Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 12, 1933, Page 2, Image 2

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    EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Rida. Phone 3300—News
Room, Local 366 ; Editor and Manaaina Editor, local 364.
BUSINESS OFFICE, McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214.
University of Oregon, Eugene
llichard Neuberger, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager
Sterling Green, Managing Editor
Thornton Gale, AsBoicate Editor; Jack Bellinaor, Dave Wilson,
Julian Prescott.
Oscar Munger, News Ed.
Francis Pallteter, Copy Ed.
Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed.
Parks Hitchcock, Makeup Ed.
Leslie Dunton, Chief Night Ed
jonn tiroes. literary u.a
Hob Guild, Dramatics Ed.
Jessie Steele, Women’s Ed.
Eloise Dorner, Society Ed.
Ray Clapp, Radio Ed.
DAY EDITORS: Bob Patterson, Margaret Bean, Francis Pal
lister, Joe Saslabsky, Hubert Totton.
NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Moore, John Hollopeter, Bill Aotzel,
Bob Church.
SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson,
Dud Lindner, Ben Back, Bob Avison.
FEATURE WRITERS: Elinor Henry, Maximo Pulido, Hazel
REPORTERS: Julian Prescott. Don Caswell, Madeleine Gilbert,
Ray Clapp, Ed Stanley, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewing,
Fairfax Roberts, Cynthia Liljeqvist, Ann Reed Burns, Peggy
Chessman, Ruth King. Barney Clark, Betty Ohlemiller, Lucy
Ann Wendell, Huber Phillips.
COPYREADERS: Harold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee,
Margaret Hill. Edna Murphy, Monte Brown. Mary Jane
Jenkins, Roberta Pickard, Marjorie McNiece, Betty Powell,
Bob Thurston. Hilda Gillam, Roberta Moody, Frances Roth
well, Bill Hall, Caroline Rogers. Henriette Horak, Myron
Ricketts. Catherine Coppers, Linda Vincent, Claire Bryson.
ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Frances Noth, Margaret Corum,
Georgina Gildez, Dorothy Austin, Virginia Proctor, Cather
ine Gribble, Helen Taylor, Mildred Maida, Evelyn Schmidt.
RADIO STAFF: Ray Clapp, Editor; Harold GeBnuer, Michael
Hogan, Ben Back.
iUHiM *vv,7..«.o
National Adv. Mtfr., Auten Bush
Promotional Mf?r., Marylou
Asst. Adv. M*?r., Ed Meserve
Asst. Adv. Mkt., fiil Wellington
Asst. Adv. Mfrr. Bill Russell
Executive Secretary, Dorothy
Anne Clark
Asst. Circulation Mgr., Ron
Office Mgr., Helen Stinger
Class. Ad.i.Mgr., Althea Peterson
So7. Sue, Caroline Hahn
Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice
Checking Mgr., Ruth Storla
Checking Mgr., Pearl Murphy
V ftn T loiI'Uj floainirti'iia: uene r. i omiuison, /\mu
Chapman, Tom Holeman, Bill McCall, Ruth Vannicc, Fred
Fisher, Ed Labbe, Eldon Haberman, Eliaa Addis, Wilma
Dente. Hazel Fields, Corrinne Hath, Marian Taylor, Hazel
Marquis, Hubert Totton, Hewitt Warrens, Donald Platt,
Phyllis Dent, Peter Can ten ben, Bill Meissner, Patsy Lee,
Lorry Ford, Jeannette Thompson, Ruth Baker.
OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Patricia Campbell, Kay Disher, Kath
ryn Greenwood, Jane Bishop, Elma Giles, Eugenia Hunt,
Mary Starbuck, Ruth Byerly, Mary Jane Jenkins, Willa Bitz.
Janet Howard, Phyllis Cousins, Betty Shoemaker, Ruth
The Oregon Daily Emerald, official student publication of
the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued Tuesday, Wednesday,
fJhursday and Friday during the college year. Entered in the
postoft’iee at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscrip
tion rates $2.50 a year.
The American people cannot be too careful in
guarding the freedom of speech and of the press
against curtailment us to the discussion of public
affairs and the character and conduct of public
men. —Carl Schttrs.
ONE OF our few public men who has had the
courage to define radicalism from an unbiased
prospective is Glenn Frank, president of the Uni
versity of Wisconsin and one of the nation's out
standing educators and writers.
He says: "The true radical is simply a realist.
He refuses to be cowed by a catchword. He resists
the tyranny of tradition. He refuses to allow the
crust of custom to form over his mind. He declines
to be the slave of slogans. He is not awed by the
mere age of a pdlicy. He is more- interested in
truth than in tradition. . . . The true radical is
simply the man who insists upon going to the root
of the matter before him."
Particularly through the efforts of political
charlatans who pose as statesmen, radicalism has
come to be a shibboleth which a considerable por
tion of our citizenry construes as being the oppo
site of patriotism. Everywhere you will find per
sons to whom radicalism is synonymous to immedi
ate and awful peril to the United States govern
ment. Our colleges and universities have suffered
irreparable damage with the masses of the popu
lation because tney have been pictured by arm
waving reactionaries as "hot-beds of radicalism.'
Many a butcher, baker and candle-stick-maker re
gards college as a place where his son will be taught
to be a "dangerous radical.”
Perhaps no word in our language has been more
abused and misinterpreted than "radical.” A radi
cal generally is imagined as one who plots the
downfall of his government or other establishec
Since time immemorial, great men, all of whom
were radicals, according to Glenn Frank's clear defi
nition. have been vilified and cast off by the masses
Christopher Columbus was more interested in truth
than tradition. Against the laughs e)f a continent
he discovered a new and greater continent. The
progressive thinkers as William E. Borah, Sir Henrj
Norman Angell, and Charles A. Beard, forget that
slightly more than two centuries ago it is not un
likely that British tories were referring as radical.
to George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Ben
jamin Franklin.
We either must change our attitude towards
radicalism or alter our interpretation of the terra
Because a man thinks in other than the acceptec
channels of conventionality, he should not be re
garded as a "radical," unless, of course, we car
learn to consider radicals as Glenn Frank says the>
should be considered "... realists, who resist tin
tyranny of tradition."
Until the American people advance to that point
where they can distinguish radicalism us contrastcc
to anarchism, bolshevism, and communism, democ
racy in this country will be partially hamstrung
One is a form of thought and action that is Uu
forerunner of progress. The others are definite
plans of government and distribution, us opposed ti
the present system in the United States.
A political charlatan, who bellows to please
strong minorities and talks in circumventing plati
tudes about the Monroe doctrine, gains high favoi
with the masses today, but a progressive thinker
who pleads for tolerance and internationalism anti
is fearless in his declarations, gets merely epithet>
and scorn.
The national Scabbard and Blade magazine re
cently listed Senator William E. Borah, among
others, as one detrimental to American welfare.
Yet the people of the great state of Idaho consis
tently have returned Mr. Borah to the senate
chambers. That is encouraging.
REFORMER turned literary critic is Dr. John
H. Willey, president of the Lord's Duy alli
ance. He mourns for a swashbuckling hero and
deprecates the characters that run through the
pages of contemporary literature. He deplores the
lover who excells in a boudoir instead of on the
field of honor and looks with horror upon such
theatrical performers as Rudy Vallee and Bing
Although wc realize that the majority of the
nation's collegians think in an exactly opposite
direction as Dr. Willey, we take considerable
pleasure in agreeing with the gentleman. We, too,
long for such characters as D’Artagnan, Captain
Amyas Leigh, Ivanhoe, and even “Hopalong” Cas- 1
sidy. The milk-toast heroes of present-day fiction j
find no favor in our eyes.
The story of the dashing young fellow who was
the best-dressed man at Loafers’ college, captivated
all the co-eds, excelled on the dance floors and
I later married the daughter of the president of the
i town's biggest department store is neither so pleas
ing nor so interesting to us as the country boy who
became a two-gun man, joined the Northwest
mounted police, and saved the trapper’s beautiful
French daughter at the 11th hour, just when all
seemed lost.
But there also is a serious side to it all. The
whole business of heroes, claims Dr. Willey, is mere
ly further evidence of the “crumbling of founda
tions.” Perhaps he is right. Today the high
school boy and girl reads sexy stories, screaming
with prurient details. In the long ago they dreamed
of Athos and D’Artagnan, of Robinson Crusoe, and
Baron Munchausen. Certainly a diference exists.
That much has Dr. Willey proved.
THE FIRST of the term brings its usual crop of
good resolutions, including “I’m going to really
study this term” and “More libe and less College
Side” and so on, far into the night.
One resolution that few students make and
even fewer keep is “know my professors.” This
isn't the classroom acquaintance that exists be
tween all teachers and their students, nor is it
the apple-polishing relation that consists mostly of
“Oh, professor, I think this subject is simply fas
cinating; I mean, really, it’s my favorite course,”
etc., etc.
It is a real friendship whicSi grows between one
who knows a lot and one who doesn’t know so
much but wants to learn. It is almost the old
i "master-protege” type of relationship although not
quite as intimate. And most of all, it is a connec
tion that benefits both professor and student. The
professor gets first hand information on what his
students don't know and what they have difficulty
in understanding; the student comes in close con
tact with brilliant, well-educated minds. He forms
friendships that may last much longer than his
matriculation with the institution. And he gets
better grades, not because he handshakes, but be
cause he understands his subject and what is ex
pected of him.
Students who pass up the priceless opportunity
of friendship with their professors don’t know what
they are missing. Professors who turn cold should
ers to sincere advances and eye with suspicion any
and all who make these advances shut themselves
into a pedantic world that is neither interesting nor
human. Why can’t the two get together and enjoy'
each other?
npHE.EMERALD yesterday recommended editori
ally that salaries of A. S. U. O. officials be cut
on a sliding scale commensurate with the most re
cent reductions imposed by the state board of higher
education upon the salaries of faculty members.
In order to clarify a mistaken impression evi
dent in a few corners of the campus, the Emerald
wishes to emphasize that the proposed cuts upon
A. S. U. O. officials would be no greater than those
j imposed upon faculty members. Employees of the
A. S. U. O. have already accepted salary reductions
on a scale ranging from 5 to .14 per cent, parallel
with the first cut upon the faculty.
The Emerald's proposal is simply this: to sub
stitute the new 9-to-27 per cent reduction for the
0-to-14 per cent reduction which is already in ef
fect. A. S. U. O. employees would thus suffer
exactly the same reduction as employees of the
state system of higher education.
j Washington Bystander
ASHINGTON, Jan. 11—(AP)—Due to con
suming interest "on the hill” in the beer ques
tion, one phase of Secretary Mills’ testimony be
fore a house committee as to possible revenue to be
expected from that source passed unnoticed.
Yet in the face of war debt default by France
and other nations, what Mr. Mills urged about the
necessity of balancing the budget seems to have
much significance.
"With $6,268,000,000 of fourth, 4', liberty bonds
maturing by 1038 and callable in 1933 and with
$586,000,000 of first, -11, Liberty bonds now call
able," the treasury secretary said, "a refunding
operation is desirable, provided bonds offered do
not carry an interest rate in excess of that which
the high credit of the United States calls for. The
success of such an operation would be greatly facili
tated by a balanced budget.”
Mr. Mills did not amplify this very much, for
the benefit of those interested in knowing what
tate of interest he believes such refunding issues
should carry.
Nor did he reveal how much of the total of
outstanding Liberty issues is in the hands of ori
ginal purchasers, bought at par, and how much in
the hands of subsequent purchasers, acquired at de
preciated rates.
To the latter group the yield must be well above
the 4 11 face rate.
* * #
The revenue phase did not interest the commit-,
tee or the press nearly so much, however, as did
beer and politics. And being both a former mem
ber of the house, schooled in congressional ways,
and a man with quite a flair for political cut and
thrust. Mills seemed to enjoy his tills with Demo
cratic Leader Rainey before the committee.
If Mr. Rainey counted on getting anything from
Mr. Mills about what President Hoover might do
with a beer lull passed up to him by congress he
was disappointed.
* * IT
A bit later came what sounded like a campaign j
I echo, the secretary being asked as to his attitude’
toward financing' capital expenditures such as pub
lic works, new warcraft and whatnot, through long
term bond issues. That is an idea President-elect
Roosevelt is said to be studying
"It would pile up a mountain of debt to be,
passed on to future generations.'' Mills said. "Our
present pork-barrel legislation would be nothing to
!it;‘ -
IWebfoot Leaders By KEN FERGUSON
A Message to Garcia
Professor of Law
MODERN trend in educational
policy in institutions of higher
learning is in the direction of
granting student self-government
so far as the students desire it
and so far as they are willing and
capable of making it effective.
Students should be allowed, aS a
part of their training, to run their
own affairs, even at the cost of
efficiency. In a voluntary organ
ization, such as a student body, no
higher authority should dictate
such internal matters as constitu
tion and by-laws or qualifications
for membership or for office. This
does not mean, however, that in
dividual students may not be de-*
prived of participation in this or
any other activity, where it rea
sonably appears that such partici
pation is likely to interfere with
the individual's scholastic success.
University faculty and officers
arc charged with the responsibility
of fixing and maintaining stand
ards of scholarship and behavior.
How far can they go in imposing
regulations upon students? That
is a question constantly arising
even in the more liberal institu
tions. In other words, when, if at
all, is there an appeal from school
authorities ? A categorical answer
to that question will not help us
much. It is simply that the courts
will grant redress where the au
thorities have acted unreasonably.
* # *
It is obvious that the test of
reasonableness may vary with the
social point of view. School offi
cials are vested with discretionary
power. They are supposed to be
expert in their field. Whether the
rules or regulations are wise or
their aims worthy is a matter left
solely to their discretion. The
courts will not ask, “Do WE think
the rules are wise," but rather,
“Could reasonable men acting with
discretion, with fairness and with
out arbitrariness, conclude that
they are for the best interests of
the school?”
Approximately once a year, some
student fUjhts his case through an
appellate court. Usually the cases
involve dismissal for misconduct.
One of the more recent cases, how
ever, involved scholarship only.
The student's contention was that
the university “being established
and supported by the state, is open
to all its citizens, who have the
right to continue as students there
in so long as their conduct shall
not offend against reasonable rules
requiring order, decency, and de
corum," The court established,
however, that something more
than good conduct is required.
Ability to do satisfactory work is
a prerequisite, and the faculty
must determine that question.
* * *
Cases of dismissal for violation
of rules offer the widest variety
of facual situations. They include
prohibitions against hazing, fra
ternities, living at a public hotel,
and many others. A student may
be punished for misconduct, al
though no rule has been promul
gated in regard to such miscon
duct. As to expulsion for miscon
duct generally, the courts leave it
to the school authorities to deter
mine what is best for the welfare
of the school, so long as there is
no abuse of discretion or arbitrary
or unlawful action. Also, the dis
missal need not be based on any
single specific offense. A series of
minor offenses may culminate so
.*• to be eon idered m the aggre
gate. ‘
It may seem from a review of
the adjudicated cases that the law
is but little safeguard to the stu
dent. Such is not the case, how
ever. Officials must act impar
tially and without prejudice. All
students must be treated alike.
There must be reasonable grounds
to suppose that the action is linked
up with the welfare of the school.
The student is entitled to notice,
and to a hearing, and he has the
privilege of introducing evidence
in his own behalf.
These requirements undoubtedly
stand as a wholesome influence
against unwise exercise of power.
(Editor’s note: Professor Spen
| cer is familiar with a wide va
riety of student affairs, having
served on the scholarship, discip
linary, student affairs, and auto
mobile committees.)
Assault and
Battery Hitchcock ||
Mikulak let us know that
they're holding open house down
at the Minnesota Rotary joint to
night. Mik said for all the girls
to come down at about 6:30 and
to be sure and bring their dimes.
* *
We’ve been wondering who spent
their time in that little room in
the basement in the old library.
Wandered in there the other day.
Didn’t see anybody but a bunch
of homesick people, perusing their
home-town journals. Everybody
looked sort of wistful, but the girl
in charge swears that her best
clients are football players who
come in to see their pictures. May
be so. They’ve got a big globe in
the center of the room. Pull it
up and down on a string. Lots of
• ¥ sjs
Who was the girl Harold Kin
zell was seen escorting at an
early hour the other morning?
Bob James swears that Barbara
Tucker is the easiest girl to make
blush in the school. Claims all he
has to do is to just ask her. Mary
tine New runs a close second.
* * $
We understand that the Sigma
Nils finally got back from their
prolonged excursion.
$ $
Ed Sehweiker.
Pd. Adv.
Maud Sutton has taken it on the
lam to Prisco, where she is re
hearsong for her imminent mar
riage with P. Jay Cobbs, bellboy
at the “Grand Hotel.” Only a few
of Cobb's most intimate friends
know when the happy event will
take place. Mr. Cobbs is receiving
at home.
* * *
Herb King is having his ups and
downs with a certain blonde ele
vator operator at McMorran and
\\ ashhurne s, paradise of million
dollar babies.
* ■ • *
A certain columnist last term
published the phone number of a
certain purveyor of giggle water
in this town. Net result was that
gentleman of the liquicT goods had
to fork over a hundred in Novem
ber for extra protection. In the
future such numbers will not be
published, but can be obtained by
calling your columnist's number.
Mi Noble and YerkovicU arc still
running their bar in the Pi Kap
kitchen, where between torts and
retorts many a good bumper is
* * *
We offer 17 cents for the ac
count of Gordon Fisher, on sale
by local grocery store. If Fisher
will report at 8 o'clock tomorrow
morning, he can work off his debt
by sweeping out under Neuberger’s |
desk, where he keeps his back
files of love letters.
I, |
Who is this man ? The police
are looking for him; so am I.
Reward: Dead or alive, or for
any information concerning his
* *
It will always be the breath of
life and as balm to the soul of a j
columnist, whether he writes of |
fish, fowl, or fashions, to scoop a
fellow writer.
Not having gone through the
purifying process which my very
good friend, the notorious Hitch
cock, did, I am now in a position
to scoop him.
* * *
It all occurred at one o’clock on
the fatal morning of December 15,
when the door bell rang at the
Theta- house ... it was a weird
dark morning, and a weird fore
boding hour for the bell to ring.
I unlatched the door . . . The
bell jangled again. I flung the
door wide, and there stood The
"What do you want ?” I gasped.
“All right now, SCRAM!" he
muttered, his head bent forward
as he started to enter—a house
I flung the door to and called
the police.
* * *
The officer in blue failed to find
him. I ask for your assistance. If
you can recognize him from this |
description, please report it to the j
Oregon Daily Emerald.
$ * Si
- He has long-cut blond hair, part
ed far back on the right side; a
blondish complexion and a squar
ish face; is a little more than me
dium height. Weighs around 170
pounds. When last seen was wear
ing white cords (in the usual con
dition!), a blue shirt open at the’
throat, a light grey top-coat with
the collar turned up. No hat.
* * *
It was Rabelais who wrote: "To
return to our withers.” With apol
ogies to M. Rabelais, I write, "To
return to our unmentionables.”
* * *
Yesterday I wrote about the
present turn to the right and our
trend toward the conservative, but
that is to forget the chapeaux.
The new chapeaux is wicked,
devastating, provocative, and hair
* * *
The hats are niad. mad. mad.
They make you want to scream
and yell, turn cartwheels, and go ,
in for parachute jumping. Crowns
on the new straw hats are no
higher than a Saratoga chip (well, ,
make it two chips!); they sit
straight on the front of your" fore
head. leaving the back of your
'head completely naked. The new
berets are like pancakes and make
you look like a cross between a
hussy and a lady. Some of the
hats have pancake top.-, sliding into
wide brims, front and back, on the I
order of the tropical sun helmet
. . . just a bit torrid!
Rose Descat's hats are intrig
tng and .-til! sensible, having widei
brim.- than formerly, usually sort
of wavy; the crowns are all shal-1
low and eccentric . . . some of
them squarish, so that you yank
them down and crease them to suit
your own individuality.
"Mad, quite mad."
s'* *
We Select for Promenade: Cyn
thia Liljeqvist, because she ap
peared at the Co-ed Capers last
night as the Great Garbo, glam
orously clad in tweed, her hair
flowing out from under a tight
i beret, her shoulders hunched in a
I mysterious slouch, and muttering
' in a guttcral voice, "Ay tank ay
1 go home.”
Opinion . . .
rjR. M. H. COCHRAN of the Unl
versity of Missouri, in an ar
icle in the American Mercury,
;ets forth the following causes of
(1) To get in control at home;
12) to avoid losing control at
lome; (3) to turn attention from
jnsatisfactory conditions at home;
;4> to enrich themselves at home.
In other words, the home is
placed entirely upon some group
"at home” which is attempting to
maintain or increase its power and
But what is there new in that?
Not a thing. We have always rec
ognized these causes of war. The
only trouble with the American
people is that they recognize these
forces at work in the other coun
tries but not in their own. And
the only trouble with the other
countries is that they are capable
of analyzing these forces in the
United States but not within their
own borders. So it goes through
out the whole world. Peoples,
through self-interest, either can
■ioi, or wm noi cnecK poweriui po
litical groups which lead them to
wards war.
The War of 1812, the Mexican
var and the Spanish-American war
were struggles in which—consul
ting only the causes—we can take
little pride. Our opponents were
more guilty than we were, and
possibly the results have justified
the lack of strict ethics, but the
fact remains that the American
sentiment which made possible
these particular wars spread
throughout the nation from some
compact and interested group. The
border people were partly respon
sible in 1812, the South in 1846,
and the yellow press had a hand in
1898. Yet even in these cases, we
were much put upon by those we
finally fought, and it is difficult to
see how we could have acted oth
erwise, unless, possibly, it was in
the controversy with Spain. That
country might have acceded to our
just demands without resort to
arms.—Morning Oregonian.
Three Decades Ago
From Oregon Weekly
January 12, 1903
1___—■ --1
Big Business
David Graham, manager of the
1903 football team, has been car
rying on some active negotiations
to secure a coach for next season.
It is very difficult for good men to
get leaves of absence from their
* * *
The report of the football man
ager for 1962 was turned over by
the athletic board to a committee
composed of Tomlinson, Payne,
and Earl, who found a total deficit
of $627, with only $98.83 in the
treasury to meet it.
a* j!: *
Bell Invented It
A new telephone system, con
necting the power house, McClure
hull, and Deady hall with the
president’s office has been in
* * *
Professor Schmidt opened the
program of the Laurean literary
society Friday evening on “Some
Features of German Social and
Family Life.”
:Js :|: i\f
How About Women?
“Never was the demand for
University men so great,” said
Professor Howe in an address on
the subject of “University Ideals”
at the first assembly since the
* *
Prof. F. S. Dunn, head of the de
partment of Latin, will go to Ger
many tb complete his studies.
* * *
No Webfoot
The junior class has decided to
drop plans for the publication of
the ’04 Webfoot, substituting for
it a $100 student loan fund, the
interest to be used to buy books
for the library.
Kenneth West
Finger and Perm. Wave
Expert Now at
Phone 1880 853 13th E.
Oil Base .. $1.00 and $2.50
Single Wave.35e
Open Evenings by
Beauty Shop
576 E. 16th 2376W
6 o \clock means nothing
to telephone service!
Bell System service must go on all the time. Day
and night, Sundays and holidays, it must handle
with speed and accuracy not only the usual traffic
but also the unexpected rush of calls.
To meet this obligation, Bell System men tackle
problems of many kinds. At Bell Telephone
Laboratories, scientists develop new kinds of
apparatus. At Western Electric, engineers find
ways to make telephones, switchboards and cable
more and more reliable. In the telephone com
panies, traffic engineers devise improved operating
methods that make service faster, more accurate,
more dependable.
Result: at noon or in the dead of night, the
public reaches confidently for the telephone,
knowing that Bell System service never stops.