* U rccicm H^€mtraRt» EDITORIAL OFFICES. Journalism Bldg. Phone 8300—News Room. Local 335; Editor and Managing Editor, Local 354. I BUSINESS OFFICE. McArthur Court. Phone 3300 -Local 214. Member of the Major College Publications Represented by the A. J. Norris Hill Company, Call Build ing, San Francisco: 821 E. 43rd St., New York City; 1206 Maple Avo., I.as Angeles, Cal. ; 1004 2nd Ave., Seattle; 123 W. Madison St., Chicago, Ilk University of Oregon, Eugene Richard Neubergor, Editor Harry Schenk, Manager Sterling Orecn, Managing Editor I EDITORIAL STAFF Thornton Gale, Assoc. Ed. Jack Bellinger, Ed. Writer Dave Wilson, Julian Prescott, Ed. Writers UPPER NEWS STAFF Uscar Munpor, iViews Ed. Francis Pallister, Copy Ed. Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed. Parks Hitchcock. Makeup Ed. Leslie Dunton, Chief Nitfht Ed. John Gross, Literary Ed. Bob Guild, Dramatics Ed. Jessie Steele* Women's Ed. Eloise Dorner, Society Ed. Ray Clapp, Radio Ed. DAY EDITORS: Bob Patterson, Margaret Bean, Francis Pal hater, Virginia Wentz. Joe Saslavsky, Hubert Totton. NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Moore, Russell Woodward, John Hollo j peter, Bill Aetzel, Bob Couch. I SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson, } Dud Lindner, Ben Back. I FATURE WRITER: Elinor Henry. REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Don Caswell, Hazle Corrigan, Madeleine Gilbert, Betty Allen, Ray Clapp, Ed Stanley, Mary Schaefer. David Eyre. Bob Guild, Paul Ewing, Fairfax Roberts, Cynthia Liljeqviat, Ann Reed Burns, Peggy Chess man, Margaret Venea.H. Ruth King. Barney , Clark, Betty | Ohlcmiilcr, Lucy Ann Wendell, L. Budd Henry. ASSISTANT SOCIETY EDITORS: Mary Stewart, Elizabeth Crommelin, Marian Achterman. COPYREADERS: Hrfrold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee, Margaret Hill, Edna Murphy. Monte Brown, Mary Jane Jenkins, Roberta Pickard. Marjorie McNiece. Betty Powell, Bob Thurston, Marian Achterman, Hilda Gillam. Roberta Moody. Frances Rothwell, Hill Hall. Caroline Rogers. Henri ette Horak, Myron Ricketts, Catherine Coppers, Linda Vin cent. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gladys Gillespie, Virginia Howard, Frances Noth, Margaret Corum, Georgina Gildez, Dorothy Austin, Virginia Proctor, Catherine Gribble, Helen Emery, Helen Taylor, Merle Codings, Mildred Maida, Evelyn Schmidt. RADIO STAFF: Ray Clapp, Editor; Benson Allen, Harold GeBauer, Michael Hogan. BUSINESS STAFF Mo rwirm.. I C'-..I..,: .. _i rr-l_ Adv. Mgr.. Mahr Rcymers National Adv. Mgr.,Auten Bush Promotional Mgr.. Marylou Patrick Asst. Adv. Mgr., Ed Meserve Asst. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington AsBt. Adv. Mgr., Bill Russell Executive Secretary, Dorothy Anne Clark mel Asst. Circulation Mgr, Rfon Hew Office Mgr., Helen Stinger Class. AH. Mgr., Althea Peterson Sez Sue, Caroline Hahn Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice Checking Mgr., Ruth Storla ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS: Larry Ford, Gene F. Tomlin non, Dale Fisher, Anno Chapman, Tom Holt-man. Hill Mc Call, Ruth Vanmce, George Butler, Fred Fisher, Ed Labbe, Bill omple, Eldon Haborman. OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Patricia Campbell, Kay Diflher, Kath ryn Greenwood, Catherine Kelley, Jane Bishop, Elma Giles, Eugenia Hunt, Mary Starbuck, Ruth Byerly. Mary Jane Jenkins, Willa Ritz, Janet Howard, Phyllis Cousins, Betty Shomakcr. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Asso ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Mem ber of the^ Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone Manager: Office, Local 214; residencce, 2800. . Men must be at liberty to say in print what ever they have a mind to say, provided it wrongs no one. —Charles Anderson Dana, New York Sun DON’T BE ALARMED TTAGUE rumors have emanated from Corvallis * to the effect that the Zorn-Macpherson school confiscating measure will be responsored by that community "as soon as the time is ripe.'*- These reports are not to be taken seriously. Just when the time will be ripe for the dead Zorn-Macpherson bill to be resurrected we hesitate to say. We thought it was so extinct that it would take noth ing less than the trumpet of Judgment even to make it turn over in its grave. The voters of the state killed the measure by the most decisive count any bill ever was defeated in the history of the initiative and referendum in Oregon. The mandate of the people is not to be regarded lightly; Mr. Hoover, Mr. Smoot, Mr. Bing ham and numerous of their associates will bear out that contention. The backers of the Zorn plan may be mistaken, but they are not foolhardy. They know their measure is as dead as a door-nail. It is not iikely that they will waste precious dollars trying to resuscitate it. We hope the University never has more to worry about than the chances of Hecor Macpherson’s bill being resubmitted to the electorate. — ON RELAXING PROFITABLY T Rollins college in Florida, when the problem of improving students’ use of their leisure time arose, two committees were appointed to make studies, reports, and proposals. One represented the faculty and the other,* students. The student report contains many points* that might be used here. They would have none of the idea of hobby groups under facvdty leadership on the grounds that the intervention of faculty members tended to cramp the freedom of many students — they would attend for "apple-polishing" purposes or would stay away for fear that it would be thought they were practicing that ancient and transparent subterfuge. Any appearance of cultural value in the recrea tional activities should be avoided, it was emphati cally stated. The basis was: "If the scholar, working eight hours a day in pursuit of culture, is offered cultural pursuits in whatever time he has to spare, according to this view, he is not relieved front his studies nor pro vided with an atmosphere which leads him to re turn to his studies the next day rested with a ready mind.” Is not this the weakness of our numerous clubs and discussion groups? Subjects closely allied with class work are propounded and expounded by would-be intellectuals who all too frequently have only a smattering of knowledge or a one-sided view of the topic. To get away from this, the Rollins students sug gested nine Items that look good and which could probably be carried out without considerable ex penditure of time or money. They follow: 1. "The installation of the preceptor plan in fraternity and sorority houses in order to raise the tone of conversation, which takes up most of our spare time in the houses, and to stimulate greater interest in things intellectual. II. "The installation of a circulating library, to be maintained by the college library, for the fra ternity and sorority houses and the college dormi tories. III. "More art exhi...ts by the art department for the benefit of students. IV. "More recitals by faculty and students of the conservatoiy of music. V. "Expansion of the activities of the student glee clubs. VI. "More dramatic matinees by the dramatic arts department. VII. "Better transportation accommodation:', for students desiring to hold week-end parties at near-by Florida beaches. VIII. "Expansion rf the intercollegiate athletic program to include soccer and track. IX. "Expansion of the intramural athletic pro gram for women stuc nts.” The University in fortunate in its music, arts, dramatics and athletics. The library system was proposed here last year but seems to have been blotted from the picture. The preceptor plan might be worth a trial. Most unfortunately, the climatic conditions discourage week-end parties at the near-by beaches. Anyway, the water’s too cold. aUBHORIBE TO OREGANA THE Oregana is an essential campus enterprise. Without it there would be no complete record of the year's activities. The Emerald sets forth the doings and goings-on day by day, but the Ore gana is the medium by which those activities are preserved for future years. If you want to see who was captain of the baseball team in 1923, you turn to the Oregana. If you want to know who was president of your sorority 12 years ago, again you refer to the Oregana. The year-book should be an integral part of the school’s extra-curricular activities, but at present there seems to be some doubt as to the security of the Oregana’s future. The financial stability of the enterprise is in danger. The only way in which it can be bettered is for the subscription drive now under way to be a complete success. To lose the Oregana would be a campus tragedy. It is imperative that we come to its aid by enter ing our subscriptions. A COMMUNITY PROBLEM FROM up in the apple country known as Yakima comes a news item that is encouraging. The first person convicted of driving while intoxicated after the repeal of the prohibition laws was fined $100 and sentenced to 60 days in jail. And the judge said he was ready to give the maximum of $300 and 90 days. If that judge can convince persons in his juris diction that they should not drive while under the influence of liquor, he will undoubtedly save the community considerable sorrow and expense. That judge evidently figures drinking and driving is a community problem and not one for the individual alone. The Portland papers for the past week-end. carry several stories of accidents in which alcohol and gasoline figured prominently. And it is to be expected that there will be many more until those who like their beverage find that it will not mix satisfactorily with gasoline. It is tt* be hoped that Oregon justices will fol low the example of the Yakima judge in attempting to stamp out this menace to the motoring and pedestrian public. If we are to have liquor, we must be guarded against its injudicious use. the nation thinks otherwise A GREAT many people have asked why a straw vote conducted on a university campus would be so divergent from true national sentiment as was the one conducted at the University of Oregon. In the face of the greatest Democratic landslide in history practically every university in the West declared itself in favor of Mr. Hoover, the Repub lican candidate. The obvious falsity of figures may be easily traced with a little study. It is only too apparent that the students at any higher educa tional institution are bound to be from families of comparatively comfortable means. Granting this, it would seem to indicate that the wealthier families, the families more firmly fixed on the social scale are Republican. True. These families have not felt the true harshness of the crisis current during the present regime they have not been bitten by the keen-edged scimitar of hunger and stark need. They arc more firmly in favor of a continuance of the present change of things. They are still optimistic after three years of whippings. On the other side of the panorama we see the lower classes, the classes that constitute the ma jority of the American voting public. Gloomy and disheartened by the effect upon their personal com forts and fortunes of the present party they are for a change. They cry for “a new deal." Thus can he seen the two sides of the picture. It is regrettable, only, that there is no closer con tact between the two. It is almost unbelievable that our tigntly bound little collegiate world should be so blissfully oblivious of the sufferings of the outside world .is they are. Let us enter a plea for better understanding. After all. an election is but a small thing beside the fate of a people. Everything in nature has a purpose, but no one has discovered what is the purpose of the -160 species of fleas. Dr. E. Bardsley. My pet aversion is tar twisting of history to meet the requirement of romantic fiction.—Emil Ludwig. i1 i Smoking during examinations, and in some lec ture courses, is allowed at the University of North Carolina. It is only the ignorant who despise education. Publius Syrus. A Decade Ago From Daily Fine raid Novemlier 15, 11122 Flay Bull! Marquis of Kasphcrry rules will govern the forthcoming V. M. I'. A. chess and checker tournaments. Whistling, hob-nailed shoes, shin guard., ilium pau . cigarette , i ('licwlng tobacco, ami otiija board* arc banned; plunge* through cen ter (till be penalized b> halt the distance to the king row. C V * LOST Senior sombrero last week. Reward. • if $ See Yourself The Homecoming bonfire, Hie Armistice da.\ parade, football game, and main other campus uml !.ii„tm urn . Mill bt .hoMii at tonight's Movie bull at tile armory. * * Who is the Scarlet Pimpernel? i That is the question around which the mystery play revolves that is to be given at Guild theatre to night, Thursday, and Friday. He Made Pioneer \. Phlmistcr Proctor, noted sculptor, creator of Oregon’s Pio neer. is a guest at Hendricks hall on tin i.uupu today. I ♦ 0 © o Looking Backward , ° I CAMPUS CARAVAN -By DAVE WILSON_ CECRET desire . . . that our psy chology experts would prove that a student's powers are at low ebb on Monday’s. That would make me feel happier when I labor away on Tuesday's drivel. $ * * Collegiate racket No. 468 . . . In vite a theatre manager up to the house for Sunday dinner. Ask over a dozen charming co-eds and plant the manager in the midst of them at the dinner table. If he doesn't stand up and invite the whole gang down to the show house after dinner, he’s a piker. * * * Credit for this bright idea goes to the Phi Delts, who worked it as smoothly as a U. S. C. end run last Sunday. The words were no sooner out of Manager Ray Jones’ mouth than the great emigration began to the McDonald theatre. Some freshmen got on the phone and notified 68 town men and oth er brothers who had not been present to hear the good tidings. Everyone that didn't already have a date rushed over to the Pi Phi annex and got one. * * * One disappointed member re turned to the house an hour later and said he wasn’t able to get within a block of the theatre. * :!i * A columnist must use care in in selecting words. While laboring on a previous paragraph I asked Associate Editor Thornton Gale if j it would be libelous to refer to a j sorority as a “seraglio." “To which sorority do you re- 1 fer?" was Gale's comeback. But we looked up the word in : the unabridged and decided not to use it . . . although a law major j informs us that under the laws of I Oregon proof of truth is a suf ficient defense against any libel suit. * « * Question of the hour . . . "Will we have beer by Christmas?" The obvious answer is that nobody will have anything this Christmas. But, getting down to brass bottle-tops, 1 how far would the following se quence of events be possible? (1) The state legislature re peals all prohibition statutes at the January session. (21 Congress declares beer and light wines legal at the lame-duck session. (3) The city of Eugene repeals its anti-liquor ordinances. (4) The state board of higher education states that it has no ob jections to beer being sold on the six campuses. (5) Dean Schwering and Dean Earl declare that “A little beer now and then, “Doe3 no harm to the best of men!” (6) The Affiliated Buyers of fra ternities and sororities call for bids on 600 cases of Weinhard’s and Blitz's best to meet spring-term requirements. * * * Here's the thing to keep in mind, you who dream dreams of making our fair campus a second Heidel berg: (1) There’s no city, state or na tional law against young ladies staying out till 3 a. m. But a col lege student can be expelled for it. (2 ) There’s no city, state, or na tional law against copying another person’s examination paper. But a college student can be expelled for it. (3) There’s no city, state or na tional law against saying that something is rotten with govern ment. But a college student can be expelled for it. SO . . . (4) If there were no city, state or national law against drinking beer or wine . . . (You finish it; I haven't the nerve!) * * * Far be it from me to leave a wrong unrighted. I am informed by reliable parties that Chuck Stryker is NOT writing the synop ses which the Toastwich shop dis plays of Money and Banking as signments and that he has suf fered much embarrassment in Dean Gilbert’s class since this col umn proclaimed an untruth. Pro found apologies, Charles! promenade by carol hurlburt KiW/lth the exception of Peking ’ no other capital in the world equals Washington for the relent less brilliancy with which the spot light of public attention is fixed upon the comings and goings, the cocktail parties, and the amours of the petty people who run the official and social life of the cap ital of these United States." Washington Merry-Go-Round. * * * And so we turn to Washington. » * * The first business of the capital is politics. The second and only other business is social intrigue, The mad gay whirl of the inner circle is dominated by half a doz en middle-aged or aging ladies, known as "whip-crackers." The two most outstanding of these are Eleanor Medill Patterson, former ly Mrs. Eleanor Schlesinger, for merly Countess Gizycka. formerly Eleanor Medill Patterson, and Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Lungwort h. Mrs. Patterson is one of the most gifted women n the capital c the author of two book, and u editor of Hearst’s Washington [ Herald. Mrs. Longworth, widow of Nick Long-worth, former speaker of the house, is brilliant, if not gifted, and through the prestige of her position and the vitriol of her tongue dominates Washington’s ultra-fashionable .official group more completely than any other whip-cracker in the capital. * * * Now these two charming wo men are most essential to our story. It is around them that the! ' new changes will revolve. Mrs. Longworth. fifth cousin of the 1 president-elect, came out openly for Hoover. It is not likely that 1 the new president and his wife « will soon forget. Mrs. Patterson, j on the other hand, is the editor of t a Hearse paper. * * $ f The significance of these rela tionships lies in the fact that ever s since their debutante days Alice s and "Cissie.’’ as Eleanor Patter- i son is called, have carried on a 1 bitter and unremitting feud. , t It all began, according to Wash- t ington Merry-Go-Round, one night s when Cissie monopolized the time t of a young nobleman, keeping him r all to herself in an upstairs library of the Roosevelt home, after he had sat next to Alice at dinner. The next day Alice sent Cissie a thoughtful little note: “Dear Cissie: “Upon sweeping up the library this morning, the maid found sev eral hairpins which I thought you night need and which I am return ing. / Alice.” The answer was just as pointed: “Dear Alice: “Many thanks for the hair-pins, if you had looked on the chande lier you might also have sent back my shoes and chewing gum. Love, Cissie.” * * * While Alice Longworth now has i battle royal on her hands, she probably finds some modicum of satisfaction in the removal of Dol ly Curtis Gann from her officially high position. Time was when these two carried on a rivalry so intense as to scandalize almost the entire nation. Dolly Gann held that she, as half-sister of the vice president, should take precedence it dinner parties and official func tions over Alice Longworth, wife if the speaker of the house. Dolly .von. Dolly is a strapping, titian haired social climber from the Middle West. She tries to conceal her origin and her humble begin nings, but at the psychologically wrong moment flings her plump arms out and calls, “Come kiss me, Charlie.” * # Sji Both she and Ettie Garner have done their own cooking and bent over their own washtubs, but Et ;ie is a wallflower of a different ralibre. She has been earning her $325 a month as her husband’s secretary and caused a number of raised eyebrows by installing an jlectric stove in one of the rooms on the first floor of the capitol where she cooked favorite dishes for Jack. She continues to sort out his laundry and darn his socks. * sj: The vice-president is the chief diner out of the administration, but since most of the functions which he is forced to attend are stody and uninteresting affairs, it will make little difference whether lis wife is a social leader or mere ly the component of all the vir tues. 4* ♦ Whatever else the Roosevelt re gime is sure to bring, it will re place the Hoover formality with in aimosphere of informality in which the personality of the First ^ady will be felt as more than a repetition of that of her husband. Washington Bystander yEW YORK, N'ov. 14 (AP) -How will the new first lady eign over the White House? At a recent party at Hyde aPrk, Lome of the Franklin Roosevelts, guest looked on interestedly as drs. Roosevelt sat on the lawn, alking with animation. "A charming family,” said this riend, "and a charming hostess." It was a compliment spoken of woman whose social experience nd background include residence i two capitals - Albany, where she resides over the governor’s man ion, and Washington, her home uring the time her husband erved President Wilson as war itne assistant secretary of the avy. fahe t; no stranger to the White ^ House, once home of her uncle, the late Theodore Roosevelt, and friends expect her knowledge of I its social ways to be of value to | her in directing it during the next four years. Her reign, they pre dict, will be one of dignity re ! lieved by the proper measure of informality. She and Mr. Roosevelt probably will be the only continuous resi dent members of the family at the White House, friends believe, but often there will be family visitors, especially on holidays. 1 There arc four generations of j the family now living. Mrs. James Roosevelt is the president-elect’s : mother. The children a-c James Roosevelt, who married Betsey Cushing, daughter of Dr. Harvey Cushing, Boston brain specialist; ■ Elliott Roosevelt, whose wife is , the former Betty Donner, daugh ter of William Donner of Villanova. i Pa.; Mrs. Curtis E>. Dal!, who was Anna Eleanor Roosevelt; John, 16: | and Franklin, Jr., 18, both students at Groton. * * * Mr. and Mrs. James Roosevelt j have a daughter, Sarah Delano Roosevelt, aged eight months, and Mr. and Mrs. Dal!, a daughter, An na "Sistie” Eleanor, aged 5, and a son, Curtis “Buz-Buz” Roosevelt, : aged 2. “Sistie," who once wanted “to buy some money” at a shop in or der to help some poor children, is | expected to be a regular visitor at the White House, and the other | members of the family will be on the scene frequently. -The sons may expect advice when they desire it, no matter how busy their father, as indicated by an incident during the convention 1 when Elliott asked his father for I help on a business problem and received1 it at length despite the , exciting events in Chicago. * * * Another indication of the kind of family .that will soon occupy the White House is seen by friends in the marriage of Janies. He and his fiancee had dined frequently at a certain hotel. The head waiter had been attentive. On the date of their marriage James and Elliott, the best man, dashed to the hotel in their car. There they picked up the head waiter and sat him between the two of them and brought him to the wedding. “It was the happiest day of my life.” he said. Mrs. Dali is tall and blond, some what resembling her mother. She is active in civic affairs and made political speeches during the recent campaign. James also was active political ly, speaking in the east and in California. Franklin, Jr., and John are interested in athletics, and Franklin, Jr„ particularly is cred ited with political judgment. El liott is in the advertising business, James in the insurance business. * * * What Mrs. Roosevelt may do as to furnishings in the White House her friends do not know. At Al bany she installed new furniture, covered chairs with gay chintz and otherwise livened up the exec utive mansion. i--—-. The Safety Valve An Outlet for Campus Steam All communications are to be ad dressed to the editor, Oregon Daily Emerald, and should not exceed 200 I words in length. Letters must be j signed, but should the writer prefer, j only initials will be used. The editor maintains the right to withhold publi cation should he see fit. To the Editor of the Emerald: May I remind you that in spite of your long editorial of the other Tuesday you avoided answering my question—what place has the R. O. T. C. on the campus? Does its compulsory nature accord with the American ideal of personal lib erty? Is it tolerable in a nation that initiated the Kellogg-Briand pact ? “Backward ever backward’’ seems to epitomize your point of view. You parade the ghosts of the past before us to justify your position. Yet I doubt if you would be willing to return to the life and standards of Lincoln's time much less that of Napoleon or Julius Caesar. These men lived in a world far different from ours. War had not become the paramount evil that it is today. War, as late as Lincoln’s time, was chivalrous1 compared to modern warfare. It did not threaten the continuance of civilized living. Are we of the twentieth cen tury to remain servile to the out- , worn customs and standards of the past ages ? In an age of easy i ( communication, swift transporta- ; tion. and mass production with its insistent demand for greater; markets the traditions bf a dif-1 ferent age must be replaced by j ■ new ones which are in accord with ] modern conditions. Universities , should be ahead of the times in , this endeavor to bring our policies j , and actions up to date. Universi- , ties should train men to manage t national affairs and foreign rela- \ tions so as to make war a thing j of the past as soon as possible. The university should push back [ men’s horizons and make them t world-wide—provincialism is out c of date. It should point out the c greatness (and profitableness) of t courageous loyalty to the human j race as a whole rather than a nar- t row loyalty to one branch and the c futile attempt to profit perma- o nentlv Tt others expense n The K. O. T. C. interference with f Emerald Of the Air Winfield Atkinson, winner of the Jewett after-dinner speaking contest, by virtue of which he will represent’ the University in the state contest to be held in Port land on December 9. will deliver his winning talk over KORE on the Emerald-of-the-Air program at 12:15 today. It’s a WOW, folks, better get an ear-full! A continuation of the dramatic skit, “Mr, Bill and the Stroubles,” will come to you as usual this evening at 7:15. Did you hear Lenny Hoyt and his Royal Collegians yesterday? If you didn’t, you missed a red hot half hour of shin-tickling syn copation. Get the habit! Turn the dial! Listen to your Emerald-of-the Air. this program by fostering narrow patriotism and a pugnacious and distrustful attitude toward other nations. It also tends to mate re spectable militarism and the shame of war, and to make gulli ble young men anxious to try out the knowledge of warfare which the R. O. T. C. teaches. Where is the “revolt of youth" ? It is sadly lacking in our schools. American youth accepts compla cently the traditional dogmas in the fields of nationalism and econ omies. We never seem disturbed by the thought that we may be a lot of gullible asses. Chester E. Flory. B*OOK*S By JOHN GROSS 4 BROKEN JOURNEY—by Mor ley Callaghan (Scribner’s) Somewhere some reviewer has said that Morley Callaghan is a gifted writer who has never be come a novelist. The truth or the falsity of this statement must rest iargely with the individual reader in a consideration of this, the au thor’s latest published novel. Callaghan, because of his fre quent appearances in the “Mid land” and other western maga zines, is perhaps better known to many of us in this section of the country than other younger writ ers. And though his work is a cqntinuation and a projection of the hard-boiled sentimentalized at titude toward contemporary life, which has arisen somewhat earlier in the work of Hemingway, Faulk ner and other post-war novelists, he merits your recognition for the accasional flashes of brilliance and grace which permeate his best work. He is a writer with obvious sincerity and stylish charm. . But in “A Broken Journey” :here are glaring inconsistencies Df plot structure and characteri zation. They are faults which may no doubt be attributed in the main to superficial influences in herent in the central stream of contemporary American litera ture. If one feels admiration for the positive virtues of the novel ist (and it is difficult not to), there is the desire to overlook the peccadilloes committed by him. The author's theme is that of two women, mother and daughter, in love with the same man. Mrs. Gibbons, the mother, sex-starved and sex-obsessed (posterity will have no difficulty in recognizing the date of this book), confronts her daughter, Marion Gibbons, with her love for the young man in question, Peter Gould. So the first climax is reached. It is hardly timed. But Marion throws over her claims, and the mother makes her clumsy advances from which the bewildered young man retreats with confusion and some disgust. He retires to a quiet back-woods life with a parasitical ^ brothei', while the two women are left to fight out the issue on the lome front. But now Mrs. Gib oons, aware of her dishonesty and ler broken defences, discloses to ler daughter that she once lost a :me young feller because she waited too long, because she re fused to love, and after relieving ler mind she urges the daughter 0 go to the young man. She does mt finds she is too late, for the 1 °ung man has been seriously in iuied by a fall. He may never igain leave his bed. Marion, con sumed by her mother’s sensuality s driven finally into the arms of i young woodman, from which ihe emerges with loathing and lisgust. She makes her way lome and the book ends. the book should have' been a >owerful novel of fate, but it falls hort, perhaps through the amass ng' of false climaxes which fall ike wet sponges on the fevered •nd expectant brain of the reader for the plot is absorbing and po entially great i. perhaps through he fateful element itself which, hrough a too complete absorption >’ith modern technique, evolves ato an inferior quality of irony. But the book, for the virtues sted. is recommended. Callaghan as a clear vision and a compelling irectness which will undoubtedly arry him far. Had I not a dis aste for an argument on the sub let, I should say that the au iun s v*sion and uncompromising irectness is comparable with that f the earlier D. H. Lawrence nov !- though the approach is dif ;rent.