Game Tonight No Mere Setup Fans Assured Oregon State Best Team, Aeeortling to Dope DUCK HOPES HIGH Famous Oregon “Jinx” May Prove Sufficient To Stop Orange Basketeers By BILL EBERHART Past performances, positions in conference standings, and all such "dope” can be thrown into the dis card as far as the outcome of to night’s Webfoot-Beaver game is concerned. Whenever Oregon meets Oregon State in basketball, the fans can be assured of a good tight game with the margin of victory resting on a very few points. The teams tonight repre sent both extremes in the per centage column with Oregon State holding the number one spot. Although Oregon played a fair ly hard game last Friday night, they have rested almost a week from conference activity and are in good condition. The Beavers, on the other hand, successfully weathered a tough series with the University of Washington last Fri day and Saturday night which will undoubtedly tell on the regulars tonight. Boys Worked Hard Bill Reinhart sent his gang through a stiff practice session yesterday afternoon. The second team ran Orange plays through the first string’s defense, and then played Oregon State’s zone de fense against Reinhart's specially devised offense. The manner in which the new system operated against the "green wave” bodes ill for the boys over in Corvallis. Coach Amory “Slats” Gill is off to win his first conference cham pionship since taking over the reins at Oregon State. He doesn’t mean to let the Webfoots cheat him out of it by winning part of the four games, but neither did Washington State last year, when Oregon took three straight and handed the title to Washington on • a platter. Huskies, Vandals Rest Both Washington teams and Idaho are resting until Friday, when Washington meets Washing ton State and the Vandals come to Eugene for two games. Tonight’s lineups: Oregon Oregon State Stevens .F. O'Connell Olinger .F. Hibbard Roberts .C. Lewis Robertson .G. Lecliintsky Simons .G. E. Davis Fireside Groups Will Meet Tonight The annual series of Fireside Forums in fraternities and men’s halls, with eight faculty members invited to as many houses for din ner and a discussion group after wards, begins this evening. These forums are sponsored annually by the University Y. M. C. A. cabinet. Bill Gearhart is in charge. A list of faculty members who have volunteered to lead the dis cussions, together with the topics of discussion for each, were mailed last week to fraternities and halls, with the request that they choose leaders and topics to their own taste. Tonight’s engagements follow: Warren D. Smith at Sigma Chi, Nelson L. Bossing at Sigma hall, H. V. Hoyt at Alpha hall, N. H. Cornish at Phi Kappa Psi, Wayne L. Morse at Friendly hall, J. Fw. ^ Jewell at International house, John L. Casteel at Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Karl W. Onthank at Phi Sigma Kappa. Campus Pictures Wanted This Week At Oregana Office ANYONE who has snapshots for the Oregana should turn them in at the Co-op or the Oregana office in McAr this court this week. It was announced yesterday by Vir ginia Wentz, editor. Feature snapshots and pic tures of Junior week-end, Homecoming, Dad's day, or any other campus events will also be accepted. Miss Wentz stated. Heads League I Dan YY. Hill, postmaster of Ashe\ tile, N. C., and former presi dent of the Asheville baseball club, has been elected president of the Piedmont league. He succeeds William Bramhain, who resigned to head the National Association of Professional Baseball leagues. Building Program Slated by Board At Washington U. Action on Spencer's Resignation To Be Delayed for Time, Says Schwellenbach SEATTLE, Wash., Feta. 6—(Spe cial)—The University of Wash ington's new board of regents an nounced plans today for an imme diate campus building program which will occasion the expendi ture of $530,000, and delayed ac tion on the resignation of M. Lyle Spencer, University president, re cently submitted. Anticipating revenue from met ropolitan building leases and stu dent fees, the board decided it would be better to build now, rath er than to effect a paper economy by permitting the money to re main idlee. Dr. Spencer submitted his resig nation to the new board of regents January 27, it was revealed recent ly in a formal statement by Lewis B. Schwellenbach, chairman of the board. Dr. Spencer requested that he be transferred to the English de partment. The resignation said in part: "Believing that the university at the present moment needs har (Continued on Page Three) Kendall to Address Students Former Circuit Judge John C. Kendall, now a prominent Port land attorney, will address an as sembly of all law school students tomorrow afternoon at 1:30 on “Practice and Procedure Before the Federal Radio Commission.” Judge Kendall has done a great deal of work in this field and his talk should be especially interest ing inasmuch as this is an impor tant branch of the law which has just developed in the last decade. The Weather ; Fair weather showed signs of continuing, but the chilly temper ature that accompanied the fair skies of yesterday was also pre dicted as a probable condition for today. Daily forecast: Fair today, con tinued cold west portion, moder ate east to northwest winds off shore. Statistics: Minimum ..tempera ture Monday, 29 degrees. Precip itation .02 of an inch. Willamette river, 1.6 feet. Wind from south. | Caswell Will Open Faculty Talk Series ‘New Mechanics’ Slated As Subject Tomorrow WILL BE IN VILLARD Lectures Sponsored by Committee On Free Intellectual Activities Dr. A. E. Caswell, professor of physics at Oregon State, will in troduce a series of faculty lectures, one to be given each week for the rest of this term, with his talk on "The New Mechanics,” to be given tomorrow evening at 8 in Villard hall. These lectures are sponsored by the committee on free intellectual activities, of which Dr. H. G. Townsend is chairman, and are aimed to give everyone interested an opportunity to hear some of his own faculty members speak upon the subjects they know best. Each professor scheduled for a lec ture will discuss topics in his spe cial field. Appeal Is General None of the lectures to follow will be highly specialized, the com mittee has declared, but will be of interest to people other than those working in the particular field being considered. Dr. Townsend has indicated, however, that the lectures do pre suppose a rather broad general knowledge, and do not pretend to be popularly appealing. All the faculty and advanced students will be interested; and some under classmen, especially those major ing in the field under discussion, will appreciate the speeches. Lectures Listed The lectures to follow after Dr. Caswell’s are: February 15, “Re cent Developments in Understand ing of Personality Structure,” by Dr. H. H. Dixon; February 23, “Formative Period of the Devel opment of American Universities, 1867-1893," by Dr. H. D. Sheldon; March 1, “Some Proposals for Eco nomic Recovery,” by Prof. Donald Erb; March 8, “Some Anthropo logical Problems of the Pre-His tory of the Pacific Northwest," by Dr. L. S. Cressman. A similar series of lectures was given last year. Theatre Tickets Offered as Prize For 4Dime Crawl’ 44 Ducats Will Go To the House Collecting Largest Sum From Customers Forty-four Colonial theatre tickets will go to the women’s house or dormitory collecting the most dimes at tomorrow night’s Dime Crawl, due to the courtesy of Glen Godfrey, promotional man ager of the Colonial. This means there will be two big theatre parties the Thursday or Friday after the Dime Crawl, since Ray W. Jones, manager of the Fox-McDonald, has offered 44 passes to the Oregon Yeomen, the men’s fraternity, or the dormitory unit paying the greatest number of admissions. “The most men to the most houses’’ will be the motto for the evening. A small house with two dimes to a man has as good a chance as the big house with only one dime to a man. Nobody will object, of course, if a man arrives (Continued on Page Three) Dean Allen Expresses Views On Present Pacific Relations Views recently expressed by Warren D. Smith, head of the de partment of geography, opposing the policy of the United States in placing the Philippine islands on a long probationary period before granting independence, were es sentially agreed to by Eric W. Al len, dean of the school of journal ism, in an interview yesterday. ‘‘The international situation on the Pacific is exceedingly danger ous. Comparatively trifling events might set off the fireworks,” Dean Allen stated. “The danger we are now facing demonstrates how utterly erron eous our foreign policy of the last 12 years has been. We should have been handling this matter through the League of Nations and not in dependently. Our fundamental mistake in not joining the league is likely to involve us in serious trouble. “Our Philippine policy, which is partly responsible for our trouble, is an unsatisfactory compromise. It has the advantages neither of strong imperialism nor of a de termination to stay at home and mind our own business. It is probably too late for us to initiate a strong policy in the Orient even if it were desirable. In the present circumstances the best thing to do is to grant Philippine indepen dence without the long probation ary period of 13 years. Then if we are to apply pressure on Japan we I should do it through Geneva, but I it is probably too late for that. “In my judgment a war with, Japan is the last thing we want j and we ought to make it a prime! objective of our policy to avoid J such a contingency. Students’ Recommendation and Committee Report 'T'HE RECOMMENDATION submitted to the Ways and Means committee last week by the University's three petition bearers —Dick Neuberger, Stephen Kahn, and Raymond Morse follows: “In order to maintain the faculty of the various institutions of higher learning on a plane commensurate with their experience and ability, recommendation is hereby made that the Board of Higher Education make no further reductions in the prevailing salaries of members of the instructional staff, but effect the neces sary economies by applying reductions to other existing functions, viz: administrative staff, maintenance staff, physical equipment, etcetera.” The complete report of the sub-committee of the Ways and Means committee, on higher education, also follows: Your sub-committee on the budget for the department of higher education recommends that the sum of $508,918 be transferred from the millage tax fund to the general fund of the state and that $66>642 be transferred from the continuing appropriations to the general fund, making a total saving to the general fund of $575,260. These figures were arrived at in the following manner: Salary reduction by applying Ways and Means- schedule for the biennium .$905,804 Salary reductions already applied by Board of Higher Edu cation .'. . 646,886 Net Additional salary cut .$258,918 Deduction to offset continuing appropriations restored by this committee but which were transferred to millage tax expense in the governor’s budget, less salary re ductions ordered Dy the Ways and Means committee ... $250,000 Total deductions from millage lax .$508,918 Resulting as follows: Millage lax as per budget .$3,965,000 Deduct .,.. 508,918 Net receipts from millage tax for higher education .$3,456,082 Continuing appropriations for extension and experiment stations .$308,898 To be deducted on account of Ways and Means salary sche dule ...’. 66,342 Net amount of continuing appropriations .$242,556 SUMMARY To be deducted from millage tax .$508,918 To be deducted from continuing appropriations . 66,342 Total savings for general fund .$575,260 It is the opinion of your committee that this amount may be deducted with discretion from the millage. tax of higher education without crippling or materially reducing the scope of the activities of the colleges and that nothing in this action justifies closing of any one of the six stale institutions of higher learning. That the salary reductions so necessary on the part of all per sons on the public pay roll during the present crisis will be met by the loyal force of instructors and workers in a spirit of patriotic duty. Your committee further asserts that this salary reduction is not permanent and it is not to be construed as establishing a new base, but merely a temporary emergency measure to apply for the present biennium. Your committee makes the following additional legislative recommendations: 1. That the Board of Higher Education be given authority to transfer state funds appropriated for experiment stations and re distribute such funds where most needed among stations, in the same manner as they now allocate funds between the institutions of higher learning. 2. That the Board of Higher Education be given authority to readjust salary schedules and the salary base as affecting the pay rolls under th^ir jurisdiction, in the same manner that the State Board of Control is to be given authority to readjust salaries in other state departments. Respectfully submitted, (Signed) ISAAC E. STAPLES, Chairman, William f. woodward, CARLE ABRAMS, HERBERT GORDON, DEAN WALKER. James H. McCool Will Act as Judge For Story Contest Journalist Edits Wild Life Lines Feature in Morning Oregonian Word was received here today that James H. McCool of Portland would act as one of the judges for the annual Edison Marshall short story contest.. Mr. McCool notified Professor W. V. G. Thacher that he would be pleased to accept the honor. Mr. McCool is a member of the staff of the Morning Oregonian and is best known for his Wild Life Lines feature column. He has been conductor of that depart ment for several years, and has written numerous articles on wild life for national magazines. An authority on hunting, fishing and nature, Mr. McCool also is a cele brated golfer and exponent of the links sport. (Continued on Paqe Three) Tonight Will See First of Week’s Pair of Recitals Two recitals will be given this week. Tonight at 8 o’clock the weekly student recital, presenting Betty Evanson, pianist, and Cath erine Firebaugh, contralto, will be given in the auditorium of the mu sic building. Thursday, Kenneth Roduner, tenor, accompanied by Theresa Kelly sings at 8 p. m. Miss Evanson plays three groups of piano numbers: Bach’s “Pre lude and Fugue in G-minor," Bee thoven’s “Andante Tavori”; Cho pin’s “Mazurka in F-sharp minor,” Chopin’s “Nocturne in F-Minor,” Schumann's “Soaring”; and Alben iz’ "Cadiz,” Rachmaninoff's “Melo die,” and MacDowell’s "Polonaise.” A recitative, "Then Shall the Eyes” and an air, “He Shall Feed His Flock,” from Handel's “Mes siah” make up Miss Firebaugh's first group. “Still Wie Die Nacht,” by Bohm, “Wiegenlied" by Brahms Campus Calendar . „. .... . Industrial group meets at “Y” bungalow, 8 o’clock, to see moving pictures of industry, put on by Lane county nurses. Everyone in vited. Charm school group of Philome lete meeting this evening at 7:30 at Alpha Chi Omega. — . An important Alpha Kappa Psi meeting is scheduled for 5 p. m. in 107 Commerce. All members are urged to attend in order to select new members for the business honorary. Pan Xenia, international foreign trade honorary fraternity, has slated an important meeting at 7 p. m. in 107 Commerce. Pi Lambda Theta pictures will be taken tomorrow afternoon at 12:30 in front of Condon hall. W. A. A. council meeting, 7:30 tonight in Gerlinger social room. Susan Campbell will swim against the Kappa Deltas today at 4 in the women’s pool. (Continued on Paye Three) Conklin Urges Serious Choice In Marriages Wed for Lifetime, Not Momentary Bliss TALK 2ND OF SERIES Psychologist Warns of Modern Yonth’s Gross Ignorance In Choosing Mate By PEGGY CHESSMAN Modern youth in its confused, blundering state of mind often digresses from the true path of life when it comes to the fork in the road where the two paths “mo mentary happiness" and “lifetime happiness" offer him his first chance to decide important mat ters for himself. Such was the essence of the lec ture delivered last night by Dr. E. S. Conklin, in the discussion of the psychological aspect of courtship in the second speech in the love and marriage lecture series. In presenting his lecture, Dr. Conklin used questions offered to him by students in his classes. These, he said, readily revealed the ignorance of students in gen eral on love and marriage, and their pretext of self-confidence covering the consciousness of doubt of the future. Society Is Conformation Rule “Society insists that we are not ready for marriage at the time of puberty," said Dr. Conklin, “anu we must respond to societal de mands, no matter what our own judgment on the matter." Expanding this idea, the speak er showed by illustration how the passing generation believes in cer tain standards and ideals because through them it has achieved hap piness. By much experience, gen eral society has learned that hap piness must be considered in the aspect of lasting satisfaction rath (Continued on Page Three) 49 Students Have Yet To Pay Fees Forty-nine students have yet to pay the second installment of their registration fees and will be fined 25 cents per day for each day late. E. P. Lyon, cashier, sent out 82 notices of delinquency Saturday and 33 students paid on Monday. The University regulations gov erning the payment of fees are listed on the cards sent out. The penalty of 25 cents per day will continue until noon February 11. If the fees are not paid before this time University regulations provide that the student will be come automatically suspended from the University and may only be reinstated by payment of the fees and penalties due with an ad ditional penalty of $2.00 for rein statement. If circumstances prevent a stu dent from complying with these requirements and such circum stances are entitled to the consid eration of the University manage ment the students are to consult Mr. Lyon in Johnson hall. Professor Taylor to Speak Howard R. Taylor, professor of psychology, will speak to the graduate group of the Y. W. bun galow tomorrow evening at 9, on various schools of psychology such as behaviorists and psychoanaly ses. This group meets each week and is open to all men and women graduates interested in contemporary topics for discus sion. There is no definite organi zation in the group. Medical Leader - ; Kichard E. Dillchiint, ilcun of the University school of medicine in l'ortlund. The school faces a drastic cut in budget as the re sult of the recent slush in higher educational appropriations. Al most simultaneously Ur. Dillehunt announced that the medical school und its brunches had stupendously increased the umount service ren dered to indigent patients during the past year. Attorney General Holds Closing of Schools Is Illegal Summary Shutdown Would Be Unlawful, Is Statement of Van Winkle SALEM, Feb. 6. (Special)—An opinion handed down by Attorney General I. H. Van Winkle today held that before any state institu tion of higher learning can be closed, a legislative enactment granting the board of higher edu cation that poyver must be provid ed. The opinion w^s asked by E. C. Sammons, chairmap of the finance committee of the st^te board, who made the request in the event that legislative appropriations are cut so deeply as to make it, necessary to close one of the normal schools. The impression was given that if the ways and means commit tee’s program of reducing the ap propriations by more than $500,000 becomes effective, fixed expenses for the institution would necessi tate the closing of one of the nor mal schools. Van Winkle declared that he had not yet been asked for an opinion concerning the transfer ring of some of the millage funds to the general fund of the state. It is said that legal opinion is di vided on the constitutionality of this proposal. Sigma Delta Pi To Hold Meeting Tomorrow Gamma chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, national Spanish honorary, in conjunction with the Oregon chap ter of the American Association of Teachers of Spanish, will hold its quarterly meeting tomorrow at 7:45 p. m., in the Westminster house. There will be a literary-musical 1 program which will include the reading of a paper by J. Ladrew Moshberger, senior in Romance languages, on “Perez Gald os’ Dramatization of His Novels,” fol lowed by the group singing of some Spanish and Mexican folk sings. All those interested in the Spanish language and culture are invited to be present. Housemothers Meet Mrs. Genevieve Turnipseed, di rector of dormitories, spoke at a meeting of housemothers in John son hall yesterday. Guild Theatre Will Present Fantasy; 'Berkeley Square9 By BOB GUILD In the course of its active years Guild theatre has dealt in many kinds of magic, none more effect ive than fantasy. A glance back over the hit pieces played in recent years shows “The Ivory Door," “Gods of the Mountain,” “Snow white,” and others akin to these in spirit. The reason? A simple mat ter—people, especially in these days, patronize the drama for es cape from the bitter reality of bit ter living. Fantasy can nowhere be presented so effectively as in the theatre, and in John Balder ston’s “Berkeley Square" beauty, pathos and strangeness are brought together in a near perfect blend. This quietly sagacious Eng lish play will headline the Guild theatre winter program, sometime j near the end of this month. Leslie Howard, most charming of the screen’s lovers, played Peter i Standish of Berkeley Square for a year on Broadway. Mr. Howard is making a movie of the play now, but before he translates it to the 1 screen this hob-nob tale of con quered time and unconquerable love will shed its two hours of ma gic over the Guild theatre. Peter Standish was lost in mem ory. He lived in the 20th century, but his heart was with his ances tors. And when Author Balder ston played his fantastic game with time and space Peter Stand ish, modern American, is allowed to carry his 20th century heart and head back to the England of Dr. Johnson. The situation points to a comedy of anachronisms, but we find its amusing possibilities (Continued on Pane Three) Education Cut Foes Forming In Opposition Salary Slash Is Thought Open Issue Slill UNFAIRNESS IS SEEN Many Newspapers Align Support To Aid State Institutions Of Higher Learning STATE HOUSE, Salem, Ore., Feb. 6—(Special)—Out of a visit here late last week by three Uni versity of Oregon students has grown a pronounced opposition to the recent report of the Ways and Means committee which calls for a 7 to 45 per cent reduction in the salaries of faculty members of the state institutions of higher educa tion. The original budget, as prepared by Director Henry M. Hanzen, . called for cuts of from 5 to 25 per cent. The more drastic cuts were advocated by the sub-com mittee on higher education. On Thursday night of last week three students from the Uni versity of Oregon—Richard L. Neuberger, Stephen B. Kahn, and Raymond J. Morse — arrived here bearing petitions from their fellow students protesting against all faculty cuts in general and those levied on faculty members in par ticular. Neuberger obtained per mission to address the Ways and Means committee and pleaded with the members not to reduce the faculties further, saying greater cuts would drive the out standing men away from Oregon. The only member of the com mittee to reply to Neuberger's re marks was Senator W. F. Wood ward of Multnomah county. He said the faculty should be patri otic and loyal enough to stand the reductions, and said that the state didn't have to be afraid of men going east when there were such outstanding youths as the trio of University lads at the meeting coming up from this state. At present a number of promi nent legislators have taken up the cry against further reduction of education and professors’ salaries and it seems likely that the issue will become one of the dominant matters before the legislature. The complete and final report of the Ways and Means committee is expected Thursday night. PORTLAND, Ore., Feb. 6.— (Special)—Despite the cut of $508,918 recently levied by the ways and means committee of the Oregon legislature, leading citi zens of the state and the fourth estate of the commonwealth do not believe the matter is yet a closed issue. There are many who think higher education has been reduced unjustly, and are of the opinion that the system already has ab sorbed all the cuts it can without being drastically crippled and its efficiency virtually obliterated. Both of Portland’s leading news papers—the Morning Oregonian and the Oregon Journal—have pro tested bitterly at the cuts levied on education. Both have said the reductions will do material dam age. In the Oregon Voter, C. C. Chapman said editorially that higher education had been blasted because it was politically expedi ent to do so. Sammons Education Friend One of the staunchest cham pions of education in the state is E. C. Sammons, chairman of the finance committee of the state board of higher education, and president of the Iron Fireman corporation here. He has fought valiantly against the cuts levied by the ways and means commit (Continued on Page Three) Order of O to Hold Meeting Tomorrow At Phi Delta Theta The Order of the “O” will hold an important meeting at the Phi Delta Theta house to morrow evening at 6 o’clock. A dinner will precede the busi ness meeting. Plans are being made to transform the organization into a service honorary, and an im portant part of the business of the evening will be to outline a program for the coming year, and to effect a complete reor ganization. It is imperative that every wearer of the lemon “O” attend, according to Orville “Red” Bail ey, president. ---:_2