Nobody’s Business i, ' ® 9 T ▼ - By BRUCE HAMBY - /CRYSTAL W. BALL — Come " A home at once. All is forgiven. Shed a tear for poor Willard Jarvis, Paul Schissler’s high-step Crystal W. Ball ping halfback, who is under going agonies in the Corvallis Municipal hos pital. Covered with ice - water packs, he lies there, under the tender care of anxious phy sic i a n s who fear an attack of appendicitis. Oregon State publicity men are ripping oft reams of articles on poor Willard and the awful blow his loss will mean to the Beavers Saturday afternoon. * * * But this is not all! Poor little Willard is through all this for the second time. According to the memory of Dick Neuberger, who was covering high school sports for the Oregonian, Jarvis was in the hospital in 1930 to have his diseased appendix removed. Washington high school, Wil lard’s alma mater, was playing Commerce, already champions of the Portland interscholastic league, in the last game of the season. Jarvis, who was team captain, had been removed to the hospital a week before and a lad by the name of Virgil Marquardt was chosen leader of the Colonials. If memory serves right, the score in the game was 0 to 0. 't They say the third time is a charm. Maybe they'll really come out next year when Poor Paul (or will it be Paul?) needs him most. Oh, the Irony of life. * * * Following is a probable con versation between John Paul Schissler and Prince Gary Cal lison. It takes place before the big game: Schiss:Hello, Prink! I’m glad you’re here. Prink: (Taking off his ga loushas) Hello, Paul! Glad to be here. What a jolly place this is. Looks just like our old abandoned locker-room at Mc Arthur court (Vote 317 X No). Paul: Does it, Prink? I’m glad. (Vote 316 X Yes). Prink: How’s Jarvis, Paid? Paul: Fine, fine Oh! I mean the poor boy. Poor, poor lad. All ngiht his temperature was normal—Oh! I mean subnormal, abnormal. You know, Prink, how it is. Just like Bernie Hughes before the Santa Clara game. He was pretty sick, too, I bet. Huh ? Prink: Was he sick? Paul, you don’t know what I went through with that boy. Why, he pretty near had to be taken out in the last quarter. Say, isn’t that Jar vis out there returning punts? Paul: Oh! Dear me! It is! What shall I do ? They must have sent him away from the hospital. Oh! Dear! Those people fooling, saying he wouldn't be able to play. Prink, you don't know what I go through here. Prink: Nice field, Paul. Paul: Isn’t it, Prink? It was so firm last night we had to turn the fire-hoses on it. Prink: Fire-hoses? * * * Paul: And how's Mikulak to day? I’m glad to see he’s go ing to play. Prink: Why, he’s just fine. And how's Hal Moe? Paul: Who? Hal Moe? Why, let’s see. Is he in the hospital? No, I see him there. Guess he's all right. Prink: I always like to -see him play. I like his face. Bobby Morris: Come, come, boys. It’s time to start the game. Paul: T do hope you win to day, Prink. Prink: Yeah, good luck, Paul. Sound of Field Announcer from distance: Starting lineup for Oregon State college (at Corvallis): Jarvis, McIntosh, Ward, Franklin .... cheers from crowd drown out loud speaker. * * * Quick, Neuberger, get extradi tion papers! Look at what we just received! Little Crystal has i been found! OREGON DAILY EMERALD .... COLLECT. FORT MCMURRA Y. E D G E ARCTIC CIRCLE. MAN CLAIM ING TO BE CRYSTAL W. BALL OF EUGENE CAPTURED HERE TONIGHT BY WILDERNESS PATROL STOP FOUND MUT TERING THE ROOKS WILL WIN THE ROOKS WILL WIN ^fOP SIGNED STOP I FINDEM STOP NORTHWEST MOUNTED POLICE. Vote for Fred Fisk, Democratic candidate, for County Judge, Class of 1897, member of the Board of Regents, 1923-29. Paid Ad. •A, Yearlings Out To Break Tie Of First Tilt Schulz Announces Starting Frosli Lineup Stage Set for Opening Scene of Oregon-Oregon State Homecoming By ART DERBYSHIRE The University of Oregon Duck ling football team is in excellent shape for its annual clash with Irv Schulz the Oregon State Rooks on Hay ward field at 8:00^ o'clock to night in the game which will decide the state freshman foot ball crown. This game promises to be the great est naturaf of the season and will officially open Homecoming grid festivities between the two schools. The two yearling elevens bat tled to a scoreless tie two weeks ago. According to comparative dope, both teams are on equal footing, but previous scores and past games carry very little weight, when the two well oiled grid-machines meet in their sec ond “little-big civil war” game. Line Is Chosen The men who will start in the Oregon freshman forward wall have been chosen, but the back field berths are still open. In the line, Willie Torrence, the colored boy from LaGrande, is al most a certain starter at left end. Gordon Wright will start at the right wing. He is an exceptional ly fast defensive end. Dwight Nielson will start at left tackle, with Wilfred Byrne at right tackle. Byrne has a de cided edge because of his weight and driving power. Hahn Is Light John Lundin will start at the | left guard post. He has speed and is aggressive. Shorty Hahn will start at right guard. Although he weighs only 155 he is tough to get by. Hahn is one of the lightest linemen ever to play for the Ore gon freshmen. Jim Reed, ex-Salem high Star, will be at the pivot post. Whitten Arey will start at quarterback. Whit is a proficient blocker and the hardest tackier on the squad. Milligan Out standing Either Joe Gordon, who played on Jefferson’s state championship team, or Prank Michek will start at the left half berth. Stew Milligan, outstanding freshman back, will start at right half. Milligan is an excellent punter and passer. “Tuffy” Leeman, the million dol lar baby, will start at the full back post. Starting lineups: Oregon Frosh Torrence Nielson Lundin Reed Hahn Byrne Wright Arey Gordon Milligan Leeman LE LT LG C RG RT RE Q LH RH F... Oregon State Jessup . Rushing Rolfness . Myall McClurg Demining Shultz . Jowdy Joslin Makela . Tihila Waterproof Kaineoat Pill in Lost anti Fount! A valuable waterproof outer garment has been found and placed in the archives of the lost and found at the University depot. The person who owns this article may reclaim it by calling at the depot and identifying it. m A gripping tale of tang led lives . . . and loves! With flam ing excite ment and reckless abandon ukhard mm BARTHELMEtt 'CABIN inthsCOTTON* BETTE DAVIS DOROTHY JORDAN CLASSIFIED FOUND Man's wrist watch. Owner may have same by iden tifying and paying for ad. Call ; 338-W or 940. Gerald Blair. LOST Elgin wrist watch around i men’s gym. Call Meissner, 703. Reward. It’s P, J, Himself, Folks. Yes, indeed, it’s I'uul John Sehissler, Beaver mentor, who will wear the colors of Orange and Black when Oregon Stale meets Oregon in the annual “big game,” at Corvallis tomorrow afternoon. Last year P. <1. held the Webfoots to a scoreless tig, and he’s out after hlood on Bell field tomorrow. Eugene Griciders Defeat Corvallis High Eleven, 19-6 Fritz Kramer’s Prepper