VOLUME XXXIV UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, EUGENE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1932 NUMBER 10 CAMPUS TO VOTE ON NATIONAL CANDIDATES Judge Harris Urges Students To Defeat Bill Conduct of Students To Influence Voters VOTING NOVEMBER 8 Zorn-Macpherson Grab Plan Is Raid on Taxpayers’ Money in Every Part of State Watch your conduct, students. It will go far in influencing the vot ers of the state when they cast their ballot November 8. That was the point stressed in Judge Law rence T. Harris’ address to 1,500 students and faculty members at an assembly in McArthur court yesterday “You students,” said Judge Har ris, “can do much to make the defeat of the Zorn-Macpherson bill an overwhelming one. You can do much not only in what you do, but in what you refrain from doing.” Student Conduct Important Judge Harris cited the Oregon Oregon State football game on November 5 as a time when pro ponents of the school messing bill will be stalking Oregon students in an attempt to pin some case of misconduct or violence upon them. Judge Harris, a graduate in the class of '93, gave an interesting and accurate history of the school. He told of the hardships and sac rifices endured by Lane county people in raising the money neces sary to build Deady hall. The state of Oregon had a contract with the citizens of Lane county, Judge Harris said, that the Uni versity should be permanently lo cated in Eugene if Lane county people provided the first building. The word permanent may be found in state records, he stated. Fallacies Pointed Out Judge Harris continued in his talk to point out the fallacies used in campaigning by the backers of Zorn-Macpherson grab bill. He showed financial losses that would be. realized in every section of the state should the bill be passed. Art Potwin, director of the stu dent anti-merger campaign, intro duced Judge Harris. Potwin also explained the method to be used by students in sending out 20,000 postcards to voters in the state, urging them to fight the attack on Oregon’s schools 'of higher education. Infirmary Not Passed Up by the Depression Not to be outdone by the well known depression, the stock of the infirmary dropped to a new low yesterday with only one student, Ejner Nielsen, on hand. The nurses, not having anything bet ter to do, are playing solitaire, and waiting for the depression to break. Dr. Fred N. Miller, of the Uni versity health service, blames the drop on the fine fall weather, but intimated that with the first drop of rain, the infirmary depression would break—for the worse. Football Rally at Station Sends Off Confident Team A small but enthusiastic crowd attended the rally at the Southern Pacific station yester day, when the football squad entrained for its game with Idaho Saturday. The team ap peared in good spirits and was confident of victory. The band aided in giving the squad a rousing send - off, when the train pulled out at 4:20. Cecil Espy, head of the rally committee, expressed himself as extremely dissatisfied with the small number that attend ed, and urged that all students be present at future rallies as an indication of their support of the team. Car Problem Will Be Discussed at Faculty Meeting Automobile Retraction To Be Interpreted at Joint Meeting Today Faculty automobile enforcement boards of the University of Ore gon and Oregon State college ^ill meet today in a joint session. The meeting is scheduled for 10 o’clock this morning in Johnson hall. The purpose of the meeting is to interpret the recent retraction of strict automobile prohibition by the state board of higher educa tion in favor of a modified con trol, and to draw up uniform plans of enforcement under the new rul ings. A similar meeting was held on the Oregon State campus October 12, at which time mutual problems of the two bodies were discussed. The two boards plan to work on a cooperative basis for the balance of the year. Members of the O. S. C. board include: C. V. Ruzek, D. T. Orde man, Bob Glenn, and U. G. Du back, dean of men, who acts in an advisory capacity. Members of the Oregon board who will attend the meeting are Carlton E. Spencer, chairman, L. Kenneth Shumaker, and Ralph W. Leighton, regular members. Virgil D. Earl, dean of men, will also at tend the meeting of the two exe cutive boards. Wesley Club Sponsors Mystery Party Tonight The Wesley club will sponsor a “Mystery Party’’ this evening at 8 o’clock. The affair is to take the form of a Hallowe’en party, with decorations, entertainment, and refreshments all in keeping with the Hallowe’en idea, accord ing to Eula Loomis, who is in charge. As the party is to be held out of town, all who desire to attend are asked to be at the First Meth odist church promptly at 8 o’clock, Miss Loomis said. The principal mystery concerns the place where the party is to be held. All uni versity students are invited to at tend the affair. Violet Adams, assisted by John Crocket and Verne Adams, is in charge of decorations. Juliet Glen Commands Poetic And Melodic Line at Concert By S. STEPHENSON SMITH How grateful to hear a singer who commands the poetic no less than the melodic line! Juliet Glen, lyric soprano, presented last night in concert at the Music auditorium by Mu Phi Epsilon, had a really distinguished delivery for French chansons and German lieder; and she was able to blend together the verse and the musical “line” with out any apparent effort. This is more than perfect dic tion, for Miss Glen can convey the feeling and mood of the poet ry, at the same time controlling her tonal volumes and bringing forth the exact timbre of voice suited to each mood. She showed also a versatile command of a wide variety of material, in which she was admirably supported by John Stark Evans at the piano. Beginning with a sprightly Schubert lied. Die Forelle, Miss Glen developed more sustained tones in Schumann's Der Nuss baum. The pensive mood of Brahms’ Feldeinsamkeit was fol lowed by the quick dramatic lift of the same composer’s Meine Liebe ist Gruen. Then came four French chansons, the third of which, Offenbach's Chanson de Fortunio, first gave us a hint of the lively musical wit which Miss 1 Glen commands.—Though curious ly enough, the inimitable Keckheit, or delightful nimble impudence of : her teacher, that great charmer, ! Emma Calve, came out, I thought, more clearly when Miss Glen gave a perfect 18th century reading of ■ Arne’s Lass with the Delicate Air. Miss Glen showed indeed both power and grace throughout, espe cially perhaps in her three Grieg numbers, where her readings were I full of true feeling and genuine dramatic sense. Her tones throughout had - authority; her lower and middle registers were strong and sustained; while her ' high tones were rounded, full, and brilliant. A singer who shows so (Continued on Page Four) Campus Leaders Cite Merits of Candidates Potwin, Oliver and Reedy speak for Hoover. Roosevelt and Thomas as Emerald announces holding of straw poll to determine University opinion; salient points of speeches set forth. HERBERT HOOVER * * * By ARTHUR POTWIN PRESIDENT HOOVER’S admin istration has been confronted with more chaotic disturbances and more perplexing problems than have ever been encountered by a peace-time president. A gigantic business depression, ori ginating in foreign lands, swept over to American shores. The most serious stock market collapse of all time was followed by social revolutions in 18 countries. Great Britain and other great nations abandoned the gold standard. The results have been shown in un paralleled depression in agricul ture, industry, and in the general economic world. These world-wide troubles have come as a natural after-effect of a great world war; and are beyond the control of any man or group of men. * * * President Hoover did not at tempt to flatter his country and his people by smoothing over the difficulties, and attempting to os tensibly aid the appearance of the nation. Rather did he strike di rectly at their source, probing deeply into the heart of the wound to check the onslought right where the trouble began. Sound in his principles of economics, President Hoover has undertaken the following program of recon struction: Suspension of the Na tional Credit association and the Railroad Credit corporation, in creased the capital of the Federal Land banks and enlarged the (Continued on Paye Three) FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT • * *. By ROBERT T. OLIVER TT is generally admitted that this 4 is a “Democratic year.” Even those who foresee the election of Hoover at least admit that the Democratic strength this year is stronger than it has been at any time since 1912. It remains for us to examine the reasons for the Democratic boom, and to deter mine whether those reasons are sufficient to persuade us to vote Democratic. To me, they are. The Republic election tactics have developed into one enormous effort to convince the country that Hoover is a strong, silent, capable executive who is being martyred to the depression. Lately even Hoover has been breaking his-si lence to tell the country he be lieves that, too. The picture held up to the public gaze is that of a desperately struggling man over borne by forces outside of his com mand and greater than he can bear. The appeal is for a strong sympathy vote. However, the ap peal is not getting over. If we ac cept the reasoning of the Republi cans, the best candidate would be a total incompetent, whose weak ness might be even more evident than Hoover’s. But the country needs strength, not weakness, and results, not alibis. * * * Why should Hoover be defeat ed? There are two general rea sons which any political scientist must endorse. One is that the Re publicans for three elections past (Continued on Page Three) NORMAN THOMAS • • • By ROLLA REEDY TVTO WORD has been more abused and misunderstood than the word Socialist, and the fog may better be cleared away now than later. Let it be under stood then that the Socialist is not an anarchist; the two are op posed in theory and practice. Fur thermore, the Socialist does not propose to destroy the family, abolish religion, or divide up property, nor does he seek to establish his ideas by riot and bloodshed. In brief, Socialism means: — (1) Public ownership of public utilities and basic industries. (2) An opportunity to work guaranteed to every man who will, and (3) Returning to labor sufficient in purchasing power to buy back the goods it has produced. Socialism is merely a scientific plan for the organization of econ omic relation. * * * Upon such a basis of under standing then I may outline the reasons why an intelligent voter should support the Socialist party and its candidate for the presi dency, Norman Thomas. Notwithstanding the "whistling thru - the - graveyard" attitude of the two major parties in this cam paign, thinking men realize that we are not yet out of the woods. There is a general consciousness that though we may blunder out of the depths of this depression, (Continued on Page Tlirtc) Evans To Feature Northern Music Scandinavian music, with the exception of an “Aria” by Bach, will be featured on next Sunday’s twilight organ concert, states John Stark Evans, University or ganist. This concert will be given in the music auditorium at 5 o’clock Sunday, October 23. Of special interest will be the presentation of a group of Scan dinavian folk tunes which were supplied Professor Evans through the courtesy of H. P. Markusen. Professor Evans has improvised an organ number using these folk tunes as thematic material. Also, by special request, Torge sen’s “To the Rising Sun” will be played. Endeavor To Discuss Eighteenth Amendment The Young People’s Christian Endeavor society at the First Christian church, 11th and Oak streets, will have a discussion con cerning the 18th amendment at 6:15 next Sunday. Myrtle Upton will lead the dis cussion on the subject, "What at tempts have been made to solve the liquor question, and with what results?” The advantages and disadvantages of five methods that have been tried: open saloon, local option, state rights, govern ment control, and national prohi bition, will be pointed out. Students are invited to attend. OSC and UO To Have Similar Registrar Plan E. B. Lemon, registrar of Ore gon State college, was on the campus yesterday working on a standardization of the forms and systems of the two schools. Under the new plan, all of the recording methods will be made alike so as to facilitate the inter changeability of students, execu tives, and employees. Under the unification system of higher edu cation in use this year, this be comes necessary due to the closei connection of the two schools. Phi Chi Theta To Give Formal Tea Saturday Phi Chi Theta, women’s nation al business administration honor ary, will entertain the business administration faculty wives and the women students with a formal tea at Gerlinger hall Saturday, October 22, from 3 to 5 o’clock. Mrs. Harrison Val Hoyt, Mrs. Alice B. Macduff, Mrs. John Rae, Mrs. Alfred L. Lomax, and Mary ellyn Bradford, president of the or ganization, will receive. Alumnae members will aid in the serving. Streiff Will Speak on Socialism at Meeting Albert H. Streiff of Portland will deliver a speech on "What Socialism Is and Is Not,” Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock in Villard hall. Mr. Streiff ran for governor in 1930 on the Socialist ticket and is now running for congress man of the second district. His talk will be an educational ex planation of the Socialist plan for economic reconstruction covering the ultimate goal and immediate plans of the party. The meeting is being sponsored by the campus "Thomas for Presi dent” club. Both students and Eugene people are invited to at tend. Scholarship Awards Presented to Houses — The Sigma Nu scholarship plaque, presented every fall by Oregon alumni of Sigma Nu to the fraternity which has maintained the highest scholastic rating dur ing the preceding year, was pre sented by Major Roscius Back of the University R. O. T. C. unit to I the Sigma Pi Tau fraternity. Har ry Schenk, president of the house, accepted the award. Kappa Alpha Theta sorority won the Chi Omega cup for the wo men’s organization having a simi lar record. Anne Kistner received the cup in behalf of Kappa Alpha Theta, from Barbara Conly, Chi Omega house president. Thespians Elect Jenkins as Prexy Thespians, freshman women’s honorary, elected officers at their meeting last night. Those elected were: president, Mary Jane Jen kins; vice-president, Peggy Chess man; and secretary, Eleanor Nor blad. The Thespians are to serve at the Dad’s day banquet, to be held at the men’s dorm October 29, it was announced. Dean Schwering spoke to the girls of the various honoraries they might look forward to mak ing and the various activities in which to take part. Since the Thespians are considered leaders among the freshman women, their mode of behavior is looked upon as a standard. Therefore she urged them to be sympathetic, courteous, and discreet at all times. Marigold Hardison, last year’s Thespian president, assured the girls that the Thespians of last year, though no longer active in Thespian, would always be glad to aid the new girls. Dean To Give Lecture To Freshmen Sunday Dean Hazel Schwering’s discus sion of "The Social Side of Col lege” before the freshman group at the Westminster house Sunday morning at 9:45 is open to both men and women, whether fresh men or not. Dean Schwering will consider such problems as those arising from the ceremonies of dating, the financial side of dating, and the reason freshman girls are given such a rush. Campus Calendar Sigma Delta Chi will meet for breakfast Sunday morning at 10. Wtach for announcement of place. Oregon Yeomen will meet in the men's lounge in Gerlinger, 7:30 Monday evening. Attack On Hall By Bowerman Creates Furor Student Prexy Declines To Discuss Charges FORUM MAY MEET Campus Political Heads Expert Controversy on Committee Grubbing Accusations By JULIAN PRESCOTT Out of the extra interest aroused in campus politics yes terday by the charges hurled at President Bob Hall by his vice president, Bill Bowerman, rose prospects that the student parlia ment will be called into session at an early date. When asked yesterday for a statement concerning the charges of reserving the important stand ing committee chairmanships for himself and of not consulting his fellow officers in other appoint ments, Hall declined to comment. The accusations were published in yesterday’s Emerald. In the meeting of several stu dent political leaders to discuss the charges, it was suggested that the present would be a good time to call the parliament together for its first meeting of the year. It was suggested that the A. S. U. O. head should take the initiative. Leaders to Belong The naming of organization presidents and other upperclass men, who will be elected by each organization, as delegates to the parliament, received considerable favor as the method of selecting members. It was believed that by having the presidents and other upperclassmen in the body, the outstanding political leaders of the campus would be brought into its membership. The heads of the houses and dormitory groups were recognized as being in what is probably the closest touch with sentiment on campus problems. They were also held to be one of the most re sponsible groups on the campus. Representation Is Same No change in the distribution of delegates was considered. The plan of proportional representa tion for living groups and some of the special interests will undoubt edly be continued. That student body officers should have positions on the floor was also considered advisable, as it was held desirable that they should be in a position to present arguments on matters of policy affecting the student government. The question of what power the parliament should have came up, but no commitment was made. It appeared that the leaders would favor granting the power of deter mining major policies of the A. S. U. O. It is expected that the first meeting of the steering committee of the parliament will be called within the next few days. A meet ing of the representative body probably will be held next week to further line up students in the fight against the Zorn-Macpher son school-grab bill. Employment Secretary Has Positions To Offer Miss Katherine Kneeland, em ployment secretary, has in her files hundreds of letters from manufacturers seeking students as salesmen for products. Anyone with selling ability could probably earn a good salary with some of the more responsible companies, according to Miss Kneeland. The employment secretary maintains a file of all letters for student employment received by the University and it is open for inspection by anyone interested. ‘Meaning of Life’ To Be Subject of Discussion The Congregational student for um will discuss Will Durant's re cent book “On the Meaning of Life" at its Sunday evening meet ing at 6 o'clock. The group will discuss Durant’s comments on the views of life held by Gandhi, Sinclair Lewis, Helen Wills, G. B. Shaw, Bertrand Rus sell, Will Rogers and other fam ous men and women. All students are invited to the meeting. Fees Being Paid Slowly; Deadline Tomorrow Noon An average of more than 50 students an hour must be tak en care of at the University • cashier’s office between this morning and Saturday noon. This condition was caused by the unusually small number of students to pay their install ment plan and out of state fees in advance of the deadline. About 400 installments and 125 out of state fees were un paid at 3 o'clock yesterday when the office closed. Since the office closes at noon on Saturday, only 10 hours remain in which students can make payment. The office is open from 8 to 12 in the morning and from 1 to 3 in the after noon today. Dad’s Attendance Trophy Offered By O. Laurgaard Tickets on Sale at Dean Of Men’s Office in Johnson Hall Living organizations will have another cup to compete for In ad dition to the A. W. Norblad and Paul T. Shaw Dad’s day trophies that are given annually. Olof Laurgaard of Portland, formerly president of the Oregon Dads, is offering a cup this year which will be awarded to the liv ing organization on the University of Oregon campus that has the largest proportion of "Freshman Dads” over the Dad's day week end, October 29 and 30. With the new cun offered a stu dent organization will- have an opportunity to win two cups. The A. W. Norblad trophy is offered as first prize for the largest atten dance and the Paul T. Shaw cup is given for the second best. The dean of men’s office stated that students wishing to purchase tickets for their dads may do so at any time in Dean Virgil D. Earl’s office in Johnson hall. Barbara Conly, registration chairman, will announce next week the list of students who will assist her with Dad’s registration on Friday and Saturday, October 28 and 29. Four Emerald report ers to help cover the Dad’s day affairs will also be announced by Ed Stanley, publicity chairman. Amphibian Club Enters In for Comic Contests Bobbing for apples may seem tame, but the members of the Amphibian club, which met last night, found it no easy matter to get a bite out of the illusive fruit in the deep end of a 60 foot tank. The winners of this contest chose sides for a game of keep away. A contest in strokes for form was followed by a game of follow the leader, in which dives, both comic and difficult, were introduced. An under-water swimming race ended the hour. Losers of the race were appointed to lock the pool room and plan the pro gram for the next meeting. Emerald Will Sponsor Straw Balloting Here Paper To Be Forum for Student Opinions IDEA IS APPROVED Voting To Take Flare Thursday Noon; Everyone Is Urged To Participate The Oregon Daily Emerald next week will sponsor a straw ballot to determine campus sentiment on the forthcoming November elec tion for president of the United States. This announcement was made last night by Dick Neuberg er. editor of the Emerald. Three candidates will appear on the Emerald ballot, Neuberger said. They will be Herbert Hoo ver, present incumbent, Republi can; Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dem ocrat, and Norman Thomas, So cialist. Their names will appear on the ballot in alphabetical order. Emerald Non-Partisan Neuberger also stated that the Emerald would be strictly non partisan in its stand and will take no sides. The election itself will take place next Thursday noon. At that lime one student will take ballots to each living organization, will supervise the voting at the lunch table, and then will return them to the Emerald office, where they will be counted. News Office Open Those students not living in houses or dormitories will be able to cast their ballots at the Emer ald office in the school of journal ism building, from 12 noon until 1:30 p. m. The students who will take charge of the voting at the various houses will be members of Sigma Delta Chi, national journal ism honorary, Emerald staff mem bers, speech department students and others interested in the enter prise. From now until election the Em erald will be a forum in which students can express their opin ions. Statements and remarks of representative campus leaders will be published each day giving their ideas on the three candidates, and Neuberger says the Safety Valve will be thrown wide open to stu dents sending in opinions on the presidential candidates. Participation Is Urged Sterling Green, managing edi tor of the Emerald, and president of Sigma Delta Chi, says his or ganization is eager to cooperate in the handling of the election. So does John Casteel of the speech department. A. S. U. O. leaders also approve highly of the idea. This morning the Emerald is running the salient points in the speeches given for the three can didates last night. Arthur Potwin writes for Hoover, Robert Oliver for Roosevelt, and Rolla Reedy for Thomas. “Remember! Thursday noon in your living organization or at the Emerald office! Your opinions are solicited in the meantime,” was the statement of Neuberger last night in urging the students to participate in the straw ballot ing. Presidential Candidates Are Discussed at Political Forum That the 1932 presidential cam paign has narrowed itself from four parties into two, on the basis of platforms, was the general opinion gathered by an attentive I'-udience last night at the presi dential forum presented by the University speech department. Wallace Campbell, presenting the case for Communism and Can didate W. Z. Foster as first speak er, brought out this point in his address, and it was corroborated in greater or lesser degree by the other speakers: Rolla Reedy, speaking for Norman Thomas; Robert Oliver, for Franklin D. Roosevelt; and Art Potwin, for Herbert Hoover. "The Democratic and Republi can parties have almost one voice upon the principles of prohibition, tax remission and bonus,” Camp bell said. "The two minor parties, Communist and Socialist, alike de clare present conditions highly un stable and call for a ‘new deal.’ "The Republican party has been in power for 12 years,” declared Campbell, “and these are a few of the results: twelve millions of un-* employed; one million in bank de posits lost; 60,000 farmers forced from their farms. “The Communists demand com plete change, abolition of the competitive system, of private property-holding. The value in vot ing radically is that the old par ties can realize the dissatisfaction with things as they are.” Rolls Reedy, speaking for Nor man Thomas, Socialist, introduced a slightly different theme. “The Socialist party,” declared Reedy, "has ideas, ideals, and a workable platform. Some of its planks are the six-hour day and the five-day week without a re duction of wages; Improved sys tems of workmen’s compensation and accident insurance; public ownership and democratic con trol of resources and public util ities. (Continued on Page Pour)