Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 04, 1933, Image 1

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State Officials
Praise Oregon
i Students’ Zeal
»■ - - ■ ."V
Interest in Educational
Problems Lauded
New University Infirmary Funds
Will Be Available After
Biennium of 1933-34
STATE HOUSE, Salem, Ore.,
Feb. 3.—- ( Special)—Enthusiastic
commendation of the students of
the University of Oregon for their
initiative in bringing their views
to the attention of the legislature
was voiced by a half score of
prominent state officials this af
ternoon. Senators and representa
tives joined in expressing to Dick
p Neuberger, chairman of the stu
dent delegation, admiration for the
interest manifested by the Univer
sity in educational legislation.
The chief activities of the group
of students, which included Dick
Neuberger, Raymond (Butch)
Morse, and Stephen Kahn consist
ed of focussing the attention of
legislative officials on the pre
vailing student opinion opposing
further reduction in faculty salar
ies. Late this afternoon a formal
recommendation was submitted by
the trio to Representative L. F.
Allen, chairman of the joint ways
and means committee, which read
as follows:
"In order to maintain the fac
ulty of the several institutions of
higher learning on a plane com
mensurate with their experience
and ability and to provide suitable
remunerative recognition, recom
mendation is hereby, made that
the board of higher education
make no further reductions in the
prevailing salaries of the instruc
tional staff, but effect the neces
sary economies by applying re
ductions to other existing func
tions, viz: administrative staff,
maintenance staff, physical plant,
etc., etc.”
Meier Expresses Appreciation
At a conference with Governor
Meier this morning, the chief ex
ecutive of the state expressed his
appreciation of the students’ in
terest in their own problems and
commended their loyalty to the
faculty body. He outlined the fi
nancial problems confronting the
state and advanced the hope that
no function of the state system of
higher education would be perma
nently impaired.
Before a meeting of the ways
and means committee Representa
(Continued on Page Three)
Frosh Will Stage
Dancing Tonight
Freshmen and other students
who do not intend to go to the
Senior ball will have an opportun
ity to* dance tonight at the frosh
get-together affair at the Campa
Shoppe at 9 p. m. Music is to be
furnished by the Mad-Hatters,
President A1 Wall stated.
The dance sponsored by the
men's frosh commission, will be
the first on the freshman program
of social events. Tickets are 50
cents per couple and are on sale
at all living organizations. Inde
pendent freshmen and all upper
class students may purchase tick
ets at the Y.M.C.A. from Hale
Patrons and patronesses for the
evening will include Mr. and Mrs.
R. K. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Dahlberg, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
WasTike, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Shumaker, and Mr. William Kid
Future Lawyers
Shown Necessity
Of Wide Learning
Broad study in pre-law subjects
and liberal knowledge of fields of
endeavor other than law were
stressed as advantages to
the student planning to enter the
legal profession by Earl Immel,
prominent Eugene attorney and
ex-president of the Oregon State
Bar association, who spoke recent
ly before approximately 100 un
derclass students in pre-law work
here recently.
“In order to be successful as a
lawyer a man must be familiar
with the trades of all men with
whom he does business,” Mr. Im
mel said. “The doctor, on the oth
er hand, is sufficiently well
equipped if he knows his own bus
iness well.”
In stating these views, Immel
substantiated the frequently stat
ed policy of the law school which
emphasizes the necessity of a wide
pre-iegal training. He also dealt
with the fact that salesmanship is
an essential requirement for law
just as much as it is in any other
Conklin To Give
Love, Marriage
Lecture Monday
Second of Scries To Be at Villard
On Subject of Psychological
Aspects of Courtship
Dr. Edmund S. Conklin, head of
the University psychology depart
ment, will deliver the second lec
ture in the love and marriage
series of speeches Monday evening,
February 6, in the Villard assem
bly hall. His topic will be "The
Psychological Aspects of Court
Dr. Conklin will deal with the
many problems confronting
couples before marriage, problems
such as finance, attractive per
sonalities, mating, selection, and
the relationship between the en
All students are urged to attend
this lecture, especially those people
who were present last Monday
evening to hear Dr. Harold Leon
ard Bowman speak on the socio
logical aspects of love and marri
age. The same tickets used last
time will admit a student to this
English Assistant Gets
Portland School Place
Miss Florence Thompson, grad
uate assistant in English at the
University of Oregon, left Wed
nesday for Portland, where she
will take over a part-time position
in the English department of St.
Helen’s hall.
Miss Thompson is interested in
writing and has jiad stories print
ed in the Good Housekeeping and
Campbell Reedy Will
Discuss Tax Problems
Rolla Reedy, senior in education,
and Wallace Campbell, graduate
assistant in the social science de
partment, will speak on “Is There
a Solution to Oregon’s Tax Dilem
ma" on the “Road Ahead" pro
gram over radio station KORE,
Sunday at 2:30.
This will be the fourth presen
tation; the series of talks are to
continue indefinitely.
Master’s Degree Desired
A. C. Stambrough, who is now
on the faculty of Monmouth nor
mal school, filed his abstract and
thesis for his master's degree with
the University of Oregon graduate
school office, Clara L. Fitch, school
secretary, said yesterday. His
subject is history of Pacific col
Possibilities of Pacific Strife
Shown by Warren D. Smith
The stage is set for a war in the
Pacific which may assume world
wide dimensions, is the opinion of
Dr. Warren D. Smith, head of the
geography department. Dr. Smith
said that he did not wish to pre
dict such a war, but the situation
was favorable for it.
Two factors tending toward
war were pointed out by Dr.
Smith in an interview yesterday.
One was the geographic situation
and the other the present trend
of those in control of Japan.
The islands and group of islands
under Japan’s control form a semi
circle with the Philippine islands
a center, Dr. Smith said. This
semi-circle includes the islands of
Formosa, Pelew, Yap, and others.
Dr. Smith brought out the close-1
ness of these islands to the Philip
pines by saying he had seen For
mosa from the northern most is
land in the Philippines. Another
Japanese possession, the Marshall
islands, is comparatively close to
the Hawaiian islands.
Dr. Smith said he hoped that a
war would not occur, but that the
nations may blunder into it. Al
though the militaristic factions
are now in control in Japan, there
are a great many people there who
deplore the situation, he said. Hope
that this more conservative ele
ment would assume power, thus
eliminating the possibility of an
economic boycott on Japan by the
United States and Great Britain,
was expressed by Dr. Smith. This
. (Continued on Page Three)
Plan Proposed
For Change Of
Election Time
ASUO and Class Voting
Would Be Same Day
Date Would Be Advanced From
First Thursday in May to
Second One in April
A proposal to advance the date
of student body elections from the
first Thursday in May to the sec
ond Thursday in April was made
last night by officials of the A. S.
U. O. Nominations would be ad
vanced to the first Thursday in
A further revision of the cam
pus elections was suggested when
Bob Hall, student body president,
proposed that all class elections be
held simultaneously with general
3tudent body elections. This would
appreciably limit the campaign pe
riods and the resultant disruption
of classes and study schedules.
If the students accept the new
proposal, the elections will take
place about three weeks after
spring-term registration.
Present Nomination In Late April
At the present time, the asso
ciated student constitution pro
vides in Section 2, clause 1, that
nominations shall be from the
floor at a general A. S. U. O.
meeting the last Thursday in
April. Elections shall be held on
the seventh day following nomina
tion, or the first Thursday in May.
It is also planned to conduct a
group of meetings which all new
ly elected officers will be required
to attend in order that they may
become familiar with the student
body government, its functions
and duties. During these meetings
they will have an opportunity to
learn how the officers cooperate
with the administration, they will
be shown what powers the admin
istration has over the associated
students, the importance of finan
cial structure, and all other duties
they will be required to perform
during their term in office. Much
of the explanation would be made
by the retiring president.
. Hall Favorable
Hall stated that, if the plan
should go through, every newly
elected officer will positively have
to attend the spring term meet
ings ancj show an interest as well,
before he will be permitted to take
the oath to perform his duties
during his term of office. The
aim is to give the new officers a
chance to get an inside view of
student affairs.
In the opinion of Hall, the new
system would be a great improve
ment over the plan used at the
present time, and seems to be the
only plan of its kind that has been
attempted on other college sh ss
attempted on the Pacific coast. He
also stated that the proposed plan j
would eliminat some of the dis-'
turbance in campus politics.
McKelligon Makes Statement
A statement made fcy A1 McKel
ligon, chairman of the local com
mittee of the National Student
Federation of America, declared
that the proposed system would
cut out petty politics on the cam
pus and would allow the students
to catch up on their studies.
McKelligon stated that the pro
jected change would probably be
submitted to a student body vote
some time near the end of the
YMCA National Official
To Appear on Campus
David Porter, national secretary
for student work of the Y.M.C.A.,
will arrive from New York for a
Eugene visit on February 14.
The campus Y.M.C.A. plans a
dinner honoring Mr. Porter, at
which the advisory board, and the
cabinet of the hut will be guests.
Howard Ohmart is in charge of
Payment of Last
Fee Installment
Due Noon Today
rpHE SECOND installment on
-*• the registration fee and non
resident fees will be due today.
The office of E. P. Lyon, cash
ier, will be open until noon.
Although several students
have already payed the fees, a
great many more have waited
until the last minute and those
planning to do so today should
be on hand early.
j Navy Bulldogs Stage Mock Battle
The nation’s mightiest warships are being prepared for a moek “attack” on the Pacific coast start
ing on the 6th. No shots will be fired except on paper, and a record will be kept of all the maneuvers
between the Hawaiian islands and the Pacific coast. An umpire will preside and chalk up hits and misses
between the two fleets.
Oregon Seniors
To Hold Annual
Formal Tonight
Patrons and Patronesses To Bo
Honored at Reception Dinner
To Be Held
Graduation will seem one step
nearer tonight to members of the
senior class as they gather for the
Senior ball at Gerlinger hall at 9
p. m. Students who last year at
tended as members of the third
year class will appear in all the
glory accorded seniors for the an
ual formal.
The hall has been decorated in
a modernistic manner for the
event, black, purple, and silver be
ing used as colors. These will be
used in a black canopy, purple
drapes, spotlights, and mirrors.
Music will be furnished by the
‘‘Rhythm Club,” 10-piece orches
tra which has been playing at the
Carapa Shoppe. Billy Sievers and
Wilbur Thibault will be featured
by the orchestra.
Tickets for the affair may be
puchased at living organizations,
the Co-op or at the door. Pro
grams will be sold for 50 cents at
the dance, according to Charles
Stryker, general (Chairman of the
Two events will be held in con
nection with the event tonight.
At 6:30 p. m., the patrons and pa
tronesses will hold a no-host din
ner in the men's dormitory.
At 8:30 p. m., a formal recep
tion will be held in alumnae lounge
honoring the patrons and patron
esses. In the receiving line for the
reception will be Cecil Espy, Dean
James H. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Starr, Chancellor and Mrs.
W. J. Kerr, Mr. and Mrs. Burt
Brown Barker, Miss Louise Web
ber, and Robert Hall.
National Hookup
To Feature Pfaff
Roger Pfaff, University of Ore
gon graduate, and the three mem
bers of the Japanese good will
team touring the United States
will speak on a national radio
hookup through the Columbia
Broadcasting system Monday at
11 a. m., Pacific standard time.
The program which is presented
under the auspices of the National
Student Federation of America,
may be heard through KOIN in
Portland or any other stations con
nected with the Columbia net
Pfaff and the three Japanese
university students appeared on
the campus last November.
Music Programs
To Be Presented
Twice Next Week
Two musicales will be given by
the University music department
next week. Betty Evanson, pian
ist, and Catherine Firebaugh, con
tralto, will give a joint recital
Tuesday at 8 o’clock in the music
building auditorium. Miss Evan
son will present numbers by Bach,
Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, and
by several modern composers.
Miss Firebaugh will sing one num
ber from Handel’s “Messiah,” and
three other numbers by composers
of the nineteenth century.
Kenneth Roduner, tenor, accom
panied by Theresa Kelley, will give
a concert Thursday, February 9,
at the music building.
University Depot
Has Lost Articles
The collection of odds and ends
found on the campus is steadily
growing at the University depot.
Among other things there are
quite a number of books with the
student’s name in them. These
are: A1 Nielsen—McKinsey’s Ac
counting Principles, Helen Edmin
ston —- Foerster and Steadman’s
Writing and Thinking, Emil Mohr
—Foerster and Steadman’s Writ
ing and Thinking, Virginia Gavis
—Foerster and Steadman’s Writ
ing and Thinking, Kenneth Wilson
Gray’s Economic Doctrine, Ada
lia Everts — French grammar,
Murray Fowler — Teacher’s Im
proved class book, Tom Aughin
baugh — Craig’s Speech Arts,
Glenn A. Bechtold—Fundamentals
of Objective Psychology, Betty
Hudson—British Poetry and Prose,
Dewey Carpenter—British Poetry
and Prose, and George Niemi —
Outline of Physics.
The rest of the list includes: 12
pairs of gloves, 1 bracelet, 1
knife, 2 rings, 7 fountain pens,
and the same number of ever
Journalism Graduate
Has New Mexico Job
Word has been received Dy Erie
W. Allen, dean of the school of
journalism, from Willetta Hartley,
journalism major who graduated
last year, that she has a position
writing a shopper’s column on an
Albuquerque, New Mexico, news
Mrs. Hartley was a member of
Theta Sigma Phi, women’s jour
nalism honorary, and of 'Phi Mu.
Campus Calendar
Elizabeth Serugg’s frosh discus
sion group meets at Y. W. bun-!
galow, 1 o’clock Monday.
Group on religion will meet at
Y. W. bungalow Monday night
with Professor Dunn at 9.
Y. W. cabinet meets Monday
night, 7:45, at the bungalow.
Housemothers will meet in room
4, Johnson hall, Monday at 3 p. m
The Nature girls of Philomelete
will meet tomorrow morning at
9:30 for breakfast. Come to
Susan Campbell hall instead of
the Y. W. C. A. bungalow.
Benito Padilla will lead the
Wesley club discussion Sunday
night in an endeavor to answer
the question, “Why Should I Have
a Personal Religion?” The meet
ing will follow the social half-hour
which begins at 6:00 p. m.
Dr. E. S. Conklin, head of the
psychology department at the
University, will conduct a round
(Continued on Page Tivo)
Depression Will
Feature on New
Shelf at Library
Move Is Made To Meet Demands
For Books on Current
Economic Problems
Student interest in the depres
sion and books conccrning .it is so
great that the old library is today
opening a new shelf to meet the
demand. This “depression shelf”
will contain all the late books—
and the number is legion—which
deal with this paramount econ
omic problem of today, according
to Miss Bernice Rice, superinten
dent of the circulation department.
The preponderance of the circu
lation of these depression books
over all other types is shown in a
comparison of the grand total for
the seven-day shelf for this school
year which is approximately 628
which leaves the favored books a
one-third rating against the com
bined fields of fiction, poetry, phil
osophy, travel, biography, and the
many by-lines of these types.
The latest of the volumes which
will appear on the shelf are vol
umes I and II on “Recent Social
Trends in the United States,”
which is a report of the Research
Committee on Social Trends ap
pointed by President Hoover. The
president wrote the foreword for
the series, in which it is pointed
out that since the task assigned
was to inquire into changing
trends, the emphaSis is on ele
ments of instability rather than
stability in our social structure.
These books, which were just pub
lished in January, 1933, were pur
chased from the income of funds
contributed to the University by
the late Henry Villard of New
York City.
Eight Students Added
To Advertising Corps
Eight positions have been filled
on the Emerald advertising staff,
it was announced yesterday by
Mahr Reymers, manager.
Parker Favier, senior in business
administration, and Tom Clapp,
junior in journalism, have been
appointed as special representa
Other new appointments are;
Ruth Baker, freshman in business
administration; Betty Powers,
freshman in humanities; Bob But
ler, freshman in social science;
Carl Heidel, sophomore in archi
tecture; George Brice, sophomore
in business administration; and
Charles Darling, freshman in
business administration.
Oregana Offers
Chance for New
House Pictures
Any living organization wish
ing to have a new picture of
its house in the Oregana may
do so by bringing it to the
Oregana office in McArthur
court, it was announced by Vir
ginia Wentz, editor. The charge
will be $5, Miss Wentz stated.
Five houses have already
j turned in their new pictures.
-f---—— ■
Role of Minister
Assumed by Prof
In Marital Event
Dan Cupid began his tricks
with iiis bow and arrows on the
first "honest - to - goodness" sun
shiny day Oregon has seen for
more than a month.
The day was Thursday, and the
victims of the "archer” were Rob
ert Frederick (Bob i Lan<L a grad
uate of the University, and Alice
Marie Madsen, student in physical
The ceremony was performed in
the open, on a hill overlooking
Eugene, and under a swaying pine
tree. Oregon's “Three Sisters,"
their peaks bathed in brilliant
sunshine, looked on as silent wit
Dr. L. O. Wright of the Spanish
department, who among his many
accomplishments is also a minis
ter, performed the ceremony.
Mr. Lane recently had a collec
tion of his printing displayed in
the library foyer, and his work re
vived much favorable mention.
Tuesday Will See
First of Fireside
Forums in Series
Campus YM’s Annual Discussion
Groups at Fraternities
Slated To Start
The annual fireside forums,
sponsored by the campus Y. M. C.
A., will begin Tuesday, February
9, and continue each Tuesday
through the month.
The plan, in which all the fra
ternities and living organizations
may participate, is based on the
discussion of varied topics around
the intimate atmosphere of a fire
Each organization taking part
selects, as an adviser, a professor
’rom the campus; he is invited to a
dinner at the house of the group,
md remains after dinner to lead
the discussion on the topic chosen
by the members of the organiza
The forums have proved popu
lar in the past, but this year, ac
cording to Eugene Stromberg, sec
retary of the Y.J^.C.A., only seven
fraternities have registered.
The other housed are asked to
return the slips sent them if they
desire to participate. j
Two Oregon Students
Get Article Published
Raymond Adams and Robert
Walker, students of psychology
here, have recently had their ar
ticle on ‘‘Motor Skills; the Valid
ity of Serial Motor Tests for Pre
dicting Typewriter Proficiency”
accepted for publication in the
Journal of General Psychology.
Adams, who is a graduate stu
dent here and a research assistant
on the Carnegie grant c? the sub
ject of laboratory procedure, did
the greater part. of his work on
this article while a senior in the
University. Walker, a former lab
oratory assistant here, is now
working for his doctor's degree at
the University of Iowa.
New Correspondence
Catalog To Be Issued
Material for the new correspon
dence catalog is being compiled
by Miss Mozelle Hair, professor of
sociology, and will be published
very soon by the extension division
of the University. In addition to
the old courses, the new issue will
contain revisions and several more
Additions to the course of study
are English literature and survey,
feature writing, home economics,
American history, modern Europe,
and courses in education.
About four or five thousand
copies will be printed. They are to
be sent out on request only.
Oregon Turns
On Multnomah
For 47-29 Win
Webfooters Amass Big
Margin at Quarter
Bill Reinhart Uses Reserves for
Greater Part of Game;
No Tilt With Oilers
PORTLAND, Feb. 3—(Special
to Oregon Daily Emerald)—Ore
gon finally broke into the win
column tonight at the expense of
the Multnomah Athletic club five.
The game, featured by rough play
ing, ended 47 to 29 in favor of the
University team.
Bill Reinhart used reserves the
greater part of the game, after his
regulars had run up a 20-4 lead in
the first quarter. The score at
half time was 28 to 17.
Keenan Peps Up
In the second half Billy Keenan,
former Oregon star, put pep into
the club quintet. Playing his old
ballhawking game, he potted five
field goals before he could be
stopped. Reinhart sent in an en
tire new team in the final quarter,
and the game got rough as the
clubbers tried to even the score.
"Spook’’ Robertson stood out
for the Webfoots, garnering 11
points and showing more fire than
he has all season. "Cap" Roberts
took few shots, most of those be
ing on set-up plays. Stevens,
Olinger, and Watts, the other
starters for the Ducks, played
bang-up ball.
Webfoots Leave for Home
For the club, Keenan, with 11,
and King Bailey, with 9 markers,
were outstanding. The latter is a
former Oregon State star.
The Webfoots left for Eugene
immediately following the game.
The game to be played with the
Union Oil five was not scheduled
as announced.
Oregon (47) FO FT PF
Robertson, f . 5 13
Stevens, f. 4 12
Roberts, c . 12 1
Olinger, f . 3 10
Watts, g . 2 0 0
Berg, f . 10 0
Rotenberg, g . 2 2 2
Miller, c . 0 0 2
Rourke, f . 10 2
Simons, g . 10 1
20 7 13
Multnomah Club (29) FG FT PF
Palmberg, f . 0 0 0
Elkins, f . 0 0 0
Baiiey, c . 3 3 3
Smith, g . 2 13
Kretzmeier, g . 0 0 0
Scales, f . Ill
Keenan, f . 5 11
Eustis, g . 0 10
11 7 8
Referee: Peck.
Oregon’s Rifle Squad
Wins Over Pittsburgh
The University of Oregon rifle
team shot out a decisive win
against the University of Pitts
burgh in last week’s match, ac
cording to Sergeant Harvey
Blythe, coach, who received the
results in the mail yesterday.
Members of the team and their
scores were as follows: Horace
Neely, 271; Leroy Smith, 269;
Evart Ream, 268; E. W. Thomson,
268; and B. J. Cross, 268.
The good work of the team re
ported earlier in the week has
been continued; favorable results
are expected when the scores of
this week’s matches come in.
Women Students Lead Men
As Patrons of Book Balcony
Aha—the worm, pardon, the
tide has turned! The co-eds of the
University have suddenly become
book minded. Page the psycholo
gy department!
Up to this term it has been a
tradition at the Co-op book bal
cony that the men patrons predom
inated by a ratio of three to one;
but this term, following the exam
ple of the democratic turn-over
the "fair sex" has taken the book
balcony by storm: the ratio is now
three to one favoring the co-eds.
The books read by women are
of a diverse nature; fiction and
romance, however, head the list.
But they also read the so called
“deep stuff,” such as the "ABC of
Technocracy, and a “A New Deal."
The men on the campus read
more non-fiction, adventure, trav
el, and humor books, declared Miss
Nancy Roberts, manager of the
book shop. They also seem to have
in aversion for women authors and
read books more readily if they
are written by masculine writers.
There are exceptions, of course,
and some of the future lawyers,
educators, captains of industry,
bond and Fuller brush salesmen
devour wofks of Edna Ferber.
Willa Cather, Vicki Baum, Edna
St. Vincent Millay, and Fannie
Both co-eds and men students,
however, make few purchases of
books this year, according to Miss