Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, December 07, 1932, Page 5, Image 5

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Vol. XV No. 10
“ m • * ' * j* •
_ _ _ • ____
Alexander G. Brown, Secretary
Robert Allen
To Fill Office
Of Secretary
(Continued from Page One)
Alumni association at this time,”
Mr. Brown stated in making
' known his resignation. “I have
enjoyed the finest of cooperation
from alumni and residents of Eu
gene and from members of the
faculty of the University.
Credit Given Alumni
"A great deal of credit for the
six to one defeat of the Znrn-Mac
pherson till goes to the alumni,”
Mr. Brown said, "for in all parts
of the state hundreds of negative
votes can be traced back to the
quiet and persistent work done
among the individuals of that
community by the alumni. Too
much credit cannot be given the
“As alumni secretary it lias been
my pleasure to work closely with
the group which handled Eugene's
participation in the anti-Zorn-Mac
pherson campaign. This group,
headed by Judge Lawrence T.
Harris, and including William A.
Tugman, Lynn S. McCready, Jo
seph H. Kolce, J. H. McArthur,
and Dr. A. F. Sether conducted a
most remarkable campaign. Par
ticular credit should be given
Judge Harris for his leadership
and untiring devotion to the Uni
versity’s cause.
Campaign Explained
"As for the alumni association,
o u r campaign . was conducted
strictly upon the merits of the
University and at no time des
cended to personalities nor did the
campaign at any time become a
fight between the alumni of the
state college and the alumni of the
University. In behalf of the Uni
versity alumni I want to thank
the many alumni of the state col
lege who opposed the Zorn-Mac
pherson bill and lent their influ
ence to its defeat at the polls.
“My tenure of office has been
financed entirely by funds other
than those of the state or the
alumni association, and the finan
cial affairs of the association de
mands* curtailment which makes
my retirement necessary.”
Mr. Brown is a graduate of the
University with the class of 1922.
He was graduated from the North
western College of Law in 1931
and admitted to practice by the
supreme court upon his examina
tion in 1930.
Prior to taking over the alumni
office Mr. Brown was a member
Of the Oregonian staff for eight
years. He plans a two-weeks va
cation after leaving the office
here before resuming newspaper
work in Portland January 1.
Dezendorf Receives
Position on Researcli
News of the assignment of N. C.
Dezendorf, ex-’21, vice-president of
General Motors Acceptance cor
poration, to do research for the
General Motors corporation, has
been received here. Mr. Dezendorf
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. N.
Dezendorf, 208 Sixteenth street.
The research will be undertaken
by a group of men and will include
the study and analysis of trends,
a review of policies and practices
and the development of new plans.
Alex Riddell Is Named
Head of Ice Industries
Alex G. Rid'dell7_LL.B., ’07, for
many years president of the Lib
erty Coal and Ice company of
Portland, and a member of the
board of directors of the East Side
Commercial club, has been named
president, of the northwestern di
vision of the National Association
of Ice Industries, according to the
announcement received in Port
As president of the northwest
sectional group, Mr. Riddell will
automatically become a director of
the national association, which has
headquarters in Chicago.
Hotchkiss Ranks
As Colonel Now
Lieutent-Colonel Clarence R.
Hotchkiss, LL.B.. ’ll, executive of
ficer of the 381st infantry, reserve,
has been promoted to the rank of
colonel, according to word received
at headquarters of the 96th divi
sion. United States army, reserves
in Portland. Colonei Hotchkiss has
served with the 381st infantry
during his entire commission serv
ice in organized reserves, first as
a battalion commander and more
recently as the regimental execu
tive. Colonel Hotchkiss served in
the Pennsylvania and New York
national guard before the Spanish
American war and in that conflict
with the army.
Later he joined the Oregon na
tional guard, and was commis
sioned a second lieutenant in 1908.
In 1916 he served on Mexican bor
der as captain and adjutant, 3d
Oregon infantry. During the
World war he saw service in
New Secretary
Robert K. Allen, a member of
the claos of ’32, who bus beer
named to succeed Alexander G.
Brown, resigned, as alumni secre
tary, effective December 15. While
in school Alien was active in jour
nalistic affairs* anti ha's been WOrk
Ukf in the alumni office since last
dune as publicity director in ‘.h
campaign again:;! the Zorn-Muc
phcrscri bi i.
Little Deady Hall
Offered for Sale
To To tv n sp c op le
Some one in Lugene may have
the replica of Deady hall in their
own front or back yard, may have
it as a studio or even to live in, It
was announced today by George
Lammars, Eugene housemover.
The “Little Deady" hall was con
structed during the height of the
anti-consolidation campaign, and
was used at the corner of Eighth
and Willamette streets as head
quarters for workers opposed to
the school moving bill.
Following the campaign the
structure was removed from its
site and turned over to Mr. Lam
mars, -who stands ready to move
it “as is" to any location in the
city. “The building had a noble
part in the campaign which saved
the University for this city, and I
would like to see it located some
place where it could be preserved,”
Mr. Lammars said, and he is try
ing to interest someone living in
the University district to take
over the structure.
“Little Deady" was designed by
Graham Smith, ex-’16, Eugene ar
A. T. Cockerline
Passes at Home
A. T. Cockerline, father of three
Oregon graduates and the brother
of another, and for 50 years a
resident of Eugene and a strong
friend and helper" in all University
enterprises, died at his home in
Eugene November 25, at the age
of 75 years. Mr. Cockerline was
for some time associated in the
general mercantile business with
S. H. Friendly, after whom Friend
ly hall was named.
Besides his widow, Mr. Cocker
line is survived by a brother, Her
bert N. Cockerline, LL.B., ’91, of
Albany: two sons, Harold B
Cockerline, B. S., ’12< of Corvallis,
and Kenneth W. Cockerline, ex-’23,
j of Portland: and one daughter,
Winifred Cockerline Barker, B. A.,
|'09 (Mrs. William Barker), of Eu
McMurphey To Head
Oil Company Publicity
Announcement that George Mc
Murphy, ex-’29, has been chosen
as representative for Oregon and
i Southern Washington for Chet
! Crank, Inc., Pacific coast adver
| tising firm with central offices in
' Los Angeles, has just been made.
He will be in charge of Gilmore
Oil company. Ltd., public relations
in this vicinity.
Mr. McMurphey has been active
in advertising and publicity work
in Portland for more than five
years. He will be remembered by
many Oregon graduates as leader
of a campus band while in school.
Bob Henningsen Sails
To China From Seattle
Robert A Henningsen, ex-28,
sailed for Shanghai, China, on the
American Mail liner President Jef
ferson from Seattle on November
26. Mr. Henningsen is> a member
of the Henningsen Produce com
pany of Shanghai.
Accompanying him were his
wife and two daughters, his moth
er and two sisters, who share
! their time between Shanghai and
1 Portland.
Hail and Farewell
(An Editorial)
ITU THIS issue of the Alumni Emerald I extend my 1 ;^;
official greeting to the alumni and it is "hail ami fit;
lAvell." When 1 took over the office of secretary on May 1, it
was with Hi - expressed understanding that in endeavoring to
! build tip the alumni association 1 would not go about the slat >
! with my hat in my hand, nor would 1,endeavor to build our
organization through an attack upon any other alumni group
Shortly al’to r taking of ice the picture was radically change '
i with the appearance of ih Zorn-Maepherson petitions. Sturt
ing late in M ty and continuing up to the date of election,
November S. 1 had but one objective before me. the defeat of
this measure. That it was defeated by a six-to-onc vote in. sOtti
indication of the work done l>v the alumni.
The alumni association as such no longer receives assjstai.
j from the state, and it becomes necessary for the alumni them
selves to finance most of the association's activity. This can
j not be done unless there is at least a 100 per cent increase i •
association membership.
It has been my desire to put the association on its feet and
with this end in view I have endeavored to collect the various
accounts receivable and pay the bills which 1 inherited. Pro
gress has been made in belli departments and the only obliga
tion owed by the association is $652.24 due on the $2,240.52
printing bill for last yeai s Old Oregon, all of which was due
and owing when 1 took office.
Membership in the alumni association has remained prac
tically stationary, but this return in the face of necessary ex
penses and unpaid accounts owed by the office does not afford
| sufficient revenue to continue the organization as it has been
conducted during the past seven months. Drastic economies
I have been practiced, personnel reduced and every effort made
j to operate during a very active season at a minimum of expense.
Not one cent of my salary or expenses, nor’the salary and
j expenses of Robert K. Allen and Arthur I’otwin, who head
quartered at the alumni office during the late campaign, has
b um paid by the alumni association or the state. This arrange
ment, however, no longer exists, and the secretary's salary,
which lias been set at a minimum figure, must in the future
come from the association's funds.
Given proper support by the alumni, the office can continue
and be even with the board by duly 1. Every effort should be
made to bring this a bold, so that returns at the first of the
nex< fiscal year will not be used to pay this year’s obligations.
Our University needs the alumni association now as it never
r.eeded it before and my parting plea is that the organization he
given greater support by the great body of alumni.
I would be remiss if I did not again pay tribute to the
alumni residing within the state for their assistance in defeating
the Zorn-Maepherson bill. In my many trips about the state !
found the alumni ready and willing to do a tremendous amount
of work. The personal contact with the voters by fhe alumni
was one of the paramount factors in the defeat of the measure.
There are countless individuals in various parts of Oregon
to whom 1 feel indebted for their kindness and assistance when
j 1 visited their communities.
Members of the faculty have been most kind and helpful
and to them 1 take this opportunity to voice my appreciation.
To alumni residents of Eugene and Lane county and to all
residents of this community 1 express mv heartfelt thanks foi
the assistance to me. and in behalf of the. alumni association I
again express the general thanks of all sons and daughters ol
Oregon for their unselfish support of the University during the
Irving six-months period through which we have Come.
To Robert K. Allen, my successor as alumni secretary. 1 ex
tend congratulations. From months of association with him I
commend him to the alumni body as a hard worker, resource
ful and honest. He takes over the office at a critical time in its
history and in the history of the University, lie must look to
the alumni for his strength and the alumni must respond.
Hail and farewell.
: News of
The Classes
Bied: Mrs. Lucy Scott Edwards
ex-’80, of Mayville, Oregon, on No
vember 29. Mrs. Edwards is sur
vived by her widower, W. J. Ed
wards and by her son, J. Frank
Matthews, ex-'08, of Phoenix, Ari
Fred L. Strang, ex-T2, is an ac
countant and lists his address 131
Tripp street, Medford. He is mar
ried and has two children, William
C. who is twelve years old ant
Mary Lee, ten.
Russell 1). Calkins, E.A. 13, J.D
University of Michigan, T5, has
been appointed Lieutenant-Com
mander in the U. S. Navy. He left
San Francisco on November 17
for Guam, where he will be sta
One of the interesting musical
projects for the winter in Wash
ington, D. C. will be centered
about the Oregon State society
for at each meeting Interstate
Commerce Commissioner Clyde B
Aitchison, will lead a chorus ol
west coast people in a revival oi
the Oregon songs. This chorus
will also sing at other places, Lhe
funds being used to help the west
coast unemployed in the national
Word was recently received in
the alumni office of the marriage
of Lucy Jay, who is now Mrs. W
G. Knight, and is living in Al
hambra, California.
Married: Miss Grace Nolting tc
Fred H. Heitzhauscn, ex-'19, in
Plattsmouth, Nebraska, on Oc
tober 28. Address: 2717 North
east Eleventh street, Portland.
Moved: Mr. and Mrs. Percy A.
Boatman from Buenos Aires, Ar
gentine to Edificio America, apart
ment 510, Jauellar u Y. N., Ha
vana, Cuba.
Married: Miss Mary Lucile Gecn
ty to Jaini"., Sarsfield Slieehy, in
Portland, on September 8. Address:
1620 Federal avenue, Seattle.
Mrs. Laura Duerner Scott (Mrs.
Walora Wishes Everybody
a Very
Candy Shop
f I I I M i l > fM M l M I M H I I I M » M I ! » M* I + M
Oregon Ceimpmi
Views To Appear
In Newspapers
The University of Oregon is to
I bs included in a series of sketches
I being prepared ir the eaVt for
.syndication to leading newspaper.;
throughout the country, it was
learned here recently by Dean
James II. Gilbert..
The sketches are t > be prepared
| by Norman It. Lea, Chicago artist,
! and will include Vi!lard and
Dead} halls, the Pioneer Mother
; and the Fine Arts museum. To
j be compiled for use with the
! sketches will be the names and
deter that form the' nucleus of
Oregon's hi L< ry, iuI the whole
will be included ar, one of a. his
torical crier, on American col
j leges.
! C. K. •Scott) i living at lit East
Fifty-third street, Portland. She
is a member of the faculty of the
Roosevelt High school.
G< ergo V. Vandevert, M.D., is a
practicing physician ir Oakland.
California, and is located at til
Thirtieth street, suite 301.
Married: Iner M, Fairchild, ex
25. to Richard H. Martin, in Port
land, on November 1G. Address:
2141 Northeast Twenty-fifth ave
- nue, Portland.
Birn:. A daughter, on November
I 13, to Mr. and Mrs. -John G. Dun
dorr (Genevieve Clancy) of Port
I land.
i J, Donr.id Oxirtan, c:;-’21 is pruc
ticing law at Wenatchee, Wash
I Rlovtyl: Earl G. G:'. v, cx-’2‘.
j from 1179 Ivon rtreet, Portland.
| to room 1G22, 255 Rush street, l-a -.
' Francisco. Mr. Gray ia with the
; Standard Oil company of. Califor
Ore:i W. Hays, B.O. ’21, 1,1,3. '39,
I has been transferred from the
Linnton school to t'nc Beach school,
in Portland, where ha is teaching
this year.
Born: A son, Stephen Dow, on
August 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Hollis
E. Johnston (Minnie Klumpp, cx
21) of 1621 Brier Place. Portland.
Born: A 3on, Peter McClory on
November 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Al
ia rcl W. Heltkenipcr (Margaret
| Mathisen, ex-'2-i) of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. McClaf
lin (Lois Parker, ’25) arc living in
Twin Falls, Idaho, where Mr. Mc
Claflin is in business. Mrs. McClaf
lin, who was formerly accompanist
for the University orchestra on
the campus, is teaching music in
Twin Falls.
Marjorie Flegcl is Girl Reserve
Secretary of the Y. W. C. A. at
Fresno, California.
Dr. and Mrs. Meredith G. Beaver
(Della Deich, ex-’2t) are living at
115 West Fern street, Itedlands,
j John VV. Homewood lives at 833
South Elm street, Casper, Wyom
ing and is an officer in the U. S.
Army. He is married and has two
daughters, Francis Rose, who is
five years old and Marvel Ann,
who is four.
Irene Barrett Hawkins, ex-'23
(Mrs. Herman Hawkins) who was
And for the friends
in Eugene yon wish
to r e in e in h e r at
Christinas, just rail
6 5 4
and arrange it be
fore you get tnj
busy witii exams an I
I) e I i v e r y will be
I ' made ('heist mas eve.
51)8 Pith A vi*.. E.
Phone 654
Three Block. West
of Campus
Your Nearest Florist
Telegraph Oelivrry
|1—.. i , — --■
Dr. Henry Howe
Gets Recognition
As Geology Head
Rich Fossil Red Discovered
lo Louisiana: May Form
hnportant Link
A.; head of Uic department of
geology at L;iui"ia»V! State rnivor
• it;,. Dr. Henry V. Howe, B.A. '16.
r.on of II. C. Hov/a, ppofesoe? of
nr.glir.il, i.t f• :t becoming recog
nised ao one of th- nation's lending
gcologi-t'i. due to his extended
studios and comment ! and discov
erie -. in the fossil 1' ds in th.
bayous of the couth.
Of meat recent interest i Dr.'
Howe's discovery of rich bed:; on
the banks of the Uincline river in
j Louisiana, where valuable fossil
deposit a hive been uncovered end
where Dr. Howe and liis otadent'
assistants are planning cx nsivc,
excavations. First observations,
from these beds indicate that the j
discoverie s will uncover a new j
period in the geologic history of
the southern state, and perhaps
form a link of considerable impor
On December 17, when the Ore
gon football team travels to the
southern, state to meet the team
from Dr. Howe’s institution, hi;
father, Professor Howe, will bo
with the team as faculty repre
sentative end will have a chonct to
meet with his son.
re:;;tried last Ap 11, is living at G25
Madison street, Portland.
Art bur V. Krikicn holds the po
sition of assistant branch manager
for the General Motors Corpora
tion Japan, Dd. and makes his
headquarters in Osaka. Japan.
Dorothy E. Dixon, of Portland,
is spending the winter in .Salt
Lake City where she is a member
of the library staff of the Uni
versity of Utah. Mips Dixon did
graduate work at the University
af California last year.
Oran C. Rickard is living at 2632
Regent street. Berkeley. Califor
nia and is working for his masters
degree at the University of Cali
Daisy lislEc Parker is teaching
in the Reinquist School of Music
ir Denver, Colorado.
Married: Miss Hannah Whiting,
Lewis to Paul G. Sletton, in Port-]
and, on October 1. Address: New
Virgil L. Cameron, M.D., is resi
dent physician, eye, ear, nose and
ahroat department, of the Child
ren's hospital, Los Angeles, Cali
fornia. He is married and has one
on, Richard M. who is four years
Married: Miss Jeanette Whitney
to Alfred Lockwood, Jr., in Port
land. on November 23. Address:
748 Multnomah street, Portland.
Herbert ('. Hcnton, B.A. '27, M
'30, is home surgeon at th
Herman Knapp Memorial Eye hos
pital in New York City.
Married: Barbara Mac Chapman
to Gordon Brooks. Hoot >n, in Dal
las, on August 24. Address: Lou
jcach, Ca tn’ornia.
B m: A son. John Hamilton, o
July l1, to f,l and ir:j. Home
C. Gmt (Beatrice Peters) of No t
Married: Helen Uv.'h -(.net t
William Eugene Duncan, in Port
br.d, on November 2. Address
Oregon City.
Married: p.ilU'r.'d Vv. F>3 •Ail-.tr
to-Morton B. FuR-i. e:;-’22, in Eu
gene, or. November 24. Address
Henderson Court, Eugene.
Lnei:. May Wiley was rccentl;
granted a scholar-hip at the Min
neapolis School of Fine Art.:. Miss
Wiley received her B A. degree
from Oregon in 1328 and her M.F.
A. degree last spring.
Married: Elisabeth Fay Gar.trap,
c>.-’33. to Edward It. Walker, CU
TS, in Eugene, on November 3.
Address: Eugene.
Married: Miss Ethel M. Crowe
to Robert 15. Glffen, in Escanaba,
Michigan, on September 3. The
young couple will live in Chicago
where Mr. Gif fen is studying for
His doctorate in the Divinity school
of the University.
Phseba Fi. F'fciley is spending
Die winter in California and in the
Married: Vivian Maurlne Blair
to Ernest Reagen, in Gatlinburg,
Tennessee, on October 31. The
young couple will live in Gatlin
burg, where Mrs. Reagen has been,
teaching in the Pi Beta Phi settle
nent school since her graduation
in 1930.
Married: Esther rionkancn, ex
'30, to Curnovv B. Slater in Port
land, on November 4. Address:
Wauna Court Apartments, Port
Bliss I. Ansnes is a member of
the faculty of the law school at
Columbia University in New York
City. Mr. Ansnes received a B.S.
degree in 1828 and J.D. degree in
1930 from Oregon. He was later
’.warded a fellowship in law at
Married: Henrietta Frances
tiniiko to Wiliam James Bruce,
• Portland, on September 10. Ad
ires.’: 090 Bart Twenty-first ave
nie, Eugene.
George Ft. Thompson is publisher
nd editor cf the Northeast Call,
n independent weekly, published
t Oakland, California.
« ' n H int A'lm, BA. '31. M.A.
32, is working for his Ph D. de
reo at the University of Cali
ornia, where he has a teaching
'cllov/shlp in geology.
Frederic Eastland Templeton,
M D. ’31, is resident physician in
Roentgenology at the Billings
Memorial hospital, Chicago.
Haro!.. A. i. rounder? in with the
advertising department of O'Con
| nor, Moffat and company in Gan
! Francisco.
Married: Miss I!. Gertrude An
derson to ,J. Raymond Fite, in Sa
lem. on July 7. Address: Payette,
| minihun \V. Edwards, M.S. ’32,
i i head of the history department
! at the Grant High school, Port
i b ud.
f.T-.rr’od: Maxine Macro, cx-’33,
i to 1,-vvi'cnce E. Winter, in Uugene,
on October 1. Address: Redmond.
...iiMmiiiiiioiMiiiiiiiHiiiHimiuiiiiiiiHUIIilUlllllllHIIIIIIulWilUUItlUUUlllUllUlltllHIIIUMIIIIIIIIIdllllllllllllllllllliilHilnulllllBlIUiHH1 j
Opening at “THE MARIGOLD”
TCiE ASUL-iS.-j, TLA, All.) I'.I'. .L
Paintings XmasCarda Pc hched Woods
Pottery l..,gs Cloicoace
Chilli a. ,.vir\ Lie.
Chinese Druss
Lunch Where No One Smokes
Grand Tiff’ll—1 i :3a, t:S0—85c
Tiny Tiffin—U:30, 0:00— 15c, 25c
Afternoon ica or Coffer—2:00, 0:01)
Special Group by Arrangement
1 :Jr»() Kmcrnld Si. 1586-J
i I
I , r -fH
WHERE can you get so much Good
300 Note Sheets Formerly 200
150 Envelopes . Formerly 100
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We knew the "450” Package would amaze
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Cheap paper? Not a bit of it. Finer paper
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And each sheet and envelope is neatly
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Two million people can’t be wrong—and
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Try it. It’s the same style note paper we
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Send one dollar — check, bill or money
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Being printed with the recipient’s name and address, Amer
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Originator and World1! latrgeil Manufacturer of Printed Note Paper
Here is $1.00 fur a bo* of "450" Stationery to be printed as shown below. ($1.10 west of Denver and outside of U. S.)
Same__ ■■ ■.. >■■■■■ ■ ■ '"m*~