NUMBER 63 Schmidt Says Hitler Regime Aid Doubtful German Premier Is Not Seen as Savior POWER IS QUESTION Views of Situation Are Given in Address Last Night at International House By CYNTHIA LILJEQVIST Possibility that the new Hitler f regime will aid the present situa tion in Germany is very remote, in the opinion of Dr. F. G. G. Schmidt, head of the German de partment, expressed in a talk last night before members of the cam pus International Relations club at International house. “I do not believe that Hitler will be the saviour of his country in spite of his four-year policy by which he plans the salvation of the farmers and workers through compulsory labor service and the establishment of farm colonies,” Dr. Schmidt declared. “He is an extremely eloquent man, but he lacks the ability and the backing to become a successful dictator, which is his ambition. Pressure was placed upon Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor. This may be a piece of fine strategy to enable the people to judge for themselves whether or not Hitler ism is sound. The March elections will show how Hitler stands with . the people.” | Can’t Outlaw Communists Predictions in last night’s papers that Hitler might attempt to out law communists are unfounded, Schmidt said. Under the consti tution, everyone over 20 years of age can vote in any party he wishes, and everyone over 25 can hold office. Communists could be outlawed only if they actually started a revolution. Hitler no doubt will do his level best to remain on friendly terms with the United States. He has agreed to pay all external debts, but not political debts such as the one to France, because she feels that she owes nothing. German newspapers claim, and Keynz, a noted English economist, upholds that claim, that Germany has al ready paid over a billion dollars more than was demanded in the Versailles treaty. Germany is grieved because she was never paid for lands taken away from her during the war. This is the cause of her attitude toward poli tical debts. Thirteen per cent of her domai^and ten million inhabi tants were given to other nations. On this score Hitler is steadfast and is daily gaining partisans. Fights Bolshevism “It has been said that as long as Hitler’s party is predominant there will be no bolshevism,” Dr. Schmidt continued. “This, I be lieve, is the only redeeming fea ture in Hitlerism. His attitude to ward the Jews is not only unfair but positively silly. The Nazis assert that Jews can not be patri otic, that they are too interna tionally inclined and side with the socialists because Jews with money can influence them. The outcome of the Jewish questiou will be of interest to everyone. “While most other political par tie* have adopted the parliamen tary system in which quantity and not quality is predominating, Hit ler has raised the hierarchic sys tem as his aim and leading prin I ciple. He selects his own staff, who in turn appoint their sub (Continucd on Page Three) Campus Calendar Important Pan Xenia meeting this afternoon at 4 o’clock in room 107, Commerce hall. * * * Phi Lambda Theta will have its picture taken for the Oregana to day at 12:30 in front of Condon. * * * There will be a social swim for men and women tonight from 7:30 to 9 in the women's pool. Towels and suits furnished. * * * Dial meeting Monday, February 6, 8 p. m., at the home of Mrs. A. R. Moore. Ruth Jackson will speak on Proletarian Literary Criticism. Cars -will meet in front of the Main library at 7:45 p. m. Hits the Icy Deep i This younff mermaid likes it. plenty cold. She is snapped just lie fore she dove into the millracc opposite the Gamma Phi Beta house a few weeks ago. It’s Roberta Moody, daring freshman, and women’s sports editor of the Emerald. (.Journal cut.) College Students May Enter Essay History Contest Prizes To Be Offered for Best Paper on Southern History; Competition Limited , Word has recently been received by the history department of an essay contest sponsored by the United Daughters of the Confed eracy of West Virginia, open to all college students. This contest will be held for the purpose of encouraging research in the history of the South, par ticularly the Confederate period. The prize of $1000 which is the Mrs. Simon Baruch university award will be offered in biennial installments of $500 each. The prize will be awarded for an unpublished monograph or es say of high merit in the field of southern and Confederate history. Any phase of life or policy may be treated. The competition is limited to un dergraduate and graduate stu dents of universities and standard colleges in the United States, and those who shall have been stu dents in such institutions within the preceding three calendar years. Motion Pictures Shown Four reels of motion pictures on the production of rubber, spon sored by Pan Xenia, international professional foreign trade frater nity, were Shown to students of foreign trade last night in the men's lounge of Gerlinger hall. Second Payment On Registration Fee Due Saturday An average of more than 30 students an hour must call at the cashier's window in John son hall and pay the second in stallment of the registration fee if the students who have yet to pay this installment avoid a late payment penalty. Nearly 400 students have yet to pay this installment, E. P. Lyon, cashier, said yesterday. Only today and Saturday morn ing remain before the payment becomes due. Yesterday 82 stu dents made this payment. Non resident fees must also be paid by Saturday noon. W. L. Ackers Speaker At Fraternity Meeting At a recent meeting of Alpha Kappa Psi, national professional commerce and business fraternity, Wayne L. Ackers of the First Na tional bank, spoke on “Pitfalls of business as Seen by a Banker.” Ackers stressed the desirability of maintaining good credit position for a business firm, since most bankruptcies are caused by faul ty credit policies. Approximately 15 members and guests attended the meeting. The fraternity plans to hold an other meeting some time next week, at which time new members will be elected to the organization. Rhodes Scholar Presents Highlights of Oxford Life Imagine, instead of being able to walk into your fraternity house with a clear conscience at any hour of the night, having to scale a 12-foot wall, with barbed wire at the top, if by any chance you happened to come in after about 10 o'clock. What would happen to this University if that were the case? But, believe it or not, that is the case at Oxford university, ac cording to Robert Jackson, Rhodes scholar, who gave some interest ing highlights of life in Oxford during a talk on “Mathematics and Science in Oxford” at an open meeting of Pi Mu Epsilon Wed nesday night. There are 20 separate colleges in 1 Oxford university—each one sur ' rounded by the 12-foot wall, prob ! ably a left-over from the 13th cen tury (several of the colleges were j founded then > when the purpose was to keep marauders out, rather than erring students in. The wall is extremely hard to climb, too. says Mr. Jackson—climbing, how ever, being the only way to get in after the gates are locked, without paying a very high fine. However, there are only 24 weeks during which climbing is necessary—for during the entire year Oxford is in actual session only 24 weeks. The rest of the time consists of vacations (at least they call it vacations) dur ing which the students study from 10 to 12 hours a day, reporting to a tutor once a week, and going over the work studied. As for exams—well, there are no midterms. But, don’t rejoice yet, students—at the end of the year there is a four-day written exam over all the work covered. It is, states Mr. Jackson, very : “stiff." Petition Seeks No Further Cut In Faculty Pay Statements Are Taken To Salem | CORPS WORKS FAST Students Get COO Petitions Signed In 40 Minutes at Campus Living Organizations By ED STANLEY I | A petition bearing the signa i tures of more than 600 University of Oregon students was taken to Salem yesterday by a student committee. The petitions request that the legislature, in its effort to cut the state budget make no further cuts in the salaries of fac ulty members in state institutions of higher learning. The committee is composed of Dick Neuberger, editor of the Emerald, Stephen B. Kahn, and Raymond (Butch i Morse, football star. Work Is Hurried The petition was t'ne result of a hurried decision and hasty work on the part of a corps of student. I workers. The signatures were ob ' tained in 40 minutes of circulation j at campus living groups. It is not | intended as a complete coverage of the campus, but as being indi cative of general campus opinion (Continued on Page Three) YWCA Budget Cut Brings Revision In Local Council Secretary From O. S. C. Coming To Campus; Seabeck May Be Affected A severe cut in the national budget of the Y. W. C. A. recently authorized by the financial depart ment of the organization, will ne cessitate the reorganization of the J National Student council, student | administrative branch of the body, ; in all district divisions soon. Marcia Selber, national execu I tive secretary of the branch for 1 the northwestern division, will be in Eugene today conferring with members of the local Y. W. C. A. and a number of the University { faculty on proposed plans for re j organization. Mary Pittman, sec , ! retary at Oregon State college, 1 will also be on the campus. No definite changes in adminis I tration will be made by the na tional budget .committee until re ports from all student organiza ■ tions have been turned in. Margar : et Norton, Oregon secretary, stated yesterday that any changes r in the national organization will , ; not affect the Y. W. here, although £ ! the northwestern division, Seabeck, will probably feel the effects of a f cut. 1 Miss Seiber will also confer with members of the Oregon Y. W. al - umnae while on the campus, in t eluding Eldress Judd, president, 3 who is expected from Roseburg, , and Mary Klemm and Gertrude Skow of Eugene. Miss Judd is bringing a report from the Port land group, stating that a week end retreat is being planned at Rock Creek by Ann Baum and El ► sie Tucker, February 12. Oregon League Plans 1 Inter-School Debates ! Plans are being formulated for t the 1932-33 state-wide interschol astic debate contest sponsored by j the Oregon High School Debating 5 league. » The state is divided into eleven i districts, and the districts into e two sections. The two winners t from the respective sections will - meet next May in Eugene for the l finals. The winner will receive a the “Oregon cup” given by Prof. % E. E. DeCou and Elizabeth Fox DeCou. The cup is presented an e nually to the state champions and e will become the permanent prop e erty of the school winning it three n times. It has been won by the [. following: Hermiston, 1928-29, Mc y Loughlin (Milton i, 1929-30, Med ford, 1930-31, Albany, 1931-32. A Plea for Higher Education Within 40 minutes yesterday, more than 600 signatures were obtained for the following statement of student opinion on the Uni versity campus relative to proposed enormous cuts in the budget for higher education now before the state legislature. The signa tures were taken to Salem yesterday afternoon. The petition follows: February 2, 1933 We, the students of the University of Oregon, hereby’ respect fully petition the House of Representatives of the State of Oregon to give consideration to the following expression of student opinion in the formulation of any legislation that will affect the state sys tem of higher education: 1. That the intellectual development of our youth, the citizenry and leaders of tomorrow, is a sacred function of the state that will have a lasting and significant effect on the future of Ore gon. and that it is the duty of the state to provide material and spiritual encouragement to the highest possible point compat ible with human endeavor and the economic resources of the > state. 2. That the students of the University of Oregon are willing and anxious that higher education should shoulder its just and equitable burden of retrenchment in the present financial crisis that confronts the state; that, further, it must be ob served that higher education has made the least contribution to the mounting tax burden despite the increased enrollment of the several institutions, and this should be borne in mind in dividing the burden among the various functions of the state. 3. That the maintenance of the high standards of our educational institutions is primarily dependent on the preservation of the economic independence of the members of the faculties; that they have already suffered drastic reduction in their incomes; and that every effort should’ be made to effect economies in other directions rather than in the further reduction of exist ing professorial salaries. What? Hitchcock Cousin to State Solon Woodward? 4 T LAST — the whole trutn about Parks Hitchcock, and his distinguished relatives! Last term it was revealed that Parks is a cousin, or sec ond cousin, or maybe third, of Tommy Hitchcock, noted polo player. A little later it was learned that Parks is a cousin, more or less remote, of the late Calvin Coolidge. And then, right in the middle of a stubborn legislative battle at Salem, with State Senator William F. Woodward making himself unpopular on every campus in the state with his zealous support of a proposal that would cut higher educa tion’s budget $1,000,000 — the ghastly truth came to light. Parks Hitchcock is also a cousin of William F. Wood ward. ! Frosh Will Dance At Campa Shoppe On Saturday Night Freshmen will not sit at home twiddling their thumbs while the upperclassmen parade at the Sen ior Ball tomorrow night. The frosh get-together dance, to be held at the Campa Shoppe Saturday eve ning, promises to attract a large number of first-year students, as well as others who are not attend ing the ball. The frosh dance is sponsored by the men’s Frosh Commission as the initial event in a program of social events for freshmen. Tick ets at 50 cents a couple are on sale at all houses, and independent freshmen may get tickets from Hale Thompson at the YMCA hut. F'atrons will include Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Cutler, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dahlberg, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Washke, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Shumaker, and Mr. William Kidwell. Extension Department To Give New Courses A good side of the depression has been found. There are so many students in and about Hood River, Oregon, that a com mittee of citizens from this town waited on Chancellor Kerr asking that extension courses be taught to their youthful cit ; izens that could not afford to j go away to school this year. In response to this request French, history, and sociology are being taught this term, with an enrollment of around 50 pu | Pils “P. E.’s” Will Frolic Majors in physical education and their instructors will frolic in the snow near McKenzie pass this Sunday when this group will go on their annual outing. Members I meet at Gerlinger hall with ' lunches before starting on the 1 trip. Freshmen Meet To Boost Danee At Campa Slioppc Treasurer Keports That $577.50 Has Been Spent on Activities So Far This Year Seventy freshmen attended a class meeting last night which was uneventful except that Stew Milli gan, frosh basketball and football player, accidentally slid down the Villard balcony spiral staircase. The purpose of the meeting was to boost the frosh dance, which will be held the same night as the senior ball, Saturday, at 9 p. m. in the Campa Shoppe. Frank Levings, treasurer of the class, reported that the class had spent $577.50 in activities already carried out and had $106.50 left. He reported that of the $100 bud geted for the bonfire, $80.45 was spent. President Wall said that Bill Bowerman, A. S. U. O. vice-presi dent, threatened a revival of the traditions court unless the frosh men ceased wearing cords limited to upperclassmen and the sopho more moleskins. "We have our own pants, and we should wear them,” said Wall. Announcement was made of two more freshman events, the frosh glee on April 29 and the frosh pic nic on May 20, weather permitting. Ex-Oregon Student To Return From Mexico Catherine M. Poppleton, 193C graduate of the University plans to return to the United States in July after a three-year stay ir Mexico. She has been teaching English and physical education in a mis sion school in Guadalajara for twc years, and at present is teaching in a school in Mazatlan. While at the University Miss Poppleton majored in English and will be remembered for her ardent and expert horsemanship. Teac >’ Pay Will ProDauly Take Cuts As Result Of Action —- ■ —-f At Geneva Wilkie Nelson Collins, shown above, Is a former University faculty member who is now at Geneva as chief adviser to Ambas sador Quo, Chinese representative to England. Senior Ball Ducal Sale To Continue Tickets for the Senior ball, an nual event which will be staged by the graduating class Saturday night, February 4, in Gerlinger, are still on sale in the men's liv ing organizations and the Co-op and may be purchased at the door Saturday night, according to Charles Stryker, general chairman for the dance. Programs must be obtained when tickets are purchased from house representatives or the Co op. Extra programs may be se cured for 50 cents at the dance. The dance promises to be a very lovely affair—a modernistic fan tasy in black, purple, and silver. A black canopy, puiple drapes, and spotlights will carry out the color combinations, with mirrors reflecting the still life set-ups. The "Rhythm Club." 10-piece orchestra which has been playing at the Campa Shoppe, will fur nish music, featuring Billy Siev ers and Wilbur Thibault. D. Clark Ih Re-elected To Board of Education Dan E. Clark of the University extension division has just re ceived word of his re-election to the board of education of the Pacific Historical Review. The election took place last month, but word was not sent out until a few days ago. Dr. Donald Barns, former member of the Uni versity history department and now at the University of Washing ton, is also a member of the board. L.K. Shumaker Alleviates’ Reputation as Low Grader By PEGGY CHESSMAN There’s a motive behind his madness! The grades that L. Kenneth Shumaker handed out, the ones that placed his name at the bottom of the grade average of all professors, were perfectly justifiable, in his estimation. Says Mr. Shumaker, “In defense of myself, aher being charged with giving the lowest grades on the campus, let me offer a few choice selections taken from some of the early stages of the dicta tion exercises used in my pet course (English Kj.” The following are the words Mr. Shumaker a^ked the members of his classes to use in sentences, and the results he gained: Abstractions— “We have to write abstractions each week for physical science." “The abstractions in the room caused him to fail.” Dogma— “His dogma caused his unsuc cessful reign." Alleviate— “May I alleviate you for a few moments while you get a drink?’ "One of Lincoln’s accomplish ments was to alleviate the slaves.’ “A new stadium should be built in Portland to alleviate the large crowds at the football games." “He would alleviate the task toe often.” Ellipse— "He let the time elipse by fast.’1 "The idea will ellipse in youi : mind." "There is an ellps of words in the sentence.” Egoism— "His egoism is admiral. Obsolete— “He was obsolete from the rest of the sick people." Stitch— “My mother forgot to turn ofl the stitch in the electric iron.” "Now,” says Mr. Shumaker "what am I to do? Even the new monograph of the National Coun cil of Teachers of English is not broadminded enough to call these usages current English!" Petition From Students Is Presented EDITOR MAKES PLEA No Funds for Infirmary Benefit Here Within Next Two Years; Student Opinion Told By STEPHEN B. KAHN STATE HOUSE, Salem, Feb. 2— (Special)—Higher education had $508,918 slashed from its budget for the next biennium by the joint ways and means committee this evening. After listening to Dick Neuberger, editor of ■ the Oregon Daily Emerald, present a petition from the University stu dents pleading for equitable treat ment of higher education and protesting further reduction of faculty salaries, the committee ac cepted the recommendation, which also reduced experiment station funds $66,342 >. An original re duction of one million dollars had been demanded. While faculty salaries will prob ably be reduced in line with the general cuts recommended by I state officials, opportunity will be 1 given the state board to alter sal aries of individual members and allocate the reductions to activi ties best suited. Infirmary Loses A motion to recommend repeal of the 1929 act providing $50,000 for an infirmary at the Univer sity was defeated, a bill being sub stituted which specified that no funds would be used for that pur pose during the coming biennium. For nearly ten minutes Neuber ger addressed this major commit tee of the house and senate, sketching student opinion con demning crippling the system of higher education through annihi lated budgets. Pleading for a fair deal for higher education, Neu berger pointed out that the Uni versity was dependent on its fac ulty for any degree of success in its primary function. Teachers May Leave "Our University is made of flesh and bones, not sticks and stones," he declared. “We don’t mind so much studying in gloomy buildings erected back in the eighties. All we want is to main tain our faculty men. Up at the University they say, ‘All good men go East.’ I ask you members of the senate and house to help us keep our good men in Oregon.” The student editor recalled the departure of Dr. Hall, Dr. C. W. Spears, Dean Faville, and various other outstanding faculty mem bers. He asked the members of the committee to pause a moment before crippling a faculty that had been gathered at the University through the six years’ effort of Dr. Arnold Bennett Hall. Oregon vs. Tennessee Turning to figures, Neuberger mentioned that the 9 to 27 per cent cut of faculty salaries re cently enacted placed Oregon 31st among 34 American state univer sities. "Further reduction,” he said, (Continued on Paae Three) The Weather Old Mr. Groundhog, traditional weather prophet of many years standing, stealthily emerged from his winter hiding yesterday, blinked his eyes three times, caught a perfect view of his sha dow, and quickly scurried to his hideout for another six weeks. The warmest and sunniest day since January 10, unfortunately, was the very day on which he chose to pay his yearly visit, so six weeks more winter must fol low, according to the best legen dary superstition. However, a more modern weather forecaster offers a more hopeful outlook. I^ocal Forecast: Fair today but with some valley fog; no change in temperature, gently change able winds offshore. Local Statistics: Minimum tem perature yesterday 33 degrees. Willamette river, 2.8 feet. Wind from southwest.