Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 08, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    ■ C-meralti,
University of Oregon, Eugene
Kiehard Neuberger, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager
Sterling Green, Managing Editor
Thornton Gale, Associate Editor; Jack Bellinger, Dave Wilson
Julian l’rescott.
Oscar Mungei, News Ed.
Francis Pallister, Copy Ed.
Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed.
Parks Hitchcock. Makeup Ed.
Bob Moore, Chief Night Ed.
John Gross, Literary Ed
Hob Guild, Dramatics Ed.
Jessie Steele, Women’s Ed.
Esther Hayden, Society Ed.
Itay Clapp, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: Hob Patterson, Margaret Bean, Francis Pal
lister, Drug Polivka. Joe Saslavsky.
NIGHT EDITORS: George Callas, Bob Moore, John Hollo
petcr, Doug MacLoan, Bob Butler, Bob Couch.
SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson,
Ben Back, Boh Avison, Jack Chinnock.
FEATURE WRITERS: Elinor Henry, Maximo Pulido, Hazlc
REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Madeline Gilbert. Ray Clapp,
Erl Stanley, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewing, Cynthia
LiljeQvist, Ann-Reod Burns, Peggy Chessman. Ruth King.
Barney Clark, Belly Ohlemiller. Roberta Moody, Audrey
Clark. Bill Belton, Don Oids, Gertrude Lamb, Ralph Mason,
Roland Parks.
COPYREADERS: Harold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee,
Margaret Hill, Edna Murphy, Mary Jane Jenkins, Marjorie
McNiece, Frances Uothwell, Caroline Rogers, Hcnriette Horak,
Catherine Coppers, Claire Bryson, Bingham Powell.
hart, Margaret Corum, Georgina Gildez, Elma Giles, Carmen
Blaise, Bernice Priest, Dorothy Paley, Evelyn Schmidt.
RADIO STAFF: Ray (Anpp, Editor; Barney (dark, George
SECRETARIES —Louise Beers, Lina Wilcox.
National Adv. Mgr., Auton Rush
Promotional Mgr., Marylou
Asst. Adv, Mgr., Grant
Asst. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington
Asst. Adv. Mgr. Bill Russell
Anne Clark
Circulation Mur., Ron Row.
Office M«r., Helen Stirwer
Class. Ad. Mgr., Althea Peterson
Sez Sue, Caroline Hahn
Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice
Checking Mgr., Ruth Storla
Checkins Micr., Pearl Murnhv
Ruth Vannieo, Fred Fisher, Ed Lahbe, Elisa Addis, Corrinne
Hath, Phyllis Dent, Peter Gantenbein, Rill Meissner, Patsy
Lee. Jeannette Thompson, Ruth Raker, Retty Powers, Rob
Butler, Carl Heidel, George Brice, Charles Darling, Parker
Kavier, Tom Clapp.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Patricia Campbell, Kay Disher, Kath
ryn Greenwood, Jane Bishop, Elma Giles, Eugenia Hunt,
Mary Starbuck, Ruth Byerly, Mary Jane Jenkins, Willa Bit/.,
Janet Howard, Phyllis Cousins, Betty Shoemaker, Ruth
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday
and Monday during the college year. Entered in the postoffice
at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
a year._
The Emerald’’s Creed for Oregon
" ... . There is always the human temptation to
forget that the erection of buildings, the formulation of
new curricula, the expansion of departments, the crea
tion of new functions, and similar routine duties of
the administration are but means to an end. There is
always a glowing sense of satisfaction in the natural
impulse for expansion. This frequently leads to regard
ing achievements as ends in themselves, whereas the
truth is that these various appearances of growth and
achievement can be justified only in so far as they
make substantial contribution to the ultimate objec
tives of education .... providing adequate spiritual
and intellectual training for youth of today the citi
zenship of tomorrow. . . .
. . . . The University should ho a place where
classroom experiences and faculty contacts should stimu
late and train youth for the most effective use of all
the resources with which nature has endowed them. Dif
ficult and challenging problems, typical of the life
and world in which they are to live, must be given
them to solve. They must be taught under tin? expert
supervision of instructors to approach the solution of
these problems in a workmanlike way, with a dis
ciplined intellect, with a reasonable command of the
techniques that ire involved, with a high sense of in
tellectual adventure, and with .1 genuine devotion to the
ideals of intellectual integrity. . . .” From the Biennial
Report of tin- University of (Jr gon for 1M1-K2._
The American people cannot be too careful in
guarding the freedom of speech and 6f the press
against curtailment as to the discussion of public
affairs and the character and conduct of public
men. —Carl Schurs.
A^ONTINIJAL insertion of tlie faculty wage scale
in the mire of politics can have only one ulti
mate result. It will bring about intellectual ster
ility by so harrassing and terrifying the instructors
that the majority of them will hesitate to express
their honest convictions and sincere beliefs. At
present the legislature is booting the question of
faculty salaries about like a football. Confronted
by tlie possibility of losing their positions or being
reduced to a minimum wage, men witli families are
becoming economic cowards. A definite and satis
factory settlement must bo decided upon immedi
ately, or we will lose the foremost advantages to be
derived from our faculty members.
Outstanding professors are valuable only so long
as they express their honest convictions. They must
tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We
do not want distorted platitudes We want facts.
I takes neither an intelligent professor nor a high
salaried one to repeat incidents from books. Any
individual of grade-school standing can pass on to
others the fact that Columbus discovered a new
continent in 1102. So far as the actual relation
of details are concerned, we might as well dispense
witli professors entirely ami obtain our information
from books.
But that is not what we want. We desire to
have our professors free from fear; we want them
to be able to be courageous enough to express their
opinions and ideas without being forced to take a
“between you and me and the lamp-post” uttitude
about it.
There is no censorship worse than self-restraint.
It would be far better for the faculty men to be
ordered to withhold certain specific facts from their
students than to have them gradually impose dose
mouthed restrictions upon themselves. And the
latter most certainly will some to pass il’ the cur
rent issue of faculty salaries is not decided satis
factorily within the immediate future.
There is no doubt that a noteworthy faculty per
sonnel is one of the greatest assets a university
cun enjoy. Oregon is fortunate in being in that
position at present. It is to be hoped that the state
legislatuic is sufficiently aware of this fact. Dis
cretion must be observed at Salem in future legis
lation regarding higher education.
The three student envoys who represented the
University at the capital last week found a consid
eraolc number of senators and representatives
authentically informed on the desirability of main
taining .in independent and capable faculty here.
They did their utmost to convey the facts to those
not already acquainted with them.
We now await wdli interest ihe outcome of the
affair. It is to be hoped that the legislature will I
f°n\aid intellectual freedom ami progress at the
University by giving the faculty the consideration!
it merits.
npONlGHT Dime i.’iawl once more holds forth
from G:3u to 7:30.°
After all the higgling back and forth between
. the men s and women s houses, it win be interesting
to see it the time honored affair can be put over
once- more. All institutions out-live their useful
ness. Dime Crawl seems to be about ready to fold
up and make room for some new money-making
scheme that will obtain more whole-hearted sup
It was a great institution while it lasted, But
| it lasted too long.
TY ACHMANINOFF and artists of his calibre can
not appear on the concert schedule of the A. S.
I U. O. for the ptire and simple reason that they
charge entirely too much for recitals. The Emerald
yesterday took exception to the concert schedule
because it contains no visiting artists. Mr. Rosson
yesterday explained whv.
Musicians of the class of Rachmaninoff, Kreisler,
Tibbett and Madame Schumann-Heink must be paid
a fee of approximately 53,000 for appearances. The
madame was here several years ago, but on a per
centage basis. Hhe is the only artist of the class
ever to listen to such a proposition, let alone sug
gest it.
Figures for three of the numbers on the sche
dule of last year are Kedroff brothers, $800; Enesco,
5500; Portland Symphony orchestra, 51,000. The
total income from all concerts was approximately
51,100. Funds were taken from the A. S. U. O.
treasury to make up the difference. These came
from football profits, primarily. ,
Inclusion of musicians of the class of Rachman
inoff on the concert schedule has been one of the
ideals of Mr. Rosson. But, as he points out, it must
await the discovery of greater sources of revenue.
However, should artists who have not yet at
tained the great heights of Rachmaninoff and his
peers visit the Northwest, it is to be hoped that the
executive council will he able to find ways and
means of bringing them here. The concert sche
dules cf past years has been one of outstanding
advantages of the University campus over those
who do not include this feature in student body
The executive councils and the graduate man
ager are to be commended for their work in the
past along this line. The present administration
should do everything possible to carry on.
^ | 'HE DELIGHTFUL little note which appeared
in the "Letters to the Editor" column yester
day is very touching. It goes to such an extent in
its praise and encomiums that one is tempted to
■ believe that the committee which handled the
j senior ball was almost superhuman in its ability
[ and competency. One almost might believe that
the chairman of the senior ball himself was present
| when the letter was written, so direct is it in its 1
i appeal, so authentic is it in its frank discussion of
the momentous problems that confront annually
Oregon's most distinguished executive bodies its
dance committees.
On Othei* Campuses
The House Divided
TT7HEN an out-and-out politician launches an
attack on academic freedom of thought, wc
students become angry and belligerent.
I But when such an attack comes from tho ranks j
of college and university faculties, we are more i
discouraged and sad than angry.
Such an example of treachery to academic!
ideals comes to our attention in an almost humiliat
ing way. We are wont to pride ourselves upon the
Wisconsin tradition of liberalism; hence we smile
with superiority when we read the folk-lore of be
nightedness which I he American Mercury gleefully
prints in its "Americana" section. However, in a|
recent issue there appears, under the sub-heading j
"Wisconsin,” the following:
United Press despatch from Hartford, Conn.:
Atheists should be barred from college
and university faculties, in the opinion of
Dr. Irving Maurer, president of Beloit col
iege, Beloit, Wis. “America has enough
able men in its teaching profession to make
it inexcusable for university faculties to have
among their members non-believers," Dr.
Maurer declared in a sermon here.
First, the existence of some 200 Christian sects
in the United States makes the task of objectively
defining either tlie tine Christian faith or the typi
cal Christian personality impossibly difficult. In
case any group of men feel that they have found
the one true faith, the only course open to them
by virtue of the Bill of Rights is to set up their
own educational systems beyond that they have
no business and no right, legal or otherwise, to
press their opinions. When it comes to educational
institutions supported by the state, there can in
justice tie no co-ereion of any sort to compel uni
versities or schools of any sort to make a religious
treed a passport to a teaching position.
Second, only the blind can say that religious be
iiefs constitute a necessarily effective prophylaxis
against immoral or criminal behavior, or that un
belief per se leads to crime and vice. Two striking
examples will suffice: The New York tabloid Daily
News informed us that Commissioner Farley he of
the "tin-box” goes to Communion every day; by
contrast, tHe benevolence of such unbelievers as
Clarence Darrow aud Abraham Lincoln is well
Third, even assuming that it is undesirable for !
young people to break away from the faith of their
lathers and this, let us stress, we see no reason to
deny . it does not follow that the presence of an
agnostic, atheist, or what you will, in the faculty of
a school will taint the whole or any large part of
a student community with unbelief. Unbelief comes
in most cases from conflict and introspection and
study of a quite personal sort; by the time a stu
dent is ready to listen to any argument against .
an ancestral creed he has usually already lost it.
Lastly, modern education rests upon a frank
bias, namely that tin pursuit of knowledge and the
development of scientific studies is directed toward
one and only one goal: the discovery and cherishing
of truth. This principle the University of Wiscon
sin has attempted to make its own: re-read the
"University Creed" which appears daily at the head
i f this editorial page.
file history of science teaches beyond any pos
sible doubt that wherever orthodoxy of ,tny kind is'
rigidly enforced, the tree of knowledge is sterile.
Without uneoutormity with the contemporary
loundsnien it the orthodox, we would have seen no
Descartes, no Calilco, no Newton, no La Place, no
Daiw m nor, bad bis orthodo>\ been consistent a
Pasteur.—VV i. cousin Cardinal.
Vesuvius - - By KEN FERGUSON
- - --~T==1--——
A Message to Garcia
This is our of a scries of articles to which outstanding members oj
Oregon’s higher educational system are contributing. Another will be
published in the next issue of the Emerald. %
(Vice-President of University
of Oregon)
Tax oc nicy
''■''HIS title is created in keeping
* with two new movements: (a)
tendency to coin new words: (bi
enthusiasm of the moment for a
new sociological viewpoint.
Although the title is the child
of the writer, he hopes it is not a
spoiled or petted one, and is en
tirely willing for it to take its
share of buffeting at the hands of
a critical world.
siiow is the new word defined? I
presume that is a fair question,
and hence, following the example
of other coiners of words, I reply,
taxocracy is the new social atti
tude of the Taxocrats. Then you
ask, what is a Taxocrat, and I
reply that an anti-taxocrat is a
The newspapers of Portland re
cently carried the story of a cer
tain rich man who had expressed
himself as being opposed to the
real property tax, the income tax,
the intangibijes tax, the sales tax,
the automobile tax, and every oth
er kind of tax which he had heard
advocated recently.
Those who saw the army of the
unemployed descend on the legis
lature in Salem on January 9, saw
a banner which read “Let the rich
pay the taxes.”
« » *
In the opinion of the writer, the
rich man and the army of the un
employed are in the same class
and both are wrong. We seem to
have reached a point in America
where the mere mention of taxes
makes most people see red. and,
unless we change our attitude in
this respect, we may have a taste
of red. We appear to be expe
riencing a tax complex, and any
tax discussion at once produces
an abnormal reaction.
This is not only unfortunate, but
unjustified. The trouble has aris
en for two reasons: tai the feeling
that tax money is not economical
ly used; (b) we have forgotten the
returns we receive from taxes. Thu
presence of either of these is
enough to upset our sober judg
ment. and the conjunction of the
two sets up reactions which may
be fatal in their results.
It is not the purpose of this ar
ticle to contend that our tax mon
ey is all spent economically. It
would be strange if it were so
spent. I wonder if the budget of
any reader would stand the test
of strict scrutiny by an economic
expert. Economy does not seem to
be a thing born in us like an ap
petite. Rather it seems to be
something beaten into humans by
a cruel taskmaster. Hard as it
is to reconcile one's self to this
procedure, nevertheless 1 am one
who believes that economy is nec
essary and concedes its importance
in our government.
My concern, however, lies in the
second of the two above mentioned
reasons, namely that we have for
gotten the returns we receive from
our taxes. Just as the rain falls i
upon both the just and the unjust,
so the benefits of our taxes fall
upon both the rich and the poor.
If both protr. why should not both:
pay ? 1 do not say equally, but 1 j
io .-ay pay. In every phase of life1
ive are constantly stressing the
.alue of responsibility. •Our par
.'nts stressed it in our childhood.
>ir tc;K'bcrv; it iu cb'^ol
lay j. Out bin-me sa men stress ilj
and insist, on it in every phase of
our commercial life.
We frankly admit that it is only
as one assumes responsibility that
he progresses. We judge men and
women in terms of their willing
ness to carry burdens.' The non
burden-bearer grows flabby and
weak. We admit it, seemingly,' in
every realm of life—except in the
matter of paying taxes. And why
I ask, do we hypothecate a system
of taxation on a principle which
we condemn in every other activ
ity of life?
, * * #
It has occurred to me that the
answer is, that we have be^jome so
accustomed to accept th^'benefits
and protections of our government
that we have taken them for
granted. . Consequently, we have
not only forgotten what our gov
ernment does for us, but we have
j likewise forgotten that all which
| it does is a result of the taxes we.
pay. It seems that such must be
the case else we would not lose
our bearings so quickly at the
mere mention of taxes.
But it behooves every person to
recall that he conducts his busi
ness in all its various ramifica
tions because he can enforce his
contracts. He can enforce his con
tracts because there is a judge in
'a judicial system which keeps their
terms sacred. This judge and this
judicial system are supported by
the taxes we pay. Let us not think
that this is a system set up to pro
tect the rich merchants only. Such
is not the case. Its ramifications
touch every contractual relation in
life from the merchant prince to
the laborer digging the ditch. It
is immaterial how sn«yi''the pay
or how humble the tthe abil
ity to collect for kne services is
made possible by the courts sup
ported by our taxes.
Thus it is evident that you are
able to earn money only because
of the taxes you pay. But this is
not all. After you earn your mon
ey you are able to build and pro
tect your home because an insur
ance company is willing to insure
it. Why? Because there is a fire
department at hand. And who
pays for the fire department ?
Your taxes. Then after you have
protection for your home, you wish
your savings guarded. You put
them in a bank or you buy a bond
and put it with your other valu
ables in a safe deposit box. But
why can a bank undertake to safe
guard your savings or naintain
safe deposit vaults? Because there
is a police department. And who
pays for this department? Your
taxes. This protection, therefore,
is enjoyed by every citizen, how
ever rich and however poor. It is |
this protection which makes it
possible ior us to iive in peace,'
free from molestation and spolia
tion. At present writing there is
an unusual activity in robbery and
other forms of theft, giving one
some conception of what the con
ditions would rapidly develop into!
but for our protection under our
police powers. f
Take one more instance educa
tion. No family is top poor or too
large to take advantage of our pub
lic schools. It is the open door by
which the children can better their!
.conditions and alleviate the condi
tions of their struggling parents.
America is full of poor boys and
girls who have gone far up the
bddc! bc'.’ao.c of the open .choc!
house. And who pays for the up-,
j keep of these schools? Your tax
Did you ever stop to think how
you could earn a single dollar
without our judicial system to en
force your contract? Or how you
' would protect your home from fire
if you had to do it alone ? Or how
you would protect your home and
your savings from marauders, if
you were dependent on your own
resources ? Have you any idea how
we would be living today but for
the opportunities our schools have
opened to our millions of poor boys
and girls ? What would be the con
dition of illiteracy and of its hand
maiden, crime, but for our great
educational system- built up and
supported by taxes?
* * *
My contention is that our taxes
protect alike the rich and the
poor, that the man or the woman
who takes all the advantages of
them and spends his time and his
talent seeking ways to evade his
share of the burden is little other
than a sponger on society.
In my opinion, much of our pres
ent difficulty in our tax problem
is due to the fact that our people
have the wrong reaction to the
payment of taxes. Probably this
is due to two things. First, they
do not appreciate fully what our
taxes do for them; and secondly,
they have not been willing to as
sume their share of the burden.
Too many have never paid any
tax. This means that this class
feels tax-exempt. This encourages
others to attempt to evade taxes.
Such is a vicious system destined
to weaken and break down char
acter by encouraging the evading
of duty, rather than strengthen it
by encouraging one to assume his
full share of the burden.
* *
I therefore contend that we need
Taxocracy— an ocracy of taxpay
ers in which practically every ma
ture and responsible person as
sumes and carries some part of
the load of government. It is not
enough that this payment be in
direct and unconscious sort which
argumentatively most persons can
be shown to pay. But it should
be a conscious assumption and a
direct payment <0f a tjx in order
that each payer can proudly and
justly claim that he is working at
the task and lifting at the load. If
we can get this sense of tax re
sponsibility. vve would have fewer
tax problems and fewer fears for
the safety of our government.
by carol hurlburt
T’ODAY we have the pleasure of
announcing that fatal No. 6!
Jim Emmett selects: Count An
selmo del Pozzo, because he not
only has the eyes of an Italian
brigand, the stride of a Caesar,
and the jaw of a Mussolini, but
because he is one of the ten best
dressed men on the campus.
Mr. Emmett will select four
more me§ before the role of ten
is complete. As soon as these ten
men have been brought properly
before the public eye. I am think
ing of running the names of the
ten best-dressed women, but I put
that up to your consideration. If
you want to know who these chic
and charming women are, let me
know, otherwise their names will
forever remain a mystery.
Alarmists talk vaguely of war
w ith Japan. You read of the Yel
low Peril in every paper. You hear
about it on street corners. And
it \ou lead further, you come
ae ros. the ' ague prophesies oil
w ide-cyed oracles who predict the'
revolt of the black races. Per- ^
haps you remember all the anti
Turkish propaganda. The point is,!
as some authority explains it, that
due to modern transportation
whereby man has attained angel
wings to fly the air and sainted
slippers to tread upon the waters,
we are now 11 times nearer any
given point than we used to be.
Due to this “meeting” of East
; and West, I have often wondered
; just what influence the Orient has
| had upon our dress.
* * *
I Not long ago one of the leading
] Parisian designers showed a tea
. gown called "Seduction after the
| Japanese.” Created in shining
! white satin, the subtly molded
i bodice fell away in long folds to
! the floor. The deep kimono sleeves
j were lined with a brilliant cerise.
* * *
One of the most startling and
I unusual of the spring fabrics is a
cotton which has been imported
from Java and is used for brief
bathing suits and "sun-burned”
beach dresses. This Javanese
cloth is vivid and startling, print
ed in huge splotchy colors.
# * %
The latest sensation is from Af
rica—that land of surprises. It
seems that a very charming wo
man, the Comtesse de Maigret,
visited in Turkey, was entranced
by the fez, brought one back to
Paris and asked Maria Guy to copy
it for her.
* * *
No sooner said than done and
now the tallest hat we’ve seen on
a woman's head in the last decade
has become the hue and cry of
the milliners. (And why did le bon
Dieu create so many short men ?)
This new toque adds to that tall,
vertical, giraffish look.
* * *
One of these toques is of red
felt, is crushed in on top, and has
black coq feathers flat along the
side. There is another one, from
Suzanne Talbot’s salon, that is of
pale green blistered silk, and is
made to look like a Cossack's hat
, with military cords in white and
; red. Louise Bourbon fashioned one
of black crepe, called it "Lance
Pierre” because it looks like the
headgear affected by the Bengal
* * *
We Select for Promenade: Ed
ward Holbrooke (Silent) Simpson,
because he says that he received
his greatest thrill the day he was
selected for Promenade.
A Decade Ago
From Daily Emerald
February 8, 1923
Happy Days
The Thetas led the campus grade
i list for fall term, in the grade list
1 issued today. Their grade point
was 2.94. Fj-iendly hall headed the
men's list with a high score of
13-26. The Fijis were at the top
; of the frat column.
* Si St
Artichokes ?
Women’s houses will have to de
i eidc whether they will wear cor
sages for formal affairs, -dances,
! the intra-fraternity council decid
i< d today. A campus wit suggested
that possibly vegetables could be
used instead.
* * *
Use Sign Language
Twenty-sik freshmen were elect
ed today to To-Ko-Lo, sophomore
service honorary.
* * *
Second Carnegie
President Campbell has given
over $25,000 in gifts to the Univer
sity of Oregon it was revealed to
day. This amount does not include
numerous smaller gifts.
Assault and
Battery Hitchcock ||
Howls have been heard emanat
ing from the Minnesota Rotary
I club recently that they have been
given a raw deal on this ‘'Best
looking Man on the Campus" idea.
Officials of that, august body claim
that their choice, Raymond Joseph
! (Butch) Morse, was never offi
cially recognized and that he de
; serves recognition. Appears he
i won out over such noted beauty
experts as Jim Gemlo, Dick Neu
berger, and a man named Kuppen
bender, Henry L. Kuppenbender. of
Winnipeg, Saskatchewan. (No
body seems to know much about
Kuppenbender except it has been
definitely proved that he once lived
in Great Falls, Montana, where
he tan a drug store. All that was
in 1910. though, and nobody seems
to care.’
We select for Lemonade: Carol
(Mash) Hurlburt, because she eats
crackers in editing class.
* * *
Along with the winter term
Dime Crawl tonight, goes our ad
vice to those who attend:
1. Wear your boy scout uniform j
or try to look like Andrew Jackson
(No one seems to know how to
look like Andrew Jackson so may
be you'd better try Bob Hall, i
-■ I ell the girls you are the
Fuller brush man. (Don’t try this
at the Kappa house.)
3. Stay home and read a good
book. °
Rumor hath it that Waldo Schu
macher. eminent political science
expeit. is repaying the nurse who
took care of him in his recent ill
ness with attentions of the same
name. Harry Handball wants to
know "Who Takes Care of the
—There is perhaps no record
of a tribute to the memory of a
professional soldier more remark
able than the presentation of a
memorial portrait of the late Gen
eral Tasker H. Bliss to the Coun
cil on Foreign Relations in New
Here was a man whose life was
devoted to the profession of arms.
Yet no less an authority on the
efforts of the world to put aside
arms for peaceful methods than <
Elihu Root found it expedient at
87 to leave his retirement and hail
him as scholar, statesman and ar
dent seeker of world peace.
“I hope that General Bliss’ spirit
will remain with the council and
that in fellowship with him our
j country may be brought into per
petual peaceful relations with all
the world,” Mr. Root said.
* * a:
Former War Secretary Newton
Baker described General Bliss as
“the most scholarly person I ever
! knew.”
Here was a soldier, he said, who
read Greek and Latin as easily as
English, who had a workable com
mand of French, German, Spanish
and Italian, who was a geologist
and an expert in Oriental botany,
all as side lines to his passion for
history and the part arms have
played in history, for probing into
the philosophy underlying every
great revolutionary cycle.
Baker learned that side of Bliss
in night-long vigils at the war de
partment during the war when 1
transports bearing American 1
troops to the front were entering
the submarine bone and when, as
Baker said, “no one of use who
had any part in sendingt hem there
could sleep.”
After the peace conference, Mr.
Baker added, President Wilson had
said there had been “no shoulder
so solid as General Bliss’s upon
which to rest his hand” in those
trying days.
If it were left to the Bystander
| to carve a fitting epitaph for Gen
eral Bliss, he would seek words
from the lips of General Bliss him
self. They were spoken to the
“big three” at the peace confer
ence, Clemenceau, Lloyd George
and Wilson, at a critical moment
! when a plan was advanced by
Marshal Foch for throwing a mil
itary patrol around Russia’s
plunge into bolshevism to prevent
by force its spread to the rest of
the world. Clemenceau had called
Foch to explain his plan. Wilson
summoned Bliss to answer. •
* * * "
! The general dismissed detailed
arrangements on the proposal with
j a wave of the hand. He assumed,
j he said, that his view was desired
as to whether there should be any
such patrol at all. Then he launch
ed into a brief summary of the
! great revolutionary cycles in his
! tory.
If no new idea in human pro
i Sress were involved in the Russian
] revolution, this soldier said, ulti
mately it would fall of its own
weight; yet if it was founded on
an idea, armed force could not
curb it.
"Bayonets never halted an idea,”
General Bliss said, and those
words said, and those words might
well be graven on his tombstone.
Of the Air 4
Listen—Every Monday Carol
Hurlburt presents an interesting
and vivacious quarter Hour of fash
ions. Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and
Thursdays are devoted to news
and special features, such as lec
tures, debates, reviews, etc. On
Fridays Bruce Hamby, Emerald
sports editor, discusses current ac
tivity in the world of athletics.
Saturdays wind up the week with
a quarter, and sometimes half,
hour of diversified musical talent.
At 7:15 on Tuesday evenings
George Callas and Barney Clark
collaborate in the presentation of
a truly individual dramatic pro
All this at your command! Are
you listening? News today at
12:15—all that’s heard, all that’s
seen, turn the dial of your radio,
and into the room the news will
Caretakers Daughter,” or am I ^
wrong ?
Homer Stahl looking gloomy , . .
Ken Linklater philosophizing . . .
a lot of people of no importance
■ • • * irP° looking mournful after
his recent operation . . . Don Cas
well absorbing some coffee . . .
Bill Shumate coming or going . . .
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