EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bldg. Phone 3300—Newa Room, Local 356; Editor and Managing Editor, Local 36*4. BUSINESS OFFICE. McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214. Member of the Major College Publications Represented by the A. J. Norris Hill Company, Call Build ing. San Francisco: 321 IC. 43rd St., New York City; 1206 Maple Ave., Los Angeles, Cal.; 1004 2nd Ave., Seattle; 123 W. Madison St., Chicago, III. University of Oregon, Eugene Richard Neubergcr, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager Sterling Green, Managing Editor EDITORIAL STAFF Thornton Gale, Assoc. Ed. Jack Bellinger, Ed. Writer Dave Wilson, Julian Prescott, Ed. Writers UPPER NEWS STAFF uscar munger, iiews e.u. Francis Ballister, Copy Ed. Bruce Hnmby, Sports Ed. Parks Hitchcock, Makeup Ed. Leslie Dunton, Chief Niprht Ed. I «ionn Kircma, Luerary c.n. Bob Guild, Dramatics Ed. Jessie Steele, Women’s Ed. Kloise Dorner, Society Ed. Itay Clapp, Radio Ed. DAY EDITORS: Bob Patterson, Margaret Bean, Francis Bal lister, Virginia Wentz, Joe Saslavsky, Hubert Totton. NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Moore, Russell Woodward, John Holla nder, Bill Aetzel, Bob Couch. SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson, Dud Lindner, Ben Back. FEATURE WRITER: Elinor Henry. REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Don Caswell, Hazle Corrigan, Madeleine Gilbert, Betty Allen, Ray Clapp, Ed Stanley, Mary Schaefer, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewing, Fairfax j Rol>erts, Cynthia LUjeqvist, Ann Reed Burns, Peggy Chess- i man, Margaret Vcness. Ruth King, Barney Clark, Betty Ohlc^iiller, Lucy Ann Wendell, L. Budd Henry. ASSISTANT SOCIETY EDITORS: Mary Stewart, Elizabeth; Crommelin, Marian Achterman. COPYREADERS: Harold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee,' Margaret Hill, Edna Murphy. Monte1 Brown, Mary Jane | Jenkins, Roberta Pickard, Marjorie McNiece, Betty Powell, Bob Thurston, Marian Achterman, Hilda Gillam, Roberta I Moody, Frances Rothwell, Bill Hall, Caroline Rogers, Henri- ! ette Horak, Myron Ricketts, Catherine Coppers, Linda Vin cent. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gladys Gillespie. Virginia Howard, Frances Neth, Margaret Corum, Georgina Gildez, Dorothy Austin, Virginia Proctor, Catherine Gribble, Helen Emery, Helen Taylor, Meric Callings, Mildred Maida, i Evelyn Schmidt. RADIO STAFF: Ray Clapp, Editor; Harold GeBauer, Michael • Hogan, Ben Back. BUSINESS STAFF Manager. Harrv Schenk i Circulation Mcr.. Grant Theum Adv. Mgr., Mahr Reymers National Adv. Mgr., Auten Hush Promotional Mgr., Marylou ^ Patrick ^\sst. Adv. Mgr., Ed Meserve ^sst. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington Asst. Adv. Mgr., Hill Russell JSxecutiv* Secretary, Dorothy Anne Clark mel Asst. Circulation Mgr, Ron I Rev/ Office Mgr., Helen Stinger Class. Ad. Mgr., Althea Peterson Sez Sue, Caroline Hahn Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice Checking Mgr., Ruth Storla Checking Mgr., Pearl Murphy I £PVERT1S1NG ASSISTANTS: (ions K. Tomlinson, Dale i Fisher, Anne Chapman, Tom Holeimin, Hill McCall. Ruth j Vannicc. Fred Fisher. Ed Labbe, Hill Temple, Eldon Haber- | ^nian, Elisa Addis. Hill Connell, Wilma Dente, Hazel Fields, ' Corinne I'lath, Marian Taylor, Hnz«*l Marquis, Hubert Tot-' ton, Hewetl Warrens, Donald I’latt, Phyllis Dent, Pater j - Gantenbcn. JlKFICE ASSISTANTS: Patricia Campbell, Kay Diaher, Kath ryn Greenwood, Catherine Kelley, Jane Hiahop, Elma GIIm, , Eugenia Hunt, Mary Starhuck, Ituth liyerly. Mary Jane I , Jenkins, Wlllu liitz, Janet Howard Phyllis Cousins, Hetty • » Shocmnker, Ituth Kippcy. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Asso ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Mem ber of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, ns second class matter. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone [Manager: Office, Local 214; rcsidencce, 2800. Men must be at liberty In say in print what : ever they Imre a mind to say, provided it wrong* '' no one. • —Charles Anderson Dana, New York Sun : BEAKERS OF THE TORCH *T'HE YOUNG men of Louisiana State university, whom Oregon meets in intersect-fonal combat 'next week, may not be great football players, but Alley are certain to be courageous opponents and JJplendid sportsmen. It is in the land below the •Mason and Dixon line that America's most valorous [football teams are formed. It is said of the drawl ing southern lads that they "speak softly and hit [hard." They are the sort of fellows who almost j break a man in half with their vicious, clean [tackles in one moment and then help him to his •feet in the next. • ■ • Theirs IV. a wonderful heritage, those boys of the 'South. They carry on the traditions of a region [whose men once stood off the might of the nation • lour long years. From the South came Jefferson .Davis, the fiery dreamer, who visioned a country "separated from the Union. At his beck and call, , there rode forth lantern-jawed cavalrymen to [carry the banner of the Confederacy against the • blue-coated Federals assembled by the great man j [ who occupied the White House from '61 to '65. Nathan Bedford Forrest, Braxton Bragg, Pick • ett, Light Horse Harry Lee, Stonewall Jackson, [ Robert E. Lee out of the South they came, those i • valiant men to fight for an ideal they never at-! [tained. The old South has disappeared now. No! longer Is it a land studded with vast plantations and hospitable mansions fronted by colonial pillais.! It is a region of agriculture and manufacturing, much like the West and New England. But still the tradition is carried on, although its ' bearers no longer wear the grey and Jefferson • Davis has been in his grave these 50 years aud ' more. The heritage of the South now falls partially to its young athletes. The Lees, Pickets and For- j rests of today art- Johnny Cain, Dixie Roberts, Don ' Zimmerman, Beatty Feathers, Jimmy Hitchcock. , Herbert Brackett, and scores of other lads who; parade on the gridiron. Which is sufficient reason why Oregon will have to battle for its laurels December 17. HOW TO GKT GK.VOKS <' ' x ' to brc“{i -cotf ■ that the\ would produce with same rapidity as Belgian hares.” * * * Prof. George Turnbull, journal ist: “The kind of a ‘new deal’ or change in conditions that would bring to every one, including our selves, more prosperity, more happiness, and more security. Un fortunately, I have ceased to be lieve in Santa Claus.” * * * Virgil D. Earl, dean of men: “Happiness for every one.” * -is * Oscar Mungar, altruistic ; stu dent: “Light wines and beer.” * * * Parks (Tommy) Hitchcock; col umnist of ill-famed notoriety: “If Santy is going to be big-hearted, I wish that he would endow me with an annuity of $10,000 a year and that the first remittance would come today.” * s.'s * Two distinguished gentlemen whom I wasn't able to interview, but whose wishes' are so apparent that it isn't necessary to question them, are George Godfrey and Dr. E. C. A. Lesch. George Godfrey would undoubtedly ask for a per manent home in Hawaii and Di. Lesch for a permanent home in the other world for all Emerald reporters. sis * sis And if Santa Claus were really to answer these wishes I should ask for stockings that wouldn't wear out, a face that would bring fame and fortune, and a man whose intentions were strictly honorable. We select for Promenade: Ellen Seisanous, because she is striking ly lovely in an evening gown of starkly flat crepe, made with a cowl neck-line, cut low in the back and held in place by straps ofI pleated silk that cross just above the waist-line. With this frock, Miss Sersanous wears crimson slippers and a jacket of crimson velvet. Contemporary Opinion . . . Plight of Minor Sports 'T’HIS is being called a financially 1 unsuccessful footbah*~year 'be cause the receipts have not been sufficient to support the minor sports in the style to which they are accustomed. The failure of football, in other words, is only in comparison with other seasons not with other sports. The trouble with the other sports is that when football first began to become popular and to turn in large sums to the student body treasuries the other sports proceeded to sit down and take j life easy. They quit making a bid for crowds. Baseball, track and field, swimming, boxing and wres tling all proceeded to live off the ill-gotten gains, quieting their consciences as best they could. Only basketball'has to any extent paid its own way And now that football cannot turn in such large amounts, these other sports are bewildered over the prospect of supporting them selves. It has been a mistake from the first. The other sports often re quire a higher degree of individual daring and ability than dees foot ball, and while football is admit tedly the more picturesque spec tacle, the other sports, neverthe less, should have kept up the cam paign to win as many fans as pos sible. If they had they would nqt be so hopeless when the announce ment is made that football receipts are not sufficient for them. They would be able to continue after a fashion on their own receipts. Per haps the present emergency will be good for them. Perhaps it will teach them to keep their own wares before the public.—Morn ing Oregonian. Washington Bystander By KIRKE SIMPSON W/ASHINGTON, Dec. 6.— (AP) ” —If memory serves, the only Nevada native son to reach the senate thus far did so by way of Arizona. That tall, whimsical and silver tongued ex-cowboy, deputy sher iff and what-not, Henry Fountain Ashurst, was Nevada born. Senator Ashur'st will lose that distinction in the next congress, however. Pat McCarran, Demo cratic senator-elect, was born in Reno. So Nevada will come into native son representation in the senate in her own right. McCarran shar ing the job with a Mississippian in the person of Senator Key Pitt lpan, who will be the next presi dent pro tern, of the senate, suc ceeding the defeated but undaunt eel George Moses of New Hamp shire. * * * McCarran’s election reminded The Bystander of a circumstance about Nevada politics he had al most overlooked. It is remarkable to what extent men who figured one way or another in the later day gold rush in southern Nevada in the early years of this century have dominated the Washington representation of the state ever since. What time Tonopah and Gold field were in the heydey of their bullion production The Bystander was newspapering in that region. Among the men h£ rubbed shoulders with were the late George Nixon, who died as a sen ator; Pittman, then a well known lawyer of Tonopah; Tasker Oddie, now defeated for re-election to the senate after service as governor cf his state, and Pat McCarran, then district attorney in Nye coun ty Oddie was the only real miner of the lot. He was, with his broth er, working a lease at Tonopah and as an operating leaser sharing also in the amazing story of the Mow hawk mine at Goldfield. * sfc Nixon. Oddie, Pittman and now McCarran! How their names bring back those boom times in Tono pah and Goldfield. Nixon, a banker and one-time railway telegrapher, made his way to the senate via what amounted to a grubstake to George Wing field, who was to become the great man of Goldfield and, in character istic old frontier fashion, never forgot his obligations, written or implied. The late Senator Ncwlands, like Pittman, also was Mississippi born. He was a holdover from days before the southern Nevada gold rush, a bridge with the interim period of the state’s development, between the Comstock and Tono pah-Goldfield. Since his death men who made that second gold rush their step ping stone have spoken for Nevada in the senate, and will continue to do so when Pat McCarran takes his seat. Oddie is a New Yorker born. Like Newlands and Pittman, how ever, the roving spirit of the fron tier was his. Pittman is also an Alaskan ‘'sourdough." Both are veterans, as McCarran is a native born, of the last frontier. Two Decades Ago From Oregon Emerald December 7, 1912 No Flashy Passing The old 20-yard restriction on forward passing should be rein stated, believes Gilmour Dobic, coach of five championship teams for Washington. * * ■« One-sixteenth of a credit hour will be deducted for every cut, ac cording to a new faculty rating. ^ H* ^ These Suffragettes! It took a freshman suffragette to spring a problem on Allen Ea ton, a senior member of the Ore gon legislature, that he could not answer. He spoke to the Agora club on the initiative and referen dum, a subject on which he has written a book. The question was, “What do you think of the safe guards to this system of govern ment proposed by the state of Maine?” ❖ * The new rule adopted by the * faculty penalizing class absences will prevent more sickness than a corps of medical practioners. Friend of Journalists Miss Leone ('ass Baer of the Portland Oregonian will address the students of journalism Wednes day on “Women in Journalism.” * * * A Y. M. C. A. investigation shows that 53 per cent of men students work for their education. * * * Thank Goodness! University entrance has been made easier by a regulation sub stituting “any laboratory science** for “physics** in the preparatory school course. Nothing Is as REFRESHING as a Between-Exams Ride in YOUR CAR REFUEL For These Trips j at the j j Oregon Station Service ! 1 th & Hilyard Phone 650