Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 20, 1932, Page 4, Image 4

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AUTHORITIES at the Univer
sity of Kansas recently gave
Bill Hargiss, football mentor, the
Willis Smith
uu um.c
of unsatisfactory
conditions on the
squad. But Arch
Ward, sardonic
sports editor of
the Chicago Tri
bune, evidently
thinks otherwise.
Mr. Ward
writes thus about
the nasty attack
on Hargiss:
“The Universi
ty or Kansas has ousted Kill
Hargiss, because of unsatisfac
tory conditions on the squad.
The unsatisfactory conditions
developed after Kansas lost to
Oklahoma, 21 to 6.
“Of course I do not believe for
an instant that the disappoint
ing showing of the Jayhawkers
against one of their leading Big
Six rivals had anything to do
with the dismissal of Hargiss,
because I have read repeatedly
that ithe universities expected
coaches to model the lives of
young men and that victory af
ter all was unimportant.
* * *
"So it must be that the Kansas
academic leaders felt that Hargiss
was not doing a good job of mod
“No doubt there will be some
who will entertain the debasing
thought that Hargiss was re
moved for failing to obtain results
as measured by victory and defeat.
But this Is un-American and, of
course, will be ridiculed by the
right-thinking element.”
Mr. Ward goes on to comment
that you can’t escape the idea that
a coach’s life is no bed of roses.
“Suggestion that he is entitled to
more salary than the average in
structor invariably brings forth a
fierce yelping from educational
circles, but have you ever heard
of a professor being fired because
his boys were out-smarted by a
group from a neighboring school
in the season's big cerebral test ?
"No professor at Kansas had to
send his charges into a stadium
before 35,000 persons to demon
strate their knowledge of the un
derlying causes for the fall of the
Homan republic, or to explain why
do, dare, dedi, datum takes the
“So what.”
* * *
Leo Calland, head man at the
Moscow grid field, must take
great delight in having large
numbers of quarterbacks about
him. On the Vandal traveling
squad are listed four. Evidently
Leo likes to have one handy at
the end of a game for general
bawling-out purposes and with
four figures he can’t miss find
ing one.
Heading the parade is Willis
Smith, Idaho’s "one-man of
fense,” has proven to be the out
standing ball carrier on the Van
dal squad this year. Against
Montana last week he scored
two touchdowns single-handed
and ripped through the Grizzly
line at leisure. He is playing his
second year on Calland’s eleven.
Besides Smith there is Cy Ger
aghty, star of last year’s frosh
team; George Wilson, two-year
veteran and 1930 champion long
distance scorer; and Genio Plas
tino, a young reserve from the
home of the world's largest pulp
mill, Camas, Washington.
Genio is the lightest man on the
Vandal squad. His weight, as re
corded on the official Idaho ros
ter, is 132 pounds. Wilson is t He
heavyweight of the four, weigh
ing 155. Geraughty and Smith are
listed at 153 and 150 respectively.
Jephtha Rixey, Cincinnati Reds’
hurler, has been in the major
leagues 20 years and has never
been in a minor league.
A Tip to *
College Men!
We are offering to Ore
gon students the latest
and snappiest styles in
Touchdown, Huddle,
Cross Buck
McGregor Sweaters
$3.95 All Colors
Also the New
‘Drop-Kick” Hats
Just Received
New Neckwear
$1.00 Values for line
Collegiate Men’s Wear
823 E. 13th St.
Blankenberg Leads Fiji Mermen toVictory in Swim Finals
First Donut
Title Goes To
Group On Hill
Y«*onif*n Beaten 22-20 in
Close Finish
Good Times Made in Final Water
Joust; Sears Is Best
For Losers
Led by Tommy Blankenberg the
Fijis last night took the Yeomen
into camp by the close score of
22 to 20 in the intramural swim
ming finals held in the Gerlinger
hall pool.
The first event on the program,
the 40-yard free style dash, was
won by Smith, of the Yeomen,
with Gummess, of the Fiji outfit
making a close race of it. Atkin
son, also of the Fijis, was third.
In the 40-yard backstroke event
Sears, of the Yeomen, captured the
honors. Seufert, star Fiji merman,
made an exciting finish and won
over Best of the Yeomen, who took
third place.
The 40-yard breaststroke race
proved to be all Blankenberg's who
won from Kirby of the Yeomen.
Whittaker, Yeomen, was third.
Blankenberg, second man swim
ming in the 120 yard relay, got
such a big lead over his opponent
that his team won this event with
apparent ease.
In the 60-yard individual medley
Blankenberg sewed up the meet
for the Fijis winning from Sears,
Water polo competition will
start Monday afternoon, Mike
Hoyman, swimming coach an
nounced last night.
40-yard free style: Smith, Yeo
men, first. Gummess, Fiji, second.
Atkinson, Fiji, third. Time; 22.4.
40-yard backstroke: Sears, Yeo
men, first. Seufert, Fiji, second.
Best, Yeomen, third. Time, 27.3.
40-yard breaststroke: Blanken
berg, Fiji, first. Kirby, Yeomen,
second. Whittaker, Yeomen, third.
Time: 24.2.
j.£U-.yuru nieuicy icitxy . wun uy
Fijis. Time: 1.15.
60-yard individual medley: won
by Blankenberg, Fijis. Time 38.3.
120-yard free style relay: won
by Yeomen. Time: 1.07.
Trojan Rooters
Ready To Invade
Indian Stronghold
LOS ANGELES, Oco. 19 Palo
Alto becomes the football mecca
for thousands of University of
Southern C a 1 if o r n i a students,
alumni and followers this week
end as they prepare to back their
Trojans against the Indians of
Stanford in the Redskins’ stadium
Saturday. Special trains, boats
and planes and hundreds of auto
mobile parties will carry S. C.
fans north for the game that may
prove to be the Pacific coast foot
ball titanic of the season and the
deciding battle for the conference
The trek northward will start
Thursday night when approxi
mately 36 members of the Trojan
i varsity squad and the S. C. coach
I ing staff will leave for the game.
The Southern California squad
| will leave the train at San Jose
Friday morning and will spend
I that day resting in the seclusion
| of the Castlewood Country club.
I The Trojans will remain at Castle
wood until shortly before noon
[ Saturday, when they will be taken
; by bus to the Stanford stadium.
Today Last Day To Buy
Second Hand Sneaks
Today will be the last chance
I for another year to buy a pair of
second hand tennis shoes, accord
ing to Elizabeth Hahner.
In addition to the shoes there
are several swimming caps in ex
cellent condition to Vie had for 10
cents as well as some other odds
and ends left by students at the
end of the school year.
FOR RENT Furnished apt,, 3
rms. and private bath, large
closets. Entire upper story. No
other tenants. Four blocks to
univ. Tel. and water free. Ap
proved for students. 1030 Pat
Board and Room
BOARD and Room, $18.00. Home
cooked meals served family
style. BOARD without room
$15.00. Students' Home, 370 E
11th St.
LOST Small black female water
spaniel. Children’s pet. Return
1441 Hilyard. Ph. 180.
LOST Silver rimmed glasses in
brown case. Phone 3900.
She Hits a Mean Brassie
Virginia Van Wie of Chicago is shown above holding the trophy
presented her as the queen of America’s golfers. Miss Van Wie won
the title with her sensational victory over (ijenna Collett Ware, vet
eran player, in the final match of tin* women’s national championships
at the Salem Country club.
Beaver Griclmen
Drill for Cougar
Passing Altaek
Washington Slate To Bring
Powerful Team to
Corvallis, Oct. 18. Oregon state
football team is spending most of
£ mm..
(Jeorpe Sunder
practice sessions
before the Wash
i n g t o n state
game here Sat
urday in perfect
ing a pass de
fense capable of
stopping the
touted Cougar
aerial game.
Washington state
has a well bal
anced team with
n. strong' running
attack and a flashy passing game.
George Sander, Cougar half- j
back, has b6en rated as the best
passer and punter on the coast
this year. Sander will team with
Ollie Arbelbide at the halfback
posts and with George Theodora
tus, 240 pound fullback, will carry
the brunt of the Cougar attack.
Theodoratus has made quite a rep
utation for himself this year as a
line plunger. Arbelbide plays half
on offense and safety on defense.
, He broke loose in the California
game last week-end and ran back
a punt 45-yards for the only Wash
ington state touchdown, clinching
the game for the Cougars, 7 to 2.
Line Hattie Likely
Line play will probably decide
the winner as both teams have
good fast baekfields. The Wash
ington state line has shown to the
best advantage so far this season,
holding the University of Califor
nia attack for four straight downs
within the four-yard marker.
Dopesters are figuring the Cougars
to win by one touchdown due to
early season showing of both
The Orangemen are expected to
be at their peak for the clash be
cause of a two weeks rest, while
the Cougars may hit a slight
dump after their hard tussle with
California last Saturday. The Bea
vers will be out to stop Washing
ton State from scoring its fifth
straight victory, the Orangemen's
last win being in 1027 on Bell
field here.
Curly Miller, two-year letter
man, will captain the Beavers.
An electric score board for box
ing was introduced in Chicago at
the Baer-Griffiths bout. A mem
ber of the boxing commission
flashed a light indicating the win
ner of each round.
More Scrimmage
Order of Schulz
For Frosh Squad
Fashion note yearling gridmen
this week will scrimmage, scrim
mage, and then scrimmage some
more. To suggest to some gallop
ing guard or elephantine end on
the frosh squad that this proposed
program is any variation from the
usual would be to court disaster,
but nevertheless the promise of
more and better scrimmages was
Coach Schulz’s ultimatum to his
proteges last night.
The Ducklings worked out on
Hayward field in the absence of
the varsity, who were practicing
on the turf just east of the Igloo,
and after a “mild” sort of cross
country workout., they buckled
down io serious business and pro
ceeded to tear imaginary rook
linemen and backs to pieces.
Tonight will see the last hard
workout before the first “little
big” game, which is scheduled for
tomorrow night over on the rooks’
home field.
Dibrell Williams, then a first
year shortstop for the Philadel
phia Athletics, set a strikeout rec
ord for American league players
when he whiffed nine times in the
1931 world’s series.
Last Times Tonight
You’ll Like It Better Than
"The Spirit of Notre Dame”
Laughs by
Tom Brown
PLUS Ben Turpin in
“Light House Love”
Every Tenth Adult Admission
Hoes to Kndio Fund to
Help Keep the Univer
sity in Eugene!!
'Movie Crazy
U' ( jKiiv/mMnt f\cU<ix‘ ^
Also "Silly Symphony" Movietone News
Stevens Passes
Sigma Delta Psi
Honorary Tests
Lewis Stevens passed his last
physical requirement test yester
day, and is eligible for Sigma
Delta Psi, athletic honorary.
Passing some events with ease
he has spent three terms working
on them. He has had no events
cancelled for varsity letters. Ste
vens is the fifth S. A. E. to pass
these tests, a record for any house, j
Below is a record of the events
he passed under Russ Cutler, phy
sical education instructor and
honorary member of Sigma Delta
The 100-yard dash, 113-5 sec
onds; 1200-yard low hurdles, 15
9-10 seconds; high jump, 5 feet;
broad jump, 17 feet 1-2 inch; 16
lb. shot put, 30 feet; football kick,
40 yards; baseball throw, 260 feet;
1-mile run, 5 minutes 59 4-5 sec
onds; 20-foot rope climb, 10 3-5
seconds; 100-yard swim, 1 minute
15 seconds; front hand spring, o.
k.; hand stand, 10 seconds; fence
vault, o. k.
Donut Sport Title
Races Under Way
All-campus events in handball,
golf, tennis, and horseshoes start
ed last Monday with a large list
of participants entered in the va
rious sports.
An announcement concerning
the tournament play was issued
yesterday to the effect, that for
feitures must be reported to the
all-campus event office as soon as
it occurs.
Four in Infirmary
The infirmary is steadily losing
ground again with only four stu
dents making use of the beds.
Even the football squad are de
serting, with Art Clarkson the
only representative.
Those in at the present time
are Helen Catherine Sargent,
Gladys Burns, and Ejner Nielsen.
Ducks Frame
Of Mind Right
For Idaho Tilt
Van<lals Are Real Threat to
Callison’s Men
Twenty-Seven Webfoots To Leave
For Moscow Today; Squad
Is Crippled
Last Saturday’s bewildering de
feat has given the Oregon Web
foots a different slant on football
which Prin c Callison prays they
will keep through the remainder
of the season. That slant is that
any team in the conference, or out
of it, is a threat until the timer
fires the final shot.
The University of Idaho has not
been a great threat to the Web
foots for some years, but the play
ers are not taking next Saturday's
encounter lightly.
Two distinct events are respon
sible for Oregon’s fear of the Van
dals. First is U. C. L. A.’s sensa
tional 11th hour victory in Port
land last week, and the second Is
the fact that the same Bruin
team was able to beat Idaho only
6 to 0.
Nix on the Passes
Because two long passes that
floated over the heads of Oregon’s
secondary in the dusk decided the
Bruin battle, the Webfoots drilled
more than an hour on pass defense
today. If the Vandals should over
come Oregon Saturday, Prink Cal
lison is determined they will not
do so via the aerial route.
That the lads aren’t discouraged
in the slightest because of the U.
C. L. A. episode was evidenced
from the lively, hustling manner
in which they went through their
paces today. Big Stan Kostka was
back at right half and he stepped
stylishly as he pounded the sec
ond-string line.
Morgan, Miluilak Off Squad
Captain Bill Morgan and Mike
Mi’kulak still are crippled so bad
i ly that they won’t even make the
He Hits ’em
Here is Bob Moser, sophomore
tackle of the University of Idaho,
as he will look to Prink Callison’s
Webfoots when they meet the Van
dals Saturday at Moseow.
trip to Moscow. Mikulak will ac
company Gene Shields when the
latter scouts the game between O.
S. C. and W. S. C., and Morgan
either will go with Jack O’Brien
to the Stanford-U. S. C. classic
or will accompany Mikulak and
Shields to Corvallis.
The Oregon team, 27 strong, will
leave here at 4:30 tomorrow.
Coaches Callison and Kitzmiller,
Colonel Bill Hayward and Mana
ger Robb will go along. The squad
will stop at the Washington hotel
in Pullman, driving to Moscow the
morning of the game.
Mrs. Stanley Hack, wife of the
Cubs’ third baseman and the for
mer Dorothy Weisel of San Fran
cisco, defeated the No. 1 ranking
player at one of Chicago’s leading
tennis clubs, where she is a mem
The University of Iowa’s back
field, hit by ineligibility of two
1932 regulars, will be three-quar
ters sophomores this fall, accord
' ing to early indications.
— IN —
f~|NE hundred to four hundred
pounds is the weight range of
the Hamburg high school football
squad, Hamburg, Arkansas.
Elton Bryant, 19, tips the beam
at an even 400. He is six feet four
and has a waist measuring GO
inches. His one ambition is to
make the first string and Elmer
Smith, coach, says that he has a
chance to achieve his ambition. Ho
has a drive and speed unusual for
a boy his size.
Joe Gleason, backfield star, is on
the other end of the scale. Ha
weighs a fraction over 100 but his
spirit and drive have won him a
place on the first eleven.
The Kentucky Wildcats expect
to bring another giant into the
athletic world when basketball
season opens this winter. He is
Brad Lair, candidate for center
position on the basketball squad.
He stands six feet ten and one
half inches tall and has had sev
eral years competition before en
tering college.
Albert Lowery is not on the
football team at the University
of Michigan but he was still car
ried from the field of battle dur
ing the Nebraska game. He was
exhorting the grandstand in the
capacity of cheer leader when he
took a tumble and twisted his
knee so badly that he could not
* * *
Who says that the Minnesota
athletic teams are a bunch of
Swedes? This year there is only
one Swede playing on the first
string football eleven.
"Nature in the Raw”— as por
trayed by Meissonier’s famous
painting (1855)... inspired by the
savage passion held in check by
Henry IV’s stern edict against
duels among the nobles of his court.
—and raw tobaccos
have no place in cigarettes
They are not present in Luckies
. . . the mildest cigarette
you ever smoked
WE buy the finest, the very
finest tobaccos in all the
world—but that does not
explain why folks every
where regard Lucky Strike as
the mildest cigarette. The fact
is, we never overlook the
truth that "Nature in the
Raw is Seldom Mild” — so
these fine tobaccos, after
proper aging and mellowing,
are then given the benefit of
that Lucky Strike purifying
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why folks in every city, town
and hamlet say that Luckies
are such mild cigarettes.
“It’s toasted”
That package of mild Luckies
7 "If a man urite a bitter boot, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, tho he
build his house in the uoods, the uorid ut/l make a beaten path to his door. "—RALPH WALDO EMERSON.
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