy
Scott, Morning Oregonian staff (
artist, as the ideal University man
and woman, it was announced by
Virginia Wentz, Oregana editor.
Winners of the contest will ha've
their pictures in the Oregana, but
the outcome will be kept a secret
until the yearbook comes out dur-'
ing Junior Week-end, which will
be held some time in May. Sec- j
ond and third place winners will
also be selected by Mr. Scott, stat
ed Miss Wentz.
Selections, according to the Ore
gana editor, will be based on the
good looks and character of feat
ures of each woman and man en
Part of a letter from Scott to
Miss Wentz states, “I want this to
be understood by everybody con
| cerned: that a photograph is at
best only evidence, not proof, of
beauty in the original subject; that
I shall therefore judge the photo
graphs as photographs, and that
my opinion when rendered cannot
be anything else than my opinion
“Thus a young man might look
as though one wouldn’t care to gc
fishing with him or to lend him
money, and yet he might be unde
niably handsome, and in such case
I’d have to hand him the honor.’
B'oilowing are the women rep
resented: Elsie Burke, Alpha Ch
Omega; Beth Thomas, Alpha Del
ta Pi; Eleanor Lonergan, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Isabelle Crowell
Alpha Omicron Pi; Dorothy Hall
Alpha Phi; Lorene Christenson
Alpha Xi Delta; Bllinor Clark, Ch
Omega; Thelma Rice, Delta Deltt
Delta; Margaret Ansley, Deltt
Gamma; Willametta Logsdon, Del
ta Zeta; Irene Clemens, Gamms
Phi Beta;
Adele Hitchman, Hendricks hall
Mary Lou Muncy, Kappa Alpht
Theta: Freda Stadter, Kappa Del
(Continued on Page Four)
Glenn Frank
Lauds Interest
In Legislation
Famous Educator Scuds
Report to Emerald
“Sword of Legislation" Tells of
Danger to Schools From
p LENN FRANK’S article, tho
"Sword Over Education,”
begins today on the editorial
page. Read it. The facts there
in give an interesting aspect to
tlie educational fight now being
waged in Oregon.
Apparently the desirable effects
of the recent trip of three Oregon
students to the state legislature
were not confined to the sundown
side of the Rocky mountains.
Yesterday there arrived from
one of the nation’s foremost edu
cators, Clenn Frank, president of
the University of Wisconsin, com
mendation of the enterprise in the
form of a document setting forth
the problems now faced by higher
education in the United States.
The communication was ad
dressed to the editor of the Em
erald, Dick Neuberger, who car
ried the petitions to the legisla
ture, together with Stephen B.
Kahn, varsity debater, and Ray
mond (Butch) Morse, all-north
west football player.
Emerald To Run Article
The title of Mr. Frank’s article
was “The Sword Over Education.”
It will be published on the Emer
ald editorial page in three install
ments, the first of which appears
I this morning.
In the contribution Frank sets
I forth the problems confronting ed
ucation because of the necessary
retrenchments now taking place
throughout the land. He says the
peril lies not in the existence of
these economies, but the manner
in which they are obtained.
Frank points out the need for
the continuing of higher education
on a high plane. "Bridges, roads
and buildings can wait,” he says,
“but we cannot place educational
opportunity in cold storage for the
duration of the depression and
then catch up with it later on.”
.Soundest Departments Hit
Frank also calls to the attention
the pertinent fact that education
is responsible only for a slight in
crease in the tax burden. Says he:
"Throughout the nation we are
trying to balance the budgets by
cutting the very heart out of the
only things that make government
a creative social agency. We slash
scientific bureaus . . . We starve
libraries. We squeeze education.
And we call this economy. And
actually think we are intelligent
in calling it that. How the gods
must be laughing at us! And how
our grandchildren will damn us!”
Frank also recommends that ed
ucators meet the situation with
offensive rather than defensive
tactics. A militant fighter him
self, the Wisconsin president urges
the nation’s thinkers and educators
to rally to the defense of education
by waging an aggressive campaign
against unjust and foolish re
Frank Noted Educator
The Wisconsin educator is one
of the country’s foremost thinkers
and writers. His school is a
through the new cutoff. This
would require paving of the new
strip and neither the city nor the
University have sufficient funds at
the present for this work.
The plan has not been presented
to the city within recent years, it
was stated by Fred E. Lamb,
chairman of the council street
committee, and as it is one that
would take considerable study of
the traffic situation, he was not
(Continued on Page Four)
Two Oregon Students
To Appear Over KOAC
Vivian Malone, violinist, and
Sally Porter Reed, pianist, fea
ture on the University program
over KOAC tonight at 8 o’clock.
Edna Whitmer will accompany
i Miss Malone.
The numbers which Miss Ma
lone will contribute to the pro
gram are Vevacini’s “Sonata In
D-minor,” “Melodie Arabo” by
Glasounov, and Manen's “Le
Miss Reed’s selections vary
from Chopin’s Nocturne in C
sharp minor, Debussy’s “The
■ I Sunken Cathedral” to Schu
mann's “Novelette in F-major.”