Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 07, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    University of Oregon, Eugene
Richard Neuberger, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager
Sterling Green, Managing Editor
Thornton Gale, Associate Editor; Jack Bellinger, Dave Wilson
Julian Prescott.
Uscar Munsrcr, iNews r.u.
Francis Pallister, Copy Ed.
Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed.
Parks Hitchcock, Makeup Ed.
Bob Moore, Chief Nitfht Ed.
•junn un»a( i.atrary r<u
Hob Guild, Dramatics E<1.
Jessie* Steele, Women’s Eel.
Esther Hayden, Society Ed.
Ray Clapp, Raeiio Eel.
.« T?.w. I,' .... irnio TJo1_
lister, Doug Polivka, Joe Snslavsky.
NIGHT EDITORS: George ('alias. Bob Moore, John Hollo
peter, Doug MacLean, Bob Butler, Hol> Couch.
SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson,
Ben Back, Bob Avison, Jack Chinnock.
FEATURE WRITERS: Elinor Henry, Maximo Pulido, Hazlc
REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Madeline Gilbert, Ray Clapp,
Ed Stanley, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewinv. Cynthia
Liljeqvist. Ann-Reed Burns, Peggy Chessman, Ruth King,
Barney Clark. Betty Ohlemiller. Roberta Moody. Audrey
Clark, Bill Belton, Don Oids, Gertrude Lamb, Ralph Mason,
Roland Parks.
COPYREADERS: Harold Brower. Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee,
Margaret Hill. Edna Murphy, Mary Jane Jenkins. Marjorie
MeNiece, Frances Rothwell, Caroline Rogers, Henrictte Horak,
Catherine Coppers, Claire Bryson, Bingham Powell.
hart. Margaret Corum. Georgina Gildez, Hlma Giles, Carmen
Blaise, Bernice Priest, Dorothy Paley, Evelyn Schmidt.
RADIO STAFF: Ray C’.app, Editor; Barney Clark, George
SECRETARIES—Louise Beers, Lina Wilcox.
National Adv. Mgr.. Auten Bush
Promotional Mgr., Marylou
Asst. Adv, Mgr., Gr a n t
Ah'st. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington
Aaat. Adv. Mgr. Bill Bussell
Anne Clark
Circulation M#r., Hon Kew.
Office M#r., Helen Stinjfcr
Class. Ad. M#r., Althea Peterson
Sea Sue, Caroline Hahn
Soz Sue Asst., Louise Rice
Checkin# M#r., Ruth Storla
Checkin# M#r., Pearl Murphy
Ruth Vannice, Fred Fisher, Ed Labhe, Elisa Addis, Corrinnc
Hath, Phyllis Dent, Peter Gantenbein, Hill Meissner, PatnV
Lee, Jeannette Thompson, Ruth Haker, Betty Powers, Hob
Hutler, Carl Heidel, George Hrice, Charles Darling, Parker
Favier, Tom Clapp.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Patricia Campbell, Kay Disher, Kath
ryn Greenwood, Jane Bishop, Elma Giles, Eugenia Hunt,
Mary Stnrbuck, Ruth Byerly, Mary Jane Jenkins, Willa Bit/.,
Janet Howard, Phyllis Cousins, Betty Shoemaker, Ruth
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday
and Monday during the college year. Entered in the postoffice
at Eugene, Oregon, as second-class matter. Subscription rates,
a year. _
The Emerald’s Creed for Oregon
" ... . There is always the human temptation to
forget that the erection of buildings, the* formulation of
new curricula, the expansion of departments, the crea
tion of new functions, and similar routine duties of
the administration are but means to an end. There is
always a glowing sense of satisfaction in the natural
impulse for expansion. This frequently leads to regard
ing achievements as ends in themselves, whereas the
truth is that these various appearances of growth and
achievement can Ik* justified only in so far as they
make substantial contribution to the ultimate objec
tives of education .... providing adequate spiritual
and intellectual training for youth of today—the citi
zenship of tomorrow. . . .
“ . . . . The University should be a place where
classroom experiences and faculty contacts should stimu
late and train youth for the most effective use of all
the resources with which nature has endowed them. Dif
ficult and challenging problems, typical of the life
and work! in which they are to live, must, he given
them to solve. They must he taught, under the expert
supervision of instructors to approach the solution of
these problems in a workmanlike way, with a, dis
ciplined intellect, with a reasonable command of the
techniques that i re involved, with a high sense of in
tellectual adventure, and with a genuine devotion to the
ideals of intellectual integrity. . . ." -From the Biennial
Report of the University of Oregon for 1931-32.
The American people cannot he too careful in'
guarding the frepdom of speech and of the pcc.ts
against curtailment as to the discussion of public
affairs and tlw character and conduct of public
men. —Carl Cellars.
■JUSTIFIABLE opposition to the drastic salary
** cuts recently recommended by the sub-commit
tee on higher education is mounting to an ever
increasing wave. Far more legislators than ever
before were interested in higher education realize
that the impossible reductions suggested by the
Ways and Means committee can have only one ulti
mate result that of driving away from this state
a majority of its outstanding educators.
Should the 7 to 45 per cent cut become a reality,
no school in the state system would suffer more
than the University of Oregon. This institution has
one of the finest faculties in the state. For six
years Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall labored to accumu
late a staff that could transmit to Oregon's stu
dents progressive ideas and liberal opinions. He
succeeded nobly in Ids purpose, and there are
thousands who realize that his splendid work will
be destroyed if the greater part of the millagc
reduction is levied on tire faculty members.
Some of our contemporary schools, Oregon
State college notably, "Have more of their budgeted
funds allotted to physical equipment, but the Uni
versity is among the leaders insofar as the instruc
tional staffs are concerned. Obviously, then, drastic
salary cuts would strike directly at the backbone
of our school. Thus we must do all in our power to
avoid them.
There now is rising in Salem increasing objec
tions to the drastic cuts recommended by the sub
committee. The press of the state is taking up the
cry. One of the principle factors in bringing the
subject into the light was the pilgrimage to the
stale house of three Oregon students with petitions
last week. That much have the University students
definitely done to forestall the catastrophe. The
Emerald is proud tiial il was instrumental in the
undertaking and glad that it had the opportunity
to be of assistance to this school's outstanding fac
ulty. Every student who signed the petitions
should take a similar pride in the good that the
enterprise accomplished.
STUDENTS who for the past two months have
^ been looking each morning for Westbrook l'eg
ler's articles on the doings of the congressmen in
Washington were surprised Sunday to find that tie
is “back on sports.” The gentleman lias been re
turned to Washington and is devoting his time to
baseball and Babe Dldrikson.
For more than a decade Mr. 1’eglcr liu . been
operating amid such arch publicity hounds as fight
promoters, world s champion box fighter;, and ail
the seekers for their crowns, college football teams
and even amateur athletes. When the lame duck
session opened lie was sent to Washington to write
up ttie headline hunters of the capitol.
There Mr. Uegler expounded on the deficit of
the senate restaurant, the filibuster of the gentle
man from Louisiana, and the beer party of Mr Dill
of Washington And lie expounded with a facility
seldom rivaled in his most colorful sports stories.
Could it be po^iblc UiaL Mr. Psgler cut
back to the big leagues because he was making the
boys in Washington look too much like “saiid
lotters” ? Could it be possible that when he told
of the manner in which the correspondents say,
"Growl, Mr. Borah, growl," and the gentleman from
Idaho growls, he was too disrespectful ? Could it
be possible that the deficit of that “holy of holies.’’
the senate restaurant, was something of which the '
taxpayers of the nation were not to know?
The articles undoubtedly attracted as much at- I
tention as any of the daily stories coming from
Washington. They were different. They didn’t
mince words. They didn't insinuate. They came
right out and said what was to be said. More such
articles from Washington are needed. They bring
the congressmen closer to home and make them
more responsible for petty politics and “grandstand ,
s vNE OF the staunchest champions higher, edu
cation has at the present session of the state i
legislature is Representative Dean Walker of Polk
county. He has been one of the dominant factors ir. j
obtaining for education what little favors it has
received from the state's legislative bodies.
As a member of the powerful Ways and Means
committee, and also a member of the sub-committee
on higher education, he has capitalized upon the
opportunity he has had to be of service to one of
the commonwealth’s most, important enterprises—
h|gher education.
To the three student ambassadors who visited
the legislature with petitions last week he was a
loyal and courteous friend. Without his aid, the
students would not have been able to accomplish
what they did.
Last, but not least, Representative Walker was
the man who kept for the University its infirmary
funds. The sub-committee had voted to appropriate
those funds and put them in the general fund but,
virtually unaided, Walker persuaded the law-mak
ers of the deplorable inadequacy of the present in
firmary and managed to have the clause stricken
from the report.
The youth of the state is deeply indebted to
Representative Dean Walker for the fight, he has
been waging in their behalf, anil it is only fitting
that we of the University of Oregon know and
appreciate his worthwhile endeavors.
TP AN actual state of war exists between and
Japan and the United States, as Dr. 'Will
Durant stated recently in Portland, let us recognize
it and make the most of it. We do not suggest a
refurbishing of the local R. O. T. C. or any concen
tration of the outmoded Asiatic fleet at the Philip
pine base. But the time for gesture is past; Japan
is about as frightened of a military invasion from
us as we would at the possibility of a visitation
from Mars.
We would be foolish to be drawn into a war with
Japan. A war which would inevitably have to be
fought in Japanese waters, thousands of miles from
our naval bases. By striking first we can force
Japan to withdraw its armies from Manchuria and
to cease its military strangulation of the world.
If the war at present is purely an economic one,
let us fight it along economic grounds. By eco
nomic grounds wc mean the use of the boycott.
! While its effects are more horrible than war, its
I immediate success is more certain.
The tottering military in Japan are facing
| financial ruin. Their policy of nationalism and the
I stirring of patriotic fervor is a blind to keep the |
! public from knowing that Japan is insolvent. It is !
! their cure for depression and economic failure, and I
a deluded populace are backing them.
We suggest an immediate and complete boycott. ;
The boycott to be Carried on by the American ]
people without official cognizance of our govern- j
ment. Let us resolve to purchase no goods made |
in Japan so long as she continues her policy in
Manchuria. Make it quite clear to storekeepers |
that you will not trade in stores that carry Japan
ese goods. The effect will be immediate, and a1
desperate people will force their leaders to see the '
light. By striking at her exports Japan will be ;
forced to capitulate within a month.
But if by the use of sanctions war becomes in- j
, evitable, let us pursue a policy of waiting. We j
have no reason for sending our navy over there, ;
: ami by simply cutting off our trade we can force |
her to come to terms. Nor do we need to fear that
j Japan will he able to carry war to our borders.
TTSTIIILE we are expressing contemptuous opin
' ' ions of legislators who attempt to throw the!
greatest burdens of reduction in state expense on 1
| the system of higher education, we might look
I around in our own barn yard a bit. What are pos
sibly even more misguided “policies of economy"
are being practiced here at home.
The concert schedule budget has been cleared
of every item except that of opening McArthur
court for programs by University groups. This
will undoubtedly save money. But at what cost?!
Sergei K n hmaninoff, composer of the prelude in j
C sharp minor, will bo in Portland on February 20.
and will undoubtedly pass through Eugene. But
he will not play here. Why? Because “the A. S.;
l U- O.” cannot afford it. Not even when the towns
people of Eugene will buy numerous tickets to help
defray the expense of bringing such a man here.
It is possible to read Will Durant's works with
out great loss as compared to his lectures. It is
not .however, possible to get the full value of a
great pianist, violinist or singer without hearing
; him in person. The opportunity to hear an artist
of the calibre of Rachmaninoff comes all too sel
dom. as it is. And one such opportunity has been
passed up under the guise of "economy."
; Students of literature, languages, law, journal
ism and political, economic and social sciences con
sider the opportunity to hear such artists just as
much a part of their education as attendance at
lectures by some of the best professors on the
campus, yet, for “economy's' sake, the executive
i council ha- cut all appropriations for concerts by
'■ persons such as Rachmaninoff from the budget.
lhis is as penny-wise and pound-foolish "oeon-1
i »-»uiy as any of the drastic reductions in faculty
j sain lie- the legislature is hovering about. Conced
| mg that reductions in expenditures were necessary,
i they should have been made with respect to the
J inteicsts of the greatest number el' members of
, the A. id. i . o.
i <
~ ~~_;_r_ ' — ’
promenade by carol hurlburt
JIM EMMETT selects: Ed Wells,
because he considers him one
of the ten best-dressed men on the
campus. (Tomorrow No. 6 ap
* * *
Once upon a time there was a
young man named Aucassin who
was blond and tall and fine and
had a peculiar sense of the fitness
of things. He said that he would
never want to go to Heaven be
cause in Heaven there were only
the old priests with calloused knees
from too much praying. He want
ed to go to Hell because in Hell
there were all the gallant knights
with their, fair ladies.
••1: * sis ii * m mmm—m
When I arrived at the Senior
ball I would have thought I was
in Heaven if it hadn’t been for
Aucassin’s differentiation, and
right then and there I decided
that I never did want to go to
Heaven. Gerlinger hall was the
meeting place for stalwart youths
and lovely ladies. The Senior ball
marked a milestone in Oregon's
fashion history.
* * *
For the first time to my knowl
edge not a man attended who did
n't wear a tuxedo. Almost every
woman was decked with flowers
. . . not that the corsages were
elaborate (this is 1933!), but they
were charming and lent an atmos
phere of formal graciousness.
Mary Lou Patrick was stunning in
a long cool-green formal with
which she*wore a strand of wax
perfect gardenias that reached
from the shoulder to the waist.
tit &
Little Miss Betty Church,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Camp
bell Church, was petite, demure,
exquisite, in a frock of evanseant
apricot crepe, glittering here and
there with the embroidery of silver
sequins. Over her shoulders rung
a gracefully swinging cape of the
same apricot.
Jj! * *
One of the loveliest gowns on
the floor was worn by Dorothy
Hall. It was fashioned of heavy
ivory silk, cut to swirl about the
ankles. The full shoulder length
sleeves and the deep square-cut
neck were hgavily encrusted with
glimmering crystals. Long ivory
ear-iings and silken ivory slippers,
added to the effect. Miss Hall had
all the glamour of some liiedieaval
Margaret McKusker, tall and
blond, was arresting in a veritable
creation of almond green, high in
the front and almost shockingly
low in the back. A single strap, i
brilliant with rhinestones, ran
down the back to the waist-line,
and tiny glittering epaulettes re
posed on the shoulder with gallant
Dorothy Illidgc was breath-tak
ing in a long slim gown of flaming
* $ *
Very charming, stately and gra
cious was Frances Heifrieh. her
hair wound coronet-fashion about
her head in soft and supple black!
velvet, cut simply but so that itj
curled about her figure. The rich
ness of the gown was accentuated
by a gardenia corsage and a short
bunny jacket of white fur.
Unusually effective was the
black frock worn by Grace Lynch,
accentuating her blue-black hair,
it was severely simple in front,
but was cut to a low decoUctags
uack. carict wmg . like those
of a butterfly, fell away from eitn
er side of this decolletage to end
in a iarge bow. In the very center
of the bow, Miss Lynch had pinned
her corsage.
« * *
We Select for Promenade: Mar
ion Vinson, because she was in
triguing, startling, in a modernis
tic black and silver gown that
echoed the spirit of the decora
tions. Made from filmy georgette,
it had a high choker collar encrust
ed with rhinestones, a long slit
down the back, gemmed with
rhinestones, a rhinestone belt and
rhinestones on the tulle sleeves.
- |
A Decade Ago
From the Daily Emerald
February 7, li)33
___ _
Eighteen violators of Oregon
traditions were summoned to ap
pear on the Libe step's today by
.the Order of the “O."
* V *
Ho Hum
Charles Upson Clark, noted his
torian and lecturer, will address
the student body today.
* £ *
To the Point
University caretakers report
that floors in the business adminis
tration are suffering severe dam
age from the hobnails on the soles
of men students’ shoes.
* '•!: *
My, My!
The dean of women in an inter
view today gave her views on the
student spirit on the campus. The
University, she said, is no longer
a matrimonial bureau, but she also
admitted that there was some
foundation to the rumors of moon
light trysts and subsequent en
gagements. The following regula
tions were included in the list of
rules governing student activities
which she issued, “it is against
•the rules for students to shoot the
rapids at the head of the niillrace";
and “Students shall engage in no
forms of hazing.”
t — --——.
Bystander. .
” There is sometimes a joyous
frankness of expression about Sen
ator Henry Ashurst of Arizona
Uhat is truly refreshing.
Having so happy a turn of
phrase at his command, he inva
riably words his expressions re
garding his own purposes and mo
tives or the senate and its ways in,
a way to capture the imagination.
The Bystander happened in on
a senate colloquy between Ashurst
and Senator Elmer Thomas of Ok
lahoma. than whom there is noj
more solemnly serious senate ora
tor, which aptly illustrates this
Ashurst characteristic. It was
during a phase of the bank bill
filibuster shared by Thomas and
Huey Long, and the Oklahoman
was recapitulating what he felt
he had accomplished by similar
tactics in the past.
Thomas referred to his famous
last ditch stand for an oil tariff.
That was the time, it will be re
called. when he waved a ragged!
and work-started pair of overalls!
about hio head—and later posed in*
them for the cameramen. He also
recalled his battle for a revision
of Indian policy which did result
in perhaps the most extensive sen
ate study of the conditions of the
government’s redskin wards ever
“Everything I have ever gotten
at the hands of the senate I have
had to fight for, almost alone,”
Thomas said.
The reference to the oil tariff
battle stirred Ashurst. He tried
vainly to get a word in for several
minutes before he succeeded. Then
he commented on the “becoming
modesty” of Thomas resume of his
lone-hand battles and insisted that
while he had opposed the oil tariff
drive initially, it had been for stra
tegic reasons, to get copper coup
led with it.
“I knew that if he (Thomas) se
cured his oil tariff, it was ‘good
bye’ to the copper tariff,” Ashurst
said. “While I spent 17 pleasant
hours listening to the senator I
was obliged to oppose him that
I might later promote the copper
“In the senate you are on roller
skates. You go partly where you
like to go and partly where the
skates take you.”
Amplifying that exposition of
his 21-year experience with the
necessities of senate strategy,
Ashurst added:
"The senate, unfortunately, is
geared to hesitate, neglect, con
tinue, postpone, delay, and only by
strategy and persistent, faithful
work can anything be accom
Coming from so experienced a
veteran, that analysis of senate
way's should be convincing. It ac
counts, among other things, for
many a colorful filibuster, and
Ashurst himself has taken a hand
in that form of flank attack on a
parliamentary situation.
But where many another sena
tor looks back on such adventures
in solemn mood, Henry Ashurst
views it all as part of the delight
ful variety in life. Even his swift
transition from a prohibitionist tc
an an anti amuses him.
Wayne L. Korse, dean of the
law school, submits the following
questions as examples of interest
ing legal quirks and odd points of
law. They should present some
knotty problems for the average
student to unravel.
1. Suppose X has served five
days in the city jail for the viola
tion of a city ordinance and sub
sequently is called as a witness in
a state felony case. When asked
by counsel as to whether or not he
ever committed a crime, he an
swers in the negative . Would X
be guilty of perjury ?
2. Suppose a student dance
committee advertised that at the
Dime Crawl it would give a prize
to the man who at a fixed time
during the evening was dancing
with a girl who had previously
drawn a certain number. Would
the plan be in violation of the
laws against lottery ?
3. Suppose X, a private citizen,
observed A with a dangerous wea
pon attacking B. and attempted to
arrest‘A, but A resisted X's at
tack. Would a be acting within
his rights?
4. Suppose X. a student, offered
to pay and did pay his professor
SaO for a copy of an examination
to be given the nee.t day by the
piote.-iOr. \\ ould the student be
guilty of bribery and the professor'
be guilty of accepting a bribe?
5. Suppose X saw A run over B j
with an automobile, seriously in
juring B. X, however, gave no aid !
to either A or B. As a result, A
escaped and B bled to death. ,
Would X be under any legal lia
bility ?
6. Suppose X seriously wounded
B, who was then taken to a hos
pital and contracted scarlet fever
and died. Would X be liable for
manslaughter ? Do you think that
it would make any difference if,
while in the hospital, Y entered
the room and inflicted a second
injury upon B?
Try these questions on your law
student friends. They will be an
swered by Dean Morse tomorrow
in this paper.
Assault and
Battery Hitchcock ||
Report has it that a certain il
lustrious ATO, none other than
"Heel and Toe” Kinley has been
putting on a dancing exhibition
for the Alpha Chis of recent. Our
advice to the AJpha Chis is to give
him the toe and throw the heel
* *
It is reported that they are us
ing fish for money in some sec
tions of Sweden now. Harry Hand
ball wants us to consider how mes
sy it would be to extract a piece
of gum from a slot machine. Mope
Forsta says the next thing they’ll
be doing is writing blubber
* * *
We select for Lemonade: Duke
: Shaneman because of his remark
i able influence at the Delta Zeta
* * *
Rumor has it that Bob Zurcher
and John Currier have shingled
the inside of their room at the
PKA dive. Well, it’s nice to see
j Zurch engaged in shingling some
thing else instead of getting shin
I gled himself.
* * *
j Today’s most amusing story
tells the tale of Choppie Parke. It
! seems the “little demon,” as he is
! affectionately styled, almost got
in a fight with George (Wildcat)
Pete, the noted wrestler, the other
night. All O. K. only Pete would
n't fight. Just stood there. Others
attending the fiasco were Yerko
vich, Bob Park, and the illustrious
* * *
Our friend, Bill Miller, who is
well known in the district of the
dispensary reports that five peo
j pie died of gradual atrophy of the
i liver the other week waiting for
| their turn in the line. Other re
| cent cases are those of:
1. A man named Elbert Sandow,
who expired after 83 days of wait
2. An unknown man with a Sig
ma Chi pin (this may have been
Speed Holloway but other authori
I ties say noi who perished miser
ably from lack of food after three
.and a quarter weeks of waiting.
| His last words were: "Fireman,
i save tho Tri-Delt.”
3. A man named Bill Roberts
: who just died for no apparent rea
| son.
j Chick “Yeowzzla” Burrow wants
, it to be known that he “Is a Fu- j
gitive from a Chainstore.”
* * s
If the dean of women, bless her
heart, intended to raise the moral
tone of the Senior Ball by order
ing flood lights which had been
directed at the ceiling ornaments
lowered across the floor, she cer
tainly defeated her own ends. Earl
Carroll could have picked a whole
new review chorus off the floor
without the necessity of a pre
•4! * *
Is there a correlation between
morality and candlepower? Why
not import a battery of Klieg
lights from Hollywood and make
the Junior Prom a genuinely ele
vated function?
* $ *
Steve Smith almost hitting some
one . . . Wally Hug plus war uni
form all alone in a rumble seat
... Hack Miller, Oregon’s own lit
Dr. Sherman W. Moody
Eugene’s Leading Optical
38 East Broadway
Phone 362
We make no charge for a
thorough, scientific eye ex
amination. No fancy prices.
L__ 1
Letters to the Editor
All “Letters to the Editor” must bear
either the signature or initials of the
writer, the former being preferred. Be
cause of space limitations, the editor
reserves the right to withhold, such
communications as he sees fit. All let
ters should be concise and to the point.
The editor of the Emerald solicits opin
ions and constructive criticism from
the members of the student body.
To the Editor of the Emerald:
In your editorial Saturday there
is a misstatement with reference
to Japanese activities in the Pa
cific. This came about doubtless
:hrough a misunderstanding of my
remarks concerning the Bonin Is
lands. I have statements from
several sources that Japan has for
tified the Bonin islands and the
Marshall islands, but I have no
knowledge of such activities of any
other Japanese mandated islands,
though charges to this effect have
been made recently. Furthermore,
the Bonin islands are not man
In justice to Japan we should
make this correction. The menace
of Japanese occupation of these
mandates remains the same as I
indicated to you in our conference.
Warren D. Smith.
To the Editor of the Emerald:
A great deal of careful thought
and hard work on behalf of the
Senior ball directorate went into
the preparation of the most for
mal of formals, staged last Satur
day evening, and for their excel
lent production they should be
most highly commended. Those
who attended the dance were
more than pleased with the decor
ations, but four irritating factors
certainly deserve comment, name
ly, the spots in each corner of the
room which so cleverly succeeded
in shining in everyone’s eyes.
A very artistic and beautiful
effect had originally been obtained
by training the colored spots on
the huge silver ball that twirled
in the middle of the ceiling, the
reflection producing a delightful
panorama of color on both the
ceiling drapes and the floor. It
was felt, though, by members of
the administration, that the light
ing was not sufficient, and so the
lights were traine ddirectly on the
floor to provoke and haunt the
dancers for the balance of the eve
The Sophomore Informal fea
tured brilliant overhead lights
that completely destroyed the ef
fect of the lavish decorations, and
now another good dance'has been
spoiled in a similar way. Is there
no possible way of combining the
desirable effects obtainable by in
direct lighting with the wishes of
the administration and still pre
serving the proper degree of
morality? If the two are not
compatible we would suggest that
the next all-campus dance feature
Kleig lights, smoked glasses, and
horse blinders. J. C. and W. S.
Of the Air
What’s new in news ? Don't be
uninformed. Don't be misinformed.
Know! The Emerald-of-the-Air at
12:15 casts on the air its inform
ative gleam. Are you there!
A complete resume and epitome
of the Oregon Daily Emerald—in
sofar as time will permit—is
broadcast for your entertainment
and edification over KORE at
— — i |
tie boy . . . Butter Ball New around
and about . . . Larry Roof with
that sophisticated look . . . Dud
Lindner walking for a change.
Vienna, long without adequate
coal supply for its population of
2,000,000, soon may be able to
utilize natural gas from a well
discovered by an European com
LOST—Thespian pin, gold and
black T. Return, Betty Ohle
miller, 1770.
BOARD and Room—3 meals per
day, $15 per month. Board per
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furnished here. Now $16, $22.
FOR SALE — Lodges History of
Nations. 25 volumes. Splendid
condition, $10. Call 3185-J eve
BOARD and Room— 3 meals per
day, S15 per month. Board per
month, $12 or $3 per week. 633
E. 15th.
SAVE 40%
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Original Price, #3.00-$10.0U
Make ^ our Selection Early
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Pile Students' Drug Store
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