Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 18, 1932, Image 1

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    Four Aspirants
To Scholarship
Are Announced
Rhodes Council Makes
Selections Public
..nrrington, Hayter and Dunbar
Complete Quartet Slated
For Competition
Four Rhodes scholarship candi
dates were announced late last
night to represent the University
of Oregon at the state elimina
tions in Portland in December.
They are Wally Campbell of Eu
gene, major in sociology; Bob Hay
ter, major in pre-medics from Dal
las; George Harrington, history
major, Eugene; and Jack Dunbar,
English major of Eugene.
These four students qualified
from a group of 14 applicants who
took the examinations Sunday af
ternoon in the graduate school of
fice in Johnson hall.
Portland To Be Scene
At Portland the four candidates
will compete against other stu
dents selected from the state at
large, at which time a state com
mittee will choose a group to rep
resent Oregon at the district try
outs. This year Robert Jackson,
a graduate of the University, was
chosen as representative on this
committee. i
inese scnoiarsmps are open to
men students who have completed
their sophomore year and give the
winners an opportunity to attend
Oxford for three years, or two
years at Oxford and the other at
an approved university in Great
Britain or Europe. Thirty-two
three year scholarships are open
to American students at $2,000 a
Rebec Heads Committee
v The committee members who
were in charge of the University
selections were Dr. George Rebec,
dean of the graduate school, chair
man; S. Stephenson Smith, asso
ciate professor of English; An
drew Fish, associate professor of
history: Dr. A. R. Moore, profes
sor of biology; and Dr. E. A. Pol
lard, assistant professor of Ger
Dean J. R. Jewell
To Give Lecture
The second of a series of eight
lectures under the main topic,
“The World Tomorrow,” will be
delivered by Dean J. R. Jewell to
night at 7:00 in the upstairs of
Gerlinger hall. The entire campus
is urged to attend.
Last week Dr. Nelson L. Boss
ing gave an introduction to the
general topic of these lectures.
Tonight Dean Jewell, who is the j
new dean of the school of educa
tion, will speak on “Education
Tomorrow.” This will be Dean
Jewell's first public appearance
in Eugene.
The lectures are sponsored by
the Student Christian council.
Eileen Hickson will be the leader
of the meeting.
Senior Class To
Nominate Another
Vice-Prexy at 7
A senior class meeting will
be held this evening at 7
o’clock in Villard hall for
nominations of candidates for
the office of vice-president to
replace Marjorie Swafford,
who has failed to return to the
campus this year.
Cecil Espy, president, stated
that a discussion will take place
to decide on the senior class
gift to the University. The
class will select 10 prominent
men for the senior traditions
council to uphold and have the
University traditions respected
by all students on the campus.
The junior-senior dance will
also be discussed.
24 Out of 29 Law
School Graduates
Pass Bar Exams
Dean Morse Congratulated
By Justice of U. S.
Supreme Court
University of Oregon law school
graduates who took the state bar
examinations in July, made an ex
ceptionally fine record this year.
Of the 29 Oregon students, taking
the examinations 24 passed.
From a field of 97 candidates of
the entire state 50 were admitted
to the bar. Among the successful
attorneys were two women, Delia
Avery of Portland, and Ruth M.
Mellinger of Newberg.
In commenting on the outcome
of the examinations, Dean Wayne
L,. Morse, of the law school, said
he is much pleased with the rec
ord made by the Oregon students
because there is a decided move
on the part of the national bar
examiners to restrict the number
of individuals who are admitted
to the bar. The percentage of
Oregon men who succeeded in
passing the state bar examinations
is larger than that of Stanford
law graduates who passed the
California bar examinations.
Dean Morse has received a let
ter from one of the justices of the
supreme court saying. “I wish to
congratulate you on the splendid
showing that the students of the
University of Oregon law school
made at the recent bar examina
“The percentage of failures
among the applicants from your
school was very small in compari
son with the whole class. I am
convinced that your school is do
ing its full part in elevating the
standard of the Bar of Oregon
from a scholastic, legal and ethi
cal standpoint.’’
Onthank Talks Before
Campus Housemothers
The problems of budgeting time,
organizing notes, reading effec
tively, and in general studying ef
ficiently will be taken up by Dean
Carl W. Onthank when he speaks
before the freshman group of
Westminster house Sunday morn
ing at 9:45.
All interested students are in
vited to attend the session.
Unusual Recital Presented
Sunday by John Stark Evans
In a softly lighted auditorium
John Stark Evans presented a
very unusual and individualistic
program yesterday. The audience
which filled the hall almost to its
limits was made up of little chil
dren and many Eugene families,
as well as many University stu
Aside from the beauty of the
music which Evans plays, it is
equally fascinating to watch his
hands seeking the treble keys and
stops; to watch his feet running
lightly over the bass pedals.
Sunday’s programs included for
the most part lighter classics, but
the final number, “Symphonic
Poem — Les Preludes,” was unu
sual, in that though of great depth
it still held the listener’s interest
by its variation of moods. From
soft to loud, with counter melodies
running continually through it,
its surging melodies reminding one
of the sea, it easily held the atten
tion of the audience to the very
“Valse Triste," by Sibelius, well
known and well liked, was also on
yesterday’s program. Its mourn
ful minors, apparent tragedy, and
thrilling climax ominously sug
gesting death all lend toward a
wide play of the listener’s imagi
Dainty, light, and yet stately,
(Continued on Page Two)
They Got the Writers’ Cramp
Treaty signing is their iong suit. Right here we find the ministei
from Japan (left), Gen. Noliuyoshi Muto, and the premier of the neu
state, Manchuoko, Chenk Hsiao Hsiu, signing a treaty in which Japar
formally acknowledges the new state in the Far East. Yes, dear read
er, the X in Mr. Cheng Hsiao Hsiu’s John Henry is silent.
Installment Fees
Due at Cashier’s
Office in 5 Days
Out of state students and
those paying fees on the install
ment plan have but five days
to make payment at the cash
ier’s office, it was announced
yesterday by E. P. Lyon, cash
About 500 students are being
accommodated by the install
ment plan, and 200 students
have to pay non-resident fees
this term. Only a small num
ber of these have made pay
Students are urged to pay
early in the week to avoid the
inevitable rush Friday and Sat
urday. The office closes Satur
day at noon, and those who
cannot be accommodated by
that time must pay a late fee
of 25 cents per day for every
day of delinquency after that
Every year, the last minute
rush has resulted in many stu
dents being turned away when
noon made it necessary for the
office to close in order to bal
ance its accounts.
traditions Court
To Enforce Rules
A traditions court to act on
cases of violation of campus cus
toms was named last night by Bob
Hall, student body president, to
halt the increasingly flagrant
flouting of time-honored rules of
The court will consist of Bill
Bowerman, vice-president of the
student body, as chairman; Charles
(Cap) Roberts, senior man on the
executive council, as clerk of the
court; Orville Bailey, president of
the Order of the O; Walt Gray,
president of Skull and Daggers,
and president of the National Stu
dent Affairs committee, who will
be named soon. Neal Bush, presi
dent of the junior class, will act
as a member of the court until
the N. S. F. A. president is elected.
Cecil Espy, president of the sen
ior class, has announced that he
will appoint a committee of ten
prominent seniors, called the
senior traditions council, to mete
out punishment. The appoint
ments will be made at the senior
class meeting tonight.
Freshman Women Will
‘Get Wise’ Tomorrow
Tomorrow night at 7:30 the
fun 'will start at the freshman
women's get-wise party at the
women’s gym. Jean Failing,
general chairman, has an
. nounced that arrangements for
the affair are complete for a
hilarious good time.
Members of the A. W. S. coun
cil, Y. W. C. A. cabinet, and W.
A. A. council will act as host
esses. Freshman women will en
joy the skits, dancing, and food,
and have a real get-together
with their councillors.
Students To Make
Last Plea Against
School Grab Bill
Stickers, Cards To Be Sent
To Every Section
Of State
Twenty thousand postcards will
be mailed to voters all over the
state by members of the A. S. U.
O. next week. It will be the stu
dents’ last drive in convincing
Oregonians that the Zorn-Mac
p h e r s o n school wrecking bill
should be defeated at general elec
tions on November 8.
The cards, carrying a printed
message urging taxpayers to vote
317 X No, will be distributed
among all living organizations on
the campus, and each student will
be responsible for 10 cards. He
will address each one to some ac
quaintance of voting age in his
home town, signing his name in
the space allotted at the bottom
of the card.
The cards will then be collected
and mailed by members of the
student vigilance committee who
are in charge of the final campaign
against the school moving meas
Students will also receive auto
mobile stickers to send home to
their parents. According to Art
Potwin, student director of the an
ti-merger organization, 2,500 are
now being printed and will be
ready for distribution next week.
Potwin estimates that 60,000
voters should be reached in all
parts of the state through the stu
dent mailing of cards, averaging
three eligible voters to each fam
ily. The personal contact that will
be realized by having students
signing these cards is expected to
be an effective measure in build
ing up opposition to the bill.
Members of the vigilance com
mittee will meet tonight at 4
o’clock in 110 Johnson to hear
plans for the circulating of the
post cards.
Swimming Meet to
Be on Wednesday
The administrative board of the
intramural contests late last night
changed the time and place of the
finals of the swimming meets
from the men’s pool on Thursday
to the women’s pool on Wednes
day at 7:30 p. m. The change was
made so that both men and women
could attend.
Coach Mike Hoyman also an
nounced that there will be no ad
mission charged and the seating
capacity is limited to 300. In or
der to obtain a good seat, spec
tators are urged to come as early
as possible.
Library Changes Fines
Members of the library staff an
nounce that the 10-cent fine to be
charged in addition to the regular
over-due fines when such fines are
not paid at the time when the
book is returned applies to books
from the circulation library, but
not to the Condon reserve, as pre
viously reported in the Emerald.
Chairman For
Post One of Outstanding
Homecoming Game To Be on OSC
Campus But Dances, Rallies
Will Be Held Here
Appointment of Ned Kinney as
chairman of the Homecoming com
mittee was announced yesterday
by Bob Hall, president of the A.
S. U. O.
Kinney’s naming to this post,
which carries with it the out
standing student activity responsi
bilities of the fall, has been ex
pected for more than a week, and
the official announcement merely
confirmed the predictions of stu
dent leaders.
No statement that would allay
uncertainty as to signs, dances,
rallies and the many other things
that go to make homecoming the
big annual affair could be made
yesterday by Kinney. The deci
sion to hold the festival in con
nection with the Oregon State
game in Corvallis presented prob
lems that have not yet been
ironed out.
“Since homecoming will not be
held in conjunction With a game
on this campus, many new fea
tures will have to be worked out,”
Kinney said yesterday. “The
committee expects to develop
plans that will make the annual
festival as attractive to students
and alumni as it has been in the
past. Just what they will call for
cannot be said now.
Program Here Full
“Of course, there will be dances,
rallies and opportunities for re
unions between alumni and stu
dents. As to signs and the bon
fire, we cannot say just yet.”
Bob Hall, in announcing the ap
pointment of Kinney, made the
following statement:
“It is hoped that students in
the dormitories and houses will en
courage all alumni to come here
for the dances and reunions. It is
quite likely that awards will be
made as in the past for the house
having the most grads back.
“Making the affair as large and
as attractive as in the past will be
difficult under the conditions to be
(Continued on Page Two)
YWCA Weekly Vesper
Services Start Today
The weekly Y. \V. C. A." vesper
services for women students begin
this afternoon at 5, for the first
time, under the direction of Alma
Lou Herman, chairman, who will
handle the program during the
Anyone may attend this quiet
half-hour of relaxation at the bun
galow, which features music and
appropriate readings. During the
initial program today Marie Sac
comanno and Norma Lyon will
give musical selections. Atten
dance at this service is counted on
activity, hours.
The chairman will act as leader
today, assisted by Eleanor Whar
ton and Jean Lewis. Elizabeth
Scruggs is group adviser. The
services will be a weekly feature
of the Y. W., coming every Tues
day at 5 o’clock.
Italian Mayor Sends
Letter of Appreciation
A letter of appreciation and
friendship from thp mayor of
Florence, Italy, was received at
the office of the dean of wo
men today. He thanked the uni
versity for its message to Italy
, and, 'its leaders sent through
Miss Nella Roster, an Italian
i student on this campus last
He also sent his message of
goodwill and friendship to the
United States through the uni
versity, trusting that the ex
change of students would bring
a better understanding for
world peace.
Radcliffe Co-eds
Were Distracting
In Earlier Days
The following gem was discov
ered yesterday by the “Decade"
column editor, Elinor Henry, in
her research into old Emeralds. It
was too good to cut to fit the col
umn, so it is given here in its en
tirety. It is from the Oregon Em
erald for October 10, 1912.
“Co-eds Barred From Library”
“BOSTON, Oct. 5. — Radcliffe
college girls are no longer allowed
the complete freedom of the Har
vard library. They may enter not
more than six in a group and they
must be 'segregated' in a special
“Here are the leading reasons as
the Harvard library head has found
“ 'More than six girls make a
“ 'They chatter so much they
disturb the other workers.
“ ‘They litter the tables and
desks with hats, handbags, and
“ 'They crowd out learned pro
“ ‘Worst of all, they distract the
pages or attendants so that it is
almost impossible for others to get
books on time.’ ”
Plans Completed
For Annual Dad’s
Day Celebration
Large Banquet To Be Held
In Men’s Dormitory;
Cups Offered
On Saturday, October 29, dads
of the state will assemble on the
University campus to observe the
seventh annual Dad's day. It is ex
pected that this year the aggrega
tion of Dads will be the largest
ever to gather for this event.
Arrangements have been made
for the first time to have the ban
quet in the men’s dormitory in
stead of in McArthur court. Ow
ing to the fact that the dormitory
has better facilities for banquet I
preparations, dads will be given
the opportunity of having a hot j
meal. The committee is striving
to make the affair one of the most -
elaborate ever held.
There will be a reduction in the
price of banquet tickets.
The committee in charge in
cludes Hal Short, student chair
man; Marjorie Haas, banquet;
Barbara Conly, registration; Helen
Burns, secretary; Tom Tongue, ad
vertising; and Ed Stanley, public
Yesterday Tongue sent out
registration cards to all student
organizations. It is requested that
(Continued on Pai/c Three)
Military Society
To Have Banquet
National Scabbard and Blade
day will be observed by the Ore
gon company of the national mili
tary honorary with a banquet at
the Anchorage October 27. The
banquet will also be the occasion
of the formal pledging of Lt. Col.
A. O. Waller and Major Delbert
Col. Waller is signal officer of
the Forty-first division. Major
Stanard is commander of the med
ical detachment, 186th infantry.
The committee in charge of the
affair is headed by Ned Kinney,
first sergeant of the company.
Other members are Howard Kem
per, Bud Smith and Rudy Crom
Business Ad Directory
Busy, Due to Transfers
The business administration lib- ■
rary is busy! “There are more
books in circulation than ever be- ]
fore,” says the libnarian, "and it is |
undoubtedly due to the many1
upper classmen transfers from 0.1
S. C. The freshmen,” she ex- j
plained, “do not use the library
as much as the upperclassmen.”
The business administration lib
rary is a reserve library except
for a shelf of “7 day books” which
are novels that would be of inter
est to business administration ma
* I - . .. ■
All Students Given
Permission To Drive
’With Reservation’
Kerr and Family
Will Be Honored
By Big Reception
Twenty-five Eugene club
representatives gathered last
night at the chamber of com
merce to discuss plans for a
reception for Chancellor Kerr
and his wife to this city. Mayor
Elisha Large, who called the
meeting together, announced
last evening that plans had
been formulated for such a re
ception, the movement being
sponsored by the chamber of
commerce and the city council
The date is still tentative, he
said, but everyone is to be in
vited and there will be absolute
ly no speeches.
Band Members
Earn Their Fare
Says John Stehn
“You fellows who play lh the
band have It easy. I wish I could
get all my expenses paid every
time I went to Portland to see a
"Oh, yeah?”
That’s what any band member
would have said if somebody had
made that envious remark to him
last week.
Pacts released last week by
Hand Director John Stehn relative
to the band's activities in Port
land during the Washington week
end show clearly that the horn
tooters und piccolo-pluckers earn
everything they get in the way of
railroad fare and hotel expenses.
At that time the band had an
actual playing time of nine hours
while they were in Portland. Dis
tance covered on the hoof aggre
gated more than 10 miles.
Here's the imposing list of ap
pearances from 4 p. m., Friday
till 10:45 p. m., Saturday: five
street parades and serenades, sev
en radio programs, and two theat
rical programs. Oh, yes, and one
football game!
If you’re thinking about joining
the University band, young man,
you’d better trot up to the dispen
sary and let the doc check your
arches, lungs, heart, and general
endurance. It’s a tough life!
O. K. Burrell Gives Talk
O. K. Burrell, assistant profes
sor of business administration,
gave a talk on bond prices at a
luncheon meeting of the Kiwanis
club today, at the Osborn hotel.
‘Campus Proper’ Sole
Taboo Territory
Chancellor Made ‘Chief Executive’
Of Board; Dr. Hall Gets
Vote of Thanks
A late United Press bulletin to
the Eugene Morning News last
night stated that “students will
be permitted to drive autos in the
communities in which colleges are
located, hut will not be permitted
to drive on the campus proper.”
PORTLAND. Ore., Oct. 17—
(Special)—The State Board of
Higher Education today revoked
its previous drastic legislation on
student-owned and student-oper
ated automobiles. In its place the
executive body substituted a con
siderably more lenient ruling pro
viding for the supervision of stu
dent cars by the administrative
head of all the schools—Dr. *W. J.
Kerr, chancellor of higher educa
tion. The tempering of the law
means that Carlton Spencer can
return to his law office, that O. L.
Rhinesmith will no longer have to
patrol the University campus, and
that students who use their auto
mobiles judiciously and discrlmi
nately need have no fear of the
privilege being denied them.
Ruling’s Life Stormy
The original ruling of the board
had a short life, but a tempestu
ous one. On May 23 this legisla
tion was passed! “Student automo
biles should be forbidden. Effec
tive at thd beginning of the fall
term of 1932-33.”
Today that was modified as fol
lows :
"That the use of automobiles by
students be regulated to the end
that such use shall not in any way
be a detriment to maintenance of
the highest standards of scholar
ship, social life, and general wel
fare of the institutions and the in
dividual members thereof, and that
the administration of this regula
tion be under the jurisdiction of
the chancellor.”
Briefly summarized, the new
rule provides for the driving of
cars by all students, but reserves
the right to deny the privilege to
any student who abuses it.
Neuberger Acta for Students
Shortly before the announcing
of the modified automobile ban,
Dick Neuberger, editor of the Ore
gon Emerald, appeared before the
board as the representative of the
University students. He urged the
adoption of a modified rule, saying
the general sentiment of the stu
dents was against the original
(Continued on Page Two)
Ucla Bruin and USC Perched
In Tie for Coast Supremacy
Pacific Coast Conference
W. L. T. %
Southern Calif. 2 0 0 1.000
U. C. L. A. 2 0 0 1.000
Stanford .1 0 0 1.000
Washington .1 0 1 1.000
Wash. State .1 1 0 .500
Idaho .1 1 0 .500
Oregon .0 1 1 .000
Oregon State 0 2 0 .000
California .0 1 0 .000
Montana .0 2 0 .000
Saturday’s Games
At Palo Alto — Stanford vs.
U. S. C.
At Corvallis — Oregon State
vs. Washington State.
At Moscow Idaho vs. Ore
At Seattle—Washington vs.
At Los Angeles—U. C. L. A.
vs. California Tech.
At Butte- Montana vs. Mon
tana State.
Four years of conference com
petition for the U. C. L. A. Bruins
culminated in a tie for first place
in coast conference standings this
week. The Bruins’ third confer
ence victory in that time gives
them a tie with Southern Califor
nia, Stanford, and Washington to
lead the league list.
The Bruins found themselves on
top of the heap after a stunning 12
to 7 upset of Oregon at Portland.
A 77-yard run by “Pants” Live
say, Bruin halfback, after catch
ing a pass thrown from behind his
goal line, gave the Uclas victory
in the last 10 seconds of play. The
defeat eliminates Oregon from the
J conference race.
Washington State sprang an
other reversal of dope by a 7 to 2
victory over California at Berke
ley. A 49-yard punt return by
Ollie Arbelbide, sophomore quar
terback, gave the Cougars’ margin
I for the upset.
(Continued on Page Two)