tf mum r y EDITORIAL OFFICES, Journalism Bld«r. Phone 3300—New* Room. Local 355: Editor and ManaRin* Editor, Local 354. BUSINESS OFFICE. McArthur Court. Phone 3300—Local 214. Member Major ColleRe Publications Represented Nationally by A. J. Norris Hill Co. University of Oregon, Eugene Richard Neubergcr, Editor Harry Schenk. Manager Sterling Oreen, Managing Editor EDITORIAL STAFF Thornton Gale, Assoc. Ed. Jack Bollinifcr, Ed, Writer Dave Wilson, Ed. Writer UPPER NEWS STAFF Betty Anne Macduff, Asst. Mg. Ed. Oscar Mlinger, News Ed. Bruce Hamby, Sports Ed. Parks Hitchcock, Makeup Ed. John (irons, Literary hid. Hob Guild, Dramatics Ed. Jessie Steele, Women's Ed. Esther Hayden, Society Ed. Kay Clapp. Radio Ed. l,esiie uunwn, ^niei tu. DAY EDITORS: Bob Patterson. Margaret Bean, Francis Pal lister. Virginia Wentz, Joe Saslavsky. NIGHT EDITORS: Bob Moore, Russell Woodward, John Hollo peter. Bill Actzel, Bob Couch. SPORTS STAFF: Malcolm Bauer, Asst. Ed.; Ned Simpson, Dud Lindned, Bob Riddle, Ben Back. REPORTERS: Julian Prescott, Don Caswell, Ilazle Corrigan, Madeline Gilbert. Betty Allen, Ray Clapp, Ed Stanley. Mary Schaefer, Lucile Chapin, David Eyre, Bob Guild, Paul Ewing, Fairfax Roberts, Cynthia Liljequist. Ann Reed Burns, Peggy Chessman. Margaret Veness, Ruth King, Barney Clark, George Callas, Bety Ohlemiller. COPYREADERS: Harold Brower, Twyla Stockton, Nancy Lee, Margaret Hill, Edna Murphy, Monte Brown, Mary Jane Jenkins, Roberta Pickard. Marjorie McNiece, Betty Powell, Bob Thurston, Marian Aehterman, Hilda Gillam, Eleanor Norblad. Roberta Moody, Jane Opsund, Frances Rothwell. Bill Hall, Caroline Rogers, Henriette Harak. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Gladys Gillespie. Virginia Howard, Francis Neth, Margaret Corum, Georgina Gildez, Dorothy Austin, Virginia Proctor, Catherine Gribble, Helen Emery, Mega Means, Helen Taylor, Merle Codings, Mildred Maida, Evelyn Schmidt. RADIO STAFF: Ray Clapp, Editor; Benson Allen, Harold GeBauer, Michael Hogan. BUSINESS STAFF Advertiaing Mgr., Hal E. Short National Adv. Mgr., Auten Bush Promotional Adv. Mgr., Mahr Reymers Asst. Adv. Mgr., Ed .Meserve Asst. Adv. Mgr., Gil Wellington Circulation Mgr., GrantTheum mcl Office Mtfr., Helen Stinger Class. Ad. Mgr., Althea Peterson Sez Sue, Caroline Hahn Sez Sue Asst., Louise Rice ADVERTISING ASSISTANTS: Lurry Ford, Gent* F. Tomlin uon, DhIo Fisher, Anne Chapman, Tom Holeman, Bill Mc Call, Ruth Van nice, George Butler, Fred Fisher, Rhone Rue, Ed Labbe, Bill Temple, Eldon Haberman. OFFICE ASSISTANTS: Patricia Campbell, Kay Diaher, Kath ryn Greenwood, Catherine Kelley, Jane Bishop, Fima Giles. Eugenia Hunt, Mary Starbuck, Ruth Byerly, Mary Jane Jenkins, Willa Ritz, Janet Howard. The Oregon Daily Emerald, official publication of the Abho ciated Students of the University of Oregon, Eugene, issued daily except Sunday and Monday, during the college year. Mem ber of the Pacific Intercollegiate Press. Entered in the post office at Eugene, Oregon, as second class matter. Subscription rates $2.50 a year. Advertising rates upon application. Phone Manager: Office, Local 214; residencce, 2800. LOOKING FORWARDS AND BACKWARDS THE POLITICAL embroglio between Bill Bow erman and Bob Hall resolves itself into a few vital points. Briefly summarized, they follow: 1. Bowerman wanted to be chairman of the athletic committee and asked Hall for that appointment on the basis of his football record and interest in sports in general. 2. For unannounced reasons, Hall saw fit to take over the chairmanship of the ath letic committee himself. 3. This left Bowerman heading no com mittee for the time being. He subsequently was named chairman of the music commit tee. 4. Rankled by this, and disturbed'because Hall had allegedly not consulted him on A. S. U. O. appointments, Bowerman complained of Hall’s methods in a statement to the Emerald. Obviously, Bowerman was within his rights when he asked Hall to consider him for the chair manship of the athletic committee. His notable athletic record speaks for itself. Just as obviously, Hall did no wrong when he kept the chairmanship lor himself. Though not as outstanding an athlete as Bowerman, he is a letterman and is not unfa miliar with the sports situation. * * # In our opinion, Hall made his mistake when he appointed Bowerman head of the music committee. It is easy to imagine a big six-footer like Bill Bow erman, who raced 89 yards with a ball under his arm against the Washington Huskies, getting hot under the collar when presented with the chairman ship of the music committee after he had asked for a similar position on the athletic board. It is no disgrace to be chairman of the music committee, rather it is an honor. But Bill Bower man admits he never has been interested in music, says he does not think he was qualified for the position, and deplores the situation in general. To get down to bed-rock, neither Bowerman nor Hall is greatly at fault. The former was privi leged to request the chairmanship of the athletic committee, although it was Hall’s prerogative to bestow it upon whom lie pleased. Hall was doing nothing out of the way when he named himself athletic chairman. It has been a precedent for the student body president to occupy that post. * * * But why Bill Bowerman was named music chairman must ever remain a mystery if we are to explain it. Bowerman himself cannot account for it. Certainly he must feel on foreign soil when he heads a group that must outline the winter term concert program. No teacher in the music school could feel more out of place trying to call signals for Bill on the football field. The entire-affair is over now, and it easily can be forgotten. But it has accomplished one good. It has pointed out a grievous fallacy in our present form of student government. Bill Bowerman, who fearlessly comes into the open and lays his cards on the table, says lie is not fitted to be chairman of an A. S. U. O. committee of which he is chair man. This is nothing against Mr. Bowerman. whose talent lies along other lines. There are other A. S. U. O. committees how well suited is their personnel? Politics play a de plorably large part in student affairs on this cam pus. A man who does things on the merits of the situation generally finds himself out in the cold. A man who speaks his niand and has the courage of his convictious doesn't get to first base. A can didate must pick John Jones as a running mate, not because Joint Jones is qualified for the posi tion, but because John Jones has nine houses behind him, and nine houses can swing an election. Bill Bowerman has done the student-body a ser vice in arousing interest in a situation that was al most on the point of being forgotten. He has brought to the attention ol the student-body cir cumstances that are a powerful argument for the student parliament. »- * * A parliament without power, a parliament merely on trial, might not be ..uch a bad enperi ment. We recommend the following general rules if the parliament be re-convened: 1. That there be two delegates from each house. That the house president and another upper-classman, to be elected by the house, be these delegates. 2. That the Emerald, specified honoraries, the Yeomen, dormitories, and other recog nized groups have the same representation they had last term. 3. That the presiding officer of the parlia ment be elected by the members. 4. That the steering committee outline the procedure for the body and decide upon discussion topics. 5. That the president of the A. S. U. O. head the steering committee. 6. That the president of the A. S. U. O. and the retiring chairman of the parliament, namely, Arthur Potwlft, collaborate in ap pointing a steering committee of nine per sons. 7. That the body be given no executive power WHATSOEVER until its worth has been proved. That the end of the spring of 1933 be the earliest date at which it can ask for power. 8. That all present student officers be members of the parliament. Under such an arrangement, the group can be given a definite trial. Any radical outbreaks or unwise moves would mean its instant abandon ment. There would be many obvious advantages. For example, take the situation of yesterday. If Bill Bowerman was not satisfied with Bob Hall’s management of student affairs, he would only have to go before the steering committee and ask for a discussion of the problem before the parliament. The matter then would be considered by the com mittee, and brought before the parliament as new business, provided the committee saw fit to recom mend such. # * * If the parliament succeeds, the students can thank Bill Bowerman for indirectly calling atten tion to its possible advantages. If it fails, there will be no hair off anyone’s head, and we can sit down and think of some other remedy. R. H. ROBNETT, PHI BETA KAPPA HIS DIFFICULT task is to handle all the routine responsibilities of the Associated Students’ business office. The affairs of virtually every A. S. U. O. committee and group are checked and followed by him. Long ledgers of figures and sta tistics are kept by him with painstaking care. He is one of the most valuable men in the employ of the Associated Students of the University of Ore gon. This editorial refers specifically to Ronald H. Robnett, assistant graduate manager. He is the hub of the wheel that turns the Associated Stu dents’ machinery. His files contain the complete records of the activities of the student body since the association was formed. At his finger tips is all the information ever required from his office. Methodically and efficiently, he fills a position that demands constant attention and conscientious ef fort. Robnett is a graduate of the University. He ! understands student problems and student affairs. Possessor of a keen analytical mind, he wears a Phi Beta Kappa key from his watch chain and is one of the most brilliant men ever to have matri culated here. Seldom does he occupy the center of attention, and never does he ask for it. This term he has cooperated splendidly with the Emerald in the conducting of its affairs. The administration of the paper appreciates that fact. This editorial is published as a testimony of that appreciation. - YOUTH FACES THE PRESENT LATELY it has been the habit of many employ ers, particularly those who never saw the in side of a college, to question the value of a college education. They point with something like pride to the records made by many of their employees who were not college men. It is not the purpose of this editorial to debate the point whether or not university training makes happier plumbers, or better plumbers, or plumbers more useful to society. Most people believe that a liberal education does not help in preparation for the technical trades. But to the man whose contacts in life are broad, a conception of the arts is invaluable. In the strictly technical sense, a knowledge of Shakespeare would not help the chemist. It is unnecessary to point out that only part of his life is spent in the laboratory. The rest of it must be lived as well, and whether or not he intends to spend it in a test tube or diversify his interests is entirely up to him. It has been a rather discouraging prospect that I has faced recent college graduates. Reports from various universities show that from only 10 per cent to 50 per cent of last year's graduates have found positions. The encouraging feature of the situation lies in the fact tha many of those em | ployed have returned to college for further train ! ing, realizing the advantages of a liberal education. 25 YEARS IS A LONG 11 AIK TWENTY-FIVE years is a long time. Most of you haven't lived that long. Twenty-five years ago Professor Herbert Crombie Howe was teach ing Wordsworth classes over in Villard hall, just as he is at 2 o'clock every afternoon now. In that class back in 1907 sat students much the same as those who sit there in 1932. The boys wore Tom Swift suits and the girls were dressed in petticoats to the floor, but otherwise there was not much dif ference. And Professor Howe talked of the artistry and word-paintings of William Wordsworth and de scribed the places the immortal poet visited. A | member of that class was a girl who this week ' sent Professor Howe a post-card from England telling him she had just seen the places described ; 25 years ago in the old classroom in Villard hall. Twenty-five years is a long time. Almost a middle-aged woman now. that girl of long ago was so impressed by Professor Howe's lectures that a | quarter of a century later she recalled them in ‘ England. That is a remarkable tribute to a course and the man who teaches it. When a lecture sup | vives for 25 years, it is a lecture of which its de livers! can be proud. Twenty-five years is a long time. Dr. George Finley Bovard, president emeritus of the University of Southern California, who was head of the In titution from 1903 to 1921 died last month. Is Your Dad Coming? By KEN FERGUSON CAMPUS CARAVAN —-By DAVE WILSON_ sometmng wormier or campus attention than our daily dog-fights. Civil war has flared up between the high priests of student government. Bill Bowerman, the vice-prexy. laid down a strong paper barrage against “Hitler" Hall, A. S. U. O. president, in yesterday’s Emerald. Hall is keeping his big guns under wraps, clutching the four port folios he holds in the University cabinet with a firm grip. The stu dent parliament will meet to ap point the seconds and choose the weapons. * * * “Vote on, vote on, for mighty Bobby Hall. “Speaking of votes, we’ll get them all . . . "We'll drink another one for Bill Bow-er-mun.” Where are the songs of yester year? * * * Looking at the bright side of things .... Bill’s the first student body officer we ever heard admit that he didn’t have anything worth while to do. * * * “He appointed me chairman of the music committee, and I don’t know anything about music,” Bill sobbed. Shucks, boy, music’s a nice field. Stick around and learn about it. * * * “Cap” Roberts, senior man, offers to trade Bill his forensic committee chairmanship for the musical chair. Bill can’t say he doesn't know anything about de bating after writing yesterday’s manifesto. Of course, it was just a coinci dence that Bowerman left town with the football team yesterday arternoon. But perhaps we d bet ter leave a remark like that to Hitchcock’s column. “Moonbeams, Kiss Him for Me!” * » * Of. course, Bob can’t call the student parliament into session. That’s one thing he has no author ity to do. Since Art Potwin, par liament chairman last spring, is now with us in only an ex-officio capacity, control of the parliament falls to Bob Miller, veteran “be hind-the-throne" politico and chairman of the steering commit tee for the parliament. * * # Miller says he wants a Bower man vs. Hall debate at the first session. Plans are to move the meeting from Guild hall to Mc Arthur court, where there’s room to set up a ring. Reserved seats go on sale Monday at the Co-op. Enough of that! Dear old Jerry-the-Cop! He’s happy now. Saw him right back in action yesterday P. M., forcing a poor student driver to the 13th avenue curb with wide waves of the hand, holding up traffic both ways. Isn’t the Law majestic ? Went down and looked over the dear old Campa Shoppe last night. All the broken glass will be inside the building from now on. We were afraid the remodelers would jack up that bump in the floor and run a new building under it. The thing’s traditional, just like the Oregon seal and the senior bench. * * * “The Old Fudger,” who writes a column for the O. S. C. “Baro meter” that looks like an oasis in a journalistic desert, says nice things about us. Thanks, boy. We may let you on the staff after we take over your sheet. promenade by carol hurlburt I u'T’HF mill-race is running aw fully cold this morning.” A stern masculine voice bit the words off tersely. “What do you mean by putting me in Promenade . . . wearing a black derby?” Ray Force telephoned me at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, rous ing me out of a soft warm bed, ! just to tell me about the mill-race. Furthermore, he has threatened and promised to throw me in. Last spring when Dick Neu berger asked me to write a fash ion column, I thought. "At last, a safe job. No chance to make pro fessors angry (Dr. Lesch has been ! cutting me for the last two years t; no chance for small town lawyers i to sue me for libel; no chance for girls to become hysterical and shriek epithets; no chance for be ing fired. And now comes Mr. Force. “You'd better wear your bath ing suit or old clothes for the next few days." "Are you awfully angry?" “No. but I'm pretty griped." He chewed the words. "And if you ever put my name in the paper again. I 'll take you to Crater Lake and make you walk home." The most practical thing in lm gerie, then, is a bathing suit. After wearing one all yesterday morning, I1 should say that Mr. Force al ready had his revenge. But if he wishes to cope with a woman's wits and flirt with the Power of the Press, then let him consider this as a challenge. * * * But to get to our fashions! Word cpmes back from the Riviera that all of the bronzed young athletes are wearing polo shirts of a bril liant canary yellow, which is ex ceedingly becoming to a tanned skin. To add prestige to the yel low polo shirt, that Swedish Gus tafson girl, better known in these parts as Garbo, Woman of Mys tery, embarked on her immortal, "Ay Tank Ay Go Home" voyage in one. If you are clever at ascer taining the ups and downs of your fashion market, you will decide that one of these canary-colored shirts is a good investment. I suggest that the men wear theirs with a pair of oxford grey flannel trousers and that the co-ed wear hers with a skirt of grey or deep brown. * * « You of the fair sex who are tall and gaze with envy upon your shorter rivals, listen and attend. A shoe has been designed, inspired by the footwear of slight and lithesome Chinese maidens, which is so constructed as to take two or three inches off your height. Instead of the exaggerated curve of a high French heel, these new :-l'occ arc in the back, getting rid entirely of that bulge at the stern of the shoe. An exotic pair is created as a sandal of black velvet and moire, narrowly piped in silver and gold. We Select for Promenade: Rob ert Guild, Ned Simpson, and Dick , Neuberger, because they have: promised to protect me from the \ vengeful Mr. Force. i Moonbeams By PARKS (TOMMY) HITCHCOCK Today’s big feature: Our own peroxide contest sponsored by none other than Romy DePittard, who stole last year’s prize-winner. The following contestants are in the field. Place an X opposite your favorite and turn in to Emerald. Sigrid Marion Christ Dorothy Anne Clark Marion Sheldon Bart Siegfried Helen Margot Larson Romano Louise Grosser Helen Martini Hall Dorothy Frances Roberts Elizabeth Powers William Bry Sievers Elsie Billie Burke Lucille Betty Stewart Walter J. Gray Virginia Mae Kibbee George LoVictor Hibbard Crissie Audrey Burlingame * * * And speaking of peroxide, some of the boys caught Jean Frasier applying bleaching preparation to her hair to see what it would be like. Wouldn’t work, though. Too brunette. We suggest that Ross (Elephan tiasus) Bates steps into it this week-end. Bill will probably be off to Moscow. Somebody went up to the Chi Psi front door the other day and rang the bell. A couple of Chi O frosh answered the door. They were the only ones on the lower floor. Queer. Well, what’s this about Wally Hug and Clark Thompson work ing down at the swimming meets the other night? They were in a state of semi-nudity when in comes Theta P. C. leading other mem bers of her famous tong. It ap pears the girls had wandered down from upstairs in Gerlinger where the Get Wise party was in full swing only to find these two virile chaps. Screamed a lot, too. What's this we hear about Doc Huestis, little Mandolin Gilbert and Jimmy Brooke going out into the country hunting for bedbugs i the other week-end. Didn’t get a j one. Pretty poor for a dean's daughter. * * * What's this wild tale about Jack Rae and Sam Shank inves tigating the court records down town ? Well, well! We see where Jay Russell Wilson and William War ren Gearhart are economizing on the pigging situation. They go around to the sororities every Sat urday night and play bridge. Took in the Chi O's last Saturday. Well, the SPE frosh took it on the lam the other night. They were heading for Portland but they only got to Junction City. Ran out of gas or something. We sec Jakie Stahl isn't around the Kappa house so much this term. We see Dorothy Madeline E^ch is getting a great kick out of vearing Shanghai Lil's earrings ip at the Tri-Delt tong. Incident illy, the Shanghai girl swears in Chinese up there when things Jon’t go right. * * * A certain person informs us hat Edmund Evarts Charles is :he recipient of several letters giv ng advice to the lovelorn and :imely hints on how to make a jublic address. • * * And Mahr Reymers! He was seen on the night of Wednesday, :he 18th, at 9:50 on the corner of L2th and Alder kissing a very cer :ain brunette Chi O. No, we won’t lay who. Ask Mahr. * * * Where were Anderson and Elsie Peterson last Sunday night ? * * * The great Myron Fletcher Pink staff is at it again. It is rumored :hat he was doing some double lating with some Washington Tri Delts the other day. * * * We’ve been wondering for a long .ime when the Fijis collected that )et from Tommy. (After the UCLA game) Washington * Bystander f By HERBERT PLUMMER WASHINGTON, D. C., Oct. 20. ** (AP) — New Hampshire’s senior senator, the witty sharp tongued George Moses usually tomes first to mind when mention is made of the Green Mountain state’s representation in the sen ate. ind satire are responsible for that. Moses' witticisms, wisecracks New Hampshire’s other senator, elected the same time as Moses and who has served only four months less than he—Henry Wild er Keyes—is not only less general ly known, but perhaps is as little known nationally as any of the senators. Senator Keyes, 69 years old, flo rid-faced and with hair almost white, makes few attempts to step into the’ limelight of the senate. He has served 14 years in that body, is secure in his seat until 1937, but it is a rare thing for him :o make a speech. To see Keyes in action it is nec jssary to drop in on a meeting of the committee on public buildings ind grounds. As chairman he does most of his talking there. Keyes might also be seen in ac tion later this fall when Harvard ind Yale play their annual foot ball game. He’ll be there doing a lot of talking—for Harvard. He hasn’t missed a Yale-Har vard game in years. As a matter of fact, for the last 40 years he seldom has missed an important athletic event in which Harvard took part. His physique still bears evidence of his days as an athlete. At Adams academy, where he took his preparatory work, he estab lished an interscholastic record for that time of 5 feet, 10 1-2 inches for the running high jump. At Harvard he was a quarter mile runner and a member of the football squad. Rowing, however, was his specialty. * * * Wealthy, he is proud of being a farmer. In the senate he is an authority on agricultural questions and still makes his home on the farm his father founded in the fertile valley of the Connecticut river. One of his hobbies is persuading New Hampshire boys to remain in their home state instead of migrat ing to metropolitan centers. A Decade Ago From Daily Emerald October 21, 1922 Once All Wet . . .? Some of the older residents of Eugene say that the journalism plot used to be the old river bed of the Willamette, which accounts for the depth of the soil. A new building for the U. of O. school of medicine is to be dedi cated October 27. The Multnomah county hospital will be completed during the course of the year. * * * That Vagabond Poet Vachel Lindsay, America’s “tramp poet” or “jazz poet,” will be with us in Villard hall, Oct. 28, to chant his world famous lines, according to word received today by Dean E. W. Allen, of the school of journalism. # * * Twelve people are employed in the printing department of the University Press, and a 24 hour day is observed, someone being employed in the shop at all hours. * * # On Dangerous Ground Reluctant to touch on any phase of the International questions in the countries of the Orient which would likely be interpreted in glar ing headlines by certain newspa pers as bearing on the so-called Yellow' Peril subject, Harold New ton, U. of O. grad, Sigma Delta Chi alumni, and at present Ameri can vice-consul at Kobe, Japan, spoke before several campus class es today. Vote 314-X-Yes — Free Public Schools, OPEN to all, GOOD enough for all, and ATTENDED by all. When you’ve slept through breakfast AND you want something quick and nourishing—try a bowl of Kellogg’s Rice Krispies with milk or cream and sliced bananas. These toasted rice bubbles are so crisp they crackle. And they are rich in energy that’s quickly digested! Enjoy Rice Krispies for lunch and feel fitter. Fine for a late snack around bed time. So much better than heavy, hot dishes. All restaurants have Rice Krispies. Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. • The most popular cereals served in the dining-rooms of Ameri can colleges, eating clubs and fraternities are made by Kellogg in Battle Creek. They include All-Bran, PEP Bran Flakes, Corn Flakes, Wheal Krumbles, and Kellogg's whole wheat Biscuit. Also Kaffee Hag Coffee—real coffee that lets you sleep.