) 3 '■>"a -. ™ i1 ■.-."■■■f."# VOLUME XXXIV _UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1932_NUMBER 41 Political Ideas Of Universities Claim Attention Students’ Views Hard To Analyze G. O. P. GETS VOTES Zorn Bill and Emerald's Stand Attract Interest in National Survey By JAMES CRENSHAW NEW YORK, Dec. 1—(CPS) — Now that it’s all over, college stu dents in all parts of the country are wondering just what they got out of the election. “Valuable experience, principal ly,” say many observers, who watched with interest the nation wide straw vote conducted under the auspices of the Daily Prince tonian at Princeton university. Returns from this poll showed that a large majority of students did not get the candidate they pre ferred, but the number of ballots cast in the straw vote, it is said, indicate a new and healthy inter est in national political affairs that augurs well for the future. Hoover Won This, At Least Returns from 64 colleges showed President Hoover far in the lead, with a total of 33,024 straw votes, as compared to 19,978 for Roose velt and 11,089 for Thomas. Only colleges and universities in the South gave Roosevelt a heavy majority vote. Since the total returns, however, failed to reflect the official vote cast by the people on election day, many explanations are being off ered — most of them unsatisfac tory. Democrats are inclined to main tain that the student vote simply expressed a profound admiration and respect for a man under fire, but failed to recognize issues and to analyze the principles at stake. G. O. P. Claims Brains On the other hand, Republicans point to the heavy college vote for Hoover as an indication of a more intelligent and careful analysis of the administration’s policies and a clearer recognition of the sound- < ness of these policies than that reflected by the popular vote. Be cause college students stopped to think, because they were not swayed by emotional appeals, Re publican leaders contend, they voted for the president, instead of Roosevelt. Without attempting to reconcile these two widely divergent views, the University of Southern Cali fornia Daily Trojan remarks: “Is the- collegiate face red?”—and adds: “When the results of the col legiate poll were announced, many critics claimed that the vote mere ly proved that college students are ultra - conservative, reactionary, and opposed to change .... that the students form a sheltered, cloistered group, largely support ed by parents. “In contrast to the college stu dents, the American people were drawn to the Democratic candi date to a great extent because of j his promise of ‘a new deal.’ ” N. Y. U. Comes Forth A few days before the election, the New York University Daily News also attempted to analyze the results of the collegiate poll. Commenting on the fact that southern colleges were practically the only apparent Roosevelt sup porters, the News stated: “These results indicate that the college student is not independent —in a class by himself. He is a product of his environment, just as (Continued on Page Three) ' Little Theatre Play Opens Tonight For Tivo Day Run By BOB GUILD The time is 8 o'clock tonight, the place the Very Little Theatre's studio down the avenue next to Gosser’s, the event that rarity among rarities, a sparkling com edy done in sparkling style, Som erset Maugham’s “Lady Fred erick.’’ I know all this, for I attended a dress rehearsal last night and enjoyed myself thoroughly. (I’m writing this now in a desperate rush to catch the press). The Little Theatre group, with some notable successes under its belt, has assembled a competent cast for this comedy—I'm not averse to praising it, and right now. Gerda Brown, in the title role, is everything she should be, it seems to me—assured, poised, staccato, charming. Maugham wrote his play for Pauline Fred erick—-we’ve seen her combine the qualities that made Mrs. Brown the hit of last evening. Her epi grammatic and scintillating com panion, homme du monde to her femme, Guy Wernham, was equal ly successful in his part. Between them they carried the brunt of the heavy work and discharged their duties like troupers. Ed Buchanan did not disappoint us; he never has. As the crusty old admiral, he hadn’t the part the first mentioned had, but was cen ter stage when he was on. And one more in our limited space. Dorothy Parks, as the testy, deep bosomed dress-maker, did a bit of fine finesse work. All in alin’d say it was a most successful play. Seems the Little Theatre must begin casting about for a bigger barn. This one, all (Continued on Page Three) Old Barney in New Surroundings — .....— The gentleman in the above picture is none other than Walter Johnson, ex-Idaho collegian, and one of the greatest baseball pitchers of all time. He is surrounded by a bevy of chorus girls, employed by the cabaret in which Johnson is working in New York city. The great pitcher was released recently as manager of the Washington Senators. Luncheon Charge Query Answered By ASUO Prexy No Provisions Made for Financing Affair In Fees The question recently brought up in an Emerald safety valve as to the reasons for there being no homecoming luncheon this year as in previous years, was answered last night by Bob Hall, president of the associated students. The statement in the safety valve in which the correspondent asserted that to his knowledge a charge had been made for the luncheon at the time of registra tion, was completely discredited by Hall when he said: “In previous years a charge of 50 cents has been added to student course fees each fall term to fi nance the luncheon, but this year course fees have been entirely eliminated and there was no pro vision made for financing the luncheon in the regular registra tion fee.” If the luncheon is to be made a regular feature of homecoming in future y^rs as in the past, a spe cial assessment will have to be made to cover cost, as there is no provision for financing the lunch eon under present conditions, Hall pointed out. Jewell Receives New Appointment Word has recently been “re ceived of the appointment of J. R. Jewell, dean of the school of education, to a place on the legis lative committee of the National Association of Vocational Educa tion in America. Dean Jewell will represent all districts west of the Rocky moun tains. This association has as its function the habilitating of an in dividual to his natural inclinations. Through special study of individ uals, their weaknesses are diag nosed and attempts at remedy are made. Efforts are also made to readjust people who have made a wrong start in their work. Mr. Jewell has had experience in this kind of work through an ex periment of this nature which was tried at Oregon State college when he was an instructor there. Deadline For Jam Will Be 9 o'Clock Tomorrow Night The deadline for the annual all campus Journalism Jam is set for 9 p. m. tomorrow evening at the Campa Shoppe. “Jam before you Cram" will be the dominating at mosphere scented at this dance, which will be the last big dance before final examinations. Novel decorations will include silhouetted journalists on all the lamp shades, yards and yards of overhanging newspapers from the ceiling, walls, and posts. The or chestra stand will be banked with stereotype cylinders, and Abbie Green and his 8-piece band will be dressed in printers and newsboy costumes. Tables will be decked with stereotype mats, and the en tire surrounding will place the at tendants in an atmosphere of (Continued on Page Four) Singing Contest Selections Made Selection of the houses to com pete in the finals of the interfra tertiity-intersorority singing con test was completed last evening with the choice of the last of five men’s organizations and five wo men’s groups. The men’s houses which will go into the finals together are: Phi Gamma Delta, Theta Chi, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Chi. The women’s organi zations will be: Delta Delta Delta, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Alpha Chi Omega, Kalppa Alpha Theta, and Alpha Phi. These groups will meet to de termine the winners of the tro phies soon after the beginning of winter term, according to Don Eva, general chairman of the con test. They will be judged by a faculty committee consisting of Professor John Stark Evans, Mrs. Doris H. Calkins, and Associate Professor John H. Mueller, who will visit each of the ten houses. Committee To Report On Saturday Morning James H. Gilbert, dean of the college of social science, and chair man of the committee appointed by the legislature to investigate the assessment of city-owned pub lic utilities, has completed the re port of the findings of the com mittee. The final report will be read at a meeting of the committee in Portland at 10 o’clock Saturday morning, at which time it will be subjected to such amendments as are deemed necessary. The report will affect the assessment and reg ulation of both municipally owned and privately owned utility com panies. Parsons To Stop Here On Way to Conference Dr. P. A. Parsons, head of the sociology department, will be here Sunday, en route to attend the last conference on the proposed bureau of public service to be es tablished on the campus, which will be held at the University of Washington, in Seattle on Tues day, December 6. Dean Ftichard G. Taylor, of the college of technology, of the Uni versity of Washington, will be in charge of arrangements of a breakfast to honor Dr. Parsons, preceding the opening session. Men’s Chorus In Process Of Organization Bryson To Have Charge Of Group TRYOUT NEXT WEEK — Application Made to State Board j To Give University Credit For Participation The University of Oregon will have a men’s chorus next term, if plans now on foot at the musics building are consummated. The need for such a choral organiza tion has been generally felt since the suspension of the men's glee club a year and a half ago. Roy Bryson would have charge of the proposed chorus, which1 would probably be limited to about forty select voices. Preliminary organization is in charge of Ken neth Roduner ,who would be stu dent director of the organization, and of Edward Bolds, president of the polyphonic chorus. Bryson to Hold Tryouts Tryouts are to be held in Mr. Bryson’s studio on Tuesday and Thursday of next week at 5 o’clock. All men who are inter ested are urged to make an ap pointment with Mr. Bryson for these hours. If an application which has been made to the state board of higher education is approved, participa tion in the chorus will carry one term-hour of credit. Rehearsals would be maintained on a schedule of two hours a week. Music for the new chorus will be selected from the library of the Harvard Glee club, which is in ternationally known as one of the finest organizations of its type. Name Not Chosen “We hope to choose some name other than ‘Glee Club’ for the chorus,” said Roduner, “in order to avoid the connotations usually associated with that name in west ern universities. We will follow the lead of the Harvard chorus in maintaining the highest musical traditions, avoiding the musical clowning which is supposed to be a part of the usual glee club's repertoire,” Roduner and Bolds are contact ing every fraternity and men’s hall for personal interviews with interested ' men. If their plans Succeed, work will start the first week of winter term. Campus Heads To Hold Seal Sale The 26th annual Christmas seal sale has been started on the cam pus by the distribution of quanti ties of the seals at all living or ganizations. Seals have been placed for sale with the various heads of houses, according to the number of stu dents in each organization, and average about 10 cents worth per student. The drive is being con ducted locally by the Lane Coun ty Public Health association, af filiated with the Oregon Tubercu losis association, and is a unit of the nation-wide campaign con ducted each Christmas to stamp out tuberculosis. Ninety-five cents out of every dollar received from the sale of the seals goes for health work in Oregon. The remaining five cents is retained by the National Tuber culosis association for the carry ing out of research and adminis tration of the work. Since the work was first organ ized 25 years ago, tuberculosis has been reduced two-thirds, taking three times as many as die from automobile accidents, and causing one-fifth of the total number of deaths in the United States. Proceeds from the sale of the seals on the campus must be turned in by the house and dormi- j tory representatives by December' 6, at the dean of women’s office. I Campus Calendar Temonids will be guests of Blue! River chapter of the Order of Eastern Star on DecemBer 9 and Evangeline chapter.^O. E. S., De cember 16. • Alpha Delta Sigma meeting to day in Mr. Thacher’s office at 4 o’clock. All members be there. The members of the Frosh cabi net of the Y. W. C. A. will meet at I the Anchorage for dinner tonight at 6 o’clock. They will hold a busi ness meeting immediately after wards. Social swim will be held from 7:30 to 9 p. m. tonight at the women’s pool as usual. The same hours will hold for next Friday also. All come. Masque and Buskin chapter of National Collegiate Players will meet at 4 o’clock in Mrs. Seybolt's ofice. Very important. _________________________________________________________________ 1 A Tribute to the Wise ~~'iriiTJn TiTininini■ i "w-‘Tnri(«m>>(n(i«rtiffiiii¥irriimT~niyi-.Tyrr--i. C'^P . , ' j f i ].r> O* ■>: . V : V- Si !• - iX- ■ ■ | l* oViv*/* , IIS is-%tS:---:Sii&SiS flMi IBflW»i»ii>»»awwM»wMMi»iwiwwwiiwM»wMww» Dr. John Henry Nash, internationally famous San Franciscan, printer, and lecturer in typography at the University, with a specially printed copy of “The Psalms of the Singer David,” which he presented as a gift to the Ilabhi Stephen S. Wise at commencement exercises last spring. In Rabbi Wise’s absence, the volume was accepted by Rabbi Henry J. Bcrkowitz of Portland, who delivered the book to Rabbi Wise at a later date. Dr. Nash is the donor of several beautiful vol umes, given the University. Mueller Speaks On Russia At International Club Meet Recognition of Russia is not to be confused with endorsement of the Soviet government, Dr. John H. Mueller, associate professor of sociology, said last night before the campus International Rela tions club at International house. “In diplomatic relations, the in ternal form of government is not considered. It is only with inter national relations that diplomacy is concerned.” Russia is attempting to force the United States to recognize her by using her monopolistic control of orders for foreign exports to shut us practically out of her huge trade. He outlined briefly the history of Russia’s foreign- relations sinch 1915. Being recognized by "capitalis tic countries” was the last thing that Trotsky wanted early in his regime. But after four or five years, Trotsky and Lenin found reason to change that attitude. In the first place, agricultural Russia's industrial support fell away early, with Finland, Latvia, Esthonia, and Poland declaring their independence. Capital also was withdrawn, and famine spread. Internal wars, and, Rus sia claims, the intervention of foreign troops at the end of the great war, left her lying prostrate, defeated, and starving. So it was that an alliance witn industrial Germany was formed, possibly because "misery loves company” and Germany and Rus sia were the two most miserable nations in the world in 1922. Two years later England and Italy made trade treaties with Russia, beginning the '‘parade of nations,” which left the United States the only important power which has not yet recognized the Soviets diplomatically. Even France, which was hardest hit by the refusal of the Russians to acknowledge debts of the czarist and Kerensky regimes, realized the (Continued on Page Three) Huffaker To Address County Teachers Club Professor C. A. Huffaker of the school of education will address a meeting of the Coos County Schoolmasters club and county school boards tonight at Coquille, Oregon. This meeting is of special sig nificance as it will be composed of all of the men teachers in the county as well as the members of the various school boards. Mr. Huffaker will address the group on a popular subject of the present school systems, “School Finance.” Professor Huffaker delivered a similar address over KOAC in Corvallis a short time ago. Westminster Will Honor Wesley Club The Westminster organizations will entertain the members of the Wesley club at the weekly open house meeting tonight at the Westminster house. Beginning at 8 o’clock, as every Friday, the doors are open to all who care to come. Guests may en joy themselves according to their individual tastes: dance, play cards, or manipulate a yo yo. Re freshments will follow. Sheldon To Talk On ‘Christianity’ Dr. Henry D. Sheldon, chairman of social science, will conclude the series of talks on "World Reli gions” that he has been giving this term for the Wesley founda tion at the Sunday morning meet ing of that group, beginning at 9:45. His topic will be “Christian ity.” In the series, Dr. Sheldon has each Sunday considered one of the major religions. Included in the group of meetings have been such topics as "Primitive Religions,” “The Religions of the Greeks,” “ Zoroastrianism,” “ Buddhism,” “ Brahamanism,” “ Mohammedan ; ism,” and “Confuscionism.” Rev. Cecil F. Ristow, pastor of ; the First Methodist Episcopal j church, will talk on “My Philoso phy of Life” at the 6:30 meeting of the Methodist students’ group, j following the presentation of the “St. Cecilia Mass” given in the church under the direction of John Stark Evans. Mr. Rlstow’s talk is j one in the Wesley club’s series on j “Seeking a Philosophy of Life,” the group's theme for the year. A social half-hour will precede the meeting, beginning at 6 o’clock. Lawrence Brown New Asklepiad Vice-Prexy Lawrence Brown, junior in pre I medics, was selected vlce-presi i dent of Asklepiads, pre-medic hon orary, at a meeting of the group last night. The large attendance at "Spiral Anesthesia,” the motion picture shown on the campus by this or ganization last year, has induced the club to secure a film on the famous Roentgen X-ray. This showing, the date and place of which will be announced later this term, will be open to all Univer sity of Oregon students. KO AC Presents j Barron, Ayers, Oregon Soloist Presenting George Barron, bas so. and Harold Ayres, pianist, the weekly ITniversity program over KOAC last night began with Flei ger's “Le Cor" and "Thrinodia," by Holmes, sung by Mr. Barron. The former expresses love of the hunt; the latter, a song of a Grecian priestess. Two numbers by Franz, both in adante tempo, “Aus Meinen Gros sen Schmerzen” and "Fur Music" displayed the extreme ranges of the singer's voice. Possessing the plaintive quality of negro music, "Deep River" arranged by H. T. Burleigh and Amy Woodforde-Fin den’s "Kashmiri Love Song" hint ing of "the orient, concluded Mr. Barron's portion of the program. Sgambati's “Laendler,” played by Mr. Ayres is characterized by a dainty melody in the treble clef, while the left hand maintains a definite three-beat. Other piano selections were "Prelude in E minor" by Mendelssohn, a grace ful, flowing melody, and “Waltz of the Flowers" by Tschaikowsky. Luxurious chords and smooth ar peggios add to the beauty of the latter number, the most glowing movement of the "Nutcracker Suite.” Explorations Are Topic of Burg at Matrix Banquet Pictures of Travels Shown By Noted Scientist To Illustrate Talk In a talk punctuated with an uproar of laughter and applause, Amost Burg, noted scientist and explorer, spoke about his travels to the 113 people who attended the annual Matrix Table dinner, given at the Eugene hotel last night by the women’s journalism honorary, Theta Sigma Phi, in honor of those women who are outstanding in writing, music, drama, and the arts. Mr. Burg's talk was accompan ied by three reels of pictures, showing his travels and explora tions. The films showed scenes from all parts of the world, from the uncivilized country where the “Indians never sweep up their garbage, but just kick it around until it gets lost” to a collision between British boats, in which, according to Mr. Burg, a friend of his swallowed his tobacco for the first time in his life. Pictures Shown Part of Mr. Burg's pictures showed scenes of the Columbia river. He has explored it quite thoroughly, for, as he says, “riv ers are very similar to oceans with the exceptions of a few tons of (Continual mi Pane Three) I lipspians 1 o Name Outstanding Women Plans for an honor roll in which the 10 most outstanding freshman women will be chosen spring term of each year are being worked out by Thespian, freshman women's honorary. At a meeting last night a com mittee consisting of Adele Sheehy, Ruth May Chilcote, Nora Hitch man, and Peggy Chessman out lined the system whereby the club would choose 10 on the basis of scholarship and activities, points being given for each. According to the present tenta tive plans, to be eligible one must have a B average, for which 65 points will be awarded. Activity points have been divided into sub divisions, and the remaining 35 points will be arranged among these. Senior Class To SubsHize 1933 Oregana Year Book Budget Will Be Raised to $6000 LOAN FUND TO EXIST Junior, Sophomore, and Freshman Classes May Be Asked To Aid Annual ■.—, Meeting Summary SUMMARY of the inerting: 1. k The senior class will guar antee $500 to the Oregana in ease a defieit is realized on the yearbook. 2. Recommendation will lie made to the executive committee th:#t the Oregana budget be raised from $5,500 to $0,000. 3. senior class loan fund still exists. 4. Junior, sophomore, and freshman classes may be approached with the suggestion that they aid in sub sidizing the yearbook. Seventeen members of the sen ior class harangued for 45 minutes last night in an effort to decide whether the class should subsidize the Oregana to the amount of $500, providing that deficit should show up on the books at the close of business next spring. Result: By a vote of 13 to 3, the motion, made by Jim Travis, to the effect that the senior class recom mend to the executive committee that a budget of $6,000 be made, the senior class standing the loss in case one occurs, was carried. The Oregana at present is budget ed to the amount of $5,500. Cecil Espy, president of the senior class, emphasized that the 17 members present at the meet ing were not gullible and hence not guilty of railroading the mo tion through. The action was taken merely as a necessity to as sure the publishing of an Ore gana that will be on an equal with those of past years. Bob Hall, A. S. U. O. president, suggested that the senior class recommend to the executive com mittee that they budget the year book at $6,000 and if a loas is realized the senior class guarantee $500. This action would main tain the quality of the book, he pointed out. A counter proposal was made by John King to the effect that the money be left in the loan fund and that the quality of the Ore gana be cut if a need arose for a reduction in cost of production. This plan found no second. After many sulphurous state ments by advocates for and against Hall’s suggestion, Jim Tra vis moved that the suggestion be adopted but that the money re main in the loan fund, to be re moved only in case of a deficit. This motion carried. Possibility that the other classes may be approached in regard to aiding the subsidization became apparent when Jim Travis sug gested such. Possible plan would call for the juniors guaranteeing $100 and the sophomores and freshmen $50 each. W. A. A. Holds Meeting Members of the Women’s Ath letic association met Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 5 at West minster house for the regular mass meeting held every term. A read ing by Mary Vincent was the main feature of the program. Games were played and refreshments were served. Phi Bete Lewis Fendrich Hails As True Oregonian By ELINOR HENRY A true Oregonian is Lewis Fend rich, Phi Bete-elect. He was born in Portland, September 14, 1910, and hasn’t been out of the state but once in his life and that only to Vancouver, Washington. And just once he went a mile out on the ocean. He says he didn’t par ticularly care whether he got back or not, he was so sick, but he did get back, and he hasn't seen the ocean since. "I’d like to travel, but I’ve never had a chance," he told the inter viewer. Other things he’d like to do if he had the time are to read, I to swim, and to wrestle. Last | year he wrestled and played hand ball with Art Cannon, another one of the Senior Six. “Once in six months I read a detective story.” Most of his time is spent on his research project in physics, which [ is his major. He is also very in | teersted in chemistry and mathe matics, and is a member if Phi 1 Mu Epsilon, national mathematics honorary. “The theoretical part of my work interests me more than the physical. I haven't started on the I experimental part of my major ] project at all. It is on the deter mination of distribution of electric I charge on a rotating sphere. It might help to explain the distri bution of electricity on the earth, but we don’t know yet. It hasn't been tried before." He didn't say that all in one paragraph, of course He speaks very briefly and to the point. In fact, he observed, “Intelligence consists of how well you can keep the other person from seeing how dumb you are. If a person is silent (Continued on Page Three)